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The analytical solutions of the PBL wind distribution under the equilibrium of four forces including both horizontal and vertical advections are obtained in this paper using small parameter method. Utilizing this simple PBL model, we also compute the wind spirals of a certain circular vortex over level ground and over a west-east ranged mountain, respectively. The results show that when there exsits large-scale orographic forcing, vertical advection may exert considerable influence on the wind distribution of PEL, the angle between geostrophic flow and surface wind, and the height of the top of PBL  相似文献   

Field experiments have shown that an internal boundary layer (IBL) can develop when the wind blows perpendicularly from the cold-water side of a warm oceanic current to the warmer side. The height of this IBL downwind from the thermal front as computed by an equation originally developed by Venkatram is in excellent agreement with observations.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mesoscale model has been developed to simulate the air flow over the Gulf Stream area where typically large gradients in surface temperature exist in the winter. Numerical simulations show that the magnitude and the maximum height of the mesoscale circulation that develops downwind of the Gulf Stream depends on both the initial geostrophic wind and the large-scale moisture. As expected, a highly convective Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) develops over this area and it was found that the Gulf Stream plays an important role in generating the strong upward heat fluxes causing a farther seaward penetration as cold air advection takes place. Numerical results agree well with the observed surface fluxes of momentum and heat and the mesoscale variation of vertical velocities obtained using Doppler Radars for a typical cold air outbreak. Precipitation pattern predicted by the numerical model is also in agreement with the observations during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE).List of Symbols u east-west velocity [m s–1] - v north-south velocity [m s–1] - vertical velocity in coordinate [m s–1] - w vertical velocity inz coordinate [m s–1] - gq potential temperature [K] - q moisture [kg kg–1] - scaled pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - U g the east-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - V g the north-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - vertical coordinate following terrain - x east-west spatial coordinate [m] - y north-south spatial coordinate [m] - z vertical spatial coordinate [m] - t time coordinate [s] - g gravity [m2 s–1] - E terrain height [m] - H total height considered in the model [m] - q s saturated moisture [kg kg–1] - p pressure [mb] - p 00 reference pressure [mb] - P precipitation [kg m–2] - vertical lapse rate for potential temperature [K km–1] - L latent heat of condensation [J kg–1] - C p specific heat at constant pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - R gas constant for dry air [J kg–1 K–1] - R v gas constant for water vapor [J kg–1 K–1] - f Coriolis parameter (2 sin ) [s–1] - angular velocity of the earth [s–1] - latitude [o] - K H horizontal eddy exchange coefficient [m2 s–1] - t integration time interval [s] - x grid interval distance inx coordinate [m] - y grid interval distance iny coordinate [m] - adjustable coefficient inK H - subgrid momentum flux [m2 s–2] - subgrid potential temperature flux [m K s–1] - subgrid moisture flux [m kg kg–1 s–1] - u * friction velocity [m s–1] - * subgrid flux temperature [K] - q * subgrid flux moisture [kg kg–1] - w * subgrid convective velocity [m s–1] - z 0 surface roughness [m] - L Monin stability length [m] - s surface potential temperature [K] - k von Karman's constant (0.4) - v air kinematic viscosity coefficient [m2 s–1] - K M subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for momentum [m2 s–1] - K subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for heat [m2 s–1] - K q subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for moisture [m2 s–1] - z i the height of PBL [m] - h s the height of surface layer [m]  相似文献   

2000年秋季9月19日午后及午夜前夕双流机场暴发了两次由冷平流引发的雷暴.本文试图通过对这两次雷暴过程的特征,总结积累经验,提高雷暴预报准确率.  相似文献   

成永勤 《四川气象》2001,21(4):43-45,50
2000年秋季9月19日午及午夜前夕双流机场暴发了两次冷平流引发的雷暴,本文试图通过对这两次雷暴过程的特征,总结积累经验,提高雷暴预报准确率。  相似文献   

