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The hydroxyl in phyllosilicate minerals is the most common occurrence of water in primitive meteorites. Direct hydrogen isotopic analysis of this water component using an ion microprobe has been made in some glassy or phyllosilicate spherules from the Al Rais (CR) and Orgueil (CI) chondrites. The spherules from Al Rais show large deuterium excesses (δD = +200 -+800‰) relative to terrestrial standards, whereas deuterium-enrichments in the spherules from Orgueil are much smaller (δD = +40 - +130‰). The phyllosilicate spherules are products of  相似文献   

The data available show that some Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites are similar to Cl meteorites.Tehy contain a lot of phyllosilicate aggregates and the oxygen isotopic composition of the whole-rock samples is approximate to that of C1 chondrites,so they are named after quasi-C1(Q-C1)chondrites Unlike Cl metcorites,the Q-Cl chondites possess chondrule structrue,and the compositions of hih temperature condensates(chondrule fragments,mineral grains or aggregates)show that the oxygen fugacity varied within a wide range in the surroundings where they were formed,similar to the variation range from E.H.L,LL to C group chondrites.It is inferred that the Q-C1 chondrites could be formed at the edges far from the equator in the whole asteroid region of the solar nebular disk.where the nebula was lower in density and the condensates were lower in accretion velocity,so that the hydration of chon drules and matrix occurred during the late stage of nebular condensation.The discovery of the Q-Cl chondrites and the fact that the earth and other terrestrial planets contain water indicate that at the edges far from the equator in the terrestrial reigion of the solar nebular disk,a large amount of water was incorporated into the lattice of minerals in the condensates as a result of hydration during nebular condensation,and then found its way into the interior parts of the Earth and other terrestrial planets due to accretion.  相似文献   

Polarization and radiation measurements and microwave studies show that the planets and the great majority of asteroids in the solar system are covered by soils similar to regolith on the moon surface.The soils repesent the composition of the asteroids and the geological elements of the planets. The spectral reflectance shows a tendency of decreasing from near ultraviolet,visible to near-infrared in order of LL→L→H→H with increasing Fe^0/Fet rato and toward to absorption for Jilin,Xinyang and Zanoyang ordinary chondrites and Qinzhen enstatite chondrite recently fallen in China,The same chemical group of meteorites feature deeper absorption valleys with increasing metamorphic grade.The spectal reflectance of igneous rocks varies from strong to what is like that of H-group chondrites in order of acid→basic→ultrabasic rocks.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of thermal and collision events which had been experienced by the Jilin(H5) and Qingzhen(EH3) chondrites before they fell to the earth .The HRTEM and opti-cal microscopic investigations show that the Jilin chondrite has undergone more extensive thermal heating and two stages of collision,while the Qingzhen chondrite has experienced weak thermal events after the accretion of its parent body and one stage of moderate collision.The schematic dia-grams of the process of formation and evolution of these two meteorites are given in the present pa-per.  相似文献   

宁强碳质球粒陨石的球粒和基质中出现大量圆形的不透明矿物集合体。其中的主要矿物为磁铁矿、富镍金属和硫化物,另有少量磷酸盐、硅酸盐及微量的铂族金属。离子探针测定显示:①磁铁矿的氧同位素组成服从质量分馏[斜率为0.51±0.04,Δ17O为(-2.8±0.4)‰],δ18O值在-15.3‰~-1.6‰的较大范围内变化;②球粒中的橄榄石(Δ17O为-5.0‰)与不透明矿物集合体处于氧同位素不平衡状态。不透明矿物集合体是由小行星母体中的蚀变反应产生的,金属铁被氧化为磁铁矿,同时使剩余的金属富集镍。  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is an area where a large number of salt lakes are distributed. We have collected several hundred samples of natural waters over the Plateau since 1976 and carried out researches on their hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. The results indicate that theδD and δ18O values of the salt lake waters over the Plateau range from −64.1 to +12.4‰ and from −11.19 to +8.62‰, respectively. From the different types of surfaces, ground and lake waters of various salinities it is inferred that the compositions of H and O isotopes in the initial water of Qinghai Lake areδD=−55.0‰ and {ie336-1}; and those in the original water from the lakes in northern Xizang, areδD=−116.0‰ and {ie336-2}. Brines in the salt lakes are derived from rain water through prolonged circulation. Oilfield water also makes some contribution to the salt lakes in the Qaidam Basin. Similar slopes of evaporation lines of water isotopes are noticed for the Qinghai Lake area and northern Xizang. This is attributed to the evolution of the isotopes in these water bodies in an environment of middle latitude and high elevation.  相似文献   

正2014年10月31日,Science发表题为《早期太阳系内部的吸积水来自碳质球粒陨石——可能的来源》(Early Accretion of Water in the Inner Solar System from A Carbonaceous Chondrite-Like Source)的文章指出,伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(WHOI)研究发现了地球和太阳系内水的第一个证据。研究人员提出了地球上水的另一个潜在来源——碳质球粒陨石。最原始的陨石即碳质球粒陨石,形成于大约46亿年前太阳引发的灰尘、砂  相似文献   

The microprobe EDXRF equipment was used for analysis of the major and trace elements in glaze layer-transitive layer-body layer of the celadon from the Altar Yao (Kiln) and Laohudong Yao in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), Zhejiang, China. The K values of the discriminant factor for the celadon wares are larger than 8, which means the celadon of the Altar Yao and Laohudong Yao are different from that of the Longquan Yao. The former two belong to the Guan Yao system (the Chinese imperial kilns), but the latter to the Min Yao system (the Chinese popular kilns). The principle component analysis shows their relationship between the Altar and Laohudong wares with provenance postulation. The thickness of the transitive layer in the Altar and Laohudong wares is obviously different, which reveals the microstructure characteristics of the celadon even though both kinds of wares belong to the imperial kiln system.  相似文献   

