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基于空间统计学的空间数据窗口大小的确定   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
提出基于空间统计学的方法来确定空间数据窗口大小,实例证明是可行的。同时提出了对海底照片成像不均匀光照进行纠正的思路和方法,该方法简单有效,效果较理想。  相似文献   

基于小波变换的大面阵CCD相机影像亮度不一致性消除算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大面阵CCD影像亮度不均匀现象,提出一种基于小波变换的影像亮度不一致性消除算法。在分析像面光照模型的基础上,构造出光照模型的仿真影像,通过分析仿真影像的小波变换系数,发现影像亮度不一致信息集中反映在小波的近似系数之中。利用这一特性,先将数字相机原始影像进行多尺度小波分解,并对近似系数取对数,然后施加一个衰减算子,对近似系数的对数进行非均匀改正,将改正后的系数取指数,再对近似系数进行线性拉伸,同时根据人类视觉系统对不同方向细节敏感度的不同,对不同方向的细节系数进行不同幅度的线性拉伸,以突出图像细节,最后通过影像重建,获得均匀亮度的航空影像。实验结果显示,该算法具有很好的匀光效果,同时能够较好地保持影像细节特征。  相似文献   

多光谱假彩色合成遥感影像已经广泛应用于线性构造解译,受构造应力场制约,区域构造均具有显著的定向性,当卫星影像拍摄时光照方向与区域线性构造方向不能匹配时,构造特征常常不能很好显示,从而影响解译效果。文章提出一种利用数字高程模型模拟特定方向光照模型增强多光谱影像的新方法,用垂直于解译目标的最佳光照模型替代原光照模型以增强区域构造线性特征,同一地区对不同方向的构造解译采用了不同方向的光照模型,有效提高了线性构造信息的可解译程度。以四川盆地西侧的龙门山以南地区为例,进行了断裂构造的遥感解译,对该区地震研究和油气勘探工作具有参考意义。  相似文献   

在无光照条件下,对采用CMOS图像传感器的尼康D90相机在不同的曝光时间下进行拍摄实验,分析CMOS图像传感器在不同曝光时间下的暗电流噪声以及系统噪声在传感器像面上的空间分布。得出如下结论:系统噪声并没有随曝光时间增加而增大的趋势,因此,系统的暗电流噪声比较小;而整体噪声在不同的曝光时间下,都有在空间分布上有像面外围较大而像面中间较小的情况,根据该分布给出计算不同位置像素系统噪声大小的公式。  相似文献   

李烁  王慧  王利勇  于翔舟  杨乐 《遥感学报》2018,22(3):450-457
针对Mask匀光法对低通滤波器及其尺寸参数依赖的问题,提出一种变分Mask自适应匀光算法。根据影像自身的先验信息,结合Mask数学模型构造变分能量函数,分别利用各向异性和各向同性全变分正则项约束理想影像和背景影像,采用分裂Bregman方法交替迭代求解,可同时获取最优化背景影像和理想影像。利用3幅光照不均匀的遥感影像进行实验并与3种不同滤波尺寸的Mask匀光法进行了比较,本文方法在目视效果和定量评价指标上均呈现明显的优势,在消除亮度不均的同时能够保持影像的纹理和细节信息。  相似文献   

针对大规模复杂场景渲染的全局光照计算量大从而影响其渲染实时性的问题,提出了一种基于多级分辨率纹理存储结构的改进体素锥追踪全局光照算法。算法首先采用基于人眼视觉特性的多级分辨率纹理存储结构高效存储光照信息,并在直接光照计算时,结合存储结果特点,然后采用混合存储的GPU硬件加速与无贡献节点丢弃的软件加速相结合方法,进一步提高光照渲染效率,最后基于多级纹理及闭合体节点自适应合并对锥波滤器进行改进,实现全局光照的高效计算。试验结果表明,改进算法减少了光照计算量,降低了系统内存占用,并取得了与经典算法相近的场景光照渲染效果,从而验证了其在大规模光照计算的有效性。  相似文献   

