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Mineralogy and Petrology - The crystal structure of goldichite KFe(SO4)2⋅4H2O was determined on a single crystal from the Baiyinchang copper deposit, Gansu, China. [P121/c1, a = 10.395(2), b...  相似文献   

Summary The new mineral orschallite, Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O, was found at the Hannebacher Ley near Hannebach, Eifel, Germany. Crystal structure analysis of the mineral, chemical analysis and water determination on synthetic material gave the composition Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O. The mineral crystallizes in space group with a = 11.350(1), c = 28.321(2) Å, V = 3159.7 Å3, Z = 6, Dc = 1.87 Mg/m3, Dm = 1.90(3) Mg/m3. It is uniaxial positive with the optical constants = 1.4941, = 1.4960(4). The strongest lines in the powder pattern are (d-value (Å), I, hkl) 5.73, 100, 1 0 4/8.11, 80, 0 1 2/2.69, 80, 3 0 6/3.63, 60, 1 1 6/3.28, 40, 3 0 0. Refinement of the crystal structure led to a weighted residual of Rw = 0.043 for 600 observed reflections with I > 2(I) and 52 variable parameters.
Orschallit, Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O, ein neues Kalzium-Sulfat-Sulfat-Hydrat-Mineral
Zusammenfassung Das neue Mineral Orschallit, Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O, wurde in der Hannebacher Ley bei Hannebach, Eifel, Deutschland gefunden. Eine Analyse der Kristallstruktur an einem Einkristall des natürlichen Materials, chemische Analyse und Wasserbestimmung an synthetischem Material ergaben die Zusammensetzung Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O. Das Mineral kristallisiert in der Raumgruppe mit a = 11.350(1), c = 28.321(2) Å, V = 3159.7 Å3, Z = 6, Dc = 1.87 Mg/m3, Dm = 1.90(3) Mg/m3. Es ist optisch einachsig mit den optischen Konstanten = 1.4941, = 1.4960(4). Die stärksten Linien des Pulver-diagramms liegen bei (d-Wert (Å), I, hkl) 5.73, 100, 1 0 4/8.11, 80, 0 1 2/2.69, 80, 3 0 6/3.63, 60; 1 1 6/3.28, 40, 3 0 0. Die Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur ergab einen gewichteten Residualwert Rw = 0.043 für 600 beobachtete Reflexe mit I > 2(I) und 52 variable Parameter.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Tooeleite, nominally Fe63+(As3+O3)4(SO4)(OH)4·4H2O, is a relatively uncommon mineral of some acid-mine drainage systems. Yet, if it does occur, it does so in large quantities, indicating that some specific conditions favor the formation of this mineral in the system Fe-As-S-O-H. In this contribution, we report the thermodynamic properties of synthetic tooeleite. The sample was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These methods confirmed that the sample is pure, devoid of amorphous impurities of iron oxides, and that the oxidation state of arsenic is 3+. Using acid-solution calorimetry, the enthalpy of formation of this mineral from the elements at the standard conditions was determined as −6196.6 ± 8.6 kJ mol−1. The entropy of tooeleite, calculated from low-temperature heat capacity data measured by relaxation calorimetry, is 899.0 ± 10.8 J mol−1 K−1. The calculated standard Gibbs free energy of formation is −5396.3 ± 9.3 kJ mol−1. The log Ksp value, calculated for the reaction Fe6(AsO3)4(SO4)(OH)4·4H2O + 16H+ = 6Fe3+ + 4H3AsO3 + SO42− + 8H2O, is −17.25 ± 1.80. Tooeleite has stability field only at very high activities of aqueous sulfate and arsenate. As such, it does not appear to be a good candidate for arsenic immobilization at polluted sites. An inspection of speciation diagrams shows that the predominance field of Fe3+ and As3+ overlap only at strongly basic conditions. The formation of tooeleite, therefore, requires strictly selective oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and, at the same time, firm conservation of the trivalent oxidation state of arsenic. Such conditions can be realized only by biological systems (microorganisms) which can selectively oxidize one redox-active element but leave the other ones untouched. Hence, tooeleite is the first example of an “obligatory” biomineral under the conditions prevailing at or near the Earth's surface because its formation under these conditions necessitates the action of microorganisms.  相似文献   

