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The relationship between hydrological conditions and riparian helophyte vegetation was studied in two freshwater estuaries that differed in tidal regulation in order to assess the effects of large-scale hydrological regulation on the fringe vegetation. Vegetation and environmental variables were sampled for 206 sites in the Rhine-Meuse estuary (146 sites) and the IJsselmeer region (60 sites) in the Netherlands. These samples were classified into 10 vegetation types, all of which were dominated by tall helophytes. The most common vegetation types were dominated byPhragmites australis andTypha angustifolia, which formed both monospecific stands and mixtures. Tall Cyperaceae dominated three vegetation types (dominated individually bySchoenoplectus lacustris, Bolboschoenus maritimus, andSchoenoplectus tabernaemontani).Acorus calamus. Principal components analysis of the species composition of vegetation fringing open-water areas and associated environmental data revealed complex gradients incorporating differences in water depth, water-level fluctuation, were exposure, and sedimentation and/or erosion. The composition of the helophyte belts varied among the areas as the result of the differing times at which regulation occurred. Based on historical data, hydrological regulation of the estuaries has resulted in deterioration of intertidalSchoenoplectus andBolboschoenus stands, due to erosion and predation.P. australis stands have been invaded by terrestrial plant species or have been replaced byT. angustifolia. A scheme is presented of helophyte vegetation development under the influence of changes in the hydrological regime.  相似文献   

We characterized the abundance and species composition of sessile and mobile epifaunal assemblages in the York River, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, U.S., during the summer hypoxia seasons in 1996 and 1997. We collected communities on artificial substrates in two areas of the river that have historically experienced different exposure to hypoxia. Despite frequent hypoxic stress, epifauna formed dense communities in both areas. Dominant species comprised a range of phyla and included the polychaetesPolydora cornuta andSabellaria vulgaris, the bryozoansMembranipora tenuis andConopeum tenuissimum, the tunicateMolgula manhattensis, the barnacleBalanus improvisus, the anemoneDiadumene leucolena, and the hydroidsEctopleura dumortieri andObelia bicuspidata. Common mobile species included the nudibranchsCratena kaoruae andDoridella obscura, the amphipodsMelita nitida andParacaprella tenuis, the polychaeteNereis succinea, and the flatwormStylochus ellipticus. We found few differences in species composition between the two areas, even though one area usually experienced lower oxygen concentrations during hypoxic events, suggesting that hypoxia does not exclude any epifaunal species, in the York River. We did find differences between the two study areas in percent cover and abundance of some species. While tunicates, hydroids, and anemones were equally abundant in both areas during both study years, bryozoans and the polychaeteS. vulgaris were more abundant in the area with gereally higher oxygen, suggesting that they may be less tolerant of hypoxic stress. The polychaeteP. cornuta was more abundant in the area that usually had lower oxygen. These results suggest that many epifaunal species have high hypoxia tolerance, and most epifaunal species found in the lowr York River are able to survive in hypoxic areas. Epifaunal species are not necessarily more susceptible to hypoxia than infaunal species in the York River. Epifaunal communities in areas with brief hypoxic episodes and moderate hypoxia (0.5–2 mg O2 I−1) can persist with little change in species composition, and with few changes in abundance, as oxygen concentrations fall.  相似文献   

We determined the distribution of macroalgae in Hog Island Bay, a shallow coastal lagoon in Virginia, USA, seasonally at 12 sites from 1998 to 2000 and at 3 representative sites from 2000 to 2002. We analyzed macroalgal biomass, taxonomic richness, and abundance of two non-native species, the cryptic invaderGracilaria vermiculophylla and the conspicuousCodium fragile, with respect to season, location (mainland, mid lagoon, barrier island sites), and elevation (intertidal, subtidal). Taxonomic richness, total algal biomass, and nonnative biomass peaked in the summer months when temperature and light availability were highest. A few stress tolerant and ephemeral algae dominated the algal assemblage.G. vermiculophylla constituted 74% of the entire algal biomass, was the most abundant alga in all seasons, locations, and elevation levels, and was positively correlated with taxonomic richness and abundance of filamentous species.Ulva curvata, Bryopsis plumosa, andC. fragile accounted for an additional 16% of the algal biomass. There are distinct habitats in Hog Island Bay that can be classified into low diversity-low biomass regions near the mainland and barrier islands and high diversity-high biomass regions in the open mid lagoon, where abundant shells for attachment and intermediate levels of water column nutrients and turbidity likely create better growth conditions. Taxonomic richness and biomass were higher in subtidal than intertidal zones, presumably due to lower desiccation stress. This study provides an example of how a single invasive species can dominate an entire assemblage, both in terms of biomass (being most abundant in all seasons, locations, and tidal levels) and species richness (correlating positively with epiphytic filamentous taxa). By adding hard-substratum structural complexity to a relatively homogenous soft-substratum system,G. vermiculophylla increases substratum availability for attachment and entanglement of other algal species and enhances local diversity. Without widespread and abundantG. vermiculophylla, taxa likePolysiphonia, Ceramium, Bryopsis, Ectocarpus, andChampia would likely be much less common. This study also highlights the importance of using DNA analysis of voucher specimens in monitoring programs to accurately identify cryptic invaders.  相似文献   

