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The Upper Cretaceous outcrops of Armuña (Segovia Province, Spain) yielded relatively abundant material of vertebrates during prospection and excavation in the second half of the 1980s. However, little has been published on these remains. A new analysis of the specimens from this upper Campanian site reveals the presence of some clades in the site for the first time (e.g., Dortokidae, Anguimorpha, Mosasauroidea). Furthermore, the material of the clades previously recognized there has been reviewed and described in more detail, with some previous systematic attributions confirmed and others refuted. Consequently, a relatively high local diversity has been identified. New taxa (i.e., a member of Anguimorpha and a eusuchian crocodyliform) are identified in Armuña, coexisting with other taxa previously described in other sites from the Iberoarmorican Realm. The vertebrates from Armuña confirm that the fauna from the Upper Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula is composed of a mixture of European endemic clades and lineages shared with other continents such as North America (e.g., anguimorphs) and Africa (e.g., bothremydids).  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2001,23(6-7):1015-1030
The Malpica–Lamego Line (MLL) is a deformation zone in the Variscan belt of NW Iberia (NW Spain and N Portugal) that runs parallel to the chain for at least 275 km, bearing I-type granodiorite plutons along most of its length. The MLL affects previous structures by which high pressure and ophiolitic rocks were exhumed and emplaced on the Iberian plate during earlier deformation phases. Correlation and reconstruction of the stratigraphy of these sheets or tectonic units at both sides of the shear zone allows a preliminary estimate of the accumulated vertical and horizontal offsets after the tectonic activity of the fault. The value of the separations, of crustal-scale proportions, reaches a maximum 15 km of vertical offset that decreases gradually to the south. The structural record found in the rocks indicates a strike-slip regime that, in general, does not fit the geometry of the offsets. We suggest that the MLL went through two different stages during the same orogenic cycle: a first dip-slip episode, a reverse faulting event, overprinted by a later strike-slip reactivation.  相似文献   

Scientists are deeply concerned by the state of vulnerability of groundwater reservoirs. It is a complex task because of the difficulties in determining the degree of pollution of the groundwater. Many methods have been adopted like (DRASTIC, GOD, SI, SINTACS…). Another method (Kherici et al. in Geogr Tech 1–14, 2010) is added to identify the vulnerability of groundwater reservoirs and control the evolution of pollutants. The present article targets the determination of the vulnerability and risks of pollution of groundwater reservoirs of a climatic Mediterranean region (Annaba–Bouteldja region). The device used is based on the combination of two criteria: natural factors (thickness of the unsaturated zone, geological facies and degree of self-purification) and the causes of vulnerability and the pollution risks entropic factors (caused by man). The application of Kherici’s method has revealed a distinction between the different degrees of pollution and has allowed a neat classification of the different reservoirs in the study. The results lead to a vulnerability map and the risks of pollution of Annaba–Bouteldja different aquifers. It has also led to the installation of protection areas; sustained by an efficient general evacuation plan of the sewerage net and the construction of treatment station of the sewage effluents in the urbanized areas.  相似文献   

The garnet–orthopyroxene pairs are commonly found in the assemblages of basic granulites/charnockite and hence are suitable for estimating equilibrium temperature of these metamorphic rocks. At present, there are many calibrations of garnet–orthopyroxene thermometer that may confuse geologists in choosing a reliable thermometer. To test the accuracy of the garnet–orthopyroxene thermometers, we have applied 14 models formulated by a number of workers since 1980 to date. We have collated 51 samples from the literature all over the world, which has been processed through the “Gt-Opx.EXE” software. Based on the present study, we have identified a set of the best among all the 14 models which were considered under this comparative study. We have concluded that the five garnet–orthopyroxene (Gt-Opx) thermometers are the most valid and reliable of this kind of thermometer: Aranovich and Berman (Am Mineral 82:345–353, 1997), Raith et al. (Earth Sci 73:211–244, 1983), Harley (Contrib Mineral Petrol 86:359–373, 1984), Nimis and Grütter (Contrib Mineral Petrol 159:411–427, 2010), and Sen and Bhattacharya (Contrib Mineral Petrol 88:64–71, 1984).  相似文献   

