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防屈曲支撑(BRB)是一种兼具普通支撑和金属阻尼器双重功能的支撑形式,但是必须在通过合理构造以及合理设计方法对各种可能出现的屈曲破坏形态进行有效约束的前提下,防屈曲支撑才能够充当阻尼器的功能。从轴力传递的角度来说,防屈曲支撑中的支撑内芯与约束构件之间是分工的,但从侧向变形约束的角度来说,上述两者又是共同工作的,正是这种相互作用使得此类支撑的工作机理、力学性能以及设计方法均不同于普通支撑,其中的关键理论问题主要表现在支撑内芯与约束构件的相互接触作用、构件稳定性设计方法以及框架与BRB的相互作用等问题上。本文主要针对防屈曲支撑的关键理论问题介绍其研究进展,并指出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

防屈曲耗能支撑研究与应用的新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周云  唐荣  钟根全  王浩 《地震学刊》2012,(4):393-407
防屈曲耗能支撑是一种性能优良的新型耗能减震构件。本文阐述了防屈曲耗能支撑的构成和基本原理,根据约束构件的不同材料形式,将防屈曲耗能支撑划分为混凝土约束型防屈曲耗能支撑、全钢型防屈曲耗能支撑和装配式防屈曲耗能支撑。分别介绍了防屈曲耗能支撑的类型与性能、防屈曲耗能支撑框架分析与子结构试验,以及防屈曲耗能支撑在工程中的应用情况和标准化。指出了防屈曲耗能支撑研究和推广应用中存在的问题,给出了今后研究与应用的建议。  相似文献   

防压曲支撑作为一种新型耗能减震构件,能用于抑制普通支撑的压曲现象,能更多地吸收和耗散地震输入结构的能量,提高框架的抗震性能.目前,常规屈曲约束支撑的芯材和无粘结材料一般采用特殊材料制成,加工制作成本较高,不利于工程推广使用.提出 了一种点接触式防屈曲支撑(point - contact buckling - restrained braces,PBRB),由核心钢管、约束套管及之间的垫环构成,各部件均采用普通钢材,且制作工艺简单.基于ABAQUS工作平台,通过改变PBRB的相关参数,对PBRB的稳定及延性性能进行了系统研究.结果表明,所提出的PBRB具有稳定的工作性能和良好的延性;在相同条件下,PBRB的稳定和延性性能与常规屈曲约束支撑相比差别不大;PBRB屈服后承载力基本保持在核心钢管屈服段的屈服荷载Fv附近,无强化上升段,降低了对约束单元的要求.  相似文献   

提出了一种变厚度钢板内芯防屈曲支撑(VTBRB)。设计了2个足尺变厚度钢板内芯防屈曲支撑试件,其中:1个试件在变厚度内芯端部设置加劲肋;另1个试件采用无肋式变厚度内芯。通过拟静力试验分析了2种内芯构造形式对变厚度钢板内芯防屈曲支撑的滞回性能、失效模式、受压承载力调整系数和累计塑性变形等的影响。研究表明:2个变厚度钢板内芯防屈曲支撑均表现较好的抗震耗能特性,其受压承载力调整系数均满足相关规范的限值要求。设置加劲肋可以减少变厚度内芯端部无粘结材料的磨损,并可以有效提高变厚度内芯防屈曲支撑的低周疲劳性能。  相似文献   

防屈曲支撑的有限元模拟及滞回性能分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合防屈曲支撑拟静力实验的研究成果,本文采用有限元软件ABAQU S对其进行了数值模拟分析。在模拟过程中,应用金属Com b ine本构模型设置内芯钢板材料属性。该模型是对传统双线性本构模型的改进,模拟结果很好地符合了实验结果,同时验证了防屈曲支撑具有良好的减震耗能性能,其在轴向加载达到7倍屈服位移时,依然能保持良好的滞回特性。通过对模型中橡胶无粘结层的合理设置,研究了内芯钢板在失稳变形中无摩擦滑移与能量缓冲转化的形变特点。分析表明,当外包约束强度和刚度足够时,内芯钢板在受轴向压力时只发生多波微幅弯曲失稳;随着内芯钢材与外包有效约束间隙的增大,支撑的失稳波幅也随之增大,支撑承载力与耗能能力显著降低。  相似文献   