Little is known about the importance of salmarshes to juvenile and adult fishes in temperate Australia. We assessed diel and feeding patterns of fish inhabiting saltmarsh in a sheltered embayment along the coast of Victoria, Australia, between October 2002 and May 2003. The saltmarsh flat was generally only inundated during low-pressure weather systems (barometric pressure <1,013 hP). Fish were sampled over the saltmarsh flats using fyke and seine nets. A total of 2,047 individuals (10 species, including juveniles and adults) were caught.Atherinasoma microstoma was most abundant (fyke [F], μ=1.6 fish h−1; seine [S], μ=28.2 fish shot−1), followed byFavonigobius, lateralis (F: 0.5; S: 0.6),Galaxias maculatus (F: 0.1),Heteroclinus adelaide (F:<0.1),Kestratherina esox (F: <0.1; S: 1.6),Leptatherina presbyteroides (F: <0.1; S: 7.1) andTetractenos glaber (F: 1). Commercial species, includingAldrichetta forsteri (F: <0.1; S: 3.2),Sillaginodes punctata (F: <0.1; S: 0.9), andRhombosolea tapirina (F: 0.4), were commonly sampled. Variability in species richness or fish abundance was not explained by water temperature, salinity, depth, or barometric pressure. Significantly more species were sampled with the seine during nocturnal periods (p=0.002); fish abundance did not vary between diel periods, nor did fish abundance and species richness in fyke net samples. Diets of the most abundant species (A. microstoma, A. forsteri, andF. lateralis) were primarily composed of gammaridean amphipods and hemipteran insects. There was no correlation between fish diets and the composition of benthic invertebrates as sampled at 3 different regions of the saltmarsh flat. The saltmarsh flats in our study region are inhabited by several species normally associated with alternative habitat types such as seagrass, and the patterns of habitat use observed appear to be partially attributed to foraging behavior.  相似文献   

We described seasonal fish-assemblages in an estuarine marsh fringing Matagorda Bay, Gulf of Mexico. Habitat zones were identified by patterns of fish species abundance and indicator species optima along gradients in salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and depth in our samples. Indicators of the lower brackish zone (lower lake and tidal bayou closest to the bay) were gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura), and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) at salinity >15‰, DO 7–10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. Indicators of the upper brackish zone (lake and fringing salt marsh) were pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) at salinity 10–20‰, DO >10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. In the freshwater wetland zone (diked wetland, ephemeral pool, and perennial scour pool), indicators were sheepshed minnow (Cyprinod on variegatus), rainwater killifish (Lucania parva), mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), and sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth ≥1 m. In the freshwater channelized zone (slough and irrigation canal), indicators were three sunfish species (Lepomis), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis), and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth >1.5 m. In brackish zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with temperature, but assemblage structure also was influenced by depth and DO. In the freshwater zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with depth, DO, and salinity, but assemblage structure was weakly associated with temperature. Species diversity and assemblage structure were strongly affected by the connectivity between freshwater wetland and brackish zones. Uncommon species in diked wetlands, such as tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) and fat sleeper (Dormitator maculatus), indicated movement of fishes from the brackish zone as the water level rose during natural flooding and scheduled (July) releases from the diked wetland. From September to July, diversity in the freshwater wetland zone decreased as receding waters left small isolated pools, and fish movement became blocked by a water-control structure. Subsequently, diversity was reduced to a few species with opportunistic life histories and tolerance to anoxic conditions that developed as flooded vegetation decayed.  相似文献   

