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Shear wave velocities of the crust and upper mantle are defined beneath the Roccamonfina volcano and surrounding Apennines (southern Italy) from the simultaneous nonlinear inversion of the local group velocity dispersion data, obtained from seismic events recorded in 1988–2004 at Roccamonfina station of the INGV-RSNC network, and regional dispersion data obtained in previous studies. The main features of the representative VS models are a carbonatic basement and a low velocity zone at 6–10?km of depth. The sedimentary succession is ~5?km thick below the Roccamonfina volcano and lays above a high VS (3.8?km/s) ascribable to solidified magma body, while it is ~10?km thick below the surrounding Apennines. A low velocity layer with an average thickness of 10?km is detected below the Roccamonfina volcano which can be associated with the presence of partial melting and interpreted as magmatic reservoir. Such low velocity layer, also found below the surrounding Apennines but with a reduced thickness of 2–3?km, extends to the Campanian Plain and to the Neapolitan volcanic area, from Campi Flegrei to Somma-Vesuvius.  相似文献   

We adopted the seismic tomography technique to refine the three-dimensional velocity structure model of the western part of Hokkaido, Japan. Using the P-wave first arrival data listed by Japan Meteorological Agency from 2002 to 2005, we could estimate a 3-D inhomogeneous velocity structure model with a low velocity at a depth of 14 km beneath Asahikawa. The crustal structure near Sapporo was characterized by lateral velocity change toward the southern seaside. The low-velocity zone near Urakawa, proposed by previous research, was also clarified. In general, the present model showed lower-velocity values for most of the crustal layers in the area concerned. The results of this study were affected by less number of higher magnitude events (M?≥?0.5) in the central part of the area of interest. However, the perturbation results for comparatively shallow layers (6–50 km) were good in resolution. It was found that the source region of the Rumoi–Nanbu earthquake of December 14, 2004 was characterized by a low-velocity zone, located between high velocity zones. Such an inhomogeneous crustal structure might play an important role in the relatively high seismic activity in the Rumoi–Nanbu earthquake source region.  相似文献   

The 3D S-velocity structure beneath Africa is shown by means of a 2D S-velocity mapping for depths raging from zero to 500 km, determined by the regionalization and inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion. The traces of 94 earthquakes, occurred from 1990 to 2009 in the study area, have been used to obtain the Rayleigh-wave dispersion. These earthquakes were registered by 61 seismic stations located on Africa and the surrounding area. The dispersion curves were obtained for periods between 5 and 300 s, by digital filtering with a combination of MFT and TVF filtering techniques. After that, all seismic events (and some stations) were grouped to obtain a dispersion curve for each source-station path. These dispersion curves were regionalized and after inverted according to generalized inversion theory, to obtain shear-wave velocity models for rectangular blocks with a size of 5° × 5°. The 3D S-velocity structure obtained through this procedure is shown in the 2D S-velocity maps plotted for several depths. These results agree well with the geology and other geophysical results previously obtained. The obtained S-velocity models suggest the existence of lateral and vertical heterogeneity. The zones with consolidated and old structures (as cratons) present greater S-velocity values than the other younger zones. Nevertheless, in the depth range from 20 to 40 km, the different Moho depths present in the study area generate the principal variation of S-velocity. A similar behaviour is found for the depth range from 60 to 230 km, in which the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary generates the principal variations of S-velocity. Finally, it should be highlighted a new and interesting feature obtained in this study: the definition of the base of the asthenosphere, for depths ranging from 160 to 280 km, in the whole African continent.  相似文献   

The Diamantina ~120 km-diameter ring feature, a unique feature in western Queensland, is manifested by a near-360° circular drainage pattern, radial creeks and a coincident radiometric K–Th–U pattern. The structure has been studied in the context of an investigation of the nature and origin of Australian circular structures. Geophysical signatures, including total magnetic intensity (TMI), gravity and seismic reflection transect data from the region of the ring feature are examined to help test the origin of the structure. A western subdued TMI arc with a ~110 km diameter is offset by ~30 km eastward from the western rim of the drainage ring. Bouguer anomaly data show a gravity low near the centre of the ring structure, but no outer circular pattern. Two recent seismic transects indicate a moderately reflective to weakly reflective crust below flat lying strata of the Jurassic–Cretaceous Eromanga and Permian–Triassic Galilee basins, and above a usually well-defined ~39–45 km-deep Moho. An approximately ~100 km-wide seismically non-reflective to weakly reflective zone overlapping the Diamantina ring feature separates crust of different seismic reflection character to either side. The nature of the seismic non-reflective crust is unknown. A potential interpretation of the ring structure in terms of asteroid impact cannot be confirmed or rejected given the present state of knowledge, owing to (1) the near-30 km depth of the seismically non-reflective zone along the transects; and (2) the shift of the TMI part ring zone relative to the geomorphic expression of the Diamantina ring feature. A test of the nature and origin of the Diamantina ring feature requires a cored drill hole near the centre of the TMI ring structure.  相似文献   

