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We study earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation (seismites) in reference Quaternary sections of southeastern Altai. Sediments in the sections bear signature of liquefaction and fluidization and deformation is localized in thin (few centimeters to 0.5–1.0 m) continuously striking and frequently repeated layers sandwiched between undeformed sediments. The soft-sediment deformation records coseismic motion of different slip geometries. Seismic origin is also inferred for layers and lenses of coarse colluvium slid into the lake bottom from the slopes, which intrude plane-bedded silt and sand and vary in thickness from a few centimeters to one meter. The occurrence of seismic soft-sediment deformation at different stratigraphic levels of the Quaternary and in the Upper Pliocene Beken Formation confirms the high seismicity of southeastern Altai in Quaternary time.  相似文献   

Pioneer results of the comprehensive analysis of nodules from the Upper Paleozoic coaliferous association and the underlying Middle Paleozoic sequence in the southern Tunguska Basin (Siberian Craton) suggest the following: (1) sediments underlying the coaliferous association contain two (siliceous and carbonate) types of normal nodules and one type of allogenic nodules (redeposited chalcedony nodules in the kaolin-itechalcedony unit of the Beloyarsk Formation); (2) the coaliferous association includes four (calcite, siderite, pyrite, and goethite) types of nodules; (3) each nodule type is confined to a specific genetic type of sediment; e.g., siliceous nodules are confined to lagoonal sediments; calcite nodules, to lacustrine and lacustrine-boggy sediments; siderite nodules, to lacustrine-boggy and boggy sediments; pyrite nodules, to boggy sediments; and goethite nodules, to alluvial sediments; (4) the formation of goethite nodules is mainly related to the erosion and redeposition of siderite nodules; (5) the coefficient of carbon concentration shows a distinct positive correction with the coefficient of nodule content; (6) nodules appeared in the coaliferous association during diagenesis and epigenesis; the calcite and pyrite nodules are enriched in sandy material, as suggested by the high content of insoluble residue; (7) combustion of coal seams promoted the melting of the adjacent siderite nodules and the formation of magnetite ores; consequently, the thermally altered mudstones, siltstones, and sandstones were transformed into a high-quality building material that is used as road fill.  相似文献   

Construction of variograms (variation diagrams) of metal concentrations in ores and their structural analysis allowed determining that the structure of the ore body at the Rubtsovsk massive-sulfide copper-lead-zinc deposit is heterogeneous, both in vertical section and along its strike. Application of a prospecting circle of at least 50 m diameter when recalculating the reserves is recommended.  相似文献   

The distribution and speciation of mercury (Hg) in the water column, the inputs (wet deposition and tributaries) and the outputs (atmospheric evasion and outlet) of an artificial partially anoxic tropical lake (Petit-Saut reservoir, French Guiana) were investigated on a seasonal basis in order to appraise the cycling and transformations of this metal. The total mercury (HgT) concentrations in the oxygenated epilimnetic waters averaged 5 ± 3 pmol L−1 in the unfiltered samples (HgTUNF) and 4 ± 2 pmol L−1 in the dissolved (HgTD) phase (<0.45 μm). On average, the monomethylmercury (MMHg) constituted 8%, 40% and 18% of the HgT in the dissolved phase, the particulate suspended matter and in the unfiltered samples, respectively. Covariant elevated concentrations of particulate MMHg and chlorophyll a in the epilimnion suggest that phytoplankton is an active component for the MMHg transfer in the lake. In the anoxic hypolimnion the HgTUNF averages 13 ± 6 pmol L−1 and the HgTD 8 ± 4 pmol L−1. The averages of MMHgP and MMHgD in hypolimnetic waters were two and three times the corresponding values of the epilimnion, 170 ± 90 pmol g−1 and 0.9 ± 0.5 pmol L−1, respectively. In the long dry and wet seasons, at the flooded forest and upstream dam sampling stations, the vertical profiles of MMHgD concentrations accounted for two distinct maxima: one just below the oxycline and the other near the benthic interface. Direct wet atmospheric deposition accounted for 14 moles yr−1 HgTUNF, with 0.7 moles yr−1 as MMHgUNF, while circa 76 moles yr−1 of HgTUNF, with 4.7 moles yr−1 as MMHgUNF, coming from tributaries. Circa 78 moles (∼17% as MMHg) are annually exported through the dam, while 23 moles yr−1 of Hg0 evolve in the atmosphere. A mass balance calculation suggests that the endogenic production of MMHgUNF attained 8.1 moles yr−1, corresponding to a methylation rate of 0.06% d−1. As a result, the Petit-Saut reservoir is a large man-made reactor that has extensively altered mercury speciation in favor of methylated species.  相似文献   




