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A three-component fluid model of the Universe during the recombination era is analysed for = c ( c is the critical density). In addition to the well-known instability of the Jeans mode at 109 M , we find two more unstable modes at 1012 M .  相似文献   

The paper deals with the excitation of the helium singlet level 21 P in the homogeneous and filamentary models of quiescent prominences with following parameters: the optical thickness at the limit of helium Lyman continuum 1c M = 0.1–100, T e = 7000 K, n e = 5 × 1010 cm–3. Assuming a model He atom with seven discrete levels (11 S, 23 S, 21 S, 23 P, 21 P, 33 D, 31 D) and the continuum the steady state equations for the levels 23 S, 21 P and the continuum have been solved together with the radiative transfer equations for the line 584 Å and the continuum 504 Å. The variations with depth of the functions n 2 3 S /n 1 1 S (1 c), n 2 1 P /n 1 1 S (1c ), and n + He n e /n 1 1 S(1c ) as well as the intensities of the triplet (D3, 10830 Å) and singlet (16678, 20581 Å) lines have been calculated. Comparison with observations leads to the following conclusions: (1) The line intensities calculated for filamentary models of prominences agree better with observations than those for homogeneous ones. (2) The helium level 21 P is excited by diffuse field 584 Å being formed by recombinations and spontaneous transitions 21 P – 11 S and escaping from the prominence into the space between the filaments and to the surface. (3) Underpopulation of the singlet level 21 P may be explained by combination of weak excitation mechanism (recombinations and formation of the diffuse field 584 Å) and strong deexcitation mechanism (spontaneous transitions into the level 11 S).  相似文献   

The scope of the present paper is to provide analytic solutions to the problem of the attitude evolution of a symmetric gyrostat about a fixed point in a central Newtonian force field when the potential function isV (2).We assume that the center of mass and the gyrostatic moment are on the axis of symmetry and that the initial conditions are the following: (t 0)=0, (t 0)=0, (t 0)=(t 0)=0, 1(t 0)=0, 2(t 0)=0 and 3(t 0)= 3 0 .The problem is integrated when the third component of the total angular momentum is different from zero (B 1 0). There now appear equilibrium solutions that did not exist in the caseB 1=0, which can be determined in function of the value ofl 3 r (the third component of the gyrostatic momentum).The possible types of solutions (elliptic, trigonometric, stationary) depend upon the nature of the roots of the functiong(u). The solutions for Euler angles are given in terms of functions of the timet. If we cancel the third component of the gyrostatic momentum (l 3 r =0), the obtained solutions are valid for rigid bodies.  相似文献   

Low-frequency gravitational radiation, with wavelengths reaching or exceeding interplanetary distances, and with a mean energy density of the order of the critical cosmological density c , generates a frequency-shift of order/10–15 h 0(1/108km)(/ c )1/2 in electromagnetic signals transponded by interplanetary spacecraft at a distancel from the Earth.  相似文献   

Low-mass strange stars with a crust are investigated within the framework of the bag model. The crust, which consists of degenerate electrons and atomic nuclei, has a limiting boundary density cr , which is determined by the mass of the crust, and it cannot exceed the value drip = 4.3·1011 g/cm3, corresponding to the density at which neutrons drip from nuclei. For different values of cr in the low-mass range (M 0.1 M) we calculate several series of configurations: we find the dependence of the stellar mass M on the central density c for cr = const, with 109 g/cm3 cr drip , and for each series we determine the parameters of the configuration for which the condition dM/d c > 0 is violated. When the boundary density of the crust decreases to 109 g/cm3, the minimum mass of a strange star decreases to M min 10-3 M, while the radius reaches 600 km.  相似文献   

