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To advance understanding of hydrological influences on As concentrations within groundwaters of Southeast Asia, the flow system of an As-rich aquifer on the Mekong Delta in Cambodia where flow patterns have not been disturbed by irrigation well pumping was examined. Monitoring of water levels in a network of installed wells, extending over a 50 km2 area, indicates that groundwater flow is dominated by seasonally-variable gradients developed between the river and the inland wetland basins. While the gradient inverts annually, net groundwater flow is from the wetlands to the river. Hydraulic parameters of the aquifer (K ≈ 10−4 ms−1) and overlying clay aquitard (K ≈ 10−8 ms−1) were determined using grain size, permeameter and slug test analyses; when coupled with observed gradients, they indicate a net groundwater flow velocity of 0.04–0.4 ma−1 downward through the clay and 1–13 ma−1 horizontally within the sand aquifer, producing aquifer residence times on the order 100–1000 a. The results of numerical modeling support this conceptual model of the flow system and, when integrated with observed spatial trends in dissolved As concentrations, reveal that the shallow sediments (upper 2–10 m of fine-grained material) are an important source of As to the underlying aquifer.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Aquia aquifer in coastal Maryland were collected as part of a larger study of As in the Aquia groundwater flow system where As concentration are reported to reach levels as high as 1072 nmol kg−1, (i.e., ∼80 μg/L). To test whether As release is microbially mediated by reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxides/oxyhydroxides within the aquifer sediments, the Aquia aquifer sediment samples were employed in a series of microcosm experiments. The microcosm experiments consisted of sterilized serum bottles prepared with aquifer sediments and sterilized (i.e., autoclaved), artificial groundwater using four experimental conditions and one control condition. The four experimental conditions included the following scenarios: (1) aerobic; (2) anaerobic; (3) anaerobic + acetate; and (4) anaerobic + acetate + AQDS (anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). AQDS acts as an electron shuttle. The control condition contained sterilized aquifer sediments kept under anaerobic conditions with an addition of AQDS. Over the course of the 27 day microcosm experiments, dissolved As in the unamended (aerobic and anaerobic) microcosms remained constant at around ∼28 nmol kg−1 (2 μg/L). With the addition of acetate, the amount of As released to the solution approximately doubled reaching ∼51 nmol kg−1 (3.8 μg/L). For microcosm experiments amended with acetate and AQDS, the dissolved As concentrations exceeded 75 nmol kg−1 (5.6 μg/L). The As concentrations in the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosms are of similar orders of magnitude to As concentrations in groundwaters from the aquifer sediment sampling site (127-170 nmol kg−1). Arsenic concentrations in the sterilized control experiments were generally less than 15 nmol kg−1 (1.1 μg/L), which is interpreted to be the amount of As released from Aquia aquifer sediments owing to abiotic, surface exchange processes. Iron concentrations released to solution in each of the microcosm experiments were higher and more variable than the As concentrations, but generally exhibited similar trends to the As concentrations. Specifically, the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosm typically exhibited the highest Fe concentrations (up to 1725 and 6566 nmol kg−1, respectively). The increase in both As and Fe in the artificial groundwater solutions in these amended microcosm experiments strongly suggests that microbes within the Aquia aquifer sediments mobilize As from the sediment substrate to the groundwaters via Fe(III) reduction.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes (H, O, C) were determined for ground and surface waters collected from two relatively undisturbed massive sulfide deposits (Halfmile Lake and Restigouche) in the Bathurst Mining Camp (BMC), New Brunswick, Canada. Additional waters from active and inactive mines in the BMC were also collected. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of surface and shallow groundwaters from both the Halfmile Lake and Restigouche deposits are remarkably uniform (− 13 to − 14‰ and − 85 to − 95‰ for δ18OVSMOW and δ2HVSMOW, respectively). These values are lighter than predicted for northern New Brunswick and, combined with elevated deuterium excess values, suggest that recharge waters are dominated by winter precipitation, recharged during spring melting. Deeper groundwaters from the Restigouche deposit, and from active and inactive mines have heavier δ18OVSMOW ratios (up to − 10.8‰) than shallow groundwaters suggesting recharge under warmer climate or mixing with Shield-type brines. Some of the co-variation in Cl concentrations and δ18OVSMOW ratios can be explained by mixing between saline and shallow recharge water end-members. Carbon isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) are variable, ranging from − 15 to − 5‰ δ13CVPDB for most ground and surface waters. Much of the variation in the carbon isotopes is consistent with closed system groundwater evolution involving soil zone CO2 and fracture zone carbonate minerals (calcite, dolomite and siderite; average = − 6.5‰ δ13CVPDB). The DIC of saline Restigouche deposit groundwater is isotopically heavy (∼+ 12‰ δ13CVPDB), indicating carbon isotopic fractionation from methanogenesis via CO2 reduction, consistent with the lack of dissolved sulfate in these waters and the observation of CH4-degassing during sampling.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible variations of Rn concentration in crystalline rocks as a function of flow conditions, a field study was carried out of a fractured aquifer in granite. The method is based on the in situ measurement of Rn in groundwater, aquifer tests for the determination of hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer and laboratory measurement of Rn exhalation rate from rocks. A simple crack model that simulates the Rn concentration in waters circulating in a fracture intersecting a borehole was also tested. The Rn concentrations in groundwaters from boreholes of the study site ranged from 192 to 1597 Bq L−1. The Rn exhalation rates of selected samples of granite and micaschist were determined from laboratory experiments. The results yielded fluxes varying from 0.5 to 1.3 mBq m−2 s−1 in granite and from 0.5 to 0.9 mBq m−2 s−1 in micaschists. Pumping tests were performed in the studied boreholes to estimate the transmissivity and calculate the equivalent hydraulic aperture of the fractures. Transmissivities ranged from 10−5 to 10−3 m2 s−1. Using the cubic law, hydraulic equivalent fracture apertures were calculated to be in the range of 0.5–2.3 mm.  相似文献   

