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张超  陈连旺 《地震学报》1994,16(2):176-182
根据鲜水河断裂带构造几何和运动学特征及地貌的新近考查研究结果, 应用边界单元法分析了该断裂带某些断层和特征地貌的成因机制, 并讨论了该断裂的分段性及相应的地震破裂分布特征。主要结论为:作为一级分段, 鲜水河断裂可分为3段:(1)西北的炉霍-乾宁段;(2)中部的破裂连结区;(3)南东的康定段。各段之间不仅存在几何和构造上的差异, 其力学性质和动力学特征也有所不同。该断裂带的某些特征地貌反映了断层长期运动积累的形变效应, 并显示了断裂带在不同级次上的分段性。这种地貌在一定程度上控制着地震破裂的发育与分布。   相似文献   

位于四川西北部高原山谷地带的鲜水河断裂带,从更新世以来曾有过多次反时针水平错动,并伴随有多次强震的发生,留下了大量水平断错地貌和古地震遗迹。本文介绍一个典型的地震地貌现象,在约3平方公里的范围内,可见到盲谷(弃沟)、沼泽洼地、水沟、沟脊、构造残山、断塞塘、地震槽谷、地震陡坎、新老地裂缝及鼓包等,统一作反时针水平错动。这个典型地震地貌现象位于鲜水河断裂带北段,距炉霍县城约10公里,川藏公路51道班南西侧山坡上的尤斯附近。笔者认为这是一处难得的集中的典型的地震地貌现象。  相似文献   

作为“位于亚洲大陆东南部强烈变形场中的左旋剪切破裂带,撕裂了高耸的青藏高原的东南部边缘,在中国大陆内部新构造格局中占据着突出位置”的青藏高原东缘一条重要的左旋走滑断裂带,鲜水河断裂带有着丰富的历史地震记录、较清晰的地貌特征和地表破裂形迹,是开展活动断裂定量研究、检验地震破裂分段模型——独立破裂模型和级联破裂模型的理想场所,  相似文献   

本文在二维有限元方法中引进双节点模型,以双节点之间的摩擦系数、破裂强度、动摩擦系数和松驰时间常数等四个量来表征断层不同部位的力学性质,如蠕滑段、闭锁段等,借以研究走滑断裂带上的强震序列及其与模型参数之间的关系;建立了鲜水河断裂带的数学模型,并通过反复调整模型参数进行试算,模拟了该断裂带上自1700年以来的强震序列,对其今后的地震趋势做了一定的预测。结果表明:乾宁段在从现在起的大约十五年以内可能会发生一次7级左右的地震,其后该断裂带将维持一个50—70年的平静期。  相似文献   

本文运用由弹簧—滑块模型来模拟走滑断层的地震活动,讨论了模型中断层强度、断层滑块间弹簧强度、滑块与驱动盘之间片簧强度、滑块摩擦力的影响,以及初始条件敏感性。并以我国最为典型的一条走滑断层———鲜水河断裂带为例,运用试错法调整模型参数以使发生的地震最大限度地逼近实际发生的地震,并利用最终结果讨论了鲜水河断裂带今后的活动性。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带的断错地貌及其地震学意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
钱洪 《地震地质》1989,11(4):43-49
断层的近代位错必将在地貌形态上留下深刻的印记,因而凭借断错地貌现象有可能得到关于活断层上地震活动性的重要信息。鲜水河断裂带上的断错地貌现象表明,断层以间歇性的地震滑动为特征,而且服从于大小相当的地震在原地重复发生的特征地震模式。断错水系的演化图象则进一步提供了在一定时段内,同一地点滑动速率基本稳定的线索。于是,可以把断错地貌的研究作为地震活动性研究的重要手段  相似文献   

