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We consider the problem of computing the most probable location of a target based on radar measurements of the subsurface. Our algorithm makes use of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), which represents a correlation between the measured data and synthetic data generated for the object of interest at different locations. Previous studies assume a plane-wave acquisition geometry and target object(s) embedded in a uniform background. In this paper, a generalization of the MLE method is presented which is valid for discrete point sources (and receivers) and a 2D model (i.e. a 2.5D acquisition geometry). Within this formulation the treatment of a non-uniform background model is also possible. We concentrate on geotechnical ground investigations and assume that the characteristic dimensions of the target object are in the range 1–2λ, (λ being the wavelength). The potential of the method is demonstrated employing cross-hole radar data acquired in a controlled field experiment. The MLE result is also compared with the image obtained employing a full reconstruction method such as diffraction tomography.  相似文献   

The theory by which the Surface Integral Equation method may be applied to the solution of electromagnetic transmission boundary value problems is presented. For a 3D target of arbitrary electrical property contrast with its host medium excited by an arbitrary time-harmonic source, two integral equations are derived which need to be simultaneously solved for tangential electric and magnetic source density on the target's surface. If the target is 2D, though still excited by an arbitrary source (the 2½ D case), the problem is best solved in the transform domain for a number of different wavenumbers in the target's strike direction. Then a set of four simultaneous scalar integral equations needs to be solved for the components of the surface source density transforms in the target's strike direction and in the direction of the tangent vector to the target's cross-sectional contour. Examples are presented in which the 2½D problem is solved numerically using the method of moments with piecewise linear basis functions. Although the results generally compare well with analytical solutions, or solutions obtained numerically by other means, errors appear in the calculation of the real response of these targets to excitation by a magnetic dipole source at low frequencies. This is attributed to ill-conditioning of the system resulting from a non-unique solution at zero frequency.  相似文献   

The rotating current EM method has been applied to the delineation of two conductive orebodies, Elura near Cobar, NSW, and Thalanga near Charter's Towers, Queensland. The field data were collected in the form of observations of the vertical magnetic field strength ratio and phase difference using a Turam-style receiver with twin vertical coils. By reconstituting this data back to the ring source field and phase, i.e. the observed Hz, phasor, it is possible to present contoured maps of the EM field. Anomaly phasors are obtained by subtracting theoretical phasors from the observed phasors in the complex plane of the Hz phasor. The theoretical phasors for the finite source are based on horizontally layered, half-space earth models, computed at each point of the survey grids, then normalized to selected points of the observed fields. Use is made of the intrinsic circular symmetry of the method in X–Y plots of field versus source-receiver distance to ascertain geoelectric parameters for the earth models. A steel picket fence at Thalanga is modelled by a line source grounded at each end and its Hz, phasor is removed by the same process. A considerable improvement in anomaly delineation is gained over previous Turam-style anomalies and the two survey examples illustrate the limitations of the method in the presence of a conductive overburden (Elura) and its abilities in the absence of a conductive overburden (Thalanga).  相似文献   

In recent years, geophysical methods (shallow seismic, electromagnetic, resistivity, ground penetrating radar) have been increasingly applied to overburden investigations. Their effectiveness has been found to depend significantly on local geological conditions. Compared with advanced seismic techniques, EM methods are faster and hence more cost-effective, but they have not been considered sufficiently accurate. Analysis is carried out of data obtained with the multifrequency horizontal-loop method (HLEM) in northeastern Ontario, where the overburden consists of Quaternary glacial and glaciolacustrine sediments. Surveying along 1-6 km long profiles permitted recognition of bedrock inhomogeneities and selection of sites suitable for HLEM data interpretation using the layered model. Phasor diagrams and computer inversion based on the ridge regression technique were used to interpret HLEM soundings obtained at eight frequencies. Interpreted layer resistivities and thicknesses were correlated with the results of Rotasonic drilling at 70 sites. Relatively accurate estimates of overburden thickness (within 10%) could be obtained in about 80% of the cases. Nine examples of HLEM soundings are given and discussed: three each of one-, two- and three-layer situations. An appropriate interpretation model cannot be selected simply by minimizing the rms error or by analysing the parameter resolution matrix. Frequently, the most effective way of evaluating a solution is to consider whether resistivity values determined by inversion fit any of the ranges determined by statistical analyses of sediment resistivities. A previously published study of electrical properties of Quaternary sediments indicated that resistivities of clay, till and sand are stable within a fairly large area, such as the one under investigation. While the application of HLEM methods to mapping of Quaternary sediments can be considered a success, interpretation of EM data in regions covered by glacial sediments is more difficult than in weathered terrains, where near-surface layering is more predictable. The problem of equivalence causes non-uniqueness in interpretation. Thickness equivalence, which results in poor resistivity estimates, was found to affect areas convered by sand and till. Conductance equivalence caused poor resolution of thickness and resistivity for thin clay layers (less than 10 m).  相似文献   

