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Ecosystems which rely on either the surface expression or subsurface presence of groundwater are known as groundwater‐dependent ecosystems (GDEs). A comprehensive inventory of GDE locations at an appropriate management scale is a necessary first‐step for sustainable management of supporting aquifers; however, this information is unavailable for most areas of concern. To address this gap, this study created a two‐step algorithm which analyzed existing geospatial and remote sensing data to identify potential GDEs at both state/province and aquifer/basin scales. At the state/province scale, a geospatial information system (GIS) database was constructed for Texas, including climate, topography, hydrology, and ecology data. From these data, a GDE index was calculated, which combined vegetative and hydrological indicators. The results indicated that central Texas, particularly the Edwards Aquifer region, had highest potential to host GDEs. Next, an aquifer/basin scale remote sensing‐based algorithm was created to provide more detailed maps of GDEs in the Edwards Aquifer region. This algorithm used Landsat ETM+ and MODIS images to track the changes of NDVI for each vegetation pixel. The NDVI dynamics were used to identify the vegetation with high potential to use groundwater—such plants remain high NDVI during extended dry periods and also exhibit low seasonal and inter‐annual NDVI changes between dry and wet seasons/years. The results indicated that 8% of natural vegetation was very likely using groundwater. Of the potential GDEs identified, 75% were located on shallow soil averaging 45 cm in depth. The dominant GDE species were live oak, ashe juniper, and mesquite.  相似文献   

Aspects of Groundwater Supply Sustainable Yield   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Global-scale gradient-based groundwater models are a new endeavor for hydrologists who wish to improve global hydrological models (GHMs). In particular, the integration of such groundwater models into GHMs improves the simulation of water flows between surface water and groundwater and of capillary rise and thus evapotranspiration. Currently, these models are not able to simulate water table depth adequately over the entire globe. Unsatisfactory model performance compared to well observations suggests that a higher spatial resolution is required to better represent the high spatial variability of land surface and groundwater elevations. In this study, we use New Zealand as a testbed and analyze the impacts of spatial resolution on the results of global groundwater models. Steady-state hydraulic heads simulated by two versions of the global groundwater model G3M, at spatial resolutions of 5 arc-minutes (9 km) and 30 arc-seconds (900 m), are compared with observations from the Canterbury region. The output of three other groundwater models with different spatial resolutions is analyzed as well. Considering the spatial distribution of residuals, general patterns of unsatisfactory model performance remain at the higher resolutions, suggesting that an increase in model resolution alone does not fix problems such as the systematic overestimation of hydraulic head. We conclude that (1) a new understanding of how low-resolution global groundwater models can be evaluated is required, and (2) merely increasing the spatial resolution of global-scale groundwater models will not improve the simulation of the global freshwater system.  相似文献   

This paper numerically investigates the characteristics of groundwater flow in spatially correlated variable aperture fractures under the mechanical effect. Spatially correlated aperture distributions are generated using the geostatistical method (i.e., turning bands algorithm in this study). To represent a nonlinear relationship between the effective normal stress and the fracture aperture, a simple mechanical formula is combined with a local flow model. Numerical results indicate that the groundwater flow is significantly affected by the geometry of aperture distribution, varying with the applied effective normal stress as well as the spatial correlation length of aperture distribution. Moreover, using the flow results simulated in this study, two empirical formulae are proposed: (1) the first one (modified Louis formula) is to represent the relationship between the effective normal stress and the effective permeability of fracture and (2) the second one is to represent the relationship between relative roughness and effective permeability.  相似文献   

Boulion  V. V. 《Water Resources》2020,47(3):459-467
Water Resources - A system has been developed for diagnosing the biological production of lake ecosystems with input parameters: geographic latitude, specific watershed, normal annual air...  相似文献   

Managing nonpoint-source (NPS) pollution of groundwater systems is a significant challenge because of the heterogeneous nature of the subsurface, high costs of data collection, and the multitude of scales involved. In this study, we assessed a particularly complex NPS groundwater pollution problem in Michigan, namely, the salinization of shallow aquifer systems due to natural upwelling of deep brines. We applied a system-based approach to characterize, across multiple scales, the integrated groundwater quantity–quality dynamics associated with the brine upwelling process, assimilating a variety of modeling tools and data—including statewide water well datasets scarcely used for larger scientific analysis. Specifically, we combined (1) data-driven modeling of massive amounts of groundwater/geologic information across multiple spatial scales with (2) detailed analysis of groundwater salinity dynamics and process-based flow modeling at local scales. Statewide “hotspots” were delineated and county-level severity rankings were developed based on dissolved chloride (Cl) concentration percentiles. Within local hotspots, the relative impact of upwelling was determined to be controlled by: (1) streams—which act as “natural pumps” that bring deeper (more mineralized) groundwater to the surface; (2) the occurrence of nearly impervious geologic material at the surface—which restricts fresh water dilution of deeper, saline groundwater; and (3) the space–time evolution of water well withdrawals—which induces slow migration of saline groundwater from its natural course. This multiscale, data-intensive approach significantly improved our understanding of the brine upwelling processes in Michigan, and has applicability elsewhere given the growing availability of statewide water well databases.  相似文献   