通过对流动地磁重复测量数据的计算处理,得出鲜水河断裂带上各测点相邻两期的磁场总强度变化,使用surfer软件绘制出鲜水河断裂带上磁场变化的时空分布。由图分析鲜水河断裂带的磁场变化特征,并着重探究鲜水河断裂带2000年至2003年的活动情况以及从磁力资料方面来分析汶川地震对鲜水河断裂带的影响。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带跨断层变形分析和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲜水河断裂带积累了20多年的跨断层变形资料, 如何解释这种变形是一个重要的问题。 该文采用了弹性上地壳覆盖在粘弹性Maxwell体之上的模型。 炉霍1973年MS7.6地震按该粘弹性模型计算的震后形变曲线能够在很大程度上解释实测观测结果, 显示与一些断层(如圣安德烈斯断层某些段落)存在缓慢蠕滑而无大地震发生不同, 鲜水河断裂带观测到的跨断层变形, 有相当一部分可以用大地震后的粘弹性变形来解释。 当然, 计算得到的震后粘弹性形变幅度同跨断层短基线和短水准的实测形变幅度比较还存在一些差异, 不能完全解释, 表明了大陆断层活动的复杂性, 并值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

杨光宇 《地球物理学报》1985,28(06):651-658
一、前言 地震可能是由于介质本构性质的软化特性所引起的非线性力学过程,因断层介质的软化,能导致断层介质和周围岩体的失稳和弹性应变的释放,产生地震。 目前有限元分析中常使用一种描述断层的层状材料模型(O.C.zienkiewicz,1971),  相似文献   

一、前言 地震可能是由于介质本构性质的软化特性所引起的非线性力学过程,因断层介质的软化,能导致断层介质和周围岩体的失稳和弹性应变的释放,产生地震。 目前有限元分析中常使用一种描述断层的层状材料模型(O.C.zienkiewicz,1971),  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带地震活动特征及强震发生随时间增长概率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王贵宣  郑大林 《地震研究》1995,18(3):221-226
作者等仔细分析了鲜水河断裂带从1725年到现在的地震资料,并利用乌莫洛夫T─S、M为参数的作图法及强震发生随时间增长概率,绘制了地震活动图件及地震发生概率曲线以及M─T图和鲜水河断裂应变释放曲线。根据这些资料可以清楚地看出鲜水河断裂带自1725年到现在可分为两个大的活动周期,其中6.0级以上地震有由康定依次向甘孜迁移的特点。在每一个大的地震活动周期中,地震基本上两次重复由康定向甘孜迁移的过程,而且较强地震多发生在第二次迁移过程中,1982年甘孜地震标志着断裂带在第二幕地震活动高潮中,中强震已经完成了最后一次由断裂带东南端向西北端迁移的过程。同时考虑到断裂带应变释放曲线的特征,估计鲜水河断裂带目前已进入新的平静阶段。前两个大的活动周期之间,平静了近一个世纪。按历史上地震定向迁移规律,估计在新的活动期地震仍将从康定方向开始,逐步向甘孜发展。  相似文献   

龙陵 -澜沧断裂带是一条新生的断裂带 ,由多条斜列式或丛集式次级断层组成 ,以活断层、地震断层、地震成带分布为特征。运动性质为右旋 -拉张。形成时代为早、中更新世 ,晚期继续活动。未来破裂趋势首先将断开那些构造闭锁段、破裂不连续段 ,然后使断裂带完全贯通。新生断裂带的产生与第四纪青藏高原加速隆起有关 ,由北而南滑移的物质流和阿萨姆楔体向东北方向挤入的共同作用 ,使滇缅块体产生反时针旋转 ,并在块体中间地带形成北北西向的新生断裂带  相似文献   

