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The Madrid Tertiary Detrital Aquifer is one of the largest and most important aquifers of Spain. This paper assesses the most relevant controls on the natural baseline quality and the dominant chemical processes within the aquifer. The hydrochemistry of the groundwater is variable despite the relative uniformity of the detrital sediments. The natural baseline is expressed as a range of values that are controlled by lithological and hydrological factors; spatial variations of groundwater chemistry are related to changes in rock type, water-rock interaction and the residence time of groundwater. The fundamental chemical processes within the Arkosic aquifer are hydrolysis of silicates, dissolution of carbonates, dissolution of evaporites (only in the vicinity of the transitional facies), ion exchange, neoformation of clays, precipitation of silica as cement, and precipitation of carbonates due to increasing temperature along the downward pathways. Some chemical and physico-chemical parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, and hardness, and several elements like calcium, sodium, magnesium, silica, and arsenic show an evolutionary trend according to groundwater flow path. A gradual increase in arsenic concentration from recharge areas to discharge areas is observed; it is the main natural water constituent that deteriorates the quality of the fresh Madrid groundwater as a drinking water supply. The occasionally elevated arsenic concentrations originate from natural sources. The concentration and mobility of arsenic seems to be controlled by pH-dependent anion exchange processes resulting from the evolution to Na-HCO3 water.  相似文献   

南水北调水源进京后,部分水源计划将进入密怀顺水源地回补严重亏损的地下水。水源地地下水水质的未来变化引起了人们的关注。本次研究通过开展动态含水层模拟试验,分析了南水北调水源进入含水层过程中地下水水质变化,并利用溶质运移模型,在不考虑吸附、降解等水岩相互作用等条件下,模拟了试验土柱中各常规组分的水质变化。研究表明:南水北调水源进入含水层过程中,对地下水水质的稀释作用占主导地位,其它水岩相互作用对地下水水质的影响程度较小,南水北调水源在密怀顺水源地回补地下水是可行的。为此,南水北调水源回补地下水后,不仅能够涵养并增加水源地的地下水资源,而且能够改善地下水水质,保证水源地的供水安全。  相似文献   

Irrigation in semi-arid agricultural regions can have profound effects on recharge rates and the quality of shallow groundwater. This study coupled stable isotopes (2??, 18O), age-tracers (3H, CFCs, 14C), 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and elemental chemistry to determine the sources, residence times, and flowpaths of groundwater and agricultural contaminants (e.g. NO 3 ?C ) in the Saddle Mountains Basalt Aquifer in central Washington, USA, where over 80% of the population depend on groundwater for domestic use. Results demonstrate the presence of two distinct types of water: contaminated irrigation water and pristine regional groundwater. Contaminated irrigation water has high NO 3 ?C concentrations (11?C116? mg/l), 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70659?C0.71078) within range of nitrogen-based fertilizers, detectable tritium (2.8?C13.4 TU), CFC ages 20?C40?years, high ??18O values (?16.9 to ?13.5??), and ??100 percent modern 14C. Pristine regional groundwater has low NO 3 ?C concentrations (1?C5? mg/l), no detectable tritium (??0.8 TU), low ??18O values (?18.9 to ?17.3??) and 14C ages from ??15 to 33?ky BP. Nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of NO 3 ?C , combined with high dissolved oxygen values, show that denitrification is not an important process in the organic-poor basalt aquifers resulting in transport of high NO 3 ?C irrigation water to depths greater than 40?m in less than 30? years.  相似文献   

Impacts of afforestation on groundwater resources and quality   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plans to double the proportion of land under forest cover in Ireland by the year 2035 have been initiated. The plan, primarily financially driven, ignores potential environmental impacts of forestry, particularly impacts on groundwater resources and quality. Since groundwater supplies almost 25% of Ireland's total potable water, these impacts are important. Field investigations indicate that afforestation leads to a reduction in runoff by as much as 20%, mainly due to interception of rainfall by forest canopies. Clearfelling has the opposite impact. Implications are that uncoordinated forestry practices can potentially exacerbate flooding. Groundwater recharge is affected by forestry, largely due to greater uptake of soil water by trees and to increased water-holding capacity of forest soils, arising from higher organic contents. Recharge rates under forests can be reduced to one tenth that under grass or heathland. Groundwater quality may be affected by enhanced acidification and nitrification under forests, due partly to scavenging of atmospheric pollutants by forest canopies, and partly to greater deposition of highly acid leaf litter. The slower recharge rates of groundwater under forests lead to significant delays in manifestation of deterioration in groundwater quality. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

