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Modern Tethyan, Mediterranean, and Pacific analogues are considered for several Appalachian, Caledonian, and Variscan terranes (Carolina, West and East Avalonia, Oaxaquia, Chortis, Maya, Suwannee, and Cadomia) that originated along the northern margin of Neoproterozoic Gondwana. These terranes record a protracted geological history that includes: (1) 1 Ga (Carolina, Avalonia, Oaxaquia, Chortis, and Suwannee) or 2 Ga (Cadomia) basement; (2) 750–600 Ma arc magmatism that diachronously switched to rift magmatism between 590 and 540 Ma, accompanied by development of rift basins and core complexes, in the absence of collisional orogenesis; (3) latest Neoproterozoic–Cambrian separation of Avalonia and Carolina from Gondwana leading to faunal endemism and the development of bordering passive margins; (4) Ordovician transport of Avalonia and Carolina across Iapetus terminating in Late Ordovician–Early Silurian accretion to the eastern Laurentian margin followed by dispersion along this margin; (5) Siluro-Devonian transfer of Cadomia across the Rheic Ocean; and (6) Permo-Carboniferous transfer of Oaxaquia, Chortis, Maya, and Suwannee during the amalgamation of Pangea. Three potential models are provided by more recent tectonic analogues: (1) an “accordion” model based on the orthogonal opening and closing of Alpine Tethys and the Mediterranean; (2) a “bulldozer” model based on forward-modelling of Australia during which oceanic plateaus are dispersed along the Australian plate margin; and (3) a “Baja” model based on the Pacific margin of North America where the diachronous replacement of subduction by transform faulting as a result of ridge–trench collision has been followed by rifting and the transfer of Baja California to the Pacific Plate. Future transport and accretion along the western Laurentian margin may mimic that of Baja British Columbia. Present geological data for Avalonia and Carolina favour a transition from a “Baja” model to a “bulldozer” model. By analogy with the eastern Pacific, we name the oceanic plates off northern Gondwana: Merlin (≡Farallon), Morgana (≡Pacific), and Mordred (≡Kula). If Neoproterozoic subduction was towards Gondwana, application of this combined model requires a total rotation of East Avalonia and Carolina through 180° either during separation (using a western Transverse Ranges model), during accretion (using a Baja British Columbia “train wreck” model), or during dispersion (using an Australia “bulldozer” model). On the other hand, Siluro-Devonian orthogonal transfer (“accordion” model) from northern Africa to southern Laurussia followed by a Carboniferous “Baja” model appears to best fit the existing data for Cadomia. Finally, Oaxaquia, Chortis, Maya, and Suwannee appear to have been transported along the margin of Gondwana until it collided with southern Laurentia on whose margin they were stranded following the breakup of Pangea. Forward modeling of a closing Mediterranean followed by breakup on the African margin may provide a modern analogue. These actualistic models differ in their dictates on the initial distribution of the peri-Gondwanan terranes and can be tested by comparing features of the modern analogues with their ancient tectonic counterparts.  相似文献   

Subduction is the main driving force of plate tectonics controlling the physiography of the Earth. The northward subduction of the Sinai plate was interrupted during the Early Pleistocene when the Eratosthenes Seamount began to collide with the Cyprian arc. A series of synchronous structural deformations was triggered across the entire eastern Mediterranean, and local topography was drastically accentuation along the Levantine corridor – one of the main pathways of hominin dispersal out of Africa. However, the choice of this preferred pathway and timing of dispersal has not been resolved. Though causes for dispersal out of Africa are in debate, we show that the transition from subduction to collision in the eastern Mediterranean set the route.  相似文献   

