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冯彦  潘剑君  安振昌  孙涵  毛飞 《地球物理学报》2010,53(12):2899-2906
根据2000年中国地区156个地磁台站和复测点的实测数据以及国境外的6个地磁台站实测数据,加上国境外36个IGRF点,分别利用Taylor多项式模型和曲面Spline模型,建立了中国地区地磁场总强度(F)、磁偏角(D)和磁倾角(I)的地磁模型,通过对两种模型中各分量的φ(纬度)和λ(经度)进行微分,计算得到F、D、I的水平梯度值,并绘制相应分量沿南北方向和东西方向的水平梯度图,将其与2000年IGRF10的水平梯度图作比较,最后对水平梯度的空间分布以及三种梯度图进行了分析比较.结果表明:F和I的水平梯度主要随纬度变化,F随纬度增加,变幅约为7.0~6.0 nT/min,在中部地区(25°~35°N,90°~120°E)强度达到最大;I随纬度的增加,变幅约为2'/min~1'/min;D的水平梯度随纬度和经度而变化,随着经度和纬度的增加,变幅分别约为0.4'/min~-0.3'/min和-0.1'/min~-0.4'/min.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider the propagation of magneto-acoustic-gravity waves in a compressible, conducting isothermal atmosphere permeated by a uniform horizontal magnetic field. The singular levels, arising in a horizontal magnetic field, are considered in their most general form. Exact analytical solutions for a number of particular cases of wave propagation are obtained. The wave transformation is analyzed for all these cases using the solutions obtained.

Based on the theory of wave propagation across a magnetic field, low-frequency wave trapping in a chromospheric resonator is explained, and some properties of running penumbral waves are discussed.  相似文献   

南海重磁异常特征及火成岩分布(英文)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
南海火成岩油气藏具有广阔的勘探前景,综合利用地球物理方法圈划与识别火成岩体、研究火成岩分布是火成岩油气藏研究的基础。针对南海重磁场特征,采用低纬度、变倾角化极技术进行了磁异常化极处理,利用优选延拓方法实现重磁异常分离并提取南海海域浅部火成岩重磁异常信息,利用磁异常三维相关成像给出南海火成岩的三维空间等效分布,在重磁梯度突出局部异常边界信息的基础上,通过梯度加权的重磁相关分析勾画不同类型火成岩的平面展布,火成岩的分布特征显示出受地壳深部结构及断裂构造的控制与影响。  相似文献   

地磁场水平梯度及高空地磁场的计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2000.0年中国地区的实测数据为例,首先利用5阶Taylor多项式方法建立了各分量的地磁模型,接着对模型中各分量的纬度和经度进行微分,计算得到各分量的水平梯度值,并绘制了相应分量沿南北方向和东西方向的水平梯度分布图,最后通过Zmuda多项式方法,基于地面模型值以及水平梯度值计算了高空(100 km)的各分量磁场值,并分析了水平梯度分布规律以及各分量随垂直高度的变化.结果表明:地磁场北向分量X、垂直分量Z、总强度F和磁倾角Ⅰ分量的水平梯度主要随纬度变化,其中X、Z和F分量随纬度减少而梯度降低,东向分量y和磁偏角D分量的水平梯度不仅随纬度变化,而且随经度变化,F分量的南北向梯度值在我国中心地区最大.在垂直方向,X、Z和F分量的强度分别随高度的上升而近似线性减小,在100 km高度处,强度变化平均值分别为-4.629 nT/km、-15.368 nT/ km和-16.226 nT/km,y分量强度随高度上升而呈近似线性增加,其平均变化值为0.166 nT/km,而D和Ⅰ分量基本不发生变化.  相似文献   


Coriolis forces stimulate dynamo action in a rapidly-rotating fluid by promoting complexities in the pattern of fluid motions, notably departures from symmetry about the axis of rotation. This pattern and its time variations determine the instantaneous form and temporal behaviour of the magnetic field so produced. Instantaneous magnetic fields will usually exhibit in their broad-scale features approximate alignment with the rotation axis. This is borne out by observations of the magnetic fields of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, and it is likely on general grounds that Neptune will be found to have an aligned magnetic field. But, as is shown by laboratory and theoretical studies of thermal convection in rapidly-rotating fluids, for some ranges of rotation speed, rate of heating, etc. certain patterns can occur which in electrically-conducting fluids would produce magnetic fields exhibiting departures from alignment with the rotation axis, which instantaneously could be quite pronounced but would average out to very small values over sufficiently long periods of time. These findings indicate obvious strategies for theoretical studies towards the interpretation of Uranus's eccentric magnetic field (which need not invoke departures from axial symmetry in the thermal, mechanical or electrical boundary conditions of the dynamo region within the planet) and for further observational studies.  相似文献   