In order to analyze 3-dimensional movement and deformation characteristics and seismic risk of the Xianshuihe fault zone, we inverted for dynamic fault locking and slip deficit rate of the fault using the GPS horizontal velocity field of 1999-2007 and 2013-2017 in Sichuan-Yunnan region, and calculated annual vertical change rate to analyze the vertical deformation characteristics of the fault using the cross-fault leveling data during 1980-2017 locating on the Xianshuihe fault. The GPS inversion results indicate that in 1999-2007, the southeastern segment of the fault is tightly locked, the middle segment is less locked, and the northwestern segment is basically in creeping state. In 2013-2017, the southeastern segment of the fault is obviously weekly locked, in which only a patch between Daofu-Bamei is locked, and the northwestern segment is still mostly in creeping state, in which only a patch at southeastern Luhuo is slightly locked from surface to 10km depth. The cross-fault leveling data show that annual vertical change rate of the Zhuwo, Gelou, Xuxu and Goupu sites on the northwestern segment is larger, which means vertical movement is relatively active, and annual vertical change rate of the Longdengba, Laoqianning, and Zheduotang sites on the southeastern segment is small, which means the fault is locked, and the vertical movement changes little before and after the Wenchuan earthquake. Combining with the 3-dimensional movement and deformation, seismic activity and Coulomb stress on the Xianshuihe Fault, we consider the seismic risk of the southeastern segment is larger, and the Wenchuan earthquake reduced the far-field sinistral movement and the fault slip deficit rate, which may reduce the stress and strain accumulation rate and relieve the seismic risk of the southeastern segment.  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂西北段的断层泥特征及其地震地质意义   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对鲜水河断裂的断层泥样品进行原样的结构、构造和碎砾的显微构造、刻蚀形貌结构的观测统计,断层泥的粒度分析和分形研究,认为,断裂处于强烈的定向应力场作用之下,其运动方式是以粘滑运动为主,且晚更新世和全新世时期断裂仍有活动。从断层泥的粒度分布和分形分析可将断层分为:甘孜-格篓、格篓-恰叫、恰叫-乾宁3段,这与前人的地形变分析的分段结果相一致  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带区域第四纪构造应力场的分期研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用断层滑动方向资料反演构造应力张量的分期计算方法,获得鲜水河断裂带区域第四纪以来两期主要构造应力作用:第1期为早~中更新世,构造应力作用以北东-南西向挤压为特征;第Ⅱ期自晚更新世至今,构造应力作用以近东西向挤压和近南北向拉张为特征  相似文献   

安欧 《地震》1995,(3):214-221
岩石接触面在高温高围压下经过几天便烧结起来而有很高但低于原岩的剪切强度。烧结面与主压应力方向夹角大于55—65°时,便不再断裂而沿其它方向剪断。实验最低温压相当地壳10km深,这应是地壳大断裂的上部裂面与下部烧结层的界限深度,受力后便向下延裂,在下部形成震源。这可能是鲜水河断裂带震源在10—25km深重复发生的原因。由带内大震机制解P轴方向与地球自转速率变化趋势的关系、区域残余应力场水平主压应力分布方向与断裂带走向的关系,讨论了带内大震活动时段的原因。由带内裂面烧结条件、残余和现今应力高值区、岩体低强度区及储存弹性应变能高值区的分布,研究了带内大震空间分布原因。  相似文献   

Influenced by the far-field effect of India-Eurasia collision, Tianshan Mountains is one of the most intensely deformed and seismically active intracontinental orogenic belts in Cenozoic. The deformation of Tianshan is not only concentrated on its south and north margins, but also on the interior of the orogen. The deformation of the interior of Tianshan is dominated by NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults and ENE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults. Compared with numerous studies on the south and north margins of Tianshan, little work has been done to quantify the slip rates of faults within the Tianshan Mountains. Therefore, it is a significant approach for geologists to understand the current tectonic deformation style of Tianshan Mountains by studying the late Quaternary deformation characteristics of large fault and fold zones extending through the interior of Tianshan. In this paper, we focus on a large near EW trending fault, the Baoertu Fault (BETF) in the interior of Tianshan, which is a large fault in the eastern Tianshan area with apparent features of deformation, and a boundary fault between the central and southern Tianshan. An MS5.0 earthquake event occurred on BETF, which indicates that this fault is still active. In order to understand the kinematics and obtain the late Quaternary slip rate of BETF, we made a detailed research on its late Quaternary kinematic features based on remote sensing interpretation, drone photography, and field geological and geomorphologic survey, the results show that the BETF is of left-lateral strike-slip with thrust component in late Quaternary. In the northwestern Kumishi basin, BETF sinistrally offsets the late Pleistocene piedmont alluvial fans, forming fault scarps and generating sinistral displacement of gullies and geomorphic surfaces. In the bedrock region west of Benbutu village, BETF cuts through the bedrock and forms the trough valley. Besides, a series of drainages or rivers which cross the fault zone and date from late Pleistocene have been left-laterally offset systematically, resulting in a sinistral displacement ranging 0.93~4.53km. By constructing the digital elevation model (DEM) for the three sites of typical deformed morphologic units, we measured the heights of fault scarps and left-lateral displacements of different gullies forming in different times, and the result shows that BEFT is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip with thrust component. We realign the bended channels across the fault at BET01 site and obtain the largest displacement of 67m. And we propose that the abandon age of the deformed fan is about 120ka according to the features of the fan. Based on the offsets of channels at BET01 and the abandon age of deformed fan, we estimate the slip rate of 0.56mm/a since late Quaternary. The Tianshan Mountains is divided into several sub-blocks by large faults within the orogen. The deformation in the interior of Tianshan can be accommodated or absorbed by relative movement or rotation. The relative movement of the two sub-blocks surrounded by Boa Fault, Kaiduhe Fault and BETF is the dominant cause for the left-lateral movement of BETF. The left-lateral strike-slip with reverse component of BETF in late Quaternary not only accommodates the horizontal stain within eastern Tianshan but also absorbs some SN shortening of the crust.  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带的现今水平形变及构造动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
据鲜水河断裂带水平测距的新成果,讨论该带现今构造运动的动态特征。在分析水平形变的基础上,联系表层构造形变和区域背景,探讨地块沿断裂带运动的模式。认为该带的现今运动主要表现为断裂带两侧地块往东南的同向不等速滑动,其地表形变效应则与左旋走滑相一  相似文献   

