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The concept of integrated constructed wetlands (ICW) promotes in‐situ soils to construct and line wetland cells. The integrity of soil material, however, may provide a potential pathway for contaminants to flow into the underlying groundwater. This study assessed the extent of groundwater quality deterioration due to the establishment of a full‐scale ICW system treating domestic wastewater in Ireland. The ICW is located at Glaslough in Co. Monaghan, Ireland. It consists of two sedimentation ponds and a sequence of five shallow vegetated wetland cells. The ICW cells were lined with 500‐mm thick local subsoil material, which comprised a mixture of alluvium, organic soils, tills, and gravel. Groundwater samples and head data were collected from eight piezometers, which were installed around the ICW cells. The groundwater and wetland water samples were analysed for water quality parameters such as bulk organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens. Overall, the quality of groundwater underlying the ICW system recorded some contamination with bulk organic matter and some inorganic nutrients. Significantly higher contaminant concentrations were recorded in monitoring wells upgradient and near to the distal wetland cells than downgradient ones, which were near to the proximal cells. For the downgradient piezometers, concentrations seldomly exceeded the natural background levels. Detailed analyses through the application of chemometrics models indicated that the source of contamination was largely of geogenic origin. Findings suggest that ICW systems pose a minimal risk to the groundwater quality; the greatest risk was associated with the distal wetland cells.  相似文献   

Heat transfer due to groundwater flow can significantly affect closed geothermal systems. Here, a screening method is developed, based on Peclet numbers for these systems and Darcy's law. Conduction‐only conditions should not be expected where specific discharges exceed 10?8 m/s. Constraints on hydraulic gradients allow for preliminary screening for advection based on rock or soil types. Identification of materials with very low hydraulic conductivity, such as shale and intact igneous and metamorphic rock, allow for analysis with considering conduction only. Variability in known hydraulic conductivity allows for the possibility of advection in most other rocks and soil types. Further screening relies on refinement of estimates of hydraulic gradients and hydraulic conductivity through site investigations and modeling until the presence or absence of conduction can be confirmed.  相似文献   

The increased availability of global datasets and technologies such as global hydrologic models and the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites have resulted in a growing number of global‐scale assessments of water availability using simple indices of water stress. Developed initially for surface water, such indices are increasingly used to evaluate global groundwater resources. We compare indices of groundwater development stress for three major agricultural areas of the United States to information available from regional water budgets developed from detailed groundwater modeling. These comparisons illustrate the potential value of regional‐scale analyses to supplement global hydrological models and GRACE analyses of groundwater depletion. Regional‐scale analyses allow assessments of water stress that better account for scale effects, the dynamics of groundwater flow systems, the complexities of irrigated agricultural systems, and the laws, regulations, engineering, and socioeconomic factors that govern groundwater use. Strategic use of regional‐scale models with global‐scale analyses would greatly enhance knowledge of the global groundwater depletion problem.  相似文献   