A new mineral, lahnsteinite, has been found in the dump of the Friedrichssegen Mine, Bad Ems district, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany. Lahnsteinite, occurring as colorless tabular crystals in the cavities of goethite, is associated with pyromorphite, hydrozincite, quartz, and native copper. The Mohs’ hardness is 1.5; the cleavage is perfect parallel to (001). D calc = 2.995 g/cm3, D meas = 2.98(2) g/cm3. The IR spectrum is given. The new mineral is optically biaxial, negative, α = 1.568(2), β = 1.612(2), γ = 1.613(2), 2V meas = 18(3)°, 2V calc = 17°. The chemical composition (wt %, electron microprobe data; H2O was determined by gas chromatography of ignition products) is as follows: 3.87 FeO, 1.68 CuO, 57.85 ZnO, 15.83 SO3, 22.3 H2O, total is 101.53. The empirical formula is (Zn3.3Fe0.27Cu0.11)Σ3.91(S0.98O4)(OH)5 · 3H2.10O. The crystal structure has been studied on a single crystal. Lahnsteinite is triclinic, space group P1, a = 8.3125(6), b = 14.545(1), c = 18.504(2) Å, α = 89.71(1), β = 90.05(1), γ = 90.13(1)°, V = 2237.2(3) Å3, Z = 8. The strong reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %)] are: 9.30 (100), 4.175 (18), 3.476 (19), 3.290 (19), 2.723 (57), 2.624 (36), 2.503 (35), 1.574 (23). The mineral has been named after its type locality near the town of Lahnstein. The type specimen of lahnsteinite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, registration number 4252/1.  相似文献   