The diagramV - log(1 +z e ) as function of (, ) is considered for the quasars. HereV is the apparent visual magnitude,z e is the emission line redshift, and are the equatorial coordinates. Two opposite extreme spots NE and SE are observed on the sky, where the inclination of the straight line fitting the dependenceV - log(1 +z e ) is maximum and minimum. The coordinates of the centres of these extreme spots are ( NE, NE) = (282°, +42°) and ( SE, SE) = (70°, -38°) with errors 5°. A hypothesis of the Superattractor (SA) is proposed to explain such an effect. Two independent tests of this hypothesis are realized. First, the dependence or the frequency a of the absorbers in QSO spectra on (, ) is investigated. A region of the larger a is found. The coordinates of its centre are (, ) = (82°, - 10°) with error 5°. Second, the cases ofz a >z e are plotted in the Mercatorial projection (, ). The most of the casesz -z e > 0.02 are concentrated within the circle with radiusR = 34° and centre (, ) = (50°, - 15°). The both anomalous regions overlap the Southern extreme spot around SE. The SA direction is (, ) = (67°, -21°) with errors about 12°. The redshift of SA isz SA = 1.7 ± 0.3 that corresponds to the distancer SA = (3100 ± 300)h –1 Mpc for the Hubble constantH 0 = 75h kms–1 Mpc–1. The SA mass isM SA ~ 1018-1020 M . The orientation of the normal to the quasiperiodical large-scale sheet structure on the sky occurs near SA.  相似文献   

Analytic structure of high-density steady isothermal spheres is discussed using the TOV equation of hydrostatic equilibrium which satisfies an equation of state of the kind:P = K g , = g c 2.Approximate analytical solutions to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations of hydrostatic equilibrium in (, ), (,U) and (u, v) phase planes in concise and simple form useful for short computer programmes or on small calculator, have been given. In Figures 1, 2, and 3, respectively, we display the qualitative behaviours of the ratio of gas density g to the central density gc , g / gc ; pressureP to the gc ,P/ gc ; and the metric componente , for three representative general relativistic (GR) isothermal configurations =0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. Figure 4 shows the solution curve (, ) for =0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 (=0 represents the classical (Newtonian) curve). Numerical values of physical quantitiesv (=4r 2 P *(r)), in steps ofu (=M(r)/r)=0.03, and the mass functionU, in steps of =0.2 (dimensionless radial distance), are given, respectively, in Tables I and II. Other interesting features of the configurations, such as ratio of gravitational radius 2GM/c 2 to the coordinate radiusR, mass distributionM(r)/M, pressure (or density) distributionP/P c , binding energy (B.E.), etc., have also been incorporated in the text. It has further been shown that velocity of sound inside the configurations is always less than the velocity of light.Part of the work done at Azerbaijan State University, Baku, U.S.S.R., and Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq, 1985-1986  相似文献   

General integral transform of the exponential integralsE n is considered and will be denoted asB (k) n (). Different expressions and the equations satisfied byB (k) n are developed. Two-term recurrence formula forB (k) n (0) and three-term recurrence formula forB (k) n (); 0 will be established for a givenk1 andn=2,3, ...,N. The computational algorithms based on these formulae are also constructed for the casesk=1,2,3, andn2. Finally the numerical results fork=2,3 andn=2(1)25 are presented to 15-digit accuracy  相似文献   

The structure and stability of rapidly uniformly rotating supermassive stars is investigated using the full post-Newtonian equations of hydrodynamics. The standard model of a supermassive star, a polytrope of index three, is adopted. All rotation terms up to and including those of order 4, where is the angular velocity, are retained. The effects of rotation and post-Newtonian gravitation on the classical configuration are explicitly evaluated and shown to be very small. The dynamical stability of the model is treated by using the binding energy approach. The most massive objects are found to be dynamically unstable when =1/c 2.p c / c 2.2 × 10–3, wherep c and c are the central pressure and density, respectively. Hence, the higher-order terms considered in this analysis do not appreciably alter the previously known stability limits.The maximum mass that can be stabilized by uniform rotation in the hydrogen-burning phase is found to be 2.9×106 M , whereM is the solar mass. The corresponding nuclear-generated luminosity of 6×1044 erg/sec–1 is too small for the model to be applicable to the quasi-stellar objects. The maximum kinetic energy of a uniformly rotating supermassive star is found to be 3×10–5 Mc 2, whereM is the mass of the star. Masses in excess of 1010 M are required if an adequate store of kinetic energy is to be made available to a pulsar like QSO. However such large masses have rotation periods in excess of 100 yr and thus could not account for any short term periodic variability. It is concluded then that the uniformly rotating supermassive star does not provide a suitable base for a model of a QSO.  相似文献   

