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依据国际时间频率咨询委员会(Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency, CCTF) GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)时间比对工作组制定的时间传递标准(Common GNSS Generic Time Transfer Standard Version2E, CGGTTS_V2E), 针对GNSS接收机观测到的伪距信号开发了数据处理软件, 用于生成标准格式的CGGTTS文件, 并对其可靠性进行了验证. 结果表明, 与sbf2cggtts软件生成的CGGTTS文件相比, 在同一历元下, 分别利用相同GPS和BeiDou-2卫星观测值计算的星地钟差值基本一致, 互差绝对值不超过0.5ns的差值分别占总数的96%、94%. 以中国标准时间UTC(NTSC) (Coordinated Universal Time (National Time Service Center))为参考, 利用数据处理软件分别对BeiDou-2和BeiDou-3卫星的B1I和B3I双频消电离层组合观测值处理并生成标准格式的CGGTTS文件, 通过分析其星地钟差参数对BeiDou系统时间的性能进行评估. 结果表明, 与BeiDou-2相比, BeiDou-3系统时间的内符合精度提高约28%, 且1 d以上中长期频率稳定度明显优于BeiDou-2.  相似文献   

针对北斗二号(BeiDou-2) B1I&B2I标准双频无电离层伪距组合解算的共视比对结果中存在明显的噪声进而影响其短期稳定性的现象, 开展了在BeiDou-2和北斗三号(BeiDou-3)现有可用频率信号中选取最优双频组合的研究, 以期改善BeiDou的共视时间传递性能. 基于开发的CGGTTS (Common GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Generic Time Transfer Standard)软件所生成的标准共视文件, 完成了中国科学院国家授时中心(NTSC)与捷克光电研究院(TP)之间GPS、Galileo、BeiDou-2 B1I&B2I及B1I&B3I和BeiDou-3 B1I&B3I及B1C&B2a双频无电离层伪距组合共视时间比对试验, 并用Vondark滤波对各双频组合的共视结果降噪处理, 通过计算滤波残差的RMS值来评估共视时间比对的精度. 结果表明, 利用BeiDou-3 B1C&B2a组合伪距值获得的共视时间比对结果噪声相对较小, 相比BeiDou-2 B1I&B2I、B1I&B3I和BeiDou-3 B1I&B3I组合的RMS (Root Mean Square)值分别提高约46%、52%和37%, 与GPS P1&P2组合的精度相当, 且与Galileo E1&E5a组合相差不大. BeiDou-3 B1C&B2a组合链路的短稳(< 1d)要优于BeiDou-2 B1I&B2I、B1I&B3I和BeiDou-3 B1I&B3I组合, 且与GPS P1&P2、Galileo E1&E5a组合的稳定性相当; 6条共视时间比对链路的中长稳(> 1d)基本一致.  相似文献   

Software named “Falling Star” has been developed for digital processing of double-station TV meteor observations. It was designed for measurement and calculation of both kinematic and photometric parameters of faint meteors observed with any video system. Data from video recordings are first digitized as standard AVI files, and then converted into the software’s TVS (TV sequence) format. Additional astronomical information like date, time of observations, geographic position of point of the observation and horizontal coordinates of TV camera optical axis orientation are added to the files. These parameters allow the right ascension and declination of the optical center of camera for the moment of meteor flight to be calculated. “Falling Star” includes a range of automated procedures for the identification of frame stars with star catalogues, search of movable meteor-like objects inside frame, calculation of equatorial coordinates and photometry. Finally, meteor trajectory parameters, orbital elements and brightness curves are calculated. Errors of calculations are determined using Monte-Carlo method.  相似文献   

