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利用GPS反解大气水汽含量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍地基和空基GPS气象技术,简要讨论了GPS遥感大气水汽含量对误差源。  相似文献   

地基GPS遥感大气水汽含量的误差分析   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:35  
陈俊勇 《测绘学报》1998,27(2):113-118
讨论并分析了利用地基GPS遥感大气水汽含量时的误差源及其数值评估。其误差来自三个方面:一是计算GPS讯号传输时间中湿延迟的误差;二是将该湿延迟转换为大气水汽含量公式中测定转换因子的误差;三是转换模型的误差。  相似文献   

利用GPS技术遥感大气对流层水汽含量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了利用 GPS系统探测大气对流层水汽含量的原理和数学模型 ,对利用 GPS遥感大气对流层水汽的加权平均温度、水汽含量随时间的变化等一些关键问题进行了探讨。通过对我国沿海地区大连、青岛、闸坡、坎门、厦门 5个测站的实验数据的解算 ,获得了较为满意的结果。  相似文献   

地基GPS技术遥感香港地区大气水汽含量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了分段多项式方法计算大气水汽含量,并结合无线电高空气象探测资料,分析并评估了地基GPS遥感技术的精度。香港地区的可降水份计算结果表明,地基GPS遥感技术的精度为1 mm~2 mm  相似文献   

地基GPS技术遥感香港地区大气水汽含量   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
提出了分段多项式方法计算大气水汽含量,并结合无线电高空气象探测资料,分析了并评估了地基GPS遥感技术的精度。香港地区的可降水份计算结果表明,地基GPS遥感技术的精度为1mm-2mm。  相似文献   

利用GPS资料反演大气水汽含量的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文简要介绍了利用GPS资料反演确定大气水汽含量的原理和方法,并结合我国北京,上海和武汉三个GPS跟踪站的实际观测资料反演确定了三个测站的大气水汽含量,获得了较为满意的数值解算结果。  相似文献   

目前地基GPS遥感大气综合水汽含量的可行性已经被众多实验所验证,为进一步改善地基GPS遥感大气综合水汽含量的精度,本文对2004年6月哈尔滨GPS跟踪站的观测数据进行了解算,并结合探空资料计算的水汽结果对各项误差进行了分析。结果表明:广播星历不能用于高精度GPS水汽遥感;5cm的测站坐标误差将引起3mm的水汽误差,截止高度角的不同以及通用模型均会对水汽结果造成不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

大气中的水汽不仅是影响地球天气变化的重要因素,更是多项气象研究中的重要参数,正确确定大气中水汽的含量,对研究降水与气候、灾害性天气预报、全球气候变化等具有十分重要的作用。本文详细地介绍了基于地基GPS以及基于MODIS数据的大气水汽含量反演方法,并利用天津测区的GPS数据与MODIS数据反演的大气水汽含量进行对比分析,得到了两种方法都具有反演大气水汽含量的结论。  相似文献   

随着地基GPS技术日益完善以及GPS在气象学中应用的不断深化,地基GPS探测技术已经成为一种有效的大气水汽探测手段,总结了地基GPS反演大气水汽含量的原理和方法,并通过实例分析了其误差产生的原因,验证了GPS反演大气水汽含量的可行性。  相似文献   

王棋 《北京测绘》2012,(1):47-49
介绍地基GPS气象学的基本原理,并利用VB编程语言编程实现GPS水汽计算和结果的图形化显示。同时对某地2008年5月份的根据三种静力学延迟模型反演的气象数据和降水数据进行分析,探索模型的适用情况。  相似文献   

Remote sensing of water vapor content using ground-based GPS data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatial and temporal resolution of water vapor content is useful in improving the accuracy of short-term weather prediction.Dense and continuously tracking regional GPS arrays will play an important role in remote sensing atmospheric water vapor content.In this study,a piecewise linear solution method was proposed to estimate the precipitable water vapor (PWV) content from ground-based GPS observations in Hong Kong.To evaluate the solution accuracy of the water vapor content sensed by GPS,the upper air sounding data (radiosonde) that are collected locally was used to calculate the precipitable water vapor during the same period.One-month results of PWV from both ground-based GPS sensing technique and radiosonde method are in agreement within 1~2 mm.This encouraging result will motivate the GPS meteorology application based on the establishment of a dense GPS array in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal resolution of water vapor content is useful in improving the accuracy of short-term weather prediction. Dense and continuously tracking regional GPS arrays will play an important role in remote sensing atmospheric water vapor content. In this study, a piecewise linear solution method was proposed to estimate the precipitable water vapor (PWV) content from ground-based GPS observations in Hong Kong. To evaluate the solution accuracy of the water vapor content sensed by GPS, the upper air sounding data (radiosonde) that are collected locally was used to calculate the precipitable water vapor during the same period. One-month results of PWV from both ground-based GPS sensing technique and radiosonde method are in agreement within 1–2 mm. This encouraging result will motivate the GPS meteorology application based on the establishment of a dense GPS array in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

