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Proglacial Lake Humber is of UK national significance in terms of landscape drainage and development of the British Ice Sheet (BIS) during Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS 2), yet it is poorly understood in terms of its dynamics and timing. Sands and gravels exposed at Ferrybridge, West Yorkshire, UK, are interpreted as part of the Upper Littoral sands and gravels related to a high-level Lake Humber, which inundated the Humber Basin to ∼30 m OD during MIS 2. Excavations exposed well-rounded gravels of local origin extending downslope from the 27.5 m OD contour and interbedded sands and fine gravels, which are interpreted as the coarse littoral deposits and nearshore associated deposits. A sample from the distal sands returned an Optically Stimulated Luminescence age of 16.6±1.2 kyr, providing the first direct age for the high-level lake and for when North Sea Basin ice must have blocked the Humber Gap. An underlying sequence included a diamicton dated to after 23.3 ±1.5 kyr and before 20.5±1.2 kyr, indicating that the Late Devensian ice reached at least 15 km south of the Escrick Moraine prior to the high-level lake. Previous to both the high-level lake and this ice advance, loess found at the two sites investigated indicates a long period of loess deposition earlier in MIS 2. These new data for the history of Lake Humber are discussed in the context of ice-marginal oscillations in both the Vale of York and the North Sea Basin.  相似文献   

The single most prominent lake associated with the retreat phase of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) was Proglacial Lake Humber. The present research elucidates a revised regional history of Proglacial Lake Humber from its maximum elevation to its demise using a combination of landscape mapping and luminescence dating. The results of mapping multiple Lake Humber strandlines are now best described by an eight‐stage recessional model. Erosional highstands of the lake can be shown to post‐date the BIIS advance that deposited the Skipsea Till at around 17 ka whereas new OSL ages show that Lake Humber was nearing its demise by 15.5±0.8 ka, indicating a possible short‐lived lake. Multiple lake level stands are attributed to the switching of lake outlets from the Lincolnshire Gap to the Humber Gap and to oscillations of the BIIS blocking the latter on more than one occasion and subsequently at a lower elevation with till. The horizontal or near‐horizontal shorelines confirm that isostatic adjustment did not occur during the demise of Lake Humber, indicating that BIIS advances in the North Sea region and Vale of York were not only dynamic but of short duration.  相似文献   

A section in a gravel quarry at Somersham, Cambridgeshire, has revealed evidence for a lake, named Lake Sparks, in Fenland during the Late Devensian substage of the Pleistocene. Varved sediments were deposited in this lake over a minimum period of ca. 65 yr. The varved clays contain red diamicton clasts, interpreted as dump, delivered to the area by icebergs or floes from the ice-front in the Wash that deposited the Hunstanton Till. The lake is therefore considered a result of impounding by the Late Devensian ice advance on the east coast. A small number of pale varves have a characteristic structure indicating increased calcite deposition in the summer. They are interpreted as a result of cooler summers with reduced gelifluction from the surrounding Jurassic (Ampthill) Clay. Such gelifluction introduced a mudflow into the varved sequence at the southern end of the section. Pollen analysis confirms the derivation of the clays from the surrounding Ampthill Clay. The varved clays are succeeded by fluviatile sediments related to a delta building into the lake from the north. The delta sediments show periodic influx of sand into the lake interrupted by quiet periods with the development of Chara meadows. A thin spread of fluviatile gravels succeed the delta sediments, indicating the development of a braided river plain as the lake drained on the melting of the Late Devensian ice. This was followed by permafrost development, with the formation of thin thermal contraction cracks and coversand deposition. Later, degradation of the permafrost was associated with the formation of diapirs and a solifluction mantle, and incision of the fluviatile and lacustrine sediments took place. Flandrian peat and marl later filled the valley so formed. A radiocarbon date of 18310 yr BP from Salix leaves in a drift mud at the top of channel sands preceding lake sediment, in a neighbouring section, confirms the relation of the lake to the Late Devensian ice advance. The significance of the Late Devensian sediments at Somersham lies in the information they give on the timing and variety of processes related to drainage and ice movement in the period before, during and after the ice advance to the Wash. A period of low deposition rate in the lake was followed by rapid delta sedimentation and lake drainage, with implications for climatic change.  相似文献   