Three new carbonaceous chondrites (GRV 020025,021579 and 022459) collected from the Grove Mountains (GRV), Antarctica, have been classified as the CM2, CO3 and CV3 chondrites, respectively. A total of 27 Ca- and Al-rich inclusions have been found in the three meteorites, which are the earliest assemblages formed in the solar nebula. Most of the inclusions are intensively altered, with abundant phyllosilicates in the inclusions from GRV 020025 and FeO enrichment of spinel in those from GRV 022459. Except for one spinel-spherule in each of GRV 020025 and  相似文献   

本文中笔者利用双龙河剖面采集的D、18O同位素分析曹妃甸地区不同水体间的相互关系,识别区域水循环特征。研究发现区内河水、潜水和承压水均起源于大气降水,三者之间存在密切的水力联系;在三个区段上地下水具有不同的补径排条件;区内地下水循环系统可以划分为浅、中、深三级循环系统。  相似文献   

阿坝州位于四川西北部,与青海、甘肃交界,处于高海拔地区;该地区地表水资源丰富,长江与黄河上游水系均流经该区域。通过系统性采集区内河水(76件)、井水(7件)、溪水(8件)等样品,测试水体中D与18 O的丰度与微量元素含量。结果表明:①受大气降水与流经地层的影响,阿坝地区河水中D与18 O的丰度均显著高于溪水、井水与自来水等介质,线性相关性表明,河水中18 O的富集与硫酸盐矿物的溶解密切相关;②阿坝地区井水、自来水、溪水之间存在明显的水力联系;③对于阿坝地区而言,黄河上游河流中δD与δ18 O值均高于长江上游水系河流,但两者之间差别较小,这由于同一地区水系具有相同的大气降水来源;④河水、井水、溪水等表水中微量元素呈高Ba、Zn、Cr,低As、Pb、Cd的特点,与该地区岩石样品中微量元素特征基本一致,表明该地区表水中微量元素含量主要受地质背景因素控制。  相似文献   

王广  李立武 《岩矿测试》2006,25(4):311-314
利用岩石热脱气单体碳/氢同位素组成分析装置,通过高温热解、分步加热的方法,对山东蓬莱第四纪碱性玄武岩全岩流体组分中氢同位素进行了同位素质谱分析,得到了流体组分中热解H2及CH4的δD值。在15个样品中,热解H2及CH4的δD值变化相对较小,说明热解H2和烃的来源比较单一。  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic study of oxide minerals in LL3.0-6 chondrites, and found ilmenite, rutile, perovskite and an unknown Al-Ti-Zr-oxide. Ilmenite is low in abundance, but is present in the chondrules and matrix of all the samples that we studied. The MnO content of ilmenite in LL3.0-3.3 is lower than that in LL3.5-6. The low concentration of MnO in the former is due to crystallization from chondrules melts at high temperatures. On the other hand, ilmenite composition in LL3.5-6 reflects thermal metamorphism. Therefore, ilmenite is indicative of petrologic type. We also made the first measurements of the 53Mn-53Cr systematics of ilmenite in ordinary chondrites. The age for ilmenite in Y790256 (LL6) is determined to be about 2 Ma older than angrites. This may represent the metamorphic age of the LL chondrites.  相似文献   

This study covers cosmic spherules derived from the Mesoproterozoic Dahongyu Formation in the Ming Tombs area, Beijing. The cosmic spherules include iron oxide cosmic spherules, carbonaceous chondrites, and atomic iron “steely bead”-shaped cosmic spherules. The mineral assemblage of silicon carbide, forsterite, zircon, and glass spherules and fragments were picked from melt-silicified carbonate of the Mesoproterozoic Dahongyu Formation (ca. 1625 Ma). Cosmic spherule assemblages are solely discovered from sedimentary rocks in China. Platinum group elements (PGE) were determined for the first time in cosmic spherules and associated minerals. PGE comparative observation between meteorite and cosmic spherules is presented in this study. It is recognized that an extraterrestrial meteorite impact event might have occurred in the Dahongyu Stage. The main evidence is a large number of iron cosmic spherules in silicified oncolitic limestone, and associated cosmic silicon carbide, glass spherules, and fragments, as well as the presence of forsterite. The impact-volcanic crater is characteristic of a big black shale block dropped into the bended silicified limestone.  相似文献   

宋天泽 《冰川冻土》2011,33(2):261-267
2010年7月参加第三届北京中学生北极科学考察活动,收集了北极沿岸地区的挪威斯瓦尔巴德群岛(Svalbard)、冰岛、格陵兰沿岸地区的海水、沿岸海水、海冰表面冰样、地表径流等水体样品,对样品进行了氢氧稳定同位素成分测定,分析了北极沿岸地区水体的水循环过程.结果表明,该地区不同水体中的稳定同位素具有不同特征.沿岸海水中δ...  相似文献   

为了查明 10 0号矿体成矿溶液的性质 ,我们测定了样品中锡石和石英的氢、氧同位素组成 :δD石英 =- 11.8‰~ - 73.1‰ ,δ1 8O石英 =13.6‰~ 16 .2‰ ;δD锡石 =- 5 5 .8‰~ - 132 .3‰ ,δ1 8O锡石 =4.9‰~ 6 .6‰。综合分析相关的数据表明 ,10 0号矿体的成矿溶液是以岩浆水为主 ,加入了大气降水等其它混合水。  相似文献   

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