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四川盆地深部地壳结构——深地震反射剖面探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

四川盆地位于扬子地块的西北部,被褶皱构造带所围绕,受周缘构造带的侧向挤压作用,盆地卷入了多期次和多边界的构造变形,为开展盆山耦合作用及多边界、多期次构造叠加与复合关系的研究提供了不可多得的理想野外实验室.为揭示四川盆地地壳结构,本文通过对3条不同时间采集的深地震反射剖面数据进行拼接联线处理,获得跨越四川盆地的330 km深地震反射偏移成果剖面,揭示了四川盆地地壳上地幔细结构:沉积层从西北向东南逐渐变薄,在龙门山前沉积层厚度超过15 km,在华蓥山下沉积层减薄到~8 km,且褶皱变形形成华蓥山薄皮褶皱冲断带;莫霍面出现在13~15 s(双程走时),埋深约40~45 km;并发现从下地壳延伸至地幔的东南向的倾斜反射,从13 s向下延伸至18 s,结合四川盆地及其周边地区其他地球物理和地球化学花岗岩同位素年龄等资料,我们认为这些倾斜反射层是扬子克拉通地台西北缘发生的新元古代俯冲的遗迹.


银川地堑地壳挤压应力场:深地震反射剖面   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
银川地堑位于南北地震带北段,地质结构复杂,活动构造发育.为了调查银川地堑的构造特征及断裂分布情况,布设了NW向跨银川地堑的深地震反射剖面,首次获得银川地堑地壳的精细结构.结果表明,银川地堑具有典型的拉张-挤压型沉积盆地特征,上地壳反射连续性好,层位丰富,能量强,断裂发育.下地壳和莫霍面记录了挤压与拉张的发展过程.奠霍面...  相似文献   

Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) are often observed in the Kiruna region in northern Sweden, east of the Scandinavian mountain range, during wintertime. PSC occurrence can be detected by ground-based optical instruments. Most of these require clear tropospheric weather. By applying the zenith-sky colour index technique, which works under most weather conditions, the data availability can be extended. The observations suggest that PSC events, especially of type II (water PSCs) may indeed more common than predicted by synoptic models, which is expected because of the frequent presence of mountain-induced leewaves. However, it will be of importance to increase the density of independent observations.  相似文献   

Deep seismic reflection profiling has been the dominant method for probing the deep structure of continental crust since the initiation of the COCORP in 1974[1,2]. Over the past few decades, this tool has been applied to diverse geologic features from the Appalachian area of the United States, to the Rhine-graben area in Western Europe and to the Tibetan Pla-teau[36]. In recent years, the Australian Geodynamic Cooperative Research Center ( AGCRC ) has applied this technique to the stu…  相似文献   

Reflection seismic data were acquired within two field campaigns in the Blötberget, Ludvika mining area of central Sweden, for deep imaging of iron-oxide mineralization that were known to extend down to 800–850 m depth. The two surveys conducted in years 2015 and 2016, one employing a seismic landstreamer and geophones connected to wireless recorders, and another one using cabled geophones and wireless recorders, aimed to delineate the geometry and depth extent of the iron-oxide mineralization for when mining commences in the area. Even with minimal and conventional processing approaches, the merged datasets provide encouraging information about the depth continuation of the mineralized horizons and the geological setting of the study area. Multiple sets of strong reflections represent a possible continuation of the known deposits that extend approximately 300 m further down-dip than the known 850 m depth obtained from historical drilling. They show excellent correlation in shape and strength with those of the Blötberget deposits. Furthermore, several reflections in the footwall of the known mineralization can potentially be additional resources underlying the known ones. The results from these seismic surveys are encouraging for mineral exploration purposes given the good quality of the final section and fast seismic surveys employing a simple cost-effective and easily available impact-type seismic source.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带北段深部结构与反射地震特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9特大地震发生在龙门山断裂带,龙门山断裂带深部结构的复杂性制约了地震的破裂过程.通过对研究区区域地质、汶川地震前后采集的地震反射剖面等研究,在对龙门山北段汶川地震断裂带的深部结构和反射地震特征进行了分析的基础上,探讨了它对地表破裂过程的制约.研究结果表明,在地震剖面上,断裂带表现为能量破碎、联系性差;频率剖面上显示整体剖面频率在5~45 Hz,断裂带呈现频率低(15~26 Hz)等特征.龙门山北段映秀—北川断裂在10 km以上是一条倾向北西的高角度走滑兼逆冲性质的断裂,倾角50°~70°.它分割了西侧的轿子顶杂岩和东侧的唐王寨推覆体,错断了早期形成的逆冲岩片,从南到北总位移量由大变小.它高角度的几何形态约束了断裂以走滑为主兼逆冲分量的运动性质,降低了地表滑移量,影响了地震破裂过程以及余震沿断裂带两侧分布的特性.


