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The Jozini and Mbuluzi rhyolites and Oribi Beds of the southernLebombo Monocline, southeastern Africa, have geochemical characteristicsthat indicate they were derived by partial melting of a mixtureof high-Ti/Zr and low-Ti/Zr Sabie River Basalt Formation types.Compositional variations within the different rhyolite typescan largely be explained by subsequent fractional crystallization.The Sr- and Nd-isotope composition of the rhyolites is uniqueamongst Gondwana silicic large igneous provinces, having Ndvalues close to Bulk Earth (–0·94 to 0·35)and low, but more variable, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0·7034–0·7080).Quartz phenocryst 18O values indicate that the rhyolite magmashad 18O values between 5·3 and 6·7, consistentwith derivation from a basaltic protolith with 18O values between4·8 and 6·2. The low-18O rhyolites (< 6·0)come from the same stratigraphic horizon and are overlain andunderlain by rhyolites with more ‘normal’ 18O magmavalues. These low-18O rhyolites cannot have been produced byfractional crystallization or partial melting of mantle-derivedbasaltic material. The rhyolites have low water contents, makingit unlikely that the low 18O values are the result of post-emplacementalteration. Modification of the source by fluid–rock interactionat elevated temperatures is the most plausible mechanism forlowering the 18O magma value. It is proposed that the low-18Orhyolites were derived by melting of earlier altered rhyolitein calderas situated to the east, which were not preserved afterGondwana break-up. KEY WORDS: rhyolite; Lebombo; stable and radiogenic isotopes; low-18O magmas; partial melting  相似文献   

New 18O values for plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine, and limitedwhole-rock D values are presented for samples from the RustenburgLayered Suite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. In combinationwith existing data, these provide a much more complete compositeO-isotope stratigraphy for the intrusion. Throughout the layeredsuite, mineral 18O values indicate that the magmas from whichthey crystallized had 18O values that were about 7·1,that is, 1·4 higher than expected for mantle-derivedmagmas, suggesting extensive crustal contamination. More limitedH-isotope data suggest that the OH present within whole rocks,regardless of the degree of alteration, is of magmatic originand not an alteration phenomenon. There appears to be no systematicchange in 18O value with stratigraphic height and this requiresthe contamination to have taken place in a ‘staging chamber’before emplacement of the magma(s) into the present chamber.Large amounts (30–40%) of contamination by the lower tomiddle crust are needed to explain these 18O values, which isin general agreement with previous estimates based on Sr- andNd-isotope data. Alternatively, smaller amounts of contamination(20%) by sedimentary rocks, or their partial melts, representedby the country rock can explain the data, but it is not apparenthow such material could have been present at the depth of the‘staging chamber’ in the lower to middle crust. KEY WORDS: Bushveld Complex; Rustenburg Layered Suite; oxygen isotopes; hydrogen isotopes; crustal contamination  相似文献   

Summary Numerical simulations of circular holes under internal hydraulic pressure are carried out to investigate the hydraulic fracture initiation, propagation and breakdown behavior in rocks. The hydraulic pressure increases at a constant rate. The heterogeneity of the rocks is taken into account in the study by varying the homogeneity index. In addition, the permeability is varied with the states of stress and fracture. The simulations are conducted by using a finite element code, F-RFPA2D, which couples the flow, stress and damage analyses. The simulation results suggest that the fracture initiation and propagation, the roughness of the fracture path and the breakdown pressure are influenced considerably by the heterogeneity of rocks. The hole diameter elongation and the stress field evolution around the fracture tip during the fracture propagation can also provide useful information for the interpretation of the hydraulic fracturing behaviour.  相似文献   

Historical and present century instrumental data have been used to determine seismic hazard in 35 sites of Greece by the application of Cornell's method (Cornell, 1968) and the mean value method. The macroseismic intensity has been considered as a measure of seismic hazard. Comparison of the results of the two methods showed that, in general, the mean value method gives higher values, particularly for low probabilities of exceedance. In addition, for some sites, the differences of the expected intensities resulting from the two methods, indicate that finer tuning of the seismogenic souce model is required, or suggest time dependence. Although each one of these methods has its own merits, the method based on seismic zonation (Cornell's method) has several advantages and must be preferred when an accurate zonation is possible by the use of macroseismic and instrumental seismic data, together with geological and geomorphological information. However, reliable estimates of seismic hazard at a particular site require work on a microzoning scale, incorporating historical, archaeological, and recent geological data.Paper presented at the 21st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission held in Sofia, 1988.  相似文献   

