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海洋伏季休渔制度是一项重要的渔业资源养护管理制度。该制度自1995年实施以来取得了良好的效果,同时在国际上也产生了积极的影响。作为渔业管理领域中最为重要的制度之一,海洋伏季休渔制度目前只是一项渔业政策和措施,并没有上升到国家的法律和法规层面,该制度的效力远不能从根本上解决我国海洋渔业资源养护和可持续发展的问题。因此,文章对海洋伏季休渔制度的具体内容进行了深度分析,从法律与政策的关系出发,通过探讨国家立法、执法以及渔民守法等方面存在的问题,指出海洋伏季休渔制度作为一项渔业政策向法律和法规转变的必要性和条件,建议推动伏休政策的立法转变、加强渔业执法监督体制和加强政府对渔民的扶持政策。旨在进一步促进实施该制度,为海洋渔业资源的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

近年来我国渔业作业群体的数量明显增多,同时违反捕捞许可到共同管理渔区作业的违法行为也日益严重。在《中华人民共和国渔业法》及相关渔业立法中已经存在明确界定,但是对于法律责任没有具体阐明,严重影响了渔业活动的正常秩序与渔业资源的可持续发展。文章根据违反捕捞许可到共同管理渔区作业的现状出发,结合渔业法等相关规定,分析增设法律责任的必要性与可行性,提出完善相关法律责任,细化责任认定;加大惩治力度,提高违法成本等建议。  相似文献   

为从根本上解决我国渔业资源急剧衰退的问题,渔业捕捞限额制度的实施迫在眉睫;该制度的本质是对人和船进行管理,各主体不同策略的选择对其实施效果产生直接影响。文章从捕捞限额制度实施的监管层面出发,构建三方静态博弈模型,研究渔业生产者、渔业监管者和其他渔业生产者的博弈规律;提出应尽快构建监管体系并在实施初期放宽对政府疏于监管的惩罚,建立高额举报奖励机制,设立合理罚款额度等建议,以期为我国渔业捕捞限额制度的推进和现代渔业综合试验改革提供参考。  相似文献   

刍议南海渔业及渔业区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海地处热带和亚热带,复杂而多样的生境是孕育南海土类生物高度多样性的有利条件。南海海区与我国濒临的其它海区相比在物种多样性方面占绝对优势,350万平方公里的复杂海城为繁杂的物种提供了各种不同的栖身之地,温度、盐度及海流等的差异形成了不同的渔区。随着科技的发展,捕捞工具和功能也日新月异,传统的南海渔业区划已难以适应渔业现代化的需要。鉴于此,本文从海洋学、渔业捕捞以及海域管理方面综合分析,提出了新的渔业区划。  相似文献   

世纪之交,为适应世界海洋新制度,中日、中韩相继签订了渔业协定,其实质是在正式划分海界之前达成的临时渔业作业安排.舟山地方渔业生产受此协定的生成影响,捕捞空间大幅度缩减,近海渔场过于拥挤,引发诸多社会矛盾.各级地方政府采取了一系列积极的应对措施,制定优惠的补助金政策,引导捕捞渔船适时拆解,有效地缓解了被动局面,为实施国家海洋战略、调整渔业产业结构、构建海港渔区社会稳定和谐发展新局面发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

关于日本渔业调整委员会的性质的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本的渔业管理有一个显著的特色,就是除了政府相关部门对渔业进行行政管理以外,还有一个特殊的机构-渔业调整委员会参与管理日本沿海各海域的渔业。它既不同于专门的政府机构,又不角我国民间的渔业管理委员会。该机构的建立,使得日本的渔业管理逐步走上了法制化、民主化的轨道。本文通过分析日本渔业法规中对该委员职能的规定,探讨其所具有的性质,期望能为我国今后加强渔业管理提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