核磁共振测井探测岩石内部磁场梯度的方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
岩石内部磁场梯度对核磁共振测井横向弛豫T2分布有较大的影响.本文提出了一种利用自旋回波脉冲序列探测岩石内部磁场梯度的二维核磁共振方法,发展了相应的反演方法,得到了含顺磁性物质的饱和水砂岩和泥质砂岩的内部磁场梯度分布规律.结果表明,随顺磁物质含量的增加,岩石内部磁场梯度增大.含顺磁物质的饱和水砂岩颗粒均匀,不含粘土矿物,内部磁场梯度呈单峰分布特征.含绿泥石粘土矿物的饱和水泥质砂岩,T2分布呈双峰特征,束缚水峰明显,小孔短T2对应的梯度值大于大孔长T2对应的梯度值.当绿泥石含量小于15%时,随绿泥石含量的增加,对应束缚水峰的短T2组分明显增多,T2分布展宽;当绿泥石含量大于15%以后,较大的岩石内部磁场梯度使短弛豫信息衰减迅速,表现出随绿泥石含量的增加,短T2组分减少,T2分布变窄.  相似文献   


Nonlinear two-dimensional magnetoconvection, with a Boussinesq fluid driven across the field-lines, is taken as a model for giant-cell convection in the sun and late-type stars. A series of numerical experiments shows the sensitivity of the horizontal scale of convection to the applied field and to the Rayleigh number R. Overstable oscillations occur in cells as broad as they are deep, but increasing R leads to steady motions of much greater wavelength. Purely geometrical effects can cause oscillation: this work implies that strong horizontal field will in general lead to time-dependent convection.  相似文献   

The onset of convection in a layer of an electrically conducting fluid heated from below is considered in the case when the layer is permeated by a horizontal magnetic field of strength B 0 the orientation of which varies sinusoidally with height. The critical value of the Rayleigh number for the onset of convection is derived as a function of the Chandrasekhar number Q. With increasing Q the height of the convection rolls decreases, while their horizontal wavelength slowly increases. Potential applications to the penumbral filaments of sunspots are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Tobago Basin, which is located offshore northern Venezuela with a southern margin close to Trinidad and Tobago, has an area of approximately 59,600 km2. The Tobago Basin has relatively favourable hydrocarbon prospects, and to date, exploration work has mainly concentrated on small areas of the southwestern portion of the basin. To conduct a comprehensive study of the structural framework of the basin and the characteristics of the basement in order to identify prospective zones for hydrocarbon exploration, shipborne‐measured and satellite‐measured gravity data, shipborne‐measured magnetic data, and aeromagnetic survey data were analysed. A regularisation filtering method was used to separate and obtain regional and residual gravity and magnetic anomalies. Directional gradients of gravity and magnetic anomalies and the total horizontal gradient and vertical second derivative of gravity anomalies were employed to extract information about fault structures. Regression analysis methods were used to determine the basement depth. The geological significance of the gravity and magnetic fields was examined, the structural framework of the basin was assessed, the basement depth was estimated, and favourable hydrocarbon exploration prospects within the basin were identified. The results show that the Tobago Basin contains complex structures consisting mainly of two groups of faults trending in northeasterly and northwesterly directions and that the major northeasterly trending faults control the main structural configuration and depositional system within the basin. The basement of the Tobago Basin has deep rises and falls. It can be divided into the following four secondary tectonic units: the western sub‐basin, the central uplift area, the southern sub‐basin, and the northeastern sub‐basin. The central uplift area and northeastern sub‐basin are most likely to have developed hydrocarbon accumulations and should be targeted for further exploration.  相似文献   