The estimation of recharge through groundwater model calibration is hampered by the nonuniqueness of recharge and aquifer parameter values. It has been shown recently that the estimability of spatially distributed recharge through calibration of steady‐state models for practical situations (i.e., real‐world, field‐scale aquifer settings) is limited by the need for excessive amounts of hydraulic‐parameter and groundwater‐level data. However, the extent to which temporal recharge variability can be informed through transient model calibration, which involves larger water‐level datasets, but requires the additional consideration of storage parameters, is presently unknown for practical situations. In this study, time‐varying recharge estimates, inferred through calibration of a field‐scale highly parameterized groundwater model, are systematically investigated subject to changes in (1) the degree to which hydraulic parameters including hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific yield (Sy) are constrained, (2) the number of water‐level calibration targets, and (3) the temporal resolution (up to monthly time steps) at which recharge is estimated. The analysis involves the use of a synthetic reality (a reference model) based on a groundwater model of Uley South Basin, South Australia. Identifiability statistics are used to evaluate the ability of recharge and hydraulic parameters to be estimated uniquely. Results show that reasonable estimates of monthly recharge (<30% recharge root‐mean‐squared error) require a considerable amount of transient water‐level data, and that the spatial distribution of K is known. Joint estimation of recharge, Sy and K, however, precludes reasonable inference of recharge and hydraulic parameter values. We conclude that the estimation of temporal recharge variability through calibration may be impractical for real‐world settings.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the link between land surface/soil properties and shallow groundwater quality. To that end, soil properties and near‐water‐table groundwater chemistry of a shallow, unconfined aquifer were measured on a 100‐m grid on a 64‐ha irrigated field in southeastern North Dakota. Soil properties and hydrochemistry were compared via multivariate analysis that included product‐moment correlations and factor analysis/principal component analysis. Topographic low areas where the water table was in close proximity to the soil surface generally had higher apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) and higher percent silt and clay than higher positions on the landscape. The majority of the groundwater was characterized by Ca‐ and Mg‐HCO3 type water and was associated with topographic high areas with lower ECa and net groundwater recharge. Small topographic depressions were areas of higher ECa (net groundwater discharge) where salts that precipitated via evapotranspiration and evaporative discharge dissolved and leached to the groundwater during short‐term depression‐focused recharge events. At this site, groundwater quality and soil ECa were related to surface topography. High‐resolution topography and ECa measurements are necessary to characterize the land surface/soil properties and surficial groundwater quality at the field‐scale and to delineate areas where the shallow groundwater is most susceptible to contamination.  相似文献   

The effluents of wastewater treatment plants in small sized communities of less than 2000 population equivalent (PE), which are discharged into sensitive receiving water environments, must receive “appropriate treatment” according to the EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. Appropriate treatment depends on the quality objectives of the receiving waters as well as the relevant provisions of the member states. In this study, wastewater treatment options, such as vegetated land treatment (VLT), constructed wetlands (CW), and activated sludge treatment (AST), by which effluents are discharged to sensitive and less sensitive areas are evaluated by the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. For this purpose, data related to energy usage, land requirement, raw material consumption, and released emissions from the life phases were collected with an inventory study and the environmental impacts were assessed by using SimaPro 7.1 LCA software. The results obtained from the assessments were compared with each other, which indicated that for small‐scale communities VLT and CW are the most environmentally friendly wastewater treatment option.  相似文献   

The influence of large‐scale mining operations on groundwater quality was investigated in this study. Trace element concentrations in groundwater samples from the North Mara mining area of northern Tanzania were analyzed. Statistical analyses for relationships between elemental concentrations in the samples and distance of a sampling site from the mine tailings dam were also conducted. Eleven trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined, and averages of Fe and Al concentrations were higher than levels accepted by the Tanzanian drinking water guideline. Levels of Pb in three samples were higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) drinking water guidelines of 10 and 15 µg/L, respectively. One sample contained a higher As level than the WHO and USEPA guideline of 10 µg/L. The correlation between element concentrations and distance from the mine tailings dam was examined using the hierarchical agglomeration cluster analysis method. A significant difference in the elemental concentration existed depending on the distance from the mine tailings dam. Mann–Whitney U‐test post hoc analysis confirmed a relationship between element concentration and distance of a sampling site from the mine tailings dam. This relationship raises concerns about the increased risks of trace elements to people and ecosystem health. A metal pollution index also suggested a relationship between elemental concentrations in the groundwater and the sampling sites’ proximity from the mine tailings dam.  相似文献   