国际电信联盟建议,作为国家时间中心的实时UTC(k)与协调世界时UTC的差异应不大于100ns。从2000年12月起,中国科学院国家授时中心(NTSC)产生和保持的UTC(NTSC)的准确度通过人工监控已达到了这个指标。UTC(NTSC)主要以其所拥有的一组6个HP5071A铯原子钟产生的地方原子时TA(NTSC)为参考,用相位微调仪调控UTC(NTSC)的频率,使它达到所需的准确度。介绍了在VB6.0环境下开发的一个UTC(NTSC)的自动监控软件,它包括4个窗体和由与4个窗体上的控作及图形窗口相匹配的子程序组成。图形窗口可以实时显示钟的日差曲线、UTC(NTSC)-TA(NTSC)曲线和UTC(NTSC)-GPS曲线。该软件自动化可视化程度高、灵活性强,即可实时自动运行,又可人机对话操作。该软件的主体部分已于2001年底完成,在2002年成功地进行了部分程序的试运行,使|UTC-UTC(NTSC)|达到了优于50ns的准确度水平。  相似文献   

基于卫星导航双频时间传递型接收机的伪码观测量,利用国际全球卫星导航系统服务组织(International Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Service, IGS)提供的高精度卫星轨道和钟差产品,实现了北斗全视法时间比对.以IGS提供的时间尺度为两个待比对站的公共参考时间,首先使用双频组合法消除电离层对伪距观测的影响,然后将对流层和地球自转效应带来的时延利用理论模型在伪码观测量中进行扣除,分别获得两个比对站时间与公共参考时间之差后,将2者再做差,便得到了北斗全视时间比对结果.以中国科学院国家授时中心(NTSC)、德国物理技术研究院(PTB)和西班牙海军天文台(ROA)所保持的国家标准时间作为比对对象,开展了长基线北斗全视时间比对试验,获得北斗全视时间传递结果,最后利用阿伦方差和时间方差两项关键性能指标以及卫星双向时间比对对其进行性能评估.结果表明:北斗全视时间比对的天稳为10-14量级,可以满足国际时间比对需求.  相似文献   

网络技术在时间服务工作中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
主要介绍网络技术在授时中心守时实验室的守时及授时服务系统中的应用情况。守时系统是一种需要连续、可靠运转的复杂系统,包括守时钟组、比对测量系统、原子时归算等多个环节。原子时专用局域网是守时系统的一个重要的组成部分,它有效地提高了守时、原子时及相关数据资料的传递和交换速率。时间服务的网络化、自动化不仅有效提高了工作效率,减少了人工过多干预造成的误差,更重要的是可以提高守时系统的可靠性和合理性。章详细介绍原子时局域网络(ATLAN)系统和计算机网络授时系统的设计情况。  相似文献   

介绍了为中国科学院国家授时中心(NTSC)的长波发播系统BPL全面升级改造工程而研制的BPL授时发播时频控制监测软件系统。整个软件系统分为两大部分,第一部分包括局域网的时间同步、时间信号比对、数据采集、数据传递等与整个时频系统的硬件控制有关的软件;第二部分包括系统中各种时间比对数据的定时处理与分析、设备超差报警判断、BPL工作钟时间T(PU)的监测和频率驾驭信息的产生、各种设备运行情况的曲线显示等软件。经过近一年的试运转和修改,该软件已正常使用,效果良好。  相似文献   

围绕着为上海海岸电台研制授时信号单元的任务,对新国际式报时格式作了简要介绍,提出了基于远程拨号通讯的时间传递方案。依据该方案,以嵌入式调制解调器(Modem)和32位嵌入式处理器为核心完成了授时信号单元的软、硬件设计。讨论了通讯双方的握手方式和链路时延测定方法。实现了上海海岸电台时间信号对国家授时中心标准时间的溯源。  相似文献   

通过研究GNSS(global navigation satellite syetem,全球导航卫星系统)共视远程时间传递技术,并结合现代网络通信技术,搭建了基于GNSS CV(common-view,共视)的精密时间服务系统的硬件平台。利用中国科学院国家授时中心保持的精确时间UTC(NTSC)和GNSS共视接收机观测数据,实现了用户与国家授时中心之间的在线数据传输和比对处理,为用户时间与UTC(NTSC)之间的高精度时间同步提供了一种解决方案。  相似文献   

