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Permafrost degradation associated with the expansion of thermokarst lakes is commonly interrupted by catastrophic drainage. Subsequently, in tundra areas, permafrost aggradation in drained basins leads to uneven topography characterized by raised centres and wet, depressed margins. The genesis of such topography has been investigated in Old Crow Flats (OCF), a glaciolacustrine plain in the continuous permafrost of northern Yukon. The thermokarst lakes of OCF have a mean depth of only 1.5 m because excess ice is dominantly found only in the uppermost 10 m of the ground. Surface conditions were measured in three drained thermokarst lake basins, including relief, snow conditions, ground temperatures, near‐surface ground ice, and sediment stratigraphy. Four nearby lakes provided information on wave base, shore recession patterns, and bathymetry before drainage: the bottoms of these lakes were not raised in the centre. An elevation difference of up to 2 m was recorded between drained basin margins and centres but was not associated with variations in ice‐wedge density or segregated ice content. Hence basin topography was not controlled by differences in volumetric ground‐ice content between margins and centres. We propose that transport of fine sediment away from eroding lake margins during lake development is the primary mechanism for the genesis of depressed margins and raised centres in drained basins of OCF. Over time, the transport results in the deposition of more and finer sediment in the central parts of lakes, where the lake bottom has subsided below wave base, than at the shallow margins, where resuspension by wave action occurs frequently. This difference in sediment volume is revealed in the topography after drainage, when permafrost aggrades in the lake‐bottom sediment and underlying talik. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of the critical erosion threshold (τcrit) in sediment have been measured at 11 stations along the axis of the Tamar Estuary and at a single station in a tributary of the Tamar at St. John's Ford. The τcrit of surface sediment increased from 0.04 Pa in the upper, brackish estuary to 0.09 Pa in the lower estuary. In the upper estuary τcrit only increased slightly with depth whereas in the marine estuary τcrit increased rapidly from 0.09 Pa at the surface to 0.25 Pa at 15 cm below the sediment surface. The results showed that the relationship between τcrit and bulk density (ρb) obtained previously for surface sediment was also applicable to sediments from depths of 10–15 cm and probably deeper. Profiles of ρb were measured to depths of 70 cm using a corer. In the lower (marine) estuary ρb increased with depth in the sediment from 1580 kg m−3 at the surface to 1720 kg m−3 at 70 cm. In the upper estuary ρb values were lower at 1170–1200 kg m−3 and profiles were almost homogeneous indicating that consolidation was not occurring. The mid-estuary was transitional between these two situations. These results are consistent with the seasonal accumulation and loss of ‘mobile’ sediment observed previously in the upper estuary with changes in river flow, and with the apparent stability of intertidal mud in the lower marine estuary deduced from historical bathymetric survey records. The slopes of the intertidal mud banks ranged from 1–2% in the lower estuary to 20–25% in mid-estuary but, instead of continuing to increase in steepness towards the head as the estuary became narrower, the measured slopes actually decreased. It is speculated that the lack of consolidation through continual mobilisation and settlement cycles combined with an increase in silt content in the upper estuary resulted in sediment that lacked the mechanical strength to maintain steep slopes.  相似文献   

Deposition and storage of fine‐grained (<62·5 μm) sediment in the hyporheic zone of gravel bed rivers frequently represents an important cause of aquatic habitat degradation. The particle size characteristics of such fine‐grained bed sediment (FGBS) exert an important control on its hydrodynamic properties and environmental impact. Traditionally, particle size analysis of FGBS in gravel bed rivers has focused on the absolute size distribution of the chemically dispersed mineral fraction. However, recent work has indicated that in common with fluvial suspended sediment, significant differences may exist between the absolute and the in situ, or effective, particle size composition of FGBS, as a result of the existence of aggregates, or composite particles. In the investigation reported in this paper, sealable bed traps that could be remotely opened to sample sediment deposited during specific storm runoff events and a laser back‐scatter probe were used to quantify the temporal and spatial variability of both the absolute and effective particle size composition of FGBS, and the associated suspended sediment from four gravel bed rivers in the Exe Basin, Devon, UK. The absolute particle size distributions of both the FGBS and suspended sediment evidenced c. >95%<62·5 μm sized primary particles and displayed a seasonal winter–summer fining, while the opposite trend was displayed by the effective particle size distribution of the FGBS and suspended sediment. The effective particle size distributions of both were typically highly aggregated, comprising up to 68%>62·5 μm sized particles. Spatial variation in the effective particle size and aggregation parameters was of secondary importance relative to temporal variation. The effective particle size distribution of the FGBS was consistently coarser and more aggregated than the associated suspended sediment and there was evidence of aggregate break‐up in samples of resuspended bed sediment. The implications of these findings for sediment transport modelling are considered. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

H. Marttila  B. Kløve 《水文研究》2014,28(17):4756-4765
Lowland catchments in Finland are intensively managed, promoting erosion and sedimentation that negatively affects aquatic environments. This study quantified fine‐grained bed sediment in the main channel and upstream headwaters of the River Sanginjoki (399.93 km2) catchment, Northern Finland, using remobilization sediment sampling during the ice‐free period (May 2010–December 2011). Average bed sediment storage in river was 1332 g m?2. Storage and seasonal variations were greater in small headwater areas (total bed sediment storage mean 1527 g m?2, range 122–6700 g m?2 at individual sites; storage of organic sediment: mean 414 g m?2, range 27–3159 g m?2) than in the main channel (total bed sediment storage: mean 1137 g m?2, range 61–4945 g m?2); storage of organic sediment: mean 329 g m?2, range 13–1938 g m?2). Average reach‐specific bed sediment storage increased from downstream to upstream tributaries. In main channel reaches, mean specific storage was 8.73 t km?1, and mean specific storage of organic sediment 2.45 t km?1, whereas in tributaries, it was 126.94 and 34.05 t km?1, respectively. Total fine‐grained bed sediment storage averaged 563 t in the main channel and 6831 t in the catchment. The proportion of mean organic matter at individual sites was 15–47% and organic carbon 4–455 g C m?2, with both being highest in small headwater tributaries. Main channel bed sediment storage comprised 52% of mean annual suspended sediment flux and stored organic carbon comprised 7% of mean annual total organic carbon load. This indicates the importance of small headwater brooks for temporary within‐catchment storage of bed sediment and organic carbon and the significance of fine‐grained sediment stored in channels for the suspended sediment budget of boreal lowland rivers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extreme sedimentation in Swift Creek, located in the Cascades foothills in NW Washington (48°55′N, 122°16′W), results from erosion of the oversteepened, unvegetated toe of a large (55 hectares) active landslide. Deposition of landslide‐derived sediment has necessitated costly mitigation projects in the channel including annual dredging and temporary sediment traps in an attempt to reduce the risk of flooding and damage to man‐made structures downstream. This study attempts to understand the process of sediment production along with the corresponding erosion rates of the sediment source to help with the development of mitigation plans and construction of optimal sediment reservoirs. The bedload and suspended sediment in the creek are a direct result of the weathering process of the serpentinitic bedrock underlying the landslide. The serpentinite does not weather to smectite clay, as previously thought. Instead, it weathers to asbestiform chrysotile with minor amounts of chlorite, illite and hydrotalcite, all of which occur in clay seeps on the unvegetated surface of the landslide. The chrysotile fibers average 2 µm in length and make up at least 50%, by volume, of the suspended load transported in Swift Creek. This study does not address the environmental or health implications of the asbestiform chrysotile transport or deposition. During the sampled time between February 2005 and February 2006, 127 discrete suspended sediment samples were collected and discharge was measured 66 times. The suspended sediment concentrations ranged from 0·02 g L?1 to 41·6 g L?1 and the discharge ranged from 0·0 m3 s?1 to 0·5 m3 s?1. A nonlinear functional model estimated the total suspended sediment flux from detailed precipitation records and discrete suspended sediment concentration and discharge measurements to be 910 t km?2 yr?1. When the suspended sediment flux is coupled with estimates of downstream deposition of coarse sediment, the estimated erosion rate for the entire Swift Creek landslide is 158 mm yr?1. The majority of the material entering Swift Creek is presumed to originate on the unvegetated toe of the landslide, for which the erosion rate is thus approximately 1 m yr?1. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

D. Markovic  M. Koch 《水文研究》2014,28(4):2202-2211
