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A long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) survey of the entire West Iberian slope and rise has provided the first overview of the interrelationship between structure and sedimentation patterns on a continental margin. The results emphasize the importance of slope-following contour currents as a depositional mechanism in fashioning this continental rise. Terrigenous sediments transported down-canyon by-pass the rise which does not consist of a series of coalescing fans. The sedimentation patterns identified on the sonographs can be interpreted in terms of facies models and caution must be exercised against over-emphasis of downslope processes in models for the construction of lower slopes and rises.  相似文献   

G.F. Birch 《Marine Geology》1977,23(4):305-337
A combination of climatic and oceanic factors has resulted in slow sedimentation rates on the continental shelf off the west coast of South Africa since Tertiary times. This has enabled a study to be made of the residual Late Tertiary, relict Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.Sediments on the continental shelf form rough belts parallel to the coast. Most of the coarse sediment is confined to the littoral zone and Holocene mud is concentrated at the base of a rocky nearshore platform. A veneer of Quaternary quartzitic sand seawards of the Recent mud belt wedges out onto a Tertiary erosion surface on the mid shelf. Residual glauconite and phosphorite sands derived by erosion during Tertiary sea-level fluctuations cover large parts of the mid shelf in the south. Most of the slope and parts of the outer shelf in the north are draped by Recent foraminiferal and coccolithophorid debris.  相似文献   

Seismic character of gas hydrates on the Southeastern U.S. continental margin   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Gas hydrates are stable at relatively low temperature and high pressure conditions; thus large amounts of hydrates can exist in sediments within the upper several hundred meters below the sea floor. The existence of gas hydrates has been recognized and mapped mostly on the basis of high amplitude Bottom Simulating Reflections (BSRs) which indicate only that an acoustic contrast exists at the lower boundary of the region of gas hydrate stability. Other factors such as amplitude blanking and change in reflection characteristics in sediments where a BSR would be expected, which have not been investigated in detail, are also associated with hydrated sediments and potentially disclose more information about the nature of hydratecemented sediments and the amount of hydrate present.Our research effort has focused on a detailed analysis of multichannel seismic profiles in terms of reflection character, inferred distribution of free gas underneath the BSR, estimation of elastic parameters, and spatial variation of blanking. This study indicates that continuous-looking BSRs in seismic profiles are highly segmented in detail and that the free gas underneath the hydrated sediment probably occurs as patches of gas-filled sediment having variable thickness. We also present an elastic model for various types of sediments based on seismic inversion results. The BSR from sediments of high ratio of shear to compressional velocity, estimated as about 0.52, encased in sediments whose ratios are less than 0.35 is consistent with the interpretation of gasfilled sediments underneath hydrated sediments. This model contrasts with recent results in which the BSR is explained by increased concentrations of hydrate near the base of the hydrate stability field and no underlying free gas is required.  相似文献   

Land—ocean transfer of sediment and organic matter along the Moroccan Atlantic margin (NW Africa) seems to have been very effective during the last 130 ka. In a marine core from this region, we found total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging from 0.3 to 1.7 dry wt% of bulk sediments. These relatively high values are fairly unusual, as the core was recovered from an open-ocean environment that is currently oligotrophic. In order to explain this trend, more typical of an upwelling eutrophic setting, three processes were evaluated: (1) in situ primary production associated with the extension of the Cape Ghir upwelling filament, (2) bottom water conditions that may favour organic carbon preservation and (3) lateral organic carbon advection. The site occasionally experienced more eutrophic conditions, especially during termination I; here, we recorded a relative high abundance of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, suggesting high primary production. However, given the absence of correlation between TOC and G. bulloides records, high TOC storage cannot be attributed exclusively to primary production. Preservation factors such as bottom water ventilation are also ruled out. Lateral TOC advection seems to be the most plausible process. Today, lateral advection and offshore transport of nutrients and organic matter characterize the study region. However, the triggering mechanisms deserve further investigation. Different controlling factors influencing the mobilization and advection of organic carbon from coastal upwelling sites to the deep basin are discussed. The correlation found between down-core TOC and sea-level changes suggests sea-level fluctuations as the most effective mechanism driving nepheloid layer detachment and seaward material transport.  相似文献   

