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Based on the field investigations,this paper analyzes systematically the achievements and problems of constructing the demonstrating areas of the ecological rebuilding and economic sustainable development in Hexi,Gansu Province,and then the thoughts on constructing the demonstrating areas are brought forward.It is considered that all kinds of ecological demonstrating areas should be merged in order to construct large-scale characterized demonstrating areas which go beyoud the district.In other words,in Hexi Region,Zhangye District should be constructed as the largest ecoagriculture demonstrating area of high technology;Wuwei District should be constructed as the largest ecological demonstrating area of agricultural comprehensive exploitation;JinJia District,which is the shortened form of Jiuquan and Jiayuguan,should be constructed as the largest ecotourism demonstating area;and Jinchang City should be constructed as the largest ecoindustry demonstrated area.At the same time,the constructing pattern should be selected according to the actual circumstances;science and technology should be applied to construct the demonstrating areas and accelerate the industrialization in the big market.Additionally,is is important to smooth the constructing system and implement the flexible and efficacious running mechanism,and it is suggested that the committee should be organized on administer the ecological demonstrating areas in Hexi Region. 相似文献
黄寿波 《中国地理科学(英文版)》1991,1(2):121-128
The tea tree [Camellia sinensis (L) Kuntze] is one of the world's economic crops. It is an especially important crop for southern China. Environmental factors related to the tea yield and quality in some high mountain areas of China are identified in this paper. These factors are: geology, topography, climate, hydrology, soil and vegetation. Climatological factors are the most important. Using data collected from meteorological stations which are situated at the summit and the base of high mountains, this paper discusses ecological climatic problems in growing tea in China. The ecological climatic characteristics of the famous tea areas mainly included are as follows: more . amounts of clouds and fog, less percentage of sunshine, abundant rainfall and high relative humidity in the air, temperatures that rise and fall slowly, daily and annual temperature ranges that are smaller, more days that are suitable for tea growing and low wind speeds in the lee-sides and valleys of mountains. All of these factors 相似文献
ZHUJin-hua LIJin-song 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2002,12(1):73-79
“West Jilin Porovince” in ths paper means Zhenlai,Baicheng,Taonan,Da‘an,Tongyu,Fuyu,Songyuan,Qian‘an ,Chandling,also includes Gongzhuling,Shuangliao,Lishu,Siping and Nong′an which have been suf-fered from desertification.In west Jilin Province there are three sand zones passing through,they are Xiang(Xianghai)-Wu(Wlan Tug)sand zone,Hai-Fent sand zone,and Tao′er River right band sand zone.The desertification area of west Jilin Province is 819 100ha,making up 12.5% of the total land area.Among desertification types,in Jilin Province light desertification is the major,then is medium dersertification,hevey desertification is the least.According to the compare-son of the interpretation results of the Landsat images of the 1980s and 1990s by remote sensing and GIS techniques,it can be seen that the diesertification area in west Jilin Province basically didn′t change on the whole,only increased 6130ha,making up 0.8% of the desertification area,change scale is less than 1%.Evidently,desertification is con-trolled mostly,but some areas are continuing deterioration.The desertification process of China can be divided into three types according to origin nature,they are sandy steppe desertification,fixed sand area(sand land) activation and dunes transfer invasion.Reasons of desertification of West Jilin Province are analyzed,they include natural factors(such as material source factors,chimate factors) and artificial factors(such as destroying grass to reclaim,steppe decreasing greatly,illegally feeling shelter forest stands,constructing reservoir to influence eco-environment etc.).Some sugges-tions are put forward as follows:establishing the social project for ecological reconstruction of degenerated land;intensify-ing planning and management of land use,reverting farmland into forestland or pasture in a planned way.The key desertifica-tion control is to depend mainly on policy and management,then control techniques. 相似文献
The economic development in China and the rising of the living standard need to speed up the urbanisa-tion.The development of small towns is an important way to Chinese urbanization.Land use plays a very important role in the development of small towns.However there are many problems in the development of small towns,esp.in land use.The paper first discusses the land problems in the development of small towns.Such as much cultivated land lies idle,under-utilization and waste of land,increasing illegal use of land,unstable contractural relationship for land use.The relationship between the development of small towns and land use is also studied.Then the guidelines for the land system innovations of small towns are put forward.Namely the sustainability of social and economic development,the bal-ance between land reservation and land utilization,the provision of service to village ,agriculture and farmer,the manage-ment of land resource and land assets,the parsimonious andlegal use of land.The basic framework of land system innova-tions of small towns is put forward finally.It include the land replacement policy for small towns and the permanent tenan-cy of farmland,the overall plan for land uses and other plans in harmony,the establishment of a flexible system of land supplies,using land with payments ,the transfer of agricultural land and refining the land law related to the construction of small towns. 相似文献
