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 The Commission on Geological Sciences for Environmental Planning (COGEOENVIRONMENT) of IUGS and UNESCO have initiated a joint project to develop a worldwide data base on earth-science-related environmental problems and to assess which geoscientific information is available locally for prevention, prediction or mitigation of such problems. As a first step, a pilot project on geo-environmental problems and geo-information was launched for central and eastern Europe. In this paper the results of a questionnaire sent to all these partly new countries are presented. Analysis of the results of the questionnaire shows that the most serious and common geo-environmental problems in central and eastern Europe are earthquakes, landslides, soil contamination, groundwater pollution and flooding by rivers. Other geo-environmental problems in this part of Europe and some difficulties experienced during the pilot project are also referred to. Some suggestions for the application of geoscientific knowledge to mitigate such problems are presented at the end of this paper. Received: 25 February 1997 · Accepted: 28 January 1998  相似文献   

Climate change presents both threats and opportunities to the nations and peoples of central and eastern Europe. National and international programs are directly addressing climate change, and other programs speak to natural resource and environmental quality issues that will have significant effects on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. This paper explores examples of ongoing climate change activity in the region, setting a broad context for the subsequent papers in this volume ofGeoJournal. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为研究柴北缘东部及周缘侏罗系发育特征及其对构造活动的响应,笔者等基于柴北缘东段红山、霍布逊及德令哈凹陷侏罗系野外地质调查,通过地层接触关系追踪、二维地震资料解释以及岩性岩相突变特征分析,同时与中国西北地区其他典型的盆地侏罗系发育特征进行对比分析,研究表明,在中国西北多个板块的相互作用的构造背景之下,柴北缘东段燕山期构造运动Ⅰ幕发生在早—中侏罗世,以古地理与古构造环境较为均一、发育粗碎屑凹陷、每个凹陷内具有幕式沉积充填特征,与中国西北其他盆地对比,此幕构造运动波及面大,但强度较弱,推测与中国西北周边各板块碰撞造山之后的伸展作用相关;燕山期构造运动Ⅱ幕发生在晚侏罗世—早白垩世,此幕构造运动导致古地理与古构造环境向新的环境转变,以中—上侏罗统之间的角度不整合、白垩系及晚侏罗统的残缺不全为特征,推测与拉萨地块与欧亚板块碰撞以及蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋的关闭及Kolyma—Omolon地块的碰撞有关。  相似文献   

冯怀伟  许淑梅  王大华  肖永军  张关龙  曾治平  王千军  王金铎 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022082003-2022082003
为研究柴北缘东部及周缘侏罗系发育特征及其对构造活动的响应,笔者等基于柴北缘东段红山、霍布逊及德令哈凹陷侏罗系野外地质调查,通过地层接触关系追踪、二维地震资料解释以及岩性岩相突变特征分析,同时与中国西北地区其他典型的盆地侏罗系发育特征进行对比分析,研究表明,在中国西北多个板块的相互作用的构造背景之下,柴北缘东段燕山期构造运动Ⅰ幕发生在早—中侏罗世,以古地理与古构造环境较为均一、发育粗碎屑凹陷、每个凹陷内具有幕式沉积充填特征,与中国西北其他盆地对比,此幕构造运动波及面大,但强度较弱,推测与中国西北周边各板块碰撞造山之后的伸展作用相关;燕山期构造运动Ⅱ幕发生在晚侏罗世—早白垩世,此幕构造运动导致古地理与古构造环境向新的环境转变,以中—上侏罗统之间的角度不整合、白垩系及晚侏罗统的残缺不全为特征,推测与拉萨地块与欧亚板块碰撞以及蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋的关闭及Kolyma—Omolon地块的碰撞有关。  相似文献   