The shallow aquifer beneath the Western Snake River Plain (Idaho, USA) exhibits widespread elevated arsenic concentrations (up to 120 μg L−1). While semi-arid, crop irrigation has increased annual recharge to the aquifer from approximately 1 cm prior to a current rate of >50 cm year−1. The highest aqueous arsenic concentrations are found in proximity to the water table (all values >50 μg L−1 within 50 m) and concentrations decline with depth. Despite strong vertical redox stratification within the aquifer, spatial distribution of aqueous species indicates that redox processes are not primary drivers of arsenic mobilization. Arsenic release and transport occur under oxidizing conditions; groundwater wells containing dissolved arsenic at >50 μg L−1 exhibit elevated concentrations of O2 (average 4 mg L−1) and NO3 (average 8 mg L−1) and low concentrations of dissolved Fe (<20 μg L−1). Sequential extractions and spectroscopic analysis of surficial soils and sediments indicate solid phase arsenic is primarily arsenate and is present at elevated concentrations (4–45 mg kg−1, average: 17 mg kg−1) relative to global sedimentary abundances. The highest concentrations of easily mobilized arsenic (up to 7 mg kg−1) are associated with surficial soils and sediments visibly stained with iron oxides. Batch leaching experiments on these materials using irrigation waters produce pore water arsenic concentrations approximating those observed in the shallow aquifer (up to 152 μg L−1). While As:Cl aqueous phase relationships suggest minor evaporative enrichment, this appears to be a relic of the pre-irrigation environment. Collectively, these data indicate that infiltrating irrigation waters leach arsenic from surficial sediments to the underlying aquifer.  相似文献   

Groundwaters were collected around the Spence porphyry copper deposit, Atacama Desert, northern Chile, to study water-porphyry copper ore bodies interaction and test hypotheses regarding transport of metals through thick overburden leading to the formation of soil geochemical anomalies. The deposit contains 400 Mt of 1% Cu and is completely buried by piedmont gravels of Miocene age. Groundwaters were recovered from the eastern up hydraulic gradient (upflow) margin of the Spence deposit, from within the deposit, and for two kilometers down flow from the deposit. Water table depths decrease from 90 m at the upflow margin to 30 m 1.5 km down flow. Groundwaters at the Spence deposit are compositionally variable with those upflow of the deposit characterized by relatively low salinities (900-7000 mg/L) and Na+-SO42−-type compositions. These waters have compositions and stable isotope values similar to regional groundwaters recovered elsewhere in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile. In contrast, groundwaters recovered within and down flow of the deposit range in salinity from 10,000 to 55,000 mg/L (one groundwater at 145,000 mg/L) and are dominantly Na+-Cl-type waters. Dissolved sulfate values are, however, elevated compared to upflow waters, and δ34SCDT decreases into the deposit (from >4‰ to 2‰), consistent with increasing influence of sulfur derived from oxidation of sulfide minerals within the deposit. The increase in salinity and conservative tracers (Cl, Br, Li+, and Na+) and the relationship between oxygen and hydrogen isotopes suggests that in addition to water-rock reactions within the deposit, most of the compositional variation can be explained by groundwater mixing (with perhaps a minor role for evaporation). A groundwater-mixing scenario implies a deeper, more saline groundwater source mixing with the less saline regional groundwater-flow system. Flow of deeper, more saline groundwater along pre-existing structures has important implications for geochemical exploration and metal-transport models.  相似文献   

