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Historical gold mining operations in Nova Scotia, Canada, resulted in numerous deposits of publicly accessible, arsenic (As)-rich mine waste that has weathered in situ for 75–150 years, resulting in a wide range of As-bearing secondary minerals. The geochemical heterogeneity of this mine waste creates a challenge for identifying a single remediation approach that will limit As mobility. A 30-cm-thick, low-organic content soil cover was evaluated in a laboratory leaching experiment where, to simulate natural conditions, the equivalent of 2 years of synthetic rainwater was leached through each column and two dry seasons were incorporated into the leaching protocol. Each column was a stratigraphic representation of the four major tailings types found at the historical Montague and Goldenville gold mine districts: hardpan tailings, oxic tailings, wetland tailings, and high Ca tailings. Hardpan tailings released acidic, As-rich waters (max 12 mg/L) under the soil cover but this acidity was buffered by surrounding oxic tailings. Leachate from the oxic tailings was circumneutral, with average As concentrations between 4.4 and 9.7 mg/L throughout the experiment. The presence of carbonates in the high Ca tailings resulted in near-neutral to weakly alkaline leachate pH values and average As concentrations between 2.1 and 6.1 mg/L. Oxidation of sulfides in the wetland tailings led to acidic leachate over time and a decrease in As concentrations to values that were generally less than 1 mg/L. This study shows that the use of a low-organic content soil cover does not create reducing conditions that would destabilize oxidized, As-bearing secondary phases in these tailings. However, oxygen penetration through the cover during dry seasons would continue to release As to tailings pore waters via sulfide oxidation reactions.  相似文献   

Weathering of mine tailings have resulted in high As concentrations in water (up to 2900 μg l− 1) and sediment (up to 900 mg kg− 1) samples around the Adak mine. Notably, As occurs as As(III) species (15–85%) in the oxic surface and ground water samples, which is not common. Time-series based sediment incubations were set up in the laboratory with contaminated sediments to study the microbial processes involved in transformation and remobilization of As across the sediment–water interface. The microcosm experiments indicate that microorganisms are capable of surviving in As-rich sediments and reduce As(V) to As(III). A decrease in total As concentration in sediments is coupled to an increase in As(III) concentration in the aqueous media. In contrast, the controls (treated with HgCl2 and formaldehyde) did not show growth, and As(V) concentrations increased steadily in the sediments and aqueous medium. The results imply that active metabolism is necessary for As(V) reduction. These microorganisms possess reduction mechanisms that are not necessarily coupled to respiration, but most likely impart resistance to As toxicity.  相似文献   

In northern Saskatchewan, Canada, high-grade U ores and the resulting tailings can contain high levels of As. An environmental concern in the U mining industry is the long-term stability of As within tailings management facilities (TMFs) and its potential transfer to the surrounding groundwater. To mitigate this problem, U mill effluents are neutralized with lime to reduce the aqueous concentration of As. This results in the formation of predominantly Fe3+–As5+ secondary mineral phases, which act as solubility controls on the As in the tailings discharged to the TMF. Because the speciation of As in natural systems is critical for determining its long-term environmental fate, characterization of As-bearing mineral phases and complexes within the deposited tailings is required to evaluate its potential transformation, solubility, and long-term stability within the tailings mass. In this study, synchrotron-based bulk X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was used to study the speciation of As and Fe in mine tailings samples obtained from the Deilmann TMF at Key Lake, Saskatchewan. Comparisons of K-edge X-ray absorption spectra of tailings samples and reference compounds indicate the dominant oxidation states of As and Fe in the mine tailings samples are +5 and +3, respectively, largely reflecting their generation in a highly oxic mill process, deposition in an oxidized environment, and complexation within stable oxic phases. Linear combination fit analyses of the K-edges for the Fe X-ray absorption near edge spectra (XANES) to reference compounds suggest Fe is predominantly present as ferrihydrite with some amount of the primary minerals pyrite (8–15% in some samples) and chalcopyrite (5–15% in some samples). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis of As K-edge spectra indicates that As5+ (arsenate) present in tailings samples is adsorbed to the ferrihydrite though an inner-sphere bidentate linkage.  相似文献   

