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On May 1, 1993, a flaring X-ray bright point (XBP) was observed for about 16 hours in the old, disintegrating, bipolar active region (AR) NOAA 7493. During this period, a minor magnetic bipole (1020 Mx) emerged in the region. We have found observational evidence showing that the XBP brightenings were due to magnetic reconnection between the new bipole and pre-existing plage fields. The aim of the present work is to substantiate with magnetic modelling what has been shown by the observations. For this purpose we extrapolate the observed photospheric magnetic fields in the linear force-free approximation and follow its evolution during the lifetime of the XBP. From the computed coronal field lines we determine the location of regions of drastic change in field-line linkage, called quasi-separatrix layers or QSLs. QSLs are open layers that behave physically like separatrices: the break down of ideal magnetohydrodynamics and the release of free magnetic energy may occur at these locations when their thickness is small enough. The extrapolated field lines, with photospheric footpoints on both sides of QSLs, match the observed chromospheric and coronal structures (arch filament system, XBP and faint X-ray loops (FXL)). We study also the evolution of the width of the QSL located over the new negative polarity pore: the calculated QSL is very thin (typically less than 100 m) during the lifetime of the XBP, but becomes much thicker ( 104 m) after the XBP has faded. Furthermore we show that peaks in X-ray brightness propagate along the FXL with a velocity of 670 km s-1, starting from the XBP location, implying that the energy is released where the emerging bipole impacts against pre-existing coronal loops. We discuss the possible mechanism of energy transport and conclude that the energy is conducted to the remote footpoints of the FXL by a thermal front. These results strongly support the supposition that the XBP brightness and flaring are due to the interaction of different flux systems, through 3D magnetic reconnection, at QSLs.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Cientifíco, CONICET.Also at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Pf. 67, H-1525 Hungary.  相似文献   

We have detected chromospheric footpoints of the giant post-flare coronal arches discovered by HXIS a few years ago. H photographs obtained at Big Bear and Udaipur Solar Observatories show chromospheric signatures associated with 5 sequential giant arch events observed in the interval from 6 to 10 November, 1980. The set of footpoints at one end of the arches consists of enhancements within a plage at the northeast periphery of the active region and the set of footpoints at the other end of the arch consists of brightenings of the chromosphere south of the active region. Both sets of footpoints show very slow brightness variations correlated in time with the brightness variations of the X-ray arches. Current-free modelling of the coronal magnetic field by Kopp and Poletto (1989), based on a Kitt Peak magnetogram, confirms the identification of the two sets of footpoints by showing magnetic field lines connecting them.The brightenings appear as a succession of point-like enhancements whose individual lifetimes are of the time-scale of minutes but which continue to occur for periods of several hours. This behaviour allows us to infer a fine structure in the coronal arches, undetectable in the X-ray images. The discovery of these brightenings and their location at the periphery of the active region also alters our conception of the relationship of the giant arches to the flares that begin concurrently with them. The giant arch phenomenon appears now to be either: (1) a long-lived, semi-permanent, coronal structure which is revived and fed with plasma and energy by underlying dynamic flares, or alternatively (2) a system of high-altitude loops which open at the onset of every such flare and subsequently reconnect over intervals of many hours.  相似文献   

We present two large flares which were exceptional in that each produced an extensive chain of H emission patches in remote quiet regions more than 105 km away from the main flare site. They were also unusual in that a large group of the rare type III reverse slope bursts accompanied each flare.The observations suggest that this is no coincidence, but that the two phenomena are directly connected. The onset of about half of the remote H emission patches were found to be nearly simultaneous with RS bursts. One of the flares (August 26, 1979) was also observed in hard X-rays; the RS bursts occurred during hard X-ray spikes. For the other flare (June 16, 1973), soft X-ray filtergrams show coronal loops connecting from the main flare site to the remote H brightenings. There were no other flares in progress during either flare; this, along with the X-ray observations, indicates that the RS burst electrons were generated in these flares and not elsewhere on the Sun. The remote H brightenings were apparently not produced by a blast wave from the main flare; no Moreton waves were observed, and the spatially disordered development of the remote H chains is further evidence against a blast wave. From geometry, time and energy considerations we propose: (1) That the remote H brightenings were initiated by direct heating of the chromosphere by RS burst electrons traveling in closed magnetic loops connecting the flare site to the remote patches; and (2) that after onset, the brightenings were heated by thermal conduction by slower thermal electrons (kT1 keV) which immediately follow the RS burst electrons along the same loops.  相似文献   