《中韩渔业协定》生效2001年6月30日,《中韩渔业协定》正式生效实施,《中韩渔业协定》是继《中日渔业协定》之后,我国与周边国家签订的基于专属经济区管理制度的第二个双边渔业协定。该协定的实施,有利于海洋渔业资源的养护和合理开发利用,有利于促进渔业可持续发展,但同时,由于我国渔船数量大,渔业产量和效益将受一定程度影响部分渔民将面临着转业、转产。海域使用管理法颁布2001年10月27日,《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》正式颁布。海域使用管理法的制定和实施,是推进我国海洋管理法制化建设的显著标志,同时…  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,各国捕捞量的持续增加造成了渔业资源的衰退.为了减缓这一问题,世界各国提出了一系列基于"投入控制"和"产出控制"的管理措施.为此,本文通过分析投入控制与产出控制中各要素,对国际上主要渔业大国(美国、欧盟、日本等)的管理制度和措施进行综合评述,并与我国管理措施进行对比,分析我国渔业管理措施长期存在的问...  相似文献   

烟台位于胶东半岛,濒临黄海、渤海,海域辽阔,是全国著名的渔区。如何充分发挥烟台的区位优势、资源优势,实施可持续发展战略,在新世纪里加速推进渔业经济持续、健康发展,为建设“海上烟台”、创建现代化国际性港口城市做出更大贡献,是需要认真研究和解决的重要课题。 1.烟台渔业跨世纪发展的必然选择 走可持续发展之路,是遵循客观规律发展渔业经济的需要在社会主义市场经济条件下  相似文献   

吴奕 《海洋信息》2001,(4):11-11
温州市各地渔区积极响应省委省政府提出的建设“海洋与渔业强省”的号召,落实省府(2001)15号文件精神,认真实施“十五”渔业发展计划。 “十五”期间温州市渔业发展的指导思想是:以率先基本实现渔业现代化为目标,以加快发展为主题,以积极推进渔业结构战略性调整为  相似文献   

Contemporary government rules for fisheries resources management in developing countries have been challenged for their inadequacy. The search for modern management models for coastal and marine resources could be usefully informed by wealth of traditional knowledge that enabled communities to sustainably live with their environment for centuries or millennia. Local taboos, defined as implicit or explicit social rules prohibiting certain actions, have played an important part in many traditional approaches to resource use. A mixed methods approach was used to investigate how local taboos play a role in the management of fisheries resources in some rural and urban coastal communities of Tanzania. Focus group discussions, key informant interviews, participant observations and questionnaire surveys were used to gather primary data. Data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study identified a number of potential local taboos in the management of fisheries resources and their habitats in coastal Tanzania. While these taboos showed some potential for applications in modern management approaches, a majority of fishers indicated non-compliance to most of them, especially in urban areas. A number of reasons are revealed to have attributed to the non-compliance of these taboos. These findings suggest the prospect for judicious integration of traditional practices with modern strategies, to enhance compliance. More studies on traditional knowledge that has a role in fisheries resources management are recommended, as are biophysical assessments in conjunction with traditional practices to reveal their scientific benefits. Successful community-based fisheries resources management in Tanzania will draw on modern and traditional perspectives.  相似文献   

Community-based fisheries management is being widely promoted as an alternative to centralized systems based on the familiar bioeconomic models that have manifestly failed to prevent a near catastrophic overexploitation of fish stocks worldwide. The Pacific Island Region probably contains the world’s greatest concentration of still-functioning traditional community-based systems for managing coastal-marine fisheries and other resources.It has been frequently asserted that many such traditional systems provide both a firm foundation for future coastal fisheries management in the Pacific Islands Region, as well as a conceptual framework for managing fisheries elsewhere. Although now seemingly self-evident to fisheries development “experts”, such assertions remain largely unverified.Whereas it is a relatively straightforward task to distil basic “design principles” from a sample of systems, it is far more complex to analyze the multi-sectoral national environment in which they function, especially when their history is taken into account. In other words, it is far less widely appreciated that many contemporary community-based fisheries management systems are the end products of a long process of change and adaptation to external pressures and constraints.In this article I address some of the broader contextual issues that should be appreciated in policymaking with respect to a potential modern role for traditional management systems in general, and in the analysis of a future role for any given system. First, the principal external factors that have caused change in systems are described and exemplified. The recognition of the potential role of existing community-based fisheries systems, and attempts to act on it, is summarized for some Pacific Island nations, with a focus on the complex problem of reconciling customary and statutory legal systems. In the final section I examine three principal national policy alternatives regarding the potential role of existing local fisheries management systems, together with three main criteria for determining whether or not a system can be adapted to fulfill modern requirements.  相似文献   