I.MAINRECESSIONCHARAgyERIarICSINTHENOn~~OafIanUSrnIAnSince1990,thenortheastoldindustrialbasehaslandedinabaddevelopingpredicament.Ithasslowdevelopment,exhaustedgrowthandaireconomicresult.Thepeoplecallit"theNortheastPhenomenon"(Kewen,1992).Themaincharacteristicsareasfollows:(1)TheeconomyinthenortheastoldindustrialbaseincreasedslowlyandthesituationoftotaloutputinthewholecountryhascomedO~obviously.From1989to1991,theincreasingspeedsofgross~ialproductinLiaoning,JinnandHeilongjiang… 相似文献
1INTRODUCTIONThere have been many literatures about the regional disparity of economic development in China since the late 1970s. Some scholars argue that disparity of re-gional development in China has been expanded since 1978, but others find it has reduced since 1978. The findings of some scholars show that the evolutionary process of the disparity of regional economic develop-ment in China follows the inverted U shape, but some others do not think so. What is the true tendency, and i… 相似文献
BOLi-qun 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2002,12(4):350-353
With the rapid development of space technology, earth observation technology and sky observatory technolo-gy, they have played a more and more important part in monitoring and predicting of earthquakes and volcanoes in the terres-trial land. In recent years, the related agencies have done the experiments and researches on monitoring and predicting ofearthquakes and volcanoes in the forewarning period by means of many approaches, such as satellite thermal infrared re-mote sensing (TIRS), Global Positioning System (GPS), differential interferometric synthesis aperture radar (D-INSAR),astronomical time-latitude residual anomaly, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc. A quite large number of re-search foundation has been built in the fundamental theories and application methods. The experiments and researcheshave shown that these technology is efficient methods for high frequency crust movement. If the existed separate scientificforces and results are possibly assembled together to form a more complete integration monitoring system with the combina-tion of space, sky observation, ground, deep geology and macro anomaly, it will come into a new stage of monitoring andpredicting of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. 相似文献
张佳华 《中国地理科学(英文版)》1998,(3)
I.INTRODUCTIONAtpresent,globalclimatechangehavebeenwidelypaidatentiontointernationaly.Climaticandenvironmentalchangesfromloc... 相似文献
The Fujian coast Changle-Nanao metamorphism zone rocks are composed of gneiss, schist andhornblendite which had gone through metamorphism of amphilbolite facies, and followed the large-scaleintrusive mass of gneissic granite. The zone was orginally composed of Early Palaeozoiccontinental margin and island arc volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In 180-150 Ma, the zone undermentductile shear deformation and amphibolite facies metamorphism; and in 130-80 Ma, rose rap1dly andco1lided with the Southeastem China continen1al rnargln volonic rocks a10ng the NE trending ductileshear belt. The above geologic setting laid the present Fujian coast tectonic foundation whose formationand evolution are known to be interrlatal with the sueduction and collision of the Taiwan CentralRange. 相似文献
曹银真 《中国地理科学(英文版)》1991,1(3):262-271
In the river systems, the environmental change always undergoes a process from quantitative to qualitative change. The upper limit of the qualitative change is called threshold. When the process reaches or goes beyond the limit, the original event series will be replaced by the other event series. Investigations show that the evolution of the Huanghe River alluvial fan and delta has also under gone a process from quantitative to qualitative change. The geometric forms in each process are roughly the same. This threshold of the geometric forms not only provides us a quantitative index for plotting the periodicity of the alluvial fan and delta, but also is of importance for estimation of the trend of natural environmental change.It is shown that there are three periodic alluvial fans of the Huanghe River since the middle Holocene and four periodic delta since 1855 A.D., the thresholds of their geometric forms are from 0.93 to 0.94 and from 1.2 to 1.21 respectively.The changing trend in the past and the na 相似文献
1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND According to the modern wetland concept, inland saline alkaline wetland is a component of wetland. In the world, it is mainly distributed in inland plain, plateau and basin of the arid or semi arid areas where there are fragile ecosystems deteriorated environment and poor biological resources which result in backward economy and poverty. Therefore, the study on inland saline alkaline wetland is significant for improving environment and realizing sustainable d… 相似文献
ZHONGYun PENGHua 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2002,12(3):226-232