Role of strike-slip faults in the Betic-Rifian orogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new model for the Betic-Rifian orogeny of the Western Mediterranean (Spain and North Africa) is proposed in which four strike-slip faults play an important role; the faults are not of the same age. Two faults, the left-lateral Jebha fault to the south (in Morocco and principally in the Mediterranean Sea) and the right-lateral North Betic fault (southern Spain) to the north, define the boundaries of the Alboran block (Betic and Rifian internal zones). Final movement along these faults was during the Burdigalian time. Two other faults, the left-lateral Nekor fault (North Africa) to the south of the Jebha fault and the right-lateral Crevillente fault, somewhat to the north of the North Betic fault, define a larger Alboran block (including part of the Betic and Rifian external zones) that was present during the Tortonian.The following sequence of events is proposed:
1. (a) During the Eocene and Oligocene, the African and European plates converged in a N-S sense causing the breakup and overthrusting of the Betic, Rifian and Kabyle internal zones and then the movement towards the WSW of the Alboran block by slip along the Jebha and North Betic faults.
2. (b) By the end of Burdigalian time, movement along the Jebha and North Betic faults ceased.
3. (c) With continued N-S convergence, the Nekor and Crevillente faults, which bound a larger Alboran block, were formed during the mid- and late Miocene. The Arc of Gibraltar (the zone lying between the four major faults) seems to be a result of WSW motion of a crustal block being thrust over external zones.
The model proposed adds to the earlier idea that tectogenesis proceeds from the interior to the exterior of an erogenic belt. In the Betic-Rifian orogeny major strike-slip fracture zones shifted to the exterior of the orogenic belt as the orogeny progressed in order to relieve the stress caused by locking of the more internal faults.  相似文献   

The Levantine Basin—crustal structure and origin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of the Levantine Basin in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea is related to the opening of the Neo-Tethys. The nature of its crust has been debated for decades. Therefore, we conducted a geophysical experiment in the Levantine Basin. We recorded two refraction seismic lines with 19 and 20 ocean bottom hydrophones, respectively, and developed velocity models. Additional seismic reflection data yield structural information about the upper layers in the first few kilometers. The crystalline basement in the Levantine Basin consists of two layers with a P-wave velocity of 6.0–6.4 km/s in the upper and 6.5–6.9 km/s in the lower crust. Towards the center of the basin, the Moho depth decreases from 27 to 22 km. Local variations of the velocity gradient can be attributed to previously postulated shear zones like the Pelusium Line, the Damietta–Latakia Line and the Baltim–Hecateus Line. Both layers of the crystalline crust are continuous and no indication for a transition from continental to oceanic crust is observed. These results are confirmed by gravity data. Comparison with other seismic refraction studies in prolongation of our profiles under Israel and Jordan and in the Mediterranean Sea near Greece and Sardinia reveal similarities between the crust in the Levantine Basin and thinned continental crust, which is found in that region. The presence of thinned continental crust under the Levantine Basin is therefore suggested. A β-factor of 2.3–3 is estimated. Based on these findings, we conclude that sea-floor spreading in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea only occurred north of the Eratosthenes Seamount, and the oceanic crust was later subducted at the Cyprus Arc.  相似文献   

Organic matter from Toarcian outcrops and boreholes in several basins around the Mediterranean Sea and Middle East has been studied. Rock-Eval pyrolysis, elemental analyses of kerogens and gas chromatography of chloroform extracts within these different basins have been used to determine the amount, petroleum potential and type of the organic matter. The results have been used to compile a mapping of the organic matter for the Toarcian stage, which shows heterogeneities in the distribution and type of organic matter:
1. (1) Marine organic matter (type II) occurs in different environments of deposition. Whereas high contents (>5% total organic carbon) correspond to thick deposits within the West European realm (Great Britain, North Sea, Paris Basin and Germany), the organic matter is less abundant in the Mediterranean area where lower concentrations (1–2% TOC), preserved in Lower Toarcian thin levels, are limited only to restricted basins (northern Italy, Greece).
2. (2) The predominance of continental organic matter (type III) along the northern margin of the Tethys corresponds to a deltaic environment.
3. (3) There is a predominance of altered organic matter within the carbonated platforms around the Mediterranean Tethys.
These results, supplemented with the data issuing from the literature, add a geochemical dimension to the paleogeography of the Tethys.  相似文献   

To the extent that rock deformation can be approximated by a two-dimensional Newtonian model, a powerful stream-function simulation method is applicable. The significance of stream functions is that velocity, strain, stress and energy derived from the same stream function satisfy automatically three basic conditions of dynamics:
1. (1) the condition of continuity.
2. (2) the Navier-Stokes equations.
3. (3) conservation of energy.
Hence we state with Jaeger: “If a stream function can be found which satisfies the boundary conditions of a dynamic model the complete solution follows.” All pertinent bits of dynamic information are implied in the stream function from which they can be directly derived, guaranteed—so to speak—not to violate the basic conditions of dynamics. Stream functions useful in structural geology are solutions of: A double-polynomial solution of max. degree 14 is developed, in which the coefficients are related controlled by the 4ψ = 0 constraint, and their absolute values are determined by the boundary conditions of specific models and by the condition of maximum rate of energy dissipation or maximum rate of decline of potential energy. The polynomial stream function is applied to a collapsing viscous “nappe” consisting of a thin basal layer with low viscosity on which a thicker layer with high viscosity slides due to gravitational spreading. The velocity of forward movement depends upon absolute and relative values of the following parameters: viscosity, thickness, the aspect ratio and density. The velocity of a variety of nappes with different thicknesses, aspect ratios, viscosities and densities is determined.  相似文献   