Sulfide-mineral-bearing mill wastes are sources of high concentrations of acid, soluble metals, and As. These are serious problems for ore mining areas such as the Kemerovo and Cheljabinsk regions in Russia. This study evaluated the distribution of the mill wastes, the mobility of As from the wastes, and the potential of natural materials to attenuate As dispersion in the broader environment. Arsenic contents in wastes of the Belovo Zn-processing (Kemerovo) and the Karabash Cu-smelting plants (Cheljabinsk) are 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than the content of continental crust. Main mineral forms of As in these wastes are arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O). High dissolved As concentrations are found in water draining the wastes and in rivers adjacent to the mill sites. The water concentrations commonly exceed drinking water standards. High As concentrations in bottom sediments of the affected rivers extend a 100 m downstream of the waste drainage input. These sediments are also a source of river water contamination. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the ability of natural water to mobilize As from the wastes. The Belovo tailings released 86% of their contained As to the infiltrating water, whereas the less reactive Karabash tailings released only 22% of total As. The experimental leachates were used as influent to columns that tested the ability of limestone and natural clay to reduce the concentration of dissolved As and associated metals. Some dissolved As was precipitated with Fe, Pb and Sb initially in the limestone column. The decrease in dissolved As is consistent with the accumulation of As in yellow ferriferous sediments in the Belovo settling pond. In the pond and wetland sediments, As mobility is also decreased by the formation of sulfides and arsenides. Cubanite (CuFe2S3), klaprothite (Cu3BiS3), rammelsbergite (NiAs2), maucherite (Ni11As8), semseyite (Cu9Sb8S21), and skutterudite (CoAs3) were found in the chemically reducing lower sediments of the Belovo settling pond.  相似文献   

Speciation and colloid transport of arsenic from mine tailings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In addition to affecting biogeochemical transformations, the speciation of As also influences its transport from tailings at inoperative mines. The speciation of As in tailings from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine site in Clear Lake, California (USA) (a hot-spring Hg deposit) and particles mobilized from these tailings have been examined during laboratory-column experiments. Solutions containing two common, plant-derived organic acids (oxalic and citric acid) were pumped at 13 pore volumes d−1 through 25 by 500 mm columns of calcined Hg ore, analogous to the pedogenesis of tailings. Chemical analysis of column effluent indicated that all of the As mobilized was particulate (1.5 mg, or 6% of the total As in the column through 255 pore volumes of leaching). Arsenic speciation was evaluated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), indicating the dominance of arsenate [As(V)] sorbed to poorly crystalline Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides and coprecipitated with jarosite [KFe3(SO4, AsO4)2(OH)6] with no detectable primary or secondary minerals in the tailings and mobilized particles. Sequential chemical extractions (SCE) of <45 μm mine tailings fractions also suggest that As occurs adsorbed to Fe (hydr)oxides (35%) and coprecipitated within poorly crystalline phases (45%). In addition, SCEs suggest that As is associated with 1 N acid-soluble phases such as carbonate minerals (20%) and within crystalline Fe-(hydr)oxides (10%). The finding that As is transported from these mine tailings dominantly as As(V) adsorbed to Fe (hydr)oxides or coprecipitated within hydroxysulfates such as jarosite suggests that As release from soils and sediments contaminated with tailings will be controlled by either organic acid-promoted dissolution or reductive dissolution of host phases.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(5):947-959
At the McClean Lake Operation in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan, the untreated acid raffinate solutions associated with U mill tailings contain up to 700 mg/L dissolved As. To reduce the concentration of As and other contaminants in acid tailing slurries at the JEB mill at McClean Lake, ferric sulfate may be added to the acid raffinates to assure that their molar Fe/As ratio equals or exceeds 3. Tailings slurries are then neutralized with lime to pH 4, and subsequently to pH 7–8. The neutralized tailings contain minerals from the original ore, which are chiefly quartz, illite, kaolinite and chlorite, and precipitated (secondary) minerals that include gypsum, scorodite, annabergite, hydrobasaluminite and ferrihydrite. Most of the As is associated with the secondary arsenate minerals, scorodite and annabergite. However, a few percent is adsorbed and/or co-precipitated, mainly by ferrihydrite. Of major concern to provincial and federal regulators is the risk that significant amounts of As might be released from the tailings to pore waters after their subaqueous disposal in the tailings management facility. A laboratory study was performed to address this issue, measuring readily desorbed As using a method known as equilibrium partitioning in closed systems (EPICS). The EPICS method was selected because it employs a leaching solution that, except for its As concentration, is identical in composition to the neutralized raffinate in contact with the tailings. Laboratory experiments and modeling results demonstrated that the As that could be readily released to pore waters is about 0.2% of the total As in the tailings. Long-term, such releases may contribute no more than a few mg/L of dissolved As to tailings pore waters.  相似文献   

