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从社区型景区的特殊性出发,以鼓浪屿为例,基于行为视角进行居民空间利益分析。运用人口密度的声波叠加、衰减模型和社会调研等定量分析方法,从居民的活动空间分布、居民与旅游者的冲突空间分布以及居民的空间意象3个角度分析居民空间利益冲突、利益需求和利益协调。结果显示,社区型景区居民空间利益主要体现在居住活动空间、冲突空间和意象空间三方面,并依此提出居民视角的空间提升方案:将"居住空间内-高冲突-高意象"的区域划为优先提升区、"居住空间内-高冲突-低意象"和"居住空间内-低冲突-高意象"区域划为重点提升区、"居住空间内-低冲突-低意象"和"居住空间外-高意象"划为一般提升区。对比评估政府视角规划方案表明,基于政府视角的调控并未充分考虑居民视角的空间利益分布。建议在当前申请世界文化遗产背景下,政府应重视居民视角的利益分析和实施,对不同空间区域采取不同的提升措施;加强社区建设与人文延续;进一步合理控制游客容量,采取适当措施分散游客,提升社区型景区的宜居性。  相似文献   

塔娜  申悦 《地理学报》2020,75(4):849-859
在流动性不断增强与居民活动模式日益多样化的背景下,城市社会空间分异与隔离的内涵不断扩展,居民在日常生活中面临的空间隔离受到关注。以活动空间为基础的社会空间分异研究快速兴起,以期从更加动态的视角理解城市社会空间。基于上海市郊区问卷调查数据,构建活动空间共享度指标,建立个体尺度的活动空间分异指数和孤立指数,刻画社区内不同收入群体的活动空间隔离状况,并建立活动空间共享度的多层模型分析活动空间隔离的影响因素。研究发现居住在同一社区的不同收入居民之间存在活动空间隔离,居民更愿意与其社会经济属性相似的人共享活动空间。活动空间隔离程度受到个体社会经济属性、社区设施状况、社区周边环境、社区人口密度和社会混合程度等因素的影响,居住在人口密度高、社会混合度高、社区商业配置良好、公共空间充足的开放社区能提高居民的活动空间共享度,增加不同群体社会接触的可能性。  相似文献   

随着北京市“国际一流的和谐宜居之都”建设步伐的加快,城市低收入社区居民的社会公平满意度越来越受到重视,居民的居住环境空间公平将受到更多的关注。本研究结合地理学和社会学对居住环境空间公平相关理论,基于2017年北京典型低收入社区的调研数据,实证分析了居住环境主客观条件对低收入社区居民社会公平感知的影响。结果发现:不同类型社区的居民社会公平感知水平差异明显;服务设施、就业可达性和建成环境对个体社会公平满意度也均有不同程度的影响,居住环境满意度对低收入社区社会公平感知的影响中存在调节效应,同时居民社会公平满意度因居民社会经济属性而异。  相似文献   

北京市居住-就业空间结构及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈蕾 《地理科学进展》2011,30(10):1210-1217
在中国城市社会经济发展和住房市场化的进程中,居住-就业的空间格局发生了巨大的变化,居住-就业的空间分离引发了一系列交通和社会问题。本文通过对北京市不同区域的4个社区进行问卷发放和实地调查研究,考察了北京市居民的通勤特征和居住地、就业地的空间分布特征,测算了样本的居住-就业平衡度,进而比较了居住-就业平衡和不平衡的居民社会经济属性的差异。研究表明:北京市居民居住-就业不平衡现象十分普遍,居住-就业不平衡现象在大型就业中心和大规模居住区表现得愈突出。对居民社会经济属性与居住-就业空间平衡关系的研究发现,居住-就业平衡群体的最突出特征是年龄在50岁以上、职业为公务员、住房为单位集体宿舍或借住朋友/亲戚家。而相反,已婚居民、自有住房群体或从事农林渔牧水利生产等这部分人群往往最容易产生居住-就业不平衡。  相似文献   

