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When the purpose of aquifer testing is to yield data for modeling aqueous mass transport, pumping tests and gradient measurement can only partially satisfy characterization requirements. Effective porosity, ground water flow velocity, and the vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity within the aquifer are left as unknowns. Single well tracer methods, when added to the testing program, can be used to estimate these parameters. A drift, and pumpback test yields porosity and velocity, and point-dilution testing yields depth-discrete hydraulic information, A single emplacement of tracer into a test well is sufficient to conduct both tests. The tracer tests are facilitated by a simple method for injecting and evenly distributing the tracer solution into a wellbore, and by new ion-selective electrode instrumentation, specifically designed for submersible service, for monitoring the concentration of tracers such as bromide.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated the use of in‐well heat tracer tests monitored by a fiber optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system to characterize borehole flow conditions in open bedrock boreholes. However, the accuracy of borehole flow rates determined from in‐well heat tracer tests has not been evaluated. The purpose of the research presented here is to determine whether borehole flow rates obtained using DTS‐monitored in‐well heat tracer tests are reasonable, and to evaluate the range of flow rates measureable with this method. To accomplish this, borehole flow rates measured using in‐well heat tracer tests are compared to borehole flow rates measured in the same boreholes using an impeller or heat pulse flowmeter. A comparison of flow rates measured using in‐well heat tracer tests to flow rates measured with an impeller flowmeter under the same conditions showed good agreement. A comparison of in‐well heat tracer test flow rate measurements to previously‐collected heat pulse flowmeter measurements indicates that the heat tracer test results produced borehole flow rates and flow profiles similar to those measured with the heat pulse flowmeter. The results of this study indicate that borehole flow rates determined from DTS‐monitored in‐well heat tracer tests are reasonable estimates of actual borehole flow rates. In addition, the range of borehole flow rates measurable by in‐well heat tracer tests spans from less than 10?1 m/min to approximately 101 m/min, overlapping the ranges typically measurable with an impeller flowmeter or a heat pulse flowmeter, making in‐well heat tracer testing a versatile borehole flow logging tool.  相似文献   

The Electromagnetic Borehole Flowmeter: Description and Application   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Borehole flowmeters are downhole tools that measure axial flow in a well or borehole. Desirable flowmeter characteristics include low detection limit, a wide range of operation, accuracy, durability, reliable performance, and a small diameter and length. The recently developed electromagnetic (F.M) flowmeter has these trails. The first portion of this paper presents the MM flowmeter design, provides laboratory calibration data, and compares the performance characteristics of MM flowmeters 10 those of impeller and thermal pulse flowmeters. The second portion of the paper discusses applications of the MM flowmeter.  相似文献   

Hydraulic tomography (HT) is a method for resolving the spatial distribution of hydraulic parameters to some extent, but many details important for solute transport usually remain unresolved. We present a methodology to improve solute transport predictions by combining data from HT with the breakthrough curve (BTC) of a single forced‐gradient tracer test. We estimated the three dimensional (3D) hydraulic‐conductivity field in an alluvial aquifer by inverting tomographic pumping tests performed at the Hydrogeological Research Site Lauswiesen close to Tübingen, Germany, using a regularized pilot‐point method. We compared the estimated parameter field to available profiles of hydraulic‐conductivity variations from direct‐push injection logging (DPIL), and validated the hydraulic‐conductivity field with hydraulic‐head measurements of tests not used in the inversion. After validation, spatially uniform parameters for dual‐domain transport were estimated by fitting tracer data collected during a forced‐gradient tracer test. The dual‐domain assumption was used to parameterize effects of the unresolved heterogeneity of the aquifer and deemed necessary to fit the shape of the BTC using reasonable parameter values. The estimated hydraulic‐conductivity field and transport parameters were subsequently used to successfully predict a second independent tracer test. Our work provides an efficient and practical approach to predict solute transport in heterogeneous aquifers without performing elaborate field tracer tests with a tomographic layout.  相似文献   

This paper describes a combined field, laboratory, and numerical study of electromagnetic borehole flowmeter measurements acquired without the use of a packer or skirt to block bypass flow around the flowmeter. The most significant finding is that inflow through the wellbore screen changes the ratio of flow through the flowmeter to wellbore flow. Experiments reveal up to a factor of two differences in this ratio for conditions with and without inflow through the wellbore screen. Standard practice is to assume the ratio is constant. A numerical model has been developed to simulate the effect of inflow on the flowmeter. The model is formulated using momentum conservation within the borehole and around the flowmeter. The model is embedded in the MODFLOW-2000 ground water flow code.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic borehole flowmeter (EBF) is finding increasing application as a method for measuring hydraulic conductivity (K) distributions. A recent paper details an experimental/theoretical study of the effect of in-well hydraulics on calculated K distributions based on EBF measurements (Dinwiddie et al. 1999). Results showed that minimizing head loss associated with flow through the meter was the key to producing accurate K values. Using the same experimental procedures, the previous study has been extended to develop data from a larger diameter (1 inch) EBF, and to determine if an EBF can be calibrated effectively without using an inflatable packer to force all flow through the meter annulus. Both experiments were aimed at producing low head loss conditions. Results show that overall calibration can be accomplished in the absence of a packer, which reduces head losses to nonmeasurable levels, and use of the 1-inch EBF with a packer reduces head losses by a factor of 16 when compared with the 0.5-inch EBF studied by Dinwiddie et al. (1999).  相似文献   

