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From June 2004 to October 2005, particle size distributions (PSD) and the mineralogy of inorganic colloids in Lake Brienz, a glacial flour-rich Swiss lake, and in its tributaries (the Aare and Lütschine rivers), were quantified by single particle counting based on light scattering (0.1-2 μm) combined with transmission electronic microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy and selected area electron diffraction. The two lake tributaries differ in terms of the geology of their catchment area and in their hydrology: the River Lütschine’s glacial regime is unperturbed, while the River Aare has been significantly modified by hydroelectric installations. The dependence of the colloid concentration numbers on colloid diameters can be described by a power-law distribution in all cases. The power-law slopes in the River Aare were consistently smaller, and the total colloid number concentrations consistently higher, (mean values: −3.89 and 6.2 × 108 mL−1, respectively) than in the River Lütschine (−3.61 and 1.7 × 108 mL−1). The measured PSD in the lake were dependent on season and depth: homogenous in the whole epilimnion in winter and modified by river intrusions in summer. In this season, the presence of a river turbid plume above the thermocline is a significant source of colloids in the epilimnion, where their concentration was high (mean value: 5.1 × 107 mL−1). The same main mineral types were found in the different systems: 2:1 minerals, feldspars, chlorite and quartz; with a few particles of oxides. Differences in their relative concentrations in the rivers, essentially reflecting the geological differences of the respective catchment areas, made it possible to trace the origin of the mineral colloids present in lake surface waters throughout the year. The relationship between colloid size and mineralogy was assessed, showing that different minerals have distinct size distributions. In the rivers, where almost no aggregates were observed, PSD would essentially be the result of the nature (particle formation and mineralogy) of the colloids, whereas in the lake, aggregation and sedimentation processes would also play a role, particularly in summer.  相似文献   

Mining residues from the Sb mine of Bournac in the upper Orb River valley (Southern France), constitute an important source of As and Sb pollution. Arsenic concentrations are as high as 78 μg/L and Sb reaches 32 μg/L in the small creek draining the tailings impoundment. Although both metalloids occur mainly in oxidized form in the creek water, their behaviour differs significantly. Iron oxides are the main carrier phases for both elements in the suspended particulate matter. In oxic conditions the two elements are mainly present in water in oxidised form As(V) and Sb(V) and both field studies and laboratory experiments indicate a higher affinity of As(V) than Sb(V) for the solid phase. In the pool, which receives the water from Bournac Creek, the reductive dissolution of Fe-oxides is linked to the oxidation of small pyrite grains transported from the tailings dump. In oxic conditions Sb is released to solution more efficiently than As. Conversely, in anoxic conditions, mobilisation of As is greater than that of Sb. This is attributed to the reduction of As, which favours its mobility. Whatever the conditions, the activity of bacteria naturally present in the sediments enhances the remobilization of Sb in oxidizing conditions and that of As in reducing conditions.  相似文献   

The Bralorne and Pioneer mines, now inactive, produced over 4 million ounces of Au from an orogenic lode Au deposit located on the eastern edge of the Coastal Mountains of SW British Columbia. Between 2007 and 2009, drainage from a recently developed exploration adit was investigated in order to better understand and anticipate potential environmental management issues associated with the development of this type of deposit in the future. Portal discharge rate and specific conductance were monitored continuously over a 14-month period during which 36 water samples were collected. Additional samples were collected from flooded workings within the adit. Concentrations of As and Sb at the portal range as high as 1738 and 316 μg/L, respectively, while those in the mine pool reach 3304 and 349 μg/L, respectively. Effluent chemistry is mildly alkaline (pH = 8.7) and is dominated by Na, Ca, Mg, HCO3 and SO4. Geochemical inverse modeling of effluent composition indicates weathering of albite (2515 kg/a), ferroan dolomite (718 kg/a), pyrite (456 kg/a), arsenopyrite (23 kg/a) and stibnite (2 kg/a). Modeled sulfide reaction coefficients, normalized by their corresponding host rock concentrations, suggest that oxidation of arsenopyrite is 25 times slower than that of pyrite whereas oxidation of stibnite is 1.5 times faster. Oxidative dissolution of arsenopyrite and stibnite releases 10.6 kg/a of As and 1.1 kg/a of Sb of which 57% and 46%, respectively, are sorbed to ferrihydrite and gibbsite on the bed of the shallow channel through which the mine pool drains to the portal. Although mass balance calculations predict the formation of sufficient ferrihydrite to sorb 100% of the As dissolved in the mine pool, this attenuation process was ineffective possibly because the precipitated sorbents settled to the bottom of the water column or because of competition for sorption sites from Ca and HCO3. The dissolved Sb/As molar ratio in portal effluent (0.082) is much greater than the Sb/As ratio of the mineralization (0.002) because of slower arsenopyrite oxidation and somewhat lesser sorption of Sb.  相似文献   