The distribution and source of organic matter in reservoir sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The bottom sediments of two reservoirs, one with significant river sediment input and one without, were analyzed for organic matter content. Lake Texoma sediments average 1.0% organic carbon, of which 0.26% organic carbon is deposited by the river sediments of the Red and Washita River deltas. In Fort Gibson reservoir, where there is minimal river sediment input, the organic carbon averages 1.2% and is deposited with a strong correlation to water depth (+0.9). There is a significant difference between the C/N ratio of Lake Texoma sediments (11.5) and Fort Gibson sediments (9.6). The higher C/N ratio is suggested to be a result of the larger input of terrestrial plant debris (with a high original C/N ratio) by the rivers draining into Lake Texoma and the relatively high resistance of the lignin material in the plant debris to decomposition in the reservoir sediments.  相似文献   

The interrelation between the sedimentation rate and the dynamics of the formation of physical properties of the bottom sediments on the basis of recording their temporal cycles under oscillation of the water level was studied from the example of the Bratsk Reservoir, which is one of the world’s largest artificial reservoirs. It is established that its exploitation regime promotes the formation of striking intercalation of the regional transgressions and regressions mainly controlled by the water level of the reservoir, which leads to cyclic formation of the complex of the bottom sediments and their physical properties. Four cycles were identified during formation of the sedimentary complex, each of which consists of three or two phases.  相似文献   

阿尔泰造山带喀纳斯地区出露一套钾质富镁英安岩,锆石U-Pb定年显示其形成于早泥盆世(411±4 Ma)。该套英安岩富SiO_2(64.71~67.77 wt%),MgO(3.28~3.53 wt%)和K_2O(2.12~2.75 wt%),贫Na_2O(1.70~1.85wt%),K_2O/Na_2O比值介于(1.20~1.53),具较高的Al_2O_3(14.12~15.33 wt%)和较低的CaO(1.12~1.28 wt%),ASI指数1.8,显示过铝质钙碱性岩浆系列特征,明显不同于初始的高镁安山质岩浆。样品具有中等的Cr(134×10~(-6)~153×10~(-6))、Co(17.47×10~(-6)~18.65×10~(-6))、Ni(71.64×10~(-6)~80.76×10~(-6))含量,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、K和高场强元素U、Th、Pb及LREE,发育Sr、Ba及TNT(Ta、Nb、Ti)负异常,显示俯冲带岩浆岩地球化学特征。其高的Mg~#(51.71~52.47)和低的ε_(Nd)(t)值(-4.6~-4.2)说明该套火山岩可能来自遭受强烈交代作用的地幔楔部分熔融。样品具有较高的Ba/La、Pb/La比值和较低的Th/Yb、Nb/Y比值,显示地幔交代作用以俯冲沉积物熔体的交代作用为主。以上地球化学特征说明,喀纳斯钾质富镁英安岩可能主要是受俯冲沉积物熔体交代的上覆地幔橄榄岩部分熔融的产物,阿尔泰泥盆纪处于俯冲作用相关的活动大陆边缘构造环境。此外,该套火山岩的形成时代制约了其下覆的哈巴河群沉积上限,显示哈巴河群沉积于早泥盆世之前。  相似文献   

Bulk chemical, mineralogical and selective leach analyses have been made on a suite of abyssal ferromanganese nodules and associated sediments from the S.W. equatorial Pacific Ocean. Compositional relations between nodules, sediment oxyhydroxides and nearby ferromanganese encrustations are drawn assuming that the crusts represent purely hydrogenetic ferromanganese material. Crusts, δMnO2-rich nodules and sediment oxyhydroxides are compositionally similar and distinct from diagenetic todorokitebearing nodules. Compared to Fe-Mn crusts, sediment oxyhydroxides are however slightly enriched, relative to Mn and Ni, in Fe, Cu, Zn, Ti and Al, and depleted in Co and Pb, reflecting processes of non-hydrogenous element supply and diagenesis. δMnO2 nodules exhibit compositions intermediate between Fe-Mn crusts and sediment oxyhydroxides and thus are considered to accrete oxides from both the water column and associated sediments.Deep ocean vertical element fluxes associated with large organic aggregates, biogenic calcite, silica and soft parts have been calculated for the study area. Fluxes associated with organic aggregates are one to three orders of magnitude greater than those associated with the other phases considered, are in good agreement with element accumulation rates in sediments, and are up to four orders of magnitude greater than element accumulation rates in nodules. Metal release from labile biogenic material in surface sediments can qualitatively explain the differences between the composition of Fe-Mn crusts and sediment oxyhydroxides.Todorokite-rich diagenetic nodules are confined to an eastwards widening equatorial wedge. It is proposed that todorokite precipitates directly from interstitial waters. Since the transition metal chemistry of interstitial waters is controlled dominantly by reactions involving the breakdown of organic carbon, the supply and degradation rate of organic material is a critical factor in the formation of diagenetic nodules. The wide range of (trace metal/Mn) ratios observed in marine todorokite reflects a balance between the release of trace metals from labile biogenic phases and the reductive remobilisation of Mn oxide, both of which are related to the breakdown of organic carbon.  相似文献   