A complex transfer function c (or generalized skin depth) can be derived from data for the secondary magnetic field measured by a dipole system with small coil spacing at height h above the ground. This function has a useful property: For a uniform or layered ground, the real part of c yields the‘ centroid depth’z* of the in-phase current system as a function of frequency. This parameter can be combined with the apparent resistivity ρa derived by conventional methods. The function ρa(z*), if known over a broad frequency range, yields a smoothed approximation of the true distribution ρ(z) without an initial model. The relations between ρa(z*) and ρ(z) are studied for a number of multilayer models. An example of the application of the ρa*) algorithm to data from a groundwater survey is given.  相似文献   

Airborne EM footprints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic (AEM) studies move towards more detailed assessments of the near-surface, the behaviour of system footprints, and hence the spatial averages involved in the measurement, becomes important. Published estimates suffer from two main limitations: first, they are based on perfectly conducting, thin sheet models and, secondly, they are system specific. The present study is a revision of footprint estimates based on (i) a finitely conducting half-space and (ii) an at-surface scale estimate that uses the spatial equivalent of the conventional electromagnetic skin depth. In order to remove the system dependence, a transmitter footprint is defined in terms of electromagnetic skin distance. Only the limiting cases of vertical and horizontal magnetic dipole sources then require analysis. Electromagnetic skin distances, two for each of the coil orientations, are defined. The revised definition makes it possible to investigate the footprint behaviour of both towed-bird and fixed-wing AEM systems over an altitude range from 20 to 100 m. The footprint/altitude ratio has a primary dependence on altitude and a secondary dependence on both resistivity and frequency. The analysis covers a frequency range from 1 to 100 kHz and results are presented for two specific resistivity values that represent conductive (10 Ωm) and resistive (1000 Ωm) environments. The revised footprint parameters display a quasi-linear behaviour with altitude, particularly for mid-range frequencies. This behaviour enables the coefficients of linear, least-squares relationships to be obtained, thus assisting with the prediction of footprint estimates for survey planning and interpretation. A comparison of the new estimates with published values suggests that existing footprint values for a vertical magnetic dipole should be revised downward.  相似文献   

Among electromagnetic sounding techniques, the Mélos method possesses the specific feature of including an apparent resistivity computation. This acts as a normalizing scheme so that 2D modelling results can be obtained without accounting for a true 3D source. However, in order to get reliable numerical modelling results for a 2D magnetic dipole source, improved algorithms are required in order to apply the standard finite-element technique: quadratic basis functions must be used in place of linear basis functions, and a more sophisticated method than conventional ones is necessary for properly solving the resulting system of linear equations. Such modelling results have been used to study theoretical responses for the Mélos method in the search for conductive bodies in mineral exploration. Two sets of models are presented and discussed. They show that the typical Mélos response to a conductive target is a bipolar anomaly on the apparent resistivity pseudo-section, with a conductive pole at low frequency which is centred above the target.  相似文献   

During the past two decades electromagnetic methods have been increasingly applied to problems in hydrocarbon exploration. It has been shown that EM methods achieve satisfactory results which can be supplementary to results of the seismic method. We extend the application of the Long-Offset Transient ElectroMagnetic Sounding (lotem ) to exploration problems in the coal mining industry. A survey was conducted north of the Rhine-Ruhr coal district using a grounded dipole source and receivers laid out along several profile lines giving areal coverage. The strong noise from cultural as well as natural electromagnetic sources was reduced using prestack data processing techniques resulting in reliable data with a good signal-to-noise ratio. The interpretation is self-consistent and matches the well logs and the geological information of the area quite well. The high station density permitted the mapping of the top of the Carboniferous formation to a depth of between 800 and 1000 m below surface.  相似文献   

The copper sulphide exploration programme in Albania involves a number of geophysical methods. The most important ones are the Induced Polarization (IP) and the Turam methods. This paper reports some recent achievements in increasing the depth of investigation and in discriminating sulphide ore textures by the IP, spectral IP and Turam methods.  相似文献   

The inductive transient electromagnetic method (TEM) shows good potential for the detection of metallic relics of historical interest, such as buried antique bells, Buddhist idols, or precious metal nuggets. The effectiveness of the method was investigated with analogue models, using transmitter-receiver loop configurations with sizes or receiver spacings slightly different from those usually applied in earth resources exploration with the Sirotem system. The analogue modelling results show that the location and depth of the buried treasure may be obtained from the Sirotem data. A solid metallic object such as an antique bell could be detected to a depth about 12 times greater than its size, and treasure consisting of separate metallic objects, such as gold nuggets, could be detected to a depth 5 times its linear dimensions with a transmitter current of ? 20 A. In scaling down the dimensions of a target, its conductivity should be increased in order to preserve the same TEM conditions found in the field. However, since the buried treasure consists of gold or copper objects, it is not possible to properly scale the conductivity. Hence, in the field, the depth detection limit is expected to be greater than that derived from analogue modelling.  相似文献   