利用GPS可降水量校正MODIS近红外水汽数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方圣辉  毕创  乐源  裴鉴 《测绘科学》2016,41(9):38-41
针对MODIS近红外水汽产品精度不足以及地基GPS技术解算的大气可降水量地理分布不连续的问题,提出一种利用地基GPS可降水量来校正MODIS水汽产品从而得到区域性连续分布的高精度可降水量的方法。利用GAMIT软件和地基GPS数据解算出IGS站点的大气水含量,建立GPS可降水量与MODIS近红外水汽产品的回归分析模型得到最终的校正结果。通过与实测气象站数据对比分析可知,所提方法有效地结合了MODIS和地基GPS两种遥感水汽技术的优点,能够得到高精度、地理分布连续的大气可降水量,研究结果可为实时天气预报、气候监测等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

在考虑可降水量季节性变化的基础上,提出利用GPS数据建立MODIS近红外可降水量季节性模型。首先对比分析2014年北京房山(BJFS)站的GPS可降水量和相应时间的MODIS近红外可降水量数据,发现两者之间的变化趋势基本一致,存在显著线性相关性;然后以GPS可降水量为标准值,利用回归分析建立GPS和MODIS可降水量之间的季节和全年校正模型。经检验,GPS可降水量与四个季节模型校正的MODIS近红外可降水量的均方根误差均小于3mm,最大误差不超过6mm,季节校正模型的精度都要高于全年校正模型。  相似文献   

无气象要素的GPS对流层延迟推算可降水量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对武汉地区GPS气象网资料,进行了GPS对流层延迟直接推算可降水量的研究。在武汉东湖站GPS对流层延迟与无线电探空可降水量的比较中,两者具有很好的相关性,相关系数达到了0.93;推导了对流层延迟直接推算可降水量的模型,对模型结果进行了检验,在武汉东湖站的对流层延迟转换的可降水量与无线电探空可降水量的比较中,均方根为7.8mm,相关性为0.91,这说明了在没有气象数据的地区对流层延迟直接推算的可降水量可以作为气象短期预报的参考。  相似文献   

The estimates of total zenith delay are derived using Bernese GPS Software V4. 2 based on GPS data every 30 s from the first measurement experiment of a ground-based GPS network in Chengdu Plain of Southwest China during the period from July to September 2004. Then the estimates of 0.5 hourly precipitable water vapor (PWV) derived from global positioning system (GPS) are obtained using meteorological data from automatic weather stations (AWS). The comparison of PWV derived from GPS and those from radiosonde observations is given for the Chengdu station, with RMS (root mean square) differences of 3.09m. The consis- tency of precipitable water vapor derived from GPS to those from radiosonde is good. It is concluded that Bevis’ empirical formula for estimating the weighted atmospheric mean temperature can be applicable in Chengdu area because the relationship of GPS PWV with Bevis’ formula and GPS PWV with radiosonde method shows a high correlation. The result of this GPS measurement experiment is helpful both for accumu- lating the study of precipitable water vapor derived from GPS in Chengdu areas located at the eastern side of the Tibetan Plateau and for studying spatial-temporal variations of regional atmospheric water vapor through many disciplines cooperatively.  相似文献   

随着GAMIT软件版本的不断更新,对BDS数据基线解算已成为可能。本文提出了一种基于GAMIT软件的BDS大气可降水量反演方法,并对利用探空数据计算得到的大气可降水量与GPS数据反演结果进行精度验证。结果表明,通过BDS反演得到的大气可降水量与探空数据计算结果之间的平均相对误差、均方根误差均小于2 mm,相关系数大于0.98;与GPS反演结果之间的平均相对误差、均方根误差均小于3 mm,相关系数大于0.96。BDS反演结果精度较高,基本能够满足气象需要。  相似文献   

对我国刚布署完成的北斗三号卫星导航系统(BDS-3)的大气水汽探测性能作初步分析可更好地发挥BDS-3的气象探测潜能.采用全球不同位置的台站进行几种手段的对比,探测结果具有代表性和说服力.研究结果表明:将BDS-3/PWV(大气可降水量)与GPS/PWV对比,平均偏差(BIAS)优于1.0 mm,均方根误差(RMSE)...  相似文献   

The estimates of total zenith delay are derived using Bernese GPS Software V4. 2 based on GPS data every 30 s from the first measurement experiment of a ground-based GPS network in Chengdu Plain of Southwest China during the period from July to September 2004. Then the estimates of 0.5 hourly precipitable water vapor (PWV) derived from global positioning system (GPS) are obtained using meteorological data from automatic weather stations (AWS). The comparison of PWV derived from GPS and those from radiosonde observations is given for the Chengdu station, with RMS (root mean square) differences of 3.09m. The consistency of precipitable water vapor derived from GPS to those from radiosonde is good. It is concluded that Bevis’ empirical formula for estimating the weighted atmospheric mean temperature can be applicable in Chengdu area because the relationship of GPS PWV with Bevis’ formula and GPS PWV with radiosonde method shows a high correlation. The result of this GPS measurement experiment is helpful both for accumulating the study of precipitable water vapor derived from GPS in Chengdu areas located at the eastern side of the Tibetan Plateau and for studying spatial-temporal variations of regional atmospheric water vapor through many disciplines cooperatively.  相似文献   

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