王武星  石耀霖 《地震》2013,33(4):123-134
本文提出利用全球应变率资料模拟全球地震活动特征的基本思想, 并作了初步探索。 利用GSRM的全球应变率场结果, 初步设计了模拟全球地震活动时空分布特征的细胞自动机模型。 该模型把地球考虑为一个自组织的整体系统, 制定了细胞自动机的演化规则, 获得了模拟的人工地震目录。 初步的模拟结果基本反映了全球地震活动的主要分布特征, 体现了全球构造活动强弱的主要格局, 初步达到了利用GPS等实测资料计算的应变率作为细胞自动机网格状态及其改变量来模拟复杂的全球地震活动特征的实验目的。  相似文献   

The drastic expansion of cities and the rapid economic growth in Korea have caused dramatic increases to demand from groundwater supplies for drinking, domestic, agricultural and industrial water usage. The Ministry of Construction and Transportation and the Korea Water Resources Corporation have constructed and operated the National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGMN) throughout the country since 1995. The NGMN, an official project establishing a total of 320 groundwater monitoring stations, was completed in 2005. Each national groundwater monitoring station serves as a baseline and primary station to monitor long‐term general trends in water‐level fluctuations and in groundwater quality. The present NGMN and its monitoring capabilities were evaluated to enhance the efficiency of groundwater monitoring and to meet the new societal conditions. Based on reviews and evaluations, some suggestions and recommendations are made with regard to improvements of the national network, including the installation of rainfall gauges in groundwater monitoring stations, gathering groundwater data every hour instead of every 6 h as at present, involving major cations and anions in the regular and periodic chemical analyses, regular periodic analyses of collected groundwater data, and construction of 199 additional groundwater monitoring stations to supplement the existing groundwater monitoring network. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasing availability of geo‐environmental data has promoted the use of statistical methods to assess groundwater vulnerability. Nitrate is a widespread anthropogenic contaminant in groundwater and its occurrence can be used to identify aquifer settings vulnerable to contamination. In this study, multivariate Weights of Evidence (WofE) and Logistic Regression (LR) methods, where the response variable is binary, were used to evaluate the role and importance of a number of explanatory variables associated with nitrate sources and occurrence in groundwater in the Milan District (central part of the Po Plain, Italy). The results of these models have been used to map the spatial variation of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate in the region, and we compare the similarities and differences of their spatial patterns and associated explanatory variables. We modify the standard WofE method used in previous groundwater vulnerability studies to a form analogous to that used in LR; this provides a framework to compare the results of both models and reduces the effect of sampling bias on the results of the standard WofE model. In addition, a nonlinear Generalized Additive Model has been used to extend the LR analysis. Both approaches improved discrimination of the standard WofE and LR models, as measured by the c‐statistic. Groundwater vulnerability probability outputs, based on rank‐order classification of the respective model results, were similar in spatial patterns and identified similar strong explanatory variables associated with nitrate source (population density as a proxy for sewage systems and septic sources) and nitrate occurrence (groundwater depth).  相似文献   

1900年以来全球地震活动的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
20世纪50年代和60年代,是全球地震矩的大释放阶段。从60-80年代地震矩释放速率呈下降的趋势。90年代后,地震矩释放速率有所回升。从50-80年代,中国大陆及东半球的地震矩释放速率有明显的下降趋势。一次9级左右地震的成丛是20世纪地震活动的明显特点。  相似文献   

To enable a wider use of dissolved noble gas concentrations and isotope ratios in groundwater studies, we have developed an efficient and portable sampling device using a commercially available membrane contactor. The device separates dissolved gases from a stream of water and collects them in a small copper tube (6 mm in diameter and 100 mm in length with two pinch‐off clamps) for noble gas analysis by mass spectrometry. We have examined the performance of the sampler using a tank of homogeneous water prepared in the laboratory and by field testing. We find that our sampling device can extract heavier noble gases (Ar, Kr, and Xe) more efficiently than the lighter ones (He and Ne). An extraction time of about 60 min at a flow rate of 3 L/min is sufficient for all noble gases extracted in the sampler to attain equilibrium with the dissolved phase. The extracted gas sample did not indicate fractionation of helium (3He/4He) isotopes or other noble gas isotopes. Field performance of the sampling device was tested using a groundwater well in Vienna and results were in excellent agreement with those obtained from the conventional copper tube sampling method.  相似文献   

2004年全球灾害地震的灾情综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李卫平  赵荣国 《中国地震》2005,21(1):123-129
根据美国地质调查局国家信息中心的互联网数据,2004年1月1日~12月31日,全球共发生M≥6地震156次。其中M≥7地震16次,M≥8的地震2次。M≥9的地震1次。M≥6的地震与最近10年(1990~2000年)期间的年平均数153次相近。比近100年来(1900~1999年)的年平均数126次高。  相似文献   