The high As and F groundwaters from Datong Basin are mostly soda waters with a Na/(Cl+SO4) (meq) ratio greater than unity, As and F up to 1550 μg/L and 10.4 mg/L, respectively, and with pH between 7.6 and 9.1. Geochemical modeling indicates that the waters are oversaturated with respect to calcite and clay minerals such as kaolinite, and undersaturated with respect to primary rock-forming minerals such as anorthite and albite. The water chemistry also is affected by evapotranspiration. The degree of evaporative enrichment is up to 85 in terms of Cl. Results of the hydrogeochemical studies indicate that the occurrence of soda water at Datong is the result of incongruent dissolution of aluminosilicates at one stage of their interaction with groundwater when the water is oversaturated with respect to calcite and evapotranspiration-related salt accumulation is not too strong. Studying the genesis of soda waters provides new insights into mechanism of As and F enrichment in the aquifer system. Due to CaF2 solubility control and OH–F exchange reactions, F can be enriched in soda water. And the high pH condition of soda water favors As desorption from oxyhydroxide surfaces, thereby increasing the concentration of As in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Sixteen groundwater samples collected from production wells tapping Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone and fractured basement aquifers in Sinai were analyzed for their stable isotopic compositions, dissolved noble gas concentrations (recharge temperatures), tritium activities, and 14C abundances. Results define two groups of samples: Group I has older ages, lower recharge temperatures, and depleted isotopic compositions (adjusted 14C model age: 24,000–31,000 yr BP; δ18O: − 9.59‰ to − 6.53‰; δ2H: − 72.9‰ to − 42.9‰; < 1 TU; and recharge T: 17.5–22.0°C) compared to Group II (adjusted 14C model age: 700–4700 yr BP; δ18O: − 5.89‰ to − 4.84‰; δ2H: − 34.5‰ to − 24.1‰; < 1 to 2.78 TU; and recharge T: 20.6–26.2°C). Group II samples have isotopic compositions similar to those of average modern rainfall, with larger d-excess values than Group I waters, and locally measurable tritium activity (up to 2.8 TU). These observations are consistent with (1) the Nubian Aquifer being largely recharged prior to and/or during the Last Glacial Maximum (represented by Group I), possibly through the intensification of paleowesterlies; and (2) continued sporadic recharge during the relatively dry and warmer interglacial period (represented by Group II) under conditions similar to those of the present.  相似文献   