Improper disposal of wastewater is an important source of groundwater contamination, as it poses serious threats to the environment and human health. In this case study, 18 groundwater and 3 sewage effluent samples were collected from the area adjacent to a wastewater treatment plant in Sohag, Egypt. These samples were subjected to detailed chemical and bacteriological analyses to quantify the potential impact of sewage effluent on the groundwater quality using geochemical indicators. The groundwater aquifer in the study area is represented by the highly permeable Qena Sands that are composed of sands and gravels. The bacteriological analyses indicated the presence of fecal coliform in groundwater at wells nearby the wastewater ponds and farm lands. NH4 concentration of the contaminated groundwater samples ranged from 0.36 to 5.70 mg/L (78% of the samples > 1.20 mg/L) and the NH4 in the non‐impacted samples ranged from 0.40 to 2.23 mg/L (22% > 1.20 mg/L). Variations in NH4 concentrations are due to the transformation processes occurring in the aquifer. The groundwater samples were categorized based on the Na/K ratio into two classes. The first class shows the Na/K ratios vary from 2.52 to 12.19 for sewage effluent and contaminated samples, while in the second class they range from 12.85 to 31.60 for non‐impacted samples. As a result, the Na/K ratio in combination with other chemical and microbiological indicators is a useful screening tool for assessing possible sewage influence on shallow groundwater from shallow wells.  相似文献   

Gaining streams can provide an integrated signal of relatively large groundwater capture areas. In contrast to the point‐specific nature of monitoring wells, gaining streams coalesce multiple flow paths. Impacts on groundwater quality from unconventional gas development may be evaluated at the watershed scale by the sampling of dissolved methane (CH4) along such streams. This paper describes a method for using stream CH4 concentrations, along with measurements of groundwater inflow and gas transfer velocity interpreted by 1‐D stream transport modeling, to determine groundwater methane fluxes. While dissolved ionic tracers remain in the stream for long distances, the persistence of methane is not well documented. To test this method and evaluate CH4 persistence in a stream, a combined bromide (Br) and CH4 tracer injection was conducted on Nine‐Mile Creek, a gaining stream in a gas development area in central Utah. A 35% gain in streamflow was determined from dilution of the Br tracer. The injected CH4 resulted in a fivefold increase in stream CH4 immediately below the injection site. CH4 and δ13CCH4 sampling showed it was not immediately lost to the atmosphere, but remained in the stream for more than 2000 m. A 1‐D stream transport model simulating the decline in CH4 yielded an apparent gas transfer velocity of 4.5 m/d, describing the rate of loss to the atmosphere (possibly including some microbial consumption). The transport model was then calibrated to background stream CH4 in Nine‐Mile Creek (prior to CH4 injection) in order to evaluate groundwater CH4 contributions. The total estimated CH4 load discharging to the stream along the study reach was 190 g/d, although using geochemical fingerprinting to determine its source was beyond the scope of the current study. This demonstrates the utility of stream‐gas sampling as a reconnaissance tool for evaluating both natural and anthropogenic CH4 leakage from gas reservoirs into groundwater and surface water.  相似文献   

Agricultural water management (AWM) is the adaptation strategy for increasing agricultural production through enhancing water resources availability while maintaining ecosystem services. This study characterizes groundwater hydrology in the Kothapally agricultural watershed, in hard rock Deccan plateau area in India and assesses the impact of AWM interventions on groundwater recharge using a calibrated and validated hydrological model, SWAT, in combination with observed water table data in 62 geo‐referenced open wells. Kothapally receives, on average, 750 mm rainfall (nearly 90% of annual rainfall) during the monsoon season (June to October). Water balance showed that 72% of total rainfall was converted as evapotranspiration (ET), 16% was stored in aquifer, and 8% exported as runoff from the watershed boundary with AWM interventions. Nearly 60% of the runoff harvested by AWM interventions recharged shallow aquifers and rest of the 40% increased ET. Water harvesting structures (WHS) contributed 2.5 m additional head in open wells, whereas hydraulic head under natural condition was 3.5 m, resulting in total 6 m rise in water table during the monsoon. At the field scale, WHSs recharged open wells at a 200 to 400 m spatial scale.  相似文献   