The structure of the demersal fish assemblage in Sepetiba Bay, southeast Brazil (22°54′–23°04′S, 43°34′–44°10′W) was described and related to environmental variables. A 3-yr long trawl survey (from July 1993 to June 1996) was conducted using a stratified random sampling strategy at 158 stations. One hundred and seven species of fishes in 80 genera and 44 families were identified. Gerreidae and Ariidae made up 30.5% and 28.6%, and 19.8% and 28.1% of the total number and weight, respectively. Sciaenidae, Engraulididae, Sparidae, and Carangidae were other prominent families. Three assemblages existed in the bay: one inhabited shallow, less saline and less transparent water in the inner zone (depth <5 m, transparency <2 m, salinity <30 psu, and slightly higher temperature); another in the outer zone with the opposite situation (depth >10 m, transparency >3 m, salinity >30 psu, and slightly lower temperature); and a third assemblage in the middle zone likely to prefer average values or show no clear preferences. Most species decreased in abundance over the 3-yr period of study. No seasonal change was detected in the assemblage structure, but many species were rare, indicating high spatial and temporal patchiness. Canonical correlation analyses were used to describe and compare the fish assemblages in the three different habitats. The outer zone had the greatest number of species recorded, lowest abundance, highest diversity and evenness, and was comprised mainly byCynossion leiarchus, Prionotus punctatus, Anchoa tricolor, Haemulon steindachneri, Diplectrum radiale, Etropus crossotus, andSphoeroides greeleyi; the inner zone had the lowest number of species recorded but the greatest number of species per sample, highest abundance, lowest diversity and evenness, being comprised mainly byDiapterus rhombeus, Genidens genidens, Cathrops spixii, Chloroschombrus chrysurus, Sciadeichthyes luniscutis, Cetengraulis edentulus, andArchorsargus rhomboidalis; while the third group had the lowest number of species per sample, being comprised by species widely distributed asGerres aprion, G. genidens, Gerres gula, andMicropogonias furnieri. Depth, followed by transparency and salinity, were the primary factors influencing assemblage distribution.  相似文献   

Community structure and intertidal zonation of the macrobenthos on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative beach were studied. On the beach of De Panne, Belgium, six transects perpendicular to the waterline (each with five stations) were sampled in September 1995 (summer) and March 1996 (winter). The 30 stations were distributed across the continuum from mean high water spring to mean low water spring in order to sample the macrobenthos at different levels of elevation. The 39 species found had total densities up to 5,500 ind m−2 in summer and 1,400 ind m−2 in winter. The highest densities were found in the spionid polychaetesScolelepis squamata andSpio filicornis, the nephtyid polychaeteNephtys cirrosa, the cirolanid isopodEurydice pulchra, and the haustorid amphipodsBathyporeia spp. Based on species composition, specific densities, and biomass, two species associations were defined: a relatively species-poor, high intertidal species association, dominated byS. squamata and with an average density of 1,413 ind m−2 and biomass of 808 mg AFDW m−2 (summer); and a relatively species-rich, low intertidal species association, dominated byN. cirrosa, and with an average density of 104 ind m−2 and biomass of 162 mg AFDW m−2 in summer. For both seasons, the high intertidal species association was restricted in its intertidal distribution between the mean tidal and the mean high-water spring level, whereas the low intertidal species association was found from the mean tidal level to the subtidal. The latter showed good affinities with the subtidalN. cirrosa species association occurring just offshore of De Panne beach, confirming the existence of a relationship between the low intertidal and subtidal macrobenthic species associations. Summer-winter comparison revealed a strong decrease in densities and biomass in the high intertidal zone during winter. Habitat continuity of the low intertidal zone with the subtidal allows subtidal organisms to repopulate the low intertidal zone.  相似文献   