A laboratory-based assessment of copper remobilization from Cu-rich mine tailings exposed to anoxic, sulfide rich waters was performed. The results from incubation experiments, conducted over a 20 day period, were compared to thermodynamic modelling calculations of copper speciation in sulfidic waters. The tailings materials were observed to react rapidly with added sulfide, consuming 159 μmol HS g−1 (dry wt) within a 24 h period. The consumption of sulfide was attributed to a two stage process involving the reduction of Fe-hydroxy phases by sulfide followed by reaction with available Fe2+ and Cu2+ resulting in the formation Fe- and Cu-sulfide phases. During incubation experiments, the dissolved copper concentrations in the absence of sulfide were approximately 0.31 μmol l−1, whereas in the presence of sulfide (0.5–5 mM) concentrations were typically 0.24 μmol l−1. The experiments did not indicate enhanced solubility owing to the formation of soluble copper sulfide species. The predictions (based on the most recent thermodynamic data for aqueous Cu-sulfide and Cu-polysulfide species) did not accurately explain the laboratory observations. Model predictions were greatly influenced by the assumptions made about the oxidation state of copper under anoxic conditions and the solid sulfide phase controlling copper solubility. The study emphasizes the limitations of modelling copper speciation in sulfidic waters and the need for laboratory or field verification of predictions.  相似文献   

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is a great concern in many abandoned mines because of its adverse effect on the environment. In mining processes, many kinds of wastes are produced. These wastes may become eventually sources of environmental degradation. The focus of this study is the geochemical characterization of the end-processed tailings generated by Akara Gold Mine, the biggest gold mine in Thailand. Tailing samples were systematically collected for analyses of chemical and mineralogical compositions. As a result, their quantitative chemical analyses are slightly different from place to place, but mineral components cannot be clearly differentiated. For instance, it may be assumed that the end-processed tailings, which were a mixture between high and low grade concentrates, would have similar mineral components. However, the little variation of chemical composition may be caused by the ore refining processes that are somehow varied in proportion to chemical additives, alkali cyanide and quick lime in particular. In addition, clay composition in ore-bearing layers may also influence alumina content of tailings, accordingly. Distribution of the tailings is not related to depth and distance of the tailing storage pond because the disposal has sped them over the pond during operation. Total heavy metals of the tailing samples were analyzed on the basis of the EPA 3052 method. Consequently, the most toxic elements (e.g., Co, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni and Zn) were found falling within the standard of Thailand Soil Quality Standards for Habitat and Agriculture. Only Mn appears to have higher content than the standard. In addition, leaching tests proved that these tailings contain low metal concentrations. As a result, at pH 2, Mn can leach out exceeding the Thailand Surface Water Quality Standard for Agricultural (Mn <1 ppm) and the Thailand Industrial Effluent Standard (<5 ppm). Although leachate at pH 4 and neutral conditions contains lower Mn than the Industrial Effluent Standard it still exceeds the surface water quality standard. Interestingly, Pb can be leached out exceeding both standards (0.2 ppm for the industrial effluent standard and 0.05 ppm for the surface water quality standard). For Ni leaching, its concentration is lower than the Industrial Effluent Standard at all pH conditions but still exceeds the Surface Water Standard at pH 2 and 4. This information should be taken into consideration for further environmental monitoring. Acid generating potential of the tailings was estimated using acid–base accounting (ABA) and net acid generation (NAG) tests. The results of ABA and NAG tests show that the tailing samples contain a high amount of sulfur. However, they also contain high acid neutralization capacity. Consequently, these tailings may not have potential to generate acid drainage; in the other words, they can be classified as a non-acid forming (NAF) material. However, since these tailings contain some heavy metals (e.g., Ni, Mn and Pb) that are observed in leachates exceeding the standards at low pH, the AMD conditions may lead to heavy metal release. Therefore, prevention of oxidizing process and dissolution should be considered with great care. In addition, Mn and Pb can also be leached at neutral conditions. Barrier of air and water, clay layer for example, should be placed over the tailings pound before covering by topsoil for re-vegetation. Growing native grass is recommended for stabilization of the surface and reducing erosion rate. Monitoring of water quality should also be carried out annually.  相似文献   