Complex geometrical structures on strike-slip faults would likely affect fault behavior such as strain accumulation and distribution, seismic rupture process, etc. The Xianshuihe Fault has been considered to be a Holocene active strike-slip fault with a high horizontal slip rate along the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. During the past 300 years, the Xianshuihe Fault produced 8 earthquakes with magnitude≥7 along the whole fault and showed strong activities of large earthquakes. Taking the Huiyuansi Basin as a structure boundary, the northwestern and southeastern segments of the Xianshuihe Fault show different characteristics. The northwestern segment, consisting of the Luhuo, Daofu and Qianning sections, shows a left-stepping en echelon pattern by simple fault strands. However, the southeastern segment(Huiyuansi-Kangding segment)has a complex structure and is divided into three sub-faults: the Yalahe, Selaha and Zheduotang Faults. To the south of Kangding County, the Moxi segment of the Xianshuihe Fault shows a simple structure. The previous studies suggest that the three sub-faults(the Yalahe, Selaha and Zheduotang Faults of the Huiyuansi-Kangding segment)unevenly distribute the strain of the northwestern segment of the Xianshuihe Fault. However, the disagreement of the new activity of the Yalahe Fault limits the understanding of the strain distribution model of the Huiyuansi-Kangding segment. Most scholars believed that the Yalahe Fault is a Holocene active fault. However, Zhang et al.(2017)used low-temperature thermochronology to study the cooling history of the Gongga rock mass, and suggested that the Yalahe Fault is now inactive and the latest activity of the Xianshuihe Fault has moved westward over the Selaha Fault. The Yalahe Fault is the only segment of the Xianshuihe Fault that lacks records of the strong historical earthquakes. Moreover, the Yalahe Fault is located in the alpine valley area, and the previous traffic conditions were very bad. Thus, the previous research on fault activity of the fault relied mainly on the interpretation of remote sensing, and the uncertainty was relatively large. Through remote sensing and field investigation, we found the geological and geomorphological evidence for Holocene activity of the Yalahe Fault. Moreover, we found a well-preserved seismic surface rupture zone with a length of about 10km near the Yariacuo and the co-seismic offsets of the earthquake are about 2.5~3.5m. In addition, we also advance the new active fault track of the Yalahe Fault to Yala Town near Kangding County. In Wangmu and Yala Town, we found the geological evidence for the latest fault activity that the Holocene alluvial fans were dislocated by the fault. These evidences suggest that the Yalahe Fault is a Holocene active fault, and has the seismogenic tectonic condition to produce a large earthquake, just like the Selaha and Zheduotang Faults. These also provide seismic geological evidence for the strain distribution model of the Kangding-Huiyuansi segment of the Xianshuihe Fault.  相似文献   

鲜水河活动断裂带地震地质研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲜水河断裂带是我国西部著名的断裂之一。通过对鲜水断裂带所进行的1/5万地质填图及相应的工作,对该断裂带的演化历史。组合形成,分段性和各段的活动习性,古地震与历史地震的复发间隔等方面的研究,都取得了新的进展。  相似文献   

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