Diurnal water samples were collected simultaneously at four locations along High Ore Creek (Montana, USA), a small stream with near-neutral pH that contains elevated concentrations of Zn, Mn, Cd, and As from abandoned mines near its headwaters. During the same time period, two sets of synoptic samples were collected by workers moving in opposite directions along the stream. Large diurnal fluctuations in Zn concentration were found at three of the 24-h monitoring stations, but not at the outlet to a settling pond. Because the concentrations of Zn were dropping at most locations in the creek during the day (in response to the daily cycle of day-time attenuation and night-time release), the synoptic sampler who moved upstream obtained a data set that led to the conclusion that Zn load increased with distance downstream. The sampler who moved in a downstream direction obtained the opposite results. Thus, failure to take short-term diurnal cycling into account can lead to incorrect conclusions regarding spatial or temporal trends in water quality within a watershed.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage discharged from the abandoned Daduk mine towards the Daduk creek has a pH of 3.3, and concentrations of Al, Mn, Fe, Zn and SO4 of 18, 41, 45, 38 and 1940 mg/L, respectively. In particular, As concentration in acid mine drainage is 1000 μg/L. Removing order of metal ions normalized by SO4 concentration downstream from discharge point is Fe > As > Al > Cu > Zn > Mn > Cd > Pb. In the Daduk creek, Fe and As are the most rapidly depleted downstream from acid mine drainage because As adsorbs, coprecipitates and forms compounds with ferric oxyhydroxide. From the results of geochemical modeling using the Phreeq C program, goethite (FeOOH) is oversaturated, and schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)4.5(SO4)1.75) is the most stable solid phase at low pH in the Daduk creek. Yellowish red (orange ochre) precipitates that occurred in the study area are probably composed of goethite or schwertmannite.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(3):476-491
Many mining-impacted streams in western Montana with pH near or above neutrality display large (up to 500%) diel cycles in dissolved Zn concentrations. The streams in question typically contain boulders coated with a thin biofilm, as well as black mineral crusts composed of hydrous Mn–Zn oxides. Laboratory mesocosm experiments simulating diel behavior in High Ore Creek (one of the Montana streams with particularly high Zn concentrations) show that the Zn cycles are not caused by 24-h changes in streamflow or hyporheic exchange, but rather to reversible in-stream processes that are driven by the solar cycle and its attendant influence on pH and water temperature (T). Laboratory experiments using natural Mn–Zn precipitates from the creek show that the mobilities of Zn and Mn increase nearly an order of magnitude for each unit decrease in pH, and decrease 2.4-fold for an increase in T from 5 to 20 °C. The response of dissolved metal concentration to small changes in either pH or T was rapid and reversible, and dissolved Zn concentrations were roughly an order of magnitude higher than Mn. These observations are best explained by sorption of Zn2+ and Mn2+ onto the secondary Mn–Zn oxide surfaces. From the T-dependence of residual metal concentrations in solution, approximate adsorption enthalpies of +50 kJ/mol (Zn) and +46 kJ/mol (Mn) were obtained, which are within the range of enthalpy values reported in the literature for sorption of divalent metal cations onto hydrous metal oxides. Using the derived pH- and T-dependencies from the experiments, good agreement is shown between predicted and observed diel Zn cycles for several historical data sets collected from High Ore Creek.  相似文献   