彭阳油田延长组长3段砂岩储层质量控制因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭阳油田位于鄂尔多斯盆地西南部,其上三叠统延长组长3段砂岩已发现商业油流,但是对其储层砂岩质量控制因素仍然缺乏了解。本文根据钻井、测井、岩心观察、铸体薄片、扫描电镜与岩心物性资料,研究了长3段层序格架与沉积相、砂岩成分与成岩作用特征及其对长3段砂岩储层质量的影响。长3段砂岩为发育在高位体系域早期的具有加积-进积准层序组特征的小型辫状河三角洲平原分流河道沉积,砂体孤立而不连续,成岩环境流体循环不畅而相对封闭,不利于早成岩期酸性大气水的普遍淋滤。长3段砂岩以长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑砂岩为主。高岩屑和长石含量使砂岩在早期成岩压实中损失了大量粒间孔,高白云岩岩屑含量促进了埋藏成岩期间硬石膏与铁白云石的大量胶结,进一步减少了粒间孔隙。三角洲平原环境促进了早期成岩过程中颗粒蒙脱石包膜的形成,并在埋藏成岩过程中转换为绿泥石包膜或伊利石,尤其是绿泥石包膜抑制了石英增生,使粒间孔得以保存。早成岩期的酸性大气水与埋藏成岩期的有机酸对长石、云母或岩屑的溶蚀对砂岩储层质量的贡献相对有限。长3段砂岩孔隙以残余粒间孔为主,这暗示长3段砂岩在晚三叠世末期剥蚀与侏罗纪末期-新生代的抬升(降低了长3段压实程度)以及埋藏成岩过程中绿泥石颗粒包膜的形成是长3段砂岩孔隙保存的最重要因素。成岩作用促进了长3段孤立砂体的致密化,加剧了该砂岩储层预测难度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the groundwater quality and identify the processes that control the groundwater chemistry in a crystalline aquifer. A total of 72 groundwater samples were collected during pre- and post-monsoon seasons in the year 2014 in a semi-arid region of Gooty Mandal, Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study utilized chemometric analysis like basic statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), principal component analysis (PCA), Gibbs ratio, and index of base exchange to understand the mechanism of controlling the groundwater chemistry in the study area. The results reveal that groundwater in the study area is neutral to slightly alkaline in nature. The order of dominance of cations is Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ while for anions, it is \( {\mathrm{HCO}}_3^{-}>{\mathrm{Cl}}^{-} \)>\( {\mathrm{NO}}_3^{-} \)>\( {\mathrm{SO}}_4^{2-} \)>\( {\mathrm{CO}}_3^{2-}>{\mathrm{F}}^{-} \) in both seasons. Based on the Piper classification, most of the groundwater samples are identified as of sodium bicarbonate (\( {\mathrm{Na}}^{+}-{\mathrm{HCO}}_3^{-}\Big) \) type. According to the results of the principal component analysis (PCA), three factors and two factors were identified pre and post monsoon, respectively. The present study indicates that the groundwater chemistry is mostly controlled by geogenic processes (weathering, dissolution, and ion exchange) and some extent of anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

The Chalk aquifer of Champagne (France) baseline geochemistry has been determined using a solid solution approach for the modelling of calcite dissolution. The water–rock interactions are modelled by the speciation code CHESS from field data and Ca, Mg and Sr aqueous concentrations in groundwater. The stoichiometries of solid solutions are defined in each stratigraphic unit of the Chalk aquifer from bulk geochemistry and Chalk mineralogy of samples taken from boreholes. The initial mineralisation of water at the bottom of the unsaturated zone and the characterisation of the theoretical evolution of groundwater chemistry along the flow lines associated with incongruent calcite dissolution are calculated from this approach.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(6):735-749
Samples have been collected from inflows into railway tunnels in the Triassic sandstone aquifer beneath Liverpool and the Mersey Estuary, England, U.K. These provide a profile through a saline–freshwater mixing zone. Analyses were made of major anions and cations, δ34S and δ18O in SO4, δ13C in dissolved inorganic C and 87Sr/86Sr. The data demonstrate that the presence of a low permeability fault exerts a strong control on the local groundwater chemistry. On the estuary side of the fault, groundwater chemistry is dominated by mixing of intruding estuary water, which is modified by SO4 reduction and calcite dissolution, with fresh groundwater. The environment of SO4 reduction in the tidal estuary is one of repeated reduction and re-oxidation of S in an open system and has resulted in virtually no change in S isotopic composition, but an enrichment in residual SO4 δ18O of 1.5‰. Groundwater chemistry on the landward side of the fault is primarily the result of recharge in an urban environment. There is also evidence that saline water has been present in this region of the aquifer in the past and that this has now been flushed by fresh groundwaters. This saline water was either transported along the landward side of the fault from nearer the estuary or more probably transmitted across the fault. Both mechanisms would have been driven by large landward head gradients caused by heavy industrial abstraction earlier this century. This has produced a zone of groundwaters depleted in Ca and radiogenic Sr and enriched in Na as a result of ion exchange between the fresh groundwaters and the aquifer previously occupied by more saline water. Sulphur isotopic composition, however, shows no variation since SO4 does not undergo significant ion exchange. A tracer test from a borehole to the tunnels showed multiple breakthroughs to some locations indicating a number of different flow paths through the aquifer. The maximum flow velocity recorded in this test was 140 m/d suggesting flow along fractures.  相似文献   

