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再论非饱和土的抗剪强度   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
姚攀峰 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2315-2318
通过不同吸力状态下的非饱和土抗剪强度试验,探讨了基质吸力对黏聚力和摩擦角的影响,提出在不同的基质吸力条件下黏聚力和摩擦角均可能是变化的。非饱和土的抗剪强度包络面在几何学上是直纹面的一种,该包络面可用改进的摩 尔-库仑破坏准则描述,并用试验验证了该公式的合理性。结合改进的摩尔-库仑抗剪强度公式和具体试验,提出了等效黏聚力-吸力曲线和等效摩擦角-吸力曲线在一定的区间内近似为直线,给出了确定等效黏聚力和等效摩擦角的具体方法,并用干土和饱和土两种极端状态对3种非饱和土抗剪强度理论进行了评估。改进的摩尔库仑破坏准则是一种更真实描述非饱和土破坏的强度准则。  相似文献   

Different phenomena influence the strength and volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils. Among the most important are suction hardening, hydraulic hysteresis, and the influence of volumetric strain on the soil-water retention curves. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical models require including all three phenomena in their constitutive relationships. Among these phenomena, suction hardening is the most influencing as it determines the apparent preconsolidation stress, the position of the loading-collapse yield surface, and the shift of both the isotropic consolidation and the critical state lines. In this paper, a fully coupled hydro mechanical model is presented. It is based on the modified Cam-Clay model but includes a yield surface with anisotropic hardening that takes account of the shift of the critical state line with suction. For highly overconsolidated materials, the sub-loading surface concept has been included in order to increase the precision of the model for these materials. The shift of the retention curves produced by volumetric strains is simulated using a hydraulic model based on the grain and current pore size distribution of the soil.  相似文献   

吸力对非饱和土抗剪强度的贡献   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
孟黔灵  姚海林  邱伦锋 《岩土力学》2001,22(4):423-426,431
回顾了非饱和土抗剪强度理论,并进行了评价;系统地分析和总结了吸力对抗剪强度的贡献。  相似文献   

A new constitutive model is developed for the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils based on the theory of hypoplasticity and the effective stress principle. The governing constitutive relations are presented and their application is demonstrated using several experimental data from the literature. Attention is given to the stiffening effect of suction on the mechanical response of unsaturated soils and the phenomenon of wetting‐induced collapse. All model parameters have direct physical interpretation, procedures for their quantification from test data are highlighted. Quantitative predictions of the model are presented for wetting, drying and constant suction tests. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘艳  韦昌富  赵成刚  房倩 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2189-2194
高饱和度的非饱和土中由于气体处于封闭状态,其内部气压的变化必将对土体的行为产生影响。首先,对高饱和度非饱和土特性进行探讨和研究,随后,在已有非饱和土模型框架基础上,采用广义有效应力原理,建立一个适用于高饱和度条件下的非饱和土的弹塑性本构模型。模型中引入气相耗散的影响,在硬化方程中考虑封闭气体压力改变的影响。最后,利用已有的试验结果来对模型进行验证,并将模型预测结果与前人模型进行对比,表明模型预测可以很好地预测土体的行为,尤其是在高饱和度条件下其结果比其他模型更加接近实际情况。  相似文献   

A unified constitutive model for unsaturated soils is presented in a critical state framework using the concepts of effective stress and bounding surface plasticity theory. Consideration is given to the effects of unsaturation and particle crushing in the definition of the critical state. A simple isotropic elastic rule is adopted. A loading surface and a bounding surface of the same shape are defined using simple and versatile functions. The bounding surface and elastic rules lead to the existence of a limiting isotropic compression line, towards which the stress trajectories of all isotropic compression load paths approach. A non‐associated flow rule of the same general form is assumed for all soil types. Isotropic hardening/softening occurs due to changes in plastic volumetric strains as well as suction for some unsaturated soils, enabling the phenomenon of volumetric collapse upon wetting to be accounted for. The model is used to simulate the stress–strain behaviour observed in unsaturated speswhite kaolin subjected to three triaxial test load paths. The fit between simulation and experiment is improved compared to that of other constitutive models developed using conventional Cam‐Clay‐based plasticity theory and calibrated using the same set of data. Also, the model is used to simulate to a high degree of accuracy the stress–strain behaviour observed in unsaturated Kurnell sand subjected to two triaxial test load paths and the oedometric compression load path. For oedometric compression theoretical simulations indicate that the suction was not sufficiently large to cause samples to separate from the confining ring. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comprehensive framework to define the constitutive behaviour of unsaturated soils is developed within the theory of mixtures applied to three‐phase porous media. Each of the three phases is endowed with its own strain and stress. Elastic and elastic–plastic constitutive equations are developed. Particular emphasis is laid on the interactions between the phases both in the elastic and plastic regimes. Nevertheless, the clear structure of the constitutive equations requires a minimal number of material parameters. Their identification is provided: in particular, it incorporates directly the soil–water characteristic curve. Crucial to the formulation is an appropriate definition of the effective stress. The coupled influence of this effective stress and of suction makes it possible to describe qualitatively many of the characteristic features observed in experiments, e.g. for normally consolidated soils, a plastic behaviour up to air entry followed by an elastic behaviour at increasing suctions, and, on the way back, an elastic behaviour, unless compression is applied in which case plastic collapse occurs. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