Summary Niedermayrite, Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O, is a new mineral discovered in 1995 in the Km3-area of the Lavrion mining district, Greece. It forms tiny euhedral plates, commonly intergrown as green crusts up to several cm2 in size on a matrix consisting of a brecciated marble with sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, greenockite, hawleyite and pyrite. Associated secondary minerals are gypsum, malachite, chalcanthite, brochantite, hemimorphite, hydrozincite, aurichalcite, one unknown Cd-sulfate, monteponite and otavite. Niedermayrite is non-fluorescent and has a bluish-green colour with vitreous lustre, the streak is white. The crystals are brittle with perfect cleavage parallel {010}. Optics: biaxial (–) with n(calc.), n, and n =1.609, 1.642(2), and 1.661(2), respectively; orientation n//b. The calculated density is 3.292 gcm–3. The most prominent form is {010}. Analysis by electron microprobe gives CdO 16.5, CuO 45.7, SO3 21.6, H2O 16.2 wt.% (calc. to 100% sum) and the empirical formula Cu4.29Cd0.96S2.01O11.28 · 6.71 H2O (based on 18 oxygens p.f.u.). By TGA an H2O content of 18.9 wt.% was obtained. The ideal formula (confirmed by the crystal structure refinement) is Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O with a theoretical H2O content of 17.2 wt.%. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (Gandolfi camera, visually estimated I, refined lattice parameters a = 5.535(2), b = 21.947(9), c = 6.085(2) Å, = 91.98(3)°) are: (dobs[Å]/Iobs/hkl) (11.02/90/0 2 0), (5.874/20/0 1 1), (5.496/100/0 4 0), (5.322/25/0 2 1), (4.079/50/0 4 1), (3.660/20/0 6 0), (3. 437/30/1 5 0), (3.243/40/1 4 1), (2.470/30/2 4 0), (2.425/20/1 4 –2), (2.205/20/2 6 0) and (1.897/20/1 8 2). The mineral is monoclinic, P21/m, Z = 2, a = 5.543(1) Å, b = 21.995(4) Å, c = 6.079(1) Å, = 92.04(3)°, V = 740.7(2) Å3. The crystal structure was determined by single crystal X-ray methods and was refined to R1= 0.026, wR2 = 0.056. The structure of niedermayrite is characterized by 2 [Cu4(OH)6O2]2– sheets of edgesharing Cu coordination octahedra parallel to (010) with attached SO4 tetrahedra, and intercalated CdO2(H2O)4 octahedra with a system of hydrogen bonds. Close relationships to the crystal structures of christelite and campigliaite exist. The new mineral is named for Dr. Gerhard Niedermayr, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria.
Niedermayrit, Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O, ein neues Mineral aus dem Bergbaugebiet Lavrion, Griechenland
Zusammenfassung Niedermayrit, Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O, ist ein neues Mineral, das 1995 im Km3-Bereich des Bergbaugebietes Lavrion, Griechenland, gefunden wurde. Es bildet winzige gut ausgebildete Plättchen, häufig miteinander verwachsen in grünen Krusten bis zu mehreren cm2 Größe. Die Matrix besteht aus brecciösem Marmor mit Sphalerit, Chalcopyrit, Galenit, Greenockit, Hawleyit und Pyrit. Sekundäre Begleitminerale sind Gips, Malachit, Chalcanthit, Brochantit, Hemimorphit, Hydrozincit, Aurichalcit, ein unbekanntes Cd-Sulfat, Monteponit und Otavit. Niedermayrit fluoresziert nicht, besitzt blaugrüne Farbe mit Glasglanz, der Strich ist weiß. Die Kristalle sind spröd mit perfekter Spaltbarkeit parallel {010}. Optik: biaxial (–) mit n(ber.), n, und n=1.609, 1.642(2), und 1.661(2); Orientierung n//b. Die berechnete Dichte beträgt 3.292 gcm–3. Die auffallendste Flächenform ist {010}. Die chemische Analyse mittels Mikrosonde ergibt CdO 16.5, CuO 45.7, SO3 21.6, H2O 16.2wt.% (ber. auf 100% Summe) und die empirische Formel Cu4.29Cd0.96S2.01O11.28 · 6.71 H2O (basierend auf 18 Sauerstoffatomen pro Formeleinheit). Aus der TGA wurde ein H2O Gehalt von 18.9 Gew.% erhalten. Die Idealformel (bestätigt durch die Kristallstrukturverfeinerung) ist Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O bei einem theoretischen H2O-Gehalt von 17.2 Gew.%. Die stärksten Linien im Pulverdiffraktogramm (Gandolfi Kamera, visuell geschätzte I, verfeinerte Gitterkonstanten a = 5.535(2), b = 21.947(9), c = 6.085(2) Å, = 91.98(3)°) sind: (dobs[Å]/Iobs/hkl) (11.02/90/0 2 0), (5.874/20/0 1 1), (5.496/100/0 4 0), (5.322/25/0 2 1), (4.079/50/0 4 1), (3.660/20/0 6 0), (3.437/30/1 5 0), (3.243/40/1 4 1), (2.470/30/2 4 0), (2.425/20/1 4 –2), (2.205/20/2 6 0) und (1.897/20/1 8 2). Das Mineral ist monoklin, P21/m, Z = 2, a = 5.543(1) Å, b = 21.995(4) Å, c = 6.079(1) Å, = 92.04(3)°, V = 740.7(2) Å3 Die Kristallstruktur wurde mittels Einkristallröntgenmethoden bestimmt und zu R1 = 0.026, wR2 = 0.056 verfeinert. Die Struktur von Niedermayrit ist durch 2 [Cu4(OH)6O2]2– Schichten von kantenverknüpften Cu-Koordinationsoktaedern parallel (010) gekennzeichnet mit damit verbundenen SO4 Tetraedern und dazwischen befindlichen CdO2(H2O)4 Oktaedem mit einem Wasserstoffbrückensystem. Es bestehen enge Beziehungen mit den Kristallstrukturen von Christelit und Campigliait. Das neue Mineral ist nach Dr. Gerhard Niedermayr, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Österreich, benannt.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The thermal stability of sideronatrite, ideally Na2Fe3+(SO4)2(OH)·3(H2O), and its decomposition products were investigated by combining thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, in situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction (HT-XRPD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (HT-FTIR). The data show that for increasing temperature there are four main dehydration/transformation steps in sideronatrite: (a) between 30 and 40 °C sideronatrite transforms into metasideronatrite after the loss of two water molecules; both XRD and FTIR suggest that this transformation occurs via minor adjustments in the building block. (b) between 120 and 300 °C metasideronatrite transforms into metasideronatrite II, a still poorly characterized phase with possible orthorhombic symmetry, consequently to the loss of an additional water molecule; X-ray diffraction data suggest that metasideronatrite disappears from the assemblage above 175 °C. (c) between 315 and 415 °C metasideronatrite II transforms into the anhydrous Na3Fe(SO4)3 compound. This step occurs via the loss of hydroxyl groups that involves the breakdown of the [Fe3+(SO4)2(OH)] 2? chains and the formation of an intermediate transient amorphous phase precursor of Na3Fe(SO4)3. (d) for T > 500 °C, the Na3Fe(SO4)3 compound is replaced by the Na-sulfate thenardite, Na2SO4, plus Fe-oxides, according to the Na3Fe3+(SO4)3 → 3/2 Na2(SO4) + 1/2 Fe2O3 + SOx reaction products. The Na–Fe sulfate disappears around 540 °C. For higher temperatures, the Na-sulfates decomposes and only hematite survives in the final product. The understanding of the thermal behavior of minerals such as sideronatrite and related sulfates is important both from an environmental point of view, due to the presence of these phases in evaporitic deposits, soils and sediments including extraterrestrial occurrences, and from the technological point of view, due to the use of these materials in many industrial applications.  相似文献   