基于改进的能量守恒方法恢复CHAMP重力场模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型的一种有效方法是能量守恒方法.本文基于能量守恒方程,推导了整体求解尺度、偏差、积分常量和位系数的计算公式,提出了整体求解位系数、积分常量、尺度和偏差参数的重力场恢复方法-改进的能量法.该方法摆脱了目前使用能量法时,必须预先通过其它外部手段标定加速度计数据以及积分常量通过近似计算获取的现状.基于德国慕尼黑技术大学(TUM)提供的约300天的CHAMP卫星几何法轨道和GFZ提供的加速度计数据,计算出了60×60阶地球重力场模型XISM-CHAMP1S,并与EIGEN-CG03C、EIGEN-CHAMP03S、EIGEN2、ENIGN1S、EGM96模型进行了比较.结果表明:XISM-CHAMP1S模型精度明显优于相同阶次EGM96、EIGEN1S和EIGEN2,与同阶次的EIGEN-CHAMP03S模型精度最为接近.  相似文献   

The relation in which the vertical and horizontal gradients of potential field data measured along a profile across a two‐dimensional source are a Hilbert transform pair is re‐established using complex domain mathematics. In addition, a relation between the measured field and its vertical gradient in terms of a closed‐form formula is also established. The formula is based on hypersingular or Hadamard's finite‐part integral. To estimate the vertical gradient directly from the field data, Linz's algorithm of computing Hadamard's finite‐part integral is implemented. Numerical experiments are conducted on synthetically generated total magnetic intensity data with a mild level of noise contamination. A model of a magnetically polarised vertical thin sheet buried at a finite depth within a non‐magnetic half‐space was considered in generating the synthetic response. The results from numerical experiments on the mildly noise‐contaminated synthetic response are compared with those from using classical Fourier and robust regularised Hilbert transform‐based techniques.  相似文献   

Two large groups of methods used to transform electromagnetic fields are discussed. The first of them includes methods based on the linear relations between the components of the MT-fields measured at a single or several points at the earth's surface. In this context special attention is paid to the consideration of impedance transformations, apparent resistivity and inductive operators, most frequently used in interpretation.The second group of methods concerns integral transformations of data. Firstly techniques are considered which are used for the division of the EM-fields into external and internal, normal and anomalous, surface and deep parts. Finally electromagnetic analogs of seismic methods are mentioned briefly.All transformations discussed are accompanied by examples of their use in data interpretation.  相似文献   

The inverse problem of magnetometry is solved for a horizontal layer. Model masses are magnetized nonuniformly. The magnetization vector is a function of two horizontal coordinates. The components of this vector are determined from data on the external magnetic field.  相似文献   

The velocity field of large-scale magnetic structures during fast reorganizations of the global solar magnetic field structure has been analyzed. Some characteristic features of the velocity field have been found during these periods. At that time, a considerable part of the solar surface is occupied by regions with low horizontal velocities, which correspond to the regions of positive and negative velocity field divergence during the solar activity growth and decline phases, respectively. Such character of changes in the velocity field during these periods agrees with the previously proposed scenario of magnetic field variations during global reorganizations of the magnetic field structure. The average horizontal velocities during a Carrington rotation and their divergence have been calculated for Carrington rotations from 1646 to 2006. Relatively slow regular variations in these parameters as well as their abrupt changes, observed during different solar cycle phases, have been revealed. An increase in the average horizontal velocity during the solar activity growth phase is most probably caused by relative motions of the regions with a new emerging magnetic flux. We assume that abrupt increases in the average horizontal velocity divergence are related to fast reorganizations of the magnetic field structure.  相似文献   

Effects of ionospheric horizontal gradients on differential GPS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper outlines the effect of horizontal ionospheric gradients on transionospheric path propagation such as for the case of GPS signals. The total electron content (TEC) is a function of time of day, and is much influenced by solar activity and also the receiving station location. To make the model applicable for long baselines, for which the ionosphere is not generally well correlated between receiving stations, the ionospheric gradients should be taken into account. In this work the signal path is determined using a modified ray-tracing technique together with a homing-in method. Results show that horizontal gradients can have a significant effect on GPS positioning for both single station positioning and differential GPS. For differential GPS, the ionospheric delay can, however, be either increased or decreased compared with the case of no gradient, depending on the gradient direction.  相似文献   

本文提出归一化总水平导数法,通过对总水平导数进行空间归一化计算实现了异常体水平位置和深度的估计,此外还推导出基于归一化总水平导数的欧拉反褶积法来估算地下地质体的空间位置,两种方法反演结果的相互验证可有效地提高反演结果的可信度.理论模型试验证明空间归一化总水平导数法和归一化总水平导数欧拉反褶积法均能有效地完成异常体的水平位置和深度的估计,所获得的位置参数与理论值相一致.在利用归一化总水平导数法进行磁异常解释时,对数据进行化磁极计算可得到更加准确的结果.将其应用于实际航磁数据的解释,获得了岩脉的大致分布特征.  相似文献   