Luana Russo 《GeoJournal》2014,79(1):73-87
This paper assesses the nationalization of electoral change in a setting of major changes at the party level. After discussing the theoretical difference between the configuration of the electorate and its movement, the Italian case is examined. In order to check whether strategic voting dynamics took place between the 2006 and 2008 Italian Parliamentary elections, the swing voters’ estimates are obtained. After having shown that the Italian electorate behaved strategically, we investigated whether the swing had a national or a territorial pattern. The findings show that the switching occurred in Italy between the 2006 and the 2008 elections can be considered national.  相似文献   

It is suggested to estimate the Pliocene–Quaternary fault activity in a formalized way from synthesis of different data. The respective database consists of two main sections: (i) general information and basic fault parameters and (ii) geomorphic, structural, paleoseismic, seismological, geophysical, geodetic, engineering-geological, hydrological, and meteorological data. The fault characteristics are scored according to their significance, and the cumulative score measures the fault activity. With this approach, the faults in the Barguzin and Tunka rift basins and in the northeastern flank of the Baikal rift system have been divided into five activity classes (low, medium, relatively high, high, and very high activity) and mapped correspondingly. It has been recommended that the concept of an hazardous fault, as updated with regard to the activity rating, refers to faults of relatively high, high, and very high activity. Thus identified hazardous faults within the study area are quite few (4–8%), though this percent may increase slightly as more input data become available. The underestimation cannot be dramatic because all known seismological and structural characteristics of faults essential for the activity rating have been already taken into account. The new approach may be useful in seismic risk assessment and in choice of sites for instrumental monitoring of seismicity.  相似文献   

By Hirschman–Herfindahl Index, the paper measures the spatial structure transformation of the Chinese container port system from the perspective of cargo flow in recent 13 years. It indicates that the spatial structure of container port system enters into “the challenge of the periphery” phase as a whole, the decentralization of container flow become the mainstream tendency of the spatial variation of China’s container port system; on the other hand, the spatial structure of container port system shows different characteristic in seven port regions, such as low-level equilibrium, single-gateway, multi-gateway and so on. It is a fact that multi-gateway port region of container port system has formed in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta region. Economic and foreign trade development, government macro-control and policy guidance, challenge of the periphery, network expansion of the terminal operators and shipping liners are the main driving forces for these new phenomena.  相似文献   

Paleo-to Neoarchean granitoid gneisses (ca. 3.30 to 2.49 Ga) are well preserved in the Western Superior Craton. Protoliths of these gneisses are mainly I-type granitoids characterized by high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and low Mg#, consistent with Archean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites. Zircons from granitoid gneisses commonly contain three growth phases: inherited cores (zircon I), magmatic rims (zircon II) and outer rims that have undergone Pb-loss (zircon III). The 3.12 Ga to 2.86 Ga zircon I represent early crustal material, that was captured in younger zircons; zircon II preserve crustal re-working and younger crustal additions that are constrained between 2.85 to 2.72 and 2.69 to 2.65 Ga.Zircon II contains both positive and negative εHf(t) values (−6.3 to +8.1), with both depleted-mantle and older crustal signatures. Half of the magmatic rims (II) are characterized by depleted mantle signatures with positive εHf(t) values representing juvenile crust-forming events, whereas the other half are characterized by recycled crustal signatures with negative εHf(t) values. εHf(t) results show that the North Caribou and the Island Lake terranes and the northern Uchi domain are isotopically more enriched than the southern Uchi, English River, Wabigoon and Winnipeg River terranes, suggesting the northern Uchi margin represents a major terrane boundary.Based on mass balance calculations, large volumes of juvenile material at circa 3.0 Ga mixed with smaller amounts of older crust. The vast majority of the granites were derived from a source with about 50% mantle material during the peak crust formation events after 2.8 Ga. The decline in the volume of felsic magmatism in the later Archean is coeval with a reduced supply of both heat and material from depleted mantle sources. Combined with previously published geochemical, geochronological and isotopic data, this suggests an evolution in felsic magma sources consistent with crustal thickening.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1988,3(4):393-414
A collection of 34 photographs covering the years 1904–1944 of V. M. Goldschmidt's life is presented. These photographs illustrate the importance of field observations in his scientific investigations. On the personal side they show he was an individual with strong bonds to his colleagues and their families.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the author's research association with Percival (‘Perce’) Allen FRS (1917–2008), whose wide-ranging and seminal contributions to Wealden (non-marine Lower Cretaceous) sedimentological and palaeoenvironmental interpretation spanned seven decades. The Geological Conservation Review (GCR) Special Issue on the Wealden was initiated as a collaborative research programme initiated during the late 1990s. Stemming from this, the GCR accounts are seen very much as the summation of Perce Allen's lifelong Wealden studies, as demonstrated by GCR sites throughout southern England.  相似文献   

