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By using pseudo-dynamic approach, a method has been proposed in this paper to compute the seismic passive earth pressure behind
a rigid cantilever retaining wall with bilinear backface. The wall has sudden change in inclination along its depth and a
planar failure surface has been considered behind the retaining wall. The effects of a wide range of parameters like soil
friction angle, wall inclination, wall friction angle, amplification of vibration, variation of shear modulus and horizontal
and vertical seismic accelerations on the passive earth pressure have been explored in the present study. For the sake of
illustration, the computations have been exclusively carried out for constant wall friction through out the depth. Unlike
the Mononobe-Okabe method, which incorporates pseudo-static analysis, the present analysis predicts a nonlinear variation
of passive earth pressure along the wall. 相似文献
Seismic Passive Earth Pressure Behind Non-vertical Retaining Wall Using Pseudo-dynamic Analysis 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Priyanka Ghosh 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2007,25(6):693-703
This paper shows a detailed study on the seismic passive earth pressure behind a non-vertical cantilever retaining wall using
pseudo-dynamic analysis. A planar failure surface has been considered behind the retaining wall. The effects of soil friction
angle, wall inclination, wall friction angle, horizontal and vertical earthquake acceleration on the passive earth pressure
have been explored. Unlike the Mononobe–Okabe method, which incorporates pseudo-static analysis, the present analysis predicts
a nonlinear variation of passive earth pressure along the wall. The results have been thoroughly compared with the existing
values in the literature. 相似文献
Seismic Passive Earth Thrust on Retaining Walls with Cohesive Backfills Using Pseudo-Dynamic Approach 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
A. H. Shafiee A. Eskandarinejad M. Jahanandish 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2010,28(4):525-531
In this paper, the pseudo-dynamic approach is used to estimate seismic passive earth thrust on retaining walls with cohesive-frictional
backfills. The time-dependent pseudo-dynamic approach considers the influence of dynamic parameters such as the velocity of
primary and shear waves, the period of lateral shaking, and the phase and amplitude variations of horizontal and vertical
earthquake accelerations with depth. The failure plane behind the wall is assumed to be planar. The analysis is based on the
equilibrium of forces which act within the failure wedge. The obtained results show that the backfill cohesion increases both
the seismic passive earth thrust and the failure plane inclination angle with the horizontal plane. It is also observed that
both horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations have decreasing effect on seismic passive earth thrust as well as failure
plane inclination angle. The results of present pseudo-dynamic analysis propose a lower solution for seismic passive earth
thrust compared to earlier pseudo-static solution available in the literature. 相似文献
Deepankar Choudhury Amey Deepak Katdare Anindya Pain 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2014,32(2):391-402
In earthquake prone areas, calculation of seismic active earth pressure on retaining wall is very important. Analytical methods till date for computation of seismic active earth pressure do not consider the effect of Rayleigh wave though it constitutes about 67 % of the total seismic energy. In this paper a new dynamic approach is proposed by considering all possible seismic waves viz. primary, shear and Rayleigh waves for estimation of seismic active earth pressure on rigid retaining wall by satisfying all the boundary conditions. Limit equilibrium method is used for estimation of optimised seismic active earth pressure for a rigid retaining wall supporting cohesionless backfill with critical combinations of seismic accelerations. The seismic influence zone obtained in this study is about 22 and 17 % larger when compared with available pseudo-static and pseudo-dynamic methods respectively, which indicates the significant effect of Rayleigh wave. Also, there is an increase of about 14 and 6 % in seismic active earth pressure coefficient when the present results are typically compared with pseudo-static and pseudo-dynamic methods respectively. Moreover present results compare well with the available experimental results. Present results are more critical for the design estimation of seismic active earth pressure by considering all major seismic waves as proposed in the new dynamic approach. 相似文献
To estimate static and seismic active earth pressure (Pad) on a rigid retaining wall, numerical analyses using different step sizes have been carried out in this paper, based on the
modified Culmann line method by considering Coulomb’s planar rupture surface. Equivalent pseudo-static seismic forces are
