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Remote-sensing and field data of Guizhou forest resources in 2000 are processed using ArcGIS, with the production of forest resource distribution map, forest age class structure map, and forest canopy distribution map. Analysis of these data shows that: (1) though there are multiple types of forest resources, forest coverage is low (only 25.27%, excluding sparse woodland, shrub and underage-forest); (2) the geographical distribution of forests is quite uneven, mainly in the southeast of the province and in Zunyi prefecture; (3) the zonal evergreen broad-leaved forests have been seriously destroyed, with striking secondary features, i.e., coniferous forest and shrubbery account for the greatest proportion of Guizhou forests; (4) the timber-forest is much larger in area than shelter-forest and economic forest; (5) young-and-middle aged forests are more widely distributed than near-and-over matured forest; and (6) the forest of Guizhou is not enough to effectively protect the environment of karst mountain areas of the province.  相似文献   

贵州森林的空间格局及组成结构   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用ArcGIS,对贵州省2000年所作的森林资源连续清查遥感判读样点数据进行处理和分析,提取了森林资源分布图、林龄结构分布图、郁闭度分布图等系列森林景观图;分析结果表明:(1) 贵州森林植被类型多样,但覆盖率相对较低,全省森林覆盖率为25.27 % (不含疏林、灌木林、未成林造林地面积);(2) 森林地理分布不均匀,主要分布在黔东南及北部的遵义地区;(3) 地带性植被常绿阔叶林破坏严重,森林具有明显的次生性,表现为针叶林和灌木林所占比重大;(4) 林种结构的特点是用材林占比重大,防护林、经济林所占比重小;(5) 林龄结构的特点是幼中龄林为主,近成过熟林面积、蓄积比重都相对较小;(6) 贵州森林不能充分发挥森林植被对喀斯特山区生态环境的保护功能。  相似文献   

贵州省森林资源动态变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
依据贵州省林业调查规划院1979、1984、1990、1995、2000年5次森林资源连续清查资料,从森林资源面积、蓄积量、组成结构等方面总结了该省近20年间森林资源动态变化的详细资料,并对变化的原因进行了分析。结果表明,20世纪70年代末至80年代末,林业用地面积、天然林面积与蓄积量均呈下降趋势;其后,由于贵州省政府及林业部门的高度重视,实施一系列林业生态保护与可持续发展工程,如国家“长江防护林工程”、“珠江防护林工程”等,贵州森林资源自1990年以来持续稳定增长,促进了生态环境改善  相似文献   

It is now common for researchers in natural resource management and economics to develop spatial models of recreation demand for the purposes of valuation and planning. Such an approach has significant advantages but requires access to relatively detailed spatial data. In the absence of official data concerning resources, researchers may benefit from employing increasingly available volunteered geographic information (VGI) as a central source of data or to complement more traditional data sources. This paper describes the development of a map of forest recreational resources in Ireland by combining conventional forest cover data and VGI of recreational trails. As an extension the new map is combined with household survey data to explore respondent's ability to identify local recreational forests and models the impact of the characteristics of the closest forest on their annual visitation. The results suggest that VGI can be a useful resource to researchers in both the identification and characterisation of recreational resources. In addition, this paper finds that the distance to and characteristics of the nearest recreational forest has a significant impact on total annual visitation by members of the public.  相似文献   

基于阈值分割的黑龙江省森林类型遥感识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变化背景下,准确获取森林覆盖是监测森林资源动态、实现林业可持续发展的重要基础。为将省级尺度森林资源清查面积资料空间化,以黑龙江省为例,利用1999-2003年该省森林资源清查面积数据,结合2000年500 m分辨率的MODIS数据,构建了基于阈值分割的森林类型遥感识别方法。该方法利用不同地表覆被类型归一化植被指数时间序列的季节分异特征,以森林资源清查面积为标准,设定森林类型的划分阈值,识别了黑龙江省森林类型的空间分布。最后,基于分层随机抽样和精度评价方法,表明森林类型识别结果与地面参考数据具有较高的一致性,总体分类精度为78.1%;特别是季节特征明显的落叶林,精度可达80%以上。本文所构建的方法可将森林清查统计数据进行准确的空间定位,同时结合多期森林资源连续清查资料和遥感信息,可为识别并量化区域生态系统生物量和碳库变化等提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