A simple empirical model representing the variation of shear strain throughout a simple shear zone allows us to determine the evolution of finite strain as well as the progressive shape changes of passive markers. Theoretical strain patterns (intensity and orientation of finite strain trajectories, deformed shapes of initially planar, equidimensional and non-equidimensional passive markers) compare remarkably well with patterns observed in natural and experimental zones of ductile simple shear (intensity and orientation of schistosity, shape changes of markers, foliation developed by deformation of markers).The deformed shapes of initially equidimensional and non-equidimensional passive markers is controlled by a coefficient P, the product of
1. (1) the ratio between marker size and shear zone thickness
2. (2) the shear gradient across the zone.
For small values of P (approximately P < 2), the original markers change nearly into ellipses, while large values of P lead to “ retort” shaped markers.This theoretical study also allows us to predict, throughout a simple shear zone, various relationships between the principal finite strain trajectory, planar passive markers and foliations developed by deformation of initially equidimensional passive markers.  相似文献   

Cainozoic igneous activity in eastern australia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During the Cainozoic there was widespread basaltic igneous activity in eastern AustraIia along and adjacent to the Eastern Highlands. The activity commenced about 70 m.y. ago, and has continued through the Cainozoic at a nearly constant rate. More than fifty igneous provinces are recognized. Each province consists of similar volumes of volcanic material and crustal intrusives, the volcanism generally lasting less than 5 m.y. and resulting in lavas that cover a region 50–200 km across. Three main types of igneous province are recognized:
1. (1) central volcano provinces, which are composed predominantly of slightly undersaturated to saturated basaltic lavas, but with some felsic flows and intrusions;
2. (2) lava field provinces, which consist of basaltic flows, commonly strongly undersaturated;
3. (3) a single, mafic, strongly undersaturated, high potassium province.
Within each type of province the average potassium content of the lavas has not changed with time. Most provinces are consistent with an apparent migration of volcanism westward at 5 mm/year across the Eastern Highlands. This migration is thought to be caused by crustal processes. The distribution and age of the slightly undersaturated provinces suggest a migration of the centre of volcanism southward at 66 ± 5 mm/year. Magmas for these provinces are thought to originate from a magma source or sources, with a limited latitudinal extent, within the asthenosphere. The migration is considered to be related to the movement of the Indian (Australian) lithospheric plate relative to the underlying asthenosphere.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the seismic Vibroseis and explosive TRANSALP profiles has examined the upper crustal structures according to the near-surface geological evidences and reconstructions which were extrapolated to depth. Only the southern sector of the TRANSALP transect has been discussed in details, but its relationship with the whole explored chain has been considered as well. The seismic images indicate that pre-collision and deep collision structures of the Alps are not easily recognizable. Conversely, good records of the Neo-Alpine to present architecture were provided by the seismic sections.Two general interpretation models (“Crocodile” and “Extrusion”) have been sketched by the TRANSALP Working Group [2002]. Both illustrate the continental collision producing strong mechanical interaction of the facing European and African margins, as documented by giant lithosphere wedging processes. Arguments consistent with the “Extrusion” model and with the indentation of Adriatic (Southalpine) lithosphere underneath the Tauern Window (TW) are:
– According to the previous DSS reconstructions, the Bouguer anomalies and the Receiver Functions seismological data, the European Moho descends regularly attaining a zone south of the Periadriatic Lineament (PL). The Moho boundary and its geometry appear to be rather convincing from images of the seismic profile;
– the Tauern Window intense uplift and exhumation is coherent with the strong compression regime, which acted at depth, thus originating the upward and lateral displacement of the mobile and ductile Penninic masses according to the “Extrusion” model;
– the indentation of the Penninic mobile masses within the colder and more rigid Adriatic crust cannot be easily sustained. Wedging of the Adriatic stiffened lower crust, under high stresses and into the weaker Penninic domain, can be a more suitable hypothesis. Furthermore, the intrusion of the European Penninic crustal wedge underneath the Dolomites upper crust is not supported by any significant uplifting of the Dolomites. The total average uplift of the Dolomites during the Neogene appears to be 6−7 times smaller than that recognized in the TW. Markedly the northward dip of the PL, reaching a depth of approximately 20 km, is proposed in our interpretation;
– finally, the Adriatic upper crustal evolution points to the late post-collision change in the tectonic grow-up of the Eastern Alps orogenic chain. The tectonic accretion of the northern frontal zone of the Eastern and Central Alps was interrupted from the Late Miocene (Serravallian–Tortonian) onward, as documented by the Molasse basin evolution. On the contrary, the structural nucleation along the S-vergent tectonic belt of the eastern Southern Alps (Montello–Friuli thrust belt) severely continued during the Messinian and the Plio–Pleistocene. This structural evolution can be considered to be consistent with the deep under-thrusting and wedge indentation of the Adriatic lithosphere underneath the southern side of the Eastern Alps thrust-and-fold belt.
Similarly, the significance of the magmatic activity for the construction of the Southern Alps crust and for its mechanical and geological differentiation, which qualified the evolution of the thrust-and-fold belt, is highlighted, starting with the Permian–Triassic magmatism and progressing with the Paleogene occurrences along the Periadriatic Lineament and in the Venetian Magmatic Province (Lessini–Euganei Hills).  相似文献   

