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家庭联产承包责任制实现了土地所有权和使用权的初步分离,使农民获得了相对独立的承包经营权,极大地调动了农民的生产积极性。然而,随着农村经济社会的发展,人地矛盾日益激化,土地的边际生产力已出现明显的递减趋势,土地小规模家庭经营,农业的比较利益大大下降;同时,农村的剩余劳动力涌向经济较发达的大中城市,城市化进程骤然加剧等,使得土地家庭承包经营这一土地制度逐渐显露出自身的缺陷。在稳定农村土地承包关系的前提下,促进农村土地流转,可以在一定程度上发挥土地的规模效益,促进农村经济社会的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

Thomas J. Bassett 《Geoforum》2009,40(5):756-766
Côte d’Ivoire’s adoption of land privatization policies promoted by the World Bank and European Union is producing new land use patterns in the countryside. A centerpiece of these policies is the 1998 Rural Land Law that aims to restructure rural economic life along agrarian capitalist lines. The purported “development” objective of land privatization is to stimulate agricultural productivity based on the assumption that land titling will lead farmers and herders to make greater investments in their production systems. This paper argues that the mobile livestock raising system of immigrant FulBe pastoralists in Côte d’Ivoire is threatened by the new land law. Since mobility is crucial to animal health and fertility rates, I argue that reduced mobility will lead to lower livestock productivity. Although the land law has yet to be implemented, its very existence is leading prospective claimants to test their land rights by planting orchards and lending land to immigrant farmers. The monetization of land lending and grazing rights is increasingly common. Land disputes over who has the power to allocate land are also on the rise. I argue that this heightened interest in “tenure building” is constraining herd mobility, especially for herders with limited resources to negotiate access to rangelands. On the other hand, land privatization is strengthening the hand of local cattle-owning farmers who increasingly practice mobile livestock raising and compete with FulBe herders for grazing lands. Under these new conditions of land access, control, and competition, FulBe herd mobility and productivity are at risk of declining.  相似文献   

Alistair Fraser 《Geoforum》2007,38(2):299-311
Market-Led Agrarian Reform (MLAR), which is advocated by the World Bank and is being implemented in various contexts around the world, is a more neo-liberal approach to land reform than that we have seen implemented in the past. MLAR principles have underpinned South Africa’s land reform programme, being based on the ‘willing-seller, willing-buyer’ principle, which guarantees market-related prices to sellers. Evidence presented in this paper, however, raises serious questions about the extent to which the South African government has held on to MLAR principles. Specifically, the paper argues that South Africa’s peculiar geo-historical context has in some instances led the government to fuse market-led approaches with more authoritarian interventions that dictate to land reform beneficiaries how the land will be used. A case in point is the government’s approach to the restitution of land rights to communities dispossessed from the Levubu area of Limpopo province. As the paper illustrates, the government has imposed on the intended beneficiaries a so-called ‘strategic partnership’ between them and agribusinesses. Although the government touts the approach as a way to protect the commercial viability of the land and to transfer skills from white farmers to the beneficiaries, the terms of the Levubu solution may turn out to be less than favourable for the beneficiaries.  相似文献   

在二元土地所有制下,中国城市市区的建设用地、农村和城市郊区依法征收后新增的建设用地,属于国家所有;城市市区以外以及法律规定由国家所有土地以外的农民宅基地和其他建设用地,属于农民集体所有。文登市金岭山庄被位于城区的经济强村西楼兼并后,土地资源得以高效利用,加速了城市化进程,成为城乡统筹发展的典范。  相似文献   

This paper examines the melding of two discourses in southeastern Zimbabwe: land reform and wildlife management. The former seeks to redistribute large, ‘under-utilized’ landholdings to smallholders whilst the latter needs extensive land holdings to be viable. These two discourses are rooted in very different models of development. The land reform exercise emphasizes direct redistribution, equity and land for crops; whilst the wildlife management discourse tends to stress maximizing foreign exchange earnings, encouraging public-private partnerships and trickle down. Yet there has been a recent flurry of interest in the development of ‘wildlife models’ for land reform which would combine the two. This paper investigates whether the competing discourses about land for smallholders and wildlife-based land reform are compatible or can be successfully reconciled. It traces the ways they have come together in Zimbabwe’s southeast lowveld and examines the ‘science’ and politics underlying their melding. Finally it explores the potential implications for rural people’s livelihoods of this development. It concludes that land reform and wildlife management can be reconciled, but probably not in a particularly equitable way: it is more likely to provide an opening for an equitable land reform agenda to be usurped by local and non-local elites with wildlife interests.  相似文献   

