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The sustained transportation of particles in a suspension commonly results in particle attrition leading to grain size reduction and shape modification. Particle attrition is a well-studied phenomenon that has mainly focussed on sediments produced in aeolian or fluvial environments. Here, we present analogue experiments designed to explore processes of attrition in the kimberlite system; we focus on olivine as it is the most abundant constituent of kimberlite. The attrition experiments on olivine use separate experimental set-ups to approximate two natural environments relevant to kimberlites. Tumbling mill experiments feature a low energy system supporting near continual particle-particle contact and are relevant to re-sedimentation and dispersal processes. Experiments performed in a fluidized particle bed constitute a substantially higher energy environment pertinent to kimberlite ascent and eruption. The run-products of each experiment are analysed for grain size reduction and shape modification and these data are used to elucidate the rates and extents of olivine attrition as a function of time and energy. Lastly, we model the two experimental datasets with an empirical rate equation that describes the production of daughter products (fines) with time. Both datasets approach a fines production limit, or plateau, at long particle residence times; the fluidized system is much more efficient producing a substantially higher fines content and reaches the plateau faster. Our experimental results and models provide a way to forensically examine a wide range of processes relevant to kimberlite on the basis of olivine size and shape properties.


植草沟滞蓄城市道路雨水的试验及模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为定量分析植草沟的水文性能,优化其设计参数取值,通过植草沟滞蓄城市道路雨水的试验设施开展模拟径流试验,验证了SWMM (storm water management model)模型模拟植草沟滞蓄效果的可行性,通过模型情景分析提出了设施的优化设计参数,评估了设施对提高道路排水标准和长期径流削减的影响。研究结果表明:SWMM模型对模拟植草沟水文性能具有较好的精度,对较小的降雨重现期和边坡比,较大的滞蓄深度、植被覆盖率和面积负荷比,植草沟的滞蓄能力更强,建议其设计降雨重现期不超过10年,滞蓄深度为10 cm以上,边坡比至少为3,植被覆盖率为0.5以上,面积负荷比为5%以上。模拟北京某城市道路采用植草沟设施后,可将3年、5年、10年的排水标准分别提高到15年、20年、30年,在长达64年的运行中,植草沟几乎可消纳自身及汇水区域内所有径流,可为道路植草沟的设计和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

A horizontal flow multimedia stormwater filter was developed and tested for hydraulic efficiency and pollutant removal efficiency. Suitability of different natural fibres such as jute, sisal, hemp, coir and oil palm was studied as filter media. Furthermore, the efficacy of different fabric filter screens made up of both woven and nonwoven textiles was also assessed. A new terminology, Universal Performance Index, was introduced. Analysis of these indices showed that jute medium, nonwoven sisal screen and media proportion 1:1:1 performed better. All of the filter combinations exhibited 100 % sediment removal at lower sediment concentration in the inflow. Percentage of discarded flow versus reference flow for the stormwater filter combinations showed that the device performed better at lower flow rates. It was also observed that the hydraulic efficiency was directly proportional to the slope and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the filter. Hydraulic efficiency showed a diminishing trend as the sediment level in inflow increases. By using matrix ranking method, the gravel–coir fibre–sand filter in 1:1:1 proportion with woven sisal hemp screens was selected as the best filter combination. The field evaluation of the filter showed 97.24 % efficiency in normalizing pH and 13.27 % efficiency in reducing electrical conductivity. The removal percentages of magnesium and sodium were 32 and 34 %, respectively. But higher removal efficiencies above 70 % were recorded for total solids, nitrates and sulphates.  相似文献   

The ability of stormwater infiltration systems to retain Cr(VI) was tested by applying a synthetic stormwater runoff solution with a neutral pH and high Cr(VI) concentrations to four intact soil columns excavated from two roadside infiltration swales in Germany. Inlet flow rates mimicked normal (10 mm in 2 h) and extreme (100 mm in 3 h) rain events. The objectives were to understand the behaviour of the anionic and toxic Cr(VI) in soil at neutral pH and to asses treatment efficiency towards Cr(VI). During normal rain events Cr(VI) was largely retained (more than 50%), even though pH was neutral, while under extreme rain events approximately 20% of Cr(VI) was retained. In both cases effluent concentrations of Cr(VI) would exceed the threshold value of 3.4 μg/L if the infiltrated water were introduced to freshwater environments. More knowledge on the composition of the stormwater runoff, and especially the occurrence of Cr(VI), is needed.  相似文献   