A survey of soft X-ray images from Skylab has revealed a class of large-scale transient X-ray enhancements in the lower corona which are typically associated with the disappearance of H filaments away from active regions. Contemporary with the H filament disappearance, X-ray emitting structures appeared at or near the filament location with shape and size resembling the filament. Eventually these structures faded, but the filament cavity was no longer obvious. Typically the peak of the X-ray event lagged the end of the filament disappearance by tens of minutes. The durations of the coronal X-ray enhancements were considerably longer than the associated H filament disappearances. Major flare effects, such as chromospheric brightenings, typically were not associated with these X-ray events.One event analyzed quantitatively had a peak temperature between 1.8 and 2.7 × 106 K, achieved a peak density of 109 cm–3 and resulted in an enhancement in the plasma pressure over the conditions of the preexisting coronal cavity of at least a factor of 7. The mass of the coronal X-ray emitting material was about 10% that of the preexisting filament and the thermal energy of the coronal event was on the order of 1029 erg, about 10% of the mechanical energy of the H filament eruption. The event appeared to cool by radiative losses and not by thermal conduction. It is likely that the coronal enhancements are caused by heating of an excess of previously cooler material, either from the filament itself, or by compression of coronal material by a changing magnetic field.  相似文献   

We have compared the structures seen on X-ray images obtained by a flight of the NIXT sounding rocket payload on July 11, 1991 with near-simultaneous photospheric and chromospheric structures and magnetic fields observed at Big Bear. The X-ray images reflect emission of both Mgx and Fexvi, formed at 1 × 106 K and 3 × 106 K, respectively. The brightest H sources correspond to a dying sub-flare and other active region components, all of which reveal coronal enhancements situated spatially well above the H emission. The largest set of X-ray arches connected plages of opposite polarity in a large bipolar active region. The arches appear to lie in a small range of angle in the meridian plane connecting their footpoints. Sunspots are dark on the surface and in the corona. For the first time we see an emerging flux region in X-rays and find the emission extends twice as high as the H arches. Many features which we believe to correspond to X-ray bright points (XBPs) were observed. Whether by resolution or spectral band, the number detected greatly exceeds that from previous work. All of the brighter XBPs correspond to bipolar H features, while unipolar H bright points are the base of more diffuse comet-like coronal arches, generally vertical. These diverge from individual features by less than 30°, and give a good measure of what the canopies must do. The H data shows that all the H features were present the entire day, so they are not clearly disappearing or reappearing. We find a new class of XBPs which we call satellite points, elements of opposite polarity linked to nearby umbrae by invisible field lines. The satellite points change rapidly in X-ray brightness during the flight. An M1.9 flare occurred four hours after the flight; examination of the pre-flare structures reveals nothing unusual.  相似文献   

E. Rolli  A. Magun 《Solar physics》1995,160(1):29-40
The analysis of the dynamic evolution of the chromospheric electron density during solar flares is fundamental for the testing of solar flare models. For this purpose we developed a digital imaging spectrograph for the observation of higher Balmer lines below 400 nm with a time resolution of 1 s and an algorithm for the determination of the electron density from the observed line profiles. On January 5, 1992 a M1/1N flare was observed in H, H and Caii H and the temporal evolution of the electron density was determined. The chromospheric electron density rises several times from less than 3 × 1019 to 1 × 1020 m–3 during the hard X-ray peaks.  相似文献   

We intercompared synoptic H, Ca K, magnetograph and Skylab soft X-ray and EUV data for the purpose of identifying the basic coronal magnetic structure of loops in a typical active region and studying its evolution. We focussed on a complex of activity in July 1973, especially McMath 12417. Our principal results are: (1) Most of the brightest loops connected the bright f plage to either the sunspot penumbra or to p satellite spots; no non-flaring X-ray loops end in umbrae; (2) short, bright loops had one or both ends in regions of emergent flux, strong fields or high field gradients; (3) stable, strongly sheared loop arcades formed over filaments; (4) EFRs were always associated with compact X-ray arcades; and (5) loops connecting to other active regions had their bases in outlying plage of weak field strength in McM 417 where H fibrils marked the direction of the loops. We conclude that a typical loop brightens in response to magnetic field activity at its feet, which heats the plasma. This suggests that the loop acts as a trap for gas convected from its base.  相似文献   

