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滑坡灾害风险评价的系统分析   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
从系统理论的观点出发,提出了滑坡灾害复杂大系统的概念,并以这一概念为基础,探讨了滑坡灾害风险特征及滑坡灾害风险评价的基本内容,提出并系统地阐述了以滑坡危险性分析、承灾体易损性分析和滑坡灾害破坏损失评估为核心内容的滑坡灾害风险评价的系统理论。  相似文献   

The conventional method of risk analysis (with risk as a product of probability and consequences) does not allow for a pluralistic approach that includes the various risk perceptions of stakeholders or lay people within a given social system. This article introduces a methodology that combines the virtues of three different methods: the quantifiable conventional approach to risk; the taxonomic analysis of perceived risk; and the analytical framework of a spatial multi-criteria analysis. This combination of methods is applied to the case study ‘Ebro Delta’ in Spain as part of the European sixth framework project ‘Floodsite’. First, a typology for flood hazards is developed based on individual and/or stakeholders’ judgements. Awareness, worry and preparedness are the three characteristics that typify a community to reflect various levels of ignorance, perceived security, perceived control or desired risk reduction. Applying ‘worry’ as the central characteristic, a trade-off is hypothesized between Worry and the benefits groups in society receive from a risky situation. Second, this trade-off is applied in Spatial Multi-Criteria Analysis (SMCA). MCA is the vehicle that often accompanies participatory processes, where governmental bodies have to decide on issues in which local stakeholders have a say. By using risk perception-scores as weights in a standard MCA procedure a new decision framework for risk assessment is developed. Finally, the case of sea-level rise in the Ebro Delta in Spain serves as an illustration of the applied methodology. Risk perception information has been collected with help of an on-site survey. Risk perception enters the multi-criteria analysis as complementary weights for the criteria risk and benefit. The results of the survey are applied to a set of scenarios representing both sea-level rise and land subsidence for a time span of 50 years. Land use alternatives have been presented to stakeholders in order to provide the regional decision maker with societal preferences for handling risk. Even with limited resources a characteristic ‘risk profile’ could be drawn that enables the decision maker to develop a suitable land use policy.  相似文献   

A risk analysis is developed for a test site located in the area north of Lisbon using a scenario of a temporary interruption of the motorway A9 due to a landslide of rotational or translational type. Landslide susceptibility is assessed at the regional scale independently for rotational and translational slides, comparing the landslide distribution with a set of assumed independent landslide predisposing factors. Susceptibility models are validated and classified through the computation of prediction rate curves based on the temporal partition of the landslide data sets. Landslide hazard maps are based on a scenario of future landslide occurrence for the next 27 years. These maps allow the definition of two critical areas on the motorway A9 with regards to landslide susceptibility. Direct costs associated with both critical spots are assessed taking into account the probable affected area of the motorway, and the reconstruction costs. Indirect costs derived from the traffic interruption are evaluated considering the alternatives paths to the motorway, and include costs resulting from: (1) additional fuel consumption; (2) decrease in tollgate income; and (3) loss of productive time. Results show that indirect costs may be 24 to 43 times higher than direct costs, assuming a temporary interruption of the motorway for 6 months.  相似文献   

张丽君 《中国地质》2005,32(3):518-522
青海省具有丰富的矿产资源,其可持续开发战略与规划应建立在对地质环境脆弱性评价的基础上。笔者通过分析青海省环境地质问题和地质灾害发育的基本规律,建立了青海省未来矿产资源开发的地质环境脆弱性评价的框架。提出了地质环境脆弱性评价的基本准则和地质评价指标。在荷兰国际地球科学测量与观测学院(ITC)开发的GIS软件——ILWIS环境下,利用其新开发的空间分析功能的SMCE模块,对青海省的地质环境脆弱性进行了评价。结果表明,具有矿产资源远景开发的地区地质环境比较脆弱,对未来的矿产资源开发有着较大的制约作用。  相似文献   