Observation data from radio telescopes is typically stored in three (or higher) dimensional data cubes, the resolution, coverage and size of which continues to grow as ever larger radio telescopes come online. The Square Kilometre Array, tabled to be the largest radio telescope in the world, will generate multi-terabyte data cubes – several orders of magnitude larger than the current norm. Despite this imminent data deluge, scalable approaches to file access in Astronomical visualisation software are rare: most current software packages cannot read astronomical data cubes that do not fit into computer system memory, or else provide access only at a serious performance cost. In addition, there is little support for interactive exploration of 3D data.We describe a scalable, hierarchical approach to 3D visualisation of very large spectral data cubes to enable rapid visualisation of large data files on standard desktop hardware. Our hierarchical approach, embodied in the AstroVis prototype, aims to provide a means of viewing large datasets that do not fit into system memory. The focus is on rapid initial response: our system initially rapidly presents a reduced, coarse-grained 3D view of the data cube selected, which is gradually refined. The user may select sub-regions of the cube to be explored in more detail, or extracted for use in applications that do not support large files. We thus shift the focus from data analysis informed by narrow slices of detailed information, to analysis informed by overview information, with details on demand. Our hierarchical solution to the rendering of large data cubes reduces the overall time to complete file reading, provides user feedback during file processing and is memory efficient. This solution does not require high performance computing hardware and can be implemented on any platform supporting the OpenGL rendering library.  相似文献   

The goal of all time laboratories’ pursue is to produce and keep a stable, precise and reliable time scale. The long-term stability of the time scale is mainly taken into account in the traditional ALGOS algorithm, while the local atomic time scale should give consideration to both the long-term and shortterm stabilities. From the analysis and research on the atomic clock noise model and under the condition that the long-term stability of the local atomic time scale does not drop, a complete algorithm is proposed which is suitable for the calculation of the local time scale TA (NTSC) carried out at the time laboratory with the time-keeping clocks of a unitary type and being close in performance at the National Time Service Center, called the NTSC for short, of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The data of all the clocks in the NTSC which participated in the calculation of the International Atomic Time (TAI) all the year round in 2008 are applied to the test and verification of the new algorithm, with the result showing that both the short- and long-term stability indexes of the obtained TA (NTSC) are improved. The research result is suitable for the calculation of the atomic time scale of the time laboratory whose time keeping system is similar to that of the NTSC.  相似文献   

NTSC时频基准实验室守时系统自动监测软件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了能实时了解中国科学院国家授时中心(NTSC)时频基准实验室守时系统的运转情况,编制了本软件。本软件的功能是对系统中原子钟最近一个月的比对数据进行实时计算后,得到一个纸面的加权平均时间尺度“TA”,用它作为监测UTC(NTSC)、UTC(JATC)和原子钟运转情况的参考,给出TA-UTC(NTSC)、TA-UTC(JATC)、以及每个钟相对于TA的速率曲线。通过选用窗体上设置的各个按钮,能很方便地监测原子钟和测量设备的运行情况。位于陕西蒲城的BPL监控室可以通过远程局域网得到NTSC守时实验室的数据,实时运行本软件,并用TA作为参考,即可监测BPL监控室原子钟运行情况,并且对BPL发播工作钟时间T(PU)进行监测和频率驾驭,以实现T(Pu)同步到扩形(NTSC)。  相似文献   

氢原子钟具有较高的短期稳定度,将其作为主钟可在短期内产生高精度的本地时间信号.但氢钟存在频率漂移现象,导致其长期稳定度较差,从而影响本地时间的准确性.毫秒脉冲星自转高度稳定,借助于其长期稳定度高的特性,可定期实现对氢原子钟的频率驾驭,并对实时信号加以控制.首先分析了国际脉冲星计时阵(International Pulsar Timing Array,IPTA)第二批发布数据中四颗毫秒脉冲星的稳定度随时间的变化,同时采用哈达玛方差分析了中国科学院国家授时中心(National Time Service Center,NTSC)一台氢钟的频率稳定性能,最终给出了利用脉冲星驾驭氢原子钟频率的方法.  相似文献   