Sequences of soft X-ray pictures, taken aboard Skylab between May and November, 1973, have made it possible to detect slowly moving disturbances originating in disrupted filaments and causing subsequent brightenings of distant coronal structures. With speeds decreasing from 400 km s-1 shortly after the filament disruption to 10 km s-1 four or five hours later, these disturbances appear to be identical with slow waves earlier inferred by Bruzek, Öhman, and Yajima from chromospheric observations.  相似文献   

Here I present a simple gravitational model for the flarelike brightenings of the chromosphere that follow most disparitions brusques (disappearing filaments). I assume the ascending prominence material is lifted out of the initially stable magnetic dips that characterize quiescent prominences and falls along the arched field lines into the chromosphere where the kinetic energy of fall is dissipated in the bright areas. The examination of prominence and chromospheric characteristics leads naturally to many predictions and relations during and after prominence eruptions. In general the predictions are specific, but the observations of necessary detail and quality are nonexistent; however, the predictions appear to agree with the data that are available. The model appears to explain all non-active-region brightenings of the chromosphere that follow disparitions brusques and an unknown fraction of active-region flares. The conclusion is that two-ribbon flares are due to the disparitions brusques chromospheric flarelike brightening mechanism. In this paper it will become clear that many specific observations in and out of active regions will be necessary to test the predictions of the model given here.  相似文献   

S. W. Kahler 《Solar physics》1981,71(2):337-347
Skylab X-ray images of the early phases of six active region transient brightenings were compared with simultaneous H images to study the spatial relationships between filaments and the X-ray brightenings. When the X-ray loops were roughly perpendicular to the axes of the H filaments, the filaments did not disappear. X-ray loops which appeared nearly parallel to the filaments were generally associated with the disappearances of those filaments. It is suggested that the perpendicular loops correspond to the class I X-ray flares of Pallavicini et al. (1977) while the parallel loops are the early phases of their class II flares characterized in the decay phases by arcades of large loops with low energy densities. Both kinds of X-ray flares can be associated with impulsive phases.  相似文献   

VLA observations of a solar plage region at 6 and 20 cm wavelengths are presented. The high frequency 6 cm emission correlates well with the associated sunspots, whereas 20 cm emission shows good correlation with the H plage. Large temperature variations over a period of one day are observed in the plage associated component without any significant changes in the sunspots. The dominant emission mechanisms at 6 and 20 cm are found to be gyroresonance radiation and bremstrahlung respectively. It is concluded that the coronal condensation above the chromospheric H plage has an electron density of 5 × 109 cm–3 and it extends to a height of 5 × 104 km.  相似文献   

The birth and early evolution of a solar active region has been investigated using X-ray observations from the Lockheed Mapping X-Ray Heliometer on board the OSO-8 spacecraft. X-ray emission is observed within three hours of the first detection of H plage. At that time, a plasma temperature of 4 × 106 K in a region having a density of the order of 1010 cm–3 is inferred. During the fifty hours following birth almost continuous flares or flare-like X-ray bursts are superimposed on a monotonically increasing base level of X-ray emission produced by plasma with a temperature of the order 3 × 106 K. If we assume that the X-rays result from heating due to dissipation of current systems or magnetic field reconnection, we conclude that flare-like X-ray emission soon after active region birth implies that the magnetic field probably emerges in a stressed or complex configuration.  相似文献   

