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汶川地震诱发大型滑坡分布规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2008年5.12汶川地震由于其超常的地震动力,触发了数百处大型滑坡灾害。本文以遥感解译所获取的汶川地震区112处面积大于50000m2大型滑坡的基本信息为基础,结合代表性大型滑坡实例的现场调绘,对汶川地震诱发大型滑坡的发育分布规律进行了较系统的研究。结果表明,汶川地震大型滑坡分布除表现出与汶川地震诱发区域性地质灾害类似的分布规律之外,因主要源于发震断层瞬间大幅度错动的直接地震动力引发的大型滑坡,其发育分布及滑动、运动方式还表现出自身的特点,具体可归结为以下几种效应:(1)距离效应:约80%的大型滑坡集中分布于发震断裂地表破裂带两侧5km的范围内,距离越远,滑坡分布数量越少;(2)锁固段效应:汶川地震诱发的大型滑坡主要集中分布在与发震断裂的交叉、错列、转换部位及NE段末端等5个集中区段。其中,红白-茶坪段是大型滑坡最为集中发育段,不仅滑坡数量多,而且规模大,汶川地震诱发的最大两处滑坡均分布于此段。其次为断裂NE段末端的南坝-东河口段,该段大型滑坡密集发育,东河口滑坡和窝前滑坡等大型滑坡均出露于此段;(3)上下盘效应:绝大多数(70%)大型滑坡都位于活动断裂的上盘,存在明显的"上下盘效应;"(4)方向效应:在与发震断裂带近于垂直的沟谷斜坡中,在地震波传播的背坡面一侧的滑坡发育密度明显大于迎坡面一侧,存在"背坡面效应"。同时,大型滑坡的滑动及运动方向还与各区段断层的错动方向有一定的相关性。在断层活动以右旋走滑为主的青川境内,有相当数量的滑坡表现出向NE方向滑动和运动的特点。  相似文献   

汶川地震触发平溪村滑坡特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
平溪村滑坡是汶川地震触发的高速岩质滑坡,面积为3.7×104m2,体积约65×104m3。滑坡距离映秀—北川发震断裂带中的石坎断层不足500m,在强大地震力作用下,滑坡滑动面陡峭、粗糙,与重力作用下呈圆弧、平滑的滑面迥异。地震触发的滑坡可分为三个阶段:①震动拉裂阶段;②摩擦阻力降低、"锁固段"剪断阶段;③滑体溃滑,高速流动堆积阶段。然后结合结构面的力学分析,通过数值模拟对地震作用下的应力变化和震裂机制进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

董秀军  许强 《地球科学》2011,(6):1134-1142
“5· 12”汶川地震诱发了数以万计的滑坡灾害,其中仅大型滑坡就上百处.通过对汶川地震诱发的20余处大型滑坡的变形破坏特征进行深入调研,结合振动台试验和数值模拟等手段,发现汶川地震诱发大型滑坡的变形破坏模式和内在力学机制与常规重力作用下滑坡机制具有显著的不同.在强震条件下,斜坡中上部地震水平加速度可超过1 g,其地震水...  相似文献   

汶川八级地震滑坡特征分析   总被引:51,自引:8,他引:43  
汶川地震诱发的15000多处滑坡明显受地震断裂控制,主要沿龙门山主中央断裂带和后山断裂带展布,沿龙门山主中央断裂带汶川映秀安县高川北川陈家坝平武南坝一线,滑坡面密度大于50%以上,最大可达70%。沿断裂带形成了大量的松动山体,在暴雨期间极易发生滑坡、泥石流灾害,对灾后重建构成严重威胁。据初步调查,汶川地震触发的体积最大的滑坡是位于主中央断裂带上的安县高川大光包滑坡,滑动距离长4500m,滑坡堆积体长2800m,宽1700~2200m,最大厚度达580m,若以平均厚度200m计,体积达11亿m3为我国已发生的单体滑坡之最。与常见滑坡明显不同的是,汶川地震极震区滑坡的滑床往往不具连续完整的滑面,剪出口滑坡特征不明显,呈现明显的尖点突起或边缘突出特征,反映出上部滑体被地震力振动解体,甚至抛掷后与下部滑床边缘发生撞击。以阶型滑坡、凸型滑坡、勺型崩滑、座落型(振胀型)滑坡和巨大滚石5种类型最为典型。根据强震地面运动纪录和大量实例调查表明,在汶川地震极震区,触发滑坡的地震竖向力作用是非常明显的,大量滑坡经历了初始斜坡(风化碎裂岩体)地震抛掷撞击崩裂高速滑流的作用过程。  相似文献   

