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A plane symmetric homogeneous space-time in the presence of mass less scalar field with a flat potential is investigated. To get an inflationary universe, we have considered a flat region in which potential V is constant. Some physical and kinematical properties of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated two stiff-fluid models in which the material distribution is that of viscous fluid. In the first model, the coefficient of shear viscosity is assumed to be constant while in the second model the coefficient of shear viscosity is proportional to the rate of expansion in the model. The paper also discusses some physical and geometrical aspects of the model. The behaviour of the model in absence of viscosity is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss an inflationary scenario via scalar field and fluid cosmology for an anisotropic homogeneous universe model in \(f(R)\) gravity. We consider an equation of state which corresponds to a quasi-de Sitter expansion and investigate the effect of the anisotropy parameter for different values of the deviation parameter. We evaluate potential models like linear, quadratic and quartic models which correspond to chaotic inflation. We construct the observational parameters for a power-law model of \(f(R)\) gravity and construct the graphical analysis of tensor–scalar ratio and spectral index which indicates the consistency of these parameters with Planck 2015 data.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the evolution of spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-I Universe models with the cosmological constant, Λ, and filled with nonlinear viscous fluid. The dynamical equations for these models are obtained and solved for some special cases. We calculate the statefinder parameters for the models and display them in the s-r-plane.  相似文献   

The pivotal point of the paper is to discuss the behavior of temperature, pressure, energy density as a function of volume along with determination of caloric EoS from following two model: w(z)=w 0+w 1ln(1+z) & . The time scale of instability for this two models is discussed. In the paper we then generalize our result and arrive at general expression for energy density irrespective of the model. The thermodynamical stability for both of the model and the general case is discussed from this viewpoint. We also arrive at a condition on the limiting behavior of thermodynamic parameter to validate the third law of thermodynamics and interpret the general mathematical expression of integration constant U 0 (what we get while integrating energy conservation equation) physically relating it to number of micro states. The constraint on the allowed values of the parameters of the models is discussed which ascertains stability of universe. The validity of thermodynamical laws within apparent and event horizon is discussed.  相似文献   

Two exact solutions of Einstein's field equations of vacuum are presented and investigated. We will regard the term vacuum fluid as the limiting case of scalar field with an almost constant potential. Considering the four velocity of this fluid we find, that in both solutions there is an anisotropic expansion of the cosmic fluid, but the fluid has vanishing vorticity.We investigate whether shear could prevent the transition into an inflationary era in these models, and the effect of shear on a scalar field is also considered. It is found that shear will speed up the rollover of the scalar field in some Bianchi type-VIII models.Possible initial conditions are discussed in light of the group structures of the models.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a spatially homogeneous and isotropic FRW space-time filled with perfect fluid and dark energy components. The two sources are assumed to interact minimally, and therefore their energy momentum tensors are conserved separately. A special law of variation for the Hubble parameter proposed by Berman (Nuovo Cimento B 74:182, 1983) has been utilized to solve the field equations. The Berman’s law yields two explicit forms of the scale factor governing the FRW space-time and constant values of deceleration parameter. The role of dark energy with variable equation of state parameter has been studied in detail in the evolution of FRW universe. It has been found that dark energy dominates the universe at the present epoch, which is consistent with the observations. The physical behavior of the universe has been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of gravitational charged perfect fluid collapse in Friedmann universe models with cosmological constant. For this purpose, we assume that the electromagnetic field is so weak that it does not introduce any distortion into the geometry of the spacetime. The results obtained from the junction conditions between the Friedmann and the Reissner–Nordström de Sitter spacetimes are used to solve the field equations. Further, the singularity structure and mass effects of the collapsing system on the time difference between the formation of apparent horizons and singularity have been studied. This analysis provides the validity of the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis. It is found that the electromagnetic field affects the area of apparent horizons and their time of formation.  相似文献   

The effect of bulk viscosity on the evolution of the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models in the context of open thermodynamical systems, which allow particle creation, is analyzed within the framework of Brans-Dicke theory. Particle creation and bulk viscosity have been considered as separated irreversible processes. To accommodate the viscous pressure and creation pressure, which is associated with creation of matter out of gravitational field, the energy-momentum tensor is modified. Dynamical behaviour of the models have been discussed.  相似文献   

A general formalism for the investigation of the late time dynamics of the universe for any analytic f(R) gravity model, along with a cold dark matter, has been discussed in the present work. The formalism is then elucidated with two examples. The values of the parameters of the models are chosen in such a way that they are consistent with the basic observational requirement.  相似文献   

We present results from N-body simulations of the clustering properties of the universe in a cubic box of size 260h−1 Mpc, within a cold dark matter (CDM) cosmology with skewed distributions for initial adiabatic density perturbations δM. We consider two non-Gaussian models, Chi-squared and Lognormal, where the primordial gravitational potential is obtained from a non-linear transformation on a Gaussian random field. Our procedure yields for each model two primordial density distributions with opposite skewness δ3M. The gravitational evolution and the present statistical properties of our simulations are strongly sensitive to the sign of the initial skewness. Skew-positive simulations produce a highly lumpy distribution with little power on large scales. Skew-negative simulations, on the contrary, evolve towards a cellular structure with high power on large scales, showing, in many respects, better agreement with observations than the standard CDM model. Giving up the random-phase hypothesis for primordial perturbations seems then a viable possibility to reproduce the large-scale properties of the universe; such a possibility is further motivated by many physical models either within the inflationary dynamics or phase transitions in the early universe.  相似文献   

From the values of the fundamental physical constantsc, G. andh and the quark models result the final parameters of the universe.  相似文献   

The curvature-free (k=0) FRW expanding cosmological model is developed corresponding to interacting viscous fluids and zero-mass scalar fields. In the absence of non-static scalar fields the model exhibits the existence of the initial singularity (Q=0). However, with non-negative coefficient of shear viscosity, in the presence of non-static scalar fields we find thatQ has a minimum value (0). If this epoch is treated as the initial one, it may be said that the presence of scalar fields avoids the initial singularity. Other physical behaviour that the model exhibit has been discussed.  相似文献   

This study set out to examine the effect of anisotropy on the various dark energy models by using the observational data, including the Sandage-Loeb test, Strongly gravitationally lensing, observational Hubble data, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data. In particular, we consider three cases of dark energy models: the cosmological constant model, which is most favored by current observations, the wCDM model where dark energy is introduced with constant w equation of state parameter and in Chevalier-Polarski-Linder parametrization where ω is allowed to evolve with redshift. With an anisotropy framework, a maximum likelihood method to constrain the cosmological parameters was implemented. With an anisotropic universe, we also study the behavior of different cosmological parameters such as Hubble parameter, EoS parameter, and deceleration parameter of dark energy models mentioned. The results indicate that the Bianchi type I model for the dark energy models are consistent with the combined observational data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we search the existence of Bianchi type I cosmological model in f(R,T) gravity, where the gravitational Lagrangian is given by an arbitrary function of the Ricci scalar R and of the trace of the stress-energy tensor T. We obtain the gravitational field equations in the metric formalism, and reconstruct the corresponding f(R,T) functions. Attention is attached to the special case, f(R,T)=f 1(R)+f 2(T) and two examples are assumed for this model. In the first example, we consider the unification of matter dominated and accelerated phases with f(R) gravity in anisotropic universe, and in the second instance, model of f(R,T) gravity with transition of matter dominated phase to the acceleration phase is obtained. In both cases, f(R,T) is proportional to a power of R with exponents depending on the input parameters.  相似文献   

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