Ecological and paleoecological studies from the Patuxent River mouth reveal dynamic variations in benthic ostracode assemblages over the past 600 years due to climatic and anthropogenic factors. Prior to the late 20th century, centennial-scale changes in species dominance were influenced by climatic and hydrological factors that primarily affected salinity and at times led to oxygen depletion. Decadal-scale droughts also occurred resulting in higher salinities and migration of ostracode species from the deep chanel (Loxoconcha sp.,Cytheromorpha newportensis) into shallower water along the flanks of the bay. During the 19th century the abundance ofLeptocythere nikraveshae andPerissocytheridea brachyforma suggest increased turbidity and decreased salinity. Unprecedented changes in benthic ostracodes at the Patuxent mouth and in the deep channel of the bay occurred after the 1960s whenCythermorpha curta became the dominant species, reflecting seasonal anoxia. The change in benthic assemblages coicided with the appearance of deformities in foraminifers. A combination of increased nitrate loading due to greater fertilize use and increased fresh-water flow explains this shift. A review of the geochemical and paleoecological evidence for dissolved oxygen indicates that seasonal oxygen depletion in the main channel of Chesapeake Bay varies over centennial and decadal timescales. Prior to 1700 AD, a relatively wet climate and high freshwater runoff led to oxygen depletion but rarely anoxia. Between 1700 and 1700, progressive eutrophication occurred related to land clearance and increased sedimentation, but this was superimposed on the oscillatory pattern of oxygen depleton most likely driven by climatological and hydrological factors. It also seems probable that the four-to five-fold increase in sedimentation due to agricultural and timber activity could have contributed to an increased natural nutrient load, likely fueling the early periods (1700–1900) of hypoxia prior to widespread fertilizer use. Twentieth-century anoxia worsened in the late 1930s–1940s and again around 1970, reaching unprecedented levels in the past few decades. Decadal and interannual variability in oxygen depletion even in the 20th century is still strongly influenced by climatic processes influencing precipitation and freshwater runoff.  相似文献   

A geochemical and mineralogical characterization of three zones (namely oxides zones, hydrothermal alteration zone and mining wastes zone) from a mineralized zone in the upper part of the Cartagena-La Unión range was carried out by analysing rocks, soils and three plant species (Piptatherum miliaceum, Ditrichia viscosa and Hirsfeldia incana). The transference and bioavailability of some metals (especially Pb, Zn, As and Fe) from soils to plants was also checked. Results show that rocks have a large content of Fe and Pb which are transferred to surrounding soils also highly enriched in these elements (Fe ranges from 9 to 35% and Pb 1 to 2.9%). Regarding soil to plant transfer, it was shown a differential behaviour for both the three plant species and the soil zones, with a higher level of metal accumulation rates for Piptatherum miliaceum in the hydrothermal alteration zone. Values of accumulation rates obtained for Pb in Piptatherum miliaceum allow considering it a good choice for phytoremediation purposes.  相似文献   

A total of 85 samples, collected from the UBGH1-9 core taken from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Korea, were analyzed using diatom assemblages. 111 diatom species belonging to 46 genera were identified, and three diatom assemblage zones were established on the basis of occurrence and distribution pattern of diatoms. Diatom assemblage zone I(134.10–174 m) is characterized by a relatively high abundance of marine species, while the increased number of the brackish species is recorded in diatom assemblage zone II(75–125 m). The assemblage zones IIIa became drastic drop of valve abundances and brackish planktons, whereas it became increase during the IIIb. High Td values which indicate an influence of warm current are recorded both in diatom assemblage zone I and III, and low Td values in diatom assemblage zone II. Analysis of diatom assemblages indicating that the depositional condition moved from oceanic to littoral-neritic environments and that paleotemperature underwent a shift from warm to cold condition at the middle interval, and from cold to warm condition in the upper interval of the UBGH1-9 core. This suggests that the lower(130–162 m) and upper intervals(0–20 m) of the UBGH1-9 core were deposited in the warm current condition(Tsushima Warm Current).  相似文献   

Nineteen species of Diptera (16 in each zone) from seven families were found in monthly collections (June 1979 through May 1980) in two Mississippi marsh plant zones dominated byJuncus roemerianus Scheele andSpartina cynosuroides (L.) Roth, respectively. TheJuncus zone was dominated by a species ofPalpomyia-Bezzia complex, two species ofBezzia (Ceratopogonidae),Paratendipes sp.,Limnophyes sp. (Chironomidae) andThinophilus frontalis (Dolichopodidae).Palpomyia-Bezzia sp.,Culicoides hollensis, Ormosia sp. (Tipulidae) andPelastoneurus abbreviatus (Dolichopodidae) dominated theSpartina zone. Total inset density and species richness were lowest in June and July in both zones, corresponding to a pulse of adult emergence. Overall, total density was significantly higher in theSpartina zone with mean values of 165 and 245 insects m?2 for the {Juncus} and {Spartina} zones, respectively. In addition to total density, differences in abundance were apparent for a number of species between marsh zones. Patterns could be attributed to species-specific habitat preference., predation by aquatic predators, and/or by interactions of the infauna themselves.  相似文献   