Afield site was established in an area of glacial outwash near Des Moines, Iowa. Hydraulic conductivity (K) of the outwash was measured in various ways including six pumping tests and two natural-gradient Cl- tracer tests. The velocity of the conservative tracer was converted to K using measured gradients and effective porosity determined from two radial-convergent Cl- tracer tests.
K values measured from the conservative tracer tests are approximately one-tenth to one-twentieth the average pumping-test value. Thus the K relevant to solute transport does not reflect the K measured by pumping tests. This discrepancy may be caused by the different scale and dimensionality of the two test types. Dispersion may prevent solutes from flowing exclusively within smaller high-conductivity paths which strongly affect the K measured by pumping tests.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional flow experiment on biological clogging was carried out by biostimulating a sandbox packed with sand inoculated with bacteria. Biostimulation consisted of continuously injecting nutrients (acetate and nitrate). Clogging was visualized by frequently carrying out colored tracer experiments using Brilliant Blue. The tracer experiments were recorded with a digital camera and converted to concentration maps using an image-analysis method that revealed in detail the complex spreading pattern surrounding clogged areas. Clogging resulted in a finger-like spreading of the tracer around the main clogged area. Fingers were asymmetric and their dominant direction changed over time. Although the flow field was complex around the main clogged area, the effect on the bulk hydraulic conductivity at the scale of the sandbox was very small.  相似文献   

Electro-osmosis (EO), the movement of water through porous media in response to an electric field, offers a means for extracting contaminated ground water from fine-grained sediments, such as clays, that are not easily amenable to conventional pump-and-treat approaches. The EO-induced water flux is proportional to the voltage gradient in a manner analogous to the flux dependence on the hydraulic gradient under Darcy's law. The proportionality constant, the soil electro-osmotic conductivity or keo, is most easily measured in soil cores using bench-top tests, where flow is one-dimensional and interfering effects attributable to Darcy's law can be directly accounted for. In contrast, quantification of EO fluxes and keo in the field under deployment conditions can be difficult because electrodes are placed in ground water wells that may be screened across a heterogeneous mixture of lithologies. As a result, EO-induced water fluxes constitute an approximate radial flow system that is superimposed upon a Darcy flow regime through permeable pathways that may or may not be coupled with hydraulic head differences created by the EO-induced water fluxes. A single well comparative tracer test, which indirectly measures EO fluxes by comparing wellbore tracer dilution rates between background and EO-induced water fluxes, may provide a means for routinely quantifying the efficacy of EO systems in such settings. EO fluxes measured in field tests through this technique at a ground water contamination site were used to estimate a mean keo value through a semianalytic line source model of the electric field. The resulting estimate agrees well with values reported in the literature and with values obtained with bench-top tests conducted on a soil core collected in the test area.  相似文献   

Microencapsulation of degradative organisms enhances microorganism survivability (Stormo and Crawford 1994). The use of encapsulated cell microbeads for in situ biodegradation depends not only on microorganism survival but also on microbead transport characteristics. Two forced-gradient, recirculating-loop tracer experiments were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of encapsulated cell transport and bioremediation on the basis of polystyrene microsphere transport results. The tracer tests were conducted in a shallow, confined, unconsolidated, heterogeneous, sedimentary aquifer using bromide ion and 2 μm, 5 μn, and 15 μm microsphere tracers. Significant differences were observed in the transport of bromide solute and polystyrene microspheres. Microspheres reached peak concentrations in monitoring wells before bromide, which was thought to reflect the influence of aquifer heterogeneity. Greater decreases in microsphere C/Co ratios were observed with distance from the injection wells than in bromide C/Co ratios, which was attributed to particle filtration and/or settling. Several methods might be considered for introducing encapsulated cell microbeads into a subsurface environment, including direct injection into a contaminated aquifer zone, injection through a recirculating ground water flow system, or emplacement in a subsurface microbial curtain in advance of a plume. However, the in situ use of encapsulated cells in an aquifer is probably limited to aquifers containing sufficiently large pore spaces, allowing passage of at least some encapsulated cells. The use of encapsulated cells may also be limited by differences in solute and microbead transport patterns and flowpath clogging by larger encapsulated cell microbeads.  相似文献   

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