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The investigation of hydrous boro(alumino)silicate melts and glasses with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy revealed an important effect of boron on the water speciation. In the NIR spectra of B-bearing glasses new hydroxyl-related bands develop at the high frequency side of the 4500 cm−1 peak. In NaAlSi3O8 + B2O3 glasses this new peak is present as a shoulder at 4650 cm−1, and in NaAlSi3O8-NaBSi3O8 (Ab-Rd) glasses it appears as a resolved peak at 4710 cm−1. These bands increase with increasing boron concentration, suggesting that they are due to B-OH complexes. Furthermore, the variations in the NIR spectra indicate that with increasing B-content, but constant total water concentration, the amount of structurally bonded hydroxyl groups increases at the expense of molecular H2O. For example, at a total water concentration of 4 wt.%, pure Rd-glass contains ∼50% more water as hydroxyl groups than pure Ab-glass.In-situ NIR spectroscopy at high P and T using a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell was used to gain information about the temperature dependence of the water speciation in NaBSi3O8 melts. The data demonstrate the conversion of molecular H2O to hydroxyl groups with increasing temperature. However, a fully quantitative evaluation of the high T spectra was hampered by problems with defining the correct baseline in the spectra. As an alternative approach annealing experiments on a Rd-glass containing 2.8 wt.% water were performed. The results confirm the conversion of H2O to OH groups with increasing T, but also suggest that the OH groups represented by the 4710 cm−1 peak (B-OH) participate much less in the conversion reaction compared to X-OH, represented by the 4500 cm−1 peak.  相似文献   

The speciation of water in silicate melts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous models of water solubility in silicate melts generally assume essentially complete reaction of water molecules to hydroxyl groups. In this paper a new model is proposed that is based on the hypothesis that the observed concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in hydrous silicate glasses reflect those of the melts from which they were quenched. The new model relates the proportions of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in melts via the following reaction describing the homogeneous equilibrium between melt species: H2Omolecular (melt) + oxygen (melt) = 2OH (melt). An equilibrium constant has been formulated for this reaction and species are assumed to mix ideally. Given an equilibrium constant for this reaction of 0.1–0.3, the proposed model can account for variations in the concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in melts as functions of the total dissolved water content that are similar to those observed in glasses. The solubility of molecular water in melt is described by the following reaction: H2O (vapor) = H2Omolecular (melt).These reactions describing the homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria of hydrous silicate melts can account for the following observations: the linearity between fH2O and the square of the mole fraction of dissolved water at low total water contents and deviations from linearity at high total water contents; the difference between the partial molar volume of water in melts at low total water contents and at high total water contents; the similarity between water contents of vapor-saturated melts of significantly different compositions at high pressures versus the dependence on melt composition of water solubility in silicate melts at low pressures; and the variations of viscosity, electrical conductivity, the diffusivity of “water,” the diffusivity of cesium, and phase relationships with the total dissolved water contents of melts.This model is thus consistent with available observations on hydrous melt systems and available data on the species concentrations of hydrous glasses and is easily tested, since measurements of the concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in silicate glasses quenched from melts equilibrated over a range of conditions and total dissolved water contents are readily obtainable.  相似文献   

A new approach was developed to measure the water content of silicate glasses using Raman spectroscopy, which is independent of the glass matrix composition and structure. Contrary to previous studies, the compositional range of our studied silicate glasses was not restricted to rhyolites, but included andesitic, basaltic and phonolitic glasses. We used 21 glasses with known water contents for calibration. To reduce the uncertainties caused by the baseline removal and correct for the influence of the glass composition on the spectra, we developed the following strategy: (1) application of a frequency-dependent intensity correction of the Raman spectra; (2) normalization of the water peak using the broad T–O and T–O–T vibration band at 850–1250 cm−1 wavenumbers (instead of the low wavenumber T–O–T broad band, which appeared to be highly sensitive to the FeO content and the degree of polymerization of the melt); (3) normalization of the integrated Si-O band area by the total number of tetrahedral cations and the position of the band maximum. The calibration line shows a ±0.4 wt% uncertainty at one relative standard deviation in the range of 0.8–9.5 wt% water and a wide range of natural melt compositions. This method provides a simple, quick, broadly available and cost-effective way for a quantitative determination of the water content of silicate glasses. Application to silicate melt inclusions yielded data in good agreement with SIMS data.  相似文献   