Seventeen piston cores were collected at 25-km intervals following the 3500-m isobath along a 400-km portion of the continental rise off the southeastern United States. The area extends between the Hatteras Canyon System and the tip of the Blake Outer Ridge. This study evaluates the mechanisms of rise formation over a large continental-rise area.From north to south, the calcium-carbonate content increases, minerals indicative of a northerly source are partially replaced by minerals more representative of the southern U.S. and Caribbean, and the sedimentation rate decreases. No identifiable turbidites were noted in any of the cores. Coarse-grained layers are infrequent; most are less than 2 cm in thickness and none showed grading. Radiography of several cores revealed mottling throughout. Bottom photographs show that present bottom-current movement closely parallels contours and flow is in a general southerly direction.The results indicate that contour-following bottom currents are primarily responsible for shaping this part of the U.S. Atlantic rise. Turbidity currents may be important only as a source of sediment, via overflows, to be transported south by bottom currents.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possible environmental impact of oily cuttings discharged during oil exploration activities, we studied the benthic foraminiferal faunas in a five-station, 4-km-long sampling transect around a cuttings disposal site at about 670 m depth offshore Angola (W Africa), where drilling activities started 1.5 years before sampling. Living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminiferal faunas were sampled in March 2006. The faunal patterns mirror the spatial distribution of hydrocarbons, which are dispersed into a southeastern direction. Four different areas can be distinguished on the basis of the investigated faunal parameters (density, diversity and species composition of the living fauna, and comparison with subrecent dead faunas). The fauna at station S31, 300 m SE of the oil cuttings disposal site, appears to be clearly impacted: the faunal density and diversity are maximal, but evenness is minimal. Taxa sensitive to organic enrichment, such as Uvigerina peregrina, Cancris auriculus and Cribrostomoides subglobosus, have largely disappeared, whereas the low-oxygen-resistant taxon Chilostomella oolina and opportunistic buliminids and bolivinids attain relatively high densities. At station S32, 500 m SE of the disposal site, environmental impact is still perceptible. The faunal density is slightly increased, and U. peregrina, apparently the most sensitive species, is still almost absent. The faunas found at 1 and 1.8 km SE of the disposal site are apparently no longer impacted by the drill mud disposal. Faunal density and diversity are low, and the faunal composition is typical for a mesotrophic to eutrophic upper slope environment. Finally, Station S35, 2 km NW of the disposal site, contains an intermediate fauna, where both the low-oxygen-resistant C. oolina and the more sensitive taxa (U. peregrina, C. auriculus and C. subglobosus) are present. All taxa live close to the sediment–water interface here, indicating a reduced oxygen penetration into the sediment. Since the hydrocarbon concentration is low at this station, it appears that the faunal characteristics are the consequence of a slightly different environmental setting, and not due to a contamination with drill cuttings. Our data underline the large potential of benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of anthropogenic enrichment in open marine settings, such as caused by the disposal of oily drill cuttings. The foraminiferal faunas react essentially by a density increase of a number of tolerant and/or opportunistic taxa, and a progressive disappearance of more sensitive taxa in the most impacted area. Rather surprisingly, large-sized taxa appear to be more sensitive than small-sized foraminiferal taxa.  相似文献   

Major plastered drift sequences were imaged using high-resolution multichannel seismics during R/V Meteor cruises M63/1 and M75/3 south of the Mozambique Channel along the continental margin of Mozambique off the Limpopo River. Detailed seismic-stratigraphic analyses enabled the reconstruction of the onset and development of the modern, discontinuous, eddy-dominated Mozambique Current. Major drift sequences can first be identified during the Early Miocene. Consistent with earlier findings, a progressive northward shift of the depocenter indicates that, on a geological timescale, a steady but variable Mozambique Current existed from this time onward. It can furthermore be shown that, during the Early/Middle Miocene, a coast-parallel current was established off the Limpopo River as part of a lee eddy system driven by the Mozambique Current. Modern sedimentation is controlled by the interplay between slope morphology and the lee eddy system, resulting in upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Water. Drift accumulations at larger depths are related to the reworking of sediment by deep-reaching eddies that migrate southward, forming the Mozambique Current and eventually merging with the Agulhas Current.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios (δ13C) of total organic carbon were measured in surface sediments from the continental margins of the northern and western Gulf of Mexico, the north coast of Alaska and the Niger Delta. Gulf of Mexico outer-shelf isotope ratios were in the same range as has been reported for Atlantic coastal shelf sediments, ?21.5 to ?20‰. Off large rivers including the Mississippi, Niger and Atchafalaya (Louisiana), δ13C values increased from terrigenous-influenced (around ?24‰) to typically marine (~?20‰) within a few tens of kilometers from shore. This change was accompanied by a decrease in the amount of woody terrigenous plant remains in the sediment. Alaskan continental margin samples from the cold Beaufort Sea had isotopically more negative carbon (?25.5 to ?22.6‰) than did warmer-water sediments. The data indicate that the bulk of organic carbon in Recent sediments from nearshore to outer continental shelves is marine derived.  相似文献   