广州市居民工作日小汽车出行个体与社区双层影响机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周素红  宋江宇  宋广文 《地理学报》2017,72(8):1444-1457
小汽车出行与建成环境的关系是城市研究中的热点问题,已有的研究主要分别关注个人社会经济属性与建成环境对小汽车出行的影响。近年来,在中国城市转型的背景下,社会空间分异受到关注,越来越多的研究表明,居民个人社会经济属性与社区建成环境及社区类型间存在关系,考虑三者如何共同对小汽车出行的影响具有一定的现实意义。因此,本文构建包含个体层社会经济属性和社区层建成环境与社区类型的多层Logit模型对工作日小汽车出行方式的影响因素进行分析。研究发现居民个人的社会经济属性和其所居住社区建成环境同时对小汽车出行的选择起作用,且这两层因素的影响与社区类型紧密相关,出行方式差异有76.32%是由社区因素的差异造成。个人社会经济属性因素方面,更高的文化水平、更高的个人月收入水平、非集体单位性质和家庭存在更多未成年孩子的居民工作日小汽车使用率较高;社区建成环境因素方面,提高建筑密度、用地混合度、商业可达性和公交站点密度会降低社区居民工作日出行使用小汽车的可能,而社区周边更高的POI密度则会增多居民对小汽车的使用。两类因素关系背后的机制在于伴随着市场力量对城市居住空间重构影响的增强,相似社会经济属性的居民会倾向选择同一类型社区,而相同类型社区拥有相似的建成环境。这些结论有助于进一步了解城市居民工作日小汽车出行背后的影响因素及机制,并为通过对相同类型社区多层因素的调节来改变居民出行方式结构,进而缓解交通问题提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

新时期南京居住空间分异研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
中国快速城市化背景下,利用中国人口普查数据进行城市社会空间结构分析具有明显的“时滞性”缺陷。城市更新与城市扩张过程中,中国城市中大量出现的封闭社区等新生城市空间形式改变着以往的城市社会空间结构,表现出一些新的城市社会空间特征。房地产市场数据能够直接反映住宅供给环境的改变,并可以间接预测出城市居住分异结构及趋势。通过宏观层面对南京1998-2008 年期间新建的1075 个城市居住社区属性特征的调查研究,结合微观层面对案例社区居民访谈与调查问卷的统计分析,探讨南京居住空间分异过程、特征与演化机制。从南京居住分异的社会空间特征来看,新时期(1998 年至今)城市更新背景下的居住分异过程使得城市社会空间出现新圈层结构;封闭社区的大量崛起导致城市社会空间碎片化与公共空间私有化;现代社区组织模式和生活方式转变加剧了社区邻里关系淡漠。通过对南京居住空间分异的研究,揭示出新时期中国城市居住空间分异动力模型的一般范式。  相似文献   

北京城市居民日常活动空间的社区分异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
居民日常活动空间直接反映其对城市空间的利用状况及生活质量,从而得到地理学、规划学、社会学等领域的关注。中国城市在市场化转型、快速城市化等背景下,社会阶层分化与居住空间分异日益明显,城市社区无论在社会构成还是在建成环境上都呈现出显著的空间分异。基于对北京城市居民活动日志问卷调查数据,借助GIS可视化与空间分析方法,通过对北京城市不同类型社区居民日常活动的时空分布、活动空间形态及面积等特征的比较,揭示不同社区居民的日常活动空间的社区分异,试图将基于人口属性、设施供给的社区分异研究拓展到基于日常行为的居民对城市空间利用的社区分异。  相似文献   

北京城市居民的空间感知与意象空间结构   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:37  
冯健 《地理科学》2005,25(2):142-154
对北京城市居民的空间感知进行了问卷调查,从323份感知地图中提取和统计相关数据,并据此分析北京城市居民空间感知的基本类型、构成和发展阶段,以及各种差异性特征。研究表明,北京城市居民的空间感知类型与西方的研究结果大体一致,但存在一定差异;居民居住地域、性别、学历、收入以及出生地的不同,感知地图类型的级别也不相同。感知空间的构成要素在居住地域、年龄、收入和出生地方面差异明显,而发展阶段主要与性别、收入和出生地有关,社会角色和经济收入水平在决定居民感知空间发展阶段方面起到巨大作用。文章最后还根据各种地物和构成要素出现的频率,概括了北京城市意象的空间结构,并发现它与现实中北京城市空间布局的重点极为相似。  相似文献   