豫北平原地下水开发利用与水质演化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对豫北平原多年的地下水开发利用及浅层地下水水化学资料分析,发现原为咸水-微咸水的大部分地区浅层地下水已淡化,咸水-微咸水分布区已由大面积分布演变为孤岛状,淡水资源量大幅增加。浅层地下水水化学现状、地下水14C同位素、地下水动力场也提供了浅层地下水淡化的证据。  相似文献   

含水层富水性评价是矿井涌水量预测与水害防治的重要基础。选取彬长文家坡煤矿41盘区4号煤层顶板白垩系洛河组含水层的厚度、孔隙度、含水率、上段视电阻率、下段视电阻率和冲洗液消耗量6个主控因素,利用层次分析法(AHP)确定各主控因素的权重。在ArcGIS数值可视化软件上对各影响因素的矢量图进行归一化处理和叠加分析,构建了基于多因素融合的含水层富水性评价模型,并对41盘区富水性进行了分区评价。利用钻孔单位涌水量和4101工作面涌水量变化数据对洛河组富水性评价结果进行了验证分析,结果表明该模型的分区评价结果与实际符合,为彬长矿区洛河组含水层富水性评价提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

In Lorraine, flooding of the iron mines leads to a degradation of groundwater quality. Based on a global approach, a numerical simulator has been built that can reproduce and predict the evolution of water quality at the overflow point of the mining basin. In order to specify the spatial distribution of these pollutant concentrations, a new model has been developed. The basin is represented as a network of homogeneous reservoirs. Although encouraging, the results show the need to specify the spatial organisation of water flow in order to reproduce the pollutant concentrations in the different monitored wells. To cite this article: P. Collon et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Principal component analysis has been applied for source identification and to assess factors affecting concentration variations. In particular, this study utilizes principal component analysis (PCA) to understand groundwater geochemical characteristics in the central and southern portions of the Gulf Coast aquifer in Texas. PCA, along with exploratory data analysis and correlation analysis is applied to a spatially extensive multivariate dataset in an exploratory mode to conceptualize the geochemical evolution of groundwater. A general trend was observed in all formations of the target aquifers with over 75 % of the observed variance explained by the first four factors identified by the PCA. The first factor consisted of older water subjected to weathering reactions and was named the ionic strength index. The second factor, named the alkalinity index explained greater variance in the younger formations rather than in the older formations. The third group represented younger waters entering the aquifers from the land surface and was labeled the recharge index. The fourth group which varied between aquifers was either the hardness index or the acidity index depending on whether it represented the influences of carbonate minerals or parameters affecting the dissolution of fluoride minerals, respectively. The PCA approach was also extended to the well scale to determine and identify the geographic influences on geochemical evolution. It was found that wells located in outcrop areas and near rivers and streams had a larger influence on the factors suggesting the importance of surface water–groundwater interactions.  相似文献   

Groundwater in Sfax City (Tunisia) has been known since the beginning of the century for its deterioration in quality, as a result of wastewater recharge into the aquifer. An average value of 12 × 106 m3 of untreated wastewater reaches the groundwater aquifer each year. This would result not only in a chemical and biological contamination of the groundwater, but also in an increase of the aquifer piezometric level. Quantitative impacts were evaluated by examining the groundwater piezometric level at 57 surface wells and piezometers. The survey showed that, during the last two decades, the groundwater level was ever increasing in the urban area with values reaching 7 m in part; and decreasing in Sidi Abid (agricultural area) with values exceeding −3 m. Groundwater samples for chemical and microbial analysis were collected from 41 wells spread throughout the study area. Results showed significantly elevated levels of sodium, chlorides, nitrates and coliform bacteria all over the urban area. High levels (NO3: 56–254 mg/l; Na >1,500 mg/l; Coliforms >30/100 ml) can be related to more densely populated areas with a higher density of pit latrine and recharge wells. Alternatively results showed a very variable chemical composition of groundwater, e.g. electrical conductivity ranges from 4,040 to19,620 μs/cm and the dry residual varies between 1.4 and 14 g/l with concentrations increasing downstream. Furthermore a softening of groundwater in Set Ezzit (highly populated sector) was observed.  相似文献   