High‐resolution soil and groundwater monitoring was performed to assess the long‐term impacts of bioremediation using bioaugmentation with a dechlorinating microbial consortium (and sodium lactate as the electron donor) in a well‐characterized trichloroethene (TCE) dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source area. Monitoring was performed up to 3.7 years following active bioremediation using a high‐density monitoring network that included several discrete interval multi‐level sampling wells. Results showed that despite the absence of lactate, lactate fermentation transformation products, or hydrogen, biogeochemical conditions remained favorable for the reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes. In locations where soil data showed that TCE DNAPL sources persisted, local contaminant rebound was observed in groundwater, whereas no rebound or continuous decreases in chlorinated ethenes were observed in locations where DNAPL sources were treated. While ethene levels measured 3.7 years after active treatment suggested relatively low (2 to 30%) dechlorination of the parent TCE and daughter products, carbon stable isotope analysis showed that the extent of complete dechlorination was much greater than indicated by ethene generation and that the estimated first‐order rate constant describing the complete dechlorination of TCE at 3.7 years following active bioremediation was approximately 3.6 y–1. Overall, results of this study suggest that biological processes may persist to treat TCE for years after cessation of active bioremediation, thereby serving as an important component of remedial treatment design and long‐term attenuation.  相似文献   

Although the anaerobic biodegradation of methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE) and tert‐butyl alcohol (TBA) has been documented in the laboratory and the field, knowledge of the microorganisms and mechanisms involved is still lacking. In this study, DNA‐stable isotope probing (SIP) was used to identify microorganisms involved in anaerobic fuel oxygenate biodegradation in a sulfate‐reducing MTBE and TBA plume. Microorganisms were collected in the field using Bio‐Sep® beads amended with 13C5‐MTBE, 13C1‐MTBE (only methoxy carbon labeled), or 13C4‐TBA. 13C‐DNA and 12C‐DNA extracted from the Bio‐Sep beads were cloned and 16S rRNA gene sequences were used to identify the indigenous microorganisms involved in degrading the methoxy group of MTBE and the tert‐butyl group of MTBE and TBA. Results indicated that microorganisms were actively degrading 13C‐labeled MTBE and TBA in situ and the 13C was incorporated into their DNA. Several sequences related to known MTBE‐ and TBA‐degraders in the Burkholderiales and the Sphingomonadales orders were detected in all three 13C clone libraries and were likely to be primary degraders at the site. Sequences related to sulfate‐reducing bacteria and iron‐reducers, such as Geobacter and Geothrix, were only detected in the clone libraries where MTBE and TBA were fully labeled with 13C, suggesting that they were involved in processing carbon from the tert‐butyl group. Sequences similar to the Pseudomonas genus predominated in the clone library where only the methoxy carbon of MTBE was labeled with 13C. It is likely that members of this genus were secondary degraders cross‐feeding on 13C‐labeled metabolites such as acetate.  相似文献   

This paper describes the impacts of the M5.8(5.1) Gyeongju earthquakes on groundwater levels using data obtained from a unique coastal monitoring well. The monitoring strategy integrates conventional water level monitoring with periodic, continuous measurements of temperature and electrical conductivity (EC) within the water column of the well. Another important component of the monitoring system is a new instrument, the InterfacEGG, which is capable of dynamically tracking the freshwater-saltwater interface. Although the system was set up to monitor seawater intrusion related to over-pumping, as well as rainfall and tidal effects, it recorded impacts associated with a large earthquake and aftershocks approximately 241 km away. Seismic energies associated with the M5.8(5.1) Gyeongju earthquakes induced groundwater flows to the monitoring well through fractures and joints in the crystalline basement rocks. Temperature and EC logging data showed that the EC vertical profile declined from an average of approximately 5300 to 4800 μS/cm following the earthquakes. The temperature profile showed a trend toward lower temperatures as the depth increased, a feature not commonly observed in previous studies. Data from the InterfacEGG suggested that the rise in EC was not due to the saltwater intrusion, but from the tendency for brackish water entering the borehole to induce convective mixing at deeper depths as the seismic waves travel through the well-aquifer system. The increase in groundwater levels was caused by pulse of colder, less brackish water flowing into the well because of the earthquake. This behavior reflects an enhancement in rock permeability by removing precipitates and colloidal particles from clogged fractures, which improve the hydraulic connection with a nearby unit with a higher hydraulic head. This study suggests there is value added with a more aggressive monitoring strategy.  相似文献   