Asymmetric-Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AsFlFFF) coupled to an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used to determine whether colloidal As exists in mine tailings from abandoned Au mine sites in Nova Scotia. Using this technique, the chemical composition and the size of the colloidal material was determined. Tailings samples were collected from the sites and leachates were analyzed. The resulting fractograms showed the presence of colloidal As. Arsenic co-elutes with Fe and Al suggesting that the As is associated with colloids containing these elements. The colloidal material present in the samples has a calculated median size of 7 nm. The leachates were also analyzed for totalAs, Fe and Al using ICP-MS. The colloidal fraction was determined to account for approximately 20% of the total dissolved As present in these samples. Dissolved As concentrations at the selected mine sites are very high and the arbitrary cutoff for dissolved still incorporates colloidal material. Therefore. it is important to distinguish between truly dissolved and colloidal As as the speciation will affect the toxicity and mobility of As at these locations.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(11):2116-2137
Samples of mine water from Butte, Montana were collected for paired geochemical and stable isotopic analysis. The samples included two sets of depth profiles from the acidic Berkeley pit lake, deep groundwater from several mine shafts in the adjacent flooded underground mine workings, and the acidic Horseshoe Bend Spring. Beginning in July-2000, the spring was a major surface water input into the Berkeley pit lake. Vertical trends in major ions and heavy metals in the pit lake show major changes across a chemocline at 10–20 m depth. The chemocline most likely represents the boundary between pre-2000 and post-2000 lake water, with lower salinity, modified Horseshoe Bend Spring water on top of higher salinity lake water below. Based on stable isotope results, the deep pit lake has lost approximately 12% of its initial water to evaporation, while the shallow lake is up to 25% evaporated. The stable isotopic composition of SO4 in the pit lake is similar to that of Horseshoe Bend Spring, but differs markedly from SO4 in the surrounding flooded mine shafts. The latter is heavier in both δ34S and δ18O, which may be due to dissolution of hypogene SO4 minerals (anhydrite, gypsum, barite) in the ore deposit. The isotopic and geochemical evidence suggests that much of the SO4 and dissolved heavy metals in the deep Berkeley pit lake were generated in situ, either by leaching of soluble salts from the weathered pit walls as the lake waters rose, or by subaqueous oxidation of pyrite on the submerged mine walls by dissolved Fe(III). Laboratory experiments were performed to contrast the isotopic composition of SO4 formed by aerobic leaching of weathered wallrock vs. SO4 from anaerobic pyrite oxidation. The results suggest that both processes were likely important in the evolution of the Berkeley pit lake.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1997,12(2):203-211
The metal attenuation capacities of secondary acid mine water precipitates is dependent upon such factors as pH, ionic strength, the presence of competing ions, and tailings mineralogy. At the abandoned Spenceville Cu mine in Nevada County, California, approximately 6800 m3 of jarosite overburden and 28,000 m3 of hematite residue are potential sources of heavy metals loading to infiltrating surface waters. A column study was performed to assess the ability of the overburden and the residue to attenuate heavy metals from acidic mine drainage. The study information was needed as part of a remedial design for the abandoned mine, and was designed to simulate a worst-case scenario to examine the plausibility of backfilling a large open pit with the waste materials. Ten pore volumes of acidic mine drainage were allowed to pass through the materials, and the column effluents were analyzed for dissolved Fe, Al, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni using ICP-AES. The oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) was measured with a combination PtAg/AgCl electrode and also calculated from Fe(II) and Fe(III) measurements using the Nernst equation. Ion activities in solution and saturation index (SI) values for various solid phases were calculated using the geochemical speciation model MINTEQA2, and mineralogical compositions of fine (< 2 mm) and coarse ( > 2 mm) fractions were determined by XRD. Geochemical modeling of the column effluent compositions indicate that goethite, jarosite, jurbanite and gypsum are potential solid phases that may control metal solubilities in the column effluents. Excellent agreement was observed between the measured Eh values and those calculated from the activity ratio of Fe2+(aq) to Fe3+(aq). The large attenuation capacities for Cu and Zn exhibited by the jarosite overburden also suggest that solid solution substitution plays a large role in controlling metal concentrations in the pore waters. Relatively little metal attenuation, however, was provided by the hematite residue.  相似文献   