杨兴柱  孙井东  陆林  王群 《地理学报》2018,73(2):276-294
作为新兴的重要发展力量,旅游正在不可逆转地改变着聚居空间演变进程。旅游地聚居空间特征及其社会效应是透视旅游地社会转型的重要维度之一,旅游地聚居现象已构成旅游地理学研究的重要命题。以千岛湖为案例,立足社区尺度,应用实地观察法、访谈法、问卷调查方法、GIS空间技术、统计分析法,探究千岛湖旅游地聚居空间发展过程;识别和划分居住社区类型,测算居住社区空间分异度,揭示旅游影响下典型聚居区分布格局;从居住满意度、社会交往和社会融合三个方面,构建聚居空间社会效应指标体系。研究发现:① 伴随着社会经济转型、旅游产业发展与城市更新的不断推进,千岛湖镇聚居空间发展经历了5个发展阶段。② 识别了76个基本空间单元,将76个居住小区划分为乡村社区、商住混合社区、老旧住房社区、一般商品房社区、高档商品房社区、高档别墅区、旅游度假社区7种类型。③ 城市居住空间分异现象存在于旅游地聚居空间。社会阶层越低的社区居住分异度越大,社会阶层较高的社区居住分异度越小。千岛湖镇聚居空间呈现圈层结构分布模式,从湖岸到中心城区,居住等级逐渐降低,乡村社区呈扇型镶嵌于主城区居住空间结构上,老旧住房社区和旅游度假社区分布于千岛湖镇外围。④ 旅游发展导致了聚居空间社会分异,引致旅游地传统社会关系的裂变分化,进一步影响聚居满意度、社会交往和社会融合。千岛湖镇旅游地社区居住总体处于较满意状态,且千岛湖镇社区居住满意度存在明显的空间差异,不同社区个体交友意愿存在差异,大部分居民能较好地适应本地生活。  相似文献   

以“家”为中心的安全感研究是人文地理学及相关学科的重要议题,学界提出了脆弱性模型、受害模型和破窗理论等多种理论模型分析居民安全感的影响因素,但已有研究鲜有综合分析住房情况和不同类型犯罪受害经历对居民安全感的影响。为此,论文选取了广州市74个典型社区,通过入户调查的方式共计发放1568份调查问卷,采用因子分析和多元线性回归相结合的方法研究居民居住安全感的影响因素。结果表明:个体属性、社区社会环境、住房情况和犯罪受害经历对居住安全感具有显著性影响。在个体属性的指标中,性别对居住安全感具有显著性影响,女性居民的居住安全感水平显著低于男性;年龄对居住安全感具有正向影响,居住安全感随着年龄的增大而显著提升。在社区社会环境和住房情况的指标中,物理环境失序和社会环境失序对居住安全感水平具有消极影响;正式社会控制和拥有房屋产权对居住安全感具有积极影响,而非正式社会控制和集体效能的影响不显著。直接犯罪受害经历和间接受害经历均对居住安全感产生消极的影响,相对而言,直接受害经历对居住安全感的影响程度高于间接受害经历。研究结果可为管理部门提升居民居住安全感水平提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This paper discusses world patterns of geographic literacy and illiteracy based on the quality of sketch maps of the world drawn by university students in first-year geography classes. The study, sponsored by the International Geographical Union and funded by the National Geographic Society, contains 3,568 sketch maps of the world collected from 75 sites in 52 countries. For the purposes of this paper, geographic literacy is equated with the number of nations and continents included on the sketch maps. The individual map scores are aggregated to determine the average number of items per map for each site and nation. Our set of maps provides a baseline of world variations in geographic literacy just prior to the end of the Cold War. The sketch map techniques can be used to monitor changes in geographic literacy.  相似文献   