A new mineral kobyashevite, Cu5(SO4)2(OH)6·4H2O (IMA 2011–066), was found at the Kapital’naya mine, Vishnevye Mountains, South Urals, Russia. It is a supergene mineral that occurs in cavities of a calcite-quartz vein with pyrite and chalcopyrite. Kobyashevite forms elongated crystals up to 0.2 mm typically curved or split and combined into thin crusts up to 1?×?2 mm. Kobyashevite is bluish-green to turquoise-coloured. Lustre is vitreous. Mohs hardness is 2½. Cleavage is {010} distinct. D(calc.) is 3.16 g/cm3. Kobyashevite is optically biaxial (?), α 1.602(4), β 1.666(5), γ 1.679(5), 2 V(meas.) 50(10)°. The chemical composition (wt%, electron-microprobe data) is: CuO 57.72, ZnO 0.09, FeO 0.28, SO3 23.52, H2O(calc.) 18.39, total 100.00. The empirical formula, calculated based on 18 O, is: Cu4.96Fe0.03Zn0.01S2.01O8.04(OH)5.96·4H2O. Kobyashevite is triclinic, $ P\overline{\,1 } $ , a 6.0731(6), b 11.0597(13), c 5.5094(6)?Å, α 102.883(9)°, β 92.348(8)°, γ 92.597(9)°, V 359.87(7)?Å3, Z?=?1. Strong reflections of the X-ray powder pattern [d,Å-I(hkl)] are: 10.84–100(010); 5.399–40(020); 5.178–12(110); 3.590–16(030); 2.691–16(20–1, 040, 002), 2.653–12(04–1, 02–2), 2.583–12(2–11, 201, 2–1–1), 2.425–12(03–2, 211, 131). The crystal structure (single-crystal X-ray data, R?=?0.0399) сontains [Cu4(SO4)2(OH)6] corrugated layers linked via isolated [CuO2(H2O)4] octahedra; the structural formula is CuCu4(SO4)2(OH)6·4H2O. Kobyashevite is a devilline-group member. It is named in memory of the Russian mineralogist Yuriy Stepanovich Kobyashev (1935–2009), a specialist on mineralogy of the Urals.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(10):1305-1312
The effect of different drying conditions on the stability of NaNd(CO3)·6H2O and NaEu(CO3)·6H2O and the identity of the decomposition product have been investigated. The rate of decomposition and the nature of the altered phases are dependant on the drying conditions used. When the phases are oven dried at 120 °C, the decomposition is immediate and the phase completely alters to Nd2(CO3)3 or Eu2(CO3)3 respectively. Under less severe drying conditions, the Na rare earth carbonate phases alter to Nd2(CO3)3·8H2O and Eu2(CO3)3·8H2O over a period of 24–48 h, but they can be kept indefinitely in a water saturated environment. The implications for using Nd and Eu as actinide analogues are discussed.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Sergeysmirnovite, MgZn2(PO4)2 · 4H2O, is a new mineral from the oxidation zone of the Kester mineral deposit, Sakha-Yakutia, Russia. This mineral forms...  相似文献   