地震三维矢量反射波场   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
三分量反射地震的本质是三维矢量反射波场.与应力有关的岩体内部细结构是导致三维矢量反射波场的普遍原因.本文讨论三维矢量反射波场所涉及的理论方法、数据处理、观测解释及介质信息提取等问题,总体格架是通过我国自主创新发展从原构造成像提升到构造-岩体内部细结构的复合成像.  相似文献   

一种改进的地震反射层析成像方法   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对复杂介质的地震反射走时层析成像存在数据拾取困难问题,本文提出了一种新的地震反射层析成像速度模型建立方法,该方法用速度和地震射线走时描述模型,用地震反射波走时、地震波在源点和接收点处的传播方向信息反演模型.为提高反演的稳定性和计算效率,引入了Hamilton函数描述射线,在相空间计算反演所需的射线路径和目标函数对模型参数的导数,对理论模型和实际地震资料进行了试算,试算表明该方法对复杂介质具有较强的适应能力.  相似文献   

Large-offset approximation to seismic reflection traveltimes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Conventional approximations of reflection traveltimes assume a small offset-to-depth ratio, and their accuracy decreases with increasing offset-to-depth ratio. Hence, they are not suitable for velocity analysis and stacking of long-offset reflection seismic data. Assuming that the offset is large, rather than small, we present a new traveltime approximation which is exact at infinite offset and has a decreasing accuracy with decreasing offset-to-depth ratio. This approximation has the form of a series containing powers of the offset from 1 to −∞. It is particularly accurate in the presence of a thin high-velocity layer above the reflector, i.e. in a situation where the accuracy of the Taner and Koehler series is poor. This new series can be used to gain insight into the velocity information contained in reflection traveltimes at large offsets, and possibly to improve velocity analysis and stacking of long-offset reflection seismic data.  相似文献   

由于活动的青藏高原不断的隆升和推挤作用,在西南向东北的推挤作用和周缘块体的阻挡以及东北缘内部块体挤压形变的作用下,形成了多个走向不同的青藏高原东北缘构造体系.新生代构造变形和地震活动强烈,区内分布多条大型深断裂带.海原断裂是青藏高原东北缘发育的弧形活动断裂带中规模最大、活动最为强烈的一条左旋走滑型断裂带,是重要的大地构造区边界,也是控制现今强震活动的活断层.本文利用2009年完成的高分辨率深地震反射剖面的北段资料,对其进行初步构造解释,揭示出海原断裂带的深部几何形态和其两侧地壳上地幔细结构.结果显示海原断裂并不是简单的陡立或者较缓,其几何形态随着深度变化.在海原断裂之下的Moho并未错断的反射特征显示海原断裂并不是直接错断莫霍面的超壳断裂.海原断裂带及两侧岩石圈结构和构造样式的研究为探讨青藏高原东北缘岩石圈变形机制提供地震学依据.  相似文献   

The first deep seismic reflection profiles offshore Brazil were acquired in Campos Basin and processed to 10 s TWT in 1984. Starting in 1989, Petrobrás acquired an extensive data set of deep seismic profiles using special acquisition equipment capable of effectively penetrating through the sedimentary layers and imaging the whole crustal architecture. These deep (18 s TWT) seismic reflection profiles extend across the Atlantic-type marginal basins, from the platform to the deepwater province, presently considered frontier regions for petroleum exploration. This work addresses the geological objectives of a deep seismic profile in the Sergipe Basin and discusses the results obtained by integrating regional seismic, gravity and magnetic data. When combined, these data provide evidence that deep seismic reflectors observed in the Sergipe Basin are related to intracrustal-upper mantle structures rather than sedimentary features. The deep seismic reflection profile in the Sergipe Basin also suggests that, rather than a non-volcanic passive margin, the deepwater extension of this basin is marked by several magmatic structures, including thick wedges of seaward-dipping reflectors and volcanic plugs. These magmatic features are associated with basinforming processes resulting from lithospheric extension during the breakup of Gondwana in the Early Cretaceous and subsequent emplacement of oceanic crust. These results are compared to the crustal scale structures observed in the Campos Basin, in the southeastern margin of Brazil. The interpretation of the deep structure of these basins indicates that final separation between the South American and African plates formed passive margins characterized by different patterns of crustal attenuation underlying the rift blocks.  相似文献   

