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We discuss results from a decade long program to study the fine-scale structure and the kinematics of relativistic AGN jets with the aim of better understanding the acceleration and collimation of the relativistic plasma forming AGN jets. From the observed distribution of brightness temperature, apparent velocity, flux density, time variability, and apparent luminosity, the intrinsic properties of the jets including Lorentz factor, luminosity, orientation, and brightness temperature are discussed. Special attention is given to the jet in M87, which has been studied over a wide range of wavelengths and which, due to its proximity, is observed with excellent spatial resolution. Most radio jets appear quite linear, but we also observe curved non-linear jets and non-radial motions. Sometimes, different features in a given jet appear to follow the same curved path but there is evidence for ballistic trajectories as well. The data are best fit with a distribution of Lorentz factors extending up to γ∼30 and intrinsic luminosity up to ∼1026 W Hz−1. In general, gamma-ray quasars may have somewhat larger Lorentz factors than non gamma-ray quasars. Initially the observed brightness temperature near the base of the jet extend up to ∼5×1013 K which is well in excess of the inverse Compton limit and corresponds to a large excess of particle energy over magnetic energy. However, more typically, the observed brightness temperatures are ∼2×1011 K, i.e., closer to equipartition.  相似文献   

Using the recently completed Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope, we have detected the HI 21 cm-line absorption from the peculiar galaxy C153 in the galaxy cluster Abell 2125. The HI absorption is at a redshift of 0.2533, with a peak optical depth of 0.36. The full width at half minimum of the absorption line is 100 km s−1. The estimated column density of atomic Hydrogen is 0.7×1022(T s /100) cm−2. The HI absorption is redshifted by ∼400km s−1 compared to the [OIII] emission line from this system. We attribute this to an infalling cold gas or to an out-flowing ionised gas, or to a combination of both as a consequence of tidal interactions of C153 with either a cluster galaxy or the cluster potential.  相似文献   

We examine the XMM X-ray spectrum of the low-ionisation nuclear emission-line region (LINER)-AGN NGC 7213, which is best fit with a power law, Kα emission lines from Fe i, Fe xxv and Fe xxvi and a soft X-ray collisionally ionised thermal plasma with kT = 0.18+0.03−0.01 keV. We find a luminosity of 7× 10−4 LEdd, and a lack of soft X-ray excess emission, suggesting a truncated accretion disc. NGC 7213 has intermediate X-ray spectral properties, between those of the weak AGN found in the LINER M 81 and higher luminosity Seyfert galaxies. This supports the notion of a continuous sequence of X-ray properties from the Galactic Centre through LINER galaxies to Seyferts, likely determined by the amount of material available for accretion in the central regions. This work is based on observations obtained with XMM-Newton, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member States and the USA (NASA).  相似文献   

The study of X-ray clusters of galaxies, started 30 years ago, has revealed an increasing complexity in the thermodynamics of the X-ray emitting intracluster medium (ICM) as long as the sensitivity and the resolution of the X-ray satellites increased. At the same time, deep surveysdetected several, unexpected, high-z clusters. Here we focus on the Chandra observations of the most distant X-ray selected clusters (0.3 < z < 1.3), in order to constrain their thermodynamic evolution. The X-ray scaling properties show hints of negative evolution in the luminosity–temperature and M gas–temperature relations, and a positive evolution in the entropy–temperature relation. We find that the mean iron abundance at 〈z〉 = 0.8 is Z Fe = 0.25+0.04 −0.06 Z , and at 〈z〉 ∼ 1.2 is Z Fe = 0.35+0.06 −0.05 Z , both measures consistent with no evolution with respect to the local value Z Fe≃ 0.3 Z . These results can provide interesting constraints on the thermodynamics of the ICM at large look back times, pointing towards a redshift z ≳ 2 for the onset of non-gravitational processes.  相似文献   

The Eridanus galaxies follow the well-known radio—FIR correlation. The majority (70%) of these galaxies have their star formation rates below that of the Milky Way. The galaxies that have a significant excess of radio emission are identified as low luminosity AGNs based on their radio morphologies obtained from the GMRT observations. There are no powerful AGNs (L 20cm > 1023 W Hz−1) in the group. The two most far-infrared and radio luminous galaxies in the group have optical and HI morphologies suggestive of recent tidal interactions. The Eridanus group also has two far-infrared luminous but radio-deficient galaxies. It is believed that these galaxies are observed within a few Myr of the onset of an intense star formation episode after being quiescent for at least a 100 Myr. The upper end of the radio luminosity distribution of the Eridanus galaxies (L 20cm ∼ 1022 W Hz−1) is consistent with that of the field galaxies, other groups, and late-type galaxies in nearby clusters.  相似文献   