Organic sediments in a gravel quarry at Block Fen, Cambridgeshire, form a sheet dividing lower from upper gravels. Analyses of pollen, macroscopic plant remains and molluscs from these organic sediments are presented. They indicate the presence of temperate freshwater and slightly brackish fine floodplain sediments, which, on the basis of the palaeobotany, are correlated with the temperate Ipswichian Stage. The freshwater sediments, ascribed to Ipswichian substage IIb, occur at ca. ?3 m OD. Marine-influenced tidal sediments, ascribed to Ipswichian substage III, occur at ca. ?6 m OD. No evidence was found for the presence of more than one temperate stage in the sequence. The lower gravels are then correlated with the cold Wolstonian Stage and the upper gravels with the cold Devensian Stage. In contrast to the woodland environments indicated by the palaeobotany of the Ipswichian organic sediments, post-Ipswichian pollen diagrams and macroscopic plant remains in the upper suite of sands and gravels indicate open tree-less vegetation typical of the cold Devensian Stage. They also contain a typical cold-stage mollusc fauna. The sediments containing these floras and faunas are associated with thermal contraction cracks, indicating the presence of permafrost. The final sand and gravel aggradation in the Devensian forms the Block Fen Terrace, near 0 m OD. The evidence indicates that it is younger than the lacustrine sediments resulting from the blocking of the Fenland at the Wash by Late Devensian ice at ca. 18.5 ka BP. The sequence at Block Fen is related to nearby Ipswichian and Devensian sediments at Chatteris, March, Wimblington and Mepal, and to deposits at Wretton on the east margin of Fenland. The correlation permits an outline reconstruction of the history of the valley carrying the River Great Ouse between the Isle of Ely and the Chatteris and March ‘islands’ from the time of a gravel aggradation before the Ipswichian to the Flandrian. The reconstruction shows the time and level of the Ipswichian marine incursion into the Middle Level of Fenland and the extent of aggradation and erosion in the Devensian.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》1999,18(10-11):1247-1314
Gravel quarries at Somersham, Cambridgeshire, have yielded evidence for a Pleistocene channel of the R. Great Ouse, containing temperate stage sediments between cold stage sediments. In the earlier cold stage, fluviatile gravels and floodplain loessic sediment accumulated. In the later cold stage a further series of gravel units and floodplain sediments were deposited, together with lake sediments. The lake sediments are associated with Lake Sparks, dammed by Late Devensian ice in the Wash at ca. 18.5 ka BP. The lake sediments overlie gravels with a radiocarbon date from an organic horizon indicating a Middle Devensian age. Clast lithological analyses from the earlier and later gravels suggest that reworking of gravels has occurred within a relatively stable catchment. The petrography of the earlier cold stage loessic sediment and temperate stage fine sediment indicates an Anglian affinity, which conflicts with the biostratigraphic interpretation. Pollen and macroscopic plant remains from sediments of both cold stages and from the temperate stage indicate, respectively, assemblages with a typical full-glacial aspect with a rich flora of shrubs and open ground herbs(including an assemblage at ca. 18 ka), and temperate freshwater and marine-influenced organic sediments. On the basis of pollen analysis these are ascribed to substages Ip II and III of the Ipswichian Stage(O.I.S. 5e), with a Pinus-Quercus-Corylus biozone in the former and a biozone with Carpinus in the latter. Marine-influenced sediments, at −3.7 to −0.3 m OD, indicate transgression in Ip II and regression in Ip III.Molluscan assemblages from the temperate stage and the later cold stage are described; two are from the Late Devensian, at a time near the maximum extension of ice into the Wash. Foraminifer and ostracod faunas are described from post-Ipswichian sediments and may be reworked. Radiocarbon dates confirm the age of the later gravel suite as Devensian and a calibration of the measurements is given. Amino acid ratios from Corbicula fluminalis valves from temperate stage sediments are reported, with measurements from different parts of the valve; the results tend to support an Ipswichian age. TL measurements of the earlier cold stage loessic sediment and associated sand indicate a pre-Ipswichian age for the sediments. The earlier cold stage is correlated with the pre-Ipswichian cold stage, the Wolstonian of Mitchell et al.(1973); problems with this correlation are discussed.Various periglacial phenomena, including thermal contraction networks and cracks, diapirs, involutions and coversand are associated with the Devensian sequence. The complex environmental history, based on stratigraphy and palaeontology, is described, and related to other nearby sites in southern Fenland.  相似文献   