针对传统的混凝土灌浆型和全钢型防屈曲支撑质量较大,无法适用于大跨空间结构等轻型建筑的问题,本文提出一种铝管约束轻型防屈曲支撑的设计方法。在核心钢管和约束管间设置不同宽度的间隙并对部分核心钢管进行开孔,通过拉压往复试验,研究了间隙和开孔对试件性能的影响,得到构件的相关恢复力特征,并分析了试件相关参数对耗能特性的影响。结果表明,本文设计的轻型防屈曲约束支撑,滞回曲线饱满,耗能效果良好;核心钢管宜开孔且支撑间隙应设置在1 mm左右,以减轻试件端部压力并简化施工工艺。  相似文献   

设计了12组41种二重钢管防屈曲耗能支撑试件,应用有限元软件ABAQUS对其进行了有限元分析,研究了径厚比、约束比、长细比和边界条件对支撑性能的影响.分析结果表明:二重钢管防屈曲耗能支撑的径厚比取值不大于24、约束比的取值不小于3时,支撑的滞回曲线饱满、稳定;当支撑的长细比增加时,可以通过提高约束比来避免支撑发生整体屈...  相似文献   

介绍了抗震设计及屈曲约束支撑在东方体育中心的应用。详细介绍了屈曲约束支撑的细部构造、工作原理、截面选择和节点设计等问题,并结合本工程的抗震设计,通过对结构进行的弹塑性时程分析,考察了屈曲约束支撑在罕遇地震作用下地震反应,以及结构在罕遇地震作用下的位移、剪力反应,并与采用普通支撑的结构方案进行对比,显示出屈曲约束支撑的优越性。  相似文献   

结合防屈曲支撑拟静力实验的研究成果,用ABAQUS有限元软件模拟一栋建筑的地震反应。比较原设计结构与减少梁柱面积但安装有防屈曲支撑的减缩结构这2种方案下的地震响应,使两者的层间位移角相近并满足规范要求,进而做经济性对比。结果表明,防屈曲支撑可以有效地减小结构地震响应,并且先于梁柱破坏,保护主体结构安全;安装防屈曲支撑的结构在满足设计要求的同时,还可以节省建筑成本,缩短施工工期。  相似文献   

简要介绍地震安全社区的实现途径以及防屈曲支撑的构成和性能参数。运用ABAQUS软件对有无安装防屈曲支撑的钢筋混凝土框架模型进行动力时程分析,总结分析防屈曲支撑对钢筋混凝土框架结构的减震效果。结果表明,防屈曲支撑能大大降低钢筋混凝土框架结构在罕遇地震作用下的层间位移角,提高建筑物抗震性能,使地震安全社区中抗震设防烈度为Ⅶ度的建筑物能够抵御Ⅷ度罕遇地震。  相似文献   

基于Benchmark模型的抑制屈曲支撑耗能减振作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抑制屈曲支撑可在拉压循环荷载作用下均达到屈服,拉压承载力基本一致,滞回曲线稳定饱满,耗能能力强。基于Benchmark模型对安装抑制屈曲支撑的钢框架结构基于ANSYS的数值分析表明,抑制屈曲支撑不仅可使结构在小震时的抗侧刚度有所提高,同时在大震时通过其往复滞回变形发挥耗能减振作用,大大地降低了结构的地震响应,提高了结构的抗震性能。同时分析表明考虑高阶振型影响的能力谱分析方法是一种更为精确的分析方法。  相似文献   

屈曲约束支撑滞回曲线模型和刚度方程的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对屈曲约束支撑,本文根据其反复荷载作用下的滞回特征,提出了一种滞回模型,并建立了屈曲约束支撑的弹塑性刚度方程。根据这种模型编制程序模拟绘制了屈曲约束支撑的滞回曲线,将模拟计算曲线与试验所得曲线进行对比,对比结果表明本文所提模型是准确、有效的。  相似文献   

设计制作了一种新型全钢、装配式的防屈曲耗能支撑(BRB),给出了主要的理论计算公式,采用有限元方法对其工作过程和机理进行数值模拟并进行了足尺实验研究,最后,将这种装置安装到框架结构,基于非线性动力时程分析评估其减震性能.研究结果表明了简化计算和有限元分析在产品初步设计中的有效性;防屈曲耗能支撑明显减小了结构动力响应,提...  相似文献   