We present here some initial results from the ongoing XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey. The survey is aimed at selecting and spectroscopically identifying a large and statistically representative sample of bright (f x ≳ 7× 10−14 c.g.s) serendipitous X-ray sources in the 0.5–4.5 keV energy band (BSS) and a complementary (smaller) sample in the 4.5–7.5 keV energy band (HBSS). The work is partly based on observations obtained with XMM-Newton, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributors directly founded by ESA member states and the USA(NASA) and on observations collected at TNG. The TNG telescope is operated on the island of La Palma by the Centro Galileo Galilei of the INAF in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. On behalf of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Center.  相似文献   

Jets can be probed in their innermost regions (d≲0.1 pc) through the study of the relativistically boosted emission of blazars. On the other extreme of spatial scales, the study of structure and dynamics of extragalactic relativistic jets received renewed impulse after the discovery, made by Chandra, of bright X-ray emission from regions at distances larger than hundreds of kpc from the central engine. At both scales it is thus possible to infer some of the basic parameters of the flow (speed, density, magnetic field intensity, power). After a brief review of the available observational evidence, I discuss how the comparison between the physical quantities independently derived at the two scales can be used to shed light on the global dynamics of the jet, from the innermost regions to the hundreds of kpc scale.  相似文献   

We present diagrams depicting the expected inter-dependences of two key kinematical parameters of radio knots in the parsec-scale jets of blazars, deduced from VLBI observations. The two parameters are the apparent speed (υ app = app) and the effective Doppler boosting factor (δ eff) of the relativistically moving radio knot. A novel aspect of these analytical computations of β-δ diagrams is that they are made for parsec-scale jets having a conical shape, with modest opening angles (ω up to 10°), in accord with the VLBI observations of the nuclei of the nearest radio galaxies. Another motivating factor is the recent finding that consideration of a conical geometry can have important implications for the interpretation of a variety of radio observations of blazar jets. In addition to uniform jet flows (i.e., those having a uniform bulk Lorentz factor, Γ), computational results are also presented for stratified jets where an ultra-relativistic central spine along the jet axis is surrounded by a slower moving sheath, possibly arising from a velocity shear.  相似文献   

E × B-drifting jets have been generally ignored for the past 25 years even though they may well describe all the astrophysical jet sources, both on galactic and stellar scales. Here we present closed-form solutions for their joint field-and-particle distribution, argue that the observed jets are near equipartition, with extremely relativistic, monoenergetic e±-pairs of bulk Lorentz factor γ ≲ 104, and are first-order stable. We describe plausible mechanisms for the jets’ (i) formation, (ii) propagation, and (iii) termination. Wherever a beam meets with resistance, its frozen-in Poynting flux transforms the delta-shaped energy distribution of the pairs into an almost white power law,E 2 N EE −∫ with ∫ ≳ 0, via single-step falls through the huge convected potential.  相似文献   

Large-scale, decelerating, relativistic X-ray jets from microquasar XTE J1550−564 has been recently discovered with Chandra by Corbel et al. (2002). We find that the dynamical evolution of the approaching jet at the late time is consistent with the well-known Sedov evolutionary phase Rt 2/5. A trans-relativistic external shock dynamic model by analogy with the evolution of gamma-ray burst remnants, is shown to be able to fit the proper-motion data of the approaching jet reasonably well. The inferred interstellar medium density around the source is well below the canonical value n ISM∼1 cm−3. The rapidly fading X-ray emission can be interpreted as synchrotron radiation from the non-thermal electrons in the adiabatically expanding ejecta. These electrons were accelerated by the reverse shock (moving back into the ejecta) which becomes important when the inertia of the swept external matter leads to an appreciable slowing down of the original ejecta.  相似文献   