This study reports on measurements of organic carbon (Corg) and total nitrogen (Ntot) in surface sediments originating from 6 transects along the northwest European continental margin. After elimination of carbonates by an acidification technique using sulphurous acid, both elements were analysed in the same sediment sample using an elemental analyser. Corg and Ntot in the sample were comparatively low, ranging between 1 and 10 mg C and 0.2 to 1 mg N g−1 dry sediment. In a second analysis, the samples were analysed without acid addition, resulting in Ntot concentrations of 0–50% higher compared to their acidified counterparts. As a consequence, molar C/N ratios derived from the analysis of Corg and Ntot in the acidified sample ranged between 6 to 11, while the Ntot separate analysis reduced C/N ratios to 6 to 8. It is suggested that the addition of sulphurous acid to eliminate inorganic carbon volatilises nitrogenous organic matter.  相似文献   

The textural and compositional characteristics of the surficial shelf sediments north and south of the Orange River Delta are reviewed and compared. Sediments are fractionated and dispersed both north- and southwards of the Orange River mouth by wave action, longshore drift and subsurface currents. The mean grain size decreases both offshore and southwards in response to decreased wave influence at the seabed and the competence of the weak poleward undercurrent respectively. The increasing dominance of marine biogenic components in sediments south of the prodelta indicates a greater marine influence, modifying previous inferences that the Namaqualand mudbelt is primarily derived from the southward transport of Orange River sediments. A sharp distinction can be drawn between sediments of the Orange Shelf to the south and the Walvis Shelf to the north. Foraminiferarich deposits that dominate the Orange middle shelf and slope indicate that upwelling is an inner-shelf phenomenon. On the Walvis Shelf, foraminiferal sediments are confined to the slope and outer shelf. Fish debris is more common in Walvis Shelf sediments. Although phosphorite and glauconite sands often occur together in the same deposits on the Orange Shelf, the two minerals are concentrated in separate deposits on the Walvis Shelf.  相似文献   

The sources and fates of metabolizable organic carbon were examined at three sites on the North Carolina slope positioned offshore of Cape Fear, Cape Lookout and Cape Hatteras. The13C/12C compositions (δ13C) of the solid phase organic matter, and the dissolved inorganic carbon (ΣCO2) produced during its oxidation, suggested that the labile fraction was predominantly marine in origin. The ΣCO2 concentration gradient across the sediment-water interface, and by inference the ΣCO2 flux and production rate, increased northward from Cape Fear to Cape Hatteras. Methane distributions and ΣCO2 δ13C values suggest that the rate of anaerobic diagenesis increased northward as well. The differences in sedimentary biogeochemistry are most likely driven by an along-slope gradient of reactive organic carbon flux to the seabed. This trend in reactive organic carbon flux correlates well with macrofaunal densities previously observed at the three sites. Proximity to the shelf and the transport of particulate material by surface boundary currents may control the deposition of metabolizable material on the Carolina slope.Evidence for methanogenesis was found only on the Cape Hatteras slope. The methane, which was produced at a depth of approximately 1 m in the seabed, was consumed nearly quantitatively in the biologically mixed layer as it diffused upward. Irrigation of the sediments by infauna may have provided the necessary oxidant for the consumption of the methane.  相似文献   

Lagrangian experiments with short-term, drifting sediment traps were conducted during a cruise on RRS Charles Darwin to the NW coast of Spain to study the vertical flux and composition of settling biogenic matter. The cruise was split into two legs corresponding to (i) a period of increased production following an upwelling event on the continental shelf (3–10 August 1998) and (ii) an evolution of a cold water filament originating from the upwelled water off the shelf (14–19 August). The export of particulate organic carbon (POC) from the upper layer (0–60m) on the shelf was 90–240mgC.m−2.d−1 and off the shelf was 60–180mgC.m−2.d−1. Off shelf the POC flux at 200m was 50–60mg.m−2.d−1. A modest sedimentation of diatoms (15–30mgC.m−2.d−1) after the upwelling was associated with increased vertical flux of chlorophyll a (1.8–2.1mg.m−2.d−1) and a decrease of the POC:PON molar ratio of the settled material from 9 to 6.4. Most of the pico-, nano-, and microplankton in the settled material were flagellates; diatoms were significant during the on shelf and dinoflagellates during the off shelf leg. Off shelf, the exponential attenuation of POC flux indicated a strong retention capacity of the plankton community between 40 and 75m. POC:PON ratio of the settled particulate matter decreased with depth and the relative portion of flagellates increased, suggesting a novel, flagellate and aggregate mediated particulate flux in these waters. Export of POC from the euphotic layer comprised 14–26% of the integrated primary production per day during the on shelf leg and 25–42% during the off shelf leg, which characterises the importance of sedimentation in the organic carbon budget of these waters.  相似文献   

