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本文对Blazars的聚束效应及相关的理论作了较全面的综述,指出了一 些有待进一步探讨的问题和需要进一步完善的理论,并对其中几个具体问题进行研究,得到了一些新结果。第一章简单介绍了活动星系核的特征、分类及其标准模型。第二章综述了Blazars的基本性质、对Blazars的谱特征、高光度、高偏振、激烈光变、超光速现象和高能辐射等作了介绍。第三章介绍了相对论喷流模型,以及利用相对论喷流模型解释Blazars的极端观测特性,如用相对论喷流模型从理论上解释了Blazars的高光度、剧烈光变及高能量转换率,偏振方向的快速变化,超光速现象,发射线和高能辐等能观测特性。同时介绍了喷流具有相对论性的观测证据并重点介绍了喷流的加速和减速两个理论模型。第四章是聚束效应的几项具体研究工作,首先分析了28个BL Lac天体,24个核优势高偏振类星体,29个核优势低偏振类星体,以及11个瓣优势低偏振类星体的射电和光学流量,证实具有相对论喷流的AGNs的Doppler提升效应确实存在,且很明显,光学和射电是高度聚束的。最小光变时标是一个及其重要的物理理,短时标光变能给人们提供大量的信息。但最小光变时标一般是在不同波段探测到的。利用加速模型,我们从理论上导出了一个联系各波段最小光变时标的公式,可把观测到的不同波段最小光变时标转换为同一波段的最小光变时标。利用该公式,把观测到的29个Blazars的不同波段最小光变时标转换为γ波段的最小光变时标,我们分析了这些对象光度与光变时标的关系,证实了Blazars的γ射线是高度聚束的。我们还研究了Blazars的偏振,发现偏振也是和聚束效应密切相关的,对Blazars的高能辐射也作了一些探讨,发现同步自康普顿模型能较好的解释Blazars天体的γ辐射。另外,提出一个新的喷流的电子注入模型,成功的解释了射电选Blazars天体在爆发时的谱硬化现象。 相似文献
本文对blazars的聚束效应及相关的理论作了较全面的综述 ,指出了一些有待进一步探讨的问题和需要进一步完善的理论 ,并对其中几个具体问题进行研究 ,得到了一些新结果。第一章简单介绍了活动星系核的特征、分类及其标准模型。第二章综述了blazars的基本性质 ,对blazars的谱特征、高光度、高偏振、激烈光变、超光速现象和高能辐射等作了介绍。第三章介绍了相对论喷流模型 ,以及利用相对论喷流模型解释blazars的极端观测特性 ,如用相对论喷流模型从理论上解释了blazars的高光度、剧烈光变及高能量转换率 ,偏振方向的快速变化 ,超光速现象 ,发射线和高能辐射等观测特性。同时介绍了喷流具有相对论性的观测证据并重点介绍了喷流的加速和减速两个理论模型。第四章是聚束效应的几项具体研究工作 ,首先分析了 2 8个BLLac天体 ,2 4个核优势高偏振类星体 ,2 9个核优势低偏振类星体 ,以及 1 1个瓣优势低偏振类星体的射电和光学流量 ,证实具有相对论喷流的AGNs的Doppler提升效应确实存在 ,且很明显 ,光学和射电是高度聚束的。最小光变时标是一个及其重要的物理理 ,短时标光变能给人们提供大量的信息。但最小光变时标一般是在不同波段探测到的。利用加速模型 ,我们从理论上导出了一个联系各波段最小光变时标的公式 , 相似文献
BL Lac型天体的多波段光度相关性及喷流模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对X射线选和射电选BL Lac型天体的射电、光学、X射线波段的单色光度进行相关性分析,发现X射线选的BL Lac天体只有射电与光学线性相关,而射电选BL Lac天体则X射线与射电、光学都相关。并在此基础上对射电选的BL Lac天体进行相对论修正后的相关性分析,得到了比修正前更好的相关性.因此,我们认为,两种选择的BL Lac型天体本质上是一样的;X射线流来自两种不同的辐射源;射电选的BL Lac型天体三波段流都有相对论提高。 相似文献
在收集大量资料的基础上,较为全面的综述了Blazars天体的基本观测特征,给出了目前较为完整的BLLac天体总表。对该类天体的相关理论,多波段相关性,光变周期分析,Hubble关系,BLLac天体的偏振度的变化作了一定研究。并介绍了我们用CCD测光和光谱对3C345作准同时性观测的结果,我们讨论了3C345的历史光变曲线和光变周期分析,研究结果表明:3C345具有(10±0.8)a(年)的光变周期,其中心有一个106M⊙的黑洞。Jurkevich方法是一种Blazars天体的光变周期分析研究的好方法 相似文献
在非均匀锥形喷流模型中,电子数密度、磁场强度随着到喷流顶点的距离呈幂律分布.该模型能成功解释活动星系核喷流核心区域的平谱射电辐射,但已有的模型计算只适用于喷流运动方向与视线夹角很大的情况,所以需要建立适用于任何视角情况的非均匀锥形喷流辐射计算公式.普遍认为BL Lac天体中喷流的运动方向与视线夹角很小,推广后的非均匀喷流模型拟合了3个BL Lac天体的射电观测谱,确定了它们喷流中电子数密度、磁场强度等物理参数.研究结果表明观测辐射谱拐折频率确定出锥形喷流离黑洞最近距离,对于这3个BL Lac天体,它们的锥形喷流离黑洞最近距离约为Schwarzschild半径. 相似文献
同步+同步自康普顿(Synchrotron+Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC))模型用于拟合蝎虎天体(BL Lac object, BL Lac)准同时性多波段观测数据,可以获得相关的喷流物理参数,从而能对BL Lac天体喷流的物理性质进行解释.在同步自康普顿模型中,较多的自由参数给计算结果带来很大的不确定性,同时,由于这些模型参数范围太大降低了能谱拟合效率.利用多波段观测数据获得的物理量值,对双幂律电子分布情况下的单区、均匀SSC模型中涉及到的8个模型参数进行限定.另外,还利用模型计算两个典型的BL Lac天体多波段能谱对参数限定的结果进行检验.结果表明:在8个模型参数限定的范围内,选取的模型参数值计算出的理论光子谱与两个BL Lac天体的多波段准同时性观测数据符合较好. 相似文献
该文简述近三年(2005年7月1日~2008年6月30日)我国天体测量研究工作的情况,其中包括我国天体测量工作者在仪器和归算方法、河外参考架、特别的天文研究项目,如位置、自行、三角视差和近距小质量星、太阳系、疏散星团和银河系,以及天体测量教育等方面取得的研究成果。特别描述了2007年10月在上海天文台召开的国际天文学联合会第248次讨论会的意义和作用。 相似文献
R. Poggiani 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2006,306(1-2):17-22