DDO 68 (UGC 5340) is the second most metal-poor star-forming galaxy (12 + log(O/H) = 7.14). Its peculiar optical morphology and its HI distribution and kinematics are indicative of a merger origin. We use the u, g, r, and i photometry based on the SDSS images of DDO 68 to estimate its stellar population ages. The Hα images of DDO 68 were used to select several representative regions without nebular emission. The derived colors were analyzed by comparison with the PEGASE2 evolutionary tracks for various star formation (SF) scenarios, including the two extreme cases: (i) an instantaneous starburst and (ii) continuous SF with a constant rate. The (ug) and (gr) colors for all of the selected regions are consistent with the scenario of several “instantaneous” SF episodes with ages between ∼0.05 and ∼1 Gyr. The total mass of the visible stars in DDO 68 was estimated by comparing the colors and fluxes of the observed stellar subsystems with PEGASE2 models to be ∼2.4 × 107 M . This accounts for ∼6% of the total baryonic mass of the galaxy. All of the available data are consistent with the fact that DDO 68 is a very rare candidate for young galaxies. The bulk of its stars were formed during the recent (with the first encounter ∼1 Gyr ago) merger of two very gas-rich disks. DDO 68 is closest in its properties to cosmologically young low-mass galaxies. This article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The redshifted 1420 MHz emission from the HI in unresolved damped Lyman-α clouds at high z will appear as a background radiation in low frequency radio observations. This holds the possibility of a new tool for studying the universe at high-z, using the mean brightness temperature to probe the HI content and its fluctuations to probe power spectrum. Existing estimates of the HI density atz−3 imply a mean brightness temperature of 1 mK at 320 MHz. The cross-correlation between the temperature fluctuation across different frequencies and sight lines is predicted to vary from 10−7 K2 to 10−8 K2 over intervals corresponding to spatial scales from 10 Mpc to 40 Mpc for some of the currently favoured cosmological models. Comparing this with the expected sensitivity of the GMRT, we find that this can be detected with ∼ 10 hrs of integration, provided we can distinguish it from the galactic and extragalactic foregrounds which will swamp this signal. We discuss a strategy based on the very distinct spectral properties of the foregrounds as against the HI emission, possibly allowing the removal of the foregrounds from the observed maps.  相似文献   

We present multi-colour CCD observations of the low-temperature contact binaries, V453 Mon and V523 Cas. Their light curves are modelled to determine a new set of stellar and orbital parameters. Analysis of mid-eclipse times yields a new linear ephemeris for both systems. A period decrease (dP/dt=2.3×10−7 days/yr) in V453 Mon is discovered. V523 Cas, however, is detected to show a period increase (dP/dt=9.8×10−8 days/yr) because of the mass transfer of a rate of 1.1×10−7 M yr−1, from a less massive donor. Using these findings we can determine the physical parameters of the components of V523 Cas to be M 1=0.76 (3)M , M 2=0.39 (2)M , R 1=0.74 (2)R , R 2=0.55 (2)R , L 1=0.19 (3)L , L 2=0.14 (3)L , and the distance of system as 46(9) pc.  相似文献   

Nearby interstellar clouds with high (|ν|≥10km s−1) random velocities although easily detected in NaI and CaII lines have hitherto not been detected (in emission or absorption) in the HI 21cm line. We describe here deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) HI absorption observations toward radio sources with small angular separation from bright O and B stars whose spectra reveal the presence of intervening high random velocity CaII absorbing clouds. In 5 out of the 14 directions searched we detect HI 21cm absorption features from these clouds. The mean optical depth of these detections is ∼0.09 and FWHM is ∼10km s−1, consistent with absorption arising from CNM clouds.  相似文献   

A new orbital period analysis for U Geminorum is made by means of the standard O–C technique based on 187 times of light minima including the three newest CCD data from our observation. Although there are large scatter near 70,000 cycles in its O–C diagram, there is strong evidence (>99.9% confidence level) to show the secular increase of orbital period with a rate  s−1. Using the physical parameters recently derived by Echevarría et al. (Astron. J. 134:262, 2007), the range of mass transfer rate for U Geminorum is estimated as from −3.5(5)×10−9 M  yr−1 to −1.30(6)×10−8 M  yr−1. Moreover, the data before 60,000 cycles shows the obvious quasi-period variations. The least square estimation of a ∼17.4 yr quasi-periodic variation superimposed on secular orbital period increase is derived. Considering the possibility that solar-type magnetic activity cycles in the secondary star of U Geminorum may produce the quasi-period variations of the orbital period, Applegate’s mechanism is discussed and the results indicate such mechanism has difficulty explaining the quasi-period variation for U Geminorum. Hence, we attempted to apply the light-travel time effect to interpret the quasi-period variation and found the perturbation of ∼17.4 yr quasi-period may result from a brown dwarf. If the orbital inclination is assumed as i∼15°, corresponding to the upper limit of mass of a brown dwarf, then its orbital radii is ∼7.7 AU.  相似文献   

We have used the Very Large Array to image a single field in a set of adjacent frequency bands around 333.0 MHz in an attempt to detect 21 cm emission from large scale H I inhomogeneities at a redshift of z = 3.3. Following the subtraction of continuum radio sources, the absence of any spectral signals apart from that expected due to the system thermal noise has been used to derive constraints on the evolutionary scenario leading to the formation of the present day clusters of galaxies. The observations rule out the existence of H I protoclusters atz = 3.3 with masses ≃3.5 × 1014 M in H I gas and space density exceeding (74 Mpc)−3. This indicates that the present day rich clusters of galaxies either formed as gaseous protocluster condensates prior toz = 3.3 or else they formed through the clustering of their constituent galaxies.  相似文献   