The stars in the Main Sequence are seen as a hierarchy of objects with different massesM and effective dynamical radiiR eff=R/ given by the stellar radii and the coefficients for the inner structure of the stars.As seen in a previous work (Paper I), during the lifetime in the Main SequenceR eff(t) remains a near invariant when compared to the variation in the time ofR(t) and (t).With such an effectiveR eff one obtains the amounts of actionA c(M), the effective densities eff(M)=(M)3(M), the densities of action and of energy (or mean presures in the stellar interior)a c(M),e c(M), and the potential energiesE p(M).The amounts of action areA cM k withk1.87 for the M stars,k5/3 for the KGF stars, andk1.83 for the A and earlier stars, representing very simples conditions for the other dynamical parameters. For instancek5/3 means a near invariant effective density eff for the KGF stars, while for such stars the mean densities and coefficients present the strongest variations with masses (M)M –1.81, (M)M0.6.The cases for the M stars (e c(M)M –1) and for the A and earlier stars (betweena c(M)=constant and eff(M)M –1) and also discussed. These conditions for the earlier stars also represent reasonable mean values for the whole stellar hierarchy in the range of masses 0.2M M25M .With all this, one can build dynamical HR diagrams withA c(M), Ep(M), eff M p , etc., whose characteristics are analogous to these in the photometrical HR diagram. A comparison is made betweenA c(M) from the models here and the HR diagram with the best known stars of luminosity classes IV, V, and white dwarfs.The comparison of the potential energiesE p(M)M –p according to the stellar models used here and the observed frequency function (MM –q (number of stars in a given interval of masses) from different authors suggests the possibility that the productE p(M)(M) is a constant, but this must be confirmed with further studies of the function (M) and its fine structure.There are analogies between the formulation used here for the stellar hierarchy and other physical processes, for instance, in modified forms of the Kolmogorov law of turbulence and in the formulation used for the hierarchy of molecular clouds in gravitational equilibrium. Besides, the function of actionA c(M) for the stars has analogous properties to the relations of angular momenta and massesJ(M) for different types of objects. The cosmological implications of all this are discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of empirical (D)-dependency at the frequency of 5 GHz constructed using 15 planetary nebulae with the independently measured distances (10–171×10–20 W m–2 Hz–1 ster–1), we evaluated distances of 335 objects. Independent evidence of the correctness of the accepted scale are given. Then(D)-dependency is constructed and it is shown that atD<0.08 pc the mean electron density is higher than the one determined by the Seaton method. We showed that the filling factor diminishes with the increase of the PN diameter (1 atD0.08 pc and 0.2 atD0.4 pc). the ionized mass of 33 PNs is determined. With the diameter increase the ionized mass grows and atD0.4 pc reaches the valueM0.07M . We used the new distance scale when investigating the space distribution of PNs. The mean scale height =130±15 pc and the mean gradient of the change of surface densitym=0.37, which allowed us to estimate the total number of nebulae in the GalaxyN4×104. We divided the PNs according to their velocities (withV LSR>35 km s–1 andV LSR<35 km s–1) and permitted us to confirm that the PN belong to different sub-systems of the Galaxy. The estimated local formation rate of PNs [=(4.6±2.2)×10–12 pc–3 yr–1] is a little higher than the one of the white dwarfs. That can be explained by a large number of PNs having binary cores, which used in our sample. The statistical estimation of PN expansion velocity showed thatV ex increases from 5–7 km s–1 (atD0.03 pc) to 40–50 km s–1 (atD0.8 pc).  相似文献   

Two models for superluminal radio sources predict sharp lower bounds for the apparent velocities of separation. The light echo model predicts a minimum velocityv min=2c, and the dipole field model predictsv min=4.446c. Yahil (1979) has suggested that, if either of these models is correct, thenv min provides a standard velocity which can be used to determine the cosmological parametersH andq 0. This is accomplished by estimating a lower envelope for the proper motion vs redshift relation. Yahil also argued that the procedure could easily be generalized to include a nonzero cosmical constant . We derive the formulas relating the proper motion to the redshiftz in a Friedmann universe with a nonzero . We show that the determination of a lower envelope for a given sample of measured points yields an estimate of the angle of inclination i for each source in the sample. We formulate the estimation of the lower envelope as a constrained maximum likelihood problem with the constraints specified by the expected value of the largest order statistic for the estimated i . We solve this problem numerically using an off-the-shelf nonlinearly constrained nonlinear optimization program from the NAg library. Assuming =0, we apply the estimation procedure to a sample of 27 sources with measured values , using both the light echo and the dipole field models. The fits giveH=103 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=46 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=0.4, but the uncertainty in this result is too large to rule out the possibility thatq 0>0.5. When is allowed to be a free parameter, we obtainH=105 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=47 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=–1 and /H 0 2 =6.7, but no significance can be attached to these results because of the paucity of measured data at hight redshifts. For all of the fits, we compute the corresponding estimates of the i and compare the cumulative distribution of these values with that expected from a sample of randomly oriented sources. In all cases we find a large excess of sources at low-inclination angles (high apparent velocities). The expected selection effect would produce such an excess, but the excess is large enough to suggest a strong contamination of the sample by relativistic beam sources which would only be seen at low inclination angles.Applied Research Corporation  相似文献   