Mössbauer and optical absorption measurements on a number of silicate glasses show that most of the ferrous ions in these glasses are distributed over two types of octahedral sites. Less than 0.5% of all ferrous ions occupy tetrahedral sites. It is shown that the Bernal liquid model of random close packing does not apply to silicate glasses. Attention is drawn to the fact that measurements on silicate glasses cannot provide reliable information about coordination numbers in silicate liquids.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy has been used to study the speciation of CO2 in glasses near the NaAlO2-SiO2 join quenched from melts held at high temperatures and pressures. Absorption bands resulting from the antisymmetric stretches of both molecular CO2 (2,352 cm–1) and CO 3 2– (1,610 cm–1 and 1,375 cm–1) are observed in these glasses. The latter are attributed to distorted Na-carbonate ionic-complexes. Molar absorptivities of 945 liters/mole-cm for the molecular CO2 band, 200 liters/mole-cm for the 1,610 cm–1 band, and 235 liters/mole-cm for the 1,375 cm–1 band have been determined. These molar absorptivities allow the quantitative determination of species concentrations in the glasses with a precision on the order of several percent of the amount present. The accuracy of the method is estimated to be ±15–20% at present.The ratio of molecular CO2 to CO 3 2– in sodium aluminosilicate glasses varies little for each silicate composition over the range of total dissolved CO2 content (0–2%), pressure (15–33 kbar) and temperature (1,400–1,560° C) that we have studied. This ratio is, however, a strong function of silicate composition, increasing both with decreasing Na2O content along the NaAlO2-SiO2 join and with decreasing Na2O content in peraluminous compositions off the join.Infrared spectroscopic measurements of species concentrations in glasses provide insights into the molecular level processes accompanying CO2 solution in melts and can be used to test and constrain thermodynamic models of CO2-bearing melts. CO2 speciation in silicate melts can be modelled by equilibria between molecular CO2, CO 3 2– , and oxygen species in the melts. Consideration of the thermodynamics of such equilibria can account for the observed linear relationship between molecular CO2 and carbonate concentrations in glasses, the proposed linear relationship between total dissolved CO2 content and the activity of CO2 in melts, and observed variations in CO2 solubility in melts.  相似文献   

57Fe Mössbauer spectra of natural glasses (pumices and obsidians) and of synthetic glasses of granitic composition have been analyzed. — Ferric iron is found in tetrahedral coordination if enough M+-cations are available to balance the charge of both M+Fe3+O2 and M+AlO2 complexes. In other compositions the ratio of tetrahedrally to octahedrally coordinated Fe3+ depends on the ratio of mono-to divalent cations. — Ferrous iron occurs in two distinctly different octahedral sites. The existence of these sites can be attributed to different anionic units adjacent to Fe2+. The degree of polymerization of these units is reflected in the quadrupole splitting. The anionic units adjacent to Fe2+ are depolymerized for increasing mean Z/r 2 of the network modifiers, which do not stabilize M3+ in the tetrahedra by local charge balance. — Increasing pressure diminishes the geometric differences between these types of ferrous iron-oxygen-octahedra, which gives rise to a more even distribution of Fe2+ among these sites and thereby to an ordering in the network of melts.  相似文献   