The erosion of a southern volcanic belt provided the bulk of the fine-grained and moderately sorted siliciclastic detritus in the whole deltaic to lagoonal Carnian (Upper Triassic) sequence of the Bergamasc Alps. Volcanic input began in the Early Carnian (Calcare Metallifero Bergamasco) and became prominent in Early-Middle (Val Sabbia Sandstone) and Late Carnian times (S. Giovanni Bianco Fm.), after an intervening period of diminished supply (Gorno Fm.). The mineralogical and chemical composition of the sandstones compares closely with that of siliciclastics derived from modern, Pacific-type magmatic arcs and it testifies to an evolution of the source rocks from andesites and dacites during the deposition of the Val Sabbia Sandstone, towards rhyodacitic ignimbrites for the S. Giovanni Bianco Fm. The marked reduction in feldspars at the top of the sequence contrasts with the classical trend from Undissected to Dissected Magmatic Arc provenance and is ascribed to the progressive deepening of erosion into Middle Triassic felsic volcanics. An increase in undulatory and polycrystalline quartz grains in the Late Carnian shows that the erosion did reach deeper into the crystalline roots of the arc, although non-volcanic detritus never exceeded 10%. After a terminal pyroclastic event in Middle-Late Carnian times, suggested by the sudden appearance of pumiceous vitric clasts at the top of the Val Sabbia Sandstone, the mid-Triassic orogenic magmatism ended and was followed by the tensional stage which led to the birth of Neotethys.  相似文献   

The Wilcox aquifer is a major groundwater resource in the northern Gulf Coastal Plain (lower Mississippi Valley) of the USA, yet the processes controlling water chemistry in this clastic aquifer have received relatively little attention. The current study combines analyses of solutes and stable isotopes in groundwater, petrography of core samples, and geochemical modeling to identify plausible reactions along a regional flow path ~300 km long. The hydrochemical facies evolves from Ca-HCO3 upgradient to Na-HCO3 downgradient, with a sequential zonation of terminal electron-accepting processes from Fe(III) reduction through SO4 2? reduction to methanogenesis. In particular, decreasing SO4 2? and increasing δ34S of SO4 2? along the flow path, as well as observations of authigenic pyrite in core samples, provide evidence of SO4 2? reduction. Values of δ13C in groundwater suggest that dissolved inorganic carbon is contributed both by oxidation of sedimentary organic matter and calcite dissolution. Inverse modeling identified multiple plausible sets of reactions between sampled wells, which typically involved cation exchange, pyrite precipitation, CH2O oxidation, and dissolution of amorphous Fe(OH)3, calcite, or siderite. These reactions are consistent with processes identified in previous studies of Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifers. Contrasts in groundwater chemistry between the Wilcox and the underlying McNairy and overlying Claiborne aquifers indicate that confining units are relatively effective in limiting cross-formational flow, but localized cross-formational mixing could occur via fault zones. Consequently, increased pumping in the vicinity of fault zones could facilitate upward movement of saline water into the Wilcox.  相似文献   

结合稳定同位素( D、18O、13C) ,应用聚类分析和因子分析两种多元统计分析方法,对鄂尔多斯沙漠高原白垩系含水层地下水水化学演化特征进行研究。结果表明: 研究区环河组和洛河组地下水均可分为3 大类,且大致在地下水补给区、径流区和排泄区分别聚类,每一类的水化学特征和同位素特征均存在一定的差异; 研究区地下水均起源于大气降水,发生了岩盐溶滤、碳酸盐矿物溶解、硫酸盐矿物溶解、硅酸盐矿物溶解和阳离子交换等水文地球化学作用。相对洛河组地下水,环河组地下水水化学演化特征还受到了大气降水稀释作用和酸碱演化的影响。  相似文献   

Overextraction of groundwater is widely occurring along the coast where good quality groundwater is at risk, due to urbanization, tourist development and intensive agriculture. The Sabratah area at the northern central part of Jifarah Plain, Northwest Libya, is a typical area where the contamination of the aquifer in the form of saltwater intrusion, gypsum/anhydrite dissolution and high nitrate concentrations is very developed. Fifty groundwater samples were collected from the study area and analysed for certain parameters that indicate salinization and pollution of the aquifer. The results demonstrate high values of the parameters electrical conductivity, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and sulphate which can be attributed to seawater intrusion. The intensive extraction of groundwater from the aquifer reduces freshwater outflow to the sea, creates drawdown cones and lowering of the water table to as much as 30 m below mean sea level. Irrigation with nitrogen fertilizers and domestic sewage and movement of contaminants in areas of high hydraulic gradients within the drawdown cones probably are responsible for the high nitrate concentration towards the south of the region. Seawater intrusion and deep salt water upconing result in general high SO4 2? concentrations in groundwater near the shoreline, where localized SO4 2? anomalies are also due to the dissolution of sebkha deposits for few wells in the nearby sebkhas. Upstream, the increase in SO4 2? concentrations in the south is ascribed to the dissolution of gypsum at depth in the upper aquifer.  相似文献   

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