I present the search for V, R, I rapid optical variability of three gamma-ray loud blazars, 3C 454.3, 1ES 1959+650, 1ES 2344+514, performed at the Loiano telescope. The source 3C 454.3 was observed during the decline of the May 2005 outburst. 3C 454.3 and 1ES 2344$+$514 showed rapid variability in one band at least. The data in this work and archival data support the correlation between the occurrence of rapid variability and the flux variation suggested by Howard et~al., AJ 127, 17 (2004).
PACS 98.54.Cm, 95.75.De 相似文献
Yun-Tian Li Shao-Yu Fu Huan-Jian Feng Si-Le He Chao Lin Jun-Hui Fan Denise Costantin Yu-Tao Zhang 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2017,38(2):22
In a two-component jet model, the emissions are the sum of the core and extended emissions: \(S^{\mathrm{ob}}=S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}+S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), with the core emissions, \(S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}= f S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\delta ^{q}\) being a function of the Doppler factor \(\delta \), the extended emission \(S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), the jet type dependent factor q, and the ratio of the core to the extended emissions in the comoving frame, f. The f is an unobservable but important parameter. Following our previous work, we collect 65 blazars with available Doppler factor \(\delta \), superluminal velocity \(\beta _{\mathrm{app}}\), and core-dominance parameter, R, and calculated the ratio, f, and performed statistical analyses. We found that the ratio, f, in BL Lacs is on average larger than that in FSRQs. We suggest that the difference of the ratio f between FSRQs and BL Lacs is one of the possible reasons that cause the difference of other observed properties between them. We also find some significant correlations between \(\log f\) and other parameters, including intrinsic (de-beamed) peak frequency, \(\log \nu _{\mathrm{p}}^{\mathrm{in}}\), intrinsic polarization, \(\log P^{\mathrm{in}}\), and core-dominance parameter, \(\log R\), for the whole sample. In addition, we show that the ratio, f, can be estimated by R. 相似文献
We present a comprehensive study of the gamma-ray luminosity function (GLF) of blazars and their contribution to the extragalactic
diffuse gamma-ray background (EGRB). Radio and gamma-ray luminosity correlation is introduced with a modest dispersion, consistent
with observations, to take into account the radio detectability, which is important for blazar identification. Previous studies
considered only pure luminosity evolution (PLE) or pure density evolution, but here we introduce the luminosity-dependent
density evolution (LDDE) model, which is favored on the basis of the evolution of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of AGNs.