Quaternary sediments at the southwest end of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel are preserved as a basin plain succession of variable fill geometry and lithology. In high-resolution seismic profiles the basin plain succession is characterised by laterally discontinuous and transparent, mounded lensoid bodies interbedded with acoustically well-layered sediments which display drape and onlapping reflection configurations. The lensoid bodies comprise an up to 50 m thick amalgamated package of mass-flow deposits consisting primarily of debris-flow diamictons. They represent resedimented glacigenic deposits derived from the West Shetland Shelf. Accumulation of these packages was episodic and related to specific rapid phases of downslope resedimentation, most probably concomitant with ice-marginal deposition on the West Shetland Slope. The acoustically well-layered sediments include glaciomarine hemipelagites and contourites. These indicate phases of reduced sediment supply from the adjacent shelf and slope areas, and probably represent the more pervasive “background” sedimentation in the basin. Although weak bottom-current activity may have prevailed throughout the glacial episodes, the onset of vigorous bottom-current circulation occurred at the changeover from a glacial to an interglacial regime. The debris flow packages form about 50% of the basin-plain sediments in this part of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel, thereby forming a significant component of the deep-water succession.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic processes sort and redistribute organic matter (OM) and minerals on continental margins. Density fractionations were conducted on sediments from diverse margins (Mexico margin, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River delta, Eel River margin) to investigate the nature, provenance and age of OM among density fractions. Mass, elemental (C and N), lignin, and surface area distributions, as well as stable carbon and radiocarbon isotopic compositions were measured. The lowest density fractions (< 1.6 g cm− 3) contained the highest organic carbon (OC) (up to 45%) and lignin concentrations (up to 8 mg g− 1) due to abundant woody debris, whereas high density fractions (> 2.5 g cm− 3) were OC-poor (%OC < 0.5) mineral material. Most sediment mass was found in the mesodensity fractions (1.6 to 2.5 g cm− 3) that contained the highest proportion of OC (up to ~ 75%) for each sediment. Stable carbon isotope compositions (δ13C − 25.5‰ to − 22.9‰) show terrigenous OC as a significant component of density isolates from the river-dominated sediments (Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, and Eel margin), whereas the Mexico margin, least influenced by riverine input, was dominated by autochthonous marine OC (δ13C ~ − 21.5‰). Radiocarbon compositions of density fractions indicate significant pre-aged OC (Δ14C as low as − 900‰) in river-influenced sediments but not on the Mexico margin (Δ14C > − 200‰). Ratios of vanillic acid to vanillin (Ad/Al)v among lignin oxidation products increase with increasing particle density suggesting variable lignin sources or selective degradation of lignin among the different density fractions.  相似文献   

Sedimentary, isotopic and bulk geochemical proxies measured in sediment samples of five gravity cores collected in the distal part of the Ogooue turbidite system (around 4000 m-depth) were used to develop a conceptual model to describe the accumulation of terrigenous organic matter (OM) during the last 200,000 yrs BP in the eastern part of the Gulf of Guinea. This model takes into account the influence of the different depositional processes (turbiditic vs hemipelagic sedimentation), geomorphological features and sea-level variations.Total organic carbon (TOC) and the stable organic carbon isotopes of the OM (δ13C) variability follow the highstand/lowstand (interglacial/glacial) cyclicity with a very low accumulation rate of terrigenous OM during periods of high sea-level and higher accumulation rate during period of low sea-level. A sea-level of 80–120 m below present day seems to favor the transfer of terrigenous sediments to the deep offshore environment through the turbidite system and thanks to the connection of the canyons heads with the river system presently located at the shelf edge at −120 m water depth.In this system, terrigenous OM matter delivered by the river accumulate in the sediments via two main processes. Indeed, a part of the terrigenous OM settles in combination with the finest particles forming hemipelagites, while another part, formed of very well preserved land plant debris, is transported and deposited far offshore with turbidity currents. The proportion of terrigenous OM accumulated due to turbidity currents is important as it can represent more than 70% of the carbon accumulated during sea-level lowstand. Moreover, terrigenous OM seems to preferentially accumulate in the levees and the lobes of the system notably due to the higher frequency of organic-rich turbidites.This study demonstrates that gravity flows, influenced by the sea-level variations, can significantly affect the terrigenous OM budget of the deep offshore Atlantic margins and that channel-levee complexes as well as turbidite lobes can be regarded as good sink for terrestrial organic carbon. These processes should be taken into consideration in the context of source rocks exploration but also for the estimation of the general carbon accumulation in ocean sediment.  相似文献   