矮曲林是山地森林带在严酷的自然环境影响下发展演化而成的特殊植物群落,对中国山地植被和垂直带的研究具有重要的地理和生态意义。本文选择20世纪30年代以来在国内外文献中发表的52个矮曲林数据,结合Worldclim气候数据等,对中国矮曲林的类型和分布及其相应的气候条件进行了研究。结果表明:①中国的矮曲林主要包括山顶苔藓矮曲林、寒温性偃松矮曲林和岳桦矮曲林3类;其中,山顶苔藓矮曲林主要分布于秦巴山区以南的山地,而偃松矮曲林和岳桦矮曲林主要分布于东北地区。②山顶苔藓矮曲林主要由亚热带、热带地区的常绿阔叶林在山顶或山脊受山顶效应等的影响演化而来;而寒温性矮曲林主要由寒温性针叶林或针阔混交林在山顶或山脊条件下长期演化而来。山顶苔藓矮曲林自东向西随地势升高,其分布的海拔高度也逐渐升高;寒温性偃松矮曲林和岳桦矮曲林分布高度自南向北逐渐降低。③矮曲林分布在气候林线以下的山地,其气候条件足以支撑山地森林的发育,但由于山顶效应的存在(如强风、气候干冷或湿冷及土壤贫瘠等),只能发育矮曲林而非垂直地带性的山地森林。④中国东南部的很多山地高度小于3000 m,山顶效应明显,矮曲林广泛发育,造成了假林线的普遍存在。  相似文献   

韶关市生态旅游资源现状分析及其开发构想   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
分析了韶关市资源特点和存在问题,提出开展生态旅游的原则和措施,根据各区域生态旅游资源分布特色,将韶关市分为5个森林生态旅游区,即西部自然景观区;北部特殊地貌区;东北部古生物区;中部古人类、宗教观光区;南部观光农业区。  相似文献   

基于HASM的中国森林植被碳储量空间分布模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵明伟  岳天祥  赵娜  孙晓芳 《地理学报》2013,68(9):1212-1224
当前区域尺度上森林碳储量估算主要依据森林资源清查数据,整个过程不仅消耗大量人力、物力,而且十分耗时,严重影响了森林碳储量估算的时效性。针对这一问题,本文提出了基于HASM的森林植被碳储量模拟方法,该方法以全球植被动态模型LPJ-Guess 输出的植被碳储量为驱动场,以森林清查样地数据为精度控制点,模拟生成中国陆地森林碳储量分布情况。研究以第7 次中国森林资源清查数据作为精度控制点数据源,同时作为本文模拟方法的精度验证。结果表明,中国森林碳储量为9.2405 Pg,考虑到森林资源清查是基于一定的郁闭度进行的,因此HASM模拟的结果与根据森林资源清查结果计算得出的7.8115 Pg 相比更符合实际情况,西南山区和东北林区是中国森林最主要的碳库,其碳储量分别占中国森林植被碳储量的39.82%和20.46%。同时与之前(1975-1995 年) 相比具有较大幅度的增长,表明近几十年来中国坚持大规模植树造林的碳汇效果显著。同时也表明基于HASM的森林植被碳储量空间分布模拟方法是有效的,模拟结果合理且精度较高,表明该方法在全球尺度上森林植被碳储量模拟及其它生态系统中碳储量模拟中具有应用潜力。  相似文献   

贵州不同规模等级坝子空间分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李阳兵  陈会  罗光杰 《地理科学》2019,39(11):1830-1840
以1∶5万地形图和高清遥感影像为数据源,系统研究了贵州省面积在1 hm 2以上坝子的空间分布规律。研究发现: 贵州省1 hm 2以上的坝子,仅占贵州省国土面积的3.99%,低于山间坝子占全省总面积7.51%的传统认识;以10~20 hm 2的坝子个数占比最高,随坝子面积增加,坝子个数占比也逐渐降低; 贵州坝子集中于贵州省中部,沿东北到西南一线; 贵州坝子体系等级结构较松散,相互之间等级规模差异存在差异。  相似文献   