Several traditional techniques have been used for estimating storm-water runoff from ungauged watersheds. Some of these techniques were applied to watersheds of Rashadia in south-eastern desert of Jordan. When engineers apply rainfall-runoff models for hydrologic design, there are difficulties in defining and quantifying peak discharges that are required to design different types of hydraulic structures. The lack of data presents major difficulties for rainfall-runoff modeling in arid regions. These regions have characteristically high rainfall intensity and consequent flash floods. The specific objectives of this study are: (1) apply synthetic hydrographs for estimating peak discharges from limited hydrological data. (2) Evaluate the reliability of six techniques to accurately estimate storm-water runoff; and, to evaluate the runoff that is required to design hydraulic structures such as bridges, culverts and dams. (3) Estimate the flood resulting from direct runoff after subtracting all the loses such as: the infiltration, interflow and evaporation. (4) Develop a simple regression relationship between peak flow discharges and catchment areas. The results show that there is uncertainty in determining the accuracy of storm-water volume, this is due to several methods were utilizing the estimation the hydrographs base time, but promising results in predicting the peak flow discharge.  相似文献   

Rainfall events cause episodic discharges of groundwaters contaminated with septic tank effluent into nearshore waters of the Florida keys, enhancing eutrophication in sensitive coral reef communities. Our study characterized the effects of stormwater discharges by continuously (30-min intervals) measuring salinity, temperature, tidal stage, and dissolved oxygen (DO) along an offshore eutrophication gradient prior to and following heavy rainfall at the beginning of the 1992 rainy season. The gradient included stations at a developed canal system (PP) on Big Pine Key, a seagrass meadow in a tidal channel (PC), a nearshore patch reef (PR), a bank reef at Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary (LK), and a blue water station (BW) approximately 9 km off of Big PIne Key. Water samples were collected at weekly intervals during this period to determine concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate plus nitrite NO3 ? plus NO2 ?), total phosphorus (TP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), and chlorophyll a (chl a). Decreased salinity immediately followed the first major rainfall at Big Pine Key, which was followed by anoxia (DO <0.1 mg I?1), high concentrations of NH4 + (≈24 μM), TDP (≈1.5 μM), and chl a (≈20 μg I?1). Maximum concentration of TDP (≈0.30 μM) also followed the initial rainfall at the PC, PR, and LK stations. In contrast, NH4 + (≈4.0 μM) and chl a (0.45 μg I?1) lagged the rain event by 1–3 wk, depending on distance from shore. The highest and most variable concentrations of NH4 +, TDP, and chl a occurred at PP, and all nutrient parameters correlated positively with rainfall. DO at all stations was positively correlated with tide and salinity and the lowest values occurred during low tide and low salinity (high rainfall) periods. Hypoxia (DO <2.5 mg I?1) was observed at all stations follwing the stormwater discharges, including the offshore bank reef station LK. Our study demonstrated that high frequency (daily) sampling is necessary to track the effects of episodic rainfall events on water quality and that such effects can be detected at considerable distances (12 km) from shore. The low levels of DO and high levels of nutrients and chl a in coastal waters of the Florida Keys demand that special precautions be exercised in the treatment and discharge of wastewaters and land-based runoff in order to preserve sensitive coral reef communities.  相似文献   

