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The Telychian succession in the central Oslo region was previously interpreted as deposited in a relatively deep, calm environment showing a continuous transgressive development. A new analysis of fossil assemblages shows that sediments in the central districts were deposited at varying water depths in an environment marked by intense infaunal activity in soft substrates. Two small-scale fluctuations in sea level are attributed to eustasy. The maximum deepening events occurred during the Monograptus turriculatus and Monoclimacis crenulata graptolite zones. Previous depositional models include development of a trough to the north of the Oslo region in early Telychian time, which formed due to isostatic loading caused by an advancing thrust front of the Caledonian Orogeny. Bathymetric analysis shows a deepening in the Ringerike district in the latest Aeronian, which here is interpreted as a distal effect of the loading to the north. The local deepening led to reversal of the epicontinental slope between the northern and western districts and the central districts and the development of an east–west elongate positive area further south. The thrust front acted as a source of siliciclastic material; and when the front halted in mid-Telychian time the trough was filled in gradually by a prograding coast or delta. The diachronous Vik Formation is viewed as a distal development of this progradation. When the east–west oriented positive area subsided the Vik Formation was deposited in Skien to the south.  相似文献   

Serpentinite soils, common throughout the world, are characterized by low calcium-to-magnesium ratios, low nutrient levels and elevated levels of heavy metals. Yet the water quality and heavy metal concentrations in sediments of streams draining serpentine geology have been little studied. The aim of this work was to collect baseline data on the water quality (for both wet and dry seasons) and metals in sediments at 11 sites on the Marlborough Creek system, which drains serpentine soils in coastal central Queensland, Australia. Water quality of the system was characterized by extremely hard waters (555–698 mg/L as CaCO3), high dissolved salts (684–1285 mg/L), pH (8.3–9.1) and dissolved oxygen (often >110% saturation). Cationic dominance was Mg > Na > Ca > K and for anions HCO3 > Cl > SO4. Al, Cu and Zn in stream waters were naturally high and exceeded Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council guidelines. Conductivity displayed the highest seasonal variability, decreasing significantly after wet season flows. There was little seasonal variation in pH, which often exceeded regional guidelines. Stream sediments were enriched with concentrations of Ni, Cr, Co and Zn up to 35, 21, 10 and 2 times the world average for shallow sediments, respectively. Concentrations for Ni and Cr were up to 60 and 16 times those of the relevant Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines Low Trigger Values, respectively. The distinctive nature of the water and sediment data suggests that it would be appropriate to establish more localized water quality and sediment guidelines for the creek system for the water quality parameters conductivity, Cu and Zn (and possibly Cr and Cd also), and for sediment concentrations of Cd, Cr and Ni.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(9):1482-1497
Population statistics for As concentrations in rocks, sediments and ground water differ by geology and land use features in the New England region, USA. Significant sources of As in the surficial environment include both natural weathering of rocks and anthropogenic sources such as arsenical pesticides that were commonly applied to apple, blueberry and potato crops during the first half of the 20th century in the region. The variation of As in bedrock ground water wells has a strong positive correlation with geologic features at the geologic province, lithology group, and bedrock map unit levels. The variation of As in bedrock ground water wells also has a positive correlation with elevated stream sediment and rock As chemistry. Elevated As concentrations in bedrock wells do not correlate with past agricultural areas that used arsenical pesticides on crops. Stream sediments, which integrate both natural and anthropogenic sources, have a strong positive correlation of As concentrations with rock chemistry, geologic provinces and ground water chemistry, and a weaker positive correlation with past agricultural land use. Although correlation is not sufficient to demonstrate cause-and-effect, the statistics favor rock-based As as the dominant regional source of the element in stream sediments and ground water in New England. The distribution of bedrock geology features at the geologic province, lithology group and map unit level closely correlate with areas of elevated As in ground water, stream sediments, and rocks.  相似文献   