Two synthetic series of spinels, MgCr2O4–Fe2+Cr2O4 and MgCr2O4–MgFe2 3+O4 have been studied by Raman spectroscopy to investigate the effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ on their structure. In the first case, where Fe2+ substitutes Mg within the tetrahedral site, there is a continuous and monotonic shift of the Raman modes A1g and Eg toward lower wavenumbers with the increase of the chromite component into the spinel, while the F2g modes remain nearly in the same position. In the second series, for low Mg-ferrite content, Fe3+ substitutes for Cr in the octahedral site; when the Mg-ferrite content nears 40 %, a drastic change in the Raman spectra occurs as Fe3+ starts entering the tetrahedral site as well, consequently pushing Mg to occupy the octahedral one. The Raman spectral region between 620 and 700 cm?1 is associated to the octahedral site, where three peaks are present and it is possible to observe the Cr–Fe3+ substitution and the effects of order–disorder in the tetrahedral site. The spectral range at 500–620 cm?1 region shows that there is a shift of modes toward lower values with the increase of the Mg-ferrite content. The peaks in the region at 200–500 cm?1, when observed, show little or negligible Raman shift.  相似文献   

Experiments on water solubility in forsterite in the systems Mg2SiO4–K2Mg(CO3)2–H2O and Mg2SiO4–H2O–C were conducted at 7.5–14.0 GPa and 1200–1600 °C. The resulting crystals contain 448 to 1480 ppm water, which is 40–70% less than in the forsterite–water system under the same conditions. This can be attributed to lower water activity in the carbonate-bearing melt. The water content of forsterite was found to vary systematically with temperature and pressure. For instance, at 14 GPa in the system forsterite–carbonate–H2O the H2O content of forsterite drops from 1140 ppm at 1200 °C to 450 ppm at 1600 °C, and at 8 GPa it remains constant or increases from 550 to 870 ppm at 1300–1600 °C. Preliminary data for D-H-bearing forsterite are reported. Considerable differences were found between IR spectra of D-H- and H-bearing forsterite. The results suggest that CO2 can significantly affect the width of the olivine-wadsleyite transition, i.e., the 410-km seismic discontinuity, which is a function of the water content of olivine and wadsleyite.  相似文献   

A new mineral, jichengite ideally 3CuIr2S4·(Ni,Fe)9S8, was found as a constituent of placer concentrates at a branch of the Luanhe River, about 220 km NNE of Beijing. Its associated minerals are chromite, magnetite, ilmenite, zircon, native gold, iridium, ferrian platinum and osmium. The placer is distributed at places around ultrabasic rock, which hosts chromite orebodies, from which PGM originated. Jichengite occurs commonly as massive or granular aggregates. No perfect morphology of jichengite was observed. It is steel gray and opaque with metallic luster and black streak. It has a Mohs hardness of 5, VHN (d) μm 21.65, Hm 4.465, Hv = 268.1 N/um2. It is brittle and weakly magnetic. Cleavage {010} is rarely observed. No fracture was observed. Density could not be measured because of its too small grain size. Density (calc.) is 7.003 g/cm3. Reflect light is reddish-brown, without internal reflections. Anisotropism is distinct with grayish or yellowish white in crossed nicols and bluish violet-copper red in uncrossed nicols. Jichengite shows weak pleochroism and strong bireflectance. The reflectance values in air at the Standard Commission on Ore Mineralogy wavelengths are: 38.9, 34.3 at 470 nm, 38.9, 34.5 at 546 nm, 39.1, 35.3 at 590 nm, 39.2, 36.8 at 650 nm, parallel-axial extinction. The six strongest lines in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in ?, (I), (hkl)] are: 3.00 (100) (116), 2.80 (50) (205), 2.48. (50) (208), 1.916 (40) (2, 1, 10), 1.765 (60) (220), 1.753 (50) (2, 0, 16). Five chemical analyses carried out, yielding the following results: S 25.76 (25.49-5.97), Fe 10.03 (9.78-10.31), Co 0.78 (0.75-0.81), Ni 12.48 (12.32-12.85), Cu 4.77 (4.69-4.83), Ir 46.98(46.14-47.89), sum 100.80wt%, which produced a formula (Cu1.556Fe0.976)2.532(Ir5.063S10.126)·(Fe2.7451Ni4.404Co0.273)7.422S6.517. The ideal formula is X10Ir5S17.5, which was calculated by single crystal structure analyses, where X = Cu(II) + Fe(II) + Ni(II) + Co(II). The single crystal data were collected using a diffractometer with Mo Ka radiation and a graphite monochromate. The crystal system is trigonal with space group R3m and unit cell parameters a=7.0745(14) ?, c=34.267(10) ? (The superstructure not found), and the final R Indices [with 564 observed reflections, I>2sigma (I)] are R1=0.0495, wR2=0.1349. The specimens are deposited in the Geological Museum of China.  相似文献   