It was realized that with the increasing rate of deterioration of fisheries resource in the Philippines, there was no way the country could pursue a pathway of sustainable development. After enactment of the Local Government Code of 1991, the government actively promoted community-based fisheries management (CBFM) to conserve the coastal resources. The increased attention paid to community-based fisheries management has come about through experience of the poor performance of other approaches and through the study of traditional systems of community management of natural resources which have not only survived but also appear to perform better than the alternatives. This paper presents the results of a study to assess the impacts of CBFM projects in the Philippines, using meta-analysis, on the equity and sustainability of small-scale coastal fisheries. The outcomes indicate a positive impact of CBFM on the equity of both involvement in management and benefit sharing and sustainable management of fisheries resources through the investigation of effective magnitude (effect size) based on eight indicators. The positive summary effect sizes of participation, influence, control, access, and income conjunctly portrayed an improved equity in the fishing community by implementing CBFM. The positive summary effect sizes of compliance and conflict indicated an affirmative community and, therefore, sustainable fisheries management. While the negative summary effect size of resource revealed the difficulties in recovering fish abundance in a relatively short period of time. Also, ten years of implementation of CBFM was discovered as the minimum duration with perceived equity and sustainability improvement for most indicators.  相似文献   

Intertidal clam fisheries seem ideal candidates for the devolution of management authority from government to local stakeholders. In St. Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia, a private firm recently applied for a 10-year renewal of a large (1,627 ha) lease for quahog clam aquaculture. This case study examines the challenges of implementing community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in rural fisheries within a broad integrated coastal management (ICM) institutional environment that favours corporate stakeholders. The challenges facing clam harvesters in rural Digby Neck, Nova Scotia arise from poor communication and coordination within government and between government and communities, as well as higher-level policy conflicts. The most important challenge arises from ‘stealth privatization’ of clam beaches. A single firm was granted rights of first refusal to depurate all clams harvested from closed (polluted) beaches in the region, resulting in the de facto privatization of all (polluted and unpolluted) clam beaches. Experiences in other parts of Canada suggest there may be community-based governance approaches that avoid the pitfalls associated with corporate management of clam beaches. New thinking is required about how to moderate the ‘privatization paradigm’ so prevalent within senior levels of government in order to ensure environmental and social sustainability in rural fishing communities.  相似文献   

During the last 50 years, several different forms of fisheries governance have been tried and failed in the Cochin Estuary, Kerala, India. The latest shift has been from a community-based system to a co-management system, and this paper evaluates the current system in the light of the theoretical debate over the respective merits of community-based management and co-management. The paper is based on documentary material and data from interviews carried out during fieldwork in 2004, from which it concludes that provided the co-management system incorporates community principles within it, it will be an effective form of fisheries governance.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(3):239-249
Interviews with government staff responsible for fisheries management in Maluku, Indonesia in 1997–98 revealed problems in capacity, and an emphasis on economic development rather than management. The traditional institutions which persisted in some villages to regulate the access and withdrawal rights over key inshore species, were also disjunct from government departments. The period following December 1998 is marked by political upheaval, legislative change that (in theory) decentralized governance over inshore waters, and violent unrest centered in Maluku. All these make the data collected in 1997–98 of historical interest. The state of fisheries management in Maluku remains undefined, pending further legislative reform and peace that will allow governments and communities to negotiate and implement new institutional arrangements.  相似文献   