We have studied the polarized optical absorption and EPR spectra of Co-doped beryls grown by hydrothermal, flux, and gas-transport methods, and chrysoberyl grown by the Czochralski method. In beryls three groups of bands, belonging to three various Co centers, were distinguished by analysis of the absorption band intensities. The first group, bands with maxima at 22 220 (E c), 17 730 (E c), and 9090 (E c), 7520 (E c) cm–1 are due to Co2+ in octahedral site of Al3+. The second group is bands at 18 940, 18 250, 17 700 (E c), 18 300, 17 700, 17 000 (E c) and 8830 (E c), 7350 (E c) cm–1 and 5320 (E c), 3880 (E c) cm–1, which are caused by Co2+ in tetrahedral site of Be2+. A weak wide band in flux and gas-transport beryl in the region of 12 500–8300 cm–1 (E , c) is related to Co3+ in octahedral Al3+ site. In hydrothermal beryl, bands 13 200 (E c), 10 900 (E c), and 8500 (E c) cm–1 are caused by an uncontrolled impurity of Cu2+ ions. For Co-doped chrysoberyl one type of center of Co has been established: Co2+ in the octahedral site of Al3+. In the approximation of the trigonal field with regard to Trees correction, the energy levels of Co2+ have been calculated in octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. There is good agreement between the obtained experimental and calculated data. The polarization dependence of the optical absorption bands is explained well in terms of the spin-orbit interaction.  相似文献   

The Tieluping silver deposit, which is sited along NE-trending faults within the high-grade metamorphic basement of the Xionger Terrane in the Qinling orogenic belt, is part of an important, recently discovered Mesozoic orogenic-type Ag-Pb belt. Ore formation includes three stages: an early barren quartz-pyrite stage (E), an intermediate polymetallic sulfide ore stage (M), and a late barren carbonate stage (L). Carbon, sulfur and lead isotope systematics indicate that the E-stage fluids are deeply sourced; the L-stage fluids are shallow-sourced meteoric water; whereas the M-stage fluids are a mix of deep-sourced and shallow-sourced fluids. Sulfur and lead isotope data show that the ore-forming fluids must have originated from a source with elevated radiogenic lead and low 34S values, that differs significantly from exposed geologic units in the Xionger Terrane, the lower crust and the mantle. This supports the view that the carbonate-shale-chert sequences of the Guandaokou and Luanchuan Groups south of the Machaoying fault might be the favorable sources, although little is known about their isotopic compositions. A tectonic model that combines collisional orogeny, metallogeny and hydrothermal fluid flow is proposed to explain the formation of the Tieluping silver deposit. During the Mesozoic collision between the North China Craton and South China Block (Early-Mid Triassic Indosinian Orogeny), crustal slabs containing the carbonate-shale-chert sequences of the Guandaokou and Luanchuan Groups, locally rich in organic matter (carbonaceous shale), were thrust northwards beneath the Xionger Terrane along the Machaoying fault. Metamorphic devolatilisation of this underthrust slab probably provided the ore-forming fluids to develop the Ag-Pb ore belt, which includes the Tieluping silver deposit. Fluids and magmas were emplaced during extensional stages related to the Jurassic-Cretaceous Yanshanian Orogeny.Editorial Handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