Floods have profound impacts on populations worldwide in terms of both loss of life and property. A global inventory of floods is an important tool for quantifying the spatial and temporal distribution of floods and for evaluating global flood prediction models. Several global hazard inventories currently exist; however, their utility for spatiotemporal analysis of global floods is limited. The existing flood catalogs either fail to record the geospatial area over which the flood impacted or restrict the types of flood events included in the database according to a set of criteria, limiting the scope of the inventory. To improve upon existing databases, and make it more comprehensive, we have compiled a digitized Global Flood Inventory (GFI) for the period 1998–2008 which also geo-references each flood event by latitude and longitude. This technical report presents the methodology used to compile the GFI and preliminary findings on the spatial and temporal distributions of the flooding events that are contained in the inventory.  相似文献   

Resolving time differences between successive magmatic pulses in composite granitoid plutons is often a difficult task. High-precision CA-ID-TIMS zircon ages obtained from such a pluton, the Variscan Karkonosze Granite (NE part of the Bohemian Massif), provide evidence that the crystallization of the two main granite facies, porphyritic and equigranular, happened between 312.5 ± 0.3 and 312.2 ± 0.3 Ma, thus unresolvable at the 0.08–0.1 % precision level of a single 206Pb/238U age. This finding is at odds with most other previous dating attempts and asks for a re-evaluation of the previous scattered geochronological data. The main reasons for the scatter of the earlier dates obtained by various techniques can include analytical causes, the presence of older inheritance and disturbance of the U–Pb isotopic system, due to zircon metamictization (enhanced by high-U content in zircon) or late- and post-magmatic alteration.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from six wells and various species of plants from soils developed on ophiolites were collected from an arid area (AlKhod area, Oman) and analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements (REEs). The distribution patterns of REEs in plants indicated an enrichment in middle REEs (MREEs?=?Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs?=?Ho to Lu), when they are normalized to the REE composition of the Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), with a significant negative anomaly in Ce and a positive anomaly in Eu. Compared to Oman ophiolites, the REEs in different species of plants are depleted in Ce and enriched in MREEs and slightly enriched in light REE (LREE?=?from La to Nd). Relative to PAAS, the distribution of REEs in groundwaters revealed similar patterns to the REE distribution in plants. The distribution patterns of REEs in plants relative to those in waters are nearly flat. These patterns suggest that the transfer of REEs from soil solutions to the groundwaters in Oman occurs without any significant fractionation.  相似文献   

The Guarguaraz Complex in West Argentina formed during collision between the microplate Chilenia and South America. It is composed of neritic clastic metasediments with intercalations of metabasic and ultrabasic rocks of oceanic origin. Prograde garnet growth in metapelite and metabasite occurred between 1.2 GPa, 470°C and 1.4 GPa, 530°C, when the penetrative s2-foliation was formed. The average age of garnet crystallization of 390 ± 2 Ma (2σ) was determined from three four-point Lu–Hf mineral isochrones from metapelite and metabasite samples and represents the time of collision. Peak pressure conditions are followed by a decompression path with slight heating at 0.5 GPa, 560°C. Fluid release during decompression caused equilibration of mineral compositions at the rims and also aided Ar diffusion. An 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of white mica at 353 ± 1 Ma (1σ) indicates the time of cooling below 350–400°C. These temperatures were attained at pressures of 0.2–0.3 GPa, indicative of an average exhumation rate of ≥1 mm/a for the period 390–353 Ma. Late hydrous influx at 0.1–0.3 GPa caused pervasive growth of sericite and chlorite and reset the Ar/Ar ages of earlier coarse-grained white mica. At 284–295 Ma, the entire basement cooled below 280°C (fission track ages of zircon) after abundant post-collisional granitoid intrusion. The deeply buried epicontinental sedimentary rocks, the high peak pressure referring to a low metamorphic geotherm of 10–12°C/km, and the decompression/heating path are characteristics of material buried and exhumed within a (micro) continent–continent collisional setting.  相似文献   

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