This paper examines a case involving a mix of Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries, co-management and the competition for using coastal zones. In the 2000s, Taiwan's government initiated a remodeling of the fishery right system, which is a rights-based approach to fisheries management, as an attempt to address conflicts between fishers and developers regarding the use of coastal space and to put community-based co-management into practice. The paper particularly compares the system before and after 2000 and identifies areas of concern in the implementation of the remodeled system. The results show that the government's support for this system signifies progress in the right direction. However, concerns emerge, mostly involving fishers' low participation, fishermen's association's lack of technical skills and financial resources, and the division of management responsibility. The government is advised to play a more active role in dealing with these concerns. Finally, the paper reveals that the factor of competition for using coastal zones poses a challenge to co-management, and suggests a holistic view with integrated coastal management or marine spatial planning practices, for developing co-management under the fishery right system.  相似文献   

The Tanga Coastal Zone Conservation and Development Programme, initiated in 1994, was among the first such projects to make livelihoods improvement a key objective, and to use a community-based approach. It developed an approach to coastal management planning that is broadly satisfactory to both communities and the government. Six fisheries management areas and two mangrove management areas were established. Institutional arrangements for the collaborative approach were strengthened and community leaders and local government officers were trained in a range of relevant skills. A coastal environmental education programme for primary schools involved several thousand schoolchildren, and a gender programme built the confidence of women. Implementation of the management measures was noticeably harder than planning, particularly elimination of destructive fishing methods. Fishers and coastal communities now however have a much greater involvement in, and understanding of, coastal management and consequently a greater sense of ownership.  相似文献   

Tropical small-scale fisheries are highly heterogeneous with respect to a wide range of fisheries characteristics, but that heterogeneity has generally not been adequately studied or considered in management. This study investigated fisheries heterogeneity and the extent to which it is accounted for in management regulations in eight small-scale fishing communities located in floodplain ecosystems of the Amazon basin. Analyses of 29,844 fishery landing interview data revealed that fisheries heterogeneity with respect to gear, habitat, species composition, and total catch and fishing effort was high across all communities, but low over the years in the same communities, indicating that each community must be considered as a distinct management unit. Data analyses also revealed that many important community fisheries characteristics were not accounted for by government- and community-based management regulations. Total catch and fishing effort were largely unregulated; there were no size or closed season limits for one-third of the most important fishery species; and the nursery habitats used by most fishery species were not protected in any fashion. Clearly, increased attention to cross-community fisheries heterogeneity can improve the design and implementation of management regulations. The management problems created by the heterogeneity of small-scale fisheries are discussed, and the potential of the “barefoot ecologist” concept to address them is considered.  相似文献   

Community-based fisheries management (CBFM) is held up as one of the most promising approaches for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries. Yet, the complex features that shape CBFM outcomes remain inadequately understood. In part, this stems from the fact that few community-based projects meet the data requirements for formal impact evaluations. Given this context, diagnostic approaches are increasingly seen as a frontier for strengthening CBFM analysis and securing small-scale fisheries sustainability. This study explores the capacity of Elinor Ostrom's social-ecological systems (SES) framework to strengthen post-hoc diagnosis of CBFM. It draws on data from published and grey literature (including field notes, meeting minutes, and project reports) generated throughout an eight-year CBFM project in five Solomon Island villages. Results suggest that successful CBFM outcomes were facilitated by effective information sharing, harvesting rules that merge traditional and contemporary practices, strong leadership, and resource monitoring, while uneven power differentials undermined positive outcomes. The paper argues that the SES framework can add analytical rigour to post-hoc analysis when it used to: 1) engage with temporal dynamics that shape CBFM processes; 2) integrate insights from plural theories, and 3) explore interactions between multiple CBFM outcomes. Ultimately, the paper argues that diagnostic applications of the SES framework can contribute towards conducting more systematic analysis of diverse CBFM data, improving CBRM practices, and realizing more sustainable small-scale fisheries  相似文献   

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