Isotope measurements (18O, D, 3H) indicate groundwater origin in the Lower Colorado River Valley (LCRV) and provide an alternative, or supplement, to the US Bureau of Reclamations proposed accounting surface method. The accounting surface method uses a hydraulic criterion to identify certain wells away from the flood plain that will eventually yield mainstream Colorado River water. New isotope data for 5 surface-water and 18 groundwater sites around Topock Marsh, Arizona, are compared with river-water data (1974–2002) from 11 sites between Utah and Mexico and with groundwater data from previous LCRV studies. Three groundwater sources are repeatedly identified in the LCRV: (1) local recharge derived from precipitation, usually winter rain, plots slightly below the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and has D values that are 20 greater than those of recent river water; (2) older (pre-1950) upper basin river-water plots on or near the GMWL, distinct from local rainfall and recent river water; and (3) recent (post-1950) Colorado River water, including Topock Marsh samples, plots below the GMWL along an evaporation trend. Large floods, as in 1983, complicate interpretation by routing less evaporated upper basin water into the LCRV; however, tritium content can indicate the age of a water. River-water tritium has declined steadily from its peak of 716 TU in 1967 to about 11 TU in 2002. Mixtures of all three groundwater sources are common.
Resumen Mediciones isotópicas (18O, D, 3H) indican cual es el origen del agua subterránea en el Valle Bajo del Río Colorado (LCRV) y aportan una alternativa, o complemento, para el método superficie de conteo propuesto por el Buró de Reclamación de Estados Unidos. El método superficie de conteo utiliza un criterio hidráulico para identificar ciertos pozos alejados de la planicie de inundación que eventualmente producirán agua a partir de la corriente principal del Río Colorado. Los nuevos datos isotópicos para 18 sitios de agua subterránea y 5 sitios de agua superficial cerca de los Pantanos Topock, Arizona, se comparan con datos de agua de río (1974–2002) provenientes de 11 sitios localizados entre Utah y México, y con datos de aguas subterráneas de estudios previos realizados en el LCRV. Se identifican reiteradamente tres fuentes de aguas subterráneas en el LCRV: (1) recarga local derivada de precipitación, generalmente lluvia de invierno, cuya composición cae ligeramente por debajo de la línea de agua meteórica global (GMWL) y tiene valores D que son 20 mayores que los reportados para agua de río reciente; (2) el agua de río más vieja (pre-1950) de la cuenca alta cuya composición cae sobre o cerca de la GMWL, diferente de la lluvia local y del agua de río reciente; (3) agua reciente (post-1950) del Río Colorado, incluyendo muestras de los Pantanos Topock, con composición por debajo de la GMWL a lo largo de una tendencia a la evaporación. Inundaciones grandes, como en 1983, complican la interpretación al transmitir menos agua evaporada de la cuenca alta hacia el LCRV; sin embargo, el contenido de tritio puede indicar la edad del agua. El contenido de tritio en agua de río ha disminuido constantemente desde la concentración pico de 716 TU en 1967 a cerca de 11 TU en 2002. Es común que exista mezclas de las tres fuentes de agua subterránea.

Résumé Les mesures isotopiques (d18O, dD, 3H) indiquent les origine de leaux souterraines dans la Vallée de la Rivière du Bas Colorado (LCRV) et sont une alternative, ou un supplément, à la méthode des bilans hydrologiques proposée par du «US Bureau of Reclamation». Cette méthode de bilan hydrologique utilise un critère hydraulique permettant didentifier certains puits hors de la plaine dinondation qui pomperaient une part non négligeable de leur eau dans la rivière Colorado. De nouvelles données isotopiques provenant de 5 sites deau de surface et 18 deaux souterraines autour de Topock Marsh en Arizona, sont comparées avec les données (1974–2000) de 11 sites localisés entre Utah et Mexico, ainsi que des données dautres études sur la LCRV. Ces sources deaux souterraines sont identifiées à plusieurs reprises dans la LCRV: (1) la recharge locale dérivant des précipitations, généralement les pluies hivernales, se retrouvent légèrement sous la ligne deau météoritique globale (GMWL) et possède des valeurs de dD 20% supérieures aux valeurs des eaux récentes de la rivière; (2) les eaux vieilles (pre-1950) du bassin supérieur de la rivière possèdent une valeurs très proches de la GMWL, distinctes des valeurs de la pluie locale et des eaux récentes de la rivière; et (3) les eaux récentes (post-1950) de la Rivière Colorado, incluant les échantillons de Topock Marsh, se positionnent à côté de la GMWL sur une droite dévaporation. Les grandes inondations, par exemple celle de 1983, compliquent linterprétation en reprenant dans la LCRV moins deaux marquées comme évaporées et provenant du bassin supérieur; par ailleurs le pic de tritium est descendu de 716 TU en 1967 à 11 TU en 2002. Les mélanges de ces trois sources sont assez fréquentes.