路杨  单敬福 《江苏地质》2007,31(1):50-58
储层非均质性对油气田的勘探和开发效果影响很大。结合测井资料二次解释的孔隙度(φ)、泥质含量(Vsh)、粒度中值(Md)、束缚水饱和度(Swi)等资料,借助BP网络算法,对渗透率进行预测。BP网络算法是人工神经网络算法中的一种,采用的是误差逆传算法,即把网络输出的误差归纳为各连接权的过程,通过把输出层的误差逐层向输入层逆向传播以分摊给各层单元,从而获取各层单元的参考误差,以便调整相应的联接权。如此反复,直至网络输出与期望输出之间的误差减少到允许误差为止。通过这样学习过程,消除了系统误差,提高了渗透率预测的精度,并为定性定量描述储层非均质性打下了坚实的基础。通过对萨尔图油田中部葡萄花油层组的非均质性进行了定量半定量的研究,认为萨尔图油田中部葡萄花油层组PI2小层层内非均质性最严重,与沉积微相密切相关。单砂层垂向上渗透率的变化以正韵律和复合式韵律为主,局部发育反韵律模式。经对葡萄花油层组PI1~PI4系统研究,层内非均质性强弱依次为PI2a、PI3、PI2b、PI1、PI4;层间非均质性在PI3和PI4间表现得最强,其他相对要弱;各小层平面非均质性相差无几,整体表现为较强的非均质性。  相似文献   

 Sediment geochemistry of a shallow (6-m average) reservoir (Lake Waco) was evaluated for the spatial distribution of major and trace elements. Sixty bottom and core samples along a 21-km transect within the reservoir, 18 overbank sediment samples, and 8 rock types in the drainage area were collected and analyzed for major (Al, Ca, Fe) and trace elements (As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, Zn). Elemental concentrations in the reservoir sediments closely correspond to concentrations in the regional rocks and represent a mixture of overbank sediment composition of the tributaries. Elemental concentrations were statistically regressed against Al concentrations in order to establish regional baseline levels and thereby distinguish natural from anthropogenic sources. Spatial geochemical trends, considered in terms of element-to-Al ratio versus V-to-Al ratio, relate to the natural and anthropogenic sources contributing to the elemental concentrations. The spatial elemental distribution in the reservoir, which receive sediments from two mineralogically contrasting basins, reflect textural and mineralogical transition within the reservoir and suggest a progressive mixing of sediment from the tributaries. The spatial elemental distribution and sediment texture suggest that the sediment-source, which determines the sediment-type, has a greater influence on the major- and trace-element distributions in shallow reservoir sediments than bathymetry. Received: 25 September 1997 · Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

The southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, is an important region for recovering sensitive records of Holocene paleoclimatic change. More information is needed, however, to constrain the timing of the major Holocene climatic transitions, and to understand associated impacts on different ecosystems. For example, paleolimnological studies have focused on small lakes and ponds, but the history of large lakes has received little study. We analyzed diatom assemblages, species richness, valve concentrations, and biogenic silica, in the sediments of Kusawa Lake (60°16.5'N; 136°10.9'W; 671 m a.s.l.) to reconstruct the responses of this large (surface area = 142 km2), deep (Zmax = 135 m) freshwater ecosystem to Holocene climatic transitions. Diatoms colonized the lake soon after ice retreat, around 11,000 cal yr BP; assemblages throughout the record were dominated by planktonic types. Diatom concentrations and biogenic silica were high during the Holocene Thermal Maximum between 10,700 and 7300 cal yr BP, then began to decrease in response to cooling associated with orbitally driven reductions in insolation. Diatom assemblages shifted towards taxa with lower surface water temperature optima after 8300 cal yr BP, perhaps in response to abrupt and progressive cooling. Our study confirms that diatom assemblages in large lakes are sensitive to regional-scale paleoclimatic changes.  相似文献   