Olivine clinopyroxenite xenoliths in the Oslo Rift,SE Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Olivine clinopyroxenite xenoliths in a basalt flow at Krokskogen in the Oslo rift consist mainly of Al-Ti-rich clinopyroxene and alteration products after olivine (possibly also orthopyroxene). The clinopyroxene contains primary inclusions of Cr-Al-bearing titanomagnetite, pyrite and devitrified glass, and secondary fluid inclusions rich in CO2. On the basis of petrography, mineral compositions and bulk major and trace element chemistry, it is concluded that the xenoliths represent cumulates with about 5% trapped liquid, formed from a mildly alkaline basaltic magma. Microthermometrical analysis of secondary or pseudosecondary fluid inclusions give a minimum pressure of formation of 5.5 to 6 kbars, that is a depth greater than 16–17 km. The host lava has initial Nd=+4.16±0.17 and Sr=–5.50±0.26, which is believed to reflect the isotopic composition of the lithospheric mantle source region under south Norway in early Permian time. The isotopic character of the magma which gave rise to the xenoliths is preserved in clinopyroxenes which have Nd t =+1.9 to +2.6 and Sr t = –1.1 to –1.8. The isotopic differences between the host magma and the xenoliths reflect some degree of crustal contamination of the xenolith's parent magma.The xenoliths of this study represent an important source of information about the large masses of dense cumulates found at depth in the crust under the Oslo rift.  相似文献   

The Drammen Granite is a subvolcanic complex, intruded during the Permian igneous activity in the Oslo Paleorift. Molybdenite deposits occur within the complex in large discrete quartz veins, accompanied by moderate alteration of the granite. Microchemical and Sr-isotopic studies of fluids trapped in quartz from miarolytic cavities allow characterization of fluids in the granite.The results compare well with compositions interpreted from microthermometry studies. The observed range in K/Na, Ca/Na and the calculated concentrations of metals in the original fluids suggest that different stages of development are represented. Some of the fluids probably represent early magmatic stages. K/Rb results and the average Sr-isotope composition indicate equilibrium between the fluids and the granite magma.  相似文献   

The pile of Permian continental basaltic rocks near Skien has a minimum thickness of 1 500 m, dipping 40g towards NE, consisting of several thin lava flows. Most flows are porphyric, though both tuffs and aphyric flows occur to a lesser extent. Amygdules are abundant and a characteristic feature. The flows in the lower 2/3 of the basalt pile are mainly classified as melanite-ankaramite; some in the middle part as melanite-nephelinite; and the upper 1/3 of the flows as basanite. The basaltic rocks evolved from an assumed olivine-nephelinitic magma at great depths principally by clinopyroxene crystal fractionation accompanied by later olivine and maybe melilite reactions at moderate pressure in minor shallower magma chambers.  相似文献   

Stream water chemistry is dependent on the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in the watershed. Understanding the governing mechanism of the stream water chemistry in a watershed is the first step for the water quality management. The study area drains a total catchment area of 1.46 km^2 and consists of forest (80%), upland (15%) and rice paddy field (5%). The studied area has two distinctive bedrocks, quartzite and schist. We periodically collected the stream water samples at mainstream and tributaries and the pH, electrical conductivity (EC), alkalinity and the concentrations of cations and anions of the collected stream water samples were determined in the field and laboratory. The all collected water samples were nearly neutral and the EC and concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Sr, Si and HCO3 of the stream water samples collected from the schist terrain had greater values than those from the quartzite terrain. The mainstream running along the boundary of schist and quartzite terrains had the intermediate values of the tributaries. The stream water samples collected in and near the upland showed a high concentration of NO3^- than those of forest regardless the lithology. The stream pathway was also directly reflected on the chemistry of stream water. The stream water drained in the forest of quartzite terrain had the lowest values of alkalinity, EC and concentrations of cations and anions but the stream water drain in the upland of schist terrain had the highest values of EC and concentrations of cations and anions, especially NO3^-.  相似文献   