中国电子地图发展中的可视化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1IntroductionSpatial data can be visualized and explored in various ways. Developments in hardware and software have led to and will surely continue to stimulate novel methods for visualizing spatial data and creation of electronic atlas information syste…  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the development of electronic atlas in China, with focus on the issues of visualization. We particularly categorise this development into four periods, and then analyse the characters in each period and discuss the visualization issues. The four periods are highlighted: 1) Infant period (<1990) characterized as computer assisted mapping with products of screen maps; 2) Starting period (1991-1995) characterized as object-oriented mapping with products of interactive maps/atlases; 3) Advancing period (1996-2000) characterized as integrated mapping with products of multimedia cartographic maps; 4) New era (> 2001) characterized as web mapping and adaptive map design with products of Internet maps and atlas as well as adaptive maps. It is obvious that the development follows the logical way from static to dynamic, and even real time visualization, from single user to multiple users, from presentation to exploration for effective communication and knowledge construction. Current research and development projects are focused on customisation of atlas information systems for real-time tasks, Internet operability, small displays and mobile environments. The major challenges involved in each of such customisation processes are identified and commented in relation to the further development of visualization.  相似文献   

Invasive species pose global biological and economic challenges. Over the past four decades, Prosopis taxa have emerged as a major invader of the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Prosopis juliflora, one of the highly invasive Prosopis species, is dominantly present in the Afar region of Ethiopia and continues to spread into the surrounding areas. The objective of this study was to aid the mapping, utilization, and management of the invasive P. juliflora in Afar, by employing participatory research techniques. We assessed the introduction history, impacts, uses, and control strategies of invasive P. juliflora by interviewing 108 pastoralists and agro-pastoralists. In addition, we used Participatory Mapping (PM), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), and remote sensing technologies and approaches to map sites invaded by P. juliflora. Sketch maps were produced by men, women, pastoralist and agro-pastoralist groups. Experts aggregated, scaled and reproduced the sketch maps with support from the Afar communities. We provided GPS and GIS trainings to selected community members who assisted us in collecting the GPS locations of more than 70 key features and landmarks. The sketch maps were digitized and geo-referenced by experts using the 70 GPS records as control points. Geo-referenced community maps were superimposed on pan-sharpened Landsat 8 satellite images and presented to the communities for verification. We overlaid the verified community maps on ancillary land-cover layers, and detected the land-cover classes that were most affected by P. juliflora invasion. Despite its uses as source of fire wood, charcoal, and animal fodder, the species has adverse impacts on native species and livestock resources. Afar communities mapped P. juliflora infestations, particularly those that occurred near their villages, using high and moderate density classes. The two highly invaded land-cover categories were dense grassland, and exposed sand & soils. Participants collaborated in creating the produced maps, suggesting that participatory research approaches are another tool for early detection of invasive species and guiding fine-scale management strategies.  相似文献   

Mental and sketch maps have a long tradition in modern geography. Little theoretical and methodological distinction has been made, however, between different hand mapping approaches. Mental maps emerged from behavioral geography of the spatial science tradition as a technique to understand human behaviors based on peoples’ perceptions of their spatial environment. More recently, sketch maps have been used in participatory and qualitative geographic information systems (QGIS) to develop cartographies of group and individual spatial narratives. They are a tool that helps achieve QGIS's objectives of collecting unique spatial data of individual experiences, visualizing socio-spatial processes, breaking down particular barriers of positionality in research, and developing new uses of GIS. Two case studies illustrate the use of sketch maps in research, including a project examining job accessibility among working poor individuals and a study of the experiences of fear and safety in public spaces among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community members. Sketch maps in QGIS have many methodological merits. They add an invaluable dimension to the qualitative interview process, offer countermapping perspectives, generate detailed spatial information of individuals, and facilitate data interpretation.  相似文献   

Detailed and harmonized information on spatial forest distribution is an essential input for forest-related environmental assessments, in particular, for biomass and growing stock modeling. In the last years, several mapping approaches have been developed in order to provide such information for Europe in a harmonized way. Each of these maps exhibits particular properties and varies in accuracy. Yet, they are often used in parallel for different modeling purposes. A detailed spatial comparison seemed necessary in order to provide information on the advantages and limitations of each of these forest cover maps in order to facilitate their selection for modeling purposes.