Experiments ranging from 2 to 3 GPa and 800 to 1300 °C and at 0.15 GPa and 770 °C were performed to investigate the stability and mutual solubility of the K2ZrSi3O9 (wadeite) and K2TiSi3O9 cyclosilicates under upper mantle conditions. The K2ZrSi3O9–K2TiSi3O9 join exhibits complete miscibility in the P–T interval investigated. With increasing degree of melting the solid solution becomes progressively enriched in Zr, indicating that K2ZrSi3O9 is the more refractory end member. At 2 GPa, in the more complex K2ZrSi3O9–K2TiSi3O9–K2Mg6Al2Si6O20(OH)4 system, the presence of phlogopite clearly limits the extent of solid solution of the cyclosilicate to more Zr-rich compositions [Zr/(Zr + Ti) > 0.85], comparable to wadeite found in nature, with TiO2 partitioning strongly into the coexisting mica and/or liquid. However, at 1200 °C, with increasing pressure from 2 to 3 GPa, the partitioning behaviour of TiO2 changes in favour of the cyclosilicate, with Zr/(Zr + Ti) of the K2(Zr,Ti)Si3O9 phase decreasing from ∼0.9 to ∼0.6. The variation in the Ti content of the coexisting phlogopite is related to its degree of melting to forsterite and liquid, following the major substitution VITi+VI□=2VIMg. Received: 26 January 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

This is the first detailed account of the copper sulfate posnjakite (Cu4(SO4)(OH)6·H2O) coating cm-long filaments of a microbial consortium of four cyanobacteria and Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans. It was first observed on immersed plant leaves and stalks in a quarry sump of the abandoned Yanqul gold mine in the northern region of Oman; rock surfaces in the immediate vicinity show no immediate evidence of posnjakite. However, a thin unstructured layer without filaments but also containing the brightly coloured turquoise posnjakite covers ferruginous muds in the sump. Although copper is a potent bactericide, the microbes seem to survive even at the extreme heavy metal concentrations that commonly develop in the sump during the dry season (Cu2+  2300 ppm; Zn2+ = 750 ppm; Fe2+  120 ppm; Ni2+ = 37 ppm; Crtotal = 2.5 ppm; Cl = 8250 ppm; and SO42− = 12,250 ppm; pH ∼2.6), thus leading to the precipitation of posnjakite over a large range of physicochemical conditions. Upon exposure to the prevailing arid climate, dehydration and carbonation quickly replace posnjakite with brochantite (Cu4(SO4)(OH)6) and malachite (Cu2(CO3)(OH)2). To characterise and understand the geochemical conditions in which posnjakite precipitates from undersaturated fluids (according to our thermodynamic modelling of the dominant elements), waters from rainy and dry periods were analysed together with various precipitates and compared with the observed field occurrences. The findings imply that posnjakite should not form in the examined environment through purely inorganic mechanisms and its origin must, therefore, be linked to the encountered microbial activities.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra (MS) of anapaite (Ca2 Fe2+(PO4)2?·?4H2O) and of a sample after being immersed in a 4% H2O2 solution at room temperature (RT) over 12 days (hereafter an4ox) were collected at temperatures in the range 4.2 to 420?K and 11 to 300?K respectively. All MS consist of symmetrical doublets, hence magnetic ordering was not observed. The temperature dependencies of the Fe2+ centre shifts of anapaite and an4ox were analysed with the Debye model for the lattice vibrations. The characteristic Mössbauer temperatures were found as 370?K?±?25?K and 340?K?±?25?K, and the intrinsic isomer shifts as 1.427?±?0.005?mm/s and 1.418?±?0.005?mm/s respectively. From the external-field (60?kOe) MS recorded at 4.2 and 189?K for the non-treated sample, the principal component V zz of the electric field gradient (EFG) is determined to be positive and the asymmetry parameter η?≈?0.2 and 0.4 respectively. The temperature variations of the quadrupole splittings, ΔE Q(T), cannot be interpreted on the basis of the thermal population of the 5 D electronic levels resulting from the tetragonal compression of the O6 co-ordination. The low-temperature linear behaviour of ΔE Q(T) is attributed to a strong orbit-lattice coupling. A field of 60 kOe applied to anapaite at 4.2?K produces magnetic hyperfine splitting with effective hyperfine fields of ?136, ?254 and ?171?kOe along the principal axes Ox, Oy and Oz of the EFG tensor respectively. Additional oxidation treatments in solutions with various H2O2 concentrations up to 20% and subsequent Mössbauer experiments at room temperature, have revealed that the anapaite structure is not sensitive to oxidation since eventually only a small amount of Fe2+ (~6.5%) is converted into Fe3+.  相似文献   