Pollutant association with suspended solids in stormwater in Tijuana,Mexico   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Stormwater runoff from urban areas is a major source of many pollutants to water bodies. Suspended solids are one of the main pollutants because of their association with other pollutants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between suspended solids and other pollutants in stormwater runoff in the city of Tijuana. Seven sites were sampled during seven rain events during the 2009–2010 season and the different particle size fractions were separated by sieving and filtration. The results have shown that the samples have high concentration of total suspended solids, the values of which ranged from 725 to 4,411.6 mg/L. The samples were analyzed for chemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and turbidity. The results show that most of the particles in suspended solids are in the particle fraction between 10 and 62 μm. A high association between the concentrations of suspended solids was found for chemical oxygen demand, phosphorus, and turbidity but not for total nitrogen.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the first flush phenomenon from residential, commercial and industrial catchments. Stormwater was grab sampled and the flow rate was measured during 52 storm events. The dimensionless cumulative pollutant mass and runoff volume were used to determine the runoff volume needed to transport 50 and 80 % of total pollutant mass. Almost all the constituents did not satisfy this first flush definition except for total suspended solids (TSS) in the commercial catchment. The averages first runoff volume required to remove 50 and 80 % of the total pollutant mass were 37 and 67, 35 and 65, and 36 and 64 % for the residential, commercial and industrial catchments, respectively. It seemed that less runoff is required to transport the same amount of pollutant loadings in tropical urban catchments than in temperate regions. BOD, COD, NH3-N, SRP and TP consistently showed strong first flush effects in all catchments. The first flush strengths of TSS, BOD, COD, NH3-N and TP in the commercial catchment were strongly correlated with total rainfall, rainfall duration, max 5 min intensity, runoff volume and peak flow, but not with antecedent dry days. Management of the first 10 mm runoff depth would be able to capture about half of the total pollutant mass in stormwater runoff that would otherwise goes to drains.  相似文献   

The effects of urban stormwater on the soil of an infiltration/ holding basin were studied within the framework of research carried out by OTHU (Urban Hydrology Field Observatory of Lyon, France). The biophysicochemical impacts of stormwater from an industrial watershed on the local soil (to a depth of 4 m in the unsaturated zone) were measured. Several types of measurement (pH, organic matter, particle size, heavy metals content, and heterotrophic viable bacterial counts) for three vertical soil profiles were carried out. High concentrations of heavy metals and significant variations in pH and silt to a depth of 1.5 m were observed. The concentrations decreased as a function of distance from the stormwater discharge pipe. Changes in the bacterial population were also observed, varying in accordance with the depth and location of the profile.
Resumen Se estudiaron los efectos de tormentas en zonas urbanas sobre el suelo de una cuenca retenedora/de infiltración dentro del marco de investigación llevado a cabo por OTHU (Laboratorio de Observación de Campo de Hidrología Urbana, Lyon, Francia). Se midieron los impactos biofisicoquímicos de la tormenta en una cuenca industrial sobre el suelo local (a una profundidad de 4m en la zona no saturada). Se llevaron a cabo varios tipos de mediciones (pH, materia org′nica, tama?o de partículas, contenido de metales pesados, y conteo de bacterias viables heterotróficas) en tres perfiles ed′ficos. Se observaron altas concentraciones de metales pesados y variaciones significativas en pH y limo a una profundidad de 1.5m. Las concentraciones disminuyeron en función de la distancia del tubo de descarga de las aguas de la tormenta. También se observaron cambios en las poblaciones de bacterias los cuales variaban en función de la profundidad y localización del perfil.

Résumé Dans le cadre de la fédération de recherche OTHU (Observatoire de Terrain en Hydrologie Urbaine de Lyon) une étude sur l’impact des eaux pluviales sur le sol d’un bassin d’infiltration / rétention est présentée. Il s’agit d’évaluer l’impact biophysicochimique des eaux pluviales issues d’un bassin versant industriel sur une profondeur d’environ 4 m de zone non saturée. Pour cela plusieurs types de mesures ont été effectuées (pH, perte au feu, teneur en Cu, Pb, Cd, dénombrement bactérien) suivant trois profils verticaux. Les résultats montrent des concentrations importantes de métaux et des variations de pH jusqu’à 1.5 m de profondeur. De plus, les résultats montrent une variation suivant la position des points de prélèvements. Des modifications de la population bactérienne sont également observées suivant la profondeur et l’emplacement des profils.

