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Urban land transformation for pro-poor economies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solomon Benjamin 《Geoforum》2004,35(2):177-187
The transformation of land into a setting for clustering local economies can become an important cornerstone of poverty policy. This transformation has several functional aspects, which in turn have important institutional and political aspects. Underlying both the functional and institutional factors is the role of local government and local democracy. Such a conceptualization puts to center stage several paradoxes: A terrain that seems “slum-like” turns out to be highly productive and employment generating. Complex tenure forms and mixed land use seen as “unplanned” turn out to be pre-requisites for economic development. There are institutional paradoxes that contrast efforts at “transparency” and managerial “best practices”. Here, the messiness of local bureaucracies in municipal government turns out to be critical for poor groups to influence interventions in their favor. Influencing the public process may be more effective in stealth-like ways rather taking a more visible approach. Most fundamentally these issues remind us that the potential of cities to reinforce or reduce poverty moved far beyond projects and programs and the normative frameworks used by planners and administrators. Instead, it is the transformative process of turning land into economic settings that might be at the center stage. This is a stage where poor groups are the central actors who stealth-like draw on complex alliances across ethnic and class lines to shapes cities in their interests.  相似文献   

Eric Gutierrez 《Geoforum》2007,38(5):886-900
Meeting Millennium Development Goals on water and sanitation services in developing countries are fraught with difficulties, as can be seen most clearly from the experiences of Malawi and Zambia, two of the world’s poorest countries that have committed to meeting these goals. The challenges are not only technical, requiring programmatic or engineering solutions, but are also and most importantly political, because solutions will most often cause a rearrangement of the peculiar forms of power relations that have emerged within institutional and political environments of the two countries. The challenges include weak state support for water and sanitation provision, unreliable and contested indicators of coverage, poor sectoral co-ordination, and fragmented donor efforts. This field note examines these challenges in greater detail to cast new light as well as draw attention to possible solutions that can be implemented.  相似文献   

一个企业要发展,必须要有自己的人力资源优势。而吸引优秀的人力资源,必须建立以人为本的人力资源管理政策,一个优秀企业应从职业生涯规划、员工培训与发展、绩效考评、薪酬激励、关注心理需求等五个与员工切身利益方面进行规划以此增强企业的凝聚力。  相似文献   

Karen Bakker 《Geoforum》2007,38(5):855-868
Private sector partnerships (PSPs) have been increasingly advocated as an instrument of ‘pro-poor’ water supply policies. This article examines the performance of the private sector with respect to network connections for poor households in Jakarta, Indonesia, drawing on three sources: data collected through a household survey of poor households in six Jakarta neighbourhoods in 2005; data provided by the two private concessionaires and the Jakarta municipal government; and interviews with water supply managers, government officials, and NGO representatives in 2001 and 2005. The analysis concludes that the Jakarta PSP contract has not been pro-poor: new connections were preferentially targeted at middle and upper-income households over the period 1998-2005, and the numbers of new connections have been lower than the original targets. The paper argues that the failure to connect the poor is not solely attributable to the private operators, and identifies disincentives to provide individual network connections to poor households on the part of the municipality, the private concessionaires and poor households. The paper concludes by questioning the long-term ability of private sector operators to supply water to the poor.  相似文献   

高坪仙 《华北地质》1998,21(1):54-55
双冲构造(duplexes)的概念最早应用在构造地质学中,是用来表明与逆冲构造相伴的专门的一套叠瓦断层系(Dahlstrom 1970. Boyer 及 Elliot1982).双冲构造包括一套能传递以逆冲构造底板到逆冲构造顶板位移的叠瓦断层系.叠瓦断层通常是渐近的向推覆构造的两条边界断层弯曲,框定了透镜状的叠瓦单元.双冲构造趋向于发育在运动学复杂的地区.  相似文献   

刘金平 《水文》2005,25(3):42-45,55
即将颁布实施的《水情信息编码标准》是我国水情工作的一项重大革新。阐述了编制《水情信息编码标准》的背景、基本原则和与《水文情报预报拍报办法》的本质变化;描述了水文要素标识符的构成原则、水情信息编码的分类及其可编列的内容;介绍了《水情信息编码标准》中A、B、C等3种基本编码格式及其实用范围。  相似文献   

Introduction: Geographical Education for Sustainable Living   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lea Houtsonen 《GeoJournal》2004,60(2):147-148

This paper introduces the special issue ‘organisational geographies of power’ by examining the theoretical and empirical context for debates. It does this, firstly, with reference to existing theoretical work on what power is and does as well as work on the construction of power relations. Building on this, the paper then, secondly, examines the way relational and production network approaches have incorporated power into work on transnational corporations before, thirdly, considering how work on neoliberalism has studied the construction of spatial power relations. In doing this the paper highlights four important questions for future research relating to the practices and spatiality of power, the exercising of power and the situated effects of power relations.  相似文献   

Control-volume discretizations using multipoint flux approximations (MPFA) were developed in the last decade. This paper gives an introduction to these methods for quadrilateral grids in two and three dimensions. The introduction is kept on a basic level, and a brief summary to more advanced results is given. Only the O-method with surface midpoints as continuity points is discussed. Flux expressions are derived both in physical and in curvilinear space. Equations for calculation of the transmissibility coefficients are given, and an explicit solution is shown for constant coefficients. K-orthogonality, stability and monotonicity are discussed, and an iterative solution technique is presented. Two numerical examples close the paper.  相似文献   

根据发现于辽宁省西部朝阳地区下白垩统九佛堂组的离龙类一具有头骨的不完整骨架,建立Simoedosauridae科中的一新属新种:朝阳辽西龙:Liaoxisaurus chaoyangensis gen.et sp.nov.。朝阳辽西龙的下颌缝合部短,小于下颌长度的2O ,牙齿齿槽近似正方形,区别于任何已知的进步的离龙类。它吻部相对较短,占头骨总长的49.8 。  相似文献   


正乔秀夫、李海兵、苏德辰.等.著.2017.软沉积物变形构造——地震、古地震记录.北京:地质出版社.大大16开,263页.定价128元。全书共分12章:第1章阐述了软沉积物变形构造和震积岩的概念、内涵、学科特征及其在地学中的位置和当前研究中的问题。第2~7章,软沉积物变形构造和震积岩的分类及5个成因类型的系统介绍和讨论。第8章,软沉积物复合变形构造。第9章,软沉积物地震振动液  相似文献   

吕君昌,姬书安,袁崇喜,季强.著.2006.中国的翼龙类化石.北京:地质出版社,147页。本书系统地总结了迄今为止中国发现的翼龙类化石。全书共分8章,第1章简要介绍了关于翼龙的基本知识;第2章介绍了中国翼龙类化石产地的地情况;第3章对中国迄今为止发表的翼龙属种进行逐一分析,修订了某些属种的特征;第4章运用支序系统学方法,分析了龙各类群之间的关系;第5章简单介绍了翼龙的软组织及其印痕化石;第6章介绍了翼龙的生活习性及生理特征;第7章介了中国翼龙类的地理分布和地质时代;第8章介绍了中国翼龙类化石的研究现状及展望。联系人:100037,北京阜…  相似文献   

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