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Within the framework of ecosystem-based management, we focused on the use of seasonal closures as effective measures to minimise the degradation of benthic communities by trawling. These closures imply the complete cessation of trawling fleet activity and are commonly used in the Mediterranean to reduce the annual fishing effort, with the ultimate goal of effective resource management. In this study, we aimed to investigate how epibenthic communities respond to seasonal closures. The potential benefits of short-term annual closures in two Mediterranean fishing grounds were evaluated by analysing changes in community structure and composition that were linked to the closure. A decrease of faunal abundance was observed with the resumption of fishing activity after the closure at both fishing grounds. Remarkably, results indicated that some large and mobile fauna were able to respond to these closures. We concluded that the currently planned closures are too short to benefit benthic communities.  相似文献   

Additional aspects regarding the optimum fixed and roving sampling techniques, to those already explored in a previous authors’ throughfall study, are further investigated here. The roving technique consists in the random repositioning, with a frequency fr, of N throughfall gauges among M positions (M > N), oppositely to the fixed or stationary arrangement where N = M. Both fixed and roving optimum sampling techniques of 100 monitored throughfall events sampled with 200 fixed gauges under a semideciduous tropical rain forest in Panama were investigated by means of Monte‐Carlo numerical experiments. Mean dispersion was shown to be always smaller in the roving versus the fixed gauge arrangement, independently of the relocation frequency studied (fr = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1), such that all roving schemes with N ≥ 50 gauges lay within ±5% of the mean cumulative throughfall. Results indicated that a low variability, high precision, and accuracy are obtained with a modest relocation frequency fr = 0.2 (i.e. a relocation every five episodes of the original 100 measured events) and N = 30 roving gauges, with no significant improvement worth the extra field work beyond fr > 0.2 and N >30. Only by increasing the number of roving positions from M < < 200 to M = 200, the precision and accuracy of the mean estimate were improved without comprising additional labour. Hence, a roving sampling scheme which relocates gauges over completely new fresh sites each roving cycle is recommended for future throughfall studies. Finally, we designed an a priori sampling strategy which permitted us to conclude that using only the first 20 out of the total 100 measuring events, for the remaining 80 throughfall field measurements, N = 40 roving gauges (i.e. five time less than the originally 200 gauges displayed) would have been sufficient for ensuring ≤5% error, expressed as percentage of the mean cumulative throughfall. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents new ideas on sampling design and minimax prediction in a geostatistical model setting. Both presented methodologies are based on regression design ideas. For this reason the appendix of this paper gives an introduction to optimum Bayesian experimental design theory for linear regression models with uncorrelated errors. The presented methodologies and algorithms are then applied to the spatial setting of correlated random fields. To be specific, in Sect. 1 we will approximate an isotropic random field by means of a regression model with a large number of regression functions with random amplitudes, similarly to Fedorov and Flanagan (J Combat Inf Syst Sci: 23, 1997). These authors make use of the Karhunen Loeve approximation of the isotropic random field. We use the so-called polar spectral approximation instead; i.e. we approximate the isotropic random field by means of a regression model with sine-cosine-Bessel surface harmonics with random amplitudes and then, in accordance with Fedorov and Flanagan (J Combat Inf Syst Sci: 23, 1997), apply standard Bayesian experimental design algorithms to the resulting Bayesian regression model. Section 2 deals with minimax prediction when the covariance function is known to vary in some set of a priori plausible covariance functions. Using a minimax theorem due to Sion (Pac J Math 8:171–176, 1958) we are able to formulate the minimax problem as being equivalent to an optimum experimental design problem, too. This makes the whole experimental design apparatus available for finding minimax kriging predictors. Furthermore some hints are given, how the approach to spatial sampling design with one a priori fixed covariance function may be extended by means of minimax kriging to a whole set of a priori plausible covariance functions such that the resulting designs are robust. The theoretical developments are illustrated with two examples taken from radiological monitoring and soil science.  相似文献   