Composition and accumulation rates of organic carbon in Holocene sediments provided data to calculate an organic carbon budget for the Laptev Sea continental margin. Mean Holocene accumulation rates in the inner Laptev Sea vary between 0.14 and 2.7 g C cm−2 ky−1; maximum values occur close to the Lena River delta. Seawards, the mean accumulation rates decrease from 0.43 to 0.02 g C cm−2 ky−1. The organic matter is predominantly of terrigenous origin. About 0.9 × 106 t year−1 of organic carbon are buried in the Laptev Sea, and 0.25 × 106 t year−1 on the continental slope. Between about 8.5 and 9 ka, major changes in supply of terrigenous and marine organic carbon occur, related to changes in coastal erosion, Siberian river discharge, and/or Atlantic water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin. Received: 26 October 1998 / Revision accepted: 15 June 1999  相似文献   

何建华  余雯  尹明端 《台湾海峡》2010,29(2):277-282
分析了楚科奇海数个站位表层沉积物中有机碳含量、J8站位的沉积速率和有机碳含量的垂直分布.结果显示沉积物中有机碳含量为0.56%~2.00%,平均值为1.31%(m/m,下同),J8站位有机碳含量随埋藏深度的增加呈略为降低的趋势,有机碳的埋藏速率约1.56mg/(cm2.a),相对于楚科奇海和该站位的浮游植物光合作用合成的有机碳而言,进入沉积物的有机碳占初级生产力的比例很高.这说明楚科奇海沉积物有很高的接纳初级生产者产生的有机碳并将其固定、保存的能力.  相似文献   

Analyses of DSRV “Alvin” core samples on the Cape Hatteras margin indicate major textural and compositional changes at depths of about 1000 and well below 2500 m. The distribution patterns of petrologic parameters correlate well with water mass flow and suspended-sediment plumes measured on this margin by other workers. Our study also shows: (a) vigorous erosion and sediment transport at depths of less than 400 m resulting from the NE-trending Gulf Stream flow; (b) deposition, largely planktonic-rich sediment released from the Gulf Stream, on the upper- to mid-slope, to depths of about 800–1200 m; (c) winnowing, resuspension and deposition induced by periodically intensified slope currents on the mid-slope to uppermost rise, between about 1000 and 2500 m; and (d) prevailing deposition on the upper rise proper (below 2500 m), from transport by the SW-trending Western Boundary Undercurrent. Sediments moved by bottom currents have altered the composition and distribution patterns of material transported downslope by offshelf spillover; this mixing of gravity-emplaced and bottom-current-transported sediment obscures depositional boundaries. Moreover, reworking of the seafloor by benthic organisms alters physical properties and changes erodability of surficial sediments by bottom currents. Measurement of current flow above the seafloor and direct observation of the bottom are insufficient to delineate surficial sediment boundaries. Detailed petrologic analyses are needed to recognize the long-term signature of processes and define depositional provinces.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(1-2):43-56
The sedimentary processes and sediment sources contributing to the formation of laminated sediments along the upper slope off Pakistan are unravelled using inorganic bulk sediment geochemistry of 43 surface cores from the Pakistani continental margin and additional geochemical and Pb and Nd-isotope data for different types of layers. An important process everywhere along the margin is redeposition of fluvial-derived detritus from the shelf onto the slope. This process is of considerably higher intensity along the Makran margin than on the Indus margin. Trace element enrichment related to early diagenesis or surface productivity, which is commonly detectable in bulk sediment composition, is swamped by the high clastic supply in the Makran region, but may be observed in the Indus region.Four types of layers are found in the laminated sediment cores from the upper slope. They reflect different mechanisms of deposition and different sediment sources. An alternating pattern of olive-grey and black layers results from downslope redeposition of fluvial material over most of the year, to which organic matter from sea surface production is added during the late summer monsoon season. Distinctive white to grey coloured layers along the Makran slope originate from large scale expulsion of sediments from the Makran accretionary wedge through mud volcanoes on the shelf, subsequent erosion by waves, and downslope redeposition. These layers may dominate the sedimentary record within the Makran accretionary wedge, but are absent on the Indus margin. Occasional red coloured turbidites, which probably represent larger floods on the Indus plain, contribute to this mixture of varying sedimentary processes and sediment sources along the Pakistani continental slope.  相似文献   

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