Ranching and the new global range: Amazônia in the 21st century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper seeks to understand how the Brazilian Amazon, which many thought unsuitable for agricultural development, has yielded to a dynamic cattle economy in only a few decades. It does so by embedding the Thunian model of location rents within the regime of capital accumulation that has driven the Brazilian economy since the mid-20th century. The paper addresses policies that have created location rents in Amazônia, the effect of these rents on land managers, and the spatial implications of their behavior on forests. Thus, the paper connects macro-processes and structures to agents on the ground, in providing a political ecological explanation relevant to land change science. The policy discussion focuses on reductions in transportation costs, improvements in animal health, and monetary and trade reforms. To illustrate the impact of policy, the paper presents data on the geography of Amazonian herd expansion, on the growth of Amazonian exports, and on the profitability of the region’s cattle economy. It follows the empirical presentation with more abstract consideration of the spatial relations between cattle ranching and soy farming, and implications for deforestation. The paper concludes on a speculative note by considering the likelihood of forest transition in the region, given the transformation of Amazônia into a global resource frontier.  相似文献   

推动土地合理流转、实施土地规模经营,是提高农民积极性、发展合作社的有效途径。在土地流转中切实做到坚持保证农民土地承包经营权和流转后的土地农业用途;坚持做到不限定流转时间、不限定流转模式、不强迫农民意愿、不侵害农民利益。在规范管理中,引入现代企业管理制度,执行统一的土地流转操作程序,确保土地流转双方在平等互利的基础上签订书面土地经营权流转合同,明确土地流转形式、面积、年限以及双方的权利和义务。通过土地的合理流转,提升了广大农民的思想观念,把土地自觉地推向农村市场,实施农业产业化发展,最大限度地发挥土地增值效益。  相似文献   

Land reclamation in Egypt: A study of life in the new lands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For decades, Egypt has tried to increase its agricultural area through reclamation of desert land. The significance of land reclamation goes beyond the size of the reclaimed area and number of new settlers and has been important to Egyptian agricultural policies since the 1952-revolution. This paper examines from a micro-perspective, the life of Egyptians resettled in the new lands. The first part of the paper provides an introduction to the discourses of land reclamation, to the policies of reclaimed land distribution, and to the background of the settlers. The second part is based on fieldwork in a village in the new lands; it is inhabited by graduates who have received land under the Mubarak Project. The analysis shows that they move there in hope of making a better life especially for their children. Nevertheless, the settlers have difficulties building a sense of belonging to the new villages, and lack of good schools and other public services may cause families to split up. For some, however, resettlement in the new lands entails new social and economic possibilities. The paper concludes that while land reclamation may not be ecologically or economic sustainable, the new lands provide settlers with new opportunities.  相似文献   

为依法、公正、及时地做好土地权属争议的调查处理工作,以大量土地权属争议案例为基础,结合现行有关法律法规进行分析、总结,探索建立了以"重在调解、重心下移、部门联动、健全网络"为内容的土地权属争议调处新机制。达到了提高调处效率、降低社会成本的目的。  相似文献   

David Crouch 《Geoforum》2003,34(3):395-408
In this paper we explore history and heritage mobilised to do service for marginalized interests. We discuss how resources, such as, place, texts, artefacts and practice are drawn upon to forward particular political interests. Touching on recent work in non-representational theory we suggest that more attention be paid to the micro-politics of doing and link more formal action to that of ‘everyday’ practice. The examples used show how particular actors draw on history and heritage to advance their positions and how their performances reinforce claims based on alternative practices. The examples used illustrate how this involves the notion of ‘reclaiming’ historical action, historical texts and historical place. In particular how this relates to land and specifically in this paper the metaphor, representation and practice of ‘digging’.  相似文献   

王胜军  赵雪峰 《山东地质》2011,(10):68-69,72
莱芜市钢城区地理位置优越,交通便利,矿藏丰富。随着经济的高速发展,新农村建设及城市建设速度的加快,涉及土地征用、征地补偿、权属纠纷等方面的矛盾相对突出,涉及土地方面的信访事件相对增多。重点针对土地管理信访问题进行了调查分析,并就如何处置信访事件提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

In the recent explosion of attention given to the land grabbing phenomenon, contract farming has been identified as a potentially inclusive alternative for smallholders to outright acquisition of farm land by agri-business capital. This paper responds to these claims by resituating contract farming as an equally important form of land control. The focus of the paper is a case study of potato contract farming in Maharashtra, India. While there is ‘nothing new’ about contract farming as a mode of agriculture production in India, its influence on patterns of agrarian change is poorly understood. Adopting an agrarian political economy-informed livelihoods approach, the paper argues that rather than an inclusive alternative to land grabbing, contract farming in the study site represents another way that capital is coming to control land in rural India, with just as important implications for agrarian livelihoods. While some individual households have improved their livelihoods through participation, the contract scheme acts to reinforce already existing patterns of inequality. In particular, the unequal power relations between firm and farmer skew the capture of benefits towards the firm, and render participating households vulnerable to indebtedness and loss of autonomy over land and livelihood decisions.  相似文献   

Since all agricultural systems depend on land, the ownership of, or access to, agricultural land becomes crucial in the consideration of factors which determine agricultural land-use systems. The land tenure system affects agricultural land use and prospects for improvement. This paper examines the structure of the land tenure system in the Okun Area of Kwara State, Nigeria, and its influence on the farming system in that area. It reveals that despite the fact that this is a predominantly agricultural rural community, the operation of the land tenure system is exceptionally liberal and only marginally affects both the size of individual farm holdings and the way the land is cropped. This situation results mainly from two factors. First, the Okun people perceive land as a God-given entity and therefore it is held in trust for Him and second, the population density is very low, with plenty of land to go round. In the present circumstances, large-scale agricultural projects developed in the Okun area over the last decade have been offered land freely by the people rather than finding the land tenure system a hinderance.  相似文献   