Cr K-edge XANES spectra were obtained for a variety of Cr-bearing model compounds containing Cr(II), Cr(III), Cr(IV), Cr(V) and Cr(VI), in which the Cr-site symmetry is D4h, Oh and Td. The centroid position of the pre-edge feature is a better indicator of the Cr valence than the edge position. In Cr-rich oxides, higher-energy transitions must be excluded in order to refine a robust valence for Cr. The pre-edge for chromates is not unique and varies as a function of the CrO4 2? moiety distortion, which is often related to Cr-polymerization (monochromate vs. dichromate). Both the analogy with the Mn K-pre-edge information and ab initio FEFF calculations of the pre-edge feature for Cr(III) and Cr(VI) confirm the experimental trends. This methodology is applied to the Cr K-edge pre-edge feature collected in gems (emerald, spinel and ruby), the layered minerals fuchsite and kämmererite, two Cr-bearing aqueous solutions and a set of sodo-calcic silicate glasses used for bottling sparkling white wine. In emerald and fuchsite, the Cr-site is differently distorted than its ruby or spinel counterpart. In a Cr(III)-bearing aqueous solution and sodo-calcic glass, no evidence for Cr(III) with Td and C3v symmetry is detected. However, minor amounts of chromate moieties (most likely monomeric) are detected in a glass synthesized in air. Preliminary spectra for the wine bottle glass suggest that only trace amounts of chromates might possibly be present in these glasses.  相似文献   

Information about the state of sulfur in silicate melts and glasses is important in both earth sciences and materials sciences. Because of its variety of valence states from S2− (sulfide) to S6+ (sulfate), the speciation of sulfur dissolved in silicate melts and glasses is expected to be highly dependent on the oxygen fugacity. To place new constraint on this issue, we have synthesized sulfur-bearing sodium silicate glasses (quenched melts) from starting materials containing sulfur of different valence states (Na2SO4, Na2SO3, Na2S2O3 and native S) using an internally heated gas pressure vessel, and have applied electron-induced SKα X-ray fluorescence, micro-Raman and NMR spectroscopic techniques to probe their structure. The wavelength shift of SKα X-rays revealed that the differences in the valence state of sulfur in the starting compounds are largely retained in the synthesized sulfur-bearing glasses, with a small reduction for more oxidized samples. The 29Si MAS NMR spectra of all the glasses contain no peaks attributable to the SiO4-nSn (with n > 0) linkages. The Raman spectra are consistent with the coexistence of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) species and one or more types of more reduced sulfur species containing S-S linkages in all the sulfur-bearing silicate glasses, with the former dominant in glasses produced from Na2SO4-doped starting materials, and the latter more abundant in more reduced glasses. The 29Si MAS NMR and Raman spectra also revealed changes in the silicate network structure of the sulfur-bearing glasses, which can be interpreted in terms of changes in the chemical composition and sulfur speciation.  相似文献   

A review of published and newly measured densities for 40 hydrous silicate glasses indicates that the room-temperature partial molar volume of water is 12.0 ± 0.5 cm3/mol. This value holds for simple or mineral compositions as well as for complex natural glasses, from rhyolite to tephrite compositions, prepared up to 10–20 kbar pressures and containing up to 7 wt% H2O. This volume does not vary either with the molar volume of the water-free silicate phase, with its degree of polymerization or with water speciation. Over a wide range of compositions, this constant value implies that the volume change for the reaction between hydroxyl ions and molecular water is zero and that, at least in glasses, speciation does not depend on pressure. Consistent with data from Ochs and Lange (1997, 1999), systematics in volume expansion for SiO2–M2O systems (M=H, Li, Na, K) suggests that the partial molar thermal expansion coefficient of H2O is about 4 × 10−5 K−1 in silicate glasses. Received: 30 June 1999 / Accepted: 5 November 1999  相似文献   

