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“学习型组织”管理理念在打造企业影响力和竞争力方面具有非常重要的地位和作用。文化力是创造力的资源,学习型组织是创造这种资源的途径。本文在理论上论述了“学习型组织”的理念、内涵及其意义。  相似文献   

当前,为适应国内外形势,许多设计企业郁积极推进改革,提高设计水平,建立品牌优势;加强国际合作,培养外向型人才。如何立足本土文化,探索中国当代建筑设计的创新之路,实现企业的可持续发展是众多设计企业面临的重大现实课题。 在建筑设计企业中,涌现出许多典型,成立于1980年10月的“深圳华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司”就是其中的佼佼者,作为中外合资有限责任公司,既具有适应中国市场环境的能力,又具备参与国际市场竞争的实力。  相似文献   

介绍了中国石化集团南京设计院坚持以人为本,循序渐进地推进企业文化建设的管理模式。该管理模式为企业得到快速发展和长足进步提供了强大的精神动力和文化支撑。  相似文献   

地勘单位的“事转企”,绝不能重走国有企业的老路,先转变为传统的国有企业,然后再去建立现代企业制度.我们必须两步并做一步走,实现向现代企业制度的跳跃转变.一、建立现代企业制度是市场经济发展的必然党的十五届四中全会通过的《关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》指出:“建立现代企业制度,  相似文献   

我院成立于1964年,我们经历过财政拨款旱涝保收的行政事业单位时代。80年代初随着祖国的改革开放,我们又走过了自收自支企业管理的艰难旅程。随着进一步深化改革,党的十五届四中全会以后,在勘察设计行业中,改企建制的呼声越来越高,声势也越来越大。勘察设计单位的改革势在必行,院领导通过认真学习中央和地方文件精神,学习政策、  相似文献   

工程勘察设计企业作为一个知识、智力、技术密集型服务业,在日益激烈的市场竞争中,要根据自身的优势和特殊"产品",以其品牌营销、技术营销、质量营销、信息营销、关系营销等特点,制定切实可行的营销计划,巩固和扩大企业的顾客群,提高勘察设计"产品"的市场占有份额,以实现预定的营销战略目标,提高企业的经济效益.  相似文献   

电力设计企业学习实践“三个代表”重要思想,首先要深刻认识“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵、精神实质;其次要理论联系实际;第三要及时把握改革和发展的新机遇;第四要尽快实现体制、机制创新;第五要不断开拓市场,确保效益逐年提高;第六要全面提升队伍稳定、员工受益的新水平。  相似文献   

纵览古今中外,所有上百年的成功企业必有独到而成功的企业文化。沧海桑田,不知道有多少东西都变化了,惟独它的企业文化百年不变。这种凝聚企业精神、规范企业和员工行为的软约束、企业  相似文献   

在06年末召开的中央经济工作会议上,胡锦涛同志明确指出:确立企业在技术创新中的主体地位是提高自主创新能力的根本途径。只有不断增强企业创新能力,才能使建设创新型国家获得强大动力。  相似文献   

8月22日下午,由天强管理顾问和《国企》杂志共同举办的"国企深化改革与竞争力提升"管理沙龙在北京市国谊宾馆举行,国务院国有资产监督  相似文献   

刘威  万博  晏圣超 《岩石学报》2022,38(5):1557-1563
鉴于大陆岩浆弧上盘广泛分布有碳酸盐岩,岩体上升侵位过程使其碳通量明显的高于洋内岛弧,从而有可能影响着地质历史长时间尺度(百万年)的气候变化。陆弧碳的排放可分为两部分,一部分是与喷出岩相关的火山作用,另一部分是与侵入岩相关的脱碳过程。侵入岩的体量一般是喷出岩体量的10倍以上,由此与侵入岩有关的脱碳作用释放的碳通量不可忽视,可能类似与喷出岩有关的火山作用释放的碳通量甚至更大。火山作用能够将气体直接排入大气中,因此在以往的工作中研究较为充分。但与侵入岩相关的脱碳过程如:矽卡岩化,发生在地下,关于地下脱碳过程如何将碳释放到大气中还缺少详细的工作。本文,通过对比研究火山地区和非火山地区与侵入岩相关的深部脱碳过程,发现深部碳可以通过区域断层系统、地下水系统和热泉、火山通道、隐爆角砾岩筒、高频率的岩浆热液事件等途径瞬时地释放进入大气。通过初步估算,发现单个矽卡岩矿化事件所产生的二氧化碳通量(0.02~0.2Mt/yr)能够与目前地球绝大部分的普通单个火山的碳通量(<0.5Mt/yr)类比。因此岩浆深部脱碳过程对大气的影响至少与火山相当,其对气候的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