Clay-rich mine tailings from phosphate mine operations in Florida are a major environmental and economic problem. Options for reclamation and restoration for these tailings are very limited and are fundamentally restricted by poor physical properties such as low mechanical strength, low hydraulic conductivity, and heavy metal content. The major control on these bulk physical properties is the mineralogy of the materials. Eight continuous push borings were obtained to investigate stratigraphy, mineralogy, aspects of geochemistry, and bulk properties of a deposit of clay-rich mine tailings from a phosphate mine near Bartow, Florida that ceased operations in the early 1970s. Stratigraphy is dominated by laminated clay-rich sediment with minor units of silt and sand. An intact kaolinite liner occurs near the impoundment walls and the impoundment floor has approximately 4 m of relief. Moisture content varies from 4.35 to 57.40 wt% and organic content varies from 0.41 to 9.53 wt%. Bulk XRF investigation indicates that the P2O5 concentrations vary from approximately 4 to 21 wt%. A very strong correlation (r 2 = 0.92) between CaO and P2O5 indicates that apatite is a major control on the phosphate. The strong correlation (r 2 = 0.77) of Al2O3 and TiO2 suggests that the source materials for this deposit are comparatively uniform. A number of heavy metal elements and trace elements occur. Cr, V, Ni, Cu are interpreted to be in phosphate minerals, largely apatite. Sr and Pb are interpreted to be in both phyllosilicates and phosphate minerals. Two populations of apatite were observed in the clay-sized fraction, one that was Fe and Si- bearing and another that was only Si-bearing. Fe-bearing apatite had Fe2O3 contents that varied from 0.38 to 5.32 wt% and SiO2 contents that varied from 0.90 to 3.32 wt%. The other apatite population had a wider range of SiO2 contents that varied from 0.77 to 8.80 wt%. TEM imaging shows that apatite grains are dominantly single crystals with lesser amounts of aggregates. Wavellite commonly occurs as individual or clusters of lath-like crystals and the chemical composition differs from the pure aluminium phosphate end member with average concentrations of components being that of CaO (1.57 wt%), Fe2O3 (1.98 wt%), SiO2 (5.94 wt%). In the clay-sized phosphate minerals investigated no fluorine was found above detection limit (approximately 0.15 wt%), nor was any uranium, radium, heavy metal, or REE element detected. The phyllosilicate mineralogy of the deposit is dominated by smectite (montmorillonite with lesser amounts of nontronite), palygorskite, illite and kaolinite. No systematic variation in the relative proportions of phyllosilicates was observed in the clay deposit. Energy dispersive spectroscopy EDS analysis indicates that chemical compositions of phyllosilicates are somewhat typical but overall are enriched with respect to Fe compared to theoretical end members. The relative enrichment of Fe is interpreted to be a primary sedimentary feature. Ca content in smectite minerals is high and may inhibit stabilization using lime or similar methods. The high percentages of montmorillonite and palygorskite explain the high bulk water contents observed. This investigation provides fundamentally new details regarding clay tailing deposits from closed phosphate mines in central Florida which can be used in restoration and reclamation efforts.  相似文献   