The Woodlands Formation (uppermost Pretoria Group) of eastern Botswana overlies thick quartzites of the Sengoma Formation (Magaliesberg Formation) and comprises a lower unit of interbedded mudrocks and fine-grained recrystallised quartzitic sandstones, succeeded by chaotic and very coarse-grained inferred slump deposits. Within the adjacent western region of South Africa, interbedded mudrocks and quartzitic sandstones stratigraphically overlying the Magaliesberg Formation are now assigned to the lower Woodlands Formation. Within the entire region, interference folding produced by northeast-southwest (F1 and F3) and northwest-southeast (F2) compression, and concomitant faulting characterised inversion of the Pretoria Group basin. This deformation is of pre-Bushveld age and affected all units in the Pretoria Group, including the uppermost Silverton, Magaliesberg and Woodlands Formations, and intrusive Marico Hypabyssal Suite (pre-Bushveld) mafic sills. The Nietverdiend lobe of the Bushveld Complex, intrusive into this succession, was not similarly deformed. Movement along the major Mannyelanong Fault in the northwest of the study area post-dated Transvaal Basin inversion, after which the “upper Woodlands” chaotic slump deposits were formed. The latter must thus belong to a younger stratigraphical unit and is possibly analogous to apparently syntectonic sedimentary rocks (Otse Group) in the Otse Basin of eastern Botswana.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a detailed record of proxy-climatic events in the coastal belt of the eastern Mediterranean during the past 53,000 years. A sequence of alternating palaeosols, aeolianites, and dune sands, which have been dated by luminescence and by 14C, was studied by the magnetic susceptibility, particle-size distribution, clay mineralogy and soil micromorphology. Thirteen proxy-climatic events, demonstrating fluctuations of relatively dry and wet episodes, were recognized. The soil parent materials, as well as the different soil types, were rated in a semi-quantitative “dry” to “wet” scale. The palaeosol sequence is compared to a proxy-climatic record of oxygen and carbon isotopes in speleothems from a karstic cave in central Israel and to a record of lake levels of Lake Lisan and its successor, which is known as the Dead Sea. A genuine red Mediterranean Soil (Rhodoxeralfs), localy designated as “Hamra Soil” developed during the Last Glacial Stage, from 40 to 12.5 thousand calendar years BP. Climatic fluctuations that were recorded in speleothems and in changing lake levels were not preserved in this soil. During the cold and dry Younger Dryas, ca 12.5 to 11.5 calendar ka BP, a thick bed of loess material, deriving from atmospheric dust of the Sahara and Arabian deserts, covered the entire coastal belt. During this phase Lake Lisan was desiccated and turned into the modern, smaller Dead Sea. During the early Holocene, some 10–7.5 calendar ka BP, a second Red Hamra soil developed in warm and wet environments, associated with a relatively high stand of the Dead Sea level. A depletion of δ18O and a significant enrichment of δ13C in the speleothems were recorded during this episode. This event was in phase with the widespread distribution of freshwater lakes in the Sahara Desert and the accumulation of the S1 Sapropel in the eastern Mediterranean. Several small-scale dry and somewhat wet fluctuations of the Late Holocene, from 7.5 calendar ka BP to the present, were recorded in the coastal belt. Changes in human history, as reflected in archaeological records, are associated with proxy-climatic fluctuations. Periods of desertification and deterioration are coupled with dry episodes; periods of relative human prosperity are coupled with wetter episodes.  相似文献   