The timing of high lake-level stands during the Late Pleistocene in western China remains controversial. Here we report new results from Megalake Tengger based on a study of palaeo-shorelines and a drill core from Baijian Lake in the northwestern Tengger Desert. Multiple dating methods, based on luminescence signals (quartz optically stimulated luminescence, K-feldspar post infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence) and electron spin resonance signals of quartz, were used to date beach sands from palaeo-shoreline profiles at altitudes of ~1310 m (+20 m above lake level), ~1320 m (+30 m) and ~1350 m (+60 m), and from the top 20 m of sandy sediments from the drill core obtained from the modern beach of Baijian Lake. The dating results show that high lake-level stands associated with the previously reported Megalake Tengger (~1310–1320 m) occurred during the late Early to Middle Pleistocene, which is much earlier than previously reported. In addition, no geomorphological evidence of shorelines and sedimentary evidence from the drill core profile were found to support the previously reported Late Pleistocene lake levels. Our results indicate that the exact age of the previously reported ‘high lake level event’ in a large part of northwestern China during the Late Pleistocene needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

This editorial accompanies the second of two sets of papers in the Proceedings (the first set appeared in Part 4 of 2009) that arise from the Annual Discussion Meeting of the Quaternary Research Association, co-hosted by the Royal Geographical Society. This collection represents two main categories of paper: on (1) on sand and gravel, several arising from projects funded from the British Government's Aggregates Levy, and (2) glaciation, with a degree of overlap between these. Both categories also include results of PhD research. The first category includes presentation of fluvially-based data from SW England, North Yorkshire, the Trent and the Fen Basin, as well as studies of raised beach deposits in southern England and County Durham. At the boundary between the categories is a paper on a pre-glacial fluvial valley system in the glaciated Dyfi basin, west Wales, and another on the marginal area between the Late Devensian Welsh ice cap and the contemporaneous Irish Sea ice stream, encompassing glacio-fluvial sands and gravels as well as fully glacigenic diamictons. There are also papers on the Woore Moraine, in Shropshire, and the glaciofluvial deposits of the Brampton kame belt, east of Carlisle, Cumbria. Studies at either end of Yorkshire include a paper on the sedimentology and luminescence dating of Glacial Lake Humber deposits, in the central Vale of York, and another that documents deglaciation and the emergence of the rivers in the watershed area between the rivers of this Vale (the Swale-Ure-Ouse system) and the Tees, to the north. The latter is followed up by a third paper on the palaeo-environmental evidence from the middle ‘piedmont’ reaches of these rivers. Two final papers fall outside of these categories. One documents periglacial activity during the Loch Lomond Stadial in south London, revealing significant complexity. The second reviews the engagement of the Quaternary community with the formal education system, with institutions, policy makers, planners and with the public at large, offering examples of good practice and setting out aspirations for continuation of such ‘outreach’ in the future.  相似文献   

This paper provides sedimentological and morphological data from an investigation of the Late Devensian glacigenic deposits along the Tyne valley, northeast England. The area lies in the central sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet, with the lowlands influenced by both the Tyne Gap and Tweed-Cheviot ice streams. The sequences here provide insights into the existence of complex, multi-phase activity within the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Field mapping of the area reveals kamiform topography in the Tyne lowlands and lower South Tyne valley, whilst the mid Tyne is characterised by high-level sandur terraces. Inset below the glacial features are river terraces. The sedimentary sequence comprises diamicton overlain by gravel and sandy gravels; sands, muddy sands and gravels; laminated silty sands and muds; and well sorted sands and gravel. The depositional environments indicate ice-contact, subaqueous and terrestrial sedimentation, with supraglacial, proglacial, subaquatic and paraglacial landsystems. Following the onset of deglaciation, westward retreat of Tyne Gap ice resulted in land to the east and southeast of its margin becoming ice-free. Continued/renewed southward flow of ice along the North Sea coast formed a persistent barrier to sediment-charged meltwaters draining the Tyne Gap ice margin. The separation of these two ice masses allowed a glacial lake to develop in the lower Tyne fed by a large proglacial sandur system, which with ice marginal retreat subsequently merged with Glacial Lake Wear. The sediment sequences record the final waning of the Tyne Gap ice stream, and are contiguous with sediments that extend west through the Tyne Gap and into the Cumbrian lowlands.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence through the Hemingbrough Formation exposed at two sites in the central part of the Vale of York, south of the Escrick moraine ridge, is described and used to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental history of Glacial Lake Humber. Interbedded wave ripples and laminated silts and clays at both sites indicate that Lake Humber was characterised by fluctuating water levels, often no deeper than wave base. Optically stimulated luminescence ages of 21.0 ± 1.9, 21.9 ± 2.0, and 24.1 ± 2.2 kyr returned from two wave-rippled sandy beds within the glaciolacustrine sequence at Hemingbrough, c. 10 km south of the Escrick moraine ridge, provide the first direct chronological determination for the low-level phase of Lake Humber. As these beds are principally attributed to glacial meltwater emanating from the Vale of York ice lobe of the British Ice Sheet, when its margin was at or near the Escrick moraine ridge, this corroborates the interpretation that this ridge marks the LGM ice limit.  相似文献   