以广东沿海红树林为研究对象,结合谷歌地球引擎(GEE)云计算平台,以1986—2018年32期3 359景Landsat系列卫星遥感影像为数据源,采用随机森林(RF)方法提取1986—2018年广东省红树林面积,比较全省沿海城市红树林年际时空变化特征,并从景观斑块角度分析广东省红树林斑块演变特征。结果表明:1)1986—2018年红树林遥感分类总体精度均高于90%,广东省沿岸红树林面积总体呈先减少后增加的趋势,且其在2014年后变化幅度逐渐减小。2)从各沿海城市来看,红树林共分布在14个市内,其中湛江和阳江是红树林面积分布最大的2个城市;各市红树林面积变化可分为先减后增、波动增加和无明显变化3类。3)1986—2018年广东省红树林斑块数量总体呈减少趋势,但斑块平均面积(MPS)呈上升趋势,红树林破碎化程度减轻。获取年际红树林面积分布信息和空间结构变化趋势,可为红树林合理开发与保护提供数据和参考,服务于红树林生态恢复和精细化管理。  相似文献   

以贵州旅游地空间数据为基础,运用平均最邻近、地理探测器等方法,研究贵州1990—2018年4个时间截面旅游地空间格局,分析该时期旅游重心演化进程,探讨旅游地与地理环境、社会经济要素间关系并开展驱动力分析。结果表明:① 4个时期旅游地均为凝聚状态分布,总体呈现点、团向面状、带状聚集转变;② 全省旅游收入演化比客流量演化更为敏感和剧烈,二者均以经向变幅为主导,且呈现西部比重大于东部的态势;③ 旅游地在海拔高程垂向上表现为近似正态分布,碳酸盐岩类区旅游地资源多为自然类景点、碎屑岩类区主要表现为民族文化类景点的聚集分布,断层线5 km缓冲区范围内分布90%左右的旅游地、其空间展布总体与断层线走向吻合,三叠、寒武及二叠地层是旅游地的主要分布区,旅游地沿省道特征分布明显;④ 全省旅游地分布主要受旅游地到河流沟谷距离、县级行政中心距离、高速公路直线距离、陆上交通路网密度、高速公路路网密度、断层线距离、河流沟谷密度等7项因子驱动;而距河流沟谷、距县级行政中心、距高速公路直线距离以及交通路网密度水平等因子的组合效应集中控制了当前贵州旅游地空间分布的总体格局。  相似文献   


Mapping forest soils using conventional methods is time consuming and expensive. An expert system is described and applied to the mapping of five forest soil-landscape units formed on a single granitoid parent material. Three thematic maps were considered important in influencing the distribution of soils. The first showed the distribution of nine classes of native eucalypt forests, and the second and third were derived from a digital elevation model and represented slope gradient and a soil wetness index combined with topographical position. These layers were input to a raster based geographical information system (GIS) and then geometrically co-registered to a regular 30 m grid. From a knowledge of soil distributions, the relationships between the soil-landscape units and the three data layers were quantified by an experienced soil scientist and used as rules in a rule based expert system. The thematic layers accessed from the GIS provided data for the expert system to infer the forest soil-landscape unit most likely to occur at any given pixel. The soil-landscape map output by the expert system compared favourably with a conventional soil-landscape map generated using interpretation of aerial photographs.  相似文献   

It is very important in accurately estimating the forests' carbon stock and spatial distribution in the regional scale because they possess a great rate in the carbon stock of the terrestrial ecosystem. Yet the current estimation of forest carbon stock in the regional scale mainly depends on the forest inventory data, and the whole process consumes too much labor, money and time. And meanwhile it has many negative influences on the forest carbon storage updating. In order to figure out these problems, this paper, based on High Accuracy Surface Modeling (HASM), proposes a forest vegetation carbon storage simulation method. This new method employs the output of LPJ-GUESS model as initial values of HASM and uses the inventory data as sample points of HASM to simulate the distribution of forest carbon storage in China. This study also adopts the seventh forest resources statistics of China as the data source to generate sample points, and it also works as the simulation accuracy test. The HASM simulation shows that the total forest carbon storage of China is 9.2405 Pg, while the calculated value based on forest resources statistics are 7.8115 Pg. The forest resources statistics is taken based on a forest canopy closure, and the result of HASM is much more suitable to the real forest carbon storage. The simulation result also indicates that the southwestern mountain region and the northeastern forests are the important forest carbon reservoirs in China, and they account for 39.82% and 20.46% of the country's total forest vegetation carbon stock respectively. Compared with the former value (1975-1995), it mani- fests that the carbon storage of the two regions do increase clearly. The results of this re- search show that the large-scale reforestation in the last decades in China attains a signifi- cant carbon sink.  相似文献   