The Podljubelj mercury mine lies in the NW part of Slovenia. The ore is of hydrothermal-vein type. The ore deposit was exploited between the years 1557 and 1902. Total production of the mine was 110000 tons of ore (360 tons of Hg). A smelter located close to the mine had been in operation since 1855. The waste material from the mine and the smelter was dumped in close vicinity of the mine. Total quantity of the waste has been estimated at 170000 tons. In order to establish environmental impacts, soil and stream sediment samples were investigated. Soil samples were collected at two different depths (horizons A and B) in a 100 m grid within an 88 ha area. In the vast area also 11 samples of stream sediments were considered. Heavy metals were determined by means of cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry CV-AAS after aqua regia digestion. Based on the chemical analyses of samples, the estimated mercury mean for soils is 3.67 mg/kg (0.35-244 mg/kg) for horizon A and 1.39 mg/kg (0.17-71.7 mg/kg) for horizon B. The estimated mercury mean for stream sediments is 0.64 mg/kg (0.065-1.36 mg/kg). The concentrations of mercury in soils generally decrease with depth and distance from the mine. The highest content of Hg was determined in a sample taken in the immediate vicinity of the smelter (719 mg/kg). The results have shown that on the 9 ha of the study area, the contents of Hg in soils exceeded the officially set limit value for soils (10 mg/kg). High contents of Hg in soil around the abandoned smelter are a consequence of former atmospheric emissions and technological losses. High contents of Hg were also found in the mine and smelter waste dump. At the edges of the study area and in the samples of stream sediments, Hg concentrations are low.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(14):1641-1652
Euglena mutabilis, a benthic photosynthetic protozoan that intracellularly sequesters Fe, is variably abundant in the main effluent channel that contains acid mine drainage (AMD) discharging from the Green Valley coal mine site in western Indiana. Samples of effluent (pH 3.0–4.6) taken from the main channel and samples of contaminated stream water (pH 3.3 to 8.0) collected from an adjacent stream were analyzed to evaluate the influence of water chemistry on E. mutabilis distribution. E. mutabilis communities were restricted to areas containing unmixed effluent with the thickest (up to 3 mm) benthic communities residing in effluent containing high concentrations of total Fe (up to 12110 mg/l), SO4 (up to 2940 mg/l), Al (up to 1846 mg/l), and Cl (up to 629 mg/l). Communities were also present, but much less abundant, in areas with effluent containing lower concentrations of these same constituents. In effluent where SO4 was most highly concentrated, E. mutabilis was largely absent, suggesting that extremely high concentrations of SO4 may have an adverse effect on this potentially beneficial Fe-mediating, acidophilic protozoan.  相似文献   

A variable-volume, head-dependent mine water filling model (MIFIM) has been utilized to simulate the post-abandonment flooding of the Siersza coal mine in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin of southern Poland. It is demonstrated that desaturated pore space in the aquifer adjacent to the mine comprises a significant component of the resaturable mine-related void. The model results are very sensitive to the value of this poorly constrained parameter. Nevertheless, the model successfully predicted the first appearance of mine water in an observation well and its subsequent rise. Despite this apparent success, it is concluded that such modeling approaches generally lack predictive power for mines in permeable, porous host rocks. As real monitoring data accumulate, however, such models can be calibrated and their utility increased.  相似文献   