猪野泽全新世沉积物剖面中存在砂层和灰绿色湖相沉积层相间分布的现象。本研究对猪野泽QTH01、QTH02剖面砂层的石英砂样品进行扫描电镜分析,且与古湖泊岸堤和现代沙丘砂样做了对比,探讨了猪野泽全新世剖面中部和底部砂层的成因。研究发现,猪野泽QTH01、QTH02剖面样品中大部分石英砂兼具风成结构和水成结构,且水成特征大都覆盖于风成特征之上,V型坑分布频率相对较小,磨圆度特征与现代沙丘样品较为相似,与岸堤石英砂具有相似的结构特征,但剖面砂层不具岸堤典型的斜纹层理。结果说明,猪野泽砂层先经历了风成环境,后期转向湖相沉积,也有少部分砂是通过河流沉积于剖面位置;剖面砂层与岸堤砂层的成因相似,但剖面所在位置并非湖泊岸堤;剖面砂层形成时期风沙活动强烈,湖泊水动力条件稳定,河流对湖泊影响较小。  相似文献   

Despite limited exposures, detailed field mapping and sedimentological analyses – particle size, clast petrography and fine-sand mineralogy (plus limited coarse silt and clay mineralogy) – have elucidated the ages, provenance and depositional environments of the complex and controversial Quaternary deposits covering the Ayot Paleogene Outlier. Most of the sediments were largely derived directly and/or indirectly from local facies of the Woolwich and Reading Formation. The oldest deposits are (Pre-)Pastonian proto-Thames gravels overlain by thin sands, which collectively represent crucial evidence for the earliest (Stoke Row) terrace of the proto-Thames. These materials were later thrust southwards by the Anglian ice close to its margin, which deposited a thin yet heterogeneous till at Ayot. This unit is correlated with the Ware Till, suggesting that the Anglian ice was thicker during the earlier of its two major southwestward incursions into the Vale of St Albans. An aeolian mantle was deposited on the Outlier during the Late Devensian; most of the blown material was incorporated into the upper regions of the till but some accumulated in depressions to form brickearths that resemble some Chiltern Brickearths. A colluvial apron developed during the Holocene, together with three swallow-holes. Some of these depositional events were separated by periods of poorly-preserved pedogenesis.  相似文献   