Applying the iterative shooting/bisection technique for rapid forward modeling to the seismic explosion data, we could refine the crustal velocity structure model of the western part of the Hidaka collision zone, Hokkaido, Japan. We used only the precise P-wave first arrival data obtained by the Research Group for Explosion Seismology, which set up a 113.4-km-long profile in August 2000 along with 327 observation points and four shot points with TNT charges from 100 to 300 kg. We could estimate a two-dimensional inhomogeneous crustal velocity structure model with a velocity decrease in the eastern direction at a depth of 15.7 km, several portions of velocity reversals with depth and a low velocity anomaly proposed in previous studies. The root-mean-square of travel-time residuals was improved from 0.398 s for the previous structure model to 0.176 s for the present model with a reduction of 55.8%.  相似文献   

We present a summary of the available information on Rayleigh-wave dispersion data for the Fennoscandian region. The observations have been combined to produce regional dispersion relations which have then been subjected to the “hedgehog” inversion procedure. The results are presented on a map outlining the thickness of the lid and the shear velocities in both the lid and the asthenosphere channel. Lid thickness up to around 135 km is found in the Bothnia-north-central Finland area with, if any, weak shear velocity contrast to the underlying layer. The surrounding areas are characterized by lid thickness up to around 75 km; a stronger low-velocity zone to lid contrast may be found in the Caledonian and Baltic Sea area (0.25÷0.45 km/s). Taking into account Moho depth data and the aforementioned results, a map of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system was derived.  相似文献   


Magnetotelluric investigations have been carried out in the Garhwal Himalayan corridor to delineate the electrical structure of the crust along a profile extending from Indo-Gangetic Plain to Higher Himalayan region in Uttarakhand, India. The profile passing through major Himalayan thrusts: Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFF), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Central Thrust (MCT), is nearly perpendicular to the regional geological strike. Data processing and impedance analysis indicate that out of 44 stations MT data recorded, only 27 stations data show in general, the validity of 2D assumption. The average geoelectric strike, N70°W, was estimated for the profile using tensor decomposition. 2D smooth geoelectrical model has been presented, which provides the electrical image of the shallow and deeper crustal structure. The major features of the model are (i) a low resistivity (<50Ωm), shallow feature interpreted as sediments of Siwalik and Indo-Gangetic Plain, (ii) highly resistive (> 1000Ωm) zone below the sediments at a depth of 6 km, interpreted as the top surface of the Indian plate, (iii) a low resistivity (< 10Ωm) below the depth of 6 km near MCT zone coincides with the intense micro-seismic activity in the region. The zone is interpreted as the partial melting or fluid phase at mid crustal depth. Sensitivity test indicates that the major features of the geoelectrical model are relevant and desired by the MT data.  相似文献   

Coda wave attenuation is estimated for Qeshm Island which is located in the southeastern part of Zagros. For this purpose, the aftershocks of Qeshm earthquake in November 27, 2005, recorded within an epicentral distance less than 100 km, have been used. More than 829 earthquakes were recorded by a local temporary network consisting of 16 short period stations installed after a week after the main shock for ~10 weeks. The coda quality factor, Q c, was estimated using the single-backscattering model in frequency bands of 0.5–24 Hz. In this research, lateral and vertical variations of coda Q in Qeshm Island are explored. In Qeshm Island, absence of significant lateral variation of coda Q is observed. To investigate the attenuation variation with depth, the coda Q value was calculated for coda time windows with different lengths (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 s). It is observed that coda Q increases with depth. However, in our study area, the rate of increase of coda Q with depth is not uniform. Beneath Qeshm Island, the rate of increase of coda Q is greater at depths less than ~40 km compared with those of larger depths. This is indicating the existence of a low attenuation anomalous structure under the ~40-km depth which may be correlated with the Moho depth in this region. The average frequency relation for this region is Q c = 36 ± 1.2f 0.94 ± 0.039 at a 5 s-lapse time window length and Q c = 110 ± 1.8f 0.88 ± 0.09 at a 30-s lapse time window length.  相似文献   