Summary Crystals of K2[Co2(SeO3)3]-2H2O and K2[Ni2(SeO3)3]-2H2O were synthesized under low-hydrothermal conditions. Their structures were determined using single crystal X-ray data up to sin / = 0.7Å-1. [Space group P63/m; a = 9.091(3),9.016(2)Å; c = 7.562(2), 7.476(2)Å; Z = 2; RW = 1.6, 2.5%]. The investigations confirmed that K2[Co2(SeO3)3].2H2O and K2[Ni2(SeO3)3]-2H2O represent the first selenites belonging to the zemannite structure type, a framework structure with wide channels running parallel [0001]. In both compounds four maxima were clearly located in the channel by Fourier summations and attributed to two K atoms and two H2O molecules, each with an occupancy factor of 1/6; a possible ordering scheme (full occupancy) with local symmetry 1 and [6]-coordinated K atoms could be derived for the channel atoms.Zusammenfassung Kristalle von K2[Co2(SeO3)3]-2H2O und K2[Ni2(SeO3)3]-2H2O wurden unter niedrig-hydrothermalen Bedingungen synthetisiert. Die Strukturen wurden unter Verwendung von Einkristallröntgendaten bis sin /= 0.7Å-1 bestimmt. [Raumgruppe P63/m; a = 9.091(3), 9.016(2)Å; c = 7.562(2), 7.476(2)Å; Z = 2; RW = 1.6, 2.5%] Die Untersuchungen bestätigten, daß K2[Co2(SeO3)3] - 2H2O und K2 [Ni2(SeO3)3] - 2H2O als erste Selenite dem Strukturtyp des Zemannits angehören, einer Gerüststruktur mit weiten, parallel [0001] verlaufenden Kanälen. In beiden Verbindungen wurden im Kanal vier Maxima durch Fourier-Summationen eindeutig lokalisiert und zwei Kalium-atomen sowie zwei H2O Molekülen, jeweils mit einem Besetzungsfaktor von 1/6, zugeschrieben. Für die Kanalatome konnte ein möglicher Ordnungszustand (volle Besetzung) mit lokaler Symmetrie 1 und [6]-koordinierten Kaliumatomen abgeleitet werden.
Selenite des Zemannittyps: Kristallstrukturen von K2[Co2(SeO3)3] - 2H2O und K2[Ni2(SeO3)3]-2H2O

Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Josef Zemann at the occasion of his 70th birthday

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

东坪金矿是产于正长杂岩内接触带的特大型金矿床。矿石以富碲、少硫化物为特点。主要载金矿物为自然金和金、银碲化物。后包裹于黄铁矿为主的硫化物内,属于氰化法的“难溶金”,在表生条件下的氧化产物种类丰富的含金碲酸盐相中含量与自然金相当。  相似文献   