This article confronts the high-resolution forest cover map recently developed by the Joint Research Centre for the year 2000 (FMAP2000) with previously existing maps for the same time period: the CORINE Land Cover 2000 (CLC2000) and the Calibrated European Forest Map 1996 (CEFM1996). The spatial comparison of these three maps was carried out based on forest proportion maps of 1 km derived from the original maps. To characterize differences according to biogeographic regions, two criteria were used: detail of thematic content within each map and local spatial agreement.

Concerning thematic content, CLC2000 displayed a surfeit of non-forested areas at the cost of low forest proportions, while FMAP2000 showed a more balanced distribution likely to preserve more detail in forest spatial pattern. Good spatial agreement was found for CLC2000 and FMAP2000 within about 70% of the study area, while only 50% agreement was found when compared with CEFM1996. The largest spatial differences between all maps were found in the Alpine and Mediterranean regions. Reasons for these might be different input data and classification techniques and, in particular, the calibration of CEFM1996 to reported national statistics.  相似文献   

重庆城市地貌图的设计和编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刁承泰 《地理学报》1993,48(6):544-551
本文从设计意图、设计内容和编制方法等方面,总结了重庆城市地貌制图中取得的一些主要经验,探讨了城市地貌图的特点。  相似文献   


The importance of including a contextual underpinning to the spatial analysis of social data is gaining traction in the spatial science community. The challenge, though, is how to capture these data in a rigorous manner that is translational. One method that has shown promise in achieving this aim is the spatial video geonarrative (SVG), and in this paper we pose questions that advance the science of geonarratives through a case study of criminal ex-offenders. Eleven ex-offenders provided sketch maps and SVGs identifying high-crime areas of their community. Wordmapper software was used to map and classify the SVG content; its spatial filter extension was used for hot spot mapping with statistical significance tested using Monte Carlo simulations. Then, each subject’s sketch map and SVG were compared. Results reveal that SVGs consistently produce finer spatial-scale data and more locations of relevance than the sketch maps. SVGs also provide explanation of spatial-temporal processes and causal mechanisms linked to specific places, which are not evident in the sketch maps. SVG can be a rigorous translational method for collecting data on the geographic context of many phenomena. Therefore, this paper makes an important advance in understanding how environmentally immersive methods contribute to the understanding of geographic context.  相似文献   

电子地图的空间认知研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
电子地图的空间认知研究是地图空间认知理论的重要研究内容。本文首先介绍了电子地图的概念与特点,分析了电子地图空间认知研究的必要性。在此基础上,探讨了电子地图空间认知研究的特点及主要内容。认为电子地图的空间认知研究具有内容更广泛、形式更复杂、实验难度更大等特点,电子地图空间认知的核心内容是从不同的电子地图上建立心象地图的过程及不同空间认知能力的用户在使用电子地图时的思维过程、认知策略的研究。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):164-171

As computers become commonplace in the nation's schools, interactive maps are finding their way into the geography classroom. Students can use electronic atlases to access information as well as use authoring software to produce their own interactive maps. Does this change in media correspond to better geography education for our children? This article addresses whether using interactive maps for gathering and presenting information can have a positive influence on learning geography content. A two-week experiment was conducted in five 7th grade classrooms. Students in four of the classes researched and produced map products using both traditional and computer-assisted techniques. The fifth class was a control group. A pretest and two post-tests were given to quantitatively assess student learning after each project. Also, students were given a qualitative questionnaire to determine their attitude towards the different techniques. Quantitative results of the study indicate that there was no significant difference in student post-test performance after using each of the techniques, but qualitative results suggest that students prefer using the computer techniques over the traditional methods for gathering and presenting information.  相似文献   

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