This study describes the hydrogeochemistry and distributions of As in groundwater from a newly investigated area of Burkina Faso. Groundwaters have been sampled from hand-pumped boreholes and dug wells close to the town of Ouahigouya in northern Burkina Faso. Although most analysed groundwaters have As concentrations of less than 10 μg L−1, they have a large range from <0.5 to 1630 μg L−1. The highest concentrations are found in borehole waters; all dug wells analysed in this study have As concentrations of <10 μg L−1. Skin disorders (melanosis, keratosis and more rare skin tumour) have been identified among the populations in three villages in northern Burkina Faso, two within the study area. Although detailed epidemiological studies have not been carried out, similarities with documented symptoms in other parts of the world suggest that these are likely to be linked to high concentrations of As in drinking water. The high-As groundwaters observed derive from zones of Au mineralisation in Birimian (Lower Proterozoic) volcano-sedimentary rocks, the Au occurring in vein structures along with quartz and altered sulphide minerals (pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite). However, the spatial variability in As concentrations in the mineralised zones is large and the degree of testing both laterally and with depth so far is limited. Hence, concentrations are difficult to predict on a local scale. From available data, the groundwater appears to be mainly oxic and the dissolved As occurs almost entirely as As(V) although concentrations are highest in groundwaters with dissolved-O2 concentrations <2 mg L−1. The source is likely to be the oxidised sulphide minerals and secondary Fe oxides in the mineralised zones. Positive correlations are observed between dissolved As and both Mo and W which are also believed to be derived from ore minerals and oxides in the mineralised zones. The discovery of high As concentrations in some groundwaters from the Birimian rocks of northern Burkina Faso reiterates the need for reconnaissance surveys in mineralised areas of crystalline basement.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates the importance of hydrogeochemical characteristics (groundwater flow and recharge) of an aquifer in the release of As to groundwater. The study area (∼20 km2) is located in Chakdaha block, Nadia district, West Bengal, which hosts groundwaters of variable As content. The spatial distribution pattern of As is patchy with areas containing groundwater that is high in As (>200 μg L−1) found in close vicinity to low As (<50 μg L−1) groundwaters (within 100 m). The concentration of groundwater As is found to decrease with depth. In addition, the data shows that there is no conspicuous relationship between high groundwater As concentration and high groundwater abstraction, although the central cone of depression has enlarged over 2 a and is extending towards the SE of the study area. The river Hooghly, which forms the NW boundary of the study site, shows dual behaviour (effluent and influent during pre- and post-monsoon periods, respectively), complicating the site hydrogeology. The observed groundwater flow lines tend to be deflected away from the high As portion of the aquifer, indicating that groundwater movement is very sluggish in the As-rich area. This leads to a high residence time for this groundwater package, prolonging sediment–water interaction, and hence facilitating groundwater As release.  相似文献   

Ureolysis-driven calcite precipitation has potential to seal porosity and fracture networks in rocks thus preventing groundwater flow and contaminant transport. In this study urea hydrolysis and calcite precipitation rates for the model bacterium Sporosarcina pasteurii were compared with those of indigenous groundwater communities under conditions required to precipitate large volumes of calcite (up to 50 g L−1). We conducted microcosm experiments in oxic artificial and anoxic natural groundwaters (collected from the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifer at Birmingham, UK) that were inoculated with aerobically grown S. pasteurii. The rate constants for urea hydrolysis, kurea, ranged between 0.06 and 3.29 d−1 and were only affected by inoculum density. Higher Ca2+ concentration (50-500 mM Ca2+) as well as differences in fO2 did not inhibit the ureolytic activity of S. pasteurii and did not significantly impact kurea. These results demonstrate that S. pasteurii has potential to improve calcite precipitation in both oxic and anoxic groundwaters, especially if indigenous communities lack ureolytic activity. Urea hydrolysis by indigenous groundwater communities was investigated in anoxic, natural groundwaters amended with urea and CaCl2. A notable increase in ureolysis rates was measured only when these communities were stimulated with dilute nutrients (with best results from blackstrap molasses). Furthermore, there was a considerable lag time (12-20 days) before ureolysis and calcite precipitation began. Calculated ureolysis rate constants, kurea, ranged between 0.03 and 0.05 d−1 and were similar to kurea values produced by S. pasteurii at low inoculum densities. Overall, this comparative study revealed that the growth of ureolytic microorganisms present within groundwaters can easily be stimulated to enhance rates of urea hydrolysis in the subsurface, and thus can be used to induce calcite precipitation in these environments. The time required for urea hydrolysis to begin is almost instantaneous if an inoculum of S. pasteurii is included, while it may take several weeks for ureolytic groundwater communities to grow and become ureolytically active.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine wells were selected for groundwater sampling in the town of Shahai, in the Hetao basin, Inner Mongolia. Four multilevel samplers were installed for monitoring groundwater chemistry at depths of 2.5–20 m. Results show that groundwater As exhibits a large spatial variation, ranging between 0.96 and 720 μg/L, with 71% of samples exceeding the WHO drinking water guideline value (10 μg/L). Fluoride concentrations range between 0.30 and 2.57 mg/L. There is no significant correlation between As and F concentrations. Greater As concentrations were found with increasing well depth. However, F concentrations do not show a consistent trend with depth. Groundwater with relatively low Eh has high As concentrations, indicating that the reducing environment is the major factor controlling As mobilization. Low As concentrations (<10 μg/L) are found in groundwater at depths less than 10 m. High groundwater As concentration is associated with aquifers that have thick overlying clay layers. The clay layers, mainly occurring at depths <10 m, have low permeability and high organic C content. These strata restrict diffusion of atmospheric O2 into the aquifers, and lead to reducing conditions that favor As release. Sediment composition is an additional factor in determining dissolved As concentrations. In aquifers composed of yellowish-brown fine sands at depths around 10 m, groundwater generally has low As concentrations which is attributed to the high As adsorption capacity of the yellow–brown Fe oxyhydroxide coatings. Fluoride concentration is positively correlated with pH and negatively correlated with Ca2+ concentration. All groundwater samples are over-saturated with respect to calcite and under-saturated with respect to fluorite. Dissolution and precipitation of Ca minerals (such as fluorite and calcite), and F adsorption–desorption are likely controlling the concentration of F in groundwater.  相似文献   