A micropaleontologic assemblage zone is defined by occurrence of some characteristic species among many coeval species. When number of assemblage-defining species and total number of species observed are designated as Aand N,respectively, the ratio, A/N,is strongly dependent on duration of the assemblage. Theoretical consideration on the basis of a micropaleontologic cohort model shows that, when origination rate and extinction rate of species are obtained, the most reasonable ratio (A/N) and duration of the assemblage can be determined. The probabilistic model described in this paper provides a theoretical relation between the ratio and the duration. Inaccuracy in correlating micropaleontologic data to certain assemblage zones established can not be avoided because of many natural sorting and artificial biases. Ambiguity arising when data with a small number of characteristic species are correlated with a certain assemblage is numerically estimated.  相似文献   

The spiders of two Mississippi marsh communities were studied from January 1982 through March 1983. Monthly collections were made in two adjacent marsh plant zones dominated bySpartina cynosuroides (L.) Roth andJuncus roemerianus Scheele respectively. A total of 38 species of spiders (36 inSpartina, 33 inJuncus) representing 13 families were collected. The dominant species in theSpartina zone includedPirata mayaca Gertsch,Lycosa watsoni Gertsch (Lycosidae),Clubiona saltitans Emerton,Scotinella formica (Banks) (Clubionidae),Floricormus sp. (Linyphiidae),Dictyna sylvania Chamberlin & Ivie (Dictynidae),Paramaevia hobbsae (Barnes) (Salticidae), andAgelenopsis barrowsi Gertsch (Agelenidae). The dominant species in theJuncus zone includedLycosa watsoni, Pirata mayaca, Clubiona saltitans andSarinda hentzi (Banks) (Salticidae). Density, biomass, species richness and equitability peaked in May in theJuncus zone and in June in theSpartina zone. Peak levels of density and biomass corresponded to the reproductive activity of the common species, while diversity patterns were attributable to the reproductive activity of the less common species. Mean values of density and biomass over the study period were 84.8 spiders per m2 and 155.6 mg per m2 in theSpartina zone and 39.4 spiders per m2 and 133.0 mg per m2 inJuncus zone. The Juncus zone was flooded more frequently, contained less litter, and supported lower overall density and diversity of spiders.  相似文献   

The understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamic of river systems is essential for developing sustainable water resource management plan. For the Senegal River, this subject is very complex according to the context of (1) transboundary basin, (2) several contrasted climatic zones (Guinea, South Sudanian, North Sudanian and Sahelian) with high rainfall variability and (3) high human pressures (dam construction and water uses). From 1954 to 2000, 80% (mean value) of the Senegal River flows recorded downstream part of the basin are provided by three majors tributaries (Bafing, Bakoye and Faléme) located in the upstream part. Then, in our study, this upper Senegal River basin was chosen in order to investigate the hydrological responses to rainfall variability and dam construction. Two nonparametric statistical methods, Mann–Kendall and Hubert test, were used to detect the long-term changes in the time series of precipitation and water discharge (1954–2000) at the annual and seasonal scales. The continuous wavelet transform (Morlet Wavelet) was employed to characterize the different mode in the water discharge variability. Flow duration curve and cumulative curve methods were used to assess the impact of dams on the hydrological regime of the Senegal River. Results showed that the Senegal River flows have been changing under the influence of both rainfall variation and dam construction. The long-term evolution of water discharge depend on long-term rainfall variability: The wet periods of the 1950s and 1960s correspond to periods of higher river flows, while the droughts of the 1970s and 1980s led to unprecedented river flows deficits. The new period, since 1994, show a high inter-annual variability of rainfall and discharge without clear trend. At seasonal scale, the results showed also a strong relationship between rainfall and runoff (R 2 > 0.8) resulting from alternating wet and dry seasons and rapid hydrological responses according to annual rainfall. Nevertheless, the observed flows during dry seasons highlighted the influence of water storage and restitution of infiltrated waters in soils and surficial formations during wet seasons. In the dry seasons, the water budget of the three upstream tributaries showed a water deficit at the downstream gauging station. This deficit was characterized by water loss to underlying aquifers and highlighted the influence of geological setting on water balance. However, in this context, water restitution during the dry season remained dependent on climatic zone and on the total annual rainfall volume during the previous wet season. The results have highlighted an impact of the Manantali dam previously obscured: The dam has no effect on the regulation of high river flows. That is what explains that since its construction in 1988, flooding of coastal cities, like Saint-louis, by seasonal river floods has not ceased. The flooding risk in coastal cities is not avoided, and the dams caused hyper-salinization of the Senegal lower estuary. The breach created in the coastal barrier of the Langue of Barbary in October 2003 promotes direct export of excess floodwater to the sea and reduces this risk of flooding in the delta area. But, this solution led to considerable loss of potential water resources, and the authors recommend a new water management plan with a global focus. However, this study shows the positives impacts of the two dams. They allow the availability of freshwater in order to support agricultural irrigation in the valley and delta zone, in particular during low flows periods.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration, biovolume, cell diameter, and species composition differed across the narrow, low salinity zone between 0.6‰ to 4‰ and may influence copepod food availability in the northern San Francisco Bay Estuary. The highest chlorophyll a concentrations (range 3.2–12.3 μg 1?1), widest cell diameters (>5 μm diam), highest diatom densities and highest production rates of >10 μm diam cells occurred at the landward edge of the salinity zone in April during a strong spring tide and May during a strong neap tide. Near optimum predator/prey ratios, large prey estimated spherical diameters, and high chlorophyll a concentrations suggest these phytoplankton communities provided good food quantity and quality for the most abundant copepods, Eurytemora affinis, Sinocalanus doerrii, and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi. At the center of the zone, chlorophyll a concentrations, diatom densities, and production rates of >10 μm diam cells were lower and cell diameters were smaller than upstream. Downstream transport was accompanied by accumulation of phytoplankton with depth and tide; maximum biomass occurred on spring tide. The lowest chlorophyll a concentrations (1.4–3.6 μg 1?) and consistently high densities (3,000–4,000 cells ml?1) of <5 μm diam cells occurred at the seaward edge of the zone, where the green alga Nannochloris spp. and the bluegreen alga Synechococcus spp. were the most abundant phytoplankton. Low chlorophyll a concentrations and production rates of >10 μm diam cells, small prey estimated spherical diameters, and high predator/prey ratios suggested the seaward edge of the zone had poor phytoplankton food for copepodids and adult copepods. The seaward decrease in phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration and cell diameter and shift in species composition in the low salinity zone were probably a function of an estuary-wide decrease in chlorophyll a concentration, cell diameter, and diatom density since the early 1980s that was enhanced in the low salinity zone by clam herbivory after 1987. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY090 00008  相似文献   

The use of the Tejo estuary, Portugal, salt marsh creeks by nekton was examined based on sampling surveys with a fyke net from September 1998 until August 2001. From the 20 taxa (14 fish species, 5 decapod crustacean species, and 1 cephalopod species) identified in the studied creeks, 16 were regularly caught throughout the sampling period. The shrimpPalaemonetes varians was the most numerically abundant species in the creeks, while the biomass was dominated by the mulletLiza ramada. The nekton assemblage was mainly represented by marine-estuarine opportunist species, comprising 85% of the total. A high seasonality was detected on the species abundance patterns: the most abundant species (P. varians, Crangon crangon, L. ramada, Pomatoschistus microps, Syngnathus sp., andAnguilla anguilla) occurred throughout the sampling period,Sardina pilchardus, Dicentrarchus, labrax, andAtherina boyeri were particularly abundant in spring and summer, andEngraulis encrasicholus, Liza aurata, Gambusia holbrooki, Palaemon longirostris, andPalaemon serratus were most abundant in autumn and winter.L. ramada occurred in the tidal creeks in high numbers during neap tides, while the majority of the remaining taxa were most abundant during spring tides, suggesting a differential pattern of habitat use occording to species.  相似文献   

Sediments of Balsam Meadow have produced a 11,000-yr pollen record from the southern Sierra Nevada of California. The Balsam Meadow diagram is divided into three zones. (1) The Artemisia zone (11,000–7000 yr B.P.) is characterized by percentages of sagebrush (Artemisia) and other nonarboreal pollen higher than can be found in the modern local vegetation. Vegetation during this interval was probably similar to the modern vegetation on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada and the climate was drier than that of today. (2) Pinus pollen exceeded 80% from 7000 to 3000 yr B.P. in the Pinus zone. The climate was moister than during the Artemisia zone. (3) Fir (Abies, Cupressaceae, and oak (Quercus) percentages increased after 3000 yr B.P. in the Abies zone as the modern vegetation at the site developed and the present cool-moist climatic regime was established. Decreased fire frequency after 1200 yr B.P. is reflected in decreased abundance of macroscopic charcoal and increased concentration of Abies magnifica and Pinus murrayana needles.  相似文献   