李钊 《山东地质》2011,(8):55-57,60
通过实施土地开发整理,从根本上改善了农村生态环境,不仅增加了农村耕地面积,促进了农业生产水平的提高和农民增产增收,更有力地促进了农村经济发展。农业生产条件的改善,使生产成本得到有效降低,规模效益普遍提高,壮大了村集体经济实力,加快了社会主义新农村建设步伐。但工作中仍存在领导重视不够、工程质量不够高、后期管护不到位等问题,今后应进一步强化领导、规范运作、跟踪管理,以保证开发整理成效。  相似文献   

This article examines the dynamics of double exposure, vulnerability, and resistance to neoliberal globalization and environmental change in the Chilean agricultural region of Biobio. By using climatic models and secondary Agricultural Census data from 1997 and 2007, we assess how Chilean neoliberal reforms have, since 1974, facilitated land use changes and forestry investments. We demonstrate that policy changes which incentivize forestry investments have reduced cultivated agricultural lands and native forest, and concentrated land in the hands of global agribusiness corporations. Compounding these issues, Biobio shows a climatic trend towards aridity coupled with an increasing demand for irrigation. Analyzing these conditions, we argue that the neoliberal globalization of regional agriculture under the context of climatic changes has produced a regional space of increasing vulnerabilities and uneven geographical development in Biobio. We particularly demonstrate that the Chilean mode of agricultural neoliberalization has been conducive to land dispossession—to the detriment of traditional agriculture —and has homogenized the biophysical landscape, replacing traditional crops and native forests with exotic species like pines and eucalyptus. We also examine how local producers are using resistance movements to cope with and contest neoliberal environmental changes. We conclude by evaluating the implications of these spaces of agricultural vulnerabilities and local resistances in the context of uneven geographical development at a regional and global scale.  相似文献   

The questions of how land use change affects climate, and how climate change affects land use, require examination of societal and environmental systems across space at multiple scales, from the global climate to regional vegetative dynamics to local decision making by farmers and herders. It also requires an analysis of causal linkages and feedback loops between systems. These questions and the conceptual approach of the research design of the Climate-Land Interaction Project (CLIP) are rooted in the classical human-environment research tradition in Geography.This paper discusses a methodological framework to quantify the two-way interactions between land use and regional climate systems, using ongoing work by a team of multi-disciplinary scientists examining climate-land dynamics at multiple scales in East Africa. East Africa is a region that is undergoing rapid land use change, where changes in climate would have serious consequences for people’s livelihoods, and requiring new coping and land use strategies. The research involves exploration of linkages between two important foci of global change research, namely, land use/land cover (LULC) and climate change. These linkages are examined through modeling agricultural systems, land use driving forces and patterns, the physical properties of land cover, and the regional climate. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are being used to illustrate a diverse pluralism in scientific discovery.  相似文献   

结合济南市土地利用现状,对济南市农用地内部结构、建设用地内部结构及未利用地内部结构变化进行了分析,得出这几类土地内部结构变化的驱动力主要为经济结构、人口增长和自然因素等,指出今后应注重经济、资源与环境的协调发展,合理利用好每一寸土地。  相似文献   

农地利用变化假说与相关的环境效应命题   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李秀彬 《地球科学进展》2008,23(11):1124-1129
将用途转移和集约度升降这两种类型的土地利用变化整合在一个过程中,解释变化机制的理论,有古典经济学的地租理论,还有若干理论性假说。这些假说又常常与一些土地利用的环境效应命题联系在一起,扩充为解释人地关系的假说。综述了解释农地利用变化的四大假说(包括基于马尔萨斯人口论的土地面积持续扩张假说、博斯鲁普的需求诱发型集约化假说、吉尔茨的集约度弹性假说、土地利用粗放化假说)和农地利用环境效应的三大命题(包括农地面积扩张造成土地退化、优质土地的集约化间接促使生态脆弱地区环境改善、农地利用粗放化和弃耕促使环境和生态恢复),以及围绕这些假说和命题的争论和实证研究,旨在为土地利用变化的情景构建、模型模拟及愿景设计提供学术依据。  相似文献   

在农村土地整治工作中,土地权属管理是保护权利人合法权益、保证农村土地整治顺利进行的基础。因此,理顺土地权属关系、加强农村土地整治权属管理至为重要。该文对山东省66个土地综合整治项目和2006-2011年城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目涉及的土地权属管理工作进行了调研,全面分析了土地权属管理现状,结合工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策建议,以期为今后土地整治权属管理方面的深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

应用经济学理论与因子分析方法,分析了山东省各地区土地利用经济效益状况,根据各地区土地利用特点,提出了提高土地利用经济效益的对策和建议。通过研究土地利用的经济效益,为确定合理的土地利用方式、结构及布局提供基础和依据,从而实现土地资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

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