A grouped mesocosm study was conducted with different water holding capacities and conditions to determine nutrient removal efficiency using floating wetland macrophytes. Different scenarios were created by changing water depth, littoral vegetation, sorption media and area coverage to observe how they affect nutrient removal efficiencies. Plant species were screened and selected based on the literature, local availability and previously performed microcosm studies. Sorption media were warped using geotextile filter fostering microbial colonization in the rhizospheric zone to enhance denitrification and plant growth. Water quality parameters included total nitrogen, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, nitrate?Cnitrogen and ammonia?Cnitrogen in addition to in situ parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and chlorophyll-a. Composite samples across several locations were collected periodically to understand the spatial distribution or aggregation of nutrients. After 3?months of water quality monitoring, plants were analyzed for tissue nutrient concentrations, and the average uptake rate was calculated as 36.39 and 1.48?mg?m?2?day?1 for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively, by the floating treatment wetland system. Finally, considering the higher nutrient aggregation in the rhizospheric zone, the removal rate with 5?% area coverage and water quality improvement by littoral zone, the optimized design, placement and maintenance of the whole system were recommended.  相似文献   

For geochemical purposes, it is most convenient to give the rate of sedimentation, in units of weight per unit of area and time which can be called sedimentation intensity. The sedimentation intensity can be determined by means of formulae or a graph if the rate of sedimentation is stated in units of thickness per year and if the water content and the density of the sediment are also known. From the given weight percentages of an element in the sediment it is easy to calculate the sedimentation intensity of the element under consideration. An element can be transported to or away from the bottom, either in solution or in minerals carried in suspension. Assuming the chemical state to be more or less constant over a wide area or for a long period of time, the sedimentation intensity of an element may be divided by statistical methods into two components. The final concentration of the element in the sediment is determined by the content of the element in the minerals transported in suspension together with the element intensity of the chemically transported part. Thus it is possible to determine at least the direction of the chemical transport of the element. Three examples are discussed.  相似文献   

A mass-flow event triggered by the 1996 flood in the Saguenay region buried the mercury-contaminated indigenous sediments at the head of the Saguenay Fjord under up to 50 cm of postglacial deltaic sediments. The vertical distributions of total mercury and methyl-mercury in the sediments and pore waters were measured in box cores recovered from the Saguenay Fjord within and outside the affected area prior to and on six consecutive years after the flood. The total solid mercury (THgs) profiles show that remobilization was limited and most of the mercury remobilized from the contaminated, indigenous sediments was trapped below or slightly above the former sediment–water interface by authigenic acid-volatile sulfides (AVS). Nonetheless, a small fraction of the remobilized mercury diffused into the flood layer, some of it was methylated and/or scavenged by organic matter and AVS. Elevated solid-phase methyl-mercury concentrations, [MeHgs], at depth in the sediment are correlated to peak AVS and THgs but, in the absence of elevated dissolved methyl-mercury concentrations, [MeHgd], the higher [MeHgs] may reflect an earlier episode of Hg methylation, the product of which was scavenged by the AVS and buried. Throughout the sediment cores, sediment–water partitioning of MeHg and Hg(II) appears to be controlled in great part by the AVS and residual organic matter content of the sediment.  相似文献   

In karst-rich regions, it is inevitable that roadways cross karst landscapes. Road building across such terranes faces environmental and engineering challenges because of impacts on water quality from stormwater runoff and concerns of sinkhole collapse under or near roadways. When highway runoff drains rapidly into subsurface conduit networks through open sinkholes and/or sinking streams, the impact of the runoff on the karst aquifer can be qualitatively evaluated by mixing cell models. Formulation of a comprehensive stormwater runoff management plan prior to roadway construction can minimize the associated adverse impacts. The commonly used best management practices help manage the stormwater runoff effectively in some sites. Site-specific management plans are preferable for other sites because of concerns of flooding and land stability. Proactive measures should be taken to identify areas of the greatest sinkhole collapse risk along the proposed route and the associated groundwater drainage patterns.  相似文献   

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