文章通过对红旗岭矿区尾砂数据的分析研究,对矿产资源的再度利用提出合理有效的方案,为矿产资源的二次开发开辟新的道路.在红旗岭尾矿库进行尾矿取样研究分析,测试尾砂中的元素含量,分析尾砂中元素的分布规律,依据工业品位要求,以及尾矿含水率等数据初步估算红旗岭矿区尾矿镍金属储量;对镍高品位值地段分析以及尾砂抽稀试验,为红旗岭尾矿...  相似文献   

Five hundred years of mercury (Hg) mining activity in Idrija, Slovenia caused widespread Hg contamination. Besides Hg emissions from the ore smelter, tailings have been found to be the major source of river sediment contamination. In the present study, solid phase binding forms and the aqueous mobility of Hg have been investigated in tailings of the Idrija Hg mine by means of a pyrolysis technique and aqueous Hg speciation. Results show that Hg binding forms differ with the age of the tailings due to the processing of different ores with different roasting techniques. In older tailings, the predominant Hg species is cinnabar (HgS), due to incomplete roasting, whereas in tailings of the 20th century the amount of cinnabar in the material decreased due to a higher efficiency of the roasting process and the increasing use of ores bearing native Hg. In younger tailings, metallic Hg (Hg0) sorbed to mineral matrix components such as dolomite and Fe-oxyhydroxides became the predominant Hg binding form in addition to unbound Hg0 and traces of HgO. Leaching tests show that in younger tailings high amounts of soluble Hg exist in reactive form. In older tailings most of the soluble Hg occurs bound to soluble complexes. It might be assumed that in the long term, matrix-bound Hg0 could be bound to humic acids derived from soils covering the tailings. This means that, despite the lower total Hg concentrations found in the younger tailings, the long-term risk potential of its mobile matrix-bound Hg0 is higher than that of older tailings bearing mostly immobile cinnabar.  相似文献   

Hydro-mechanical evaluation of stabilized mine tailings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
. In this study, mine tailings waste was stabilized using a combination of lime, fly ash type "C", and aluminum. Treated samples were subjected to mineral identification for evaluating the formation of ettringite and gypsum. Also, unconfined compression, hydraulic conductivity, and cyclic freeze and thaw tests were performed to evaluate the hydro-mechanical properties of the stabilized samples. Experimental results have shown that the application of lime and fly ash type "C" to high sulfate content tailings has improved its plasticity, workability, and volume stability. Moreover, upon addition of aluminum to lime and fly ash in a sulfate-rich environment, ettringite and calcium sulfo-aluminate hydrate are formed in these samples. Application of 5% lime, 10% fly ash type "C", in combination with 110 ppm aluminum, resulted in the formation of a solid monolith capable of producing more than 1,000 kPa of unconfined compressive strength, and reduced tailings permeability to 1.96᎒–6 cm s–1, which is less than the recommended permeability of 10–5 cm s–1 by most environmental protection agencies for reusability of solidified/stabilized samples. The permeability of the treated tailings samples remained below the recommended permeability, even after exposing the treated samples to 12 freeze and thaw cycles. Therefore, based on the experimental results, it is concluded that treatment of high sulfate-content tailings with lime and fly ash, combined with the availability of aluminum for reactions, is a successful method of solidifying highly reactive mine tailings.  相似文献   

Comparison of decreasing total copper content and increasing pH of an abandoned copper mine drainage stream to the stability fields of malachite, tenorite, and cupric hydroxide indicates that soluble copper is not lost by precipitation but by sorption on the stream sediments.  相似文献   