This paper documents arsenic concentrations in 157 groundwater samples from the island of Ischia and the Phlegrean Fields, two of the most active volcano-hosted hydrothermal systems from the Campanian Volcanic Province (Southern Italy), in an attempt to identify the environmental conditions and mineral-solution reactions governing arsenic aqueous cycling. On Ischia and in the Phlegrean Fields, groundwaters range in composition from NaCl brines, which we interpret as the surface discharge of deep reservoir fluids, to shallow-depth circulating fluids, the latter ranging from acid-sulphate steam-heated to hypothermal, cold, bicarbonate groundwaters. Arsenic concentrations range from 1.6 to 6900 μg·l− 1 and from 2.6 to 3800 μg·l− 1 in the Phlegrean Fields and on Ischia, respectively. They increase with increasing water temperature and chlorine contents, and in the sequence bicarbonate groundwaters < steam-heated groundwaters < NaCl brines. According to thermochemical modeling, we propose that high As concentrations in NaCl brines form after prolonged water-rock interactions at reservoir T, fO2 and fH2S conditions, and under the buffering action of an arsenopyrite + pyrite + pyrrhotite rock assemblage. On their ascent toward the surface, NaCl brines become diluted by As-depleted meteoric-derived bicarbonate groundwaters, giving rise to hybrid water types with intermediate to low As contents. Steam-heated groundwaters give their intermediate to high As concentrations to extensive rock leaching promoted by interaction with As-bearing hydrothermal steam.  相似文献   

Saline groundwaters were recovered from undisturbed (Restigouche deposit) and active (Brunswick #12 mine) Zn-Pb volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp (BMC), northern New Brunswick, Canada. These groundwaters, along with fresh to brackish meteoric ground and surface waters from the BMC, have been analyzed to determine their major, trace element and stable isotopic (O, H, C, and B) compositions. Saline groundwaters (total dissolved solids = 22-45 g/L) are characterized by relatively high Na/Ca ratios compared to brines from the Canadian Shield and low Na/Clmolar and δ11B isotopic compositions (−2.5‰ to 11.1‰) compared to seawater. Although saline waters from the Canadian Shield commonly have oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions that plot to the left of the global meteoric water line, those from the BMC fall close to the water line. Fracture and vein carbonate minerals at the Restigouche deposit have restricted carbon isotopic compositions of around −5‰ to −6‰. The carbon isotopic compositions of the saline waters at the Restigouche deposit (+12‰ δ13CDIC) are the result of fractionation of dissolved inorganic carbon by methanogenesis. We suggest that, unlike previous models for shield brines, the composition of saline waters in the BMC is best explained by prolonged water-rock reaction, with no requirement of precursor seawater. We suggest that elevated Br/Cl ratios of saline waters compared to seawater may be explained by differential uptake of Br and Cl during groundwater evolution through water-rock reaction.  相似文献   

The Precambrian Egersund anorthosites exhibit a wide range of groundwater chemical composition (pH 5.40-9.93, Ca2+ 1.5-41 mg/L, Na+ 12.3-103 mg/L). They also exhibit an evolutionary trend, culminating in high pH, Na-rich, low-Ca groundwaters, that is broadly representative of Norwegian crystalline bedrock aquifers in general. Simple PHREEQC modelling of monomineralic plagioclase-CO2-H2O systems demonstrates that the evolution of such waters can be explained solely by plagioclase weathering, coupled with calcite precipitation, without invoking cation exchange. Some degree of reaction in open CO2 systems seems necessary to generate the observed maximum solute concentrations, while subsequent system closure can be invoked to explain high observed pH values. Empirical data provide observations required or predicted by such a model: (i) the presence of secondary calcite in silicate aquifer systems, (ii) the buffering of pH at around 8.0-8.3 by calcite precipitation, (iii) significant soil gas CO2 concentrations (PCO2 > 10−2 atm) even in poorly vegetated sub-arctic catchments, and (iv) the eventual re-accumulation of calcium in highly evolved, high pH waters.  相似文献   

