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A compression model for sand–silt mixtures is needed in geotechnical engineering, for example in the analysis and prediction of deformation of levees and embankments due to internal erosion. In this paper, we introduce a novel concept of dividing the voids of a granular material into two hypothetical fractions: active and inactive voids. The active voids are kinematically available to the compression process. The inactive voids are kinematically unavailable to the compression process. The volume of active voids is dependent on the initial density and effective stress level. The volume of inactive voids is dependent on the amount of fines in the mixture. The current paper considers 1-D and isotropic compression behavior of sand–silt mixtures at stress levels lower than 2 MPa, so no substantial particle breakage is expected to occur. To successfully predict the void ratio for a sand–silt mixture during compression loading, we need (1) a mathematical expression for the evolution of the active void ratio during compression and (2) a relationship between the inactive void ratio and fines content of the mixture. For sand–silt mixtures with any amount of fines, the proposed model requires five material parameters, which are determined from two compression tests, and four minimum void ratio tests on sand–silt mixtures with different fines content. The performance of the proposed model is verified for six different types of sand–silt mixture with various fines contents, by comparing the predicted void ratios with the measured data from the experiments. The comparisons show a good agreement between the predictions and the measured data and prove the suitability of the proposed model for the prediction of compressibility of sand–silt mixtures with any amount of fines.  相似文献   

The inherited localization model for shear zone development suggests that ductile deformation in the middle and lower continental crust is localized on mechanical anisotropies, like fractures, referred to as shear zone brittle precursors. In the Neves area (Western Tauern Window, Eastern Alps), although the structural control of these brittle precursors on ductile strain localization is well established, the relative timing of the brittle deformation and associated localized fluid flow with respect to ductile deformation remains in most cases a matter of debate. The present petrological study, carried out on a brittle precursor of a shear zone affecting the Neves metagranodiorite, aims to determine whether brittle and ductile deformations are concomitant and therefore relate to the same tectonic event. The brittle precursor consists of a 100–500 µm wide recrystallized zone with a host mineral‐controlled stable mineral assemblage composed of plagioclase–garnet–quartz–biotite–zoisite±white mica±pyrite. Plagioclase and garnet preserve an internal compositional zoning interpreted as the fingerprint of Alpine metamorphism and fluid–rock interactions concomitant with the brittle deformation. Phase equilibrium modelling of this garnet‐bearing brittle precursor shows that metamorphic garnet and plagioclase both nucleated at 0.6 ± 0.05 GPa, 500 ± 20°C and then grew along a prograde path to 0.75 ± 0.05 GPa, 530 ± 20°C. These amphibolite facies conditions are similar to those inferred from ductile shear zones from the same area, suggesting that both brittle and ductile deformation were active in the ductile realm above 500°C for a depth range between 17 and 21 km. We speculate that the Neves area fulfils most of the required conditions to have hosted slow earthquakes during Alpine continental collision, that is, coupled frictional and viscous deformation under high‐fluid pressure conditions ~450°C. Further investigation of this potential geological record is required to demonstrate that slow earthquakes may not be restricted to subduction zones but are also very likely to occur in modern continental collision settings.  相似文献   

Miao  Cheng  Ding  Mingtao 《Natural Hazards》2017,85(2):1135-1150
Natural Hazards - After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, secondary geological disasters occurred frequently and caused huge economic losses in the upper reaches of Min River. In this paper,...  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1721-1745
The Panzhihua layered intrusion hosts a giant V–Ti–iron oxide deposit with ore reserves estimated at 1333 Mt. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb zircon dating of comagmatic anorthosite yields a crystallization age of 259.77 ± 0.79 million years, coeval with the Emeishan flood basalts. Recently, we identified a small wehrlite dike in microgabbroic rocks and marbles. The wehrlite consists of high-Mg olivine phenocrysts with up to 90.44 wt.% Fo. Incompatible element-normalized patterns between bulk wehrlite and clinopyroxenes in gabbro suggest that they are cogenetic. The Panzhihua parental magma is estimated to have been picritic (~10 wt.% FeO and ~16 wt.% MgO), produced by partial fusion of garnet peridotite. Much of the melting occurred in garnet-facies mantle at an initial melting temperature of about 1530°C and pressure of ~3.4 GPa, suggesting involvement of a mantle plume. The degree of partial melting was rather modest and could have been generated by plume–lithosphere interaction or ascending plume-derived melting contaminated by lithospheric mantle. Field relationships show sharp contacts between the massive ores and gabbro, between wehrlite and fine-grained gabbro, and between disseminated ores and gabbro. Considering the entire intrusion, which is locally cut by dikes or veins of anorthosite, together with the occurrence of a breccia made up of gabbro clasts cemented by disseminated ores, we suggest that different types of magmas were generated by liquid differentiation in a deeper-level chamber. This differentiation could have resulted from double-diffusive convection cells, with melt later intruding into a higher-level chamber, rather than by crystal settling or in situ growth on the floor of the intrusion. However, rhythmic layering produced by in situ crystallization only occurs in the middle of the Panzhihua intrusion and was caused by periodic fluctuation in water pressure.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths in Neogene alkali basalts of the Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (Western Hungary) frequently have melt pockets that contain silicate minerals, glass, and often carbonate globules. Textural, geochemical and thermobarometric data indicate that the melt pockets formed at relatively high pressure through breakdown of mainly amphibole as a result of temperature increases accompanied, in most cases, by the influx of external metasomatic agents. New elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data show that in several xenoliths the external agent was either a LIL-enriched aqueous fluid or a CO2-rich fluid, whereas in other xenoliths the melt pockets were additionally enriched in LREE and sometimes HFSE, suggesting metasomatism by a silicate melt. The compositional character of the external agents might have been inherited by melting of a hydrated and probably carbonated deeper lithospheric component, which itself was metasomatized by melts with significant slab-derived components. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Godth?bsfjord region of West Greenland contains the most extensive, best exposed and most intensely studied early Archean rocks on Earth. A geological record has been described of numerous magmatic events between ~3.9 and 3.6 Ga, and evidence of life at >3.85 Ga and ~3.8-3.7 Ga has been proposed from two widely-separated localities. Some of these claims have recently been questioned, and the nature of the best preserved remnants of the oldest known terrestrial volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Isua greenstone belt are being reinvestigated and substantially reinterpreted. The first part of this article reviews the evolution of geological research and interpretations, outlining the techniques by which the geological history has been determined and the ensuing controversies. The second part re-examines crucial field evidence upon which the antiquity of the oldest terrestrial life is claimed from the island of Akilia.  相似文献   

The current theoretical development of the analysis of compositional data in the article by Aitchison and Egozcue neglects the use of Harker’s variation diagrams and other similar plots as “meaningless” or “useless” on compositional data. In this work, it is shown that variation diagrams essentially are not a correlation tool but a graphical representation of the mass actions and mass balances principles in the context of a given geological system, and, when they are used correctly, they provide vital information for the igneous petrologist. The qualitative validity of the “spurious trends” in these diagrams is also shown, when they are interpreted in their proper geological framework. The example previously used by Rollinson to test the usefulness of the log-ratio transformation in the Aitchison and Egozcue article is revisited here in order to fully illustrate the proper use of this tool.  相似文献   

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