A realistic estimation of the health risk of human exposure to solid-phase arsenic (As) derived from historic mining operations is a major challenge to redevelopment of California's famed "Mother Lode" region. Arsenic, a known carcinogen, occurs in multiple solid forms that vary in bioaccessibility. X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (XAFS) was used to identify and quantify the forms of As in mine wastes and biogenic solids at the Lava Cap Mine Superfund (LCMS) site, a historic "Mother Lode" gold mine. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to assess variance within water chemistry, solids chemistry, and XAFS spectral datasets. Linear combination, least-squares fits constrained in part by PCA results were then used to quantify arsenic speciation in XAFS spectra of tailings and biogenic solids.  相似文献   

The pore-water geochemistry and mineralogy of tailings derived from a granitic tungsten deposit were characterized by collecting pore-water samples at discrete depth intervals throughout the tailings for the analysis of major and minor element concentrations. Mineralogical samples from the oxidation zone were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), electron microprobe (EMP) combined with wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The oxidation of sulfide minerals in the near-surface tailings leads to a decrease in pore-water pH and elevated SO4, As, and metal concentrations. The unusual mineralogy of this deposit, compared with that of commonly studied base-metal and gold deposits, results in several unique geochemical characteristics. The dissolution of fluorite releases F into the pore water; the F forms strong complexes with Al and enhances the dissolution of aluminosilicate minerals within the oxidation zone. As a result, high Al concentrations (up to 151.7 mg/L) are detected in the near-neutral pore water in the oxidation zone. The combined dissolution of aluminosilicates and carbonate minerals maintains the pH near 10 in the pore water at depth. Elevated concentrations of W (up to 7.1 mg/L) are detected in the pore water throughout the tailings, likely as a result of the dissolution of wolframite. Consistent with geochemical model calculations, results from SEM/EDS, EMP/WDS and TEM/EDS analyses indicate that secondary minerals, which occur as orange-brown coatings on grains of primary-minerals, are Fe oxyhydroxides. Examples of these secondary minerals display a fibrous habit at high resolution in the TEM. One of these minerals, which contains substantial amounts of Al, As, and Si as impurities, was identified by selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) analyses to be goethite. Another mineral contains relatively high amounts of Si, Pb, Bi, and As, and SAED analyses suggest that the mineral is two-line ferrihydrite.  相似文献   