非饱和土的清华弹塑性模型   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
李广信  司韦  张其光 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2033-2036
为研究土在非饱和增湿情况下的应力、应变和强度关系,提出将含水率引入清华模型的硬化参数中建立非饱和土的清华弹塑性模型。通过在干土中掺加冰屑的方法进行增湿试验,表明该模型可以预测不同含水率的非饱和土的应力-变形和强度关系,从天然风干状态增湿到其他含水率的应力-应变全过程的计算结果也与试验结果相符合。将含水率直接引入弹塑性模型而不去研究复杂的基质吸力,可能是非饱和土本构模型工程应用的一条简便途径。  相似文献   

非饱和土抗剪强度理论的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
非饱和土的工程性质是20世纪90年代以来国际岩土工程界研究的热点,非饱和土的抗剪强度是非饱和土的重要工程性质之一,在参阅了中、外文相关资料的基础上,总结了非饱和土抗剪强度理论的研究成果,提出了非饱和土抗剪强度有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Acta Geotechnica - Discrete randomly distributed fibers are commonly used to improve the engineering characteristics of the soil and thus soil properties such as shear strength, compressibility,...  相似文献   

This study presents a simple approach to modelling the effect of temperature on the deformation and strength of unsaturated/saturated soils by using the average skeleton stress and degree of saturation. The concept of thermo-induced equivalent stress is introduced to consider the influence of temperature on the pre-consolidated stress. A skeleton stress–saturation framework is applied to enable the model to describe the thermo-elastoplastic behaviour of both unsaturated and saturated soils, as the skeleton stress can smoothly shift to Terzaghi’s effective stress if saturation changes from the unsaturated to the saturated condition. The new model only employs seven parameters, of which five parameters are the same as those used in the Cam-Clay model. The other two parameters can be easily determined by oedometer tests and simple thermo-mechanical tests. Numerical simulations of isotropic loading tests and triaxial shear tests under different conditions are conducted to illustrate the performance of the proposed model. By comparing with experimental temperature controlled oedometer tests and triaxial tests, it is confirmed that the proposed model is able to capture the thermo-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated/saturated normally and over-consolidated soils with a set of unified parameters.  相似文献   

考虑温度影响的重塑非饱和膨胀土非线性本构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢云  陈正汉  李刚 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1937-1942
以非饱和土的非线性模型为基础,通过对土性参数的修正和考虑温度本身引起的土的变形,建立了考虑温度效应的重塑非饱和膨胀土的本构模型。该模型包括土骨架的本构关系和水量变化的本构关系两个方面,涉及18个参数,都可用非饱和土三轴试验确定。共做了13个重塑非饱和膨胀土温控三轴试验,分析了温度对土的强度和变形的影响,研究了模型参数的变化规律。  相似文献   

Transfer functions describing the coprecipitation of various trace elements (TE; As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn), precipitating with iron(oxihydr)oxides from an aqueous solution, were developed and implemented in the computer model ‘Seeper’. ‘Seeper’ was developed to predict the progression of the concentrations of inorganic pollutants in unsaturated soils underneath contaminated areas and to evaluate the prospective contamination of the groundwater. Transfer functions provide a straight and simple relation between the coprecipitation of TE and easy to obtain standard soil parameters, without excessive repercussions on the usability and computation time of the model. Laboratory experiments were conducted to quantify coprecipitation in solutions with pH values ranging from 5 to 12 and containing various iron and TE concentrations. For the examined TE, the transfer functions describe the coprecipitated fraction as a function of the pH value and the concentration ratio between precipitated iron and a TE. The transfer functions yielded a good prediction of cadmium, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc (R 2 from 0.73 to 0.83). As for arsenic, chromium, and lead the correlation was not as good albeit a significant influence of precipitating iron on the mobility of these elements was observed and represented in the corresponding transfer functions.  相似文献   

为描述非饱和土的应力-应变特性,基于非饱和土三轴剪切试验,提出泊松比变化率(即切线泊松比随轴向应变的变化速率)的概念,发现非饱和土的切线模量和泊松比变化率均随轴向应变的增加呈指数衰减规律,基于此提出了一种描述非饱和土应力-应变关系的新非线性模型。该模型不仅能描述应变硬化,而且能描述应变软化;能对非饱和土三轴不固结不排水剪、固结排水剪、固结不排水剪试验的应力-应变关系进行描述;模型共包含6个参数,物理意义明确,确定方法简便。利用提出的模型对国内外文献中的三轴试验进行了模拟,结果表明,模拟结果与试验数据有很好的吻合度,从而验证了模型对试验数据的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   