选取巴丹吉林沙漠东南部全球高差最大(约420m)的诺尔图湖东大沙山和较高的苏木巴润吉林湖西大沙山(高差约400m),对其迎风坡沉积物进行系统采样分析,讨论了高大沙山迎风坡沉积物粒度成分特点、变化规律、原因及其活动性.结果表明,全球高差最大的诺尔图东沙山和苏木巴润吉林湖西沙山迎风坡沉积物具有双层结构,表层沉积物的粒度组成...  相似文献   

矿山正常的生产经营活动势必形成一定的矿山地质环境问题。为全面贯彻生态文明思想,牢固树立“绿水青山就是金山银山”的理念,按照恢复生态、兼顾景观总体要求,因地制宜、多措并举,扎实开展废弃露天矿山地质环境修复。依据矿山地质环境保护与恢复的相关规范与要求,以汶川某废弃露天矿山为例,从矿山环境角度介绍了矿山地质环境的影响因素,开展矿山斜坡整体稳定性、采场边坡稳定性、弃渣堆稳定性及地形地貌景观破坏等地质环境影响评价,划分治理重点、次重点和一般3个基本的矿山地质环境保护与恢复防治区。结果表明: 矿山斜坡及弃渣堆现状基本稳定、采场边坡稳定性较差、地形地貌景观影响和破坏程度中等; 研究区矿山地质环境保护与恢复治理可划分为一般防治区和较严重防治区,其中一般防治区面积约554 m2(矿区无因采矿活动诱发的地质灾害,影响区内无居民居住,无威胁对象,矿区及周围地表水体未漏失,矿业活动对水土环境影响程度为影响程度小,未影响到矿区及周围生活供水)、较严重防治区面积186 m2(矿区与影响区地质灾害发生可能性小,地形地貌景观影响和破坏程度较严重)。针对评价结果提出的“坡面浮石清理+清除建筑垃圾、块石+植被重建”等修复建议,为同类型矿山绿色开采及地质环境保护措施提供了的重要技术参考依据。  相似文献   

This second paper reports the results of plant growth, plant mortality, plant leaf tissue metal and salt concentrations and leachate quality monitoring from lysimeters in four large field trial treatments established on sulfidic waste rock/soil that was used for haul road construction at a closed gold mine in Australia. The TerraB™, lime and clay treatments allowed good tree growth of four Eucalypt species, compared to the control. There was no statistical difference in tree growth between the TerraB™, lime or clay treatments over the 2 years of monitoring in this paper. However, the growth of one tree species was poor in the TerraB™ treatment. Leaf tissue metal and major ion data are also presented. Leachate pH in the control became increasingly acidic (pH 4.57–3.95). The addition of Ca(OH)2 and biosolids led to an initial increase in leachate pH, compared to the control; however, this has decreased over the duration of the study (pH 5.37–4.89) and may affect the sustainable growth of plants in the future. In the TerraB™ and biosolids treatment leachate pH increased to 6.92 after the first rainfall event and continued to increase over the duration of the study to pH 7.4 after 24 months. After 24 months average heavy metal leachate concentrations (mg/L) in the lysimeters for Al, Cd, Cu, Mn and Zn were, control: 32.55, 5.67, 12.71, 39.29, 121.80, TerraB™: 0.07, 0.02, 0.07, 0.57, 0.23, and lime: 2.19, 1.19, 2.33, 3.6, 28.4. No leachate was available for collection from the clay treatment indicating that this technique was functioning in terms of minimizing the infiltration of water into the mine soil.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(8):1267-1278
At the abandoned As mine in Nishinomaki, Japan, discharged water from the mining and waste dump area is acidic and rich in As. However, the As concentration in the drainage has been decreased to below the maximum contaminant level (0.01 mg/l for drinking water, Japan) without any artificial treatments before mixing with a tributary to populated areas. This implies that the As concentration in water from the waste dump area has been naturally attenuated. To elucidate the reaction mechanisms of the natural attenuation, analysis of water quality and characterization of the precipitates from the stream floor were performed by measuring pH, ORP and electric conductivity on-site, as well as X-ray diffraction, ICP-mass spectrometry and ion-chromatography. Selective extractions and mineral alteration experiments were also conducted to estimate the distribution of As in constituent phases of the precipitates and to understand the stability of As-bearing phases, respectively. The water contamination resulted from oxidation of sulfide minerals in the waste rocks, i.e., the oxidation of pyrite and realgar and subsequent release of Fe, SO4, As(V) and proton. The released Fe(II) transformed to Fe(III) by bacterial oxidation; schwertmannite then formed immediately. While the As concentrations in the stream were lowered nearly to background level downstream, those in the ochreous precipitates were up to several tens of mg/g. The As(V) was effectively removed by the formed schwertmannite and had been naturally attenuated. Although schwertmannite is metastable with respect to goethite, the experiments show that the transformation of schwertmannite to goethite may be retarded by the presence of absorbed As(V) in the structure. Therefore, the attenuation of As in the drainage and the retention of As by schwertmannite are expected to be maintained for the long term.  相似文献   