The study area is a part of central Ganga Plain which lies within the interfluve of Hindon and Yamuna rivers and covers an area of approximately 1,345 km2. Hydrogeologically, Quaternary alluvium hosts the major aquifers. A fence diagram reveals the occurrence of a single aquifer to a depth of 126 m below ground level which is intercalated by sub-regional clay beds. The depth to water level ranges from 9.55 to 28.96 m below ground level. The general groundwater flow direction is northwest to southeast. Groundwater is the major source of water supply for agricultural, domestic, and industrial uses. The overuse of groundwater has resulted in the depletion of water and also quality deterioration in certain parts of the area. This has become the basis for the preparation of a groundwater vulnerability map in relation to contamination. The vulnerability of groundwater to contamination was assessed using the modified DRASTIC-LU model. The parameters like depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, and land use pattern were considered for the preparation of a groundwater vulnerability map. The DRASTIC-LU index is computed as the sum of the products of weights and rating assigned to each of the inputs considered. The DRASTIC-LU index ranges from 158 to 190, and is classified into four categories, i.e., <160, 160–170, 170–180, and >180, corresponding to low, medium, high, and very high vulnerability zones, respectively. Using this classification, a groundwater vulnerability potential map was generated which shows that 2 % of the area falls in the low vulnerable zone, 38 % falls in the medium vulnerable zone, and 49 % of the area falls in the high vulnerable zone. About 11 % of the study area falls in the very high vulnerability zone. The groundwater vulnerability map can be used as an effective preliminary tool for the planning, policy, and operational levels of the decision-making process concerning groundwater management and protection.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis method was applied to aeromagnetic data obtained for Ikogosi warm spring (IWS) area of southwestern Nigeria. This was done with the objective of determining the bottom of the magnetized crust called Curie point depth (CDP) and understand the nature and extent of the local geothermal system at depth beneath IWS. The depth to the centroid, Z o, of the deepest distribution of the magnetic dipoles was obtained by computing least-squares fit to the lowest-frequency segment of the azimuthally averaged log power spectrum. The average depth to the top of the deepest crustal block was computed as the depth to the top, Z t, of the second lowest-frequency segment of the spectrum. The depth to the bottom of the deepest magnetic dipoles, the inferred Curie point depth, was then calculated from Z b?=?2Z o???Z t. The Curie depth estimates for IWS range between 4.68 and 11.38 km (below sea level). We also estimate the heat flow and Curie temperature using a one-dimensional conductive heat transport model. The average heat flow, 42 mW m?2, and geothermal gradient, 32°C/km, obtained suggest a low enthalpy thermal regime. The Curie temperature for the region varies between 153°C and 350°C. Also, an inverse linear relationship between heat flow and Curie depths was determined. Good agreement between the Curie point depths derived from heat flow data and magnetic data suggests that the Curie point depth analysis is useful to estimate the regional thermal structure and the tectonic settings.  相似文献   

The crustal structure has been determined in the area between the Lorraine, the Bohemian massif and the northern Alps with considerable detail in recent years. But up to now little has been known about the velocity—depth structure of the uppermost mantle in this area. The situation changed recently when two recent seismic events near the northern and southern end of the Rhinegraben rift system were recorded to distances of 400 km. The explosions at the westernmost shotpoint of the international alpine refraction profile in 1975 were also observed in the Rhinegraben area up to the same distance. Earlier refraction seismic experiments between Steinbrunn near Basle and Boehmischbruck at the western border of the Bohemian massif also reach distances of 400 km. All these data lead to the rather high P-wave velocities of 8.5–8.6 km/s at depths between 40 and 50 km. These velocities are considerably higher than the average velocities of 8.2 km/s under other areas of western and central Europe, as for example the Bretagne in northwestern France and the North German Plain. There are indications of a minor velocity inversion in the uppermost mantle between Steinbrunn and Boehmischbruck. From the dispersion of surface waves there is good evidence that the regional high P-wave velocities are limited to a certain depth range only. This indicates rather pronounced lateral variations of the velocity—depth structure in the uppermost mantle of central Europe.  相似文献   