The oxygen-isotope compositions (obtained by laser fluorination) of hand-picked separates of isolated forsterite, isolated olivine and chondrules from the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite describe a line (δ17O = 0.95 * δ18O − 3.24; R2 = 0.99) similar to the trend known for chondrules from other carbonaceous chondrites. The isolated forsterite grains (Fo99.6-99.8; δ18O = −7.2‰ to −5.5‰; δ17O = −9.6‰ to −8.2‰) are more 16O-rich than the isolated olivine grains (Fo39.6-86.8; δ18O = 3.1‰ to 5.1‰; δ17O = −0.3‰ to 2.2‰), and have chemical and isotopic characteristics typical of refractory forsterite. Chondrules contain olivine (Fo97.2-99.8) with oxygen-isotope compositions (δ18O = −5.2‰ to 5.9‰; δ17O = −8.1‰ to 1.2‰) that overlap those of isolated forsterite and isolated olivine. An inverse relationship exists between the Δ17O values and Fo contents of Tagish Lake isolated forsterite and chondrules; the chondrules likely underwent greater exchange with 16O-poor nebular gases than the forsterite. The oxygen-isotope compositions of the isolated olivine grains describe a trend with a steeper slope (1.1 ± 0.1, R2 = 0.94) than the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line (CCAMslope = 0.95). The isolated olivine may have crystallized from an evolving melt that exchanged with 16O-poor gases of somewhat different composition than those which affected the chondrules and isolated forsterite. The primordial components of the Tagish Lake meteorite formed under conditions similar to other carbonaceous chondrite meteorite groups, especially CMs. Its alteration history has its closest affinities to CI carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

Strontium-90 is a beta emitting radionuclide produced during nuclear fission, and is a problem contaminant at many nuclear facilities. Transport of 90Sr in groundwaters is primarily controlled by sorption reactions with aquifer sediments. The extent of sorption is controlled by the geochemistry of the groundwater and sediment mineralogy. Here, batch sorption experiments were used to examine the sorption behaviour of 90Sr in sediment–water systems representative of the UK Sellafield nuclear site based on groundwater and contaminant fluid compositions. In experiments with low ionic strength groundwaters (<0.01 mol L−1), pH variation is the main control on sorption. The sorption edge for 90Sr was observed between pH 4 and 6 with maximum sorption occurring (Kd ∼ 103 L kg−1) at pH 6–8. At ionic strengths above 10 mmol L−1, and at pH values between 6 and 8, cation exchange processes reduced 90Sr uptake to the sediment. This exchange process explains the lower 90Sr sorption (Kd ∼ 40 L kg−1) in the presence of artificial Magnox tank liquor (IS = 29 mmol L−1). Strontium K-edge EXAFS spectra collected from sediments incubated with Sr2+ in either HCO3-buffered groundwater or artificial Magnox tank liquor, revealed a coordination environment of ∼9 O atoms at 2.58–2.61 Å after 10 days. This is equivalent to the Sr2+ hydration sphere for the aqueous ion and indicates that Sr occurs primarily in outer sphere sorption complexes. No change was observed in the Sr sorption environment with EXAFS analysis after 365 days incubation. Sequential extractions performed on sediments after 365 days also found that ∼80% of solid associated 90Sr was exchangeable with 1 M MgCl2 in all experiments. These results suggest that over long periods, 90Sr in contaminated sediments will remain primarily in weakly bound surface complexes. Therefore, if groundwater ionic strength increases (e.g. by saline intrusion related to sea level rise or by design during site remediation) then substantial remobilisation of 90Sr is to be expected.  相似文献   