The model parameters are constrained by likelihood analyses of the observed redshift and gamma-ray flux distributions of the
EGRET blazars. Interestingly, we find that the LDDE model gives a better fit to the observed distributions than the PLE model,
indicating that the LDDE model is also appropriate for gamma-ray blazars and that the jet activity is universally correlated
with the accretion history of AGNs. We then find that only 25–50% of the EGRB can be explained by unresolved blazars with
the best-fit LDDE parameters. Unresolved blazars can account for all the EGRB only with a steeper index of the faint-end slope
of the GLF, which is marginally consistent with the EGRET data but inconsistent with XLF data. Therefore, unresolved AGNs
cannot be the dominant source of the EGRB, unless there is a new population of gamma-ray emitting AGNs that evolves differently
from the XLF of AGNs. Predictions for the GLAST mission are made, and we find that the best-fit LDDE model predicts about 3000 blazars in the entire sky, which is considerably
fewer (by a factor of more than 3) than a previous estimate. 相似文献
Sujan Sengupta 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2016,37(2):11
A large number of terrestrial planets in the classical habitable zone of stars of different spectral types have already been discovered and many are expected to be discovered in the near future. However, owing to the lack of knowledge on the atmospheric properties, the ambient environment of such planets are unknown. It is known that sufficient amount of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from the star can drive hydrodynamic outflow of hydrogen that may drag heavier species from the atmosphere of the planet. If the rate of mass loss is sufficiently high, then substantial amount of volatiles would escape causing the planet to become uninhabitable. Considering energy-limited hydrodynamical mass loss with an escape rate that causes oxygen to escape alongwith hydrogen, an upper limit for the ratio between the EUV and the bolometric luminosities of stars which constrains the habitability of planets around them is presented here. Application of the limit to planet-hosting stars with known EUV luminosities implies that many M-type of stars should not have habitable planets around them. 相似文献
We report results of our optical photometric observations of ten gamma-ray loud blazers, namely: 0219+428 (3C66A), PKS 0420-014 (OA 129), S5 0716+714, 0754+100 (OI 090.4), 0827+243 (OJ248), 1652+398 (Mrk 501), 2200+420 (BL Lacertae), 2230+114 (CTA 102), 2251+158 (3C 454.3) and 2344+514. The observations were carried out in September-October, 2000 using the 70 cm optical telescope at Abstumani Observatory, Georgia. We found intra-day variations in 0420-014, S5 0716+714, BL Lacertae and CTA 102. A variation of 0.3 magnitude over a time scale of about 3 hours was observed in the R passband in BL Lacertae on JD 2451827. We did not detect any variation in 3C 66A, Mrk 501, or 3C 454.3 during our observations. Nor did we detect any clear evidence of variation in 1ES 2344+514 during our two weeks' observing run of the TeV gamma-ray source. 相似文献
H. Knutsen 《Astronomische Nachrichten》1988,309(4):263-265
We report here the results of our examination of the physical properties of Vaidya-Tikekar's model for a relativistic star. Full details will be published elsewhere. The analysis yields a strong indication that the model is stable with respect to infinitesimal radial oscillations. We find that the adiabatic speed of sound is smaller than the speed of light everywhere inside the fluid sphere if the radius of the sphere is larger than 1.46 times its Schwarzschild radius. We also find that the fluid must necessarily be supraluminal somewhere if the speed of sound is decreasing outwards close to the center. We further find that the strong energy condition is fulfilled everywhere if it is fulfilled at the center. Since the ratio of the pressure p and the density ⋅ is decreasing outwards, this indicates that the temperature gradient is negative. We also find that the relativistic adiabatic index is larger than two. Demanding the fluid to be causal, and taking the pressure and the density to be somewhere given by 7.4 ⋅ 1033 dynes/cm3 and 5.1 ⋅ 1014 g/cm3, we calculate the maximum mass of the fluid sphere to be 3 solar masses. 相似文献
Daniel Mazin 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2007,309(1-4):497-503
MAGIC is currently the world’s largest single dish ground based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope. During the first
year of operation, more than 20 extragalactic sources have been observed and several of them detected. Here we present results
of analyzed data, including discussion about spectral and temporal properties of the detected sources. In addition, we discuss
implications of the measured energy spectra of distant sources for our knowledge of the extragalactic background light.
Daniel Mazin for the MAGIC collaboration. 相似文献
Yong-gang Zheng Wei-guo Yang Hao-jing Zhang Xiong Zhang 《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》2008,32(2):140-150
We have collected short-timescale variability data of 47 blazars, estimated the masses of their central black holes and the sizes of their radiation regions at different wavebands, and made a statistical analysis on the calculated results. It is found that the central black hole mass of blazars falls in the range 107M to 1010M, and that the BL Lac objects and the flat-spectrum radio quasars have very different central black hole masses (the latter being generally greater), while they have very similar sizes of radiation regions in the infrared and γ-ray wavebands. Also, using the collected bolometric luminosity data, we have analyzed the relationship between the bolometric luminosity of blazars and their short-timescale variability, and it is concluded that the radiations from the radio-selected BL Lac objects (RBLs) and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) are strongly beam-confined, while the effect of relativistic beaming is relatively small for the X-ray-selected BL Lac objects (XBLs). 相似文献