The Lachlan Fold Belt has the velocity‐depth structure of continental crust, with a thickness exceeding 50 km under the region of highest topography in Australia, and in the range 41–44 km under the central Fold Belt and Sydney Basin. There is no evidence of high upper crustal velocities normally associated with marginal or back‐arc basin crustal rocks. The velocities in the lower crust are consistent with an overall increase in metamorphic grade and/or mafic mineral content with depth. Continuing tectonic development throughout the region and the negligible seismicity at depths greater than 30 km indicate that the lower crust is undergoing ductile deformation.

The upper crustal velocities below the Sydney Basin are in the range 5.75–5.9 km/s to about 8 km, increasing to 6.35–6.5 km/s at about 15–17 km depth, where there is a high‐velocity (7.0 km/s) zone for about 9 km evident in results from one direction. The lower crust is characterised by a velocity gradient from about 6.7 km/s at 25 km, to 7.7 km/s at 40–42 km, and a transition to an upper mantle velocity of 8.03–8.12 km/s at 41.5–43.5 km depth.

Across the central Lachlan Fold Belt, velocities generally increase from 5.6 km/s at the surface to 6.0 km/s at 14.5 km depth, with a higher‐velocity zone (5.95 km/s) in the depth range 2.5–7.0 km. In the lower crust, velocities increase from 6.3 km/s at 16 km depth to 7.2 km/s at 40 km depth, then increase to 7.95 km/s at 43 km. A steeper gradient is evident at 26.5–28 km depth, where the velocity is about 6.6—6.8 km/s. Under part of the area an upper mantle low‐velocity zone in the depth range 50–64 km is interpreted from strong events recorded at distances greater than 320 km.

There is no substantial difference in the Moho depth across the boundary between the Sydney Basin and the Lachlan Fold Belt, consistent with the Basin overlying part of the Fold Belt. Pre‐Ordovician rocks within the crust suggest fragmented continental‐type crust existed E of the Precambrian craton and that these contribute to the thick crustal section in SE Australia.  相似文献   

The existence of the upper mantle low velocity layer (LVL) below 100 km depth in cratonic areas is tested with surface waves dispersion curves. Given the ambient noise we find that a pronounced LVL (80 km thick and 2% velocity reduction or 40 km thick and 5% velocity reduction) can be distinguished from a constant velocity model by comparison of the fundamental mode group velocities, whereas a thin LVL (less than 40 km thick) with small velocity contrast (less than 2%) cannot be resolved. The fundamental modes of Love and Rayleigh waves have similar properties and, in general, the phase velocity differences are smaller than the standard error. Phase velocity alone cannot discriminate between the models, and the group velocity is in general more sensitive to the velocity structure than the phase velocity. The higher modes at short periods could potentially determine a LVL but in reality it is difficult to obtain sufficiently accurate measurements. We invert the synthetic dispersion curves by the non-linear Hedgehog inversion method. A pronounced LVL (more than 40 km thick and with a strong velocity contrast of about 5%) is detectable by the non-linear inversion but for a thin LVL with a strong velocity contrast it is not possible to resolve both velocity and thickness. In the inversions all solutions include a LVL for models with a pronounced LVL, whereas the solution space includes models with and without a LVL for models with a zero or positive gradient velocity–depth structure.We invert also real data with travel path across the Siberian craton with the Hedgehog method. Almost all solutions include a LVL in the depth range of 80–150 km with a velocity contrast up to 2% to the surrounding intervals. Hence, the LVL appears to be a common feature of the Siberian upper mantle, although a constant velocity at the same depth range cannot be totally excluded. Despite low resolution at large depth, a pronounced asthenospheric LVL below a depth of about 225 km is a constant characteristic of the set of solutions.  相似文献   