Livingstone, S. J., Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D. J. A. & Palmer, A. 2010: Sedimentary evidence for a major glacial oscillation and proglacial lake formation in the Solway Lowlands (Cumbria, UK) during Late Devensian deglaciation. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 505–527. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00149.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. This paper is a sedimentological investigation of Late Devensian glacial deposits from the Solway Lowlands, northwest England, in the central sector of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. In this region, laminated glaciolacustrine sediments occur, sandwiched between diamictons interpreted as subglacial tills. At one location the laminated sediments are interpreted as varves, and indicate the former presence of a proglacial lake. Correlation of these varves with other laminated sediments indicates that the glacial lake was at least 140 km2 in area and probably much larger. Extensive beds of sand, silt and gravel throughout the Solway Basin associated with the lake demonstrate ice‐free conditions over a large area. Based on the number of varves, the lake was in existence for at least 261 years. The stratigraphic sequence of varves bracketed by tills implies a major glacial oscillation prior to the Scottish Re‐advance (16.8 cal. ka BP). This oscillation is tentatively correlated with the Gosforth oscillation at c.19.5 cal. ka BP. Subsequent overriding of these glaciolacustrine sediments during a westward‐moving re‐advance demonstrates rapid ice loss and then gain within the Solway Lowlands from ice‐dispersal centres in the Lake District, Pennines and Southern Uplands. It is speculated that the existence of this and other lakes along the northeastern edge of the Irish Sea Basin would have influenced ice‐sheet dynamics.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):743-758
Detailed examination of the Tekapo Formation in the Tasman Valley, New Zealand has identified 20 facies, and five facies associations. These associations are delta foresets and bottomsets, sediment density flows, ice-contact lake sediments with ice-rafted debris and resedimentation deposits, and outwash gravels. Interpretation of the sediment-landform associations informed by observations at modern glacier termini suggests that the Late Pleistocene Tekapo Formation moraines have been formed by downwasting of a more expanded Tasman Glacier. During the early stages of glacier retreat, ponds on the glacier surface develop into thermokarst lakes which enlarge and coalesce to form a large supraglacial lake. Continued downwasting causes the lake outlet river to entrench into the impounding latero-frontal ice-cored moraine, lowering the lake level. This exposes lake-bottom sediments and forms shorelines on the proximal slopes of the ice-cored moraine. As the ice-cored moraine melts, these lake sediments are deformed and deposited against the Mt. John moraine. The observations and interpretations reported here suggest the Late Pleistocene end moraine is a constructional feature not a structural (glaciotectonic) feature as suggested by previous studies.  相似文献   

Assemblages of foraminifers, ostracods and molluscs from temperate Ipswichian Stage (last temperate stage) sediments and overlying cold Devensian Stage (last cold stage) sediments at Somersham in the southern Fenland of Cambridgeshire have been analysed. The Ipswichian sediments contain faunas consistent with temperate brackish water conditions under tidal influence. The Devensian assemblages were recovered from a series of sands and gravels laterally accreting in a channel cutting into Ipswichian sediments. In contrast to the Ipswichian faunas, the faunas of particular Devensian samples show a complex mixture of temperate freshwater, brackish and marine taxa. The molluscs are mainly freshwater, with few land snails; they occur together with foraminifers and ostracods. Freshwater, brackish water and marine ostracods are present with foraminifers. A sample of Devensian fine laminated sediment in the channel was analysed for pollen; only abundant pre-Quaternary spores were present, with abundant foraminifers in the same sample. The taphonomy of the assemblages and the difficulties of their interpretation in environmental terms are discussed. The importance of taphonomy in assessing environments, climate, range of taxa and dating is stressed.  相似文献   

Late Devensian raised shorelines in Angus and Kincardineshire, Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine, fluvial and fluvioglacial terraces, and other landforms and deposits associated with them, have been mapped over an area that extends from Dundee to Stonehaven along the coast, and inland in places as far as the Highland edge. All well-defined terraces have been levelled at approximately 50 mintervals along their length. Analysis of the altitude data permits the recognition of eight glacio-isostatically tilted raised shorelines of Late Devensian age, sloping down towards E5S, the lowest at 0.2 m/km and the others at gradients of 0.50-0.85 m/km. Successively lower and less steeply inclined shorelines were formed in close association with a westward-receding ice margin, and there are indications that crustal response to unloading may have been immediate and rapid. Five of the shorelines are correlated with five of the six Late Devensian shorelines recognized by the authors (1966) in eastern Fife, allowing contemporaneous positions of the wasting ice-sheet margin in the two areas to be postulated.  相似文献   