老鹰岩滑坡成因机制与运动特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老鹰岩滑坡是汶川地震触发的大型岩质滑坡,滑坡纵长450 m,最大展宽430 m,体积约1 500×104m3。滑坡掩埋了一座中型水电站,造成20余人死亡,巨大的滑体堆积厚达100余米的滑坡坝,形成了汶川震区库容量仅次于唐家山的第二大堰塞湖。强震触发形成老鹰岩滑坡分为三个阶段,即:①后缘震动拉裂阶段。老鹰岩滑坡后缘为一突兀山脊,地形对地震动力放大效应明显,震动拉裂沿长大结构面形成了一个陡峭、粗糙,与重力作用下呈光滑、有一定弧形的后缘拉裂面迥异的边界。②摩擦阻力降低、滑体溃滑阶段。地震动力的持续作用,地震波不断在滑面处发生反射和折射,使得滑面处摩擦阻力迅速降低,进而岩体内"锁固段"剪断,滑体顺层面高速下滑。③滑体高速流动堆积阶段。规模巨大的滑体,冲入姜巴沟,并对沟两侧的山体产生强烈的铲刮,高速碎屑流受到黄洞子沟左侧山体强力阻挡后折返,并震动堆积形成堰塞湖。  相似文献   

汶川八级地震地质灾害研究   总被引:103,自引:15,他引:103  
汶川地震触发了15000多处滑坡、崩塌、泥石流,估计直接造成2万人死亡。地质灾害隐患点达10000余多处,以崩塌体增加最为显著,反映出地震对山区高陡斜坡的影响差异性非常大,在山顶上的放大作用非常显著。通过综合分析堰塞湖库容、滑坡坝高以及坝体物质组成和结构,对地震形成的33处坝高大于10m的滑坡堰塞湖进行了评估,划分出极高、高、中和低4种溃决危险。汶川地震滑坡滑床往往不具连续平整的滑面,尖点撞击是极震区滑坡的一大共性,可以分为勺型滑床、凸型滑床和阶型滑床等类型。据实地调查,滑坡附近震毁建筑物垂向震动非常明显,具有地震抛掷撞击崩裂高速滑流三阶段特征。在高速滑流中,发生3种效应:(1)高速气垫效应,滑坡体由较大块石和土构成,具有一定厚度,飞行行程可达1~3km;(2)碎屑流效应,撞击粉碎的土石呈流动状态,特别是含水丰富时,形成长程流滑;(3)铲刮效应,巨大撞击力导致下部岩体崩裂,形成新滑坡、崩塌,但是,其厚度不大,滑床起伏不平。本文以北川城西滑坡和青川东河口滑坡为例,分析了地震滑坡高速远程滑动及成灾机理。北川县城城西滑坡导致1600人被埋死亡,数百间房屋被毁,是汶川地震触发的最严重的滑坡灾难,举世罕见。青川东河口滑坡碎屑流是汶川地震触发的较为典型的高速远程复合型滑坡,滑程约2400m,高速碎屑流冲抵清江河左岸,形成滑坡坝,致使7个村庄被埋,约400人死亡。  相似文献   

汶川地震在龙门山地区激发了大量的次生地质灾害,其中尤以滑坡灾害分布最为广泛和严重。在所有滑坡灾害中,东河口滑坡发生在北川破裂带的北东端点,具有相当的特殊性,并造成了大量的生命财产损失。东河口滑坡是一种抛射型滑坡,具有与其他如重力或者降雨作用导致的滑坡不同的特点,即没有统一连续的滑动面,由上部比较深陡和下部比较浅缓的截然分开的两部分组成,在强地震加速度的作用下,滑坡体被抛射并在与地面发生碰撞之前沿抛物线轨迹运行。文章综合分析了东河口抛射型滑坡发生的地质地貌条件,并解释了该抛射型滑坡发生的动力源机制。结果显示,东河口滑坡区的滑坡带和翼状裂隙带在北川破裂带两侧的规则分布受控于断层的运动方式和滑坡的空间分布位置;此外,除地震动水平加速度和地质地貌条件外,垂直加速度和断层的运动方式对地震滑坡的激发也起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