We present the longest-duration directly dated terrestrial palaeoclimate record from the western Mediterranean region: a flowstone speleothem from Gitana Cave, southeast Spain. The main phase of growth was 274 to 58 ka, dated by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) U-series methods. Effective precipitation, which we consider primarily responsible for flowstone calcite δ13C variations, measured at 300 μm resolution, was higher during interglacials associated with marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 7 and 5, and lower during glacial MIS 6. There is a close correspondence between speleothem δ13C and sea surface temperature (SST) estimates from adjacent Atlantic Ocean cores during MIS 6, which implies that oceanic conditions are critical in controlling the western Mediterranean terrestrial moisture balance during glacial periods. Other features of our record, such as the sequence of termination II warming/moistening between approximately 133 and 127 ka, including a “pause” around 130–128 ka, and the lagged termination of MIS 5 warm intervals (5e, 5c and 5a) are similar to other terrestrial records within the Mediterranean basin, indicating climate synchroneity along the northern Mediterranean coast. The Gitana cave region also may have been a refugium for temperate species during short-lived cold/arid periods during MIS 5.  相似文献   

The Quaternary deposits in the Galilee coastal plain comprise alternating calcareous sandstone, red loam, dark clay, and uncemented sand. The calcareous sandstone in the lower part of the sequence represents a Pliocene to early Pleistocene marine transgression, and is covered unconformably by the late Quaternary sequence. The base of this sequence has an estimated age of 500,000 yr. It is covered unconformably by marine calcareous sandstone in the west, which represents the global high sea-level stand of isotope stage 7.1, and is known as one of the “Tyrrhenian” events in the Mediterranean area. The overlying members represent the low sea-level stand of stage 6, the first a red paleosol indicating a relatively wet phase and the second an eolianite unit representing a drier phase. The eolianite forms longitudinal, subparallel ridges that formed contemporaneously. The overlying marine sandstone, which contains one of the diagnostic fossils of the “Tyrrhenian” events, the gastropodStrombus buboniusLMK, accumulated during the global high stand of stage 5.5. The last glacial period left no sedimentary record. The Holocene is represented by a marine clay unit that is covered by sand. The present study establishes a complete and detailed chronostratigraphic sequence for an eastern Mediterranean beach, which contains the gastropodS. buboniusLMK.S. buboniuson the Galilee coast is attributed to stage 5.5 and, therefore, establishes an east–west Mediterranean correlation, which can be used for linking Mediterranean events to paleo-sea levels and global climate changes.  相似文献   

The study of regions situated beyond the western margin of the present-day Indian plate (Afghanistan principally) point to the following facts:
1. (1) During the Late Precambrian—Early Paleozoic, stratigraphical continuity existed between western and central Iran, Central Afghanistan, Salt Range and western Pakistan.
2. (2) During the Paleozoic a similar epicontinental cover existed in central Afghanistan, Kashmir and Tibet, with Gondwana tillites and associated cold fauna, such as in India (Umaria); however, a so-called Hercynian zone exists also in northern Iran—Hindu Kush and northern Pamir: it exibits a Middle Paleozoic unconformity (Upper DevonianCarboniferous) on metamorphic Early Paleozoic.
3. (3) The end of the Paleozoic, is marked by: a fracturation of the basement of the Hercynian zone, with powerful volcanic eruptions at the northern part of Hindu Kush, Kashmir (Panjal trap) and also Nepal (Nar valley) the formation of a geosynclinal zone at the southern part of Hercynian zone (Turkman, Penjaw).
4. (4) During the Jurassic: the geosynclinal evolution of the Turkman—Penjaw furrow accelerated, with the accumulation of flysch, radiolarites, ophiolites, olistolites and incipient HP metamorphism. A general subduction took place followed by a Neocimmerian orogenic phase with overthrusting of the central Afghanistan ranges on the scar of the geosynclinal furrows.
5. (5) During the Cretaceous: the geosynclinal evolution ended: Lower Cretaceous lies unconformably on the folded Jurassic flysch. In eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan, during the Middle (?) or Upper Cretaceous, a new geosynclinal zone was created.
6. (6) During the Cenozoic, central Afghanistan was emerged; northwards, sedimentary basins were created along the Herat fault, with volcanic and magmatic activity. A southeastern geosynclinal furrow evolved with accumulation of flysch, ophiolites and finally molasse deposits (Katawas—Soleimans). Its western border began overthrusting, but this movement changed into a left lateral fault i.e., the presentday Chaman Arghandeh fault.
Conclusion: Two major phases of dislocation took place during the geological history of Gondwana: the first one began during the Permian and ended in the Jurassic; the second one began during the Cretaceous and is still active. The important Eocimmerian orogenic phenomena, existing in the Central Afghanistan and northern Pakistan, took place at the edge of a Gondwana continental fragment, which was larger than the presentday Indian plate. Coeval phenomena may exist in the Himalayan region and perhaps in one of the ophiolitic sutures of Tibet.  相似文献   