A thin‐profile buckling‐restrained brace (thin‐BRB) consists of a rectangular steel casing and a flat steel core that is parallel to a gusset plate. A thin configuration reduces the width of the restraining member and thus saves usable space in buildings. However, deformable debonding layers, which cover the steel core plate in order to mitigate the difference between the peak tensile and compressive axial forces, provide a space for the steel core to form high mode buckling waves when the thin‐BRB is under compression. The wave crests squeeze the debonding layers and produce outward forces on the inner surface of the restraining member. If the restraining member is too weak in sustaining the outward forces, local bulging failure occurs and the thin‐BRB loses its compression capacity immediately. In order to investigate local bulging behavior, a total of 22 thin‐BRB specimens with a ratio of steel core plate to restraining steel tube depth ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 and axial yield force capacities ranging from 421 kN to 3036 kN were tested by applying either cyclically increasing, decreasing, or constant axial strains. The restraining steel tube widths of all the specimens were smaller than 200 mm and were infilled with mortar with a compressive strength of 97 MPa or 55 MPa. Thirteen of the 22 thin‐BRB specimens' restraining members bulged out when the compressive core strains exceeded 0.03. A seismic design method of the thin‐BRB in preventing local bulging failure is proposed in this study. Test and finite element model (FEM) analysis results suggest that the outward forces can be estimated according to the BRB compressive strength, steel core high mode buckling wavelength, and the debonding layer thickness. In addition, the capacity of the restraining member in resisting the outward forces can be estimated by using the upper bound theory in plastic analysis. Both the FEM analysis and test results indicate that the proposed method is effective in predicting the possibility of local bulging failure. Test results indicate that the proposed design method is conservative for thin‐BRB specimens with a large steel core plate to restraining steel tube depth ratio. This paper concludes with design recommendations for thin‐BRBs for severe seismic services. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Buckling-restrained braces(BRBs)have recently become popular in the United States for use as primary members of seismic lateral-force-resisting systems.A BRB is a steel brace that does not buckle in compression but instead yields in both tension and compression.Although design guidelines for BRB applications have been developed,systematic procedures for assessing performance and quantifying reliability are still needed.This paper presents an analytical framework for assessing buckling-restrained braced f...  相似文献   

Eurocode 8 (EC8) stipulates design methods for frames with diagonal braces and for chevron braced frames, which differ as regards the numerical model adopted, the value of the behavior factor q and the estimation of the lateral strength provided by braces. Instead, in this paper, the use of the same design method is suggested for both types of concentrically braced frames. The design method is a generalization of the one proposed for chevron braced frames in a previous study. A numerical investigation is conducted to assess the reliability of this design method. A set of concentrically braced frames is designed according to the EC8 and proposed design methods. The seismic response of these frames is determined by nonlinear dynamic analysis. Finally, it is demonstrated that the proposed design method is equivalent to those provided by EC8, because it can ensure the same level of structural safety which would be expected when using EC8. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Buckling‐restrained braces (BRBs) are widely used as ductile seismic‐resistant and energy‐dissipating structural members in seismic regions. Although BRBs are expected to exhibit stable hysteresis under cyclic axial loading, one of the key limit states is global flexural buckling, which can produce an undesirable response. Many prior studies have indicated the possibility of global buckling of a BRB before its core yields owing to connection failure. In this paper, BRB stability concepts are presented, including their bending‐moment transfer capacity at restrainer ends for various connection stiffness values with initial out‐of‐plane drifts, and a unified simple equation set for ensuring BRB stability is proposed. Moreover, a series of cyclic loading tests with initial out‐of‐plane drifts are conducted, and the results are compared with those of the proposed equations. © 2013 The Authors. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

以设置防屈曲支撑(Buckling-Restrained Braces,BRB)的双柱式桥墩体系为研究对象,系统分析上部结构惯性力在该体系中的传递机理;以某3×30m公路高架桥为工程背景,采用非线性时程反应分析法研究BRB的设置方式及参数取值对桥梁地震反应的影响规律,揭示BRB在双柱式桥墩中的工作机理。其研究结论为:(1)对于设置BRB的双柱式桥墩,当BRB未屈服时,通过其轴向刚度改变结构体系的传力路径,墩底弯矩、剪力降低,但墩底轴力改变量将增大,即以较大的墩身轴力改变量换取较小的墩底弯矩及剪力。(2)在BRB屈服的情况下,BRB通过改变下部结构的传力路径及滞回耗能双重机制影响结构的地震反应,BRB耗能作用将降低墩身的轴力改变量,使减震效果更优。(3)双柱式桥墩横桥向设置BRB是一种较为有效的减震体系,但其减震效果与BRB具体布置方式及力学参数取值有关。  相似文献   

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