In order to determine the mass-ratio distribution of spectroscopic binary stars, the selection effects that govern the observations of this class of binary systems are investigated. The selection effects are modelled numerically and analytically. The results of the models are compared to the data inThe Eighth Catalogue of the Orbital Elements of Spectroscopic Binary Stars (DAO8) compiled by Battenet al. (1989). The investigations involve binary systems with Main-Sequence primary components only, in order to avoid confusion of evolutionary and selection effects.For single-lined spectroscopic binaries (SBI) it is found that the mass ratios (q=M sec/M prim) in general adhere to a distribution q q -2 forq>q 0, withq 0=0.3. The observations are consistent with a distribution that is flat forq<q 0. The turn-over value varies fromq 0=0.3 for systems with B-type primaries, toq 0=0.55 for systems with K-type primaries. The semi-major axesa 1 are distributed according to a (a 1)a 1 -a with an average value of a =1.3. The power varies from a =1.7 for systems with B-type primaries to a =0 for systems with K-type primaries. The eccentricitiese of the orbits of SBI systems are distributed according to e (e)e -1.For double-lined spectroscopic binary stars (SBII) it is found that the shape of theq-distribution, as derived from observations, is almost entirely determined by selection effects. It is shown that the distribution is compatible with theq-distribution found for SBI systems. A sub-sample, consisting of the SBII systems from DAO8 with magnitudesm V 5 m , is less hampered by selection effects, and shows the same shape of theq-distribution as the SBI systems, at theq-interval (0.67, 1).It is estimated that 19–45% of the stars in the solar neighbourhood are spectroscopic binary systems.  相似文献   

The reaction rates for the proton-proton reaction and the related electron capture reaction in a strongly magnetized relativistic electron gas of arbitrary degree of degeneracy are computed. The proton-proton reaction rates are unaffected by the presence of the magnetic field for field strengths up to the critical valueH q =m 2 c 3/e=4.414×1013G. For fields greater thanH q , the proton-proton reaction rates are enhanced linearly with (=H/H q ).The PeP reaction is investigated in detail for a wide range of temperatures, densities and magnetic field strengths that are of interest. The main results are as follows: In the non-degenerate regime the reaction rates are significantly reduced for high temperatures (T 95) and low fields (1). For instance, pep(H)=0.04 pep(O) at =10–3,T 9=10. For relatively high fields (>1) and low temperatures (T 92), the reaction rates are enhanced approximately linearly with . In the complete degenerate regime the reaction rates are reduced up to one-third of the field-free value for moderate densities (6/e10). At high densities (6/e10) the reaction rates are unaffected by the magnetic field.  相似文献   

According to the classical theory of equilibrium figures surfaces of equal density, potential and pressure concur (let call them isobars). Isobars may be represented by means of Liapunov power series in small parameter q, up to the first approximation coincident with centrifugal to gravitational force ratio on the equator. A. M. Liapunov has proved the existence of the universal convergence radius q : above mentioned series converge for all bodies if q < q . Using Liapunov's algorithm and symbolic calculus tools we have calculated q = 0.000370916. Evidently, convergence radius q 0 may be much greater in non-pathological situations. We plan to examine several simplest cases. In the present paper, we find q 0 for homogeneous liquid. The convergence radius turns out to be unexpectedly large coinciding with the upper boundary value q 0 = 0.337 for Maclaurin ellipsoids.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of the Be stars Eri, Oph, 66 Oph, and Ori for the period 1982–1988 are reported. The NRP hypothesis was verified on the ground of rapid line profile variability, radial velocities, and equivalent widths. The star Eri is pulsating in bothl=2 andl=8 with period 0 . d 7. Pulsation in modesl=2 andl=4 are observed in Hei profiles of Oph for May 1982. For radial velocities has been obtained a period 0 . d 913. The H and H lines of 66 Oph for April–August 1983 are in emission state with two clearly expressed components with intensity variations. All the parameters measured have the same period of variation — 0 . d 025. For Ori variations in line profiles for component Ab have been observed and a period of 0 . d 463 found for the radial velocities.  相似文献   