基于GIS的北京山区优势林分生态位分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
段晓峰  许学工 《地理科学》2008,28(5):667-671
应用生态位理论,以北京山区森林资源为研究对象,分析优势林分的空间分布及其资源利用和环境适应能力的差异。基于GIS方法,建立优势林分空间分布数据库以及资源梯度信息数据库,分别采用Levins公式和Smith公式,在水分、热量、光照和土壤质量4维环境因子梯度上测定了研究区8个优势林分的生态位宽度,采用Pianka公式测定生态位重叠。结果表明:Smith公式考虑资源可利用性,得到的生态位宽度更能客观地反映优势林分资源空间利用程度;研究区各优势林分重叠度普遍较大,反映了对环境要求的相似性及资源共享的趋势性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand ecotourism resources, taking into considering their quality and the comparative advantages of districts in order to develop effective strategy. Ecotourism is an important developmental model for those undeveloped regions that have superior landscape resources in ecologically fragile environments. This article has identified 181 ecotourism sites in Guizhou province, based on field work in the province. A quantitative assessment using 18 indicators was performed and, based on the results, these resources were divided into five levels. The paper also analyzed the comparative advantage of districts to reflect the developmental potential of different districts. Results show that ecotourism resources in Guihzhou province are numerous, varied in type and high quality; among them, six sites ranked level 5 represented the essence of Guizhou province. Moreover, there are four districts that are high superiority — Anshun, Qiannan and Qianxinan and Zunyi - one that is average and four that are low. According to our analysis, ecotourism development models for Guizhou province can be classified into four types; effective strategies were proposed for each.  相似文献   

洪水资源化是解决喀斯特地区水资源严重缺乏的有效途径。文章在贵州省喀斯特地区选取40个流域作为研究样区,利用面向对象技术的监督分类型方法,提取典型喀斯特地貌类型;分析流域样区特征,利用系统聚类法,将其划分为6种流域类型,即是:喀斯特低中山型(Ⅰ)、峰丛谷地型(Ⅱ)、混合型(Ⅲ)、峰林盆地(溶原)型(Ⅳ)、峰丛洼地型(Ⅴ)和峰林地貌型(Ⅵ);利用相关分析方法,分析不同地貌空间配置对洪水径流特征的影响,探索地貌空间配置对洪水的分配与承载规律,从流域结构角度研究地貌空间配置对洪水资源化的实现。研究表明:1)洪水径流模数、径流系数及其Cv值曲线呈现“双峰型”分布,且分别在峰丛谷地型流域(Ⅱ)和峰丛洼地型流域(Ⅴ)达极大值;2)不同流域类型实现洪水资源利用总量,从大到小排序为:Ⅴ(6.22×108 m3)>Ⅰ(2.88×108 m3)>Ⅵ(1.49×108 m3)>Ⅱ(1.34×108 m3)>Ⅳ(1.25×108 m3)>Ⅲ(0.55×108 m3);3)除峰丛谷地型(Ⅱ)和混合型(Ⅲ)流域外,所有流域类型的地下洪水资源总量大于地表洪水资源总量。喀斯特流域的洪水资源化,深受喀斯特地表的起伏及其流域侵蚀基准面和溶蚀基准面的控制。  相似文献   

贵州省旅游业区位重构研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
王铮  王莹  李山  翁桂兰  宋秀坤 《地理研究》2003,22(3):312-323
基于王瑛、王铮(2000)提出的旅游业区位模型,在考察了贵州省旅游景观分布后,本文修正了他们的模型,并划分了旅游业区位带:风景名胜带;奇异风光带;特色资源带;差异突出的文化与自然风光带。旅游业的这种空间机构类似杜能模型,但决不是杜能现象而是新地理现象。本文强调,贵州省以舞阳河为代表的喀斯特地貌景观属于青年期,在形态结构上不同于云南以石林为代表的壮年期地貌和广西的以桂林为代表的老年期地貌,是一种新的旅游地貌资源,需要突出资源特点开展营销。根据新的区位模型,本文讨论了贵州省旅游业区位,并且提出3条建议:通过建设高速公路将原来行程9小时的路程缩为6小时的;以舞阳河风景区为中心组织特色资源区;建设航空港发展一些资源条件好的地区为旅游亚中心。  相似文献   