Landslides influence the capacity for safe and sustainable development of mountainous environments.This study explores the spatial distribution of and the interactions between landslides that are mapped using global positioning system(GPS) and extensive field surveys in Mazandaran Province,Iran.Point-pattern assessment is undertaken using several univariate summary statistical functions,including pair correlation,spherical-contact distribution,nearest-neighbor analysis,and O-ring analysis,as well as bivariate summary statistics,and a markcorrelation function.The maximum entropy method was applied to prioritize the factors controlling the incidence of landslides and the landslides susceptibility map.The validation processes were considered for separated 30%data applying the ROC curves,fourfold plot,and Cohen's kappa index.The results show that pair correlation and O-ring analyses satisfactorily predicted landslides at scales from 1 to 150 m.At smaller scales,from 150 to 400 m,landslides were randomly distributed.The nearest-neighbor distribution function show that the highest distance to the nearest landslide occurred in the 355 m.The spherical-contact distribution revealed that the patterns were random up to a spatial scale of 80 m.The bivariate correlation functions revealed that landslides were positively linked to several linear features(including faults,roads,and rivers) at all spatial scales.The mark-correlation function showed that aggregated fields of landslides were positively correlated with measures of land use,lithology,drainage density,plan curvature,and aspect,when the numbers of landslides in the groups were greater than the overall average aggregation.The results of analysis of factor importance have showed that elevation(topography map scale:1:25,000),distance to roads,and distance to rivers are the most important factors in the occurrence of landslides.The susceptibility model of landslides indicates an excellent accuracy,i.e.,the AUC value of landslides was 0.860.The susceptibility map of landslides analyzed has shown that 35% of the area is low susceptible to landslides.  相似文献   

The Valley of Toluca is a major industrial and agricultural area in Central Mexico, especially the City of Toluca, the capital of The State of Mexico. The Nevado de Toluca volcano is located to the southwest of The Toluca Basin. Results obtained from the vulnerability assessment phase of the study area (5,040 km2 and 42 municipalities) are presented here as a part of a comprehensive volcanic risk assessment of The Toluca Basin. Information has been gathered and processed at a municipal level including thematic maps at 1:250,000 scale. A database has been built, classified and analyzed within a GIS environment; additionally, a Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) approach was applied as an aid for the decision-making process. Cartographic results were five vulnerability maps: (1) Total Population, (2) Land Use/Cover, (3) Infrastructure, (4) Economic Units and (5) Total Vulnerability. Our main results suggest that the Toluca and Tianguistenco urban and industrial areas, to the north and northeast of The Valley of Toluca, are the most vulnerable areas, for their high concentration of population, infrastructure, economic activity, and exposure to volcanic events.  相似文献   

Landslides pose a serious physical and environmental threat to vulnerable communities living in areas of unplanned housing on steep slopes in the Caribbean. Some of these communities have, in the past, had to be relocated, at costs of millions of dollars, because of major slides triggered by tropical storm rainfall. Even so, evidence shows that: (1) risk reduction is a marginal activity; (2) there has been minimal uptake of hazard maps and vulnerability assessments and (3) there is little on-the-ground delivery of construction for risk reduction. This article directly addresses these issues by developing a low-cost approach to the identification of the potential pore pressure changes that trigger such slides we seek to address these three commentaries directly. A complex 45–60° slope site in St Lucia, West Indies was selected as a pilot for a modelling approach that uses numerical models (FLAC and CHASM) to verify the need for surface water management to effectively reduce landslide risk. Following the model confirmation, a series of drains were designed and constructed at the site. Post-construction evidence indicates the methodology to be sound, in that the site was stable in subsequent 1-in-1 to 1-in-4 year rainfall events. A critical feature of the approach is that it is community-based from data acquisition through to community members participating in construction.  相似文献   

Devastation observed from global earthquakes highlights the need for a decision-making tool to aid in prioritisation and resource allocation for seismic risk management. In this paper, a seismic risk index assessment tool is developed using Bayesian belief network (BBN) that considers geological, engineering, economic, social, political and cultural factors. Previously proposed hierarchical structure is modified and modelled using a BBN. The subjective probabilities of the BBN are derived using expert knowledge. Furthermore, to illustrate versatility of the proposed model, a case study is undertaken for 11 Canadian cities.  相似文献   

新疆巩留县广泛发育冻融降雨型滑坡地质灾害,对其现有的研究多考虑降水,而缺乏温度影响的研究,为此,本文特增加了温度因子来进行巩留县滑坡灾害危险性评价。基于巩留县已发生的682个滑坡灾害点,选取坡度、起伏度、坡向、曲率、温度、距断层距离、距河流距离、距道路距离、工程地质岩组等9个评价因子。采用信息量模型(I)、确定性系数模型(CF)、信息量模型+逻辑回归模型(I+LR)以及确定性系数模型+逻辑回归模型(CF+LR)等4种模型对巩留县滑坡危险性进行了评价,划分为极高、高、中和低4个危险等级分区并进行了精度检验与现场实际验证。结果表明:(1)温度对滑坡有较大的触发作用;(2)耦合模型极高、高危险性分区面积明显低于单一模型极高、高危险性分区面积,其中CF+LR模型的极高、高危险性分区面积最小,低危险性分区面积最大;(3)4种模型ROC精度检验AUC值分别为0.889、0.893、0.895和0.900,均能较为客观地评价巩留县滑坡危险性。CF+LR模型精度最高,且经局部地区现场检验,CF+LR模型评价结果与实际情况也最为相符,研究成果对新疆地区巩留县滑坡地质灾害的预防和治理具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The Ca’ Lita landslide is a large and deep-seated mass movement located in the northern Apennines, about 70 km west of Bologna (Northern Italy). It consists of a composite landslide that affects Cretaceous to Eocene flysch rock masses and chaotic complexes. Many of the sectors making up the landslide have resumed activity between 2002 and 2006, threatening some villages and an important road connecting several key industrial facilities located in the upper watershed. This paper presents the management of the emergency, dealing with the investigation campaigns (geological, geomorphological and LiDAR surveys, borehole drillings, seismic surveys), with the monitoring (in situ instrumentation) and with the design and construction of mitigation measures. The whole process, from landslide reactivation to date, has been modelled on a numerical basis with the finite difference code FLAC 2D, to assess the efficiency of the mitigation system and to propose further countermeasure works in different scenarios.  相似文献   