A start‐up study for biohydrogen production from palm oil mill effluent (POME) is carried out in a pilot‐scale up‐flow anaerobic sludge blanket fixed‐film reactor (UASFF). A substrate with a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 30 g L?1 is used, starting with molasses solution for 30 days and followed by a 10% v/v increment of POME/molasses ratio. At 100% POME, a hydrogen content of 80%, hydrogen production rate of 36 L H2 per day, and maximum COD removal of 48.7% are achieved. Bio‐kinetic coefficients of Monod, first‐order, Grau second‐order, and Stover‐Kincannon kinetic models are calculated to describe the performance of the system. The steady‐state data with 100% POME shows that Monod and Stover‐Kincannon models with bio‐kinetic coefficients of half‐velocity constant (Ks) of 6000 mg COD L?1, microbial decay rate (Kd) of 0.0015 per day, growth yield constant (Y) of 0.786 mg volatile suspended solids (VSS)/mg COD, specific biomass growth rate (μmax) of 0.568 per day, and substrate consumption rate of (Umax) 3.98 g/L day could be considered as superior models with correlation coefficients (R2) of 0.918 and 0.989, respectively, compared to first‐order and Grau's second‐order models with coefficients of K1 1.08 per day, R2 0.739, and K2s 1.69 per day, a = 7.0 per day, b = 0.847.  相似文献   

Chlororespiration is common in shallow aquifer systems under conditions nominally identified as anoxic. Consequently, chlororespiration is a key component of remediation at many chloroethene‐contaminated sites. In some instances, limited accumulation of reductive dechlorination daughter products is interpreted as evidence that natural attenuation is not adequate for site remediation. This conclusion is justified when evidence for parent compound (tetrachloroethene, PCE, or trichloroethene, TCE) degradation is lacking. For many chloroethene‐contaminated shallow aquifer systems, however, nonconservative losses of the parent compounds are clear but the mass balance between parent compound attenuation and accumulation of reductive dechlorination daughter products is incomplete. Incomplete mass balance indicates a failure to account for important contaminant attenuation mechanisms and is consistent with contaminant degradation to nondiagnostic mineralization products like CO2. While anoxic mineralization of chloroethene compounds has been proposed previously, recent results suggest that oxygen‐based mineralization of chloroethenes also can be significant at dissolved oxygen concentrations below the currently accepted field standard for nominally anoxic conditions. Thus, reassessment of the role and potential importance of low concentrations of oxygen in chloroethene biodegradation are needed, because mischaracterization of operant biodegradation processes can lead to expensive and ineffective remedial actions. A modified interpretive framework is provided for assessing the potential for chloroethene biodegradation under different redox conditions and the probable role of oxygen in chloroethene biodegradation.  相似文献   

Temperature measurements have been used by a variety of researchers to gain insight into groundwater discharge patterns. However, much of this research has reduced the problem to heat and fluid flow in one dimension for ease of analysis. This approach is seemingly at odds with the goal of determining spatial variability in specific discharge, which implies that the temperature field will vary in more than one dimension. However, it is unclear how important the resulting discrepancies are in the context of determining groundwater discharge to surface water bodies. In this study, the importance of these variations is examined by testing two popular one‐dimensional analytical solutions with stochastic models of heat and fluid flow in a two‐dimensional porous medium. For cases with low degrees of heterogeneity in hydraulic conductivity, acceptable results are possible for specific discharges between 10?7 and 10?5 m/s. However, conduction into areas with specific discharges less than 10?7 m/s from adjacent areas can lead to significant errors. In some of these cases, the one‐dimensional solutions produced estimates of specific discharge of nearly 10?6 m/s. This phenomenon is more likely in situations with greater degrees of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The volume of groundwater stored in the subsurface in the United States decreased by almost 1000 km3 during 1900–2008. The aquifer systems with the three largest volumes of storage depletion include the High Plains aquifer, the Mississippi Embayment section of the Gulf Coastal Plain aquifer system, and the Central Valley of California. Depletion rates accelerated during 1945–1960, averaging 13.6 km3/year during the last half of the century, and after 2000 increased again to about 24 km3/year. Depletion intensity is a new parameter, introduced here, to provide a more consistent basis for comparing storage depletion problems among various aquifers by factoring in time and areal extent of the aquifer. During 2001–2008, the Central Valley of California had the largest depletion intensity. Groundwater depletion in the United States can explain 1.4% of observed sea‐level rise during the 108‐year study period and 2.1% during 2001–2008. Groundwater depletion must be confronted on local and regional scales to help reduce demand (primarily in irrigated agriculture) and/or increase supply.  相似文献   