Four cores recovered within the framework of the INTERPOL Project have been analysed for their grain size and geochemistry; sediment accumulation rates (SARs) were also determined from 210Pb and 137Cs profiles. Two cores are representative of the Axios and Aliakmon Rivers depositional environment, whilst the third core represents the Pinios River province; the fourth core represents an environment of outer shelf relict sands. Apparent SARs ranged between 0.667 g cm−2 yr−1 (Axios and Aliakmon Rivers) and 0.414 g cm−2 yr−1 (Pinios River). Trawling activities and biomixing are critical processes that may be responsible for the mixing of the surface sediments, as observed from the excess 210Pb profiles. The thickness of the surface mixed layer was 4.5 cm in the vicinity of Axios and Aliakmon Rivers and in the area of Pinios River, 3.75 cm on the outer shelf and 1 cm in the area where no trawling was observed. Sediment accumulation appeared to be regulated by variations in the riverine discharge, shelf transport pathways and winnowing processes. Major element variations, such as Si, Al, Ti, V and Ni, were dominated by terrigenous supply as aluminosilicate minerals and quartz, whereas most Ca and Sr were biogenic. Si/Al and Ca/Al ratios have been used to express changes in sediment accumulation and winnowing. Redox processes were depicted by Mn, which showed an increase in the depth of its redoxcline, from 1 cm in inshore stations to 2 cm on the outer shelf. Si/Al ratios follow the Ca/Al ratios and can be used to assess percentage winnowing in the sediment. Increases in these ratios indicate a decrease in sediment input rates and are seen in the upper parts of most of the cores. Anthropogenic or ‘excess’ metal contents have been calculated from Zn/V and Pb/V ratios. Their distributions in the cores showed that by far the highest contamination is associated with the Axios River output, whilst sediments influenced by the Pinios River were relatively uncontaminated.  相似文献   

A suite of management options for a prawn trawl fishery in Torres Strait, Australia was assessed for impacts on the benthic fauna using a dynamic management strategy evaluation approach. The specification of the management options was gained through consultation with stakeholders. Data for the model was drawn from several sources: the fleet data from fishery logbooks and satellite vessel monitoring systems, benthic depletion rates from trawl-down experiments, benthic recovery rates from post-experiment recovery monitoring studies, and benthic distribution from large-scale benthic surveys. Although there were large uncertainties in the resulting indicators, robust measures relevant to management were obtained by taking ratios relative to the status quo. The management control with the biggest effect was total effort; reducing trawl effort always led to increases in benthic faunal density of up to 10%. Spatial closures had a smaller benefit of up to 2%. The effect of closing a set of buffer zones around reefs to trawling was indistinguishable from the status quo option. Closing a larger area, however, was largely beneficial especially for sea cucumbers. When the spatial distributions of fauna prior to fishing were accounted for, fauna with distributions positively correlated with effort improved relative to those negatively correlated. The reduction in prawn catch under effort reduction scenarios could be ameliorated by introducing temporal closures over the full-moon period.  相似文献   

The impact on benthos of wood waste (abraded bark and wood) at an industrial log handling site was examined through the medium of the infauna of a shallow sand bed (depth 4–11 m). This sand bed supported a diverse biological community with abundant suspension-feeding polychaetes and bivalves, e.g. Mysella tumida, Mesochaetopterus taylori, Phyllochaetopterus prolifica. Deposition of more than a 1 cm layer of wood waste produced noticeable losses of these suspension feeders. The impact increased progressively with amount of waste deposited. The community inhabiting thickest deposits (up to 15 cm measured) had virtually lost the suspension feeding trophic pathway, was reduced in diversity and biomass, and was dominated by only a few abundant deposit-feeding crustaceans and polychaetes, e.g. Nebalia pugettensis and Dorvillea annulata.  相似文献   

A numerical experiment of flow in variably saturated porous media was performed in order to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of the groundwater recharge at the phreatic surface for a shallow aquifer as a function of the input rainfall process and soil heterogeneity. The study focused on the groundwater recharge which resulted from the percolation of the excess rainfall for a 90-days period of an actual precipitation record. Groundwater recharge was defined as the water flux across the moving phreatic surface. The observed spatial non-uniformity of the groundwater recharge was caused by soil heterogeneity and is particularly pronounced during the stage of recharge peak (substantial percolation stage). During that stage the recharge is associated with preferential flow paths defined as soil zones of locally higher hydraulic conductivity. For the periods of low percolation intensity the groundwater recharge was exhibiting more uniform spatial characteristics. The temporal distribution of the recharge was found to be a function of the frequency and intensity of the rainfall events. Application of sampling design demonstrates the joint influence of the spatial and temporal recharge variability on the cost-effective monitoring of groundwater potentiometric surfaces.  相似文献   