We designed and evaluated a “tube seepage meter” for point measurements of vertical seepage rates (q), collecting groundwater samples, and estimating vertical hydraulic conductivity (K) in streambeds. Laboratory testing in artificial streambeds show that seepage rates from the tube seepage meter agreed well with expected values. Results of field testing of the tube seepage meter in a sandy‐bottom stream with a mean seepage rate of about 0.5 m/day agreed well with Darcian estimates (vertical hydraulic conductivity times head gradient) when averaged over multiple measurements. The uncertainties in q and K were evaluated with a Monte Carlo method and are typically 20% and 60%, respectively, for field data, and depend on the magnitude of the hydraulic gradient and the uncertainty in head measurements. The primary advantages of the tube seepage meter are its small footprint, concurrent and colocated assessments of q and K, and that it can also be configured as a self‐purging groundwater‐sampling device.  相似文献   

Pakistan faces the challenge of developing sustainable groundwater policies with the main focus on groundwater management rather than groundwater development and with appropriate governance arrangement to ensure benefits continue into the future. This article investigates groundwater policy, farmers' perceptions, and drivers of tubewell (groundwater bore) adoption and proposes possible pathways for improved groundwater management for Balochistan, Pakistan. Historical groundwater policies were mainly aimed at increasing agricultural production and reducing poverty, without consideration of adverse impact on groundwater availability. These groundwater policies and governance arrangements have resulted in a massive decline in groundwater tables. Tubewell owners' rankings of the drivers of groundwater decline suggest that rapid and widespread installation of tubewells, together with uncontrolled extraction due to lack of property rights, electricity subsidy policies, and ineffective governance, are key causes of groundwater decline in Balochistan. An empirical “tubewell adoption” model confirmed that the electricity subsidy significantly influenced tubewell adoption decisions. The article proposes a more rational electricity subsidy policy for sustaining groundwater levels in the short‐run. However, in the long run a more comprehensive sustainable groundwater management policy, with strong institutional support and involvement of all stakeholders, is needed.  相似文献   

翟颖  郑宁宁  陈鸿钰  刘琪 《中国地震》2024,40(2):503-509
基于中国地震台网发布的2021年以来全球5.0级以上地震数据,以季度为单位进行统计分析,重点对2024年1—3月发生的造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失的典型地震事件开展数据分析、整理、归纳等工作,对地震造成的灾害及其影响进行汇总,并分析本季度地震活动及灾害损失的特点,为相关研究提供一定参考依据。  相似文献   

A Comparison of Global and Regional GRACE Models for Land Hydrology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When using GRACE as a tool for hydrology, many different gravity field model products are now available to the end user. The traditional spherical harmonics solutions produced from GRACE are typically obtained through an optimization of the gravity field data at the global scale, and are generated by a number of processing centers around the world. Alternatives to this global approach include so-called regional techniques, for which many variants exist, but whose common trait is that they only use the gravity data collected over the area of interest to generate the solution. To determine whether these regional solutions hold any advantage over the global techniques in terms of overall accuracy, a range of comparisons were made using some of the more widely used regional and global methods currently available. The regional techniques tested made use of either spherical radial basis functions or single layer densities (i.e., mascons), with the global solutions having been obtained from the various major processing centers. The solutions were evaluated using a range of computed statistics over a selection of major river basins, which were globally distributed and ranged in size from 1 to 6 million km2. For one of the basins tested, the Zambezi, additional validation tests were conducted through comparisons against a custom designed regional hydrology model of the region. We could not prove that current regional models perform better than global ones. Monthly mean water storage variations agree at the level of 0.02 m equivalent water height. The differences in terms of monthly mean water storage variations between regional and global solutions are comparable with the differences among only global or regional solutions. Typically they reach values of 0.02 m equivalent water heights, which seems to be the level of accuracy of current GRACE solutions for river basins above 1 million km2. The amplitudes of the seasonal mass variations agree at the sub-centimetre level. Evident from all of the comparisons shown is the importance that the choice of regularization, or spatial filtering, can have on the solution quality. This was found to be true for global as well as regional techniques.  相似文献   

以季度为周期通过多渠道收集地震灾害相关信息资料,对全球2020年以来发生的5.0级以上地震活动进行统计,重点对2023年4—6月发生的造成重大人员伤亡和经济财产损失的5.0级以上地震进行数据搜集、归纳整理和统计分析;对典型地震的地震灾害及其影响进行概括和阐述,总结2023年第二季度地震灾害活动主要特征,分析了全球地震活动和人员伤亡特点,强调日常抗震设防和培养应急避险意识的重要性。  相似文献   

对全球2020年以来发生的5.0级以上地震活动进行统计,以季度为周期并通过多渠道收集地震灾害相关信息资料。重点对2023年1—3月发生的造成重大人员伤亡和经济财产损失的5.0级以上地震进行数据搜集、归纳整理和统计分析,对典型地震的地震灾害及其影响进行了概括和阐述,总结了2023年第一季度地震灾害活动情况主要特征,分析了全球地震活动和人员伤亡特点,强调日常抗震设防和培养应急避险意识的重要性。  相似文献   

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