Mathematical Geosciences -  相似文献   

本文从人生信念、道德境界以及我国传统美德等方面阐述了敬业精神对当今激烈的市场竞争中的重要作用,并推出大力倡导敬业精神,纠正行业不正之风的基本途径和方法。  相似文献   

An extension to the DRASTIC model is proposed in order to assess aquifer vulnerability to pollution. In contrast to the DRASTIC model, which considers the unsaturated and saturated zones together and computes a global intrinsic vulnerability index, the suggested approach discriminates between the aquifer vertical vulnerability (a concept related to the pollutant percolation) and the groundwater susceptibility (a concept that depends on the behaviour and uses of the groundwater). This approach is applied to the Haouz aquifer (Morocco) that supplies water to the Marrakech area. This aquifer is widely overexploited and there is evidence that the groundwater quality is threatened by various sources of pollution. Evaluation of the vertical vulnerability indicates that the aquifer mainly presents a moderate-to-weak vertical vulnerability. The zones potentially most favourable to pollutant percolation are mainly located in Central Haouz, along or near the surface wadis. The aquifer susceptibility is high in places located near the N’Fis, Baaja and Issil wadis. Everywhere else, low-to-moderate susceptibility is observed. This new approach therefore enables areas of vertical vulnerability and areas of susceptibility to be delineated separately. As a result, it constitutes a valuable decision-making tool for optimising the management of aquifer water resources and land-use planning.  相似文献   

水平定向钻进地层适应性的评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水平定向钻进的地层适应性对施工技术方案、钻具选择、参数选取和施工效益都有着重要影响。应采用钻进地层的岩土硬度、完整性和研磨性三方面指标,对比钻进技术工艺和技术器具特点,对钻进效率、钻孔的成孔和孔壁稳定性、以及钻具寿命等进行定性及定量的评价,从而有利于大大提高水平定向钻进铺管施工的技术和经济效益。  相似文献   

Nutrient loading to estuaries with heavily populated watersheds can have profound ecological consequences. In evaluating policy options for managing nitrogen (N), it is helpful to understand current and historic spatial loading patterns to the system. We modeled N inputs to Narragansett Bay from 1850 to 2000, using data on population, human waste disposal, livestock, fertilizer, and atmospheric deposition. We found that total N loading to the bay increased 250% from 1850 to 2000, and 80% from 1900 to 2000. Loading to the upper bay increased far more than that to the lower bay, and the most important source shifted from non-point animal waste to human waste concentrated at sewage treatment facilities. We also modeled future N loads in 2015 under four management scenarios. Planned improvements in sewage treatment would reduce N loads 9% below business-as-usual, to the 1990 loading rate. Greater reductions, to circa 1900 rates of loading, may be possible.  相似文献   

Nowadays, environmental problems related to soil pollution with heavy metals are numerous, therefore, it is important to understand metals behaviour in aquatic sediments and soils and to estimate their transfer. The fate of metals in the environment is closely related to their interactions with the major reactive compartments (organic matter, iron and manganese oxides, clays). The objective of this work is to develop an approach based on the combination of several models to study metal ion speciation in different environmental systems. Models used to describe the interactions of metals with the main reactive phases in the soil are CD-MUSIC (amorphous and crystallized iron oxides), NICA-Donnan (organic matter and manganese oxides) and cationic ion exchange model (clays). First, this work implies the definition of generic parameters to describe the interactions of the studied metals with iron and manganese oxides and part of this information is missing in the literature. Then, after a validation of the approach by comparison with analytical results, this multi-surface model is applied to test sites corresponding to one soil and two riverine environments.These new models give good predictions of the behaviour of major and trace metal ions even in heterogeneous systems characteristic of natural environment. The measured free metal concentrations in the solution are in agreement with those obtained from model calculations. In the case of the soil test site, the soil solution composition and speciation are predicted using the soil major constituents characteristics.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Estimating the resilience of a road network (one of the essential critical infrastructures in times of crisis) to natural hazards is crucial in achieving the goals of disaster...  相似文献   

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