A self-organizing map (SOM) was used to cluster the water quality data of Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. The results showed that 81 sampling sites could be divided into several groups representing different land use types. The forest dominated region had low concentrations of most nutrient variables except COD, whereas the agricultural region had high concentrations of NO3N, TN, Alkalinity, and Hardness. The sites downstream of an urban area were high in NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP. Redundancy analysis was used to identify the individual effects of topography and land use on river water quality. The results revealed that the watershed factors accounted for 61.7% variations of water quality in the Xiangxi River. Specifically, topographical characteristics explained 26.0% variations of water quality, land use explained 10.2%, and topography and land use together explained 25.5%. More than 50% of the variation in most water quality variables was explained by watershed characteristics. However, water quality variables which are strongly influenced by urban and industrial point source pollution (NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP) were not as well correlated with watershed characteristics.  相似文献   

Rare earth element (REE) concentrations have been determined for 27 plutonic rocks in the Permian Oslo rift, including kjelsåsite/larvikites, lardalites, nordmarkites, ekerites and Drammen granites.

The kjelsåsite/larvikites from different parts of the rift have very similar REE concentrations and must be derived from a source or sources homogeneous with respect to REE.

The genetic relations between the kjelsåsite/larvikites and the other rocks were tested by comparing observed REE enrichment factors with calculated ones based on hypothetical fractionation relations derived from petrographic mixing calculations. Several of the analyzed nordmarkites may be derived from kjelsåsitic/larvikitic parent magmas: the ekerites are closely related to the nordmarkites.  相似文献   

Red or buff‐coloured sandstones and siltstones of fluvial origin comprise approximately 80% of the Ringerike Group, a late Silurian Old Red Sandstone (ORS) sequence that crops out extensively in the Oslo Region of southern Norway. These fluvial sediments are lithostratigraphically ascribed to two laterally equivalent formations—the Stubdal Formation (to the north of Oslo) and the Skien Formation (to the south of Oslo). The fluvial strata of each of the two formations have a distinct style of sandbody geometry, facies, provenance, and palaeocurrent direction. Within the Stubdal Formation, shallow channelized sandbodies, low‐ to upper‐flow regime sedimentary structures, a Caledonide provenance and a palaeoflow toward the southeast are evident. Within the Skien Formation, sandbody geometry is entirely sheet form, with upper‐flow regime sedimentary structures, a provenance from Precambrian rocks to the northern and local parts of the Oslo Region and a palaeoflow toward the east. No stratal contact can be seen between the two fluvial formations, due to a 15 km break in exposure between the southernmost Stubdal Formation and the northernmost Skien Formation. Relationships with adjacent formations indicate that they are diachronous, lateral equivalents. Given the abrupt change in sedimentary style between the two formations, it is proposed that a barrier had developed within the foreland basin, diverting the ORS fluvial systems in southern Norway, from a southward (north of Oslo), to an eastward direction (south of Oslo). This diversion had implications for depositional gradient, fluvial regime and provenance, resulting in the differences visible in the deposits of those rivers. The barrier invoked is arguably a Caledonide blind thrust fault that developed a topographic high, running east–west through the vicinity of Oslo, during the late Silurian. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and geochemistry of clastic sediments in the 1000 m thick Lower Palaeozoic marine sequence of the Oslo Region is discussed on the basis of 200 chemical (XRF) and mineralogical (X-ray diffractometer) analyses. The composition of these sediments is considered to largely be a function of the relative supply from land of the continental shield (Baltic Shield) and from island are systems to the NW in the Trondheim Region. The relative abundance of chlorite and illite is discussed in light of recent knowledge about their distribution in modern oceans. Middle Cambrian to Lowermost Ordovician black shales contain only illite as the dominant clay mineral and have a high potassium content. These sediments are thought to be derived from land on the continental shield, which during this period probably had a low relief and a warm climate where chlorite is not stable. Chlorite is introduced first in the Arenigan (L. Ordovician) and this is interpreted as evidence for transport of clastic chlorite from a developing island arc system in the Trondheim Region to the west. The highest chlorite/illite ratio in the Middle and Upper Ordovician sediments of the Oslo Region corresponds to a Taconic orogenic phase. The content of clastic chlorite in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Oslo Region is thus shown to be a sensitive indicator of palaeoenvironment and tectonic evolution of the Caledonian geosyncline. This conclusion is also supported by a systematic increase in Mg, Fe, Ni, and Cr from Lower to Middle and Upper Ordovician beds. High Cr values exceeding 0–1 % Cr in the Middle/Upper Ordovician shales are due to small grains of clastic chromite resembling those in the serpentinites of the Trondheim Region. This also suggests transport from exposed island arcs onto the epicontinental shelf.  相似文献   