陈剑  崔之久 《沉积学报》2015,33(2):275-284
西藏芒康县金沙江上游雪隆囊河谷史前时期(全新世晚期)发生了一次明显的堰塞事件,形成了一个湖水体积约3.1×108 m3的大型堰塞湖。该堰塞湖形成后期发生溃决并引发异常大洪水,这一溃决事件发生在大约1 117 A.D.。地震诱发山体滑坡可能是金沙江发生堰塞的直接原因。在雪隆囊古堰塞坝体的下游一侧到其下游3.5 km的范围内,发现大量由砾石、砂和少量黏土组成的混杂堆积体,判定其为滑坡堰塞湖的溃坝堆积,是滑坡坝体及上游河床物质在坝体溃决后快速堆积形成。整套溃坝堆积体具有支撑-叠置构造、叠瓦构造和杂基构造等沉积特征,还具有一种特殊的沉积构造:即在垂向剖面上发育粗砾石层与细砂砾层的韵律互层,但剖面中缺少砾或砂的透镜体。这种沉积构造("互层构造")是溃坝堆积相区别于冲-洪积相、泥石流相等的一种重要判别标志。采用水力学模型反演确定雪隆囊古滑坡堰塞湖溃决洪水的平均流速为7.48 m/s,最大洪峰流量为10 786 m3/s。雪隆囊溃坝堆积体沉积特征及其环境的研究,不但有助于揭示古洪水事件发生的过程和机制,同时对于认识金沙江上游地区的环境演变也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Marine, fluvial and fluvioglacial landforms and the deposits associated with them, have been mapped in the inner Moray Firth area. The landforms identified indicate a close association between the decay of the Late Devensian Scottish ice sheet and the formation of raised marine features. Analysis of the altitudes of the marine terraces has identified ten glacio-isostatically tilted raised shorelines of Late Devensian age, sloping down towards N25°E, at progressively lower gradients between 0.57 and 0.15 m/km. The shorelines were formed in close association with a westward- and southward-receding ice margin and the shoreline sequence suggests that rates of ice margin retreat were most rapid where the ice terminated in the sea.  相似文献   

Drift deposits exposed in a large open cut are described. The basal member of the sequence consists of bedded sandy gravels, and these are overlain by a grey silty sand containing abundant striated pebbles and boulders. The uppermost deposit consists of a brown poorly sorted drift containing silty and sandy lenses. Analysis of the texture, index properties and densities of the sediments, together with the shape, lithology and fabric of the contained pebbles suggests that the basal gravels were deposited by subglacial meltwater, the grey drift is a lodgement till, and the uppermost brown rubbly drift was formed by solifluction of the till, with the addition of frost shattered sandstone from the hilltop above. It is suggested that the glacigenic sediments are of Devensian age, and the solifluction layer Late Devensian.  相似文献   

Lake Zürich occupies a glacially overdeepened perialpine trough in the northern Middlelands of Switzerland. A total of 154.4 m of Quaternary sediments and 47.3 m of Tertiary Molasse bedrock has been cored from the deepest part of the lake, some 10 km south of the city of Zürich. Some 16.8 m of gravels and sands directly overlying the bedrock include basal till and probably earliest subglacial fluvial and lacustrine deposits. These are overlain by 98.6 m of fine-grained, glacial-aged sediments comprising completely deformed proglacial and/or subglacial lacustrine muds, separated by four basal mud tills. The lack of interglacial sediments, fossils, and other datable material, and the presence of severe sediment deformation and unknown amounts of erosion prevent the establishment of an exact chronostratigraphy for sediments older than the upper mud till. Above it some 8.6 m of lacustrine muds were deposited, folded, faulted, and tilted during the final opening of the lake at about 17,500–17,000 years ago. Superimposed are 30.4 m of final Würm and post-glacial sediments comprising (from oldest): cyclic proglacial mud, thick-bedded and laminated mud, a complex transition zone, laminated carbonate, laminated marl, and diatom-calcite varves. These sediments reflect changing catchment and lacustrine conditions including: glacial proximity, catchment stability, lake inflow characteristics, thermal structure, chemistry, and bed stability. Average sedimentation rates ranged from 11 cm yr−1 immediately after glacier withdrawal, to as low as 0.4 mm yr−1 as the environment stabilized. The lack of coarse outwash deposits separating the fine-grained glaciolacustrine sediments from a corresponding underlying basal till suggests that deglaciation of the deep northern basin of Lake Zürich was by stagnation-zone retreat rather than by retreat of an active ice-front.  相似文献   

哈拉湖湖滨沉积物的粒度分布特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
武安斌 《沉积学报》1985,3(2):141-150
哈拉湖盆地是祁连山西部的一个山间盆地。哈拉湖位于盆地中心,属高山内陆湖泊。湖面海拔高度4077米,最大水深65米,平均274米[1]。湖泊呈北西西-南东东延伸,长32公里,平均宽度13公里,面积为580平方公里。哈拉湖盆地北部有疏勒南山巍峙,海拔在5000米以上,南为哈拉湖南山,平均海拔不到5000米。盆地东西两侧的分水岭均系低平的丘陵地带。南北二山由上泥盆统、石炭系和三叠系地层组成,盆地内部除零星出露第三纪地层外,余为第四系洪积、冰水冲积物覆盖。  相似文献   

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