时间尺度是通过综合众多精密时钟得到的。时间尺度的计算目前主要采用类ALGOS算法 ,这类算法的缺点是权值没有准确反映精密时钟噪声参数以及不能使五种噪声分量同时达到优化综合和不能形成实时的时间尺度。从精密时钟综合的优化算法原理出发 ,探讨了精密时钟噪声参数的估计、精密时钟噪声中噪声分量的分解等问题的解决方法 ,并由此提出了较优化的时间尺度算法 (精密时钟综合算法 ) ,还提出了对现有算法的改进意见。  相似文献   

随着电脑技术的发展,视窗技术和Visual Basic、Visual C 等应用软件为用户提供了极其方便的可视化软件的编程环境。根据国家授时中心守时工作的实际需求,为地方原子时TA(NTSC)(National Time Service Center)的计算开发了一套可视性强、自动化程度高的计算程序,以利于日常计算与资料分析。对该软件的硬件背景、软件设计思想和软件的具体内容作了介绍。  相似文献   

Dynamics of horizontal and vertical motions of East European GNSS stations has been studied at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAO NASU). The GNSS station coordinates have been estimated from regional processing and reprocessing performed with the Bernese GNSS Software ver. 5.2 at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, MAO NASU. The velocity values have been computed for 42 GNSS stations, 15 of them located in Ukraine. Global and local offsets of the horizontal and vertical motions of the GNSS stations have been determined.  相似文献   

VOFilter is an XML based filter developed by the Chinese Virtual Observatory project to transform tabular data files from VOTable format into OpenDocument format. VOTable is an XML format defined for the exchange of tabular data in the context of the Virtual Observatory (VO). It is the first Proposed Recommendation defined by International Virtual Observatory Alliance, and has obtained wide support from both the VO community and many Astronomy projects. OpenOffice.org is a mature, open source, and front office application suite with the advantage of native support of industrial standard OpenDocument XML file format. Using the VOFilter, VOTable files can be loaded in OpenOffice.org Calc, a spreadsheet application, and then displayed and analyzed as other spreadsheet files. Here, the VOFilter acts as a connector, bridging the coming VO with current industrial office applications. We introduce Virtual Observatory and technical background of the VOFilter. Its workflow, installation and usage are presented. Existing problems and limitations are also discussed together with the future development plans.  相似文献   

对于数据采集处理微机系统来说,采集预处理后的数据往往需要按预定的格式转换,再到功能更强的计算机上作进一步的处理,因此可装卸的大容量外存设备就显得日益重要。然而装备在PC机上的这类设备相应的驱动软件只支持固定的磁带文件格式,加之软硬件资料的缺乏,给这类设备的信息交换和高效使用带来了困难。本文针对微机上广泛使用的数据流磁带机,在硬件接口分析的基础上,全面描述我们新近开发的驱动软件包里的基本I/O过程,用户软件可方便地调用以实现对任意数据格式磁带进行读写。  相似文献   

The hardware and software upgrades to the Quasar VLBI network have allowed one to increase the measurement accuracy of the Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) and to improve the quality of geodynamic observations. At present, the observations are performed within two national programs: 24-h sessions on three radio telescopes of the network to determine all five EOPs (the Ru-E program) and 1-h sessions on the Zelenchukskaya-Badary and Svetloe-Badary baselines (the Ru-U program) for a prompt determination of the Universal Time. The results of processing the observations from January 2009 to November 2011 are presented. The rms deviations of the EOPs obtained in the Ru-E program from the IERS 08 C04 series are 1 mas for the coordinates of the Earth??s pole, 0.38 mas for the coordinates of the celestial pole, and 34 ??s for the Universal Time. The rms deviations of the Universal Time obtained in the Ru-U program are 53 ??s.  相似文献   

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