The concentrations of three groups of organochlorine compounds (HCCH, DDT, and PCB) in bottom sediments, zebra mussel, and two fish species—zope and roach—in the Volga Pool of the Rybinsk Reservoir. The concentrations of the examined toxicants can be ranked in the ascending order as follows: HCCH<DDT<PCB. The total concentration of organochlorine compounds (OCC) and their metabolites are very low, thus allowing the Volga Pool to be regarded as a background region for the Upper and Middle Volga Basin. A congener-specific determination of PCB was carried out, and priority congeners were identified for monitoring the ecosystem pollution by dioxin-like compounds.  相似文献   

Broad-scale mapping of marine benthos is required for marine resource management and conservation. This study combines textural derivatives based on bathymetry from multibeam hydroacoustics with underwater video observations to model and map sessile biota between 10- and 60-m water depth over 35 km2 in Point Addis Marine National Park (MNP), Vic., Australia. Classification tree models and maps were developed for macroalgae (all types, mixed red algae, Ecklonia, and rhodoliths) and sessile invertebrates (all types, sponges, and ascidians). Model accuracy was tested on 25% of the video observation dataset reserved from modelling. Models fit well for most macroalgae categories (correct classification rates of 67–84%), but are not as good for sessile invertebrate classes (correct classification rates of 57–62%). The poor fit of the sessile invertebrate models may be the combined result of grouping organisms with different environmental requirements and the effect of false absences recorded during video interpretation due to poor image quality. Probability maps, binary single-class maps, and multi-class maps supply spatially explicit, detailed information on the distribution of sessile benthic biota within the MNP and provide information at a landscape-scale for ecological investigations and marine management.  相似文献   

Disturbance of the seabed resulting from bottom trawling affects ecosystem processes, such as the rate and magnitude of nutrient regeneration. The potential responses of the plankton community arising from such effects can be modelled, provided that reliable data on the effects on nutrient fluxes are available. In a north Cretan outer continental shelf and upper slope fishing ground (Heraklion Bay, Crete, Eastern Mediterranean) we applied a new field instrument which can simulate the passage of trawl groundropes across the sea floor and made direct seasonal measurements of the rate of dissolved and particulate nutrient releases resulting from seabed disturbance. These observational data were then integrated in a 3D ecosystem model. Results revealed that bottom trawling may trigger off considerable productivity pulses, in addition to pulses from the natural seasonal cycle.  相似文献   

Seabed impacted by settling solids from a turbidity plume can be surveyed by submersible using a ‘bounce’ technique to determine depth of the turbidity front, and hence depth above which benthos observations are practical. The protocol adopted was that after frontal depth was determined by a preliminary dive, the site for the benthic survey was selected. On arrival on the seabed a reconnaisance was made for the observers to agree on the identification of visible benthos. Then 100 × 1 m2 transects were surveyed using a 1 m2 quadrat attached to the submersible in view of the port-side observer. At the site investigated, two shallow water stations (depths 13–15 m, and 16–18 m) showing light deposits of mine tailings were seen to support associations of large epifauna and infauna. The first station had an almost single-species stand of the burrowing anenome Pachycerianthus fimbriatus at approximately 100 · 100 m?2, and the second a diverse species association with several starfish and other species at 1–2 · 100 m?2. Burrow holes (up to 3–5 cm diameter) of various sizes indicated that large infaunal species were present. At a deeper station (36–27 m) with heavy tailings and almost no burrow holes, a single Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, and an unidentified shrimp were seen in the 100 m2 transect. Each dive site was inshore (shallower) from a routinely monitored benthos station shown repeatedly to support a population of small infauna in the tailings. Burrow holes have the potential for determining the identity and abundance of large infaunal species present if an identification system can be developed. The technique of epifaunal and burrow hole surveys (by submersible and scuba diver), combined with infaunal and sediment core surveys and contemporary theory on infaunal succession, provides the potential for a procedure to map the distribution in shallow water of tailings impact and benthic recovery (succession).  相似文献   

The space environment continues to be a major cause of anomalies in communications satellites, in spite of much knowledge gained over the past three decades. The two most common causes of anomalies are surface charging and deep dielectric (dis)charging, but other effects, such as total radiation dose, must be accounted for in the design, particularly of solar arrays and electronics. Many space environments are difficult to predict accurately, for example the peak intensity of the developing Solar Cycle 23, and in particular the radiation dose to be expected from it. The recent Leonid storm provides an example of the extreme variation possible between prediction and reality. Telesat's investigations into space-weather-related anomalies are described, and our approach to minimizing susceptibility of satellites to space weather is outlined. Space environment specifications for procurement contracts are reviewed and some general design guidelines are described.  相似文献   

