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公海渔业的管理趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1 公海的概念和范围 公海,作为一法律概念,已有很长的历史。它的地位及其所指的范围随着时间的推移而有所变更。按照国际法的传统观念,各国领海以外不受任何国家管辖和支配的海域统称公海。随着专属经济区和大陆架制度的确立,在领海范围以外还存在着国际管辖范围内的海域。这样“领海以外就是公海”就不能  相似文献   

我国政府于1996年5月15日正式批准了《联合国海洋法公约》,标志着我国第一次以法律形式确认了200海里专属经济区制度。根据这一制度,虽然我国拥有的海洋国土将由原来的37万平方公里扩大到300万平方公里,我国海洋事业的发展前景将更加广阔,但就某些局部范围而言,特别是对某些传统的海洋捕捞业也必将带来一定的影响。因此,要使海洋渔业在  相似文献   

以科学发展观为指导,界定了资源增殖型渔业的内涵和外延;在评价以往资源增殖措施绩效的基础上,依据经济学和行为科学理论,运用“故障树分析法”、“力场分析法”等,从制度的缺陷和缺位,解释了渔业资源衰退的原因;并从观念转变、措施改进、制度创新、利益机制建立等方面提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

资源、环境管理与中国渔业发展李健华,易林(农业部渔业局)资源、环境和食物问题,是当今世界面临的几个重大的课题。发展渔业对增加食物品种、保障粮食供给具有重要的意义,国际社会对此予以高度重视。但是,在发展渔业的过程中,各国都面临着如何处理好增产水产品与合...  相似文献   

中国渔业产业化问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

资源评估是应用各种统计和数学方法量化地于业种群形态对渔业管理选择的反应。资源评估不仅仅是预测静止的最佳捕捞努力量和持续产量,而是评估鱼类和渔民对管理决策和其它变化的动态反应。在动态的渔业系统中帮助管理者进行决策是一个困难的任务,资源评估生物学家要配合管理者和决策者提出适当的问题,和思考渔业对变化的动态反应。  相似文献   

对海洋渔业资源的过渡捕捞,不仅直接使经济种鱼类濒临灭绝,同时还导致了海洋生物多样性降低、海洋生境丧失等各种海洋环境危机,对于传统渔业管理的尴尬处境,海洋保护区作为一种新型的管理手段正逐渐被人们所重视。文章阐述了传统管理体制所存在的缺陷,系统地说明了海洋保护区在渔业管理上的作用机制,并对存在的一些限制因素提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

关于日本渔业调整委员会的性质的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本的渔业管理有一个显著的特色,就是除了政府相关部门对渔业进行行政管理以外,还有一个特殊的机构-渔业调整委员会参与管理日本沿海各海域的渔业。它既不同于专门的政府机构,又不角我国民间的渔业管理委员会。该机构的建立,使得日本的渔业管理逐步走上了法制化、民主化的轨道。本文通过分析日本渔业法规中对该委员职能的规定,探讨其所具有的性质,期望能为我国今后加强渔业管理提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

1995年,是海洋捕捞7~8月实行全面伏季休渔的第一个年头,江苏省启东市政府把伏季休渔管理工作作为保护增殖海洋渔业资源,促进海洋渔业生态平衡,加快建设“海上启东”步伐的头等大事来抓,使伏休工作出现了前所未有的好形势。整个伏休期间没有一艘渔船顶风违规作业。按规定应伏休的渔船真正做到了船进港,网入库,人上岸。全市7个群众渔港,构成了7幅“刀枪入库精心保养,马放南山养精蓄锐”的“战后整休图。该市搞好伏休管理的主要经验可概括为“三个强化”。  相似文献   

Hans Frost  Peder Andersen   《Marine Policy》2006,30(6):737-746
The revision of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union in 2003 was communicated in a ‘Roadmap’, including the opinion of the EU Commission on how to reform the fisheries policy. This paper reviews the Roadmap and confronts the opinion and initiatives proposed by the Commission with the ‘conventional’ bioeconomic theory. The purpose is to assess to what extent the lessons of the theory could be found in the Roadmap. Having in mind the complexity of the EU fisheries, the Roadmap, in particular, focuses on fleet management policy with the aim of reducing overcapacity on a community level. This applies as a supplementary means to the conventional fish stock conservation measures. In conclusion, the EU Commission is aware of the lessons learned from the bioeconomic theory.  相似文献   