汶川地震触发大光包巨型滑坡基本特征及形成机理分析   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
大光包红洞子沟巨型滑坡是汶川地震触发的最大规模滑坡,其体积达7.42亿m3, 堰塞坝高达690m,是我国已知的最大规模地震滑坡和最高的滑坡堰塞坝,也是目前全世界已知的为数不多的几个方量在5亿m3以上的超大规模滑坡之一,其高达690m的滑坡堰塞坝为目前世界最高的滑坡坝。滑坡位于发震断层上盘,距发震断裂映秀北川断裂不足7km。震前斜坡为三面切割的孤立型山脊,相对高差达1500m;斜坡岩层走向与坡面近于垂直,层面延展性极好,构成滑动面形成的基础。调查和分析表明,斜坡的临空条件和贯通性好的灰岩层面是滑坡产生的基础;而高强度和长持时强震地面运动是导致滑坡产生的根本因素。滑坡产生的机理和过程可分为以下4个阶段:即坡体震裂、松弛和解体阶段、高速溃滑阶段、震动堆积阶段、二次抛射和碎屑流堆积阶段。失稳高速下滑的坡体,形成了沿主滑方向长4.2km,宽2.2km的堆积体,高速流动的碎屑流越过下游侧风波岩山脊,沿红洞子沟形成了长1km的碎屑流堆积区。  相似文献   

滑坡滑动距离作为滑坡防灾减灾的主要评价指标之一,不仅受滑坡体积和落差的影响,还与滑坡运动的地质环境作用相关。本文在对都江堰地区51个地震滑坡、16个降雨滑坡详细调查编目的基础上,采用数理统计方法分析了斜坡原始坡度、滑坡前后缘高差、滑坡平面形态、体积、滑体平均厚度及坡面摩擦系数等6个因素与滑坡水平滑动距离的相关性,借此厘清了汶川Ms8.0级大地震前后不同因素对不同类型滑坡运动的贡献大小,进而构建了不同成因类型滑坡的滑动距离预测关系式,可为龙门山区的滑坡防灾减灾工作提供参考。研究表明:影响都江堰地区地震滑坡运动距离的主要因素有滑坡体积(lg V)、斜坡原始坡度(α)、滑坡平面形态(R)和滑坡前后缘高差(ΔH);而控制降雨滑坡运动距离的主要因素为滑坡前后缘高差(ΔH)、滑坡体积(lg V)、斜坡坡度(α)和斜坡表面摩擦系数(μ);汶川地震后,影响该地区降雨滑坡滑动能力的因素发生了变异,各因素与滑坡滑动距离的相关性较弱,显示出其贡献率在急剧减弱,仅滑坡体积(lg V)与滑动距离的相关性较强。  相似文献   

以天水市税湾地震黄土滑坡为例, 依据野外调查和室内测试结果, 总结天水地区历史地震黄土滑坡特点, 剖析地震黄土滑坡发生的力学机制, 初步提出历史地震黄土滑坡的识别标志。税湾滑坡及柳沟右岸滑坡群属典型的地震黄土滑坡, 具有规模大、滑动面切割深、滑坡坡度小、成群成带分布和高位下滑等特点, 可作为识别历史地震黄土滑坡的重要标志。税湾滑坡及柳沟右岸滑坡群坡体具有明显的黄土/泥岩二元斜坡结构, 极易沿黄土/泥岩接触面滑动。当坡体受到地震力作用时, 地震产生的循环动荷载一方面降低滑坡岩土体的抗剪强度, 另一方面改变滑坡体的力学状态, 坡体应力平衡遭到破坏, 地震力增加坡体下滑力、减小坡体抗滑力, 导致坡体失稳发生滑坡。目前, 税湾滑坡处于欠稳定状态, 遇地震或强降雨有可能再次失稳下滑, 因而有必要进一步开展地震黄土滑坡的成灾模式研究, 为潜在强震区防灾减灾提供科学依据。   相似文献   