The abundance of some marine fish species are correlated to the abundance of habitat-forming benthic organisms such as sponges and corals. A concern for fisheries management agencies is the recovery of these benthic invertebrates from removal or mortality from bottom trawling and other commercial fisheries activities. Using a logistic model, observations of available substrate and data from bottom trawl surveys of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, we estimated recovery rates of sponges and corals following removal. The model predicted the observed sponge and coral catch in bottom trawl surveys relatively accurately (R2=0.38 and 0.46). For sponges, the results show that intrinsic growth rates were slow (r=0.107 yr−1). Results show that intrinsic growth rates of corals were also slow (r=0.062 yr−1). The best models for corals and sponges were models that did not include the impacts of commercial fishing removals. Subsequent recovery times for both taxa were also predicted to be slow. Mortality of 67% of the initial sponge biomass would recover to 80% of the original biomass after 20 years, while mortality of 67% of the coral biomass would recover to 80% of the original biomass after 34 years. The modeled recovery times were consistent with previous studies in estimating that recovery times were of the order of decades, however improved data from directed studies would no doubt improve parameter estimates and reduce the uncertainty in the model results. Given their role as a major ecosystem component and potential habitat for marine fish, damage and removal of sponges and corals must be considered when estimating the impacts of commercial bottom trawling on the seafloor.  相似文献   

The sampling error formalism by North and Nakamoto (1989) has been widely referenced in research papers on sampling using space-borne sensors or ground-borne sensors. However, their formalism is found to not only underestimate the sampling error, especially for the raingauge network case, but also not be applicable for the cases of using a line of raingauges or microwave attenuation measurements. In this paper, the sampling error formalism has been revised and applied to the same sampling design and the same rainrate model as in North and Nakamoto (1989) for the comparison. The sampling error estimated using the revised formula was found to be more than 50% higher than that by North and Nakamoto (1989). For the case of using a line of raingauges we found that the sampling error converges to a certain value, not zero as in North and Nakamoto formalism, as the number of gauges increases. The microwave attenuation measurements case, which is the same as the case of using a line of infinite raingauges, also gives non-zero sampling errors. Finally, the combined sampling using both satellite and ground-borne sensors (e.g., raingauge network, a line of raingauges, or microwave attenuation measurements) was reviewed to check their design orthogonality and estimated the sampling errors for the combination of satellite and raingauge network case to see its behavior depending on various settings of these two different measurements.  相似文献   

The quantitative characteristics and biomass distribution of plankton and benthos in the Southern Barents Sea are estimated by using geographic information system technologies. A database from a computer atlas of the Barents Sea is used to calculate the summary, total, and mean biomass. The quantitative parameters of plankton are estimated via creating a synthetic digital map, reflecting the joint distribution of phytoplankton, meso-and macrozooplankton in a raster format. The total and mean biomass of benthos is calculated via digitizing published cartographic data with subsequent processing of the digital cartogram. The obtained results are compared with estimates made earlier by other researchers. Generalizing characteristics, such as biomass production, P/B-coefficient, and ecological efficiency are calculated.  相似文献   

Adequate knowledge of soil moisture storage as well as evaporation and transpiration at the land surface is essential to the understanding and prediction of the reciprocal influences between land surface processes and weather and climate. Traditional techniques for soil moisture measurements are ground-based, but space-based sampling is becoming available due to recent improvement of remote sensing techniques. A fundamental question regarding the soil moisture observation is to estimate the sampling error for a given sampling scheme [G.R. North, S. Nakamoto, J Atmos. Ocean Tech. 6 (1989) 985–992; G. Kim, J.B. Valdes, G.R. North, C. Yoo, J. Hydrol., submitted]. In this study we provide the formalism for estimating the sampling errors for the cases of ground-based sensors and space-based sensors used both separately and together. For the study a model for soil moisture dynamics by D. Entekhabi, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe [Adv. Water Res. 17 (1994) 35–45] is introduced and an example application is given to the Little Washita basin using the Washita '92 soil moisture data. As a result of the study we found that the ground-based sensor network is ineffective for large or continental scale observation, but should be limited to a small-scale intensive observation such as for a preliminary study.  相似文献   

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