A growing body of evidence implies that the concept of 'treeless tundra' in eastern and northern Europe fails to explain the rapidity of Lateglacial and postglacial tree population dynamics of the region, yet the knowledge of the geographic locations and shifting of tree populations is fragmentary. Pollen, stomata and plant macrofossil stratigraphies from Lake Kurjanovas in the poorly studied eastern Baltic region provide improved knowledge of ranges of north‐eastern European trees during the Lateglacial and subsequent plant population responses to the abrupt climatic changes of the Lateglacial/Holocene transition. The results prove the Lateglacial presence of tree populations (Betula, Pinus and Picea) in the eastern Baltic region. Particularly relevant is the stomatal and plant macrofossil evidence showing the local presence of reproductive Picea populations during the Younger Dryas stadial at 12 900–11 700 cal. a BP, occurring along with Dryas octopetala and arctic herbs, indicating semi‐open vegetation. The spread of PinusBetula forest at ca. 14 400 cal. a BP, the rise of Picea at ca. 12 800 cal. a BP and the re‐establishment of PinusBetula forest at ca. 11 700 cal. a BP within a span of centuries further suggest strikingly rapid, climate‐driven ecosystem changes rather than gradual plant succession on a newly deglaciated land. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a legacy of the centrally planned economy, the economies in transition of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have a unique potential to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through the improvement in their high energy intensities. Since much of this `low-hanging fruit' in energy-efficiency improvements can be highly cost-effective, many developed countries facing difficulties in meeting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets domestically are eager to find such opportunities in the CEE region. Therefore, studies analysing the potentials and costs of carbon dioxide reduction through technology improvement in the region have come into the limelight. While there are a few excellent studies in the region aimed at analysing climate change abatement potentials, they all embark on different assumptions, methodologies and boundary conditions. It is hence difficult, if not impossible, to compare and analyse the results of these studies across different authors, countries or time horizons. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to place four leading studies on GHG mitigation through technology improvement from the CEE region into an internationally comparable framework. Four studies were selected from three countries, Poland, Hungary and Estonia, which are all the results of major national and international efforts to assess costs and potentials of GHG reduction. The paper places their assumptions, methods and final results into a framework which enables policy-makers and project designers to compare these across geographical and technological boundaries. Since other studies from around the globe have been analysed in this framework in the literature, this paper provides a vehicle for the findings of these four studies to be compared to others worldwide. In addition, the paper highlights a few areas where similar studies to be completed in the future in the region may be enhanced by incorporating features used in GHG mitigation research in other parts of the world. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Labour shortage was an integral feature of the communist system of economic management and one that seemed most unlikely to persist in the face of systemic transformation. A casual examination of the unemployment rates that have emerged throughout most of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) during the course of the past decade might suggest that this early assumption was correct. However, within the region the aggregate rate of joblessness, as well as the behaviour of national output, mask the fact that certain, major urban centres appear to have weathered well the storms caused by exposure to western markets and stringent fiscal and monetary policies. In these centres transformation has meant, to a greater or lesser degree, industrial modernisation and this begs the question of whether the human capital portfolios of the inherited labour force match up to the requirements of the new environment. This paper examines the meaning of the concept of labour shortage and presents the findings from a survey of employers in four leading cities of three major CEE economies designed to elicit if, and how, manpower requirements are being met in the present climate. The results indicate that, somewhat paradoxically, labour shortage persists in the more flexible markets of the post-communist era and that firms do not expect the situation to change radically in the near future. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Merje Kuus 《Geoforum》2007,38(2):241-251
This paper investigates the role of intellectuals in the production of geopolitical discourses. It analyzes how the cultural capital of humanist credentials and artistic aura functions to authenticate and legitimate geopolitical claims. Drawing empirically from Central Europe and especially Estonia, I argue that intellectuals are central to the production of a particular ‘cultural’ concept of geopolitics - the notion that foreign policy expresses the state’s and the nation’s identity. As cultural capital gives intellectuals a special license to speak about culture, it constitutes an essential component in geopolitical discourses in Central Europe.The paper contributes to Europeanist geography by clarifying the mechanisms through which Central Europe is cast externally and internally as a place particularly imbued with culture and identity - a place whose integration with the EU and NATO represents its cultural ‘return’ to Europe. It takes us beyond the romanticized notion of intellectuals - especially the formerly dissident ones - as ‘speaking truth to power’, and offers a more subtle account of their role as producers of power discourses.Beyond Central Europe, the paper underscores the political and cultural milieu of geopolitical claims and the specific structures of legitimacy through which these claims are justified and normalized. A nuanced understanding of the role of ‘culture’ in geopolitical discourses requires that we closely examine the cultural and moral capital of intellectuals. This would also enable us to better delineate human agency in the production of geopolitics.  相似文献   

The presence of marl deposits belonging to the Lateglacial period in a former lake basin at Lundin Tower in Fife, Scotland has allowed palaeoenvironmental investigations by means of carbonate δ13C and δ18O, and organic matter δ13C, in addition to palynology. The variations that emerge reveal strong similarities between the pollen and isotope records and these are interpreted as reflecting climatic shifts. The classic Late-glacial pattern of Oldest Dryas–Bølling–Older Dryas–Allerød–Younger Dryas may be evident and other climatic oscillations are shown to have occurred not only during the Allerød but also in the Preboreal. The problem of the time discordance between isotopic change and pollen representation is addressed through explanations involving lags in plant colonization. A comparison of the δ18O records from 43 sites across Europe reveals two different regional patterns, which raises fundamental questions over the nature of Late-glacial palaeoclimates.  相似文献   