We describe a least-squares inversion approach to estimating the subsurface resistivity structure from cross-hole or borehole-to-surface electromagnetic data. It is assumed that the resistivity distribution is symmetric about the axis of a borehole and that vertical magnetic dipoles are located on the borehole axis. The receivers are placed either in another borehole or on the earth's surface. The inversion scheme uses the finite-element and smoothness-constrained least-squares methods. The computational effort required to obtain partial derivatives is reduced considerably by using the reciprocity principle. Numerical simulations show that the reconstructions are generally in good agreement with the true structures when the assumption of an axisymmetric earth structure holds. An example involving the breakdown of this assumption, which can be obtained by interchanging the source and receiver boreholes, suggests that the inversion result may also be useful for locating a general 3D anomaly although artifacts are present.  相似文献   

Summary ?Directional Permeability? of anisotropic porous media to homogeneous fluids can be defined in two fashions: Firstly, by cutting a pencil shaped piece out of the porous medium and measuring its permability, secondly, by referringDarcy’s law to that component of the seepage velocity which is parallel to the pressure gradient. It is shown that, although these two definitions are not identical, the difference between them is so small that it can usually be neglected. Dr.A. E. Scheidegger, Dominion Observatory,Ottawa (Canada).  相似文献   

The review describes in broad terms the development of regional EM studies during the last five-six years. Large simultaneous magnetometer arrays, broadband and dense profiling with five component instruments, the use of remote reference techniques and in-field data processing have increased both the number and the quality of EM surveys. The increase has been strong all over the world.An extensive list of references, divided geographically, is presented. Selected examples of regional resisitivity-versus-depth curves are shown for Africa, the Baikal region, the Baltic Shield, the Canadian Shield, the Carpathian regions, the Central Andes, Iceland, India, the Juan de Fuca Plate, the Münsterland Basin, the Rio Grande rift, the Scottish Caledonides, the Tasman Sea, and for the United States in general. Because of the influence of tectonic settings and the metamorphic grade of rocks, only qualitative aspects of the results are relevant.Classical array studies, especially in Australia, in the Carpathian regions, in India, in North Germany and in Scotland have been reinterpreted and completed with more accurate 2D modelling and dense MT profiling. In the USA and Canada also new regions have been surveyed extensively. New regional EM work has been conducted extensively on the Baltic Shield and in Central and North Africa, Siberia, China, in the areas around the Caspian and Black Seas and in South America.The newest studies are supported by or compared with other geophysical data, which also are used in extrapolating for missing EM data density. There are several successful large-scale projects in operation: the European Geotraverse (EGT), the KAPG International Geotraverses and the EMSLAB project (with its first preliminary results). Regional EM studies have been increasingly applied to geothermal, hydrocarbon and mineral prospecting as well as local structural studies, e.g. studies of sites for nuclear waste disposal.  相似文献   

Radial‐trace time–frequency peak filtering filters a seismic record along the radial‐trace direction rather than the conventional channel direction. It takes the spatial correlation of the reflected events between adjacent channels into account. Thus, radial‐trace time–frequency peak filtering performs well in denoising and enhancing the continuity of reflected events. However, in the seismic record there is often random noise whose energy is concentrated in certain directions; the noise in these directions is correlative. We refer to this kind of random noise (that is distributed randomly in time but correlative in the space) as directional random noise. Under radial‐trace time–frequency peak filtering, the directional random noise will be treated as signal and enhanced when this noise has same direction as the signal. Therefore, we need to identify the directional random noise before the filtering. In this paper, we test the linearity of signal and directional random noise in time using the Hurst exponent. The time series of signals with high linearity lead to large Hurst exponent value; however, directional random noise is a random series in time without a fixed waveform and thus its linearity is low; therefore, we can differentiate the signal and directional random noise by the Hurst exponent values. The directional random noise can then be suppressed by using a long filtering window length during the radial‐trace time–frequency peak filtering. Synthetic and real data examples show that the proposed method can remove most directional random noise and can effectively recover the reflected events.  相似文献   