Long‐term variations and temporal scaling of mean monthly time series of river flow, precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, duration of bright sunshine, degree of cloud cover, short wave radiation, wind speed and potential evaporation within or in vicinity of the German part of the Elbe River Basin are analyzed. Statistically significant correlations between the 2–15 year scale‐averaged wavelet spectra of the hydroclimatic variables and the North Atlantic Oscillation‐ and Arctic Oscillation index are found which suggests that such long‐term patterns in hydroclimatic time series are externally forced. The Hurst parameter estimates (H) based on the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) indicate persistence for discharge, precipitation, wind speed, air pressure and the degree of cloud cover, all having an annual cycle and a broad low‐frequency distribution. Also, DFA H parameter estimates are higher for discharge than for precipitation. The major long‐term quasi‐periodic variability modes of precipitation detected using Singular Spectrum Analysis coincide with those detected in the discharge time series. Upon subtraction of these low‐frequency quasi‐periodic modes, the DFA H parameter estimates suggest absence of the persistence for both precipitation and discharge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to a reliable, easy-to-handle and economically viable erosion risk assessment of contaminated riverine sites, the present study aims to implement master-variables best characterising the sediment stability. Thus, a wide range of sediment properties was related to the critical shear stress for mass erosion, determined in the SETEG (Stroemungskanal zur Ermittlung der tiefenabhaengigen Erosionsstabilitaet von Gewaessersedimenten) pressurised channel, with special emphasis on vertical and temporal gradients in the Lauffen reservoir on the River Neckar. Over the course of 1 year, positive impacts of some macrofauna species and benthic diatoms on the sediment stability were detected for the sediment surface (0.5 cm). However, a high seasonal variability of biological parameters caused varying relations with erosion resistance in the upper sediment layers as shown for the colloidal carbohydrates. Considering only deeper sediment layers (5–35 cm), a more general pattern could be revealed with correlations between the critical shear stress and single sediment properties such as depth, grain size, total organic carbon (TOC), cation exchange coefficient (CEC), carbohydrates and proteins. Firstly, the influence of physico-chemical and biological properties on erosion resistance became evident, even over depths at 0–35 cm. Secondly, inter-particle forces are most important for erosion resistance. These are enhanced in fine-grained sediment layers, offering high binding capacities but also strengthened by polymeric substances permeating the void space and coating particles. These covariance patterns of sedimentological and biological parameters are addressed by multivariate statistical tests (principal component analysis), resulting in a higher magnitude of the correlation coefficient between critical shear stress and the master-variables in main component II (polymeric substances, grain size, TOC, CEC; R=0.77) compared to single correlations.  相似文献   

Increasing recognition of the deleterious environmental effects of excessive fine sediment delivery to watercourses means that reliable sediment source assessment represents a fundamental component of catchment planning targeting the protection of freshwater resources and their ecological integrity. Sediment tracing or fingerprinting approaches have been increasingly used to provide catchment scale sediment source information, but there is a need to continue refining existing procedures especially with respect to uncertainty analysis during mass balance modelling. Consequently, an updated Monte Carlo numerical modelling framework was devised and tested, incorporating both conventional and robust statistics coupled with random and Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) together with local and genetic algorithm (GA) optimisation. A sediment sourcing study undertaken in the River Axe catchment, southwest England, suggested that the use of robust statistics and LHS with GA optimisation generated the best performance with respect to predicting measured bed sediment geochemistry in six out of eight model applications. On this basis, the catchment‐wide average median sediment source contributions were predicted to be 38 ± 1% (pasture topsoils), 3 ± 1% (cultivated topsoils), 37 ± 1% (damaged road verges) and 22 ± 1% (channel banks/subsurface sources). Using modelling frameworks which provide users with flexibility to compare local and global optimisation during uncertainty analysis is recommended for future sediment tracing studies. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present work develops an approach to seamlessly blend satellite, available radar, climatological and gauge precipitation products to fill gaps in ground‐based radar precipitation field. To mix different precipitation products, the error of any of the products relative to each other should be removed. For bias correction, the study uses an ensemble‐based method that aims to estimate spatially varying multiplicative biases in SPEs using a radar precipitation product. A weighted successive correction method (SCM) is used to make the merging between error corrected satellite and radar precipitation estimates. In addition to SCM, we use a combination of SCM and Bayesian spatial model for merging the rain gauges (RGs) and climatological precipitation sources with radar and SPEs. We demonstrated the method using a satellite‐based hydro‐estimator; a radar‐based, stage‐II; a climatological product, Parameter‐elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model and a RG dataset for several rain events from 2006 to 2008 over an artificial gap in Oklahoma and a real radar gap in the Colorado River basin. Results show that: the SCM method in combination with the Bayesian spatial model produced a precipitation product in good agreement with independent measurements. The study implies that using the available radar pixels surrounding the gap area, RG, Parameter‐elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model and satellite products, a radar‐like product is achievable over radar gap areas that benefit the operational meteorology and hydrology community. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The contamination of surface sediments in Guan River Estuary, China, by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been fully investigated. Total concentrations of 21 PAHs ranged from 90 to 218 ng/g with an average of 132.7 ng/g, which is relatively low in comparison with other estuaries around the world. PAH concentrations appeared to be positively correlated with clay content and negatively correlated with sediment grain size. Source identification implied that the PAHs originated mainly from pyrolytic sources. However, source patterns may be continuously changed to a petrogenic origin due to the heavy ship traffic and continuous discharge of oily sewage in this area. The PAH levels were also compared with international Sediments Quality Guidelines and Sediments Quality Criteria, and the results indicated low negative effects for most individual PAHs. However, toxic effects related to FLO would occur occasionally in most locations in the estuary.  相似文献   

An assessment of water quality measurements during a spring flood in the Elbe River is presented. Daily samples were taken at a site in the middle Elbe, which is part of the network of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River (IKSE/MKOL). Cluster analysis (CA), principal components analysis (PCA), and source apportionment (APCS apportioning) were used to assess the flood‐dependent matter transport. As a result, three main components could be extracted as important to the matter transport in the Elbe River basin during flood events: (i) re‐suspended contaminated sediments, which led to temporarily increased concentrations of suspended matter and of most of the investigated heavy metals; (ii) water discharge related concentrations of pedogenic dissolved organic matter (DOM) as well as preliminary diluted concentrations of uranium and chloride, parameters with stable pollution background in the river basin; and (iii) abandoned mines, i.e., their dewatering systems, with particular influence on nickel, manganese, and zinc concentrations.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of linearly modulated optically stimulated luminescence (LM‐OSL) to distinguish surface‐soil derived sediments from those derived from channel bank erosion. LM‐OSL signals from quartz extracted from 15 surface‐soil and five channel bank samples were analysed and compared to signals from samples collected from two downstream river sites. Discriminant analysis showed that the detrapping probabilities of fast, first slow and second slow components of the LM‐OSL signal can be used to differentiate between the samples collected from the channel bank and surface‐soil sources. We show that for each of these source end members these components are all normally distributed. These distributions are then used to estimate the relative contribution of surface‐soil derived and channel bank derived sediment to the river bed sediments. The results indicate that channel bank derived sediments dominate the sediment sources at both sites, with 90.1 ± 3% and 91.9 ± 1.9% contributions. These results are in agreement with a previous study which used measurements of 137Cs and 210Pbex fallout radionuclides to estimate the relative contribution from these two sources. This result shows that LM‐OSL may be a useful method, at least in the studied catchment, to estimate the relative contribution of surface soil and channel erosion to river sediments. However, further research in different settings is required to test the difference of OSL signals in distinguishing these sediment sources. And if generally acceptable, this technique may provide an alternative to the use of fallout radionuclides for source tracing. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigated the variability of precipitation conditions in the Haihe River basin (HRB) during 1961–2010 by analyzing four daily precipitation scenarios. These scenarios were set with the values of, equal to 0 mm/day, 10–20 mm/day, 20–50 mm/day, and greater than 50 mm/day, which were denoted as P0, P10, P20, and P50, respectively. Results indicate that the mean values of daily precipitation decline, and its fluctuation becomes weak with years in HRB. The contour of daily precipitation with the mean value of 1.4 mm/day moves more than 100 km toward southeast in the basin from 1960s to 2000s. The variations of four precipitation scenarios show difference. The Tianjin and Langfang cities were the P0 drought center in HRB after 1980s, and the days and regions without precipitation increase with years. The magnitude of P10 extrema shows no significant changes over the last 50 years, but the rainfall centers vary with areas in HRB. The magnitude of P20 extrema shows no obvious changes in 1961–2000 but increases in 2000s. The magnitude of P50 extrema obviously declines in the last 50 years, with the rainfall center moving from northeast to south of HRB. Urbanization impacts are reflected in some cities in 1980s and 1990s, but after 2000, the urbanization impacts were not clearly detected due to the significant precipitation decreases in HRB. In summary, precipitation decrease is caused by the decreases of P50 extrema rather than P10 and P20 extrema in HRB, which would be favorable for the flood resources utilization through ample‐low flow operations over space. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Antidunes and their sedimentary structures can be useful in reconstructing paleo‐hydraulic conditions, especially for large discharge events. However, three‐dimensional (3D) antidunes in sand‐sized sediments have not yet been studied extensively, as compared to either two‐dimensional (2D) antidunes or antidunes in gravel‐sized sediments. In this study, we estimated formative conditions of gravel step‐pool morphologies and applied them to the formation of 3D antidunes over a sand bed. Formative conditions are expressed in terms of a relationship between the water discharge per unit width and the bed slope. Flume experiments demonstrated that 3D mound‐like antidune configurations and their associated internal sedimentary structures could be preserved. Internal sedimentary structures were characterized by shallow lens‐like structures whose bases were erosional. Although gently‐dipping concave‐upward lamination was dominant, convex‐upward lamination was occasionally observed. The dimensions of lenticular lamina‐sets can be used to estimate antidune geometry. Thus if 3D antidunes can be interpreted in the stratigraphic record, it is possible to estimate the paleo‐hydraulic parameters such as water discharge and bed slope more precisely than previously. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

GRACE(Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)卫星计划为监测陆地水储量变化提供了有效技术手段.本文采用2003至2010年共计8年的GRACE月重力场模型反演中国西南区域陆地水储量变化,与GLDAS(Global Land Data Assimilation System)全球水文模型进行对比分析,其结果在时空分布上均符合较好,同时在2009年秋至2010年春该区域陆地水储量均呈现明显减少,与该时段云贵川三省的干旱事件相一致;比较分析了2009年秋至2010年春GRACE反演陆地水储量变化与TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)合成数据计算的月降雨量的时空分布,两组结果均与西南干旱事件对应时段与区域十分吻合;对近8年的陆地水储量变化与月降雨量数据进行相关性分析,其结果表明陆地水储量变化与降雨量强相关,即降雨量是导致陆地水储量变化的主要因素;分析该区域地表温度变化,结果显示2009年9月至2010年3月地表温度均比历史同期高,地表温度的升高加剧了陆地水储量的减少.  相似文献   

Grotta di Ernesto is a cave site well suited for palaeoclimate studies because it contains annually laminated stalagmites and was monitored from 1995 to the end of 2008 for microclimate, hydrology and hydrochemistry. Long‐term monitoring highlighted that cave drips show three different hydrological responses to rainfall and infiltration: (1) fast seasonal drips in the upper part of the cave, which are mostly fed by fractures, (2) slow seasonal drips, located at mid‐depth in the cave characterized by mixed feeding and (3) slow drips, mostly located in the deeper gallery, which are fed by seepage flow from bulk porosity with a minor fracture‐fed component. The slow drips display daily cycles during spring thaw. Monitoring also indicated that drip waters are only slightly modified by degassing within the soil zone and aquifer and by prior calcite precipitation. Hydrochemical studies show a clear seasonality in calcite saturation index, which results in most cave calcite precipitation occurring during late autumn and winter with similar amounts of precipitated calcite on most stalagmites, regardless of drip rate (discharge) differences. Drip rate, and drip rate variability, therefore, has a minor role in modulating the amount of annual calcite formation. In contrast, drip rate, when associated with moderate reduction in calcite saturation index, clearly influences stalagmite morphology. Increasing drip rate yields a passage from candle‐, to cone‐ to dome‐shaped stalagmites. Very high drip rates feed speleothems with flowstone morphology. In summary, monitoring provides information about the