中国城市水资源可持续开发战略对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市水资源开发是一项庞大的、复杂的系统工程。作者在研究中国主要城市地质环境背景和分析城市水资源开发现状与问题的基础上,有针对性地提出了一套技术、经济等城市水资源可持续开发综合战略对策,对解决当前中国城市水资源紧缺和合理开发及科学管理有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss the possibilities of adopting a policy based on collective learning in old industrial regions. This is particularly interesting because old industrial regions are believed to have lost their learning capabilities, as indicated by notions of `technological' and `institutional' lock-in. Moreover, the success stories where positive effects of interactive learning have been observed (Silicon Valley, Baden-Württemberg) all share the lack of an industrial past.First, we specify how a theoretical framework based on interactive learning, which tries to explain the industrial decline of old agglomerations, may look like, and how such an approach differs from other approaches. Then, we set out a policy framework that aims to deal with the process of structural adjustment and which incorporates the ideas of interactive learning based on socio-cultural factors. In this respect, we distinguish between two possible routes of adjustment, which reveal a complex interplay between different types of agglomeration economies, innovations and restructuring processes. Finally, we devote attention to the problems such a policy based on the notion of the learning region may face, such as the problem of how to overcome a negative lock-in situation caused by localized path dependency.  相似文献   

本文依据断层相关褶皱几何学原理,对龙门山中段地震剖面进行了精细解释。研究发现,龙门山中段山前带浅层冲断系统存在多套滑脱层,具有上下分层变形特征。浅层滑脱层为上三叠统须家河组三段(T3x3)的碳质页岩夹煤层,其上发育双重构造和叠瓦构造; 下三叠统嘉陵江组四、五段(T1j45)的膏岩层,发育断层传播褶皱、冲起构造和构造楔; 深层为下寒武统的泥页岩层,发育断层转折褶皱和滑脱褶皱。该区滑脱断层所控制的地层变形和缩短量各不相同,其中三叠系上统缩短量最大,大于30 km; 三叠系下统至古生界地层缩短量约为14.5km; 侏罗系以上的地层缩短量则较小。研究区内的通济场断裂(F3)为印支末期形成的一套逆冲断层组,其下部交于下寒武统滑脱层,深度约为10 km; 关口断层(F4)和彭县断裂(F5)为晚侏罗世—早白垩世形成的逆冲断层,下部交与下三叠统嘉陵江组滑脱层,深度大约为8~10 km。这些断层以前展的方式破裂,并且长期活动。龙门山中段自中生代以来存在多期构造事件,主要发生诺利末期、印支晚幕、燕山期和喜马拉雅期。其中,燕山期和喜马拉雅期是龙门山活动最强烈的两个阶段,在龙门山中段山前带表现为大量断裂的长期活动,地壳缩短和龙门山快速隆升,并形成多种构造样式。  相似文献   

龙门山中段山前带浅层冲断系统的结构、形成与演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文依据断层相关褶皱几何学原理,对龙门山中段地震剖面进行了精细解释。研究发现,龙门山中段山前带浅层冲断系统存在多套滑脱层,具有上下分层变形特征。浅层滑脱层为上三叠统须家河组三段(T_3~x3)的碳质页岩夹煤层,其上发育双重构造和叠瓦构造;下三叠统嘉陵江组四、五段(T_1j~(4-5))的膏岩层,发育断层传播褶皱、冲起构造和构造楔;深层为下寒武统的泥页岩层,发育断层转折褶皱和滑脱褶皱。该区滑脱断层所控制的地层变形和缩短量各不相同,其中三叠系上统缩短量最大,大于30 km;三叠系下统至古生界地层缩短量约为14.5 km;侏罗系以上的地层缩短量则较小。研究区内的通济场断裂(F_3)为印支末期形成的一套逆冲断层组,其下部交于下寒武统滑脱层,深度约为10 km;关口断层(F_4)和彭县断裂(F_5)为晚侏罗世一早白垩世形成的逆冲断层,下部交与下三叠统嘉陵江组滑脱层,深度大约为8~10 km。这些断层以前展的方式破裂,并且长期活动。龙门山中段自中生代以来存在多期构造事件,主要发生诺利末期、印支晚幕、燕山期和喜马拉雅期。其中,燕山期和喜马拉雅期是龙门山活动最强烈的两个阶段,在龙门山中段山前带表现为大量断裂的长期活动,地壳缩短和龙门山快速隆升,并形成多种构造样式。  相似文献   