To improve quantitative understanding of mixed‐land‐use impacts on nutrient yields, a nested‐scale experimental watershed study design (n = 5) was applied in a 303(d), clean water act impaired urbanizing watershed of the lower Missouri River Basin, USA. From 2010 to 2013, water samples (n = 858 sample days per site) were analysed for total inorganic nitrogen (TIN‐N), nitrite (NO2–N) nitrate (NO3–N), ammonia (NH3–N), and total phosphorus (TP‐P). Annual, seasonal, and monthly flow‐weighted concentrations (FWCs) and nutrient yields were estimated. Mean nutrient concentrations were highest where agricultural land use comprised 58% of the drainage area (NH3 = 0.111 mg/l; NO2 = 0.045 mg/l; NO3 = 0.684 mg/l, TIN = 0.840 mg/l; TP = 0.127 mg/l). Average TP‐P increased by 15% with 20% increased urban land use area. Highly variable annual precipitation was observed during the study with highest nutrient yields during 2010 (record setting wet year) and lowest nutrient yields during 2012 (extreme drought year). Annual TIN‐N and TP‐P yields exceeded 10.3 and 2.04 kg ha?1 yr?1 from the agricultural dominated headwaters. Mean annual NH3–N, NO2–N, NO3–N, TIN‐N, and TP‐P yields were 0.742, 0.400, 4.24, 5.38, and 0.979 kg ha?1 yr?1, respectively near the watershed outlet. Precipitation accounted for the majority of the explained variance in nutrient yields (R2 values from 0.68 to 0.85). Nutrient yields were also dependent on annual precipitation of the preceding year (R2 values from 0.87 to 0.91) thus enforcing the great complexity of variable mixed‐land‐use mediated source‐sink nutrient yield relationships. Study results better inform land managers and best management practices designed to mitigate nutrient pollution issues in mixed‐land‐use freshwater ecosystems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An eco‐friendly and inexpensive technique for wastewater treatment originated from inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES) is presented within this paper. The proposed process comprised of loading waste crab shells in packed column for adsorption of heavy metal ions, followed by desorption using 0.01 M HCl. An exhaustive physical and chemical characterization of ICP‐OES wastewater revealed the complex nature of effluent, including the presence of 15 different metals and metalloid under strong acidic condition (pH 1.3). Based on the preliminary batch experiments, it was identified that solution pH played a major role in metal sequestration by crab shell with pH 3.5 identified as optimum pH. Rapid metal biosorption kinetics along with complete desorption and subsequent reuse for three cycles was possible with crab shell‐based treatment process. Continuous flow‐through column experiments confirmed the high performance of crab shell towards multiple metal ions with the column able to operate for 22 h at a flow rate of 10 mL/min before outlet concentration of arsenic reached 0.25 times of its inlet concentration. Other metal ions such as Cu, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn, Mn, Al, and Fe were only in trace levels in the treated water until 22 h. The performance of the treatment process was compared with trade effluent discharge standards, and the process flow diagram along with cost analysis was suggested.  相似文献   

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