An accurate assessment of the bulk chemical composition of Mars is fundamental to understanding planetary accretion, differentiation, mantle evolution, the nature of the igneous parent rocks that were altered to produce sediments on Mars, and the initial concentrations of volatiles such as H, Cl and S, important constituents of the Martian surface. This paper reviews the three main approaches that have been used to estimate the bulk chemical composition of Mars: geochemical/cosmochemical, isotopic, and geophysical. The standard model is one developed by Wänke and Dreibus in a series of papers, which is based on compositions of Martian meteorites. Since their groundbreaking work, substantial amounts of data have become available to allow a reassessment of the composition of Mars from elemental data, including tests of the basic assumptions in the geochemical models. The results adjust some of the concentrations in the Wänke–Dreibus model, but in general confirm its accuracy. Bulk silicate Mars has roughly uniform depletion of moderately volatile elements such as K (0.6 × CI), and strong depletion of highly volatile elements (e.g., Tl). The highly volatile elements are within uncertainties uniformly depleted at about 0.06 CI abundances. The highly volatile chalcophile elements are likewise roughly uniformly depleted, but with more scatter, with normalized abundances of 0.03 CI. Bulk planetary H2O is much higher than estimated previously: it appears to be slightly less than in Earth, but D/H is similar in Earth and Mars, indicating a common source of water-bearing material in the inner solar system. K/Th ranges from ∼3000 to ∼5000 among the terrestrial planets, a small range compared to CI chondrites (19,000). FeO varies throughout the inner solar system: ∼3 wt% in Mercury, 8 wt% in Earth and Venus, and 18 wt% in Mars. These differences can be produced by varying oxidation conditions, hence do not suggest the terrestrial planets were formed from fundamentally different materials. The broad chemical similarities among the terrestrial planets indicate substantial mixing throughout the inner solar system during planet formation, as suggested by dynamical models.  相似文献   

The possibility of a hidden geochemical reservoir in the deep mantle has long been debated in geophysics and geochemistry, because of its bearings on the structure of the core-mantle boundary region, the origin of hotspots, the style of mantle convection, the history of the geomagnetic field, and the thermal evolution of Earth. The presence of such hidden reservoir, however, may invalidate existing models for the composition of the bulk silicate Earth because these models invariably assume that major chemical differentiation in the mantle follows the compositional trend exhibited by upper-mantle rocks. This article presents a new method to estimate the composition of the bulk silicate Earth by explicitly taking into account the possibility of a hidden reservoir. This geochemical inference is formulated as a nonlinear inverse problem, for which an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is developed. Inversion results indicate that the formation of a hidden reservoir, if any, took place at low pressures probably within the first 10 Myr of the history of the solar system and was subsequently lost from the Earth by impact erosion. The global mass balance of the bulk silicate Earth is revisited with the inversion results, and the depletion of highly incompatible elements in the present-day Earth is suggested to be moderate.  相似文献   

Concomitant changes of refractive index (n) with density (ϱ) of isochemical series comprizing several densified silicate glasses were analyzed. The data include glasses of the systems SiO2, TiO2-SiO2, Na2O-SiO2, and NaAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8. Extending the ideal point dipole theory, an electronic overlap parameter (b) accounting for the non-ideal behaviour of solids was refined using the general refractivity formula , where α is the molar polarizability. Statistical analyses assuming α=constant within each isochemical series showed no systematic variation of b with chemical composition. A constrained refinement of b using all data converged at b=1.3. Applying this common overlap parameter and appropriate polarizability constants, recalculated refractive index values fit excellently the experimental results within the entire n−ϱ range. Furthermore, the additivity of polarizabilities, often assumed for oxide components, is derived for TiO2-SiO2 glasses and for glasses of plagioclase composition.  相似文献   