The Permian activity in the Oslo region started with lava effusions. Monzonitic rhomb porphyry flows predominate, with basaltic flows inbetween. Then a number of basalt volcanoes formed. This phase ended in explosive volcanism, producing ignimbrites, and the explosive activity is considered the primary cause for formation of at least four large and a few smaller cauldrons (or calderas). Below the lava surface monzonitic magma and associated syenitic and granitic magmas crystallized to larvikite, nordmarkitic and granitic rocks. These magmas are assumed to be formed by local melting of portions of the lower crust. The mode of emplacement is stoping.  相似文献   

Nodular limestones have been studied from the Lower Chasmops Shale (Middle Ordovician) and the Rytteráker Formation (Lower Silurian). Observations on nodule-host-rock relations and variations of ferroan/non-ferroan calcite cements help explain the role of precipitation, dissolution and redistribution of carbonate. Distribution and frequency of nodules depends on environmental parameters such as carbonate/clay ratio, grain size distribution and bioturbation, though final shapes are the result of pressure-dissolution and cleavage.  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of climate change on water quality and stream flow is important for management of water resources and environment. Miyun Reservoir is the only surface drinking water source in Beijing, which is currently experiencing a serious water shortage. Therefore, it is vital to identify the impacts of climate change on water quality and quantity of the Miyun Reservoir watershed. Based on long-time-series data of meteorological observation, future climate change scenarios for this study area were predicted using global climate models (GCMs), the statistical downscaling model (SDSM), and the National Climate Centre/Gothenburg University—Weather Generator (NWG). Future trends of nonpoint source pollution load were estimated and the response of nonpoint pollution to climate change was determined using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. Results showed that the simulation results of SWAT model were reasonable in this study area. The comparative analysis of precipitation and air temperature simulated using the SDSM and NWG separately showed that both tools have similar results, but the former had a larger variability of simulation results than the latter. With respect to simulation variance, the NWG has certain advantages in the numerical simulation of precipitation, but the SDSM is superior in simulating precipitation and air temperature changes. The changes in future precipitation and air temperature under different climate scenarios occur basically in the same way, that is, an overall increase is estimated. Particularly, future precipitation will increase significantly as predicted. Due to the influence of climate change, discharge, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) loads from the study area will increase over the next 30 years by model evaluation. Compared to average value of 1961?~?1990, discharge will experience the highest increase (15%), whereas TN and TP loads will experience a smaller increase with a greater range of annual fluctuations of 2021 ~ 2050.  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring in developing countries is inadequate, especially in stream water affected by urban effluents and runoff. The purpose of this study was to investigate heavy metal contaminants in the Nakivubo Stream water in Kampala, Uganda. Water samples Nakivubo Channelized Stream, tributaries and industrial effluents that drain into the stream were collected and analysed for the total elemental concentration using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results showed that: 1) the wastewater was highly enriched with lead and manganese above the maximum permissible limit; 2) the levels of dissolved oxygen were below the maximum permissible limit, while the biological oxygen demand was above the maximum permissible limit. All industrial effluents/wastewater were classified as strong (> 220 mg/L). Factor analysis results reveal two sources of pollutants; 1) mixed origin or chemical phenomena of industrial and vehicular emissions and 2) multiple origin of lead (vehicular, commercial establishment and industrial). In conclusion, Nakivubo Channelized Stream water is not enriched with heavy metals. These heavy metals (lead, cadmium and zinc) were rapidly removed by co-precipitation with manganese and iron hydroxides and total dissolved solids into stream sediments. This phenomena is controlled by pH in water.  相似文献   