karst aquifer and how hydrology influences those physical and chemical characteristics of speleothems which are commonly used as climate proxies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluids and sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program Legs (56, 57, 87 and 186) along a transect extending from the subducting plate, across the midslope and upper slope of the Japan Trench forearc were analyzed for B and B isotopes in order to assess their composition and fluid–sediment interaction. At the reference Site 436 on the subducting plate, changes in B contents and B isotopes are controlled by the lithology and diagenesis only. The midslope Sites 440 and 584 showed stronger variations in the B geochemistry, which can be related to diagenesis and tectonic dewatering along faults. The strongest changes in the B geochemistry were observed on the upper slope Sites 1150 and 1151, where profound down‐hole freshening (chlorinities as low as ~310 mmol) coincides with a B enrichment (up to 9.3 × seawater concentration). The B isotope pore fluid profile of Site 1150 displayed a bimodal variation with depth, first increasing to values more positive than seawater, then shifting to lower signatures typical for deep‐seated fluids, whereas Site 1151 showed a constant B decrease with depth. Sites 1150 and 1151 sediments showed B increases with depth to values as high as ~164 p.p.m. and isotopic compositions ranging from ~+4 to ?9‰. A linear decrease in Bsolid/Bfluid ratio, suggests that B geochemistry of the upper slope sites is controlled by fluid–rock interaction and deep‐seated fluid flow, whereas constant Bsolid/Bfluid ratios were observed at the reference site on the incoming plate. This fluid overprint is probably caused by normal faults in the sediment cover which might be interconnected to deep thrusts in the underlying Cretaceous accreted wedge. This suggests that the erosive Japan Trench margin is characterized by back‐flux of deep‐seated, B‐enriched fluids into the ocean, which is facilitated by extensional normal faulting as a result of tectonic erosion and subsidence.  相似文献   

In this study, we measured and analyzed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediment samples collected from the Kaoping river and submarine canyon (KPSC) system to determine the compositional patterns and characteristic distributions of PAH and to elucidate the transport and fate of these land-derived particles. Concentrations of total PAH (sum of 28 PAH compounds) ranged from 22.6 to 45,100 ngg(-1) dry weight (dw) and the highest concentrations were found in the sediments of Donggang Harbor. The ratio of perylene to sum of penta-aromatic PAH isomers (47-55%) was higher in off-shore stations, suggesting a diagenetic PAH source. Various isomeric ratios also indicated that combustion was a significant source of PAH to the sediment at stations located along the Kaoping river and the north-western shelf of the Kaoping estuary. However, in the south-eastern shelf and some canyon sites, petroleum-derived PAHs were a more significant source of these compounds. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis suggest PAHs in the sediments from the north-western shelf, and river and canyon sediments might be a pyrogenic product of coal and diesel-burning vehicles, while those of the south-eastern shelf may be petrogenic. PAH concentrations and compositional patterns are effective tracers of particulate transport in KPSC system. The seaward transport of riverine particulates was found to be mostly directed to NW-shelf and/or canyon.  相似文献   

M. Ionita  P. Scholz  S. Chelcea 《水文研究》2015,29(20):4483-4497
The present study focuses on the analysis of dryness/wetness conditions in the Danube River catchment area from 1901 to 2013 based on reanalysis data. The spatio‐temporal variability of dryness/wetness conditions is analyzed by means of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for an accumulation periods of 6 months. To characterize the spatial variability of SPI6 at monthly time scales, an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was applied. The leading mode of SPI variability captures in‐phase variability of SPI over the entire catchment area of Danube River. The leading mode of dryness/wetness variability was found to be strongly related to the different phases of the Arctic Oscillation. The second and third modes of variability show a more regional character of the dryness/wetness variability over the Danube River catchment area. Based on a composite map analysis, between the time series corresponding to the first three leading modes of dryness/wetness variability and the geopotential height at 850 mb and precipitation totals, it is shown that dryness (wetness) conditions over the Danube catchment area are associated with an anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation, transport of dry (humid) air towards the Danube catchment area and reduced (enhanced) number of rain days. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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