A new model for the source distribution of galactic soft X-ray (B and C band) emission is presented. From the mean dependence of count rates on galactic latitudeb (i.e., the brightness distribution), we derive the soft X-ray source functionQ as function of the optical depth by solving the equation of radiative transfer with the aid of a Laplace transform. Contrary to older Heaviside step models,Q is found to increase strongly, but not abruptly, in the range 1.5<<2.5, indicating a noticeable emission of X-rays from beyond theHi scale height. Using standard X-ray absorption cross-sections for the interstellar medium, we find that the B band X-ray emission coefficient is non-zero within theHi disk and has a maximum at az-value slightly above the Hi scale height. In the C band, the emission coefficient slightly decreases with increasingz, at least up to theHi scale height. A non-zero source function near the galactic plane implies that the interstellar medium (ISM) within theHi scale height is not only an absorbing layer but is mixed with X-ray emitting regions. The so-called local hot bubble is adopted as one of these regions. The maximum of the B band emission coefficient, together with the sharp increase ofQ, is strong evidence for the existence of a galactic soft X-ray halo, and, moreover, give rise to the assumption of a general intergalactic X-ray background. The effective absorption cross-sections given in the literature, based on an (pure) exponential dependence in the negative correlation between count rates andHi column densities, were biased to be too small, in particular in the B band. In replacing the Heaviside step (in the ISM) by a smoothed transition region, these inconsistencies become spurious.  相似文献   

We derive a time series of two-dimensional velocity fields for a flare region on 1992 December 16, based on the asymmetries of the H line. The H spectra were obtained by an imaging spectrograph at the Solar Tower Telescope of Nanjing University. Four sites with evident chromospheric downflows are found to appear and decay consecutively in the studied region. The value of maximum velocities is 30–40 km s–1 and the lifetime of downflows is 2–3 min at these sites. It is also shown that the asymmetries only exist at the line wing, while the line center has nearly no shifts for this flare. Finally, we make a discussion on the characteristics of the velocity distribution and its correlations with the intensity distribution, as well as with the hard X-ray emission.  相似文献   

J. Roosen 《Solar physics》1969,7(3):448-462
The quiet component of the 9.1-cm solar radio emission is studied from the Stanford radioheliograms covering the period April–October 1964. The distribution of the brightness temperature in heliographic coordinates is not entirely uniform, but positive and negative departures from the average value appear at a number of stable locations. The most important negative departure crosses the central meridian 4 days before the maximum of the recurrent geomagnetic activity. Two out of three less important brightness depressions are connected with geomagnetic disturbances in the same manner. It is suggested that the brightness depressions are identical with M-regions.The result is confirmed by the construction of polytrope models for the solar wind, for various values of the parameters (the polytrope index) and T (the temperature in the inner corona). The velocities near the earth's orbit and in the inner corona are computed as functions of the model parameters, the density results from the observed proton flux at 1 AU. For quiet conditions the model with T = 1.26 × 106 K and = 1.10 is appropriate. The corresponding density and temperature in the corona lead to a value of 4000 K for the contribution of the corona to the 9-cm brightness. For disturbed conditions the suitable model has the parameters T 2.0 × 106 K, a 1.04. It being given that the proton flux at 1 AU is relatively constant, the equation of continuity leads to a low coronal density because of the high solar-wind velocity. The corresponding coronal contribution to the 9-cm brightness is of the order of 10 K. This confirms that the brightness temperature is considerably reduced in the regions where the enhanced solar wind originates. We suggest the name coronal depression for such regions.Papers II and III will appear in forthcoming issues of this journal.  相似文献   