Chi-square tests for markov chain analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Markov chain analysis has become a popular and useful technique for the evaluation of stratigraphic information. Field data on frequencies of facies transitions are first assembled in a transition count matrix. Observed frequencies can be compared statistically with frequencies expected if no order, or memory, exists in the stratigraphic sequence. Two chi-square (2) tests have been proposed for this purpose. One of the previously proposed 2 tests was observed to give anomalously large values of the test statistic during another study. This unsatisfactory behavior is verified here. Limiting values of the two 2 tests (from tables) are compared with the distribution of values for both test statistics obtained by analyzing many random matrices generated by a simple computer program. In all cases, the logarithmic 2 test, suggested by several previous authors, fails to provide any meaningful assessment of the presence or absence of order in stratigraphic sequences evaluated. Further use of this test should therefore be avoided.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of quasi-independence into embedded Markov chains and identifies the maximum likelihood frequency estimates to be used with 2 tests of the null hypothesis of quasi-independence within an embedded Markov chain.  相似文献   

Microlithotype composition of a coal sample is often summarized by examining a large number (~500) of subsamples of a grain mount and estimating proportions of vitrite, intermediates, and inertite, where, for samples we have investigated, the proportion of intermediates is generally less than 0.4. This suggests that most subsamples are either greater than 95% vitrinite or greater than 95% inertinite, so that the statistical distribution of vitrinite has most of its weight in its tails. Two distributions which may have this shape are the beta and the logistic normal, and these have been fitted to the microlithotype distribution of some coal samples. Parameters of these fitted distributions are related to the proportion of vitrinite in the sample and thickness of microscopic bands in the coal. For coals in the Sydney Basin, at least, it was found that the parameter relating to band thickness is approximately constant over a coal seam; therefore, fitting one or other of these distributions to such data leads to directly interpretable parameters.  相似文献   

A method for determining the reversibility of a Markov sequence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes, given a tally matrix with strictly positive entries, a method to determine whether the associated Markov process is reversible, and (for reversible Markov processes) methods to compute the reversibility matrix from the tally matrix. If the tally matrixN is symmetric, then it is shown that the Markov process must be reversible and the reversibility matrixC equalss (R –1NR–1), whereR is the diagonal matrix whosei th diagonal entry is the sum of the entries of thei th row ofN (for everyi) ands denotes the sum of all the entries ofN. Because a symmetric tally matrix is of special importance in applications, a 2 test is proposed for determining, in the presence of experimental errors, whether such a matrix is symmetric.  相似文献   

Two deep scientific boreholes, named Poigny 701 and Sainte-Colombe 702, located in the Paris Basin near Provins (Seine-et-Marne, France), recovered a complete Upper Cretaceous chalk succession. A correlation between the boreholes lithostratigraphy, reflexion seismic profiles and diagenetic patterns shows that major velocity variations measured in the seismic reflection profiles correspond to dolomitized chalk intervals. Dolomitisations occurred during early and burial diagenesis. The understanding of these complex diagenetic events has an important economic consequence on the static correction of the chalk formation in the Paris Basin. Optimisation of petroleum prospecting below chalk cover is thus possible. The chalk series of the 701 and 702 boreholes range from the Cenomanian to the upper Campanian. In this succession, micrite has a primarily biogenic origin; it consists of pelagic organisms, indicative of warm seawater with values around 25°C. Several hiatuses occur in the 701 borehole. These hiatuses indicate the existence of particular hydrodynamic conditions. Deep-water channels were locally recognised in the Paris Basin as in Normandy and Picardy. In the 702 borehole, massive dolomitisation affected the upper meters of sediment below the sea floor. This early phase of massive dolomitisation was induced by slow circulation of a magnesium-rich seawater mass, along the seawater/sediment interface. Thus, this area was a zone of intense marine circulation between the North-West infralittoral and the South-West bathyal domains, across the London-Paris Basin. Magnesium-rich seawater had as origin the recrystallisation of the biogenic peri-plateform carbonates. During both dolomitisation and dissolution of the calcite matrix of the massive dolomite, the calcite had cemented chalk around the massive dolomite body. After deposition, the chalk series was progressively compacted and lithified by burial calcite cement. During the late Campanian-Maastrichtian, the burial compaction of the chalk and thermal gradient reached their maximum, as compressive stresses from the Pyrenean orogenesis affected the Paris Basin. At this time, compaction of the massive dolomite induced the expulsion of magnesian-rich fluids into the underlying already compacted chalk series. In 702 borehole, a diffuse dolomitisation then affected strongly underlying the chalk series. In 701 borehole, this diffuse dolomitisation affected slightly the lower half of the chalk series. Laterally, dolomitisation decreases gradually and affected a only smaller thickness of the chalk series, disappearing laterally. During the progressive emergence of the Paris Basin, from the Paleogene to the Quaternary, the chalk series were partially invaded by continental fresh water. Thus partial dedolomitisation affected the massive dolomite, whereas total dedolomitisation affected only the upper first meters of it.Manuscrit reçu le 20 juin 2003 Révision acceptée le 9 septembre 2004  相似文献   