This paper reports data on the chemical composition of surface waters (predominant ions and trace elements: approximately 40 parameters and elements) in the influence zone of the Severonikel Cu-Ni smelter in the town of Monchegorsk, Murmansk oblast. The long-continued discharge of waste waters has increased the mineralization and changed the proportions of ions in surface waters in the area: water in the sewage pond of the smelter is classed with brackish waters of the S 4 2? class, Na+ group. The sequence of major ions in water bodies under aerotechnogenic load retains the natural succession of major cations, but their concentrations slightly increase. The maximum concentration of ions in the surface waters of the Monchegorsk testing area were detected in wintertime, and the minimum contents occur during the high water period. Water bodies under aerotechnogenic load are characterized by average mineralization values much higher than is natural. The highest concentrations of Ni and Cu (two to three orders of magnitude higher than the assumed background values) and practically all trace elements were found in water bodies receiving waste waters from the smelter. The concentrations of Ni and other heavy metals in the Moncha River are much lower than in other water bodies but more than one order of magnitude higher than the assumed background concentrations.  相似文献   

Ti K-edge XANES spectra have been collected on a series of Ti-bearing silicate glasses with metasilicate and tetrasilicate compositions. The intensity of the preedge feature in these spectra has been found to change with glass composition and varies from 29 to 58% (normalized intensity) suggesting a variation in structural environent around the absorbing atom. The pre-edge peak intensity increases for the alkali titanium tetrasilicate glasses from 35% to 58% in the order Li < Na < K < Rb, Cs whereas for the metasilicate compositions there is a maximum for the K-bearing glass. The pre-edge peak intensity remains constant for the alkaline earth titanium metasilicate glasses, Ca and Sr (34%) but increases slightly for Ba (41%). As the intensity of this feature is inversely correlated with coordination number, a comparison of the pre-edge intensity data for the investigated glasses with those of materials of known coordination number leads us to establish a regression equation and to infer that the average coordination number of Ti in these glasses ranges from 4.8 to 5.8. Large alkali cations appear to stabilize a relatively low average coordination number for Ti in silicate melts. The Ti structural environment results appear also to vary as a function of SiO2 content within the K2O-TiO2-SiO2 system. A number of physical properties of the melts from which these glasses were quenched and of other Ti-bearing silicate melts, have been determined in recent years. Clear evidence of a variable coordination number of Ti, consistent with the interpretation of the present XANES data is available from density measurements. These and other property determinations are compared with the present spectroscopic observations in an attempt to relate structure and properties in these melts which contain a major component with variable coordination number.  相似文献   

The vibrational interactions of oxide tetrahedra and the correlation off vibrational bands with structural entities in variously polymerized idealized silicate structural units have been investigated with normal-coordinate calculations. Raman and infrared intensities as well as frequencies were calculated, yielding good qualitative agreement with observed glass and crystal spectra. Structures considered include those in the binary metal-oxide-silica systems, and analogous structures with Al or Ge replacing every other Si. The fitted force constants for stretching of bonds from Si to bridging oxygens (Obr) and non-bridging oxygens (Onb) show close correlation with bond lengths in crystals. In all-silicate units the high-frequency Raman modes due to symmetric T-Onb stretching show essentially no coupling between unlike types of tetrahedra (O-types), classified on the basis of numbers of Obr versus Onb. Calculated spectra of units with more than one O-type (e.g. double chain) have multiple high-frequency Raman modes. Interconnection of different O-types in glasses is very probable on the basis of unsplit low/mid-frequency Si-Obr stretching bands in the measured spectra of all-Si glasses. In Si-Al and Si-Ge structures oscillation of bridging oxygens may play an important role in the high-frequency Raman. There may be more high-frequency modes than there are different types of tetrahedra, and behavior in such modes is complex, not readily described by “one-mode/two-mode” terminology. High frequency antisymmetric (both infrared- and Raman-active) and low- to mid-frequency symmetric (Raman active) T-O stretching modes may sometimes be identified with individual T-O-T groups, although this depends on the degree of polymerization.  相似文献   

