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Patrick F. Roche Christopher Packham Charles M. Telesco James T. Radomski Almudena Alonso-Herrero David K. Aitken Luis Colina Eric Perlman 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,367(4):1689-1698
High spatial resolution spectroscopy at 8–13 μm with T-ReCS on Gemini-S has revealed striking variations in the mid-infrared emission and absorption in the nucleus of the Circinus galaxy (hereafter Circinus) on subarcsecond scales. The core of Circinus is compact and obscured by a substantial column of cool silicate dust. Weak extended emission to the east and west coincides with the coronal line region and arises from featureless dust grains which are probably heated by line emission in the coronal emission zone. The extended emission on the east side of the nucleus displays a much deeper silicate absorption than that on the west, indicating significant columns of cool material along the line of sight and corresponding to an additional extinction of AV ∼ 25 mag . Emission bands from aromatic hydrocarbons are not subject to this additional extinction, are relatively weak in the core and in the coronal line region, and are much more spatially extended than the continuum dust emission; they presumably arise in the circumnuclear star-forming regions. These data are interpreted in terms of an inclined disc-like structure around the nucleus extending over tens of parsecs and possibly related to the inner disc found from observations of water masers by Greenhill et al.. 相似文献
P. Buyle † D. Michielsen S. De Rijcke † J. Ott ‡ H. Dejonghe 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,373(2):793-798
We present a search for CO(1 → 0) emission in three Local Group dwarf irregular galaxies: IC 5152, the Phoenix dwarf and UGCA 438, using the ATNF Mopra radio telescope. Our scans largely cover the optical extent of the galaxies and the stripped H i cloud west of the Phoenix dwarf. Apart from a tentative but non-significant emission peak at one position in the Phoenix dwarf, no significant emission was detected in the CO spectra of these galaxies. For a velocity width of 6 km s−1 , we derive 4σ upper limits of 0.03, 0.04 and 0.06 K km s−1 for IC 5152, the Phoenix dwarf and UGCA 438, respectively. This is an improvement of over a factor of 10 compared with previous observations of IC 5152; the other two galaxies had not yet been observed at millimetre wavelengths. Assuming a Galactic CO-to-H2 conversion factor, we derive upper limits on the molecular gas mass of 6.2 × 104 , 3.7 × 103 and 1.4 × 105 M⊙ for IC 5152, the Phoenix dwarf and UGCA 438, respectively. We investigate two possible causes for the lack of CO emission in these galaxies. On the one hand, there may be a genuine lack of molecular gas in these systems, in spite of the presence of large amounts of neutral gas. However, in the case of IC 5152 which is actively forming stars, molecular gas is at least expected to be present in the star-forming regions. On the other hand, there may be a large increase in the CO-to-H2 conversion factor in very low-metallicity dwarfs (−2 ≤[Fe/H]≤−1) , making CO a poor tracer of the molecular gas content in dwarf galaxies. 相似文献
Spatially resolved spectroscopy of passive spiral galaxies 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Miho Ishigaki † Tomotsugu Goto Hideo Matsuhara 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,382(1):270-278
We present Chandra data from a 31.7-ks observation of the Centaurus cluster, using the ACIS-S detector. Images of the X-ray emission show a plume-like feature at the centre of the cluster, of extent 60 arcsec (20 kpc in projection). The feature has the same metallicity as gas at a similar radius, but is cooler. Using adaptive binning, we generate temperature, abundance and absorption maps of the cluster core. The radial abundance profile shows that the previously known, steep abundance gradient peaks with a metallicity of 1.3–1.8 Z⊙ at a radius of about 45 arcsec (15 kpc), before falling back to 0.4 Z⊙ at the centre of the cluster. A radial temperature profile shows that the temperature decreases inwards. We determine the spatial distributions of each of two temperature components, where applicable. The radiative cooling time of the cooler component within the inner 10 arcsec (3 kpc) is less than 2×107 yr . X-ray holes in the image coincident with the radio lobes are seen, as well as two outer sharp temperature drops, or cold fronts. The origin of the plume is unclear. The existence of the strong abundance gradient is a strong constraint on extensive convection or gas motion driven by a central radio source. 相似文献
Michael B. Pracy Warrick J. Couch Chris Blake Kenji Bekki Craig Harrison Matthew Colless Harald Kuntschner Roberto de Propris 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2005,359(4):1421-1432