In this study, the geochemistry and origin of natural gas and formation waters in Devonian age organic-rich shales and reservoir sandstones across the northern Appalachian Basin margin (western New York, eastern Ohio, northwestern Pennsylvania, and eastern Kentucky) were investigated. Additional samples were collected from Mississippian Berea Sandstone, Silurian Medina Sandstone and Ordovician Trenton/Black River Group oil and gas wells for comparison. Dissolved gases in shallow groundwaters in Devonian organic-rich shales along Lake Erie contain detectable CH4 (0.01–50.55 mol%) with low δ13C–CH4 values (−74.68 to −57.86‰) and no higher chain hydrocarbons, characteristics typical of microbial gas. Nevertheless, these groundwaters have only moderate alkalinity (1.14–8.72 meq/kg) and relatively low δ13C values of dissolved inorganic C (DIC) (−24.8 to −0.6‰), suggesting that microbial methanogenesis is limited. The majority of natural gases in Devonian organic-rich shales and sandstones at depth (>168 m) in the northern Appalachian Basin have a low CH4 to ethane and propane ratios (3–35 mol%; C1/C2 + C3) and high δ13C and δD values of CH4 (−53.35 to −40.24‰, and −315.0 to −174.6‰, respectively), which increase in depth, reservoir age and thermal maturity; the molecular and isotopic signature of these gases show that CH4 was generated via thermogenic processes. Despite this, the geochemistry of co-produced brines shows evidence for microbial activity. High δ13C values of DIC (>+10‰), slightly elevated alkalinity (up to 12.01 meq/kg) and low SO4 values (<1 mmole/L) in select Devonian organic-rich shale and sandstone formation water samples suggest the presence of methanogenesis, while low δ13C–DIC values (<−22‰) and relatively high SO4 concentrations (up to 12.31 mmole/L) in many brine samples point to SO4 reduction, which likely limits microbial CH4 generation in the Appalachian Basin. Together the formation water and gas results suggest that the vast majority of CH4 in the Devonian organic-rich shales and sandstones across the northern Appalachian Basin margin is thermogenic in origin. Small accumulations of microbial CH4 are present at shallow depths along Lake Erie and in western NY.  相似文献   

Stable Cl isotope ratios (37Cl/35Cl) were measured in groundwater samples from the southwestern flow system of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia to gain a better understanding of the Cl sources and transport mechanisms. δ37Cl values range from 0‰ to −2.5‰ (SMOC), and are inversely correlated with Cl concentration along the inferred flow direction. The Cl isotopic compositions, in conjunction with other geochemical parameters, suggest that Cl in groundwaters is not derived from salt dissolution. Mixing of the recharge water with saline groundwater cannot explain the relationship between δ37Cl and Cl concentration measured. Marine aerosols deposited via rainfall and subsequent evapotranspiration appear to be responsible for the Cl concentrations observed in wells that are close to the recharge area, and in groundwaters sampled along the southern transect. δ37Cl values measured in the leachate of the Bulldog shale suggest that the aquitard is the subsurface source of Cl for the majority of groundwater samples studied. Diffusion is likely the mechanism through which Cl is transported from the pore water of the Bulldog shale to the aquifer. However, a more detailed study of the aquitard rocks is required to verify this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Seasonal (Spring and Summer 2002) concentrations of dissolved (<0.22 μm) trace metals (Ag, Al, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb), inorganic nutrients (NO3, PO4, Si), and DOC were determined in groundwater samples from 5 wells aligned along a 30 m shore-normal transect in West Neck Bay, Long Island, NY. Results show that significant, systematic changes in groundwater trace metal and nutrient composition occur along the flowpath from land to sea. While conservative mixing between West Neck Bay water and the groundwaters explains the behavior of Si and DOC, non-conservative inputs for Co and Ni were observed (concentration increases of 10- and 2-fold, respectively) and removal of PO4 and NO3 (decreases to about half) along the transport pathway. Groundwater-associated chemical fluxes from the aquifer to the embayment calculated for constituents not exhibiting conservative behavior can vary by orders of magnitude depending on sampling location and season (e.g. Co, 3.4 × 102– 8.2 × 103 μmol d−1). Using measured values from different wells as being representative of the true groundwater endmember chemical composition also results in calculation of very different fluxes (e.g., Cu, 6.3 × 103 μmol d−1 (inland, freshwater well) vs. 2.1 × 105 μmol d−1(seaward well, S = 17 ppt)). This study suggests that seasonal variability and chemical changes occurring within the subterranean estuary must be taken into account when determining the groundwater flux of dissolved trace metals and nutrients to the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

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