非饱和土的本构模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缪林昌 《岩土力学》2007,28(5):855-860
引用平均土骨架应力的概念,研究推导出非饱和土的刚度参数随吸力变化而变化的关系式,进而推导得到用平均土骨架应力表述的非饱和土LC屈服面函数以及硬化规律。从土力学原理推导,得到土样由于在净应力和吸力作用下产生体积变形引起土样饱和度变化的关系式。由平均土骨架应力推广,得到三轴应力状态的椭圆屈服函数,这一非饱和土本构模型的优点在于考虑了应力作用后土样饱和度的变化,通过对已有试验数据的初步验证,表明提出的非饱和土本构模型的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   

A macroscopic model for predicting the relative hydraulic permeability of unsaturated soils is proposed. In this model, pores in unsaturated soils are considered to be parallel flow tubes. The water flow in the pores is assumed to take place in the water film on the inside wall of the flow tubes. The viscosity of pore water is considered to be different from the viscosity of pure water and variable with the variation of degree of saturation. The values of tortuosity factor and pore shape factor of unsaturated soils are estimated theoretically. The theoretical model is verified using experimental data for 32 different soils. For application in engineering practice, the value of viscosity of pore water in different soils is proposed.  相似文献   

徐筱  赵成刚  蔡国庆 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2059-2064
基于对非饱和土中孔隙水毛细和吸附作用的区分,得到了一种机制明确的非饱和土抗剪强度模型。首先,假定两种非饱和土的特殊状态,即只存在毛细作用的理想毛细状态和只存在吸附作用的理想吸附状态。分别给出了这两种理想状态的抗剪强度模型,其中毛细作用的影响可表示为考虑气化过程的有效饱和度和吸力的乘积,吸附作用的影响可初步简化表示为表观黏聚力的最大值。其次,利用二元介质模型,认为非饱和土中土-水作用是由这两种理想状态的不同权重组合而成。通过气化概率分布函数,表示了实际非饱和土中两种理想状态的参与比重,建立了适用于较广吸力变化范围的非饱和土抗剪强度模型。最后,通过与试验结果及当前流行的模型拟合结果的对比,验证了所建立的模型的合理性。研究表明,在考虑吸力对非饱和土力学性质的影响时,应该区分吸力的不同作用。  相似文献   

This paper describes a random solid‐porous model capable of simulating the structure of porous materials. To this purpose, the grain and pore size distributions as well as the void ratio of the material are required. Solids and pores are distributed at random in the model's space according to a size strategy. Herein, the model is used to simulate the retention curves of soils. The Laplace equation is used to determine the size of the pores able to saturate or dry during a wetting or drying process, respectively. The continuous path principle is used to define those elements that effectively saturate or dry during these processes. With this procedure, it is possible to simulate the main retention curves as well as the scanning curves during wetting–drying cycles. Some experimental results reported in the international literature have been used to test the model. This model can be enhanced to study the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a physically-based constitutive model for unsaturated soils that considers the bonding effect of water menisci at inter-particle contacts. A bonding factor has been used to represent the magnitude of the equivalent bonding stress, defined as the bonding force per unit cross-sectional area. The average skeleton stress is employed to represent the effect of average fluid pressures within soil pores. Based on an empirical relationship between the bonding factor ζ and the ratio e/es (where e and es are void ratios at unsaturated and saturated states, respectively, at the same average skeleton stress), we propose an elasto-plastic constitutive model for isotropic stress states, and then extend this model to triaxial stress states within the framework of critical state soil mechanics. Because only one yield surface is needed in the proposed model, a relatively small number of parameters are required. Comparisons between experimental data and model results show that, in most cases, the proposed model can reasonably capture the important features of unsaturated soil behavior.  相似文献   

李幻  韦昌富  颜荣涛  曹华峰 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3721-3726
土-水特征关系是基质吸力和含水率之间关系。在反复干湿循环路径下土-水特征曲线呈现出毛细滞回特性。基于毛细滞回内变量理论和传统的土-水特征关系经验模型,提出了能模拟在任意干湿循环路径下土-水特征关系的修正模型。该模型比原模型增加了一个可逆参数,考虑了含水率的可逆变化,使扫描线在靠近边界线的时候斜率不会无限大,同时保留了原模型精度。通过与文献中的试验结果进行比较,修正模型可以更好地模拟非饱和土的土-水特征关系的循环滞回特性,并讨论了可逆参数的确定方法。  相似文献   

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