We present the results of a comparative study of the intranight optical variability (INOV) characteristics of radio-loud and radioquiet quasars, which involves a systematic intra-night optical monitoring of seven sets of high luminosity AGNs covering the redshift rangez ≃ 0.2 toz ≃ 2.2. The sample, matched in the optical luminosity—redshift(M B—z) plane, consists of seven radio-quiet quasars (RQQs), eight radio lobedominated quasars (LDQs), five radio core-dominated quasars (CDQs) and six BL Lac objects (BLs). Systematic CCD observations, aided by a careful data analysis procedure, have allowed us to detect INOV with amplitudes as low as about 1%. Present observations cover a total of 113 nights (720 hours) with only a single quasar monitored as continuously as possible on a given night. Considering the cases of only unambiguous detections of INOV we have estimated duty cycles (DCs) of 17%, 12%, 20% and 61% for RQQs, LDQs, CDQs, and BLs, respectively. The much lower amplitude and DC of ESfOV shown by RQQs compared to BLs may be understood in terms of their having optical synchrotron jets which are modestly misdirected from us. From our fairly extensive dataset, no general trend of a correlation between the INOV amplitude and the apparent optical brightness of the quasar is noticed. This suggests that the physical mechanisms of INOV and long term optical variability (LTOV) do not have a one-to-one relationship and different factors are involved. Also, the absence of a clear negative correlation between the INOV and LTOV characteristics of blazars of our sample points toward an inconspicuous contribution of accretion disk fluctuations to the observed INOV. The INOV duty cycle of the AGNs observed in this program suggests that INOV is associated predominantly with the highly polarized optical emission components. We also report new VLA imaging of two RQQs (1029 + 329 & 1252 + 020) in our sample which has yielded a 5 GHz detection in one of them (1252 + 020;S 5GHZ ≃ 1 mJy).  相似文献   

This paper presents charge-couple device (CCD) photometric observations for the eclipsing binary AW UMa. The V-band light curve in 2007 was analyzed using the 2003 version of the Wilson–Devinney code. It is confirmed that AW UMa is a total eclipsing binary with a higher degree of contact f=80.2% and a lower mass ratio of q=0.076. From the (OC) curve, the orbital period shows a continuous period decrease at a rate of dP/dt=−2.05×10−7 d yr−1. The long-term period decrease suggested that AW UMa is undergoing the mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary one, accompanied by angular momentum loss due to mass outflow L 2. Weak evidence indicates that there exists a cyclic variation with a period of 17.6 yr and a small amplitude of A=0. d 0019, which may be attributed to the light-time effect via the third body. If the existence of an additional body is true, it may remove a great amount of angular momentum from the central system. For this kind of contact binary, as the orbital period decreases, the shrinking of the inner and outer critical Roche lobes will cause the contact degree f to increase. Finally, this kind of binary will merge into a single rapid-rotation star.  相似文献   

The scale invariance model (Heinz, S. and Sunyaev, R.A.: 2003, MNRAS 343, L59) can be used to derive robust scaling relations between the radio luminosity from accreting black holes and the black hole mass and accretion rate. These relations agree well with the recently found “fundamental plane” of black hole activity (Merloni, A., Heinz, S. and Di Matteo, T.: 2003, MNRAS 345, 1057). This relation provides a new, powerful tool for the comparison of jets from black holes of different masses and accretion rates. The regression coefficients of this relation contain information about the nature of the X-ray emission mechanism driving the correlation. We argue that X-ray synchrotron emission from the base of the jets is unlikely to be the dominant contribution to the X-ray spectrum in most of the sources.  相似文献   

We study the mass-radius relationship for aggregates of galaxies, viz. binaries, small groups and clusters. The data are subjected to a simple best-fit analysis similar to the one carried out earlier for individual field galaxies. The analysis shows that: (i) The data on binary galaxies are consistent with the assumption that binaries are just two galaxies, each with an individual isothermal (M ∫R) dark matter halo, moving under the mutual gravitational attraction, (ii) The data on the groups of galaxies are too scattered to obey a single power-law relation of the formM = kR n with any degree of reliability, (iii) The data on groups and clusters fit better with a law of the formM = AR 3 +BR. This form suggests the existence of two components in dark matter—one which is clustered around the galaxies (M ∫R) and another which is distributed smoothly (M ∫R 3 ). The smooth distributions becomes significant only at scales ≥ 1 Mpc and hence does not affect binaries significantly. We briefly discuss the theoretical implications of this analysis  相似文献   

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