李兴高  孙河川 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2733-2736
地铁施工邻近建筑物和构筑物受施工影响的安全风险评价是急需解决的关键技术问题之一。考虑实际工程中地层参数呈区间分布的特点,建议借助于区间分析理论估计建筑物和构筑物对于地铁施工的响应。在此基础上,通过引入风险评价函数定义了风险指标 ,在假定环境响应均匀分布的前提下定义了风险指标 。通过这两个指标可以将建筑物和构筑物受施工影响是否安全分为不可能事件、风险事件和必然事件。将风险事件分为3个等级,并建议了相应的应对措施。举例说明了定义的风险指标在实际工程中的应用。  相似文献   

王立伟  谢谟文  柴小庆 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):519-528
实测数据表明,松散土质斜坡和具有时效变形特征的岩质斜坡的滑坡变形往往具有蠕变特点,即从开始出现变形到最终失稳破坏一般需经历初始变形、等速变形和加速变形3个阶段。基于典型的滑坡累积位移-时间曲线特征,提出了采用位移速率比作为通用指标来判定滑坡上各点变形阶段的方法:多个连续时段均为等速变形即相邻位移速率比位于0~2之间时,认为进入等速变形阶段;当位移速率比大于2时,初步认为,其进入加速变形阶段。结合典型实例建立了位移速率比判定滑坡上各点变形阶段的判定标准:在滑坡位移速率比大于2之后,滑坡体进入加速变形阶段,对加速变形阶段可再作进一步细分:位移速率比为2~6时,为滑坡体的初加速阶段,为6~8时,滑坡体进入中加速阶段,大于8则为临滑阶段。基于地理信息系统(Geographic information system,简称GIS)平台,建立了滑坡变形空间评价的位移速率比方法,并对金坪子滑坡的空间变形状态进行了评价,验证了该方法的可行性和合理性。  相似文献   

Reliability based risk index for the design of reinforced earth structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The design methods currently used for earth reinforcement are mostly based on deterministic properties of both the soil and the construction materials used. Nowadays, however, the general trend is designing at a specific degree of reliability. This is even more true where the raw data such as soil properties exhibit significant variation. Deterministic solutions, in this case, may not suffice. Therefore, this paper will attempt to use probabilistic formulations thereby modifying the existing design procedure of reinforced earth retaining walls to account for uncertainties and variabilities. Through a first order Taylor's series expansion about the mean, the mean and variance of the strip reinforcing components, namely width and length, are derived in terms of the variations in the soil properties. Design charts that enable estimation of both mean and variance are developed to avoid extensive partial differentiation involved in the computations. Using appropriate probability distributions along with the mean and variance, the final design outputs are determined for a selected failure probability by introducing what is refered to as 'risk index'. The results indicate that the risk index increases with an increase in the coefficient of variations and a decrease in failure probability. Furthermore, it is shown that in some cases, depending on the variabilities of the soil properties, the classical design technique produced a relatively high failure probability. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Location of failure slip surfaces plays a critical role in landslide risk assessment and mitigation, particularly for unstable slopes, because it is a key input to design of stabilisation measures for unstable slopes and it determines the volume of the sliding soil mass (i.e. landslide consequence). The failure slip surfaces in the numerical analysis (e.g. finite element/different method, FEM/FDM) are often identified using shear strength reduction (SSR) method. A careful examination of FEM results showed that, although the SSR method performs well for stable slopes, it might provide misleading results for unstable slopes. To properly locate failure slip surfaces for unstable slopes, this paper presents a particle-based numerical method called smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), which is mesh-free, immune to the mesh distortion problem in FEM/FDM, and able to directly simulate large deformation of soils that occurs during landslides. A series of slope stability analyses is performed using an in-house SPH programme. Failure slip surfaces are properly identified by SPH for both stable and unstable slopes. Furthermore, because SPH provides a spatial distribution of the post-landslide large displacement of soils, the failure slip surfaces can be identified conveniently using soil displacement. A displacement-based criterion is proposed to locate the failure slip surfaces.  相似文献   