We use seismic tomography, exploiting group velocities derived from ambient noise, to delineate the crustal structure beneath Mt Isa and the surrounding blocks and basins. The depth extent of the blocks can be traced into the mid-crust and the spatial extent of the associated velocity anomalies mapped over an area of approximately 500 km by 500 km. The Proterozoic Mt Isa block is imaged as a region of elevated seismic velocities comparable to the Yilgarn craton in Western Australia, while the surrounding basins have relatively low velocities. Seismic velocity anomalies display correlations with the regional Bouguer gravity data and with high crustal temperatures in the region. There are a number of isolated low-velocity anomalies under the Millungera basin that suggest either previously unknown thermal anomalies or zones with high permeability, which can also produce lowered velocities.  相似文献   

The bottom of the magnetized crust determined from the spectral analysis of magnetic anomaly is interpreted as a level of the Curie point isotherm. A spectral analysis technique was used to estimate the depth of the magnetic anomalies sources (Curie point depth analysis) of the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. The depth to the tops and centers of the magnetic anomalies are calculated by azimuthally averaged power spectrum method for the whole area. The results obtained suggests from this study showed that the average depth to the top of the crustal block ranges between 1.15 and 1.9 km, whereas the average depth to the center of the deepest crustal block ranges between 9.1 and 12.7 km. Curie point depths in the study area range between 14.5 km in the northwestern part of the study area and 26 km in the southeastern part of the study area. The results imply a high geothermal gradient (34.7 °C/km) and corresponding high heat flow value (72.87 mW/m2) in the northwestern part of the study area. The southeastern part of the study area displays a low geothermal gradient (24.26 °C/km) and low heat flow value (50.9 mW/m2). These results are consistent with the existence of the possible promising geothermal reservoir in the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez especially at Hammam Faraun area.  相似文献   

The main target of the present study is an objective and automated regionalization of Rayleigh wave dispersion data for the Mediterranean basin, without a priori seismotectonic constraints, and to determine the corresponding regional shear-velocity structures. The database used is formed by almost 200 Rayleigh wavetrains corresponding to 42 regional events, with surface-wave magnitude greater than 4.5, recorded at the MedNet very-broad-band stations in the Mediterranean area. Path-averaged group velocities for the Rayleigh wave fundamental mode are derived for each available epicentre-station trajectory crossing the Mediterranean basin. After this, a principal component analysis and a clustering process are applied to local group velocities, obtained for 13 different periods from 10 to 70 s, in order to classify the Mediterranean basin into several homogeneous regions. The stochastic inversion of the averaged group velocity dispersion curve obtained for each region provides the respective shear-velocity structures, down to a depth of 150–160 km. The characteristics of these areas and their possible correlation with the main seismotectonic features of the Mediterranean region are discussed. The regional models reveal significant lateral changes in the elastic structure, with the main differences concerning particularly the upper 35–40 km. Within this depth range, low shear velocities, varying from 2.8 to 3.9 km s−1, characterize the Eastern Mediterranean, whereas higher velocities, ranging from 3.0 to 4.2 km s−1, are deduced for the Western Mediterranean. These results suggest a thicker crust in the eastern part, but with a greater thickness of sedimentary layers. However, for depths of between 80 and 110 km, lower shear velocities are obtained in the Western part, while higher shear velocities are derived for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, in the Aegean Sea, Greece, the south of Italy, Sicily and Tunisia. This velocity pattern suggests an averaged thicker lithosphere under the latter areas, as the top of the asthenosphere is detected at a mean depth of 75 km for the remaining regions. This thicker lithosphere can be related to processes associated with the convergence of the Eurasian and African plates and subduction under the Calabrian and Hellenic Arcs.  相似文献   