In order to get detailed information about the facies and genesis of Upper Carboniferous coal seams of Northwest Germany, maceral analyses of complete seam profiles (Westphalian B-D, mainly Westphalian C) were carried out. Four main facies and twelve subfacies could be distinguished. The main facies are:
1. (1) The sapropelic-coal facies, consisting of fine-grained inertinite and liptinite, which forms from organic sediments deposited at the bottom of moor lakes.
2. (2) The densosporinite facies which is high in inertinite and liptinite and low in vitrinite. Syngenetic pyrites, clastic layers, thick vitrains and fusains do not occur. This facies originates from peats of ‘open mires’ with higher groundwater table and herbaceous vegetation. The ‘open mire’ was situated in the centre of extensive swamps. Consequently, clastic sedimentation did not affect this swamp type and nutrient supply and pH values were low.
3. (3) The vitrinite-fusinite facies, which is high in vitrinite. This is the result of abundant vitrains. Under the microscope, fusains were mostly identified as fusinite. The vitrinite-fusinite facies originates from a forest mire. More or less abundant seam splits and clastic layers show that rivers flowed in the neighbourhood of this area.
4. (4) The shaly-coal facies, which represents the most marginal part of the former swamp frequently affected by clastic sedimentation.
Within the Carboniferous of the Ruhr Region it seems unlikely that the thin coal seams of the Namurian C and Westphalian A1 contain a densosporinite facies. The swamps were situated in the lower delta plain where they were often affected by marine influences. Consequently, coals are high in minerals and sulfur and they are thin and discontinous. The best conditions for the formation of extensive swamps, with open mires (densosporinite facies) in their central parts, prevailed during Westphalian A2 and B1 times. Low contents of sulfur and minerals and high content of inertinite are typical for these coals. Sedimentation mainly took place in the transitional zone from the lower to the upper delta plain. During the Westphalian B2 and C fluvial sedimentation dominated. Within the coal seams minerals, sulfur and pseudovitrinite increase while inertinite decreases. This is the consequence of coal of the densosporinite facies occurring with increased rarity. The coal seams of the Westphalian C2 contain no densosporinite facies because peat formation was restricted by increasing fluvial sedimentation and by a better drainage. As a consequence, extensive swamps with ‘open mires’ in the centre were no longer formed after the formation of the “Odin” seams. Above the “Odin” seams coal of the vitrinite-fusinite facies contains thick-walled torisporinites. Variations and lowering of the groundwater table caused mild oxidative influences during peat formation. This is documented by an increase in pseudovitrinite, the occurrence of torisporinites and the absence of spheroidal sideritic concretions. Sulfur content increases in the absence of the low-ash and low-sulfur coal of the densosporinite facies.In Upper Carboniferous coal seams of the Ibbenbüren Region the inertinite and telocollinite contents are higher than in those of the Ruhr Region. Therefore, variations of the groundwater table have been more pronounced and resulting oxidative influences must have been more severe. Seldom occurring marine and brackish horizons and a higher fusinite (fusain) content indicate a slight elevation of this area. From Early Westphalian D times onward, peat formation was no longer possible because of the better drainage. This resulted in severe oxidative conditions which excluded peat formation.  相似文献   