Sliding mass of landslides highly endangered the area along travel path, especially landslides with long travel distance. It is necessary to develop an effective prediction model for preliminarily evaluating landslide travel distance so as to improve disaster prevention and relocation. This paper collected 54 landslides with 347–4,170 m travel distance triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake to discuss the effectiveness of various influential factors on landslide travel distance and obtained an empirical model for its prediction. The results revealed that rock type, sliding source volume, and slope transition angle were the predominant factors on landslide travel distance. The validity of proposed model was verified by the satisfactory agreement between observations and predictions. Therefore, this model might be practically applicable in Wenchuan earthquake area and other similar geomorphological and geological regions.  相似文献   

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with Ms8.0 triggered extensive throwing-pattern landslides in the area within or near the seismic faults. The resultant landslides from this earthquake brought to the fore the effect of vertical earthquake acceleration on landslide occurrence. The pseudostatic analysis and the dynamic response on landslide stability due to the Wenchuan earthquake are studied with the Chengxi (West Town) catastrophic landslide used as a case study. The results show that the epicenter distance is an important factor which affects the vertical acceleration and thus the stability of landslide. Also, the vertical acceleration was found to have a significant impact on the FOS of landslide if the earthquake magnitude is quite large. Within the seismic fault, the amplitude effect of vertical acceleration is very dominant with the FOS of landslide, for vertical acceleration ranging from positive to negative, having a variation of 25 %. The variation of FOS of landslide for vertical acceleration ranging from positive to negative are 15 and 5 % for landslides near seismic fault and outside seismic fault, respectively. For landslide with a slope angle <45°, the FOS of landslide with both horizontal and vertical accelerations is significantly greater than the one without vertical acceleration. Further, the results computed from both the pseudostatic method and dynamic analysis reveal that the FOS during the earthquake varied significantly whether vertical acceleration is considered or not. The results from this study explain why lots of throwing-pattern catastrophic landslides occurred within 10 km of the seismic fault in the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

The Daguangbao landslide is the largest co-seismic landslide triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake (Ms 8.0) occurred on 12 May 2008. The landslide, which is 4.6 km long and 3.7 km wide, involves a volume of approximately 1.2 × 109 m3. An exposed slip surface, situated at the southern flank of its source area, was observed with a length of 1.8 km along the main sliding direction and an area of 0.3 km2. To study the geological and tectonic characteristics of the source area and their contributions to the landslide formation during the earthquake, detailed geological investigations were firstly conducted. And it is reached that the landslide occurred on the northwestern limb of the Dashuizha anticline with its scarp showing several geological structures, including joint sets, local faults, and folds. These tectonic-related structures potentially influenced the failure of the landslide. Secondly, further investigations were focused on the inclined planar sliding surface using 12 exploratory trenches, nine boreholes, a tunnel, borehole sonic data, and micro-images. These data reveal that the rock mass along the sliding surface was the fragmented rock of a bedding fault. A pulverized zone was observed on the sliding surface, which was the zone of shear localization during the landslide. This suggests that the shear failure of the Daguangbao landslide developed within the bedding fault. The rapid failure of the landslide was associated with the degradation of the rock mass strength of the bedding fault both before and during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. With this study, we propose that a pre-existing large discontinuity within a slope may be the basis for initiating a large landslide during earthquake.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a landslide susceptibility assessment carried out after the devastating 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. For the Zhouqu segment in the Bailongjiang basin in north-western China landslide susceptibility was computed by a logistic regression method. This region has been experiencing landslides for a long time, and numerous additional slope failures were triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The data used for this study consists of slope failures attributed to the 2008 earthquake, the 878 post Wenchuan earthquake landslides and collapses inventory build up by combination the field investigation, monoscopic manual interpretation, image classification and texture analysis using SPOT 5 and ALOS remote-sensing image data. All data derived from remote sensing images are validated during field investigations. The landslide pre-disposing factor database was constructed. A digital elevation model (DEM) with a 30 × 30 m resolution, orthophotos, geological and land-use maps and information on peak ground acceleration data from the 2008 earthquake is used. The statistical analysis of the relation between Wencuan earthquake-triggered landslides and pre-disposing factors show the great influence of lithological and topographical conditions for earthquake-triggered slope failures. The quality of susceptibility mapping was validated by splitting the study area into a training and validation set. The prediction capability analysis showed that the landslide susceptibility map could be used for land planning as well as emergency planning by local authorities in this region.  相似文献   