Normal coordinate calculations have been carried out on partially polymerized simple silicate crystals, including Li and Na di- and metasilicates, Li and Gd pyrosilicates, thortveitite and rankinite. In the antisymmetric Si-O stretching modes which are active at 800–1200 cm?1 in infrared spectra, Si-Obr vibrations occur at higher frequencies than Si-Onb vibrations if the bonds have equivalent strengths. However, this relationship is usually reversed when bridging oxygens are overbonded and non-bridging oxygens are underbonded in terms of Pauling bond strengths, a situation which is generally more common in crystals. An observed bimodality of the high-frequency envelope in infrared spectra of glasses in the alkali oxide-silica systems may be somewhat fortuitous, with the high frequency component (ca. 1100 cm?1) representing underbonded non-bridging oxygens and saturated bridging oxygens, and the lower-frequency component (ca. 1000 cm?1) mainly oversaturated bridging oxygens. Significant differences between crystals and glasses in the number and location of the main high-frequency infrared peaks suggest that there are short-range bonding rearrangements in the glasses, and that crystallite models are not applicable. Mid-frequency (600–800 cm?1) infrared modes in silicates more polymerized than the pyrosilicate (Si2O7) appear to be mostly antisymmetric modes in which Si rattles against bridging oxygens, rather than symmetric stretching modes.  相似文献   

Normal coordinate calculations, producing synthetic infrared and Raman spectra, were carried out on melilites, pyroxenes, silica polymorphs and feldspars. Atomic motions are complex in the high-frequency Raman modes of melilites and aluminous pyroxenes. The symmetric T-Onb stretching vibrations of Si and Al tetrahedra with different numbers of bridging oxygens are separate from each other, but may combine individually with oscillation of bridging oxygens between Si and Al tetrahedra. The latter type of vibration tends to dominate as Al/Si increases. The frequencies of these vibrational components and the degree of such intermixing depend on T-O force constants, which vary greatly depending on local bonding configurations; individual bands in the high-frequency Raman cannot in general be assigned to single structural entities or fixed combinations thereof. Calculations confirm that in some Al-Si glasses such as jadeite and spodumene, i.e. those in which all Al can be tetrahedral without non-bridging oxygens, Al-O-Al linkages or linkage of more than two tetrahedra by a single oxygen, aluminum is predominantly in tetrahedral coordination. Other Al-Si glasses which are richer in aluminum or which have non-bridging oxygens may contain Al tetrahedral triclusters, non-tetrahedral Al, or both. On the basis of distinctive 450–750 cm?1 infrared bands, both silica and feldspar glasses resemble tridymite and related stuffed derivatives, not other crystalline silica polymorphs or feldspars. Either these glasses have a structure like that of tridymite on a local scale, or the disorder of the glasses causes drastic modification to the vibrations in question.  相似文献   