The Pb sorption capacity of apatite ore mine tailings and its potential to act as a remediation agent in a Pb polluted areas were investigated. The tailings, originating from the Siilinjärvi carbonatite complex in Finland, consist mainly of phlogopite and calcite accompanied by apatite residues. The ability of the tailings to retain Pb from an aqueous solution was investigated using an isotherm technique. Furthermore, in a 3-month incubation experiment, uncontaminated mineral soil was amended with untreated tailings and with tailings artificially weathered with acid to increase the quantity of Al and Fe (hydr)oxides. Tailings of two particle-sizes (∅ > 0.2 mm and ∅ < 0.2 mm) somewhat differing in their mineralogical composition were investigated as separate amendments. All tailings materials were added to the soil in two dosages (5 g and 10 g of tailings per 125 g of soil). Following incubation, tailings-induced changes in the Pb sorption capacity of the soil were investigated with the isotherm technique. Finally, to investigate the distribution of sorbed Pb among various chemical pools, the soil samples amended with tailings were contaminated with Pb and then subjected to sequential fractionation analysis. The results revealed efficient removal of Pb from an aqueous solution by the tailings, presumably through precipitation and surface complexation mechanisms. Amending the soil with the tailings increased the mass-based maximum Pb sorption capacity from 10.8 mg kg−1 of the control soil to 14–20.5 mg kg−1 for the untreated tailings and to 32.1–72.1 mg kg−1 for the acid-treated material. The tailings transferred Pb from the exchangeable pool to the non-extracted one and thereby substantially decreased its bioavailability. The material with a particle diameter of less than 0.2 mm had a higher mass-based Pb sorption capacity than the large-sized material. The results suggest that the tailings may potentially serve as an immobilizing agent in polluted areas.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(1):184-202
Sulfide mineral oxidation in mine tailings deposits poses a long term threat to surrounding ground water and surface waters. Soil or water cover remediation aims at reducing the rate of sulfide mineral oxidation by decreasing the O2 ingress rate. In this study, the authors addressed the rate of sulfide oxidation and pH buffering in ∼33 months long, well-controlled laboratory studies of water saturated columns of sulfidic mine tailings from the Kristineberg site in Sweden at reduced O2 availability. The element discharge rates slowly declined towards a quasi-steady state over hundreds of days. Non-reactive tracer tests showed an anomalously large dispersion, indicating strong flow heterogeneity, possibly including preferential flow and/or stagnant water zones. Congruent dissolution of pyrite and sphalerite by injected oxidants (dissolved O2 and Fe(III)) adequately explained the discharge rate of Fe, S and Zn at quasi-steady state. Arsenic, Pb and Cu were partly retained in the tailings. Base cation discharge rates, and thus pH buffering, were apparently controlled by the rate of acidity production, with actual pH levels, available mineral surface area, and water residence times being of less importance.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the sulphidic mine tailings from Frongoch and Grogwynion, two abandoned lead zinc mines in mid-Wales, UK. Despite falling within the same ore field the mine waste characterisation has identified differences in the tailings from the two sites. Bulk concentrations range from 10 to 52 g kg− 1 for Pb, 1.1 to 2.9 g kg− 1 for Zn in Grogwynion and from 1.0 to 130 g kg− 1 for Pb, 11 to 110 g kg− 1 for Zn in Frongoch. An experimental (European standard leaching tests TS 14429 and TS 14405) and geochemical modelling approach was used to study the leaching composition as a function of pH and liquid/solid ratio. There was little correlation between the tailings bulk metal concentrations and the leachate composition, but variations in Pb and Zn concentrations were found to be consistent with control of dissolved Pb and Zn by secondary minerals and the mechanisms of dissolution/precipitation/sorption involving them. Specifically, the Grogwynion mine tailings with near-neutral pH have predominantly lead and zinc carbonates controlling Pb and Zn solubility in the leachates, whereas the Pb and Zn concentrations in Frongoch leachates are best modelled with a surface complexation model for metal sorption to oxyhydroxides. The different speciation results in a greater sensitivity of Grogwynion tailings to acidification with a potential release of Pb in solution up to 10 times higher than in Frongoch, despite similar bulk Pb concentrations. At acid pH, Zn is similarly dissolved to a greater extent in Grogwynion than in Frongoch tailings. There was no evidence of sulphide oxidation during the batch and column leaching tests and the suitability of using these European leaching standards for the characterisation of sulphidic mine waste materials for waste management purposes has been considered.  相似文献   

The understanding of the solid-phase speciation of arsenic in soils and sediments is important in the evaluations of its potential mobility and availability in the environment. The spoil heaps of abandoned mercury mines contain waste materials with high arsenic and heavy metals concentrations. The weathering of these tailings can cause their mobilization to the surroundings. In this work, the mobility and availability of arsenic and some heavy metals were evaluated in sediments from two heavily polluted mercury mining districts in Asturias (NW Spain). For this purpose, a slightly modified version of the Bureau Community of Reference sequential extraction scheme was applied to sediments. The total contents in the operationally defined fractions were analysed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. Extremely high total arsenic concentrations were found in all sediments ranging from 4,000 to 24,800 mg kg?1. High easily mobilizable arsenic contents were found in the first mining area, related to the solubilization of Ca-bearing phases, supported by extracts analyses, X-ray diffraction results and the positive correlation found among the As and Ca fractionations. Ni and Zn were the most mobile among heavy metals, being Cr the least mobile, suggesting an anthropogenic origin due to the metallurgical processes, transport or dispersion generated from neighbour spoil heaps. In the second mining area, the bulk of As was concentrated in the residual phase, as well as Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ti, indicating a mineralogical origin and the low availability of these elements. The strong correlations established between As and Fe and Ti distributions support the hypothesis that As is mainly associated to structural mineral phases in these sediments.  相似文献   

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