In the forming of the Dynamic System of Tourism Development(DSTD)in developed regions from the view of supply side,the Dhlphi Method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used to count the weight of each component of the DSTD.It has been found that the attraction subsystem is the most important one of the three subsystems at the first hierarchical level of DSTD,which means that tourist attractions are always the principal factors for regional tourism development,even in developed regions.But it is also noteworthy that the significance of the attraction subsystem is not dominant in the DSTD.At the second hierarchical level,the physical attraction subsystem rand No.1,while the weight of the non-physical attraction subsystem is just a little larger than the weight of the hardware subsystem and that of software subsystem.And the weights of the three components in the medium subsystem are similar.The top 3 factors at the third hierarchical level are scenic spot,location and regional economic impact.The result verifies the conclusions of qualitative analysis,which depends on the market research and the study of historical date,that the most important compo-nent of the DSTD in Foshan is the impact of the developed economy.Knowing the weight of each component of the DSTD can be helpful to make out the most useful force,furthermore to determine the future orientation for regional tourism develop-ment. 相似文献
陈海龙 《中国地理科学(英文版)》1992,2(2):145-158
According to historical records, there are 264 drought and flood years, occurred in the upper and middle reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River during last 1020 years from 961 to 1980. The evolutionary law and developing trend of drought and flood years are studied. The distribution of drought and flood years are non-uniform and the dry and flood seasons in a year are concentrated. At the angle of monsoon circulation, at present the climate in the upper and middle reaches of the Changjiang River is just in the late stage of frequent drought period and the early stage of least flood period. In addition, the cycle of drought and flood and the feature of drought and flood occurred in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River are analyzed. It shows that the short period less than 10 years is in the majority, and the drought and flood occurred most frequently in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River. 相似文献
In rapid socio-economic development,the process of concentration and dispersal of various elements tends to be more dramatic,tremendously influencing the shaping and transformation of the space in metropolitan area.Survey of spatial concentration and decentralization has thus become a basic method in examining metropolitan spatial evolution.In this research,three elements were selected as the essential indicators of the process:demographic density distribu-tion,employment density distribution and business office location.Performance of these elements in Nanjing City was exam-ined historically.As Nanjing City could be regarded as a representative of metropolitan areas in China,its situation large-ly suggestes the general characteristics in similar areas of China.Hence based on the investigation of Nanjing City,four general implications were highlighted.First ,metropolitan areas in China are in a violent process and shift of spatial concentra-tion and decentralization.Second,from now to at least the near future,concentration will continue to be the central fea-ture.Third,the landscape of metropolitan areas basically exhibits a dual structure character.The gap in environmental and ecological qualities among different districts will continue for a long time.Fourth,Central Business District (CBD) is playing an important role in helping to convert the traditionally single-centered city structure into a polycentric one. 相似文献
I.INTRODUCTIONUptothepresent,severaltheoreticalandimportantpracticalproblemshavebeensolvedinkarstgeomorphology.However,alongw... 相似文献
I.INTROOucrIOXEconondclinkis"theexchangeofrawmaterialsandindustrialandagriculturalpnductsandtheinterrelationoftheeCOnowhcandtechnicalrespeCtsbetweenregionS,withinaregion,betweenacityandatownoraruralarea,orbetweenrUralareas".RegionaleCOnondclinkistheoutcomeofspatiallaberdivision.Atprcment,alongwiththegroupingandinternationalizationofenterprisesintheworldandextensivecoalitionsOfregionaleCOnowhes,andspeCiallywithfurtherdevelopmentofmarketeconomyandextensiveexpansionOflateraleCOnondccoali… 相似文献
孙雪兴 《中国海洋湖沼学报》1986,(3)
Scales of the Lake Anchovy in Taihu Lake are used as a basis for its age determination. Annual variation of scale edge growth rate (a) indicates that the annulus forms once a year, mainly in April-June. The relationship formula for boby length and scale diameter is L = 18.658 + 118.06R, that for body length and weight is W= 7.588×10-6 L2.8301; W - 5.584×10-6 L2.8781. The fish before age II have a higher relative growth rate in boby length and weight and a higher growth index. Growth is consistent with the growth equation by Von Bertalanffy. The turning point of the body weight growth curve is located between age II and III; the exact position is at W = 0.292W∞. Variation specificity of the growth course can be reflected by the growth rate and its acceleration curves. Time for capture of the fish should preferably be after age II, when they have reached a body length of 170 mm. That is one of the key measures to increase Lake Anchovy production in Taihu Lake. 相似文献
Land use changes are regarded as landscapepattern change driven by many interactive natural andsocial-economic fact6apCQUES, 1999; JOHANN etal., 1999), and show the competition between land usetypes undet different conditions. Socio-economic attributely contribute to lands use/cover change in shortperiod(BENOIT et al., 1999; TURNER et al., 1995 ),whereas physical conditions constrain essential changetendency and change process. The spatial difference inland use dynamic in Mongolian A… 相似文献