Observations of vegetation–atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) by the eddy covariance (EC) technique are limited by difficult conditions such as nighttime and heterogeneous terrain. Thus, advective flux components are included into the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) budget. However, advection measurements are experimentally challenging and do not always help to solve the night flux problem of the EC technique. This study investigates alternative methods for the observation of horizontal advection, in particular horizontal concentration gradients, as well as different approaches to coordinate rotation and vertical advection. Continuous high-frequency measurements of the horizontal CO2 concentration field are employed and compared to the often used discontinuous sequential sampling. Significant differences were found in the case of 30-min mean concentration values between the conventional discontinuous sampling approach and the complete observation of the time series by continuous sampling. Estimates of vertical advection rely on accurate estimates of vertical wind velocity ( $\emph{w}$ ). Therefore, different approaches to the planar fit coordinate rotation have been investigated. Sector-wise rotation was able to eliminate directional dependencies of mean $\emph{w}$ . Furthermore, the effect of the data set length used for rotation (window length) was investigated and was found to have significant impact on estimates of vertical advection, with larger window lengths yielding about 50% larger vertical advection. A sequential planar fit with controlled window length is proposed to give reproducible results. The different approaches to the measurement and calculation of horizontal and vertical advection presented are applied to data obtained during the exchange processes in mountainous region experiment at the FLUXNET site Waldstein–Weidenbrunnen (DE-Bay). Estimates of NEE including advection are compared to NEE from turbulent and storage flux alone without advection. NEE including vertical advection with sector-wise planar fit rotation and controlled window length and including horizontal advection from continuous gradient measurements, which were comprehensively bias corrected by a new approach, did compare well with the expected night flux error, with meteorological drivers of the fluxes and with soil chamber measurements. Unrealistically large and noisy values of horizontal advection from the conventional discontinuous sampling approach, which lead to unrealistic values of NEE, could be eliminated by the alternative approaches presented. We therefore suggest the further testing of those approaches at other sites in order to improve the accuracy of advection measurements and, subsequently, estimates of NEE.  相似文献   

陈雄山 《大气科学》1979,3(2):109-119
二维平流方程分别用二阶差分方案、四阶差分方案、一维三次样条函数方案及谱导数方案(假谱方案)进行长时间的数值积分,其中风场是给定的均匀旋转风场或形变风场,并分别以不同大小的圆锥状的物理量分布作为初值。数值试验的结果表明,谱导数方案的精度最高,没有位相误差;其次是一维三次样条函数方案;再其次是四阶差分方案;二阶差分方案的精度最差,畸变严重,位相误差大。 对上述四种方案给出用权重系数形式表示的统一的导数计算公式,看到高精度的导数计算公式是非局地性的。  相似文献   

Summary A couple of different techniques for implementing the variable resolution within numerical models of the atmosphere that use quasi-uniform grids are estimated and compared based on their merit in the simple linear advection experiments. These techniques are: grid stretching, Schmidt transforming and grid overlapping. The quasi-uniform grids are: a conformal cubic and an octagonal grid. The techniques for the variable resolution are evaluated from the perspective of their effects on numerical solution and the practicality of their application. Our analysis suggests that the grid stretching is for now the most optimal choice. However, a special form of grid overlapping is presented that has potential to become a viable alternative in the future.  相似文献   

Contribution of momentum advection to the formation of the low frequency fields of the Baltic Sea levels and currents is estimated using numerical experiments with a hydrodynamic model and statistical analysis of the experimental results. It is found that momentum advection has a significant influence on the formation of the mean level and its seasonal and synoptic variability in Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland. The results show that nonlinear effects associated with advective accelerations can essentially contribute to the Neva River flood formation.  相似文献   