We present spatially resolved intermediate-resolution spectroscopy of a sample of 12 E+A galaxies in the z = 0.32 rich galaxy cluster AC 114, obtained with the FLAMES multi-integral field unit system on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory. Previous integrated spectroscopy of all these galaxies by Couch & Sharples had shown them to have strong Balmer line absorption and an absence of [O ii ]λ3727 emission – the defining characteristics of the 'E+A' spectral signature, indicative of an abrupt halt to a recent episode of quite vigorous star formation. We have used our spectral data to determine the radial variation in the strength of Hδ absorption in these galaxies and hence map out the distribution of this recently formed stellar population. Such information provides important clues as to what physical event might have been responsible for this quite dramatic change in star formation activity in the recent past of these galaxies. We find a diversity of behaviour amongst these galaxies in terms of the radial variation in Hδ absorption: four galaxies show little Hδ absorption across their entire extent; it would appear they were misidentified as E+A galaxies in the earlier integrated spectroscopic studies. The remainder show strong Hδ absorption, with a gradient that is either negative (Hδ equivalent width decreasing with radius), flat or positive . By comparison with numerical simulations we suggest that the first of these different types of radial behaviour provides evidence for a merger/interaction origin, whereas the latter two types of behaviour are more consistent with the truncation of star formation in normal disc galaxies with the Hδ gradient becoming increasingly positive with time after truncation. It would seem therefore that more than one physical mechanism is responsible for E+A formation in the same environment. 相似文献
Max Spolaor Duncan A. Forbes George K. T. Hau Robert N. Proctor Sarah Brough 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,385(2):667-674
This is the first paper of a series focused on investigating the star formation and evolutionary history of the two early-type galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 1400. They are the two brightest galaxies of the NGC 1407 (or Eridanus-A) group, one of the 60 groups studied as part of the Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Study.
Here, we present new high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectroscopic data obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope and high-resolution multiband imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys and wide-field imaging from Subaru Suprime-Cam. We spatially resolved integrated spectra out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. The radial profiles of the kinematic parameters vrot , σ, h 3 and h 4 are measured. The surface brightness profiles are fitted to different galaxy light models and the colour distributions analysed. The multiband images are modelled to derive isophotal shape parameters and residual galaxy images. The parameters from the surface brightness profile fitting are used to estimate the mass of the possible central supermassive black hole in NGC 1407. The galaxies are found to be rotationally supported and to have a flat core in the surface brightness profiles. Elliptical isophotes are observed at all radii and no fine structures are detected in the residual galaxy images. From our results, we can also discard a possible interaction between NGC 1400, NGC 1407 and the group intergalactic medium. We estimate a mass of ∼1.03 × 109 M⊙ for the supermassive black hole in NGC 1407 galaxy. 相似文献
Here, we present new high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectroscopic data obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope and high-resolution multiband imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys and wide-field imaging from Subaru Suprime-Cam. We spatially resolved integrated spectra out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. The radial profiles of the kinematic parameters v
M. Imanishi 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,313(1):165-169
We report the results of 3-μm spectroscopy towards the nucleus of a nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 5506. A weak absorption feature of carbonaceous dust is detected at ∼3.4 μm. The optical depth ratio of the 3.4-μm carbonaceous dust absorption to the 9.7-μm silicate dust absorption is smaller by more than a factor of 2 than that in the interstellar medium in our Galaxy. The small ratio is consistent with the idea that the obscuration towards the nucleus of NGC 5506 is caused mainly by dust grains in its host galaxy (type S0/a) and that the contribution of carbonaceous dust grains to the visual extinction there is smaller than that in our Galaxy (type Sb/bc). 相似文献
M. Imanishi 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,319(1):331-336