In Florida, issues related to alterations of estuarine salinity caused by freshwater withdrawal have recently gained increasing attention. We examined nekton community structure in the Suwannee River estuary (1997–2000) and investigated the relationship between environmental factors and the abundance of fisheries resources. We compared nekton community structure and environmental factors seasonally and annually using multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination and cluster analysis and observed a strong seasonal pattern. This pattern was consistent among years and closely paralleled those for temperature and river discharge. Representative species for cold seasons includedLeiostomus xanthurus andLagodon rhomboides, and those for warm seasons includedMembras martinica andAnchoa hepsetus. Species that contributed most to the dissimilarity in community structures between wet and dry seasons were abundant and generally preferred lower salinity (e.g.,L. xanthurus, Eucinostomus spp., andMenidia spp.). A period of low freshwater inflow during the latter portion of our study coincided with both decreases and increases in the abundances of some dominant and some economically important species. We have established a baseline which will assist in measuring the effects of long-term changes in freshwater input on the nekton communities of the Suwannee River estuary, but our ability to predict these effects is still limited.  相似文献   

Aquatic primary productivity, mangrove ecology, and fish community dynamics were investigated in the Teacapán-Agua Brava lagoon-estuarine system, the most extensive mangrove ecosystem on the Pacific coast of Mexico with three species of mangroves distributed heterogeneously (Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, andAvicennia germinans). Tree density was 3,203 trees ha?1 and basal area was 14.0 m2 ha?1. Litterfall was 1,417 g m?2 yr?1, characteristic of a productive riverine forest. The degradation constant forLaguncularia racemosa leaves varied from 1.71 to 4.7 yr?1 and mean annual net aquatic productivity was 0.41 g C m?3 d?1. There were high concentrations of humic substances (up to 150 mg l?1) early in the wet season. Seasonal variations of the above parameters seemed closely related to the ecology of fish populations. There were 75 fish species distributed in two principal assemblages associated with wet and dry seasons. Diversity and biomass analysis indicated 18 dominant species. Total biomass of the community in this coastal system was estimated at 10 g wet wt m?2. The highest biomass occurred in the wet season. The most common fish species wereMugil curema, Achirus mazatlanus, Galeichthys caerulescens, Arius liropus, Diapterus peruvianus, Lile stolifera, Centropomus robalito, andEucinostomus sp., all of which have fishery importance. Primary productivity and fish community ecology are controlled by habitat characteristics, river discharge, and climatic seasonality.  相似文献   

中国中东部白垩纪沙漠的时空分布及其气候意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了中国中东部白垩纪沙漠沉积的时空分布,探讨了时空分布规律,认为:(1)中东部白垩纪沙漠分布严格受气候带控制,其实际分布限于北纬20—40°的干旱带(横跨当时的副热高压带),主要分布于鄂尔多斯盆地、四川盆地、江汉盆地和苏北盆地之中;(2)各盆地沙漠发生的时间不同,鄂尔多斯盆地为早白垩世,四川盆地为中白垩世晚期,江汉盆地为晚白垩世早期,苏北盆地为晚白垩世中期,(3)沙漠发生的穿时性反映了各盆地进入干旱带的顺序,由北到南,由西及东;(4)造成这种顺序的原因是由于亚洲在白垩纪时其总体为顺时针旋转,因而使西北部鄂尔多斯盆地率先进入干旱带,其次是西南部的四川盆地,然后是中部的江汉盆地。晚白垩世的降温事件迫使干旱带南移而使其滞后的最东部的苏北盆地进入干旱带,(5)中国白垩纪沙漠的存在说明处于“温室效应”的大气环流不仅不会“呆滞”而且还有所增强,季风的存在也说明当时的气候并不均一。本文提出了气候带漂变(climaticzonedrift)的概念,认为气候变化的表现形式为气候带漂变。漂变既有长周期和短周期漂变之分,又有相对和绝对漂变之别。中国中东部白垩纪沙漠的时空变迁就是干旱气候带漂变的结果。  相似文献   

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