We investigate the causes for a strong high latitude imposed ice (land or sea) influence on the marine Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the Community Climate Model version 3 coupled to a 50-m slab ocean. The marine ITCZ in all the ocean basins shift meridionally away from the hemisphere with an imposed added ice cover, altering the global Hadley circulation with an increased tropical subsidence in the hemisphere with imposed ice and uplift in the other. The effect appears to be independent of the longitudinal position of imposed ice. The anomalous ice induces a rapid cooling and drying of the air and surface over the entire high- and midlatitudes; subsequent progression of cold anomalies occurs in the Pacific and Atlantic northeasterly trade regions, where a wind-evaporation-sea surface temperature (SST) feedback initiates progression of a cold SST ‘front’ towards the ITCZ latitudes. Once the cooler SST reaches the ITCZ latitude, the ITCZ shifts southwards, aided by positive feedbacks associated with the displacement. The ITCZ displacement transports moisture away from the colder and drier hemisphere into the other hemisphere, resulting in a pronounced hemispheric asymmetric response in anomalous specific humidity; we speculate that the atmospheric humidity plays a central role in the hemispheric asymmetric nature of the climate response to high latitude ice cover anomalies. From an energy balance viewpoint, the increased outgoing radiative flux at the latitudes of the imposed ice is compensated by an increased radiative energy flux at the tropical latitudes occupied by the displaced ITCZ, and subsequently transported by the altered Hadley and eddy circulations to the imposed ice latitudes. The situation investigated here may be applicable to past climates like the Last Glacial Maximum where hemispheric asymmetric changes to ice cover occurred. Major caveats to the conclusions drawn include omission of interactive sea ice physics and ocean dynamical feedback and sensitivity to atmospheric physics parameterizations across different models.  相似文献   

程麟生  郭英华 《大气科学》1992,16(2):136-146
1981年8月14至22日,在青藏高原东侧陕、甘、川毗邻区,出现了一次持续暴雨过程.对其主过程的涡度诊断表明,切变线低涡初生於青藏高原东侧低空,其后,不仅出现了高、低空涡度中心的叠加和耦合过程,而且在行星边界层(PBL)内发生了迅速加强过程.这种过程与切变低涡的持续发展相伴. 一系列48和72小时中尺度数值模拟结果揭示:只有高分辨PBL参数化的湿物理过程,才能较好地模拟出切变低涡在PBL内的突然加强及其涡度演变和垂直结构;而总体PBL参数化,虽然其涡度演变和垂直结构也能基本模拟出来,但不能模拟出切变线低涡在PBL内的迅速加强;总体PBL参数化干过程的模拟结果指出,该方案较前两种湿过程方案均差,特别是被模拟系统的强度明显减弱,位置偏离. 模拟与诊断和观测之间的比较揭示,尽可能仔细地改进PBL参数化和湿物理过程,才有可能改进对这类中尺度系统发生和发展的模拟.  相似文献   

Numerical results indicate that advection of momentum in the boundary layer may significantly alter both the structure of the planetary boundary layer and its influence on the overlying free atmosphere. However, due to the nonlinearity of the inertial terms, it is always difficult to obtain the analytical solution of the boundary-layer model that retains the flow acceleration. In order to overcome this difficulty, the geostrophic momentum (hereafter GM) approximation has been introduced into boundary-layer models. By replacing the advected momentum with the geostrophic wind, the effect of the flow acceleration is partially considered and the original nonlinear partial differential equation set is converted to ordinary differential equations, the solutions of which can be obtained easily with standard techniques. However, the model employing GM fails to capture the features of the boundary layer when the spatio-temporal variation of the boundary-layer flow cannot be properly approximated by the geostrophic wind. In the present work, a modified boundary-layer model with the inertial acceleration in a different approximate form is proposed, in which the advecting wind instead of the advected momentum is approximated by the geostrophic wind (hereafter GAM).Comparing the horizontal velocity and boundary-layer pumping obtained from the classical Ekman theory, and the model incorporating (i) GM and (ii) GAM, it is found that the model with GAM describes most facets of the steady well-mixed layer beneath a north-westerly flow with embedded mesoscale perturbations that is considered in the present work. Inspection of the solution of the model with GAM shows that, within the limit of the validation of the model (i.e., the Rossby number RO is not very large and the drag coefficient CD is not too small), the horizontal convergence (divergence) is strengthened by the effect of the inertial acceleration in the region of maximum positive (negative) geostrophic vorticity. Consequently, the boundary-layer pumping there is intensified. It is found that the intensification is firstly strengthened and then weakened as RO or CD increases.  相似文献   

Measurements of the appropriate parameters for the calculation of the latent heat flux over a black spruce forest in northern Quebec were carried out in August, 1980. Values of the Priestley-Taylor parameter, , were derived by exploiting the Bowen-ratio-energy-balance (BREB) technique. Derived values of are then related to synoptic-scale warm air advection, derived from surface synoptic charts and tephigrams of the planetary boundary layer. It is found that when warm air advection is present, > 1.26, especially when the surface is wet. When advection enhancement is removed, however, values of approach unity. A new approach to calculating the latent heat flux, when warm air advection is present, is therefore proposed.  相似文献   