The Japan Trench subduction zone, located east of NE Japan, has regional variation in seismicity. Many large earthquakes occurred in the northern part of Japan Trench, but few in the southern part. Off Miyagi region is in the middle of the Japan Trench, where the large earthquakes (M > 7) with thrust mechanisms have occurred at an interval of about 40 years in two parts: inner trench slope and near land. A seismic experiment using 36 ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) and a 12,000 cu. in. airgun array was conducted to determine a detailed, 2D velocity structure in the forearc region off Miyagi. The depth to the Moho is 21 km, at 115 km from the trench axis, and becomes progressively deeper landward. The P-wave velocity of the mantle wedge is 7.9–8.1 km/s, which is typical velocity for uppermost mantle without large serpentinization. The dip angle of oceanic crust is increased from 5–6° near the trench axis to 23° 150 km landward from the trench axis. The P-wave velocity of the oceanic uppermost mantle is as small as 7.7 km/s. This low-velocity oceanic mantle seems to be caused by not a lateral anisotropy but some subduction process. By comparison with the seismicity off Miyagi, the subduction zone can be divided into four parts: 1) Seaward of the trench axis, the seismicity is low and normal fault-type earthquakes occur associated with the destruction of oceanic lithosphere. 2) Beneath the deformed zone landward of the trench axis, the plate boundary is characterized as a stable sliding fault plain. In case of earthquakes, this zone may be tsunamigenic. 3) Below forearc crust where P-wave velocity is almost 6 km/s and larger: this zone is the seismogenic zone below inner trench slope, which is a plate boundary between the forearc and oceanic crusts. 4) Below mantle wedge: the rupture zones of thrust large earthquakes near land (e.g. 1978 off Miyagi earthquake) are located beneath the mantle wedge. The depth of the rupture zones is 30–50 km below sea level. From the comparison, the rupture zones of large earthquakes off Miyagi are limited in two parts: plate boundary between the forearc and oceanic crusts and below mantle wedge. This limitation is a rare case for subduction zone. Although the seismogenic process beneath the mantle wedge is not fully clarified, our observation suggests the two possibilities: earthquake generation at the plate boundary overridden by the mantle wedge without serpentinization or that in the subducting slab.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a treasured earth’s resource and plays an important role in addressing water and environmental sustainability. However, its overexploitation and wide spatial variability within a basin and/or across regions are posing a serious challenge for groundwater sustainability. Some parts of southern West Bengal of India are problematic for groundwater occurrence despite of high rainfall in this region. Characterization of an aquifer in this area is very important for sustainable development of water supply and artificial recharge. Electrical resistivity surveys using 1-D and 2-D arrays were performed at a regular interval from Subarnarekha River at Bhasraghat (south) to Kharagpur (north) to map the lithological variations in this area. Resistivity sounding surveys were carried out at an interval of 2–3 km. Subsurface resistivity variation has been interpreted using very fast simulated annealing (VFSA) global optimization technique. The analysis of the field data indicated that the resistivity variation with depth is suitable in the southern part of the area and corresponds to clayey sand. Interpreted resistivity in the northern part of the area is relatively high and reveals impervious laterite layer. In the southern part of the area resistivity varies between 15 and 40 Ωm at a depth below 30 m. A 2-D resistivity imaging conducted at the most important location in the area is correlated well with the 1-D results. Based on the interpreted resistivity variation with depth at different locations different types of geologic units (laterite, clay, sand, etc.) are classified, and the zone of interests for aquifer has been demarcated. Study reveals that southern part of the area is better for artificial recharge than the northern part. The presence of laterite cover in the northern part of the area restricts the percolation of rainwater to recharge the aquifer at depth. To recharge the aquifer at depth in the northern part of the area, rainwater must be sent artificially at depth by puncturing laterite layers on the top. Such studies in challenging areas will help in understanding the problems and finding its solution.  相似文献   

The Frome airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was designed to provide reliable pre-competitive AEM data to aid the search for energy and mineral resources around the Lake Frome region of South Australia. Flown in 2010, a total of 32,317 line kilometres of high-quality airborne geophysical data was collected over an area of 95,450 km2 at a flight line spacing mostly of 2.5 km, opening to 5 km spaced lines in the Marree–Strzelecki Desert area to the north. The Lake Frome region hosts a large number of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits with known resources of ~60 000 tonnes of U3O8 including the working In Situ Recovery operations at Beverley, Pepegoona, Pannikin and Honeymoon, and deposits at Four Mile East, Four Mile West, Yagdlin, Goulds Dam, Oban, East Kalkaroo, Yarramba and Junction Dam. The aims of the Frome AEM Survey were to map and interpret critical elements of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems including basin architecture, paleovalley morphology, sedimentary facies changes, hydrological connections between uranium sources and uranium deposition sites and structures. Interpretations of the data show the utility of regional AEM surveying for mapping crucial elements of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems as well as for mapping geological surfaces, structures and depth of cover over a wide area. Data from the Frome AEM Survey allow mineral explorers to put their own high-resolution AEM surveys into a regional context. Survey data were used to map and interpret a range of geological features that are associated with, or control the location of, sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems and have been used to assess the uranium prospectivity of new areas to the north of the Flinders Ranges.  相似文献   

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