The central zone of the large Miocene tiavnica stratovolcano in the Western Carpathians hosts epithermal Au mineralization of intermediate-sulfidation type, located at deep levels of the historic Rozália base-metal mine at Banská Hodrua. The Au mineralization occurs as subhorizontal veins at the base of pre-caldera andesites, close to the roof of a subvolcanic granodiorite intrusion. The veins are dismembered by a set of quartz–diorite porphyry sills and displaced by the younger, steeply dipping, Rozália base-metal vein, and parallel structures. The base-metal vein structures are related to resurgent horst uplift in the caldera center. The Au mineralization formed during two stages. Based on fluid inclusion evidence, both stages formed from fluids of low salinity (0–3 wt% NaCl eq.), which underwent extensive boiling at moderate temperatures (280–330°C). Variable pressure conditions (39–95 bars, neglecting the effect of CO2) indicate continual opening of the system and a transition from suprahydrostatic towards hydrodynamic conditions at shallow depths (~550 m). The fluid inclusions of the Rozália base-metal vein show homogenization temperature peaks at ~285 and 187°C and salinities between 1 and 4 wt% NaCl eq. Precipitation of Au is considered to be the result of prolonged boiling of fluids and associated decrease in Au solubility. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope data for quartz and carbonate from the Au veins show a relatively homogeneous fluid composition (–2.7 to 1.118O, –78 to –62D). The combined 18Ofluid and Dfluid values suggest a mixed character of fluids, falling between the fields of typical magmatic and meteoric water influenced by 18Ofluid shift due to fluid–rock isotopic exchange. End stages of open-system boiling and fractionation could have been reached, at least locally. Significantly lower isotopic composition of meteoric fluids associated with Au mineralization compared to those associated with the intrusion-related mineralizations could have resulted from changing paleoclimate and/or analytical problems of extraction of water from fluid inclusions. The proposed genetic model for the Au deposit at Rozália mine highlights the importance of hydrothermal activity during the early stage of caldera collapse. Caldera subsidence established new, convective, fluid-flow paths along marginal caldera faults, which acted as infiltration zones. Major metal precipitation occurred within subhorizontal structures that formed as the result of a collapse-related stress field. A shallow, differentiated magma chamber at the base of the volcano was the likely source of heat and magmatic components for the mineralizing fluids.Editorial handling: S. Nicolescu  相似文献   

Operator splitting methods are often used to solve convection–diffusion problems of convection dominated nature. However, it is well known that such methods can produce significant (splitting) errors in regions containing self sharpening fronts. To amend this shortcoming, corrected operator splitting methods have been developed. These approaches use the wave structure from the convection step to identify the splitting error. This error is then compensated for in the diffusion step. The main purpose of the present work is to illustrate the importance of the correction step in the context of an inverse problem. The inverse problem will consist of estimating the fractional flow function in a onedimensional saturation equation.  相似文献   