Water in silicate glasses: An infrared spectroscopic study   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
Infrared and near-infrared transmission spectra have been taken on 19 volcanic and synthetic silicate glasses with known H2O contents (0.06–6.9 wt. %). Absorption peaks were observed at wavelengths of 1.41 m, 1.91 m, 2.22 m, 2.53 m, and 2.8 m. These peaks have been attributed to the first overtone of the OH stretching vibration, the combination stretching+bending mode of H2O molecules, the combination stretching+bending mode of X-OH groups, a combination mode of the fundamental OH stretch+a low energy lattice vibration, and the fundamental OH stretching mode, respectively. Molar absorptivities of the peaks have been determined to be 0.2, 1.8, 1.0, 0.9, and 67 l/mol-cm. These values apply over the full range of glass compositions studied (albite, rhyolite, basalt).Quantitative determinations of total H2O contents and of the concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in silicate glasses are possible using these molar absorptivities, although they are limited in their accuracy by the accuracy of the reported water contents of the glasses used to calibrate these molar absorptivities. The most important uses of this technique may stem from its applicability to microsamples (100 m) and to the determination of the concentrations of hydroxyl groups and molecular water in quenched silicate melts.Hydroxyl groups are the dominant hydrogen-bearing species in water-bearing glasses at low total water contents, but molecular H2O was detected in all samples with 0.5 weight percent total water. The concentration of hydroxyl groups increases rapidly with total water content at low total water contents, but more slowly at higher (>3 wt. %) total water contents; it may level off or even decrease at high total water contents. The concentration of molecular water increases slowly at low total water contents and more rapidly at high total water contents. More water is dissolved as molecular water than as hydroxyl groups at total water contents greater than 4 wt. %. Molecular water in these glasses is probably structurally bound rather than present as fluid inclusions as a separate phase, since ice bands were not observed in spectra taken at 78K and since samples were free of visible bubbles.It is proposed that the speciation of water in silicate glass formed by rapid quenching from melt equilibrated at high temperatures reflects that of the melt. According to this hypothesis, neither high water contents nor high pressures are needed to stabilize substantial quantities of molecular water in melts. This hypothesis, that water dissolves in silicate melts as both molecular water and hydroxyl groups in proportions similar to those measured in waterbearing glasses, can explain the variations in viscosity, electrical conductivity, diffusivity of water, diffusivity of cesium, and phase relationships that are observed in melts as functions of total water content. It also explains the observation that at vapor-saturation at high pressures, where most of the dissolved water is expected to be present as molecular water, water solubilities are similar for all melts but that at low pressures and water contents, where most dissolved water is present in dissociated form as hydroxyl groups, vapor-saturated water solubilities differ for different melt compositions. The linear relationship between water fugacity and the square of the mole fraction of total dissolved water observed for silicate melts at low water contents and the observed deviations from this linear relationship at high total water contents can be accounted for by this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Products of controlled smelting of basalt, andesite, granite, with and without additions of dolomite and/or catalysts, show tendencies toward liquation stratification, structural reorganization, microheterogeneities, microtextures, etc., under certain conditions, and in general, behavior which may resemble petrologically the natural liquation, crystallization, and mineralogenesis. -- V .P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

A kinetic model for the rate of iron-hydrogen redox exchange in silicate glasses and melts has been derived from time-series experiments performed on natural rhyolitic obsidians. Cylinders of the starting glasses were exposed to reducing mixtures composed of H2-Ar-CO2-CO in 1-atm furnaces and H2-Ar in a cold seal pressure vessel. Overall, runs covered the temperature range 300 to 1000°C. The progression of a front of ferric iron reduction within the quenched melt was observed optically through a change of color. For all run conditions, the advancement of the front (ξ) was proportional to the square root of time, revealing the reaction as a diffusion-limited process. Iso-fO2 runs performed in CO2-CO, H2-Ar, and H2-CO2 gases have shown that fH2 rather than fO2 is the dominant parameter controlling the reaction rate. The fH2 dependence of the rate constant was characterized in the range 0.02 to 70 bar. The growth of the reduced layer, which is accompanied by an increase in reaction-derived OH-group content, was fitted considering that the reaction rate is controlled by the migration of a free mobile species (H2) immobilized in the form of OH subsequent to reaction with ferric iron. The reaction rate is thus a function of both solubility and diffusivity of H2 weighted by the concentration of its sink (ferric iron). We extracted a single law for both solubility and diffusivity of H2 in amorphous silicates that applies over a range of temperatures below and above the glass transition temperature. Melt/glass structure (degree of polymerization) does not seem to significantly affect both solubility and diffusivity of H2. We therefore provide a model that allows the prediction of oxidation-reduction rates in the presence of hydrogen for a wide range of compositions of amorphous glasses and melts. Comparisons with previous work elucidating rate of redox exchange in dry systems allow us to anticipate the fH2-T domains where different redox mechanisms may apply. We conclude that equilibration of redox potential in nature should be dominated by H2 transfer at a rate controlled by both H2 solubility and diffusion. Numerical applications of the model illustrate redox exchanges in natural magmas and in glasses exposed to weathering under near surface conditions. We show that crustal events such as magmas mixing should not modify the iron redox state of magmas. In the case of nuclear-waste-bearing glasses, the fH2 conditions in the host terrain are clearly a parameter that must be taken into account to predict glass durability.  相似文献   

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