The results of 3–4-μm spectroscopy towards the nuclei of NGC 3094, 7172, and 7479 are reported. In ground-based 8–13-μm spectra, all the sources have strong absorption-like features at ∼10 μm, but they do not have detectable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features. The 3.4-μm carbonaceous dust absorption features are detected towards all nuclei. NGC 3094 shows a detectable 3.3-μm PAH emission feature, while NGC 7172 and 7479 do not. Nuclear emission whose spectrum shows dust absorption features but no PAH emission features, is thought to be dominated by highly obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs) activity. For NGC 7172, 7479, and three other such nuclei in the literature, we investigate the optical depth ratios between the 3.4-μm carbonaceous dust and 9.7-μm silicate dust absorption The ratios towards three highly obscured AGNs with face-on host galaxies are systematically larger than the ratios in the Galactic diffuse interstellar medium or the ratios for two highly obscured AGNs with edge-on host galaxies. We suggest that the larger ratios can be explained if the obscuring dust is so close to the central AGNs that a temperature gradient occurs in it. If this idea is correct, our results may provide spectroscopic evidence for the presence of the putative 'dusty tori' in the close vicinity of AGNs. 相似文献
We present a brief account of the theory on which the novel method of ‘Fourier‐resolved spectroscopy’ is based. We summarize the results from the past application of this method to the study of Galactic Black Hole candidate sources and MCG‐6‐30‐15, and we present new results from the Fourier‐resolved spectroscopy of archival XMM‐Newton data of five AGN, namely, Mrk 766, NGC 3516, NGC 3783, NGC 4051 and Ark 564. When we combine all the past and present results from Galactic sources and AGN, we find that the slope of the Fourier‐resolved spectra in accreting black hole systems decreases with increasing frequency as ∝ f –0.25, irrespective of whether the system is in its High or Low state. We find significant evidence that the iron line in Mrk 766, NGC 3783 and NGC 4051 is variable on time scales ∼1 day – 1 hour. There is an indication that, just like in Galactic sources, the equivalent width of the line in the Fourier‐resolved spectra of AGN decreases with increasing frequency. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Glass 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,297(1):18-22
The bright Seyfert 1 and starburst galaxy NGC 7469 has been monitored at JHKL for 13 yr. Its variations have been small, amounting to less than 0.3 mag, except for an event in 1989 when the flux from its active nucleus declined to about one quarter of its normal level. Using the technique of flux variation gradients (FVGs), the variations have been analysed, taking into account the known JHK fluxes from the star-forming ring surrounding the nucleus. By comparing the FVGs of NGC 7469 with those of other Seyfert galaxies, the nucleus of NGC 7469 is found to suffer very little reddening. The active nucleus normally contributes more than 50 per cent of the flux measured in the K and L bands through an aperture of 12 arcsec diameter. Infrared excesses (above the fluxes expected from stars) are observed from the circumnuclear ring at both K and L and it is suggested that they arise from warm, small particles that also emit the aromatic hydrocarbon features seen in this galaxy. 相似文献
A.J. Burston M.J. Ward R.I. Davies 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,326(1):403-415
We present near-infrared observations of a sample of mainly interacting ultraluminous infrared galaxies, comprising H - and K -band spectra. Our main aims are to investigate the power source of these extremely luminous objects and the various excitation mechanisms of the strong molecular hydrogen emission often seen in such objects. Broadened emission lines were only detected in one object, IRAS 23498, consistent with the previous results for this galaxy. The [Si vi ] emission line was detected in IRAS 17179 and 20210, both classified as Sy2s. Two of the samples were unclassified, IRAS 00150 and 23420, which exhibit neither [Si vi ] emission nor broadened H i emission. However this does not rule out the presence of an obscured AGN. Analysis of the molecular hydrogen emission showed that the major excitation mechanism for most objects was thermal. Modelling of the more luminous objects indicates that for IRAS 20210 10 per cent, and for both IRAS 23365 and IRAS 23420 30 per cent, of the 1–0 S(1) line emission has a non-thermal origin. 相似文献
M. Ruiz A. Efstathiou D.M. Alexander J. Hough 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,325(3):995-1001
In the context of the unified model of Seyfert galaxies, we use observations from the literature and a radiative transfer model to investigate the near-IR to mm emission produced by the presumed torus in the Circinus galaxy, from 2 μm to 1.3 mm. From the infrared SED modelling, we find that the total luminosity ( L IR ) in this wavelength range consists of similar contributions from the torus and starburst with a ratio of nuclear luminosity to starburst luminosity ( L NUC / L SB )∼0.8 .