以某废弃建筑石料矿山为案例,研究分析了目前存在的崩塌等地质灾害隐患,压占、挖损大量土地资源,严重破坏了矿区地形地貌景观等.通过实施"露天采坑回填、设置警示标志、覆土种植经济林"等治理措施,可获得较好的经济、社会、环境效益.本文探讨研究了一种地质环境综合治理模式,可解决当地部分建筑废弃物的回填场所问题,又能满足矿山最大的...  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(8):1322-1334
The Ervedosa Mine, in north-eastern Portugal, has Sn-bearing quartz veins containing cassiterite and sulphides that cut Silurian schists and a Sn-bearing muscovite granite. These veins were mined for Sn and As2O3 until 1969. Cassiterite, the main Sn ore, has alternate lighter and darker growth-zones. The darker zones are richer in Fe, Nb, Ta and Ti, but poorer in Sn than the adjoining lighter zones. Exsolution blebs of ferrocolumbite, manganocolumbite, Ti ixiolite, rutile, ilmenite and rare wolframite were found in the darker zones. Arsenopyrite is the most abundant sulphide and contains inclusions of pyrrhotite, bismuth, bismuthinite and matildite. Other sulphides are pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and stannite. Secondary solid phases consisting mainly of hydrate sulphate complexes of Al, Fe, Ca and Mg (aluminocopiapite, copiapite, halotrichite, pickeringite, gypsum and alunogen, meta-alunogen) occur at the surface of the Sn-bearing quartz veins and their wall rocks (granite and schist), while oxides, hydroxides, arsenates and residual mineral phases (albite, muscovite and quartz) occur in mining tailings. Toxic acid mine waters (acid mine drainage AMD), which have high conductivity and significant concentrations of As, SO4 and metal (Cu, Zn, Pb, Fe, Mn, Cd, Ni and Co), occur in an area directly affected by the mine. Surface stream waters outside this area have low conductivity and a pH that is almost neutral. Metal and As concentrations are also lower. Stream waters within the impact area have an intermediate composition, falling between that of the AMD and the natural stream waters outside impact area. Waters associated directly with mineralised veins must not be used for human consumption or agriculture.  相似文献   

矿山废弃井巷采空区地质灾害调查与防治措施的建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹真  周政宝 《吉林地质》2009,28(1):89-91
本文从“中国镁都”——辽宁大石桥矿山生产实际情况和矿山地质灾害现状入手,认真调查了矿区地质灾害现状,分析了地质灾害的隐患性、危险性,详细阐述了对地质灾害的调查评估程序和方法以及防治的措施和建议。  相似文献   

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