黄土地区一些小型沟谷的沟脑和沟岸常发生黄土滑坡, 并沿沟远程滑动数百米至千余米, 有时大量滑体滑出沟口形成大面积的扇状堆积体, 造成严重的灾害损失. 虽然此类滑坡的平面形态与粘性泥流类似, 但其发生除由暴雨直接引发外, 也可能由滞后降水、地震、冻融、灌溉等引发. 泥流型黄土滑坡沿沟道的运动具有明显的相对固定的滑动面和滑动带, 与一般的粘性泥流差异较大, 更具滑坡的特征, 属于一种特殊的黄土滑坡. 暴雨引发的泥流型黄土滑坡的前缘部分滑体可转化为泥流, 形成滑坡-泥流灾害链. 通过对近年来发生的典型泥流型黄土滑坡实例分析, 论述了该类滑坡的特征、成因和灾害属性, 为此类滑坡的研究与防治提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

2008汶川大地震极端滑坡事件初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了分析汶川地震诱发滑坡灾害事件强度和影响,本文以汶川地震诱发滑坡极端事件为线索,在统计分析前10个规模最大、位移最远、危害最重及最大滑坡堰塞湖分布特征的基础上,重点研究前三甲极端滑坡事件的简要特征,初步揭示:(1)汶川地震诱发的极端滑坡事件主要沿龙门山中央断裂(映秀—北川断裂带)和Ⅹ-Ⅺ高烈度地段分布,强震的振动力、地震主传播方向和发震断裂NE向扩展作用是启动极端滑坡事件的主要原因;(2)规模最大的前10个滑坡和距离最大的前10个高速远程滑坡具有很好的重合特征,两者都反映汶川地震诱发的高能量滑坡事件;其中,规模最大的绵竹市安县大光包滑坡,初步估算体积约7.42×108m3,最大运动距离达到3.5km,距离排名第二;距离最大的绵竹文家沟高速远程滑坡,初步估算最大位移为4.2km,其体积约1.5×108m3,规模排名第二,这两个滑坡都属于世界上罕见的大型高能量高速远程滑坡;(3)前10个最大的灾难性滑坡事件,累计导致3751人死亡,单个滑坡引起的人员死亡超过100人,最多的达到1600人,属于世界上罕见的灾难性滑坡事件;(4)潜在危险性最大的10个滑坡堰塞湖,曾经威胁几十万人的生活安全,其中,最大的北川唐家山滑坡堰塞湖,曾经威胁下游绵阳市30万人的生活安全,这些滑坡堰塞湖都及时采取人工开挖措施排除了潜在危险。  相似文献   

Strong earthquakes are among the prime triggering factors of landslides. The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (M w = 7.9) triggered tens of thousands of landslides. Among them, the Daguangbao landslide is the largest one, which covered an area of 7.8 km2 with a maximum width of 2.2 km and an estimated volume of 7.5 × 108 m3. The landslide is located on the hanging wall of the seismogenic fault, the Yingxiu–Beichuan fault in Anxian town, Sichuan Province. The sliding mass travelled about 4.5 km and blocked the Huangdongzi valley, forming a landslide dam nearly 600 m high. Compared to other coseismic landslides in the study area, the Daguangbao landslide attained phenomenal kinetic energy, intense cracking, and deformation, exposing a 1-km long head scarp in the rear of the landslide. Based on the field investigation, we conclude that the occurrence of the landslide is controlled mainly by the seismic, terrain, and geological factors. The special location of the landslide and the possible topographic amplification of ground motions due to the terrain features governed the landslide failure. The effects of earthquakes on the stability of slopes were considered in two aspects: First, the ground shaking may reduce the frictional strength of the substrate by shattering of rock mass. Second, the seismic acceleration may result in short-lived and episodic changes of the normal (tensile) and shear stresses in the hillshopes during earthquakes. According to the failure mechanism, the dynamic process of the landslide might contain four stages: (a) the cracking of rock mass in the rear of the slope mainly due to the tensile stress generated by the ground shaking; (b) the shattering of the substrate due to the ground shaking, which reduced the frictional strength of the substrate; (c) the shearing failure of the toe of the landslide due to the large shear stress caused by the landslide gravity; and (d) the deposition stage.  相似文献   

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