By using a similar torus model to that of NGC 1068, but without the conical dust , we find an upper limit to the outer torus radius of ∼12 pc with a best fit of ∼2 pc. The upper limit torus size estimated from the radiative transfer modelling is consistent with the 16-pc torus radius estimated from near-IR imaging polarimetry of Circinus. 相似文献
By using a similar torus model to that of NGC 1068, but without the conical dust , we find an upper limit to the outer torus radius of ∼12 pc with a best fit of ∼2 pc. The upper limit torus size estimated from the radiative transfer modelling is consistent with the 16-pc torus radius estimated from near-IR imaging polarimetry of Circinus. 相似文献
Chris Simpson Martin Ward J. V. Wall 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,319(3):963-976
It has been claimed by Taylor et al. that the low-redshift end of the K – z relation for radio galaxies is too bright by about half a magnitude owing to contributions from the obscured quasar nuclei. Such a result has major implications for the use of the K -band Hubble diagram in understanding the cosmological evolution of radio galaxies. In this paper we present 1–5-μm imaging data of a nearly complete sample of low-redshift radio galaxies; this approach allows us to determine accurately the strengths of any unresolved nuclear components in the galaxies. We detect nuclear sources in five targets, whose broad-band colours are consistent with reddened quasar spectra. In all the five cases the ratio of the inferred intrinsic near-infrared luminosity to the narrow-line luminosity is typical of quasars. We find a correlation between the inferred nuclear extinction and core-to-lobe ratio, which places constraints on the geometry of the torus. We find evidence for a shift of the K – z relation to fainter magnitudes, but by a much smaller amount (∼0.1 mag) than determined by Taylor et al. Under the assumption that the nuclear sources in radio galaxies have the same intrinsic near-infrared spectra as quasars, our multiwavelength images allow us to limit any possible shift to less than 0.3 mag. 相似文献
M. Ruiz D. M. Alexander S. Young J. Hough S. L. Lumsden C. A. Heisler † 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,316(1):49-57
We present near-infrared broad-band polarization images of the nuclear regions of the Circinus galaxy in the J , H and K bands. For the first time the south-eastern reflection cone is detected in polarized light, which is obscured at optical wavelengths behind the galactic disc. This biconical structure is clearly observed in J - and H -band polarized flux, whilst in the K band a more compact structure is detected. Total flux J − K and H − K colour maps reveal a complex colour gradient toward the south-east direction (where the Circinus galactic disc is nearer to us). We find enhanced extinction in an arc-shaped structure, at about 200 pc from the nucleus, probably part of the star formation ring.
We model the polarized flux images with the scattering and torus model of Young et al., with the same basic input parameters as used by Alexander et al. in the spectropolarimetry modelling of Circinus. The best fit to the polarized flux is achieved with a torus radius of ∼16 pc, and a visual extinction A V , through the torus, to the near-infrared emission regions of >66 mag. 相似文献
We model the polarized flux images with the scattering and torus model of Young et al., with the same basic input parameters as used by Alexander et al. in the spectropolarimetry modelling of Circinus. The best fit to the polarized flux is achieved with a torus radius of ∼16 pc, and a visual extinction A