H. Zirin 《Solar physics》1978,58(1):95-120
I have studied a number of flares for which good X-ray and optical data were available. An average lag of 5.5 s between hard X-ray (HXR) start and H start, and HXR peak and Ha peak was found for 41 flares for which determination was possible. Allowing for time constants the time lag is zero. The peak H lasts until 5–6 keV soft X-ray (SXR) peak. The level of H intensity is determined by the SXR flux.Multiple spikes in HXR appear to correspond to different occurrences in the flare development. Flares with HXR always have a fast H rise. Several flares were observed in the 3835 band; such emission appears when the 5.1–6.6 keV flux exceeds 5 × 104 ph cm-2 s-1 at the Earth. Smaller flares produce no 3835 emission; we conclude that coronal back conduction cannot produce the bright chromospheric network of that wavelength.The nearly simultaneous growth of H emission at distant points means an agent travelling faster than 5 × 103 km s-1 is responsible, presumably electrons.In all cases near the limb an elevated Ha source is seen with the same time duration as HXR flux; it is concluded that this H source is almost always an elevated cloud which is excited by the fast electrons. A rough calculation is given. Another calculation of H emission from compressed coronal material shows it to be inadequate.In several cases homologous flares occur within hours with the same X-ray properties.Radio models fit, more or less, with field strengths on the order of 100G. A number of flares are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Leka  K.D.  Metcalf  Thomas R. 《Solar physics》2003,212(2):361-378
The full magnetic vector has been measured in both the photosphere and chromosphere across sunspots and plage in NOAA Active Region 8299. We investigate the vertical magnetic structure above the umbral, penumbral and plage regions using quantitative statistical comparisons of the photospheric and chromospheric magnetic data. The results include: (1) a general decrease in average magnetic flux density with height; (2) the direct detection of the superpenumbral canopy in the chromosphere; (3) values for dB/dz which are consistent with earlier investigations when derived from a straight difference between the two measurements, but which are somewhat small when derived from the B=0 condition, (4) a monolithic structure in the umbrae which extends well into the upper chromosphere, with a very complex and varied structure in penumbrae and plage, as evidenced by (5) a uniform magnetic scale height in the umbrae with an abrupt jump to widely varying scale heights in penumbral and plage regions. Further, we find (6) evidence that field extrapolations using the photospheric flux as the boundary may not agree with expectations or with observed coronal structures as well as those which use the chromospheric magnetic flux as the extrapolation starting point.  相似文献   

We compute a new grid of plage models to determine the difference in temperature versus mass column density structure T(m) between plage regions and the quiet solar chromosphere, and to test whether the solar chromosphere is geometrically thinner in plages. We compare partial redistribution calculations of Mg ii h and k and Ca ii K to NRL Skylab observations of Mg ii h and k in six active regions and Ca ii K intensities obtained from spectroheliograms taken at approximately the same time as the Mg ii observations. We find that the plage observations are better matched by models with linear (in log m) temperature distributions and larger values of m 0 (the mass column density at the 8000 K layer in the chromosphere), than by models with larger low chromosphere temperature gradients but values of m 0 similar to the quiet Sun. Our derived temperature structures are in agreement with the grid originally proposed by Shine and Linsky, but our analysis is in contrast to the study by Kelch which implies that stellar chromospheric geometrical thickness is not affected by chromospheric activity. We conclude that either the stellar Mg ii observations upon which the Kelch study was based are of poorer quality than had been assumed, or that the spatial averaging of inhomogeneous structures, which is inherent in the stellar data, does not lead to a best fit one-component model similar in detail to that of a stellar or a solar plage.Visiting Astronomer at Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Staff member, Quantum Physics Division, National Bureau of Standards.  相似文献   

Solar flare observations have been performed with the multichannel L.P.S.P. experiment on board OSO-8 NASA Satellite. Simultaneous H and K Caii, h and k Mgii, L and L Hi profiles have been recorded on the plage just before the flare, during the flare onset and relaxation phases. The different behaviour of line profiles and intensities during the flare is evidenced and indicates a downward propagation with relaxation times increasing from the upper part to the lower part of the chromosphere related to line formation processes. Using the H observed profile, an upper limit of 8 × 1013 cm-3 is derived for the electron density.  相似文献   

A flare event occurred which involved the disappearance of a filament near central meridian on 29 August 1973. The event was well observed in X-rays with the AS & E telescope on Skylab and in H at BBSO. It was a four-ribbon flare involving both new and old magnetic inversion lines which were roughly parallel. The H, X-ray, and magnetic field data are used to deduce the magnetic polarities of the H brightenings at the footpoints of the brightest X-ray loops. These magnetic structures and the preflare history of the region are then used to argue that the event involved a reconnection of magnetic field lines rather than a brightening in place of pre-existing loops. The simultaneity of the H brightening onsets in the four ribbons and the apparent lack of an eruption of the filament are consistent with this interpretation. These observations are compared to other studies of filament disappearances. The preflare structures and the alignment of the early X-ray flare loops with the H filament are consistent with the schematic picture of a filament presented first by Canfield et al. (1974).  相似文献   

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