Lake sediments from four sites in the southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, provided paleotemperature records for the past 2000 yr. An alpine and a forest site from the southeastern portion of the study area, near Kluane Lake, and another alpine-forest pair of lakes from the Donjek River area located to the northwest yielded chironomid records that were used to provide quantitative estimates of mean July air temperature. Prior to AD 800, the southwest Yukon was relatively cool whereas after AD 800 temperatures were more variable, with warmer conditions between ~ AD 1100 and 1400, cooler conditions during the Little Ice Age (~ AD 1400 to 1850), and warming thereafter. These records compare well with other paleoclimate evidence from the region.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - New results of Optically-Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating that make it possible to clarify the age of the Chibitskii glaciation in the Altai Mountains are reported....  相似文献   

Data on the physicochemical properties (pH, Eh, salinity) and content of U and other trace elements (As, Li, B, Br, I, Sr) are provided for the mineralized lakes of the Kulundinskaya steppe of Altai Krai. The sodic lakes of the region are characterized by higher U238 contents (up to 4 mg/l). The U contents in the lake waters are positively correlated with the sum of carbonate and hydrocarbonate ions and the pH of waters and are negatively correlated with salinity. These data confirm the presence of an economic U-bearing zone of the ground reservoir oxidation located along the eastern slope of the Platovskoe uplift in the northwestern direction along the boundary with Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

长江三峡库区土壤与水系沉积物Cd地球化学特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对长江三峡库区段不同介质中Cd的分布特征和长江水系沉积物在垂向、横向剖面上的元素分布特征的研究发现,残坡积型土壤与长江干流水系沉积物Cd含量差异较大,水系沉积物具明显的高Cd异常;各个沉积时期的水系沉积物中均存在Cd异常,上游来源的Cd是引起三峡库区水系沉积物高Cd异常的主要因素;人类活动对土壤和水系沉积物中Cd的含量影响明显,在厂矿、码头、生活垃圾场等地区土壤中Cd的含量远高于一般地区土壤中Cd的含量,城市排污水系沉积物Cd的含量也高于长江干流水系沉积物Cd的含量。自然源是沿长江流域Cd异常普遍存在的根本原因,而人为源却有可能是高Cd异常主要沿长江干流及支流两岸大中城市分布的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

Sixty-five sediment samples and 25 water samples were collected from Al-Mujib reservoir, central Jordan, in order to investigate the heavy metal and ionic contamination assessment. Therefore, to achieve this aim, water and sediment samples were collected during winter and summer seasons (2007) from Al-Mujib reservoir and the areas surrounding it. The study shows that there are elevated levels of SO4 2−, Cl and Na+ in reservoir water, which might originate from anthropogenic activities in the reservoir catchment area. In addition, the reservoir water has higher total hardness (TH) values together with high Ca and Mg contents. This might be attributed to pH of reservoir water and the nature of the rocks exposed in the catchment area. The average levels of heavy metals in reservoir sediments are Fe = 14,888.1, Cu = 17.8, Zn = 88.6, Ni = 38.7, Cd = 4.4, Mn = 337.9 and Pb = 6.1 mg/kg, which are lower than that observed in Wadi Al-Arab reservoir, northern Jordan. The values of enrichment factor are Cd = 35.5, Ni = 3.02, Zn = 2.54, Cu = 1.26, Mn = 1.2 and Pb = 0.57; these values indicate that heavy metals in sediments of Al-Mujeb reservoir have a different anthropogenic incrimination inputs. The study showed that the sediments are polluted with Cd, relatively contaminated with Ni and Zn and uncontaminated with respect to Mn, Pb and Cu.  相似文献   

海湾水库蓄水初期底质与淡水盐分交换的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在现场调查和钻探的基础上,采集了沐官岛水库库区3种典型底质(粉质粘土、泥质粉沙和中细砂)的原状/扰动土样和地表水样,然后分别采用静水土柱和动水水槽试验测定盐分的时-空变化规律,最后定量计算出不同底质盐分的释放通量,从而为该海湾水库蓄水初期水质的评价和预测提供了科学依据.土柱试验表明,在分子扩散作用下高盐分区主要集中在水-沉积物界面之上7.5 cm的范围内,7.5 cm之上的水体盐分较为均一,底质盐分释放通量按粉质粘土、中细砂、泥质粉沙的顺序递减,盐分释放通量符合负的幂指数形式,而且抽排界面之上高浓度水体对降低水体盐分含量效果显著.根据水槽模拟试验,风的吹拂会影响到界面之上水体盐分的分层,有利于海湾水库中盐分的混合作用.  相似文献   

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