The study is based mainly on 4700 km shallow seismic profiling, soil mechanical, and micropaleontological analyses from forty localities, and seven radiocarbon datings. Six foraminiferal assemblages are recognized. The thickness of Quaternary deposits ranges from sparse to more than 200 m. They consist of top sand, soft sensitive clay, and glacial drift divided into four seismic stratigraphic units. The oldest unit, which is the thickest and most extensive, is built up of various sediments and is partly eroded, especially in the southern part. The remaining units occur as three complex linear belts running broadly parallel to the present coast and were deposited during deglaciation. Dating of the outer unit, the Nordvestsnaget Drift, suggests a maximum age of 13,300 years B.P., and datings from the top of the middle unit, the Mulegga Drift, have given a minimum age of about 12,200 years B.P. Seismic stratigraphy shows that the inner unit, the Havbrobakken Drift, is younger than the Mulegga Drift, but no datings have been obtained so far.  相似文献   

During the late Paleozoic Oslo rifting event, the SW part of the Baltic Shield was penetrated by mantle-derived magmas from a depleted lithospheric or sublithospheric source. Along the way to their final emplacement, these magmas may have interacted with a heterogeneous continental crust, consisting of a mosaic of continental terranes, each with its unique composition and internal crustal history. Information on radiogenic isotope ratios and trace element distributions in the Precambrian terranes surrounding the rift can be used to define characteristic crustal components. These components may be used as endmembers in petrogenetic modelling of the Oslo Rift magmatic system. Based on available data, six endmember components can be identified, and (semi) quantitatively characterized in terms of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes and selected trace elements. Data on the distribution of rock-types along the rift flanks allow estimates to be made of the relative importance of the components in different parts of the rift. Combining these data with petrological information may allow a realistic understanding of crust–magma interaction in the Oslo Rift magmatic system.  相似文献   

Agricultural activities act as dominant polluter of groundwater due to increased fertilizers and pesticides usage. Bist-Doab region, Punjab, India, is one such region facing deterioration of groundwater quality due to usage of fertilizers. This study aims in delineating and evaluating the groundwater quality in the region. Water samples are collected from canals, reservoir, and shallow and deep groundwater. Water types in canal and reservoir in Kandi region are Mg2+HCO3 ? and Mg2+Ca2+Na+HCO3 ?, respectively. While water types of shallow and deep groundwaters are found to be of two types: Na+Mg2+Ca2+HCO3 ? and Ca2+Mg2+Na+HCO3 ?. Presence of Mg2+ in groundwater at locations adjoining canals indicates recharge due to canal. The major ion (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, HCO3 ?) chemistry of the region is due to weathering of rocks that are rich in sodic minerals and kankar. Deep groundwater quality in the region meets BIS and WHO standards for drinking purpose, unlike shallow groundwater which is of poor quality at many locations. Both shallow and deep groundwater with high sodium concentration (>1.5 meq/l) affect cropping yield and permeability of soil matrix. High concentration of SO4 2? and NO3 2? (>1 meq/l) in shallow groundwater at few locations indicates influence of anthropogenic (fertilizer) activity. Factor analysis indicates that the major cations, bicarbonate and chloride are derived from weathering/dissolution of source rocks. Higher concentration of nitrate and presence of sulphate in shallow groundwater at few locations is due to usage of fertilizers and pesticides.  相似文献   

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