福建省地震重点监视防御区城市防震减灾体系工程 ,在各部门的支持配合下 ,通过全局上下和各地市地震局的共同努力下 ,2 0 0 1年一年来取得实质性进展。加强领导 ,完善制度 ,精心组织项目实施 ,保证项目资金到位是非常重要的。  相似文献   

锡田中部地区锡多金属矿成矿地质特征及找矿潜力   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
锡田中部地区原生矿床的成因类型有矽卡岩型和热液充填一交代型2类,其形成与岩浆活动关系密切,空间分布严格受岩浆岩和断裂构造的控制。区域化探异常显示研究区是寻找Sn,W多金属矿的有利部位,显示良好找矿前景。  相似文献   

滇西藏东三江地区主要地块碰撞拼合的古地磁分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用古地磁数据,结合与构造活动有关的沉积记录以及古生物地理信息,对华南、思茅、保山、缅泰、印支、拉萨和喜马拉雅地块进行了古纬度和纬度运移量的对比研究,以确定云南西部三江地区主要地块的碰撞拼合历史。结果表明:(1)思茅地块可能源于华南地块;(2)保山和缅泰地块在晚石炭世至晚二叠世发生快速北移;(3)保山与华南地块于晚二叠世碰撞之后,和缅泰地块、华南地块以及印支地块继续向北漂移,直到晚三叠世;(4)保山与华南地块间的古特提斯洋可能于早志留世张开,晚二叠世闭合。  相似文献   

藏东地区是西南三江复合造山带有色金属、贵金属成矿带的重要组成部分,也是三江带中北段新生代强烈陆内变形区,具有金和金银金属矿产成矿的优越条件。已发现的众多岩金矿(化)点反映出藏东有多种岩金矿床成因类型,其中以斑岩型和破碎带充填交代型两种类型最为重要。前者以新生代浸源偏碱性斑岩为成矿母岩,矿(化)体赋存于斑岩、隐爆角砾岩内部、接触带及外接触蚀变带中,主矿化元素为金、银、铅、锌,少数还有铜、钨;后者的矿(化)体一般赋存于多期活动的区域性大断裂侧次级断裂、派生断裂、层间破碎带及节理、劈理发育带内,主矿化元素亦为金及银、铅、锌、铜,个别有锑、汞等。成矿时代以新生代及白垩纪-新生代为主。文中还对藏东构造单元和新生代偏碱性岩带进行划分,对两种金矿床类型的一般矿化特征、矿源层、蚀变和化探异常与矿化关系、找矿标志及找矿方向作了简要论述。  相似文献   

融雪径流模拟是干旱区水文水资源研究的热点问题,对干旱区春季融雪洪水风险评估和流域水资源管理至关重要。结合文献查询及资料分析,重点讨论了不同类型融雪径流模型的特征和发展情况,比较了不同融雪径流模型在干旱区一些典型河流的应用情况,并对其功能及优缺点进行了评估。结合对目前流域融雪径流模拟研究中存在的问题的分析,提出未来融雪径流模拟要注重提高数据分辨率的观点。借助多源遥感数据驱动获取更为精确的输入数据,在数据获取难度减小、精度提高的基础上山区融雪径流模拟将更多地以基于能量平衡的物理性模拟为主。模型的构建要充分考虑由气候变暖所带来的其它参数的变化,精确描述山区融雪过程,以提高对融雪径流的模拟精度。  相似文献   

刘章文  陈仁升  宋耀选 《冰川冻土》2014,36(6):1582-1590
在气候变化的背景下, 寒区灌丛与积雪的相互关系成为寒区水文循环研究的重要环节. 综述近几十年来寒区灌丛-积雪相互关系的国内外研究现状, 并对未来研究提出了展望. 寒区灌丛过去几十年来覆盖面积和生物量等呈现增加趋势, 灌丛的增加可截留积雪, 改变积雪重分布, 影响积雪消融过程; 积雪可增加灌丛区地温, 制约灌丛区融雪时空变化过程, 影响寒区灌丛的生理生态过程. 灌丛与积雪同为寒区自然生态系统和环境的重要组成部分, 二者相互作用使地面太阳辐射和地表水分分配过程复杂化, 从而间接地影响寒区冻土环境变化. 最后, 指出了未来研究需要重点关注的几个问题: 寒区灌丛区积雪分布的精确估计; 灌丛-积雪-冻土连续体的研究; 耦合灌丛-积雪作用的寒区水文模型的构建.  相似文献   

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