近年来我国渔业作业群体的数量明显增多,同时违反捕捞许可到共同管理渔区作业的违法行为也日益严重。在《中华人民共和国渔业法》及相关渔业立法中已经存在明确界定,但是对于法律责任没有具体阐明,严重影响了渔业活动的正常秩序与渔业资源的可持续发展。文章根据违反捕捞许可到共同管理渔区作业的现状出发,结合渔业法等相关规定,分析增设法律责任的必要性与可行性,提出完善相关法律责任,细化责任认定;加大惩治力度,提高违法成本等建议。  相似文献   

A pervasive argument has emerged in debates over US ocean fishery policy that the policy-making process has generally been captured by commercial industry interests and consequently permits fishing quotas beyond sustainable harvesting levels. While it is clear that commercial interests are over-represented relative to recreational interests on the regional councils that set fishery policy, it is not clear whether commercial interests necessarily enact unsustainable policies. This paper examines the vote choices of representatives on the Pacific Fisheries Management Council by creating a spatial map of ideal point locations of voting members during the years 2006-2009 and then identifying voting coalitions. If a dominance by commercial interests leads to unsustainable policies, then it must be the case that members of this interest group vote as a cohesive and distinct bloc. In the end, however, it is shown that a geographic explanation for vote choices outperforms an interest group explanation.  相似文献   

The Magnuson–Stevens Act is the United States׳ premier law governing fisheries conservation and management. Congress has revisited the Act multiple times since its inception in 1976—most recently in 1996 with the Sustainable Fisheries Act and in 2006 with the Magnuson Stevens Act—and is currently in the process of reauthorizing the Act. The University of Washington focused the 14th annual Bevan Series on Sustainable Fisheries on issues surrounding reauthorization. The symposium featured a diversity of stakeholders, including fisheries scientists, managers, policy analysts, students, non-governmental organizations, Tribes, and industry. The symposium explored the Act׳s history, means of ending overfishing and ensuring accountability, lessons from U.S. West Coast and North Pacific fisheries, and challenges and solutions to ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Public participation in the decision-making process is a key element of good governance. In its latest proposals for reforming the Common Fisheries Policy, the European Commission acknowledges that management measures lack legitimacy without input from the fishers themselves and thus underscores the need to increase it and adapt it to local or regional conditions. This study analyzes Spanish fishermen's own views about their participation in the decision-making process. The results show that most fishers are in favor of more participation by themselves and by regional governments in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

Emerging as an innovation for improving the management of overexploited fisheries around the world, rights-based fisheries management systems are being implemented in the form of either species- or area-based management. While there are numerous reviews on species-based management, there have been none on area-based management. To fill this gap, we undertake a critical review of the literature on area-based management systems known as “Territorial Use Rights for Fisheries” (or TURFs). Following an exhaustive search, seventy-nine peer-reviewed journal papers discussing the evolution, effectiveness, enforcement, and management context of TURFs were identified and selected. Review of these papers reveals that there is a growing interest in investigating the real-world effects of TURFs, both positive and negative. The variability in TURF performance appears to be due to design features, enforcement behavior of fishers, and specific contextual conditions, namely, biological fishery characteristics, socio-economic aspects of fishers, and institutional arrangements. The bulk of the published research has focused on theoretical analysis and empirical evidence based on fishers’ perception and experience. And there has been little research on enforcement issues or how design features and management contexts influence performance. This review emphasizes the need for rigorous empirical analyses of TURF effects, including assessment of the cost-effectiveness of different enforcement schemes and the effects of contextual conditions on TURF performance. Addressing current shortcomings in the literature could improve the design, implementation and performance of TURFs worldwide.  相似文献   

The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) of the European Union has neither lived up to its aim of enhancing the sustainability of fish stocks nor that of improving the economic competitiveness of the fishing industry. This paper discusses the failure of the CFP from a biological, economical, legal and political perspective.  相似文献   

Exploited fish and shellfish stocks in European marine waters underlie the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The next round of reform of the CFP is due for completion in 2012. The exploitation at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) may be confirmed as the common environmental objective for good environment status (GES) of exploited fish and shellfish stocks of the reformed CFP and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The foreseen time horizon to achieve or maintain GES by 2020 appears inconsistent with the World Summit on Sustainable Development UN agreement in 2002, which stipulates that maintenance or restoring of stocks to produce MSY be realized by 2015. The MSFD requires instead that by 2015 the national programmes of measures be designed in order to become operational the following year (2016).  相似文献   

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