A considerable portion of the territory of Afghanistan, having structures of the Mediterranean folded belt, has been subjected to a general tectonomagmatic activization over the Miocene through to the present, resulting in different (predominantly oscillating) tectonic movements, intrusive magmatism, terrestrial volcanism, mineral occurrences, and springs of carbonated and nitrous thermal water.Three types of young magmatism and volcanism products have been recognized in Afghanistan:
1. (1) Miocene alkaline granite intrusions, described as the Share—Arman Complex, resulted from the early orogenic stage of the Late Alpine geosynclinal troughs development and were restricted to transversal uplifts, in both the geosynclinal structures and on their extension, in the surrounding median masses. These transversal uplifts also play the role of mineralization-controlling structures.
2. (2) Late orogenic—Early Quaternary volcanics (the Dash-i-Nawar Complex) cropping out by the periphery of median masses and at the marginal uplifts of the Late Alpine folded area and also restricted to the transversal uplifts with the confined fault zones to them.
3. (3) Alkaline carbonatitic (the Khanneshin Complex) and trachybasaltic (the SarLogh Complex) Early—Middle Quaternary volcanics in the inner parts of the Central Afghanistan Median Mass and in the southeastern segment of the Turan Plateau.
Areas with products of Middle Quaternary volcanism are restricted to knot areas of the major subcrustal faults which are currently active.  相似文献   

The Lufilian arc of Central Africa (also called Katangan belt or Copperbelt) is a zone of low to highgrade metasedimentary (and subsidiary igneous) rocks of Neoproterozoic age hosting highgrade CuCoU and PbZn mineralizations. The Lufilian arc is located between the Congo and Kalahari cratons and defines a structure which is convex to the north. Three major phases of deformation characterize the construction of the Lufilian arc. The first phase (D1) called the “Kolwezian phase” developed folds and thrust sheets with a northward transport direction. D1 deformation occurred in the Lufilian arc between ca. 800 and 710 Ma, with a peak in the range 790–750 Ma. It is here correlated with the main deformation in the Zambezi belt. Southward-verging folds with the same trends as the D1 structures were previously linked to a second tectonic event named Kundelunguian phase of the Lufilian orogeny. We show in this paper that they are backfolds developed during D1 along Katangan ramps and especially along the Kibaran foreland. The second phase (D2) of the Lufilian orogeny is the “Monwezi phase” including several large leftlateral strikeslip faults which have been activated successively. During this deformation phase, the eastern block of the belt rotated clockwise, giving the present day NWSE trend of D1 structures in this part of the Lufilian arc, and generating its convex geometry. The Mwembeshi dislocation, the major transcurrent shear zone separating the Zambezi and Lufilian arc, was mostly active during the D2 deformation phase. D2 deformation occurred between ca. 690 and 540 Ma. Such a long time interval is attributed to the migration of strikeslip faults developed sequentially from south to north, and probably to a slow convergence velocity during the collision between the Congo and Kalahari cratons. The third phase (D3) of the Lufilian orogeny is a late event called the “Chilatembo phase”, marked by structures transverse to the trends of the Lufilian arc. This deformation and the post-D2′ uppermost Kundelungu sequence (Ks3 Plateaux Group), are younger than 540 Ma and probably early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

An extensive passive margin was formed in the Triassic along the periphery of Arabia, including the Tauric carbonate platform. This event is related to the opening of the Mesozoic Tethys when a number of microcontinents split off from Gondwana. Triassic extension and continental rifting resulted in the formation of a structural pattern which is uniform from the Dinarides to Oman. It includes the following elements:
1. (1) shelf,
2. (2) continental slope,
3. (3) deep basin probably with a floor of attenuated sialic crust,
4. (4) inner carbonate platform. In the Jurassic-Cretaceous stable conditions prevailed, influenced only by eustatic oscillations of the sea level. Turbidites accumulated on the continental rise while cherts and radiolarites were deposited in the deep basins (Hawasina, Pichakun, Antalya, Pindus) below the CCD level. Sedimentation on the shelf was controlled by north-northeast transverse tectonic elements which also continued across the passive margin, dividing it into a number of segments. Collision with an island arc led to obduction of the oceanic crust, deformation of the passive margin and overthrusting of its sedimentary cover onto the Arabian shelf. Obduction and deformation lasted for about 10 m.y. and created a new tectonic pattern with concentric structural zones surrounding the Arabian promontory.
These zones include:
1. (1) the flysch basin—a remnant of the closing Tethys;
2. (2) an uplift—a site of periodical emergence and erosion, corresponding to the frontal part of the ophiolitic nappes;
3. (3) the Border furrow—a depocenter of low-energy calcareous marls,
4. (4) the Arabian shield constantly emerged during the Tertiary. Tectonic deformation of these zones caused by the collision of Arabia with Eurasia began prior to the Early Miocene and it is still going on.
Data on Afghanistan demonstrate that its central part (the Gelmend-Argandab and Kabul blocks) belonged during the Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic to the continental shelf of India.  相似文献   