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) methods are increasingly being used as tools of geological mapping, groundwater exploration and prospecting for coal and lignite. In such applications, quantitative interpretation is commonly based on the layered-earth model. A new approach, a damped least-squares inversion with singular value decomposition, is proposed for interpretation of time-domain, towed-bird AEM data. Studies using theoretical and field AEM data indicate that inversion techniques are dependable and provide fast converging solutions. An analysis has been made of the accuracy of model parameter determination, which depends on resistivity and thickness distribution. In the common case of conductive overburden, upper-layer resistivity and thickness are usually well determined, although situations exist where their separation becomes difficult. In the case of a resistive layer overlying a conductive basement, the layer thickness is the best-determined parameter. In both cases, estimates of basement resistivity are the least reliable. Field data obtained with the Chinese-made M-l AEM system in Dongling, Anhui Province, China, were processed using the described inversion algorithm. The survey area comprised fluvial Cenozoic clays and weathered Mesozoic sediments. Inversion of AEM data resulted in accurate depth-to-bedrock sections and realistic estimates of the resistivities of overburden and bedrock which agree with the results of drilling and resistivity sounding.  相似文献   

Borehole surveys are usually commissioned to provide structural details as a guide to further drilling. Conductors remote from the hole are readily detected using EM probes. Vectors can be established by noting variations in wavelength, particularly for reversals of polarity. However, several holes in the same area are required to remove rotational ambiguities, and single axis systems may generate spurious anomalies related to errors in alignment. Consequently, a three-component sensor has been designed to compare the orthogonal response at each depth. Data are expressed in terms of the invariant parameters of the polarization ellipse, and secondary fields are readily identified.  相似文献   

Summary FollowingDoll, approximate expressions for the relative contribution to the total signal by various regions of a homogeneous earth have been derived for the nine electro-magnetic dipole-dipole systems. For the three systems with parallel dipole axes, there exists a vertical focussing effect centered around a depth equal to 0.34 times the dipole spacing. For dipoles with perpendicular axes and non-zero signal, there is no focussing and the near-surface material will have an undesirably large influence on the fields measured. Considering all aspects, the system with colinear axes seems to be the best for em prospecting. For this system, the portion of the ground between approximate depths 0.1L and 1.0L accounts for the bulk of the signal,L being the dipole spacing.NGRI Contribution No. NGRI-70-160.  相似文献   

为了克服激发极化观测中经常遇到的电磁耦合干扰,以往研究大多基于电磁耦合的频率特点.本文从电偶极子电磁耦合的基本公式出发,借助拉普拉斯变换和数值积分,着重研究了电磁耦合的时间历程及特点.研究表明,在足够长时间的矩形电流激励下,偶极装置电磁耦合的响应电位差表现为矩形激励电流开通时的上升斜坡和关断时的下降斜坡,并且使电磁信号到达的时间推迟;中间梯度装置的电磁耦合响应表现为矩形激励电流开通时的正尖脉冲和关断时的负尖脉冲,同时也使电磁信号到达的时间推迟.与激电法常用矩形电流的接通(关断)时间相比,不论采用何种观测装置,电磁感应耦合终归是一种“短命”的瞬变现象.不同装置的电磁耦合既有不同之处,又有相同之点.在固体矿产勘查常见的地电条件下,就激电法常用的中间梯度和偶极装置以及供电波形而言,电磁耦合的时间一般不超过10-2 s,利用这些时间特点能够达到区分并克服电磁耦合的目的.  相似文献   

电磁波层析成像100例的统计分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文给出了最近十二年间100个电磁波层析成像实例的统计资料,分析了电磁波层析的勘查精度与像元尺寸的关系,以及电波仪的频率设置,野外测量时的覆盖次数、方程组的欠定性等问题,并得出结论:为了提高电磁波层析的实用水平,需要研制频带宽、功率大和天线短的新一代电波仪;也需要研究欠定方程组模式下的成像方法和重建算法。与此同时,叙述了重建算法研究了模型设计与实际情况脱节的不足之处。  相似文献   

Up–down wavefield decomposition is effectuated by a scaled addition or subtraction of the pressure and vertical particle velocity, generally on horizontal or vertical surfaces, and works well for data given on such surfaces. The method, however, is not applicable to decomposing a wavefield when it is given at one instance in time, i.e. on snapshots. Such situations occur when a wavefield is modelled with methods like finite-difference techniques, for the purpose of, for example, reverse time migration, where the entire wavefield is determined per time instance. We present an alternative decomposition method that is exact when working on snapshots of an acoustic wavefield in a homogeneous medium, but can easily be approximated to heterogeneous media, and allows the wavefield to be decomposed in arbitrary directions. Such a directional snapshot wavefield decomposition is achieved by recasting the acoustic system in terms of the time derivative of the pressure and the vertical particle velocity, as opposed to the vertical derivative in up–down decomposition for data given on a horizontal surface. As in up–down decomposition of data given at a horizontal surface, the system can be eigenvalue decomposed and the inverse of the eigenvector matrix decomposes the wavefield snapshot into fields of opposite directions, including up–down decomposition. As the vertical particle velocity can be rotated at will, this allows for decomposition of the wavefield into any spatial direction; even spatially varying directions are possible. We show the power and effectiveness of the method by synthetic examples and models of increasing complexity.  相似文献   

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