Semiarid forests are disappearing on a large scale and are considered to be the most endangered ecosystems in the lowland tropics. The deforestation rate in Peru is among the highest in Latin America and the Caribbean. Poor people are often more dependent on forest resources than those who are well off. However, little is known about poor people's use of forest resources or the effect of logging in semiarid forests. The article deals with household energy use and the source of firewood (bought or collected, either locally or over some distance) in two semiarid forests in Piura, northern Peru. The most used tree species and the vulnerability of the species are also examined in order to understand deforestation. Peru has introduced regulations on the use of forest resources and the article focuses on how these regulations are locally understood. The methodology includes questionnaires, recording local household practices, and in-depth interviews with local informants and both governmental and non-governmental organizations. The daily wood consumption rates per person were measured. The findings reveal that household economy is not the only factor affecting daily firewood consumption rate, but also climate, ecology, access to firewood, and traditions are contributing factors.  相似文献   

Spatial differentiation in forest transition was measured in terms of space transition and function transition using the exploratory spatial data analysis method (ESDA) and data from 2004—2014 for Zunyi city, Guizhou province, China. The validity of factors affecting forest transition was analyzed by constructing radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN) based on the data processing system (DPS). Our results will provide references for scientific understanding of the potential mechanism underlying forest transition in mountainous areas. We found that Global Moran’s I of space transition and function transition of forest land was 0.0336 and 0.2323, respectively. This suggests a significant positive correlation in spatial distribution of space transition and function transition of forest land, and significant spatial aggregation. The Global Moran’s I of function transition was higher than that of space transition, and the spatial aggregation characteristics of function transition were more significant than for space transition. The Global Moran’s I at each time period tended to increase, and the spatial aggregation degree of the function transition and space transition was further enhanced. Hot and cold spots of space transition of forest land stably evolved, suggesting a minor spatial difference in forest land among different administrative units at the county level. The number of hot spots at the county level in function transition increased. Hot spots were intensively distributed at the western edge and continuously distributed in the northeast. The space transition and function transition of forest land were both greatly influenced by urbanization rate and second and third industries. The development of urbanization and industrialization was the main factor driving forest transition, suggesting a positive role of economic growth on forest transition in mountainous areas. The development of urbanization and industrialization is an effective approach to forest transition in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

Throughfall, stemflow, evapotranspiration and infiltration are likely to vary with forest types, and consequently affect soil moisture regimes in different soil layers. In this study, the spatial and temporal characteristics of soil moisture were investigated to understand variations in soil moisture in three typical forests, including Phyllostachys pubescens forest (abbreviated as PPF), Schima superba forest (abbreviated as SSF) and Cunninghamia lanceolata forest (abbreviated as CLF) in the upper reaches of Lijiang River basin in southern China. The results showed that, (1) Litterfall and soil physical properties differed significantly in the three typical forests. Infiltration capacity in SSF was more favorable to soil moisture than in PPF and CLF. (2) Large variations were found in soil moisture at different forest stands and depths. Due to complicated vertical structures, there were obvious differences in soil moisture from the 0-20 cm soil layer to the 50-80 cm soil layer. (3) Average soil moisture in each layer was higher in SSF than in PPF and CLF. (4) Soil moisture in different layers correlated closely with precipitation (P<0.01) and the three typical forests had the same change trends with rainfall during the studying period. (5) In topsoil, soil moisture was influenced by soil properties which were mostly determined by litterfall, while in deep soil, soil moisture was affected by variations of soil characteristics, which were mostly determined by root distribution. This study provides a scientific basis for better understanding the relationships between forest vegetation and its hydrological effects, helping to facilitate water resources conservation and achieving wise forest management in the upper reaches of Lijiang River basin.  相似文献   

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