The semi-Lagrangian advection scheme is implemented on a new quasi-uniform overset (Yin-Yang) grid on the sphere. The Yin-Yang grid is a newly developed grid system in spherical geometry with two perpendicularly-oriented latitude-longitude grid components (called Yin and Yang respectively) that overlapp each other, and this effectively avoids the coordinate singularity and the grid convergence near the poles. In this overset grid, the way of transferring data between the Yin and Yang components is the key to maintaining the accuracy and robustness in numerical solutions. A numerical interpolation for boundary data exchange, which maintains the accuracy of the original advection scheme and is computationally efficient, is given in this paper. A standard test of the solid-body advection proposed by Williamson is carried out on the Yin-Yang grid. Numerical results show that the quasi-uniform Yin-Yang grid can get around the problems near the poles, and the numerical accuracy in the original semi-Lagrangian scheme is effectively maintained in the Yin-Yang grid.  相似文献   

徐双柱  韦惠红 《暴雨灾害》2016,70(3):197-202



海洋温带气旋发生发展的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
仪清菊  丁一汇 《大气科学》1989,13(2):238-246
本文综合地评述了近年来海洋温带气旋发生、发展的研究成果,讨论了海洋温带气旋爆发性发展的气候特征、天气形势、各种物理机制及数值模拟的结果,并进一步指出了有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

大连初冬一次辐射平流雾天气过程分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用大连机场地面观测资料、Micaps系统下常规资料、探空资料和NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料,从天气形势和背景、探空资料分析和物理量诊断方面,对2009年11月30日-12月2日发生在大连地区持续性大雾天气过程做了详细分析。结果表明,本次持续性雾过程属于辐射平流雾,是在稳定的大尺度天气背景下形成的。探空资料表明,大雾发生过程中,边界层内出现一层逆温和多层逆温;边界层内近地层的逆温和充沛的水汽条件对雾的形成和长时间的维持起着重要的作用。热力结构分析表明,温度日较差大表明地面辐射冷却对本次大雾过程具有明显的作用;低层持续的弱暖平流输入,有利于近地层逆温的建立和维持。动力场结构分析表明,在中低层,大雾发生前期和维持时期,存在弱的辐合上升运动;在大雾消散期,存在明显的辐散下沉运动。水汽条件分析表明,增湿和冷却使此次大雾过程中水汽达到饱和状态产生凝结,在大雾过程的前期,存在弱的水汽辐合;在大雾消散期,存在水汽辐散。  相似文献   

通过对多家船舶海洋气象导航公司和机构的介绍,概括了国内外气象导航的业务和发展。文章分析结果表明,国外气象导航业务发展历史悠久,技术储备雄厚,业务体系完善,占据了全球气象导航业务的大部分市场份额。国内气象导航的发展历程较短,技术力量薄弱,业务量相对较少。当前国内的气象导航服务正在努力开拓创新,在信息化背景下逐步开展多样化的平台建设和产品研发,并取得了良好的进展。  相似文献   

The dependence of results from coarse-resolution models of the North Atlantic circulation on the numerical advection algorithm is studied. In particular, the sensitivity of parameters relevant for climate simulations as e.g., meridional transport of mass and heat and main thermocline thickness is investigated. Three algorithms were considered: (a) a central difference scheme with constant values for horizontal and vertical diffusion, (b) an upstream scheme with no explicit diffusion, and (c) a flux-corrected transport (FCT) scheme with constant and strictly isopycnal diffusion. The temporal evolution of the three models on time scales of centuries is markedly different, the upstream scheme resulting in much shorter adjustment time whereas the central difference scheme is slower and controlled by vertical diffusion rather than advection. In the steady state, the main thermocline structure is much less diffusive in the FCT calculation which also has much lower heat transport. Both horizontal circulation and overturning in the meridional-vertical plane are strongest in the upstream-model. The results are discussed in terms of the effective vertical (diapycnal) mixing in the different models. A significant increase in vertical resolution would be required to eliminate the high sensitivity due to the numerical algorithms, and allow physically motivated mixing formulations to become effective.This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dümenil  相似文献   

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