Light scattering in fore-optics of imaging radiometric instruments degrades images, the signal of dark pixels is enhanced and that of bright pixels is reduced. A procedure of restoring hemispherical images obtained with a hemispheric view CCD-radiometer is suggested. The circular hemispheric image is projected onto the sphere and Wiener filtering on the sphere is performed. For building the Wiener filter the point spread function of the instrument was measured in the laboratory, and test images of (partially) controlled radiance were measured. The procedure is applied for the correction of hemispherical radiometric images taken under forest canopy. In non-corrected near infrared images the signal of sky pixels in forest canopy gaps near zenith is enhanced 1.4–2.0 times. The applied correction reduces this error to the level of 1.1–1.2. In the red channel these figures are 0.8–0.9 and 0.97–0.99, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, a semi-automatic approach to support archaeological line tracing is proposed. The suggested procedure is based on colour and texture information derived from orthorectified RGB digital aerial data and consists of four steps: (1) line sketching; (2) steerable filtering; (3) objects selection; and (4) straight line fitting and vectorisation. Good results were observed by evaluating the algorithm according to trace visibility and integrity, global difficulty and level of feature extraction. Further reliability tests were performed to study poor data initialisation and different annual seasonal land use at the same site.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique developed for the retrieval of the orientation of crop rows, over anthropic lands dedicated to agriculture in order to further improve estimate of crop production and soil erosion management. Five crop types are considered: wheat, barley, rapeseed, sunflower, corn and hemp. The study is part of the multi-sensor crop-monitoring experiment, conducted in 2010 throughout the agricultural season (MCM’10) over an area located in southwestern France, near Toulouse. The proposed methodology is based on the use of satellite images acquired by Formosat-2, at high spatial resolution in panchromatic and multispectral modes (with spatial resolution of 2 and 8 m, respectively). Orientations are derived and evaluated for each image and for each plot, using directional spatial filters (45° and 135°) and mathematical morphology algorithms. “Single-date” and “multi-temporal” approaches are considered. The single-date analyses confirm the good performances of the proposed method, but emphasize the limitation of the approach for estimating the crop row orientation over the whole landscape with only one date. The multi-date analyses allow (1) determining the most suitable agricultural period for the detection of the row orientations, and (2) extending the estimation to the entire footprint of the study area. For the winter crops (wheat, barley and rapeseed), best results are obtained with images acquired just after harvest, when surfaces are covered by stubbles or during the period of deep tillage (0.27 > R2 > 0.99 and 7.15° > RMSE > 43.02°). For the summer crops (sunflower, corn and hemp), results are strongly crop and date dependents (0 > R2 > 0.96, 10.22° > RMSE > 80°), with a well-marked impact of flowering, irrigation equipment and/or maximum crop development. Last, the extent of the method to the whole studied zone allows mapping 90% of the crop row orientations (more than 45,000 ha) with an error inferior to 40°, associated to a confidence index ranging from 1 to 5 for each agricultural plot.  相似文献   

传统的遥感影像去噪方法在去除影像噪声时,往往会造成去噪后影像细节信息丢失和模糊的问题。本文将二维EMD去噪理论用于遥感影像的去噪,提出了二维EMD与自适应高斯滤波相结合的遥感影像改进去噪算法。在去噪时能够保留低频信息不变,只对影像高频信息进行二维EMD分解后的不同频率IMF分量图作自适应高斯滤波去噪,从而更好地对含噪影像进行去噪。两组试验对比分析表明:本文算法具有较大的峰值信噪比、平均梯度和结构相似性,具有较小的均方根误差;并且边缘检测结果也表明,噪声在被滤掉的同时,经本文算法去噪后的影像能较多和更好地保留原始影像的细节信息和边缘轮廓信息,具有更好的去噪效果。  相似文献   

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