地质灾害综合评价指标体系和评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用全国地质灾害调查成果,建立地质灾害综合评价指标体系,构建综合评价模型.指标体系由2类、6个一级指标、12个二级指标、30个三级指标及100个评价因子构成.采用自下而上的评价方法,通过评价因子选取、数据修正、归一化处理、权重确定,建立评价模型.评价结果采用斜率法划分为四级,反映地质灾害发育情况、受灾情况、受威胁情况、相对受灾程度及受威胁程度等.对提高地质灾害监测预警和防灾减灾水平具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

江苏省地质环境区划评价指标体系初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
建立地质环境区划评价指标体系,评价地质环境质量,对有效保护地质环境、履行地质环境保护管理职能具有重要意义。笔者在充分分析研究江苏省地质环境资料及成果的基础上,以地质环境问题为导向,人地和谐统一的思路,基于地质环境安全、地质资源保障及社会需求的原则,从地质环境的自然属性和社会属性两方面考虑,建立了地质灾害(防治)、矿山地质环境(保护)、山体资源保护、地质遗迹保护、地下水污染防治和土壤污染防治等6个专项区划的评价指标体系,并提出一套由7个目标层、16个约束层和40项指标构成的江苏省地质环境综合区划评价指标体系,为合理评价江苏省地质环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Sagardari union is facing groundwater crisis because of contaminations from agriculture and urban sewage, which bring a considerable change in water quality. In view of this, hydro-chemical analyses were undertaken on 35 groundwater samples and the following hydro-geochemical parameters, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), electrical conductivity (EC), cations and anions, were analyzed. From the analytical results, it is found that pH value was lower than WHO drinking water standard and the middle-downstream portions of the investigation region show higher EC. The piper plot indicates that the groundwater in Sagardari falls in the categories of NaClHCO3 hydro-chemical facies. Higher TH in groundwater was detected, but still in an acceptable range. In addition, salinity and arsenic ratio are higher and moderately higher, respectively. The spatial distribution of Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI) was determined by geo-statistical modelling of Sagardari union. The study provides information and supports the administration which to make better groundwater utilization and quality control in the Sagardari union.  相似文献   

某水电站近坝库岸边坡稳定性二次模糊综合评判   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文将大范围边坡稳定性的众多影响因素进行总结分类,并针对评价指标分级的特点,将传统的两级模糊综合评判模型作适当改进,进行二次模糊综合评判.以某水电站近坝库岸边坡为例,在确定各评价指标选择依据和评价标准的基础上,建立了该库岸边坡稳定性的二次模糊综合评判模型.结果表明,基本地质因素在模糊综合评判中起着控制作用,其中岸坡结构类型和岩性对库岸边坡稳定性的影响最为显著.  相似文献   

地下空间开发地质适宜性三维评价是合理进行地下空间立体化开发、降低开发地质风险的重要手段,也是当前研究热点.作为地质适宜性三维评价全过程的重要一环,科学合理地建立三维评价指标体系是其能否正确开展的前提基础.通过结合杭州城市地下空间开发面临的地质问题,在系统分析各评价指标对地下空间开发建设影响的特征基础上,以三维视角从地层...  相似文献   

邢怀学  窦帆帆  葛伟亚  华健  常晓军  蔡小虎 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022020010-2022020010
地下空间开发地质适宜性三维评价是合理进行地下空间立体化开发、降低开发地质风险的重要手段,也是当前研究热点。作为地质适宜性三维评价全过程的重要一环,科学合理地建立三维评价指标体系是其能否正确开展的前提基础。通过结合杭州城市地下空间开发面临的地质问题,在系统分析各评价指标对地下空间开发建设影响的特征基础上,以三维视角从地层三维结构等多个方面构建完成了一套具有多层次结构的三维评价指标体系,并采用层次分析方法对评价指标进行了目标权重的计算、一致性检验、排序和分析。该指标体系可划分为5个准则层21个指标层,相较于二维评价指标体系,通过融合三维地质模型和三维空间分析方法,使评价过程中能够考虑更多的评价因子,更好地描绘地下复杂的三维地质环境,丰富了三维评价结果的内涵。基于模糊综合评价方法的杭州钱江新城二期的三维评价应用成果表明,该指标体系为三维地质模型和三维空间分析方法之间的整合提供了有力的指导,为提升三维尺度下的地下空间开发地质适宜性评价精度和准确性提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

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