considered in the analysis. A new concept of modified unit weight by considering ground surcharge is introduced under static
and seismic conditions. By numerical analysis, area of soil (A) has been estimated to obtain the ratio of A/A0 where A0 is θh2, θ is the angle between retaining structure and ground surface and h is the vertical height of the wall. This ratio remains constant for a particular type of soil and has been used to estimate
the maximum active earth pressure using force diagram. Results are provided in tabular form for easy calculation of the coefficient
of static and seismic active earth pressure. Present results by considering the new technique, compares well with the results
obtained by earlier researchers. 相似文献
挡土墙受局部连续荷载作用的附加土压力 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
求解附加应力的布西涅斯克解答和弗拉曼解答与朗肯土压力理论结合,可用来计算挡土墙受矩形铅直均布荷载和条形铅直均布荷载作用,在墙背处引起的附加主动土压力和附加被动土压力的变化情况,这种计算方法可以较准确的考虑荷载作用型式,作用位置,作用范围和极限平衡状态的影响,可以反映外荷通过填土传递过程的变化,得出的附加土压力较小。 相似文献
In this paper, an effort is made to evaluate the seismic bearing capacity of shallow strip footing resting on c–ф soil. The formulation is developed to get a single coefficient of bearing capacity for simultaneous resistance of weight, surcharge and cohesion. Limit equilibrium method in Pseudo-static approach with Coulomb mechanism is applied here to evaluate the seismic bearing capacity. The seismic bearing capacity of footing (quE) is expressed in terms of single coefficient NγE. The effect of various parameters viz. angle of internal friction of soil (ф), angle of wall friction (δ), cohesion (c), ratio of depth to width of footing (df/B0), seismic acceleration (kh, kv) are studied on the variation of seismic bearing capacity co-efficients. 相似文献
结合具体工程实例探讨了复合地基在地基加固中的应用机理,指出对于该加固工程,可采用静压注浆及树根桩相结合形成的复合地基进行加固。工程实践表明,根据工程实际情况合理运用复合地基进行地基加固处理能取得良好的加固效果。 相似文献
In intra-plate regions with low-seismic activity, seismic cycles last between 103 and 105 years and, consequently, quiescent faults may be capable of producing catastrophic earthquakes. Paleoseismic studies, which
are necessary to define capable faults in these regions and to establish their seismic parameters, are scarce and not always
possible. In order to overcome the scarcity of paleoseismic data, this paper proposes an approach to evaluate the capability
and seismic parameters of faults. This approach takes into account instrumental, historical, paleoseismological and geological
data. Assuming that in a given structural region with definite climatic and geological characteristics similar geomorphic
features reflect a similar structural-seismic evolution, the capability of faults is established by comparing the fault related
geomorphic features of the few proven seismogenic faults with those of the rest of the faults. The seismic parameters were
estimated using some mathematical relationships from geological and geomorphological data, where the slip rate of the faults
was determined from geological and geomorphological criteria. The case of eastern Iberia is presented to illustrate this approach.
This area is characterized by low seismicity, few historical destructive earthquakes, and only one fault with good paleoseismological
data. Of the 249 potential faults (longer than 10 km and adequately oriented with respect to the current stress field), 23
were regarded as capable faults. Some of these were located in seismic quiescent areas, and their main seismic parameters
were estimated. 相似文献
作为生物矿物一种十分重要的类型,生物成因硫化物矿物形成于多种海水和淡水环境中.它们是自然界硫和金属元素循环中的关键一环,并有可能在地球早期生命起源中扮演了重要的角色.现代环境中形成的生物成因硫化物矿物与多种生命过程有着十分密切的联系,微生物和大型生物均可直接或间接地影响生物成因硫化物矿物的形成.重点从生物成因硫化物矿物类型、参与生物矿化的有机体、生物成因硫化物矿物形成机制以及硫化物矿物与生命起源的关系等几个方面综述了生物成因硫化物矿物研究的最新进展. 相似文献
Asadollah Ranjbar Karkanaki Navid Ganjian Faradjollah Askari 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2017,35(3):1079-1092
This study presents a new algorithm for design of cantilever retaining walls based on the proposed failure mechanisms and considers the effects of wall geometric parameters using an upper-bound limit analysis approach. All previous work on this subject has only focused on the optimum design of the retaining walls assuming constant forces, irrespective of the total stability and critical conditions of failure mechanisms. In the present study, the upper-bound limit analysis method was used to determine the shape of the critical failure mechanisms for a retaining wall simultaneously with its optimal dimensions. The safety factors against overturning, sliding, and bearing capacity failure were assessed by the limit analysis approach. The current results show good agreement with the results obtained using the limit equilibrium methods and finite element analyses. The results obtained based on the proposed failure mechanism show that the geometry and dimensions of the wall affect its stability safety factors, the shape of the critical failure mechanisms and the active pressure on the wall; therefore, the process of determining the shape of the critical failure mechanisms, checking the stability of the wall and the procedure of finding its optimal dimensions should be performed simultaneously. 相似文献