Results obtained by Iranian and European geoscientists in the critical area to the north-east of the North Iran Suture east of Mashhad are desribed and discussed. A slightly metamorphosed ophiolite belt, outcropping as the south easterly continuation of the previously known ophiolites of Mashhad along the north eastern perimeter of the Fariman-Torbat-e-Jam depression, proved to be either the remnant of a Permian ocean floor or more likely the remnant of a narrow ocean trough. There is as yet no proof of a Triassic age for this ophiolitic belt. To the north of this ophiolitic belt an epicontinental Triassic sequence is exposed at the southern edge of Laurasia in the erosional Window of Aghdarband. This is the result of intermittent sedimentation in a pull-apart basin along sinistral strike-slip faults. The Triassic of Aghdarband has much in common with other deposits of the Triassic Tethys; however, it shows a few unique features, e.g. the Early AnisianNicomedites fauna of a palaeobiogeographic North Tethyan Subprovince, or volcanogenic sedimentation during the late Anisian and the entire Ladinian.Permian ophiolites outcropping at the south-west corner of the Aghdarband erosional Window are transgressively overlain by basal conglomerats of this Triassic sequence. Hence the existence of a Triassic ocean south of Laurasia is very unlikely. This is an agreement with paleomagnetic data which suggest that the Central Iranian microcontinent was in direct contact with Laurasia during Triassic times. These palaeomagnetic data also suggest a clockwise rotation of the Central East Iran microplate during Triassic times (contrary to the anticlockwise rotation of this microplate in post-Triassic times). The sinistral strike-slip faulting and compression from the south-west which controls the structure of the Triassic may be derivative sequels to this clockwise rotation. All Eo-Cimmerian deformations of the Triassic rocks (e.g. folding, thrust faulting, strike-slip faulting) had stopped by Rhaetian times.  相似文献   

Aerobic mineralisation of Corg in surface sedimentsof the deep (>2000 m water depth) eastern Mediterranean Sea has been quantified by analysis of detailedbox core Corg concentration versus depth profiles and the modelling environment for early diageneticproblems MEDIA. The reactive fraction comprises 60–80% of the total Corg reachingthe sediments and is largely oxidised within the surficial 10 cm. A non-reactive C orgfraction (GNR) dominates at depths >10 cm, and makes up20–40% of the total C org flux to the sediments. First-order rateconstants for decomposition of the reactive fraction calculated from theC org profiles range from 5.4 × 10-3 to8.0 × 10-3 y-1 to 8.0 × 10-3 y-1. Total mineralization rates in thesurface sediment are between 1.7 and 2.6 mol C cm-2 y-1 and thus are typical for oligotrophic, deep-seaenvironments. The low fluxes and rapid remineralisation of C org are accompanied by210Pbexcess surface mixed layers which are only 2 cm deep, among the thinnest reported for oxygenated marine sediments.Model results indicate a mismatch between the C org profiles and O2 microprofileswhich were measured onboard ship. This can be attributed to a combination of decompression artefactsaffecting onboard measurement of the O2 profiles or the leakage ofoxygen into the core during handling on deck. Furthermore, the used Db values, based on 210Pb, may not befully appropriate; calculations with higher Db values improve the O2 fits. The surficial sediment13C org values of -22 become less negative with increasing depth and decreasing C orgconcentrations. The major 13C change occurs in the top 3 to 4 cm and coincides with the interval weremost of the organic carbon oxidation takes place. This indicates that the reactive fractionof organic matter, commonly assumed to be marine, has a more negative 13C orgthan the refractory fraction, usually held to be terrestrial. Palaeoproductivity estimates calculated from thesediment data by means of literature algorithms yield low surface productivities(12–88 gC m-2 y-1), which are in good agreement with field measurements of primary productivity in otherstudies. Such values are, however, significantly lower than those indicated by recent productivitymaps of the area derived from satellite imagery (>100 gC m-2 y-1).  相似文献   

Chayes' t-test for closure correlations is developed from various approximations and assumptions. The empirical behavior of this test is observed through the use of random-sampling number matrices of order to thirteen. The experiments demonstrate a lower limit for the reliability of Chayes' model of about 91/100. That is, about one chance in ten remains that an error due to the statistical testing is committed on some product-moment correlations in a given matrix of correlation, given a confidence level of 90 percent. With increase in the number of variables, the test for departure from zero correlation can be used provided the sample size remains small.  相似文献   

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