In vast tropical rain forest areas, weathering profiles are commonly characterized by a “stone line” overlain by a brown-yellow loose-clay horizon. Concordant with the topographic surface, such a stone line may be traced continuously over considerable distances. It is typically composed of coarse fragments of lithorelics, debris of laterite as Fe-oxides nodules, corroded quartz, gibbsitic aggregates, …, embedded in a clayey matrix. These materials cover the saprolitic weathering profile which is typically a few tens of metres thick.The origin of stone lines has given rise to much controversy and are still widely misunderstood. A broad range of processes, allochthonist or autochthonist, have been put forward in the literature. The findings in this paper conclude that these weathering profiles result from chemical leaching and differential movement between the matrix and the coarse fragments which accumulate by downward migration. Accumulation takes place at the lower limit of rain water impregnation and forms the stone line, whereas leaching and homogenization of fine material occur throughout the upper water-impregnated horizon. Although the materials of the loose-clay horizon and of the stone are extensively altered, the relics are chemically rather well recognizable.According to the above hypothesis, stone line weathering profiles should thus be mostly residual. The main aspects of geochemical dispersion processes of some stone line profiles in Gabon are presented as examples. These show that:
1. (a) The vertical redistribution of some major elements in the profiles, accumulation (Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2) or leaching (K2O, MgO, CaO, SiO2,..) are different from the bedrock composition;
2. (b) In some situations, it is possible to characterize the bedrock by using groups of trace elements such as V, Ni,.. for basic rocks or Ba, Sr,.. for gneisses for instance; the contrasts obtained can be smoothed in comparison with results from deeper in the profile.
3. (c) The persistence of geochemical anomalies arising from mineralization, throughout the weathering profile, up to the main sampling media, the surface soil. A “mushroom” dispersion pattern can be recognized where the foot of the mushroom corresponds to the element dispersion pattern can be recognized where the foot of the mushroom corresponds to the element dispersion in the saprolite and the bedrock, with the top of the mushroom being partly in the stone line and partly in the loose clay horizon.
Such a dispersion pattern has two consequences on exploration: (1) the spreading out of the surficial signal favoring the identification of anomalies during follow-up on a relatively wide spaced grid; and (2) at the same time, a reduction of the extension of the signals by dilution and leaching according to the weathering process; therefore, relatively low anomaly contents must be taken into account in exploration.Thus, anomalies arising from stone line profiles tend to be well-dispersed, but of weak magnitude, and represent in situ transfer from the parent rock.  相似文献   

Geodetic networks are designed to obtain data that can be used to monitor crustal movements. The relative position on the earth's surface is determined from these networks by means of coordinates. The coordinates of stations and its variance—covariance matrix are based on the computational model. In spatial networks at least three points, the base points, should be chosen to define the coordinate system “fixed” to the earth. In monitoring crustal movements these base points are considered to be stationary over the time span of the motion involved. A procedure for testing the stability of the base points, together with other stable points, is described.The coordinate differences between two time epochs, t0 and t1 are considered to investigate crustal movements. A statistical test is introduced to determine whether crustal movements have actually occurred.The reliability, i.e., the influence, of nondetected errors in the observations or computations, should be considered. Two types of decisions can be made which may lead to incorrect conclusions. These conclusions are as follows:
1. (1) That no movement has taken place, although a nondetected error leads to the opposite conclusion.
2. (2) That a movement has occurred, although a nondetected error in the observations leads to the opposite conclusion.
The chance of arriving at these conclusions can be computed. Boundary values for assumed crustal motion in specified latitudinal and longitudinal directions give a better insight into the desired specifications for geodetic networks.The testing procedure and the above-mentioned method of computing boundary values can be used for all types of networks e.g., those obtained by conventional triangulation or by a satellite-borne ranging system.  相似文献   

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