水平井测井解释技术综述   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
水平井的大规模钻井和应用是二十世纪后期石油工业的一个亮点.水平井技术在新油田开发和老油田调整挖潜上成效显著,它可降低勘探开发成本、大幅度提高油气单井产能和采收率等.回顾了水平井及水平井测井解释发展历史,比较了垂直井和水平井测井及解释评价上的异同,分析了水平井测井环境以及测井解释所面临的问题,简述了一些水平井测井数据处理方法及综合解释中应注意的问题,最后根据我国目前的水平井测井解释现状分析了存在的问题,提出了今后发展的思路:以跟踪国外和创新发展国内水平井解释技术为目标,开展复杂条件下各种测井方法的正反演研究,研究各种环境影响因素的校正方法,注意多学科的交叉综合,结合垂直井测井解释经验和水平井测井的特点提高水平井测井解释水平.  相似文献   

正交水平磁偶源是模拟天然场源的较好人工源,可以方便地实现可控源高频大地电磁张量测量.正交水平磁偶源的电磁场分布规律是野外工作布置的理论基础,为此计算了均匀大地模型正交水平磁偶源的电磁场.计算结果表明:电磁场水平分量在各个象限都有一相对低值带,对应的标量视电阻率形成了畸变带,但张量视电阻率畸变带消失;张量视电阻率曲线形态显示出近区的低阻、过渡区的高阻隆起和远区趋于真值的规律.通过野外试验验证理论计算结果,在无法准确确定地下介质电阻率参数的情况下,以天然电磁场计算的电阻率为参照对比研究了正交水平磁偶源电磁场的分布规律.试验结果表明:正交水平磁偶源与电偶源的电磁场同样的存在近区、过渡区和远区;在远区,正交水平磁偶源与测点的相对位置对张量测量结果几乎没有影响,即在远区可以在任何方位测量;正交水平磁偶源的布置要考虑收发距的影响,保证测量在远区进行.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) and ground magnetic surveys were conducted on the Mahallat geothermal field situated in Markazi province, central Iran, as a primary part of the explorations and developments of a geothermal energy investigation program in the region. Mahallat region has the greatest geothermal fields in Iran. MT survey was performed in November 2011 on an 8 km profile crossing the hot springs with a total of 17 stations. The 2D inversion of the determinant MT data was performed using a 2D inversion routine based on the Occam approach. The 2D resistivity model obtained from the determinant data shows a low resistivity zone at 800-2000 m depth and a higher resistivity zone above the low resistivity zone, interpreted as geothermal reservoir and cap rock, respectively. It also revealed two major concealed faults which are acting as preferential paths for the circulation of hydrothermal fluids. To obtain more geophysical evidence, a ground magnetic survey with 5000 stations was also performed over an area of 200 km2 around the MT profile. Magnetic measurements show a main positive anomaly of about +1000 nT over the study area, which could be interpreted as an intrusive body with the high magnetic susceptibility (i.e. mafic and ultramafic rocks) into the sedimentary host rocks. We interpret the body as the heat source of the geothermal system. Structural index and depth estimation of the anomaly indicate that the intrusive body is similar to a cylinder extending from about one kilometer depth down to greater depths. The results of MT and magnetic investigations indicate a geothermal reservoir which proves the preliminary geological observations to a great extent.  相似文献   

针对微地震裂缝解释的复杂性,从震源矢量场的重建开始研究,在研究VTI介质速度模型各向异性条件下的走时和透射系数的变化特征基础上,形成了各向异性条件下的群、相速度及透射系数的计算方法.针对多级检波器水平分量朝向的多向性特点,提出了多级检波器水平分量的偏振分析方法,得到了完整的水平特征矢量,克服了单级检波器水平分量偏振分析构建特征矢量信息不全的问题,形成了高精度微地震事件定位方法,实现各向异性VTI介质速度模型的高斯束微地震格林函数正演模拟.利用格林函数模拟场、观测记录场,从构建完整场研究入手,重建震源矢量场.根据重建的震源矢量场,提出了裂缝解释的全新的系列方法,包括单条裂缝、裂缝网络的解释方法.通过实际资料的测试分析,验证了研究技术的实用性.  相似文献   

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