隧道地质灾害超前预报的地震反射法   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了利用地震反射法进行隧道地质灾害超前探测的基本原理、观测方法,讨论了反射波时距曲线方程和特点以及实际应用中存在的主要问题和影响因素,指出采用地震反射法与工程地质调查法相结合可以提高超前探测的准确性和精度.  相似文献   

浅谈反射地震走时层析中的正则化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
反射地震走时层析本质上是一个病态问题,而正则化是改善问题病态程度的有效手段.反射地震走时层析最终可归结为线性方程组的求解,本文讨论了在线性方程组求解过程中正则化的作用和方式.正则化的作用有:(1)用超定分量约束欠定分量和零空间分量;(2)用先验信息约束欠定分量和零空间分量;(3)对射线的不均匀覆盖进行阻尼;(4)对数据的不准确性进行阻尼.正则化的加入方式有:(1)加法型(将正则化矩阵补在层析矩阵后面,包括导数型正则化和零阶正则化,一阶导数型正则化对应最平坦解,二阶导数型正则化对应最光滑解,零阶正则化对应紧约束解);(2)乘法型(将正则化矩阵与层析矩阵相乘,主要包括阻尼型正则化).并利用简单的模型对正则化的效果进行了试验,发现经各种正则化约束后,与未加任何正则化约束得到的速度模型比较,尽管恢复的异常体的幅度不如后者大,但得到的速度剖面要平滑得多,更利于后续的射线追踪正演和层析反演.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a non-local, transform domain noise suppression framework to improve the quality of seismic reflection data. The original non-local means (NLM) algorithm measures similarities in the data domain and we generalize it in the nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) domain. NSCT gives a multiscale, multiresolution and anisotropy representation of the noisy input. The redundancy information in NSCT subbands can be utilized to enhance the structures in the original seismic data. Like the wavelet transform, NSCT coefficients in each subband follow the generalized Gaussian distribution and the parameters can be estimated using appropriate techniques. These parameters are used to construct our proposed NSCT domain filtering algorithm. Applications for synthetic and real seismic data of the proposed algorithm demonstrate its effectiveness on seismic data random noise suppression.  相似文献   

The results of the first deep crustal reflection survey in Israel are described. The line crosses central Israel in a SE-NW direction from near the Dead Sea rift to the Mediterranean sea. The data reveals a correlation between the reflectivity and type of crust as previously determined on the basis of magnetic and crustal refraction data. To the southeast, in an area which is thought to be underlain by continental crust, the upper crust is mostly transparent while the lower crust shows distinct reflections. Near the Mediterranean sea, where the crystalline crust was previously shown to be thinner with higher magnetization and of possible oceanic origin, the upper crust is reflective while in general the lower crust is significantly less reflective. The lateral boundary between these two patterns of crustal reflectivity coincides with the magnetic boundary which was previously used to differentiate between the two types of crusts. Detailed analysis of crustal reflections does not seem to be justified with the present data except in special cases. One such case is the determination that the uppermost basement in the coastal plain is highly reflective, possibly due to metamorphic layering. Comparison of the deep reflection data with MT and seismic refraction data indicates possible correlation in the southeastern part of the line of high conductivity with lower crust reflections and of refraction Moho with the termination of lower crustal reflections. This correlation does not extend into the northwestern part of the section in which the crust is, most probably, no longer continental.  相似文献   