We present new images of the well-known molecular outflow and Herbig-Haro complex L 1551-IRS 5. Deep, high-resolution images of the central region of the flow in [SII] 6716,6731 and H (6565 Å) are complemented by a mosaic of much of the CO outflow in H2 v=1-0 S(1). While the optical data trace the intermediate-to-high excitation shocks in the flow (v shock > 30 – 50 km s–1), the near-IR data reveal the lower-excitation, molecular shocks (v shock 10–50 km s–1). In particular, the H2 data highlight the regions where the flow impacts and shocks ambient molecular gas.  相似文献   

Keenan  F.P.  Aggarwal  K.M.  Katsiyannis  A.C.  Reid  R.H.G. 《Solar physics》2003,217(2):225-233
New R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Caxv are used to derive theoretical electron density diagnostic emission line intensity ratios involving 2s 22p 2–2s2p 3 transitions, specifically R 1=I(208.70 Å)/I(200.98 Å), R 2=I(181.91 Å)/I(200.98 Å), and R 3=I(215.38 Å)/I(200.98 Å), for a range of electron temperatures (T e=106.4–106.8 K) and densities (N e=109–1013 cm–3) appropriate to solar coronal plasmas. Electron densities deduced from the observed values of R 1, R 2, and R 3 for several solar flares, measured from spectra obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A spectrograph on board Skylab, are found to be consistent. In addition, the derived electron densities are in excellent agreement with those determined from line ratios in Caxvi, which is formed at a similar electron temperature to Caxv. These results provide some experimental verification for the accuracy of the line ratio calculations, and hence the atomic data on which they are based. A set of eight theoretical Caxv line ratios involving 2s 22p 2–2s2p 3 transitions in the wavelength range 140–216 Å are also found to be in good agreement with those measured from spectra of the TEXT tokamak plasma, for which the electron temperature and density have been independently determined. This provides additional support for the accuracy of the theoretical line ratios and atomic data.  相似文献   

I find that a one-dimensional strong coronal shock (M s 3) will grow outward until the Mach number (M s ) ceases to increase with height (dM s /dh = 0). The shock is driven by the pressure gradient and it is damped by gravity and by energy losses (radiative and conductive). The driving and damping terms reach equilibrium for M s - 4.Standard shock jump conditions for M s - 4 lead to post-shock temperatures in the corona in the range 107 to 1.8 × 107K and emission measures from 3.8 × 1047 to 3.8 × 1048 cm-3. For isolated simple events, I predict an exponential decay of the emission measure with decay times in the range 1 6.5 min.In a detailed study of over 4000 X-ray bursts, Drake (1970) compares 1 to 6 keV X-ray data with 7.7 to 12.5 keV X-ray data (the thermal component) and finds ranges for the temperatures of 1.2 × 107 to 1.8 × 107K, for the emission measures of 5.1 × 1047 to 3.8 x 1048 cm-3 and for the decay times 0.5 20 min. He also finds that the emission measure varies ... both from event to event and within the event, by more than a factor of two.The agreement between the predictions and the observations makes it appear that a strong shock in the corona will produce a post-shock state that yields the observed characteristics of the soft component of X-ray bursts (the thermal X-rays).I give several examples where sprays and fast eruptive prominences 1} \right)$$ " align="middle" border="0"> , that are not associated with solar flares, are associated with thermal X-ray bursts. There were two slow eruptive prominences (M 1) in the sample, and neither of them yielded a detectable X-ray burst.Now at the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy (NASA), Univ. of New Mexico; Albuquerque, N.M. 87106.  相似文献   

The recent tentative identification of a chromospheric emission line at = 4097.342 Å with the Niii transition 3s 2 S 1/2 $#x2212; 3p 2 P 3/2 is discussed. It is shown that the observed intensity is inconsistent with the observed flux in the XUV resonance lines and considerably greater than the predicted intensity from the chromosphere-corona transition zone. Microphotometry of a plate shows that the line is a short interval of continuum between absorption lines.  相似文献   

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