Detailed phase relations have been determined within the systems Fe2O3-MgO-TiO2 and FeO-MgO-TiO2. Experiments were performed over the temperature interval 1173–1473 K by equilibrating pelletized, fine-grained oxide mixtures in either inert calcia-stabilized zirconia pots (Fe2O3-MgO-TiO2 system) or evacuated silica tubes (FeO-MgO-TiO2 system). Equilibrium phase assemblages were determined by combined optical microscope, X-ray diffraction and EMP examination. Phase relations in the Fe2O3-MgO-TiO2 ternary are dominated by the instability of the M2O3 solid solution relative to the phase assemblage M3O4 + M3O5. A miscibility gap along the M2O3 binary also gives rise to two, 3-phase fields (α-M2O3 + M3O5 + M3O4 and α′-M2O3 + M3O5 + M3O4) separated by the M3O4 + M3O5 phase field. Phase relations in the FeO-MgO-TiO2 ternary were divided into two sub-systems. For the FeTiO3-MgTiO3-TiO2 sub-ternary, there is complete solid solution along the M2O3 and M3O5 binary joins at high temperature. At low temperatures (T < 1373 K) the M3O5 pseudobrookite solid solution decomposes to M2O3 + TiO2. Increasing the concentration of MgO in M3O5 phase results in a decrease in the temperature at which M3O5 becomes unstable and compositional tie lines linking M2O3 and TiO2 fan out, before the appearance of a three-phase region where M2O3, M3O5, and TiO2 coexist. Within the expanded FeO-MgO-TiO2 system, at temperatures above ∼1273 K there is a continuous solid solution along the M3O4 binary. At low temperatures (T < 1273 K) the Mg2TiO4 end-member breaks down to MgO and MgTiO3. The M3O4 phase shows significant non-stoichiometry, down to at least 1173 K. Fe2+-Mg partitioning data were obtained for coexisting M2O3-M3O5 and M2O3-M3O4 pairs in the FeO-MgO-TiO2 ternary. Assuming a regular solution mixing model for all phases, the M2O3 and M3O4 solid solutions were both found to exhibit moderate positive deviations from ideality (∼2600 J/mol), whereas the data for the M3O5 binary suggest close to ideal behaviour. Received: 22 May 1998 / Accepted: 3 November 1998  相似文献   

This work aims to quantify sulfate ion concentrations in the system Na2SO4-H2O using Raman micro-spectroscopy.Raman spectra of sodium sulfate solutions with known concentrations were collected at ambient temperature(293 K) and in the 500 cm1-4000 cm-1 spectral region.The results indicate that the intensity of the SO42- band increases with increasing concentrations of sulfate ion.A linear correlation was found between the concentration of SO42-(c) and parameter I1,which represents the ratio of the area of the SO42- band to that of the O-H stretching band of water(As/Aw):I1=-0.00102+0.01538 c.Furthermore,we deconvoluted the O-H stretching band of water(2800 cm-1-3800 cm-1) at 3232 and 3430 cm-1 into two sub-Gaussian bands,and then defined Raman intensity of the two sub-bands as ABi(3232 cm-1) and AB2(3430 cm-1),defined the full width of half maximum(FWHM) of the two sub-bands as WB1(3232 cm-1) and WB2(3430 cm-1).A linear correlation between the concentration of SO42-(c) and parameter I2,which represents the ratio of Raman intensity of SO42-(As)(in 981 cm-1) to(AB1+AB2),was also established:I2=-0.0111+0.3653 c.However,no correlations were found between concentration of SO42-(c) and FWHM ratios,which includes the ratio of FWHM of SO42-(Ws) to WB1 WB2 and WB1+B2(the sum of WB1 and WB2),suggesting that FWHM is not suitable for quantitative studies of sulfate solutions with Raman spectroscopy.A comparison of Raman spectroscopic studies of mixed Na2SO4 and NaCI solutions with a constant SO42- concentration and variable CI- concentrations suggest that the I\ parameter is affected by CI-,whereas the I2 parameter was not.Therefore,even if the solution is not purely Na2SO4-H2O,SO42- concentrations can still be calculated from the Raman spectra if the H2O band is deconvoluted into two sub-bands,making this method potentially applicable to analysis of natural fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

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