Summary In 1974 and 1975 deep seismic sounding experiments were carried out in the area of the Betic Cordillera in southern Spain. A network of crustal seismic profiles was established with shotpoints at sea close to Cádiz, Adra and Cartagena and on land at Alquife near Guadix. The lengths of the profiles range from 50 km near Alquife to 440 km for the main profile between Cádiz and Cartagena parallel to the strike of the Betic Cordillera. The main profile was supplemented by a reversed recording line close to the Mediterranean coast between Adra and Cartagena and another one perpendicular to the main tectonic strike from Adra towards the north. The first interpretation of the data indicates considerable variation in the crustal thickness. A preliminary inversion leads to a three-layered model of the crust. The mean compressional velocity is about 5.1 km/s down to a depth of 4 km. Below this the velocity is 6.13 km/s from 4 to 16 km where it increases to 7.14 km/s. TheP n-velocity is 8.18 km/s. The crust-mantle boundary is reached at a depth of 27 km near Cartagena and lies 32 km deep near Adra, Underneath the gravity minimum of the Betic Cordillera the crust-mantle boundary is found at a depth of about 36 km. Below the Betic zone a pronounced zone of low velocity with 7.7 km/s seems to exist in the depth range from 40 to 60 km.Contribution No. 4, Grupo de Trabajo de Perfiles Sismicos, Comisión Española del Proyecto Geodinámico, C.S.I.C., Madrid, Spain.Contribution No. 139, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, Hertzstrasse 16, D-75 Karlsruhe 21, Germany.Contribution No. 217, Institut de Physique du Globe, Université Paris VI, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75230 Paris Cedex 05, France.Contribution No. 11, Instituto y Observatorio de Marina, San Fernando (Cádiz), Spain.Contribution No. 163, Institute of Geophysics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

海洋油气勘探尤其是深水勘探面临着三高难题——高成本、高风险、高技术.如何对储层进行准确预测,是地球物理工作者及地球物理技术亟待解决的问题.本文对火山机构喷发机理及其地球物理特征进行分析,结合邻近工区在火山发育特征规律的认识成果,针对南中国海深水区目标区内典型火山发育,运用常规地震时间切片、剖面分析及沿层均方根振幅属性和沿层小时窗三维地震镂空显示等技术,分析了目标火山发育情况、火山岩喷溢情况、地震反射特征及岩相分布,并建立了该类型火山发育特征、岩相分布规律以及空间展布规律及变化特征的认识.本文的研究成果为该地区准确识别火山发育及预测其分布规律提供了参考,尤其是在钻井少的情况下进行地质异体常识别和储层预测,有利于该地区石油天然气勘探工作以及区域地质认识.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution reflection seismic data from four lines (total 1.9 km) that cross a quick-clay landslide scar located close to the shore of the Göta River in southwest Sweden, and compare the results with geotechnical data from boreholes. The seismic data allow the imaging of bedrock topography and normally to weakly consolidated sediments to a subsurface depth of about 100 m. Different types of seismic sources, including sledgehammer, accelerated weight-drop and dynamite were utilized and compared with each other. Analysis of their power spectra suggests that weight-drop and dynamite have higher frequency content and energy than the sledgehammer, which makes these two sources suitable also for waveform tomography and surface-wave data analysis. The shallowest non-bedrock reflector is observed at about 10–20 m below the surface, it overlays the bedrock, and is interpreted to originate from the contact between clay formations above and a coarse-grained layer below. The coarse-grained layer appears to be spatially linked to the presence of quick-clays. It is a regional scale formation, laterally heterogeneous, which deepens to the west of the study area and correlates well with the available geotechnical data. Continuity of the coarse-grained layer becomes obscured by the landslide scar. There may be a link between the coarse-grained layer and landslides in the study area, although this possibility requires further hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations. Reflectors from the top of the bedrock suggest a depression zone with its deepest point below the landslide scar and a bowl-shaped structure in the northern portion of one of the seismic lines.  相似文献   

A problem of reflection and transmission of elastic waves at a plane interface between a uniform elastic solid half-space and a porous elastic half-space containing two immiscible fluids is investigated. The theory developed by Lo, Sposito and Majer for porous media containing two immiscible fluids is employed to find out the reflection and transmission coefficients. The incident wave is assumed to propagate through the uniform elastic half-space and two cases are considered. In the first case, a beam of plane longitudinal wave is assumed to be incident and in the second case, a beam of transverse wave is assumed to be incident at the interface. By taking granite as impervious elastic medium and columbia fine sandy loam containing air-water mixture as porous medium, reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained. By neglecting the inertial coupling coefficients, these coefficients are reduced to those obtained by Tomar and Arora using the theory of Tuncay and Corapcioglu. It is found